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Molecular Interpretation of a Trigger for Controlling an Amine Isocyanate Polyurethane ReactionCarrasquillo, Katherine V. 23 November 2015 (has links)
The temperature profile needed to complete the reaction between the sodium-diamine complex and the isocyanate terminated prepolymer has been established. The sodium diamine complex has the advantage of blocking the nearly instantaneous reaction between the diamine and isocyanate from taking place until it is released at elevated temperatures. Because of its low melting temperature (~40 °C) and its low molecular weight (low viscosity), this chain extension reaction is not dependent on the participation of the prepolymer. Instead, the rate of reaction is dependent on the dissolution of the 4,4’-methylenedianiline (MDA) complex into the system. The dissolution of the MDA complex has been demonstrated to be strongly dependent on particle size. Both the plasticizer Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate and the quaternary ammonium compound found in soy lecithin play crucial roles for this reaction. The quaternary ammonium compound is crucial in the dissolution of the complexes. Although the plasticizer has been shown to dissolve the complex to a small extent, the principal role of the plasticizer is to disperse the complexes and to prevent their agglomeration. Other additives such as Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) have demonstrated to be highly efficient in dissolving the complex. However its effectiveness limits the mixing window needed before reaction take place, resulting in a disadvantage.
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Caractérisation des solvants régénérables utilisés pour la capture du CO2 par chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masseGallant, Stéphanie 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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2D struktury na bázi fosfonátů kovů; vztahy mezi uspořádáním a vlastnostmi studované metodami molekulárních simulací / 2D structures based on metal phosphonates; relationships between arrangement and properties studied by molecular simulations methodsŠkoda, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This work deals with the structural analysis of layered zirconium sulfophenylphosphonates and their intercalates with the use of the classical molecular simulation methods. The inner composition of both fully and partially sulfonated layers was determined in agreement with available experimental data, especially chemical analysis, thermogravimetric measurements and X-ray diffraction. The calculations revealed the positions of the water molecules in the planes of sulfo groups which strongly affect the resultant diffraction pattern. Within the zirconium sulfophenylphosphonate layered structure, the arrangements of intercalated species based on optically active dipyridylamine molecules and cations of sodium, copper and iron were solved with the respect to the agreement with experimental results and values of potential energy. In case of the dipyridylamine molecules and its derivatives, the resultant disordered partially row arrangements of the organic molecules in the interlayer were showed to influence the dipole moment of the intercalate. From this point of view, nitro-derivative has been picked out as the most suitable for potential applications. Regarding the intercalated cations, sodium cations take up the space of water molecules next to the sulfo groups while copper and iron cations are distributed in a...
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Synthetische und spektroskopische Untersuchungen neuartiger Aminoalane für die chemische WasserstoffspeicherungAnders, Martin 13 January 2020 (has links)
Im Rahmen des BMBF-Projektes 'RevAl' wurden bereits bekannte Aminoalane in Bezug auf ihre physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften bei der chemischen Wasserstoffspeicherung untersucht. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Freisetzung von Wasserstoff leicht und spontan realisierbar ist, wohingegen die reversible Speicherung (aufgrund von thermodynamischen Gesetzmässigkeiten) bei den gewählten Prozessbedingungen nicht realisierbar ist.
Auch Modifikationen der bereits bekannten Aminoalane mit Neutralliganden und organischen Resten führten nicht zu den erhofften Eigenschaften.
Jedoch wurde im Rahmen der Modifizierungsarbeiten die noch nicht beschriebene Verbindung 'Bis-Triphenylphosphinalan' strukturell und spektroskopisch charakterisiert. Weiterhin wurde diese im 9g-Maßstab hergestellte Verbindung für Reduktionsreaktionen von Carbonylderivaten eingesetzt, wobei sich, abhängig vom jeweiligen Carbonyl-Substrat, Unterschiede bei Umsatz und Ausbeute der Edukte bzw. Produkte ergaben.
Weiterhin wurde die Reduktion von Benzaldehyd mit Bis-Triphenylphosphinalan NMR-spektroskopisch untersucht und eine Untermauerung des bereits postulierten Reduktionsmechanismus´ erhalten.
