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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biosensor based on immobilized amine transaminase for detection of amphetamine

Öh, Clara January 2020 (has links)
Amine transaminases (ATA) catalyse the transfer of an amino group from one molecule and replaces a ketone or aldehyde with the amino group, the amino group on the amino-donor is replaced with a ketone or aldehyde. This enzyme, ATA from Chromobacterium violaceum, has previously been used to catalyse the reaction involving amphetamine, therefore, it might be possible to use this enzyme to convert amphetamine and the product absorbs in the UV spectrum and can therefore be measured spectrophotometrically. The aim of the project was to explore the possibility of using ATA in a portable biosensor for the detection of amphetamine. A literature study of commercially available portable biosensors was performed, activity of the free enzyme was tested against two substrates, methylbenzylamine (MBA) and amphetamine. Research on immobilization techniques, materials, and surface functionalization was done to chose suitable methods for immobilizing ATA. Two immobilization methods were suggested and one of the methods, ionic immobilization through His-tag towards Ni2+ on the surface, was tested for enzyme activity toward MBA. The enzyme activity of the free enzyme in solution towards MBA was comparable to previously reported enzyme activity, however, no enzyme activity towards amphetamine was observed. No activity was observed for the immobilized enzyme, but it might be due to the experimental design, more experiments need to be performed to draw conclusions. / Amintransaminaser (ATA) katalyserar överförandet av en amingrupp från en molekyl och ersätter en keton eller aldehyd med den amingruppen, amingruppen på amin-donatorn ersätts med en keton eller aldehyd. Det här enzymet, ATA från Chromobacterium violaceum (CvATA), har tidigare använts för att katalysera en reaktion som involverar amfetamin, därför skulle detta enzym kunna användas på amfetamin. Produkten av reaktionen absorberar i UV spektrumet och kan mätas med en spektrofotometer. Målet med projektet var att utforska möjligheten av att använda CvATA i en biosensor för att detektera amfetamin. En litteraturstudie på kommersiellt tillgängliga bärbara biosensorer genomfördes, aktiviteten av det fria enzymet testades mot två substrat, metylbenzylamin (MBA) och amfetamin. Information samlades om immobiliseringstekniker, material, och ytfunktionalisering gjordes för att välja ut lämpliga metoder för immobilisering av CvATA. Två immobiliseringsmetoder föreslogs och en av metoderna, immobilisering via enzymets His6-tagg och Ni2+ joner på ytan, testades för enzymaktivitet mot MBA. Enzymaktiviteten av det fria enzymet i lösning mot MBA var i samma storleksordning som tidigare rapporterad enzymaktivitet, men ingen enzymaktivitet mot amfetamin kunde observeras. Ingen aktivitet kunde observeras för det immobiliserade enzymet, men det kan vara på grund av designen på experimentet, fler experiment behöver göras för att kunna dra några fler slutsatser.

