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Adsorption of polyhydroxyl based surfactantsMatsson, Maria January 2005 (has links)
Adsorption on solid surfaces from solution is a fundamental property of a surfactant. It might even be the most important aspect of surfactant behavior, since it influences many applications, such as cleaning, detergency, dispersion, separation, flotation, and lubrication. Consequently, fundamental investigations of surfactant adsorption are relevant to many areas. The main aim of this thesis has been to elucidate the adsorption properties, primarily on the solid/water interface, of a particular class of polyhydroxyl based surfactants: the alkyl glucosides. By the use of ellipsometry, the equilibrium and kinetic aspects of adsorption on titanium dioxide with respect to structural effects has been studied. Furthermore, the effects of small amounts of cationic surfactant additives on the adsorption on silica have been investigated. The results have been compared with similar studies for other nonionic surfactants. We have found that the surfactant structure has a strong effect on the adsorption properties. An increase in the surfactant chain length increases the cooperativity of the system. An increase in the head group polymerization decreases the cooperativity and the plateau adsorbed amount at equilibrium. The effect of surfactant structure on the adsorption kinetics depends on the concentration relative to the cmc, while the there is a decrease in the rate of desorption with increasing hydrophobic chain length independent of the concentration. The adsorption/desorption process is concluded to be diffusion driven, as suggested by the model used. When comparing these results with studies on ethylene oxide based surfactants, we conclude that the two types of surfactants exhibit similar trends on surfaces onto which they adsorb. Adsorption from binary surfactant solutions is even more interesting than adsorption from single surfactant solutions, since it brings us one step closer to the systems used in applications. In addition, adsorption from a mixture can be very different from adsorption from any of the single surfactants in the mixture. Alkyl glucosides alone do not adsorb on silica, but addition of small amounts of a cationic surfactant to the alkyl glucoside solution allows for adsorption on silica. A comparison between the adsorption and bulk properties has shown that mixed micellization explains most, but not all, effects of the coadsorption properties. Changing the pH in the mixed systems reveals that a surfactant with a pH-dependent charge and the ability to adapt its charge to the environment, e.g. a surface, enhances the adsorbed amount over a wider range of pH values than a purely cationic surfactant. It is well known that alkyl glucosides and ethylene oxides adsorb differently on different types of hydrophilic surfaces. As a consequence, replacing ethylene oxides with alkyl glucosides might not be all straight-forward; however, we have shown that the effect of the surface can be eliminated by the use of a cosurfactant. / <p>QC 20101018</p>
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Asymmetric [2,3]-Sigmatropic Rearrangement of Allylic Ammonium YlidesBlid, Jan January 2005 (has links)
The thesis describes the realization of an asymmetric [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of achiral allylic amines. It is divided into two parts; the first part deals with the development of a Lewis acid-mediated [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement and the second the asymmetric version thereof. Quaternization of an -amino amide with various Lewis acids established BBr3 and BF3 to be the most appropriate ones. Various allylic amines were subsequently rearranged into the corresponding homoallylic amines in good to excellent syn-diastereoselectivities, revealing the endo-transition state to be the preferred pathway. The structures of the intermediate Lewis acid-amine complexes were confirmed by NMR spectroscopy studies and DFT calculations. Based on this investigation a chiral diazaborolidine was chosen as Lewis acid and was shown to efficiently promote the asymmetric [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement furnishing homoallylic amines in good yields and excellent enantiomeric excesses. In contrast to the achiral rearrangement mediated by BBr3 and BF3, the asymmetric version gave the opposite major diastereomer, revealing a preference for the exo-transition state in the asymmetric rearrangement. To account for the observed selectivities, a kinetic and thermodynamic pathway was presented. On the basis of a deuterium exchange experiment on a rearranged Lewis acid-amine complex and an NMR spectroscopic investigation, the kinetic pathway was shown to be favored. / QC 20100927
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The Characterization of Fine Particulate Matter in Toronto Using Single Particle Mass SpectrometryRehbein, Peter J. G. 13 January 2011 (has links)
An Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (ATOFMS) was used to obtain mass spectra of individual aerosol particles in the 0.5 – 2 µm size range in downtown Toronto, Canada for one to two month periods during each season of 2007. A modified version of the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART-2a) clustering algorithm, which clusters particles based on the similarity of their mass spectra, was shown to be more accurate than the existing algorithm and was used to cluster the ambient data. A total of 21 unique particle types were identified and were characterized based on their chemical composition, their size, and their temporal trends and seasonal variations. Potential sources are also discussed.