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[pt] O uso de espumas de CO2 em métodos de recuperação avançada de petróleo tem se mostrado promissor para a exploração dos reservatórios do Pré-sal no Brasil. Porém, o ambiente altamente salino destes reservatórios e as características físico-químicas do CO2 influenciam na estabilidade das espumas, afetando o desempenho das mesmas. Surfactantes zwitteriônicos baseados em óxidos de alquildimetilamina (CXDAO) possuem predomínio de cargas positivas em pH ácido, tornando atrativa sua utilização devido à esperada baixa adsorção em rochas carbonáticas. Este trabalho avaliou a formação e a estabilidade de espumas de CO2 formuladas com o óxido de dodecildimetilamina (C12DAO) em água deionizada e em salmoura, usando como referência um surfactante catiônico de igual cauda hidrofóbica. Os resultados mostraram que a presença de sais não afeta a espumabilidade, porém diminui a estabilidade da espuma, sendo o efeito menor para a espuma de C12DAO do que com o surfactante catiônico. Essa resistência à salinidade foi atribuída à maior compactação dos surfactantes no filme interfacial, como resultado da formação de ligações de hidrogênio entre as espécies neutra e catiônica do óxido de amina em pH ácido. Um efeito adicional na estabilidade das espumas foi verificado quando a cadeia alquílica do surfactante foi aumentada para 14 átomos de carbono (C14DAO). Em concentrações superiores a 0,5 por cento m/m em salmoura, o C14DAO gerou soluções altamente viscosas, possivelmente devido à formação de micelas alongadas. Em consequência, as espumas de C14DAO com CO2 apresentaram uma redução drástica tanto na taxa de drenagem quanto de crescimento das bolhas, retardando a coalescência e levando a um aumento significativo da estabilidade da espuma no meio salino. / [en] The use of CO2 foams in advanced oil recovery methods has been promising for the exploration of Brazilian Pre-salt reservoirs. However, the highly saline environment of these reservoirs and the physico-chemical characteristics of CO2 influence the stability of the foams, affecting their performance. Zwitterionic surfactants based on alkyldimethylamine oxides (CXDAO) have a predominance of positive charges in acidic pH, making their use attractive due to the expected low adsorption on carbonate rocks. This work studied the formation and stability of CO2 foams formulated with dodecyldimethylamine oxide (C12DAO) in deionized water and in brine, using as a reference a cationic surfactant with the same hydrophobic tail. The results showed that the presence of salts did not affect the foamability, however it decreased the foam stability, with a lesser effect for C12DAO foam than with the cationic surfactant. This resistance to salinity was attributed to the greater compaction of surfactants in the interfacial film, due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the neutral and the cationic species of amine oxide at acid pH. An additional effect on foam stability was seen when the surfactant alkyl chain was increased to 14 carbon atoms (C14DAO). At concentrations above 0.5 wt percent in brine, C14DAO generated highly viscous solutions, possibly due to the formation of elongated micelles. As a result, CO2 foams formed with C14DAO showed a drastic reduction in both the drainage and the bubble growth rates, delaying coalescence and leading to a significant increase in foam stability in the saline medium.