Techno-economic Assessment of Carbon Capture from Low Concentration Streams

Joshi, Prithvi Kiran January 2023 (has links)
Investments in carbon capture from industrial emissions have been on the rise in recent years, having reached over $200 million in 2021 as compared to 2015’s $13 million. The Paris Agreement, signed by 196 parties globally in 2015, is purported to be the primary driver for this, with its ambitious goal of limiting global surface temperature rise to 1.5°C by the year 2100 as compared to the pre-industrial era. Achievement of a carbon-neutral future for industries has been sought by experts in more than a few ways, which include attempts directed towards re-designing current manufacturing processes to produce inherently low CO2 emissions. Although eventual elimination of carbon emissions forms the ultimate goal, complete avoidance of CO2 production does not seem probable for all industrial sectors. Emissions from industries in the medium to long term are thus foreseen to be composed between 0.5% and 7% of CO2 by moles (roughly between 1% and 10% by mass), depending on the level of dilution occurring during the various flue gas treatment procedures between their source and the capture unit. An assessment of the capabilities of two popular and one prospective carbon capture technologies in capturing CO2 from such emissions of the future has been made in this work to aid investors make informed decisions about a suitable technology. The monoethanolamine-based (MEA) absorption system, one of the most popular choices today, was found to be well capable of treating emissions composed of CO2 in proportions as low as 0.6% by mole (or ∼1% by mass) with capture rates well over 95%. Its thermal energy intensity ranged between 3.59 MJth/kgCO2 captured and 10.23 MJth/kgCO2 captured with an associated levelised cost of capture ranging between €20.36/tonneCO2 captured and €141.97/tonneCO2 captured going from the 10% concentrated to the 1% concentrated stream by mass. In comparison, the benfield system was found to effect much lower CO2 capture rates ranging between 35% and 88%, making it unsuitable for treatment of low CO2 concentrated streams. Even with such poor performance at high pressures of operation, its energy demand ranged between 3.9 MJth/kgCO2 captured and 11.07 MJth/kgCO2 captured with an associated levelised cost of capture between €174.28/tonneCO2 captured and €4209.06/tonneCO2 captured. The immobilised amine-based system, in what is considered to be a non-optimised configuration yet, was found to capture nearly 100% of the entering CO2 with energy consumption ranging between 3.71MJth/kgCO2 captured and 11.8 MJth/kgCO2 captured for extremely high, but improvable levelised costs of capture ranging between €674.31/tonneCO2 captured and €3488.42/tonneCO2 captured. Exhibiting comparable energy performance to the mature MEA-based absorption system’s even in its non-optimised configuration, the immobilised amine-based adsorption system was found to possess potential to be the carbon capture technology of the future for treatment of low CO2-concentrated effluent streams. / Investeringar i koldioxidavskiljning från industriella utsläpp har ökat de senaste åren och nått över 200 miljoner USD 2021 jämfört med 2015 års 13 miljoner USD. Parisavtalet, som undertecknades av 196 parter globalt 2015, påstås vara den främsta drivkraften för detta, med det ambitiösa målet att begränsa den globala yttemperaturökningen till 1,5°C till år 2100 jämfört med den förindustriella eran. Att uppnå en koldioxidneutral framtid för industrier har eftersträvats av experter på mer än ett fåtal sätt, vilket inkluderar försök inriktade på att omdesigna nuvarande tillverkningsprocesser för att producera låga CO2-utsläpp. Även om fullständig eliminering av koldioxidutsläpp utgör det ideala målet, är det inte troligt att CO2-produktion kan undvikas helt för att alla industrisektorer. Utsläppen från industrier på medellång till lång sikt förväntas därför utgöra mellan 0,5 % och 7 % av CO2 per mol (ungefär mellan 1 % och 10 % i massa), beroende på nivån av utspädning som inträffar under de olika rökgasbehandlingsprocedurerna mellan utsläppskällan och fångstenheten. I det här arbetet har två traditionella och en potentiellt blivande koldioxidavskiljningsteknik jämförts och en bedömning av deras förmåga att fånga in CO2 från framtida utsläpp har gjorts i syfte att hjälpa investerare att göra ett klokt val. Det monoetanolaminbaserade (MEA) absorptionssystemet, ett av de mest populära valen idag, visade sig vara väl kapabelt att behandla utsläpp med CO2-koncentrationer så låga som 0,6 molprocent (eller 1 massprocent) med fångsthastigheter långt över 95 %. Dess termiska energiintensitet varierade mellan 3,59 MJth/kgCO2 captured och 10,23 MJth/kgCO2 captured med en tillhörande utjämnad kostnad för fångst mellan €20,36/tonCO2 captured och €141,97/tonCO2 captured från 10 % koncentrerad till 1 % koncentrerad ström i massa. Som jämförelse visade sig benfield-systemet ge mycket lägre CO2-avskiljningshastigheter på mellan 35 % och 88 %, vilket gör metodenolämplig för behandling av gasströmmar med låg CO2-koncentration. Den dåliga prestandan uppvisades trots höga drifttryck och metoden medförde en energiintensitet mellan 3,9MJth/kgCO2 captured till 11,07MJth/kgCO2 captured samt en snittkostnad mellan €174/tonCO2 captured till €4209,06/tonCO2 captured. Det immobiliserade aminbaserade systemet anses vara en icke-optimerad konfiguration men visade sig trots det fånga upp nästan 100 % av inkommande CO2 med en energiförbrukning på mellan 3,71 MJth/kgCO2 captured och 11,8 MJth/kgCO2 captured. De extremt höga, men dock förbättringsbara, snittkostnaderna för infångningen sträcker sig mellan €674/tonCO2 captured och €3488,42/tonCO2 captured. Det immobiliserade aminbaserade adsorptionssystemet uppvisar jämförbar energiprestanda som det mogna MEA-baserade absorptionssystemet även i sin icke-optimerade konfiguration.