Particles containing trimethylamine (TMA) were also observed and a more detailed investigation of ambient trends in conjunction with a laboratory experiment was performed in order to elucidate conditions for which TMA will be observed in the particle phase in Southern Ontario.
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The Characterization of Fine Particulate Matter in Toronto Using Single Particle Mass SpectrometryRehbein, Peter J. G. 13 January 2011 (has links)
An Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (ATOFMS) was used to obtain mass spectra of individual aerosol particles in the 0.5 – 2 µm size range in downtown Toronto, Canada for one to two month periods during each season of 2007. A modified version of the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART-2a) clustering algorithm, which clusters particles based on the similarity of their mass spectra, was shown to be more accurate than the existing algorithm and was used to cluster the ambient data. A total of 21 unique particle types were identified and were characterized based on their chemical composition, their size, and their temporal trends and seasonal variations. Potential sources are also discussed.
Particles containing trimethylamine (TMA) were also observed and a more detailed investigation of ambient trends in conjunction with a laboratory experiment was performed in order to elucidate conditions for which TMA will be observed in the particle phase in Southern Ontario.
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Reaktivität von Chlorosilanen gegenüber AminenKnopf, Claudia 13 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung verschiedener Systeme Chlorosilan / Amin bezüglich deren elektronischer Struktur, Molekülstruktur und Reaktivität. Einen Schwerpunkt bildete dabei die Untersuchung der LEWIS-BASE-katalysierten Disproportionierung unterschiedlich chlorierter Disilane mit elektronenreichen Alkenen, wie Tetrakis-(dimethylamino)-ethylen (TDAE) oder N,N,N’,N’-Tetramethyl-1,4-phenylendiamin (TPDA). Die Alkene sollten auf mögliche Elektronenübertragungsreaktionen, aber auch Chelatbildung mit den eingesetzten Disilanen bzw. intermediär gebildeten Silylenen getestet werden. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt lag bei der Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer hetero- und homocyclischer Oligosilane. Die erhaltenen Cyclooligosilane wurden auf ihre Donorwirkung gegenüber elektronendefizienten π-Alkenen und eine damit verbundene Charge-Transfer-Komplexbildung untersucht. In die Auswertung wurden auch ab-initio-Berechnungen einbezogen, die mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen (u.a. NMR, IR, Röntgeneinkristallstrukturanalyse) vergleichend diskutiert wurden.
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Mehrkernige Kupferkomplexe mit bidentalen heteroaromatischen Stickstoffdonorliganden. / Polynuclear copper complexes containing bidentate heteroaromatic nitrogen donor ligands.Ettelt, Lars 29 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CATALYSTS FOR CO<sub>2</sub> CAPTUREWishrojwar, Anitha Suhas 01 January 2010 (has links)
Fossil fuel and advanced industrialization techniques contribute to global warming through emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In order to mitigate climate change, there is a desperate need to reduce CO2 emissions from different sources. CO2 capture and sequestration (CCS) play an important role in these reductions.
Naturally occurring enzymes, e.g., carbonic anhydrase (CA), can catalyze these reactions in living systems. Much effort has been focused on complexes of zinc with ligands such as teta, cyclen and tripodal ligands including BIMA and Trispyrazolylborates. These complexes have many interesting CO2 capture properties, but maintain toxic perchlorate ions.
We desired to replace them with less hazardous counteranions like BF4- or PF6-. Our research focused mainly on the synthesis and characterization of Zn, Co and Cu cyclen and teta complexes that could mimic CA. We also examined some of these species for catalytic CO2 hydration behavior on wetted-wall column (WWC) at Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER).