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Investigating Anaerobic Choline Degradation Pathways from Citrobacteramalonaticus CJ25 and Methanococcoides methylutens Q3cKashyap, Jyoti 16 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Analytical Methods for High Molecular Weight UV Stabilizers / Analytiska metoder för UV-stabilisatorer med hög molekylviktLjungström, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Utomhusprodukter gjorda i plast är sårbara för nedbrytning på grund av UV-energi från solljus. För att stoppa denna fotonedbrytning används UV-stabilisatorer i plastmaterial; en av huvudkategorierna är hindrade aminljusstabilisatorer (HALS, hindered amine light stabilizers). Detta projekt ämnade att utveckla analytiska metoder passande för polymera HALS-föreningar som används i polyolefin-produkter. Huvudfokuset låg på vätskekromatografi med antingen UV eller masspektrometri (MS) detektion. Identifiering lyckades till viss del, extraktion misslyckades, och det gjordes inga kvantifieringsförsök. Detta examensarbete utfördes som ett samarbete mellan KTH och företaget Norner AS. På grund av detta har detaljerna såsom vilka HALS som användes, hur sammansättningen av elueringsgradienter förändrades och masspektrum från MS analys tagits bort eller ändrats till generiska termer. Högpresterande vätskekromatografi (HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography) med metoden normalfas (normal phase) ansågs vara ett otillfredsställande alternativ på grund av begränsningen av lämpliga lösningsmedel. Både för HPLC och LC-MS-analys användes omvänd fas (reverse phase) med en C18 50 mm kolonn. Gällande HPLC-analys visade sig en våglängd på 240 nm för UV-detektion vara lämplig. För MS-detektion användes positiv elektrosprayjonisering på grund av föreningarnas basiska pKa-värden. Elueringsgradienten med de mest tillfredsställande resultaten var gradientversion 5, med vatten som lösningsmedel A och metanol som lösningsmedel B. En variant av denna gradient användes för LC-MS; gradientversion 5 mod följer samma mönster men med vatten + Y vol% syra som lösningsmedel A, för att möjliggöra jonisering. Additiv UV 2 har låg löslighet i polära lösningsmedel, men genom förtvålning kunde additiv UV 2 lösas i metanol. Med gradientversion 5 mod har förtvålad additiv UV 2 en retentionstid på 1,2 minuter i både HPLC och LC-MS-analys. För HPLC-analys av additiv UV 3 användes gradientversion 5 som resulterade med en retentionstid på 16,8 minuter, och för LC-MS med gradientversion 5 mod 16 minuter. Analys av additiv UV 5 med HPLC gav en retentionstid på 2 minuter med gradientversion 5, och för LC-MS-analys med gradientversion 5 mod var retentionstiden 1,3 minuter. På grund av inkonsekventa resultat mellan HPLC-analyser eller mellan HPLC och LC-MS-resultat kunde inte retentionstid för identifiering av additiven UV 1, UV 4 och UV 6 bestämmas. Extraktion av polymerprover med olika HALS gjordes i toluen vid 80 °C under en timme. I HPLC var det ingen skillnad i kromatogrammen mellan de olika HALS-produkterna. Resultaten från LC-MS stödde resultaten från HPLC, så slutsatsen att extraktionsmetoden inte var framgångsrik drogs. En anledning till detta kan vara att detektionsgränsen i MS och UV överstiger den extraherade halten av HALS. / Outdoor plastic products are vulnerable to degradation due to UV energy from sunlight. To hinder this photodegradation UV stabilizers are used in plastic materials; one of the main categories is hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS). This project aimed to develop analytical methods suitable for polymeric HALS used in polyolefin products. Liquid chromatography was the primary analytical method, with either UV or mass spectrometry (MS) detection. Identification of HALS was partially successful, the attempted extraction was unsuccessful, and there was no attempt at quantification. This thesis was performed as a collaboration between KTH and the company Norner AS. Due to this, the details such as which HALS were used, how the composition of elution gradients changed, and the mass spectrum from MS analysis have been removed or changed to generic terms. The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method normal phase was deemed as an unsatisfactory option due to the limitation of appropriate solvents. For HPLC and LC-MS analysis reversed phase with a C18 50 mm column was used. In HPLC analysis, a wavelength of 240 nm for UV detection was found to be suitable. For MS detection, positive electrospray ionization was used due to the compounds' basic pKa values. The elution gradient with the most satisfactory results was gradient version 5, with water as solvent A and methanol as solvent B. A variant of this gradient was used for LC-MS; gradient version 5 mod follows the same pattern but with water + Y vol% acid as solvent A, to enable ionization. UV 2 has low solubility in polar solvents, but through saponification UV 2 could be dissolved in methanol. With gradient version 5 mod, saponified UV 2 has a retention time of 1.2 minutes in both HPLC and LC-MS analysis. For HPLC analysis of additive UV 3, gradient version 5 was used which resulted in a retention time of 16.8 minutes, and for LC-MS with gradient version 5 mod 16 minutes. Analysis of UV 5 with HPLC gave a retention time of 2 minutes with gradient version 5, and for LC-MS analysis with gradient version 5 mod the retention time was 1.3 minutes. Due to inconsistency in results between HPLC analysis or between HPLC and LC-MS results, retention time for identification of additives UV 1, UV 4, and UV 6 could not be stated. Extraction of polymer samples with different HALS was done in toluene at 80 ॰C for one hour. In HPLC, there was no difference in the chromatograms between the different HALS compounds. The results from LC-MS supported the results from HPLC, thus it was concluded that the extraction method was not successful. A reason for this could be that the detection limit in MS and UV might exceed the extracted amounts of the compounds.