Carbon Dioxide-Selective Membranes Containing Sterically Hindered Amines

Zhao, Yanan 17 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Identification des produits de dégradation d’un solvant aminé régénérable permettant la capture de CO2

Lapointe, Anthony 04 1900 (has links)
Le réchauffement de la planète est une préoccupation mondiale à notre époque. Celui-ci peut s’expliquer en partie par les grandes émissions de CO2 dans l’atmosphère depuis le début de l’industrialisation. Parmi les plus grands émetteurs de CO2, il y a entre autres les véhicules motorisés, le chauffage au charbon et les raffineries de pétrole. Depuis quelques années, un processus commence à être utilisé pour réduire les émissions de CO2 atmosphérique. Ce processus est la capture du CO2 par des solvants aminés régénérables. Dans le cadre de ma recherche, des échantillons d’un solvant aminé qui ont subi un traitement de capture et de régénération du CO2 et qui ont passé différents temps dans ces processus ont été analysés pour déterminer les différents produits de dégradation de ce solvent. L’identification des produits de dégradation permet d’optimiser la méthode de capture du CO2 pour éviter leur production et donc garder son efficacité le plus longtemps possible. La chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (LC-MS) a été utilisée pour séparer et identifier les différents produits de dégradation. L’utilisation de la spectrométrie de masse à haute résolution (HRMS) a permis l’identification des formules chimiques les plus probables pour les produits de dégradation présents. L’ajout d’une cellule de collision à la HRMS a permis d’obtenir plus d’information par fragmentation sur les différents groupes fonctionnels et donc sur la structure des composés inconnus. Lorsque les structures possibles sont peu nombreuses pour une telle formule chimique, des étalons ont été utilisés pour comparer les spectres obtenus et confirmer les structures. Pour les composés ayant trop de possibilités de structures moléculaires, d’autres méthodes d’analyse ont été effectuées, telle la chromatographie gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (GC-MS), la spectrométrie à mobilité ionique et la spectroscopie à résonnance magnétique nucléaire (NMR) suite à une collecte de fractions en chromatographie liquide. Au final, aucun nouveau produit de dégradation n’a pu être identifié avec une certitude de 100 %. Le niveau de confiance envers la structure proposée est par contre assez élevé pour certains d’entre eux, mais la difficulté d’obtention d’étalons rend l’identification assez exigeante. L’ensemble de ces travaux de mémoire a été réalisé dans le cadre d’un partenariat industriel. Une autre partie du projet était le développement d’une méthode pour détecter et quantifier deux N-nitrosamines à une concentration de 1 µg/L. La validation de la méthode pour la quantification des nitrosamines a également été effectuée. Les deux nitrosamines sont des résidus des processus de dégradation des amines du partenaire industriel et il est recommandé que leur concentration soit inférieure à 1 µg/L lors du rejet des eaux usées dans une étendue d’eau naturelle (US Environnemental Protection Agency). Il est donc important de les déterminer pour éviter de contaminer les cours d’eaux. La méthode développée utilise une extraction liquide sur support solide comme préparation d’échantillon ainsi qu’une méthode LC-MS pour la séparation et la quantification. La plus grande quantité retrouvée d’une des deux nitrosamines est de 7,30 µg/L, ce qui est légèrement au-dessus des recommandations. / Global warming is one of the most important concerns of this century. It can be associated in major part to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere since the beginning of industrialization. The major CO2 emitters are motorized vehicles, coal heating and oil refineries. Some years ago, a scrubbing process started being used to reduce atmospheric emissions of CO2 from coal burning plants. This process is known as CO2 capture by regenerable amine-based solvents. As part of this master’s research, samples from an amine-based solvent that was subjected to CO2 capture for different amounts of time during the capture regeneration process were analyzed to determine the various degradation products formed from the capture solvent. Identification of the degradation products and their kinetics of formation allow optimization of the CO2 capture method, ideally to avoid their formation and to maximize the efficiency of the capture process over a longer period of use. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) was used to initially select various degradation products present in reasonable abundance. The use of high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) allowed the identification of the most probable chemical formulas for the degradation products found in the capture solvent. Addition of a collision cell to HRMS provided more information on the different functional groups by MS fragmentation, and therefore more structural information on the unknown compounds. When there were a few possible structures for a single unknown compound, standards were used to compare the MS spectra obtained and confirm the structures. For the unknown compounds with too many plausible structures, additional analysis methods were used, like gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS), ionic mobility mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) after fraction collection by preparative liquid chromatography. No degradation products were identified with 100 % certainty. The level of confidence towards proposed structures was quite high for some of the unknowns; however, the standards needed to confirm their identification were too costly to synthesize. This entire master’s project was carried out in collaboration with an industrial partner. A secondary part of this master’s project involved the development of a method to detect and quantify two N-nitrosamines at a concentration of 1 µg/L. Validation of the method for the quantification of the two N-nitrosamines was also carried out. The two analytes were residues of the degradation process of a different amine-based CO2 capture solvent where the recommended concentration of the residues should be under 1 µg/L when releasing the wastewater into environmental waters (US Environnemental Protection Agency). It is therefore important to determine these N-nitrosamines to avoid contamination of water bodies. The developed method used solid-supported liquid-liquid extraction (SLE) for sample preparation and LC-MS for separation and quantification. The highest amount of one of the two N-nitrosamines found in the samples supplied by the industrial partner was 7.30 µg/L, which was over the recommended level.