We successfully synthesized and characterized eight new complexes. These catalysts as CO2 capture systems are more stable have low molecular weights (compared to CA) and more cost effective than enzymes. In terms of catalytic activity significant results were obtained only for few of the catalysts
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Synthese photoreaktiver Polymere zur optischen Strukturierung dünner SchichtenGeorgi, Ulrike 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese neuer photoreaktiver Polymere, die bei Bestrahlung mit Licht (Hg-Dampflampe, fs-gepulster Ti:Sa-Laser) definierte Reaktionen durchlaufen. Mittels kontrolliert-radikalischer Polymerisation und anschließender polymeranaloger Reaktion wurden verschiedene Azobenzen-Derivate, Arylazosulfonat-Derivate und photolabil geschützte Aminogruppen (Nitroveratryloxycarbonyl, Nvoc) in Methacrylat-Polymere eingeführt. Diese Strukturen wurden ausführlich hinsichtlich ihrer Struktur und vor allem ihrer photochemischen Eigenschaften (Extinktionskoeffizienten, Zerfallskinetik) untersucht. Dünne Schichten (d<30nm) der so hergestellten Materialien wurden bei der Entwicklung einer neuen photolithographischen Methode, der plasmonischen Nanolithographie, eingesetzt.
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Aminerge Signaltransduktion bei Insekten / Aminergic signal transduction in insectsBlenau, Wolfgang January 2006 (has links)
Biogene Amine sind kleine organische Verbindungen, die sowohl bei Wirbeltieren als auch bei Wirbellosen als Neurotransmitter, Neuromodulatoren und/oder Neurohormone wirken können. Sie bilden eine bedeutende Gruppe von Botenstoffen und entfalten ihre Wirkungen über die Bindung an eine bestimmte Klasse von Rezeptorproteinen, die als G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren bezeichnet werden. Bei Insekten gehören zur Substanzklasse der biogenen Amine die Botenstoffe Dopamin, Tyramin, Octopamin, Serotonin und Histamin. Neben vielen anderen Wirkung ist z.B. gezeigt worden, daß einige dieser biogenen Amine bei der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) die Geschmacksempfindlichkeit für Zuckerwasser-Reize modulieren können. Ich habe verschiedene Aspekte der aminergen Signaltransduktion an den „Modellorganismen“ Honigbiene und Amerikanische Großschabe (Periplaneta americana) untersucht. Aus der Honigbiene, einem „Modellorganismus“ für das Studium von Lern- und Gedächtnisvorgängen, wurden zwei Dopamin-Rezeptoren, ein Tyramin-Rezeptor, ein Octopamin-Rezeptor und ein Serotonin-Rezeptor charakterisiert. Die Rezeptoren wurden in kultivierten Säugerzellen exprimiert, um ihre pharmakologischen und funktionellen Eigenschaften (Kopplung an intrazelluläre Botenstoffwege) zu analysieren. Weiterhin wurde mit Hilfe verschiedener Techniken (RT-PCR, Northern-Blotting, in situ-Hybridisierung) untersucht, wo und wann während der Entwicklung die entsprechenden Rezeptor-mRNAs im Gehirn der Honigbiene exprimiert werden. Als Modellobjekt zur Untersuchung der zellulären Wirkungen biogener Amine wurden die Speicheldrüsen der Amerikanischen Großschabe genutzt. An isolierten Speicheldrüsen läßt sich sowohl mit Dopamin als auch mit Serotonin Speichelproduktion auslösen, wobei Speichelarten unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung gebildet werden. Dopamin induziert die Bildung eines völlig proteinfreien, wäßrigen Speichels. Serotonin bewirkt die Sekretion eines proteinhaltigen Speichels. Die Serotonin-induzierte Proteinsekretion wird durch eine Erhöhung der Konzentration des intrazellulären Botenstoffs cAMP vermittelt. Es wurden die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Dopamin-Rezeptoren der Schaben-Speicheldrüsen untersucht sowie mit der molekularen Charakterisierung putativer aminerger Rezeptoren der Schabe begonnen. Weiterhin habe ich das ebony-Gen der Schabe charakterisiert. Dieses Gen kodiert für ein Enzym, das wahrscheinlich bei der Schabe (wie bei anderen Insekten) an der Inaktivierung biogener Amine beteiligt ist und im Gehirn und in den Speicheldrüsen der Schabe exprimiert wird. / Biogenic amines are small organic compounds that act as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and/or neurohormones in vertebrates and in invertebrates. They form an important group of messenger substances and mediate their diverse effects by binding to membrane receptors that primarily belong to the large gene-family of G protein-coupled receptors. In insects, the group of biogenic amine messengers consists of five members: dopamine, tyramine, octopamine, serotonin, and histamine. Besides many other effects, some of these biogenic amines were shown, for example, to modulate gustatory