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Tyraminergic G Protein-Coupled Receptors Modulate Locomotion and Navigational Behavior In C. Elegans: A DissertationDonnelly, Jamie L. 04 August 2011 (has links)
An animal’s ability to navigate through its natural environment is critical to its survival. Navigation can be slow and methodical such as an annual migration, or purely reactive such as an escape response. How sensory input is translated into a fast behavioral output to execute goal oriented locomotion remains elusive. In this dissertation, I aimed to investigate escape response behavior in the nematode C. elegans. It has been shown that the biogenic amine tyramine is essential for the escape response. A tyramine-gated chloride channel, LGC-55, has been revealed to modulate suppression of head oscillations and reversal behavior in response to touch. Here, I discovered key modulators of the tyraminergic signaling pathway through forward and reverse genetic screens using exogenous tyramine drug plates. ser-2, a tyramine activated G protein-coupled receptor mutant, was partially resistant to the paralytic effects of exogenous tyramine on body movements, indicating a role in locomotion behavior. Further analysis revealed that ser-2 is asymmetrically expressed in the VD GABAergic motor neurons, and that SER-2 inhibits neurotransmitter release along the ventral nerve cord. Although overall locomotion was normal in ser-2 mutants, they failed to execute omega turns by fully contracting the ventral musculature. Omega turns allow the animal to reverse and completely change directions away from a predator during the escape response. Furthermore, my studies developed an assay to investigate instantaneous velocity changes during the escape response using machine based vision. We sought to determine how an animal accelerates in response to a mechanical stimulus, and subsequently decelerates to a basal locomotion rate. Mutant analysis using this assay revealed roles for both dopamine and tyramine signaling. During my doctoral work, I have further established the importance for tyramine in the nematode, as I have demonstrated two additional roles for tyramine in modulating escape response behavior in C. elegans.
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Charging behaviour of the amine moiety at the air-water interface. A vibrational sum frequency study / Amingruppens laddningsbeteende vid ytgränsskiktet mellan vatten och luft. En vibrationssumfrekvensstudieGullstrand, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
Laddningsbeteendet hos amingruppen vid ytgränsskiktet mellan vatten och luft har studerats under ändring av vattenfasens pH och NaCl-koncentration via den ickelinjära laserspektroskopiska tekniken, vibrationssumfrekvensspektroskopi (VSFS). Modellen som användes för ytan bestod av ett Langmuirmonolager av 1-docosanamin, en icke-löslig fettkedjeamin med NH2-gruppen riktad mot vattenfasen. En av de huvudsakliga syftena med projektet var att bestämma det skenbara samt yt-pKa:t för amingruppen, såväl som att testa gränserna för de klassiska Poisson-Boltzmann-formuleringarna av teorin för det elektriska dubbellagret. Molekylär information av laddningsbeteendet hos aminen erhölls från VSFS-spektra genom att följa NH-, OH- och CH-sträckningsvibrationsmoderna. Specifikt så identifierades de spektrala dragen från den neutrala formen (R-NH2) och den laddade formen (R-NH3+) av aminen, vilka direkt korrelerades med monolagrets ytladdning. Intensiteten hos OH-banden från vattenmolekylerna i det diffusa dubbellagret kunde länkas till ytpotentialen och CH-vibrationerna från alkylkedjan av amino-tensiden kopplades slutligen till packningstätheten hos monolagret. Ytterligare experiment utfördes med en deutererad vattenfas (D2O) för att bekräfta sträckningsvibrationsmoderna hos NH3+, vilka aldrig tidigare har rapporterats. Resultaten visar på att fettkedjeaminen får ett avsevärt lägre yt- och skenbart pKa jämfört med bulken (∼ 4 jämfört med 10,5). Detta är i enlighet med vad Gouy-Chapmann-modellen av det elektriska dubbellagret förutser. Dessutom så indikerar datat att det inneboende pKa:t hos aminen också blir lägre vid ytan än för bulken (9,7±0,7 jämfört med 10,5), vilket kan beskrivas som en effekt av begränsningen i frihetsgrader hos den ytbundna aminen. Dock, så hindrades en mer utförlig kvantitativ jämförelse mot teorin av ett sämre val av det experimentella