Catalytic Material Design: Impact of Synthesis Conditions on the Pore Architecture and Catalytic Performance of Micro-Mesoporous Silica Supported Catalysts

Kane, Ashwin 05 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.


EVELYN LEAL DE CARVALHO 20 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] Uma sonda fotoluminescente do tipo turn-on foi avaliada para a detecção de putrescina usando pontos quânticos de grafeno (GQDs). Diferentes nanopartículas de carbono fotoluminescentes foram preparadas usando a abordagem bottom-up, usando ácido cítrico como precursor, sozinho ou misturado com outros compostos contendo heteroátomos (N e/ou S) visando funcionalização da nanoestrutura. Observou- se que as nanopartículas preparadas com ácido cítrico e tioureia (GQDs-TU) apresentaram melhor perfil aumento da fotoluminescência (resposta analítica) na presença dessa amina biogênica. As condições experimentais foram ajustadas para o melhor perfil de resposta e para obter os parâmetros analíticos de mérito. No ensaio em batelada, a curva analítica normalizada (concentração L-L0 versus PUT) foi linear (R2 = 0,9498) até 90 mg L1 . O limite de quantificação (LOQ) foi de 15,1 mg L-1 e o limite de detecção (LOD) foi de 4,5 mg L-1 . Além disso, a estratégia proposta para a determinação indireta de putrescina foi adaptada para um sistema de análise por injeção em fluxo (FIA) a fim de aumentar a frequência analítica, diminuir os resíduos e automatizar a quantificação do analito. Após a otimização do ensaio, com a faixa linear cobrindo o intervalo até 50 mg L-1 (R2 = 0,9980), os valores de LOD e LOQ foram 3,0 mg L1 e 9,9 mg L-1 , respectivamente. / [en] A photoluminescent turn-on probe was evaluated for putrescine detection using graphene quantum dots (GQDs). Different photoluminescent carbon nanoparticles were prepared using a bottom-up approach, employing citric acid as a precursor, either alone or mixed with other compounds containing heteroatoms (N and/or S) for nanostructure functionalization. It was observed that the nanoparticles prepared with citric acid and thiourea (GQDs-TU) exhibited a more pronounced increase in photoluminescence (analytical response) when exposed to this biogenic amine. Experimental conditions were fine-tuned to optimize the response profile and obtain the analytical parameters of merit. In the batch assay, the normalized analytical curve (L-L0 concentration versus PUT) was linear (R2 = 0,9498) up to 90 mg L-1 . The limit of quantification (LOQ) was 15,1 mg L-1 and the limit of detection (LOD) was 4,5 g L-1 . Furthermore, the proposed strategy for the indirect determination of putrescine was adapted for a flow injection analysis (FIA) system to increase the analytical frequency, reduce waste, and automate analyte quantification. After optimization of the assay, with the linear range covering the range up to 50 mg L-1 (R2 = 0,9980), the LOD and LOQ values were 3,0 mg L-1 e 9,93 mg L-1 , respectively.