sensitivity to sucrose stimuli in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). I have investigated various aspects of the aminergic signal transduction in the “model organisms” honeybee and American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). So far, I have characterized two dopamine receptors, a tyramine receptor, an octopamine receptor and a serotonin receptor of the honeybee, which is well-known for its learning and memory capacities. The receptors where expressed in cultivated mammalian cells in order to analyze their pharmacological and functional (i.e., second messenger coupling) properties. The spatiotemporal expression patterns of the respective receptor mRNA were investigated in the honeybee brain by using different techniques (RT PCR, Northern blotting, in situ-hybridization). The salivary glands of the American cockroach were used as a model object in order to investigate the cellular effects of biogenic amines. Both dopamine and serotonin trigger salivary secretion in isolated salivary glands. The quality of the secreted saliva is, however, different. Stimulation of the glands by serotonin results in the production of a protein-rich saliva, whereas stimulation by dopamine results in saliva that is protein-free. Serotonin-induced protein secretion is mediated by an increase in the intracellular concentration of cAMP. The pharmacological properties of dopamine receptors associated with cockroach salivary glands were investigated and the molecular characterization of putative aminergic receptors of the cockroach was initiated. Furthermore, I have characterized the ebony gene of the cockroach. This gene encodes an enzyme that is probably involved in the inactivation of biogenic amines in the cockroach (as in other insects). The ebony gene is expressed in the brain and in the salivary glands of the cockroach.
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Late Transition Metal Complexes Bearing Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and the Catalytic Hydrogenation of Polar Double BondsO, Wylie Wing Nien 16 August 2013 (has links)
Late transition metal complexes of silver(I), rhodium(I), ruthenium(II), palladium(II) and platinum(II) containing a nitrile-functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene ligand (C-CN) were prepared. The nitrile group on the C–CN ligand was shown to undergo hydrolysis under basic conditions, leading to a silver(I) carbene complex with a primary-amido functional group, and a trimetallic complex of palladium(II) with a partially hydrolyzed C–N–N–C donor ligand. The reduction of a nitrile-functionalized imidazolium salt in the presence of nickel(II) chloride under mild conditions yielded an axially chiral square-planar nickel(II) complex containing a unique primary-amino functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene ligand (C-NH2). A transmetalation reaction moved this chelating C–NH2 ligand from nickel(II) to ruthenium(II), osmium(II), and iridium(III), yielding important catalysts for the hydrogenation of polar double bonds.
The ruthenium(II) complex, [Ru(p-cymene)(C–NH2)Cl]PF6 catalyzed the transfer and H2-hydrogenation of ketones. The bifunctional hydride complex, [Ru(p-cymene)(C–NH2)H]PF6, which contains a Ru–H/N–H couple showed no activity under catalytic conditions unless when activated by a base. The outer-sphere mechanism involving bifunctional catalysis of ketone reduction is disfavored according to experimental and theoretical studies and an inner-sphere mechanism is proposed involving the decoordination of the amine donor from the C–NH2 ligand.
The ruthenium(II) complex [RuCp*(C–NH2)py]PF6 showed higher activity than the iridium(III) complex [IrCp*(C–NH2)Cl]PF6 in the hydrogenation of ketones. This
ruthenium(II) complex also catalyzes the hydrogenation of an aromatic ester, a ketimine, and the hydrogenolysis of styrene oxide. We proposed an alcohol-assisted outer sphere bifunctional mechanism for both systems based on experimental findings and theoretical calculations. The
cationic iridium(III) hydride complex, [IrCp*(C–NH2)H]PF6 , was prepared and this failed to react with a ketone in the absence of base. The crucial role of the alkoxide base was demonstrated in the activation of this hydride complex in catalysis. Calculations support the proposal that the base deprotonates the amine group of this hydride complex and triggers the migration of the hydride to the η5-Cp* ring producing a neutral iridium(I) amido complex. This system contains an active Ir–H/N–H couple required for the outer sphere hydrogenation of ketones in the bifunctional mechanism.
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