referensvärdet som användes för att jämföra data mellan olika dagar. Dessutom så var anpassningsrutinen för datat begränsad på grund av spektrala vibrationsöverlapp mellan de relativt svaga aminbanden och de mycket starkare vatten- och alkylsträckningssignalerna. Intressant nog, för högre pH-värden, då aminen är helt oladdad, bevisade sumfrekvensspektra att hydroxidjonen föredrar att adsorbera till ytan genom att monolagret fick en negativ nettoladdning. Överlag så förbättrar studierna som presenteras i denna master-projektuppsats vår molekylära förståelse kring hur den biofysiskt betydande amingruppen beter sig vid ytgränsskikt. / The charging behaviour of the amine moiety at the water-air interface upon changes in the aqueous subphase pH and NaCl concentration has been studied using the non-linear laser spectroscopy technique, Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy (VSFS). The model surface consisted of a Langmuir monolayer of 1-docosaneamine, an insoluble fatty amine that exposes its NH2 group to solution. One of the main purposes of the project is to determine the surface, and the apparent pKa of the amine moiety, as well as testing the limits of validity of classical formulations of the electrical double layer theory within the Poisson-Boltzmann formalism. Molecular information of the charging behaviour was obtained from the VSFS spectra by targeting the NH, OH and CH stretching modes. Specifically, spectral features from the neutral amine (i.e. R-NH2) and charged (R-NH3+) groups could be identified and directly correlated to the surface charge of the monolayer. The intensity of the OH bands from water molecules in the diffuse double layer, were linked to the surface potential, and finally, the CH modes from the surfactant alkyl chain gave information of the packing density in the monolayer. Additional experiments were also carried out in D2O to help confirm the assignment of the NH3+ stretching modes that had not been previously reported. The results show that as predicted from the Gouy-Chapman electric double layer model, the apparent pKa of the fatty amine monolayer is significantly lower than in the bulk (∼ 4 compared with 10.5) . However, the data show indication that the intrinsic pKa at the surface is also lower than in the bulk (9.7+/- 0.7, compared to 10.5), an effect that is ascribed to the 2D molecular confinement in the monolayer. A more quantitative comparison with the theoretical predictions was nonetheless hampered by a poor selection of the experimental reference for comparing data collected in different days, and the limitations in the fitting routines due spectral overlap of the relatively weak amine bands with the OH and CH stretching modes. Interestingly, at high pH when the fatty amine is fully uncharged, the sum frequency spectra show evidence that OH- ion preferentially adsorbed to the surface, making it effectively net negatively charged. Overall, the studies presented in this master thesis, improve our molecular understanding of the behaviour of the biophysically relevant amine-functionality at interfaces.
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Mesoporous Functionalized Materials for Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture.Ojo, Kolade Omoniyi 17 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Novel highly functionalized hybrid organic-inorganic materials were synthesized by polycondensation of bis[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]amine in presence of cationic and anionic surfactants. Reaction media strongly affected gelation time. Thus, in basic media gelation occurred immediately while acid increased gelation time. Material structures were studied by IR spectroscopy, porosimetry, XRD, and SAXS methods. In spite of the absence of an inorganic linker, obtained bridged silsesquioxanes had mesoporous structure. A material prepared in the presence of dodecylamine as a template had higher surface area and narrow pore size distribution while the use of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfate resulted in formation of mesopores with wide size ranges. Accessibility of surface amine groups in silsesquioxanes was studied for molecules of acidic nature and different sizes: HCl, CO2 and picric acid. High contents of accessible amine groups in these materials make them prospective adsorbents for post-combustion CO2 capture.
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