Complexes cationiques POCOP de nickel : synthèse, caractérisation, réactivité et étude catalytique

Lapointe, Sébastien 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la chimie des complexes pinceurs de nickel (II) cationiques ayant un ligand de type POCOP. Elle se divise en deux parties. La première traite de la synthèse, de la caractérisation et de la réactivité des complexes cationiques pinceurs de Ni(II) de type POCOP (POCOP = 1,3-bis(phosphinitobenzene), où C fait partie d’un cycle benzénique et est lié au métal, et P est un ligand phosphoré aussi lié au métal). Ces complexes ont un ligand acétonitrile coordonné au centre métallique et sont du type [(R-POCOPR’)Ni(NCMe)][OSO2CF3], où R est un substituant du cycle benzénique et R’ est un substituant sur le ligand phosphoré (R’ = iPr: R = H (1), p-Me(2), p-OMe(3), p-CO2Me(4), p-Br(5), m,m-tBu2(6), m-OMe(7), m-CO2Me(8); R’ = t-Bu : R = H (9), p-CO2Me(10)). Les complexes cationiques sont préparés en faisant réagir le dérivé Ni(II) neutre correspondant R-(POCOPR’)Ni-Br avec Ag(OSO2CF3¬) dans l’acétonitrile à température ambiante. L’impact des groupements R et R’ du ligand POCOP sur la structure et sur les propriétées électroniques du complexe a été étudié par spectroscopies RMN, UV-VIS et IR, analyse électrochimique, et diffraction des rayons X. Les valeurs de fréquence du lien C≡N (ν(C≡N)) augmentent avec le caractère électroattracteur du complexe, dans l’ordre 7 < 3 ~ 2 ~ 6 < 1 < 5 ~ 8 < 4 et 9 < 10. Ces résultats sont en accord avec le fait qu’une augmentation du caractère électrophile du centre métallique devrait résulter en une augmentation de la donation σ MeCN→Ni. De plus, les complexes cationiques montrent tous un potentiel d’oxydation Ni(II)/Ni(III) plus élevé que leurs analogues neutres Ni-Br. Ensuite, une étude d’équilibre entre un complexe neutre (R-POCOPR’)NiBr et un complexe cationique [(R-POCOPR’)Ni(NCMe)][OSO2CF3] démontre l’échange facile des ligands MeCN et Br. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire consiste en deux chapitres. Le premier (Chapitre 3) est une étude structurelle permettant une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme d’hydroamination des oléfines activées promue par les complexes présentés au chapitre 1, suivi de tentatives de synthèse de nouveaux composés POCOP cationiques comportant un ligand amine et nitrile, et de déplacement du groupement amine par un groupement nitrile. Le deuxième chapitre (4) décrit la réactivité et la cinétique de la réaction d’hydroamination et d’hydroalkoxylation d’oléfines activées, qui permet ainsi de mieux comprendre l’impact des différentes variables du système (groupements R et R’, température, substrats, solvent, etc.) sur la réactivité catalytique. / This thesis describes the chemistry of nickel (II) cationic pincer complexes bearing a POCOP ligand. The content is divided into two parts. The first part (chapter 2) concerns the synthesis, characterization and reactivities of nickel (II) cationic POCOP pincer complexes with an acetonitrile ligand coordinated to the metal center via the nitrile moiety, [(R-POCOPR’)Ni(NCMe)][OSO2CF3] where R is a ring substituent and R’ is a P-substituent (R’ = iPr : R = H (1), p-Me(2), p-OMe(3), p-CO2Me(4), p-Br(5), m,m-tBu2(6), m-OMe(7), m-CO2Me(8); R’ = t-Bu : R = H (9), p-CO2Me(10)). The cationic complexes are synthetized by reacting the neutral nickel (II) bromide derivatives R-(POCOPR’)Ni-Br with Ag(OSO2CF3) in acetonitrile at room temperature. The impact of R and R’ groups of the POCOP ligand on the structure and electronic proprieties of the complexes has been studied by NMR, UV-Vis and IR spectroscopy, as well as by single crystal x-ray diffraction studies and cyclic voltammetry measurements. The observed ν(C≡N) values were found to increase with the increasing electron-withdrawing nature of R, i.e., in the order 7 < 3 ~ 2 ~ 6 < 1 < 5 ~ 8 < 4 and 9 < 10. This trend is consistent with the anticipation that enhanced electrophilicity of the nickel center should result in an increase in net MeCN→Ni σ-donation. It is also interesting to note that all cationic complexes show a much higher Ni(II)/Ni(III) oxidation potential than their neutral Ni-Br analogues. Following this, an equilibrium study is presented that shows the facile exchange of the MeCN/Br ligands between the charge-neutral and cationic complexes (R-POCOPR’)NiBr and [(R-POCOPR’)Ni(NCMe)][OSO2CF3]. The second part of this thesis consists of two chapters describing, respectively, structural studies that are relevant to our understanding of the mechanism of hydroamination reactions promoted by the title complexes (chapter 3), and reactivity and kinetic studies aimed at understanding the impact of different variables (R and R’; temperature; substrates; solvent; etc.) on the Michael-type hydroamination and hydroalkoxylation of acrylonitrile and its substituted derivatives (chapter 4). Chapter 3 will also discuss the attempted synthesis of new amine and nitrile POCOP cationic and neutral complexes, as well as the facile displacement of the amine moiety by a nitrile.

Synthèse et évaluation pharmacologique de nouveaux peptides biomimétiques et de benzothiadiazines / Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new biomimetic peptides and benzothiadiazins

Kihal, Nadjib 29 January 2013 (has links)
Les canaux potassiques sensibles à l’ATP (KATP) jouent un rôle primordial dans plusieurs processus cellulaires. La modulation de ces canaux par des molécules activatrices constituerait des applications pharmacologiques et médicinales très intéressantes. À cet effet nous avons conçu et synthétisé de nouvelles molécules hybrides cromakalim-diazoxide et diazoxide-amine/aminoacide. Nous avons également, évalué l’activité myorelaxante de ces composés sur l’aorte de rates. Les résultats obtenus ne montrent pas un effet myorelaxant significatif. Des études sur d’autres tissus, notamment les cellules β pancréatiques et le muscle utérin, sont envisagées afin d’explorer une éventuelle sélectivité tissulaire. Par ailleurs, les interactions protéine-protéine jouent un rôle fondamental dans presque tous les processus cellulaires. Elles sont fortement impliquées dans la formation de la structure dimérique de la protéase du VIH-1 et l’agrégation du peptide β amyloïde impliquée dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. L’inhibition de ces interactions serait donc d’un avantage thérapeutique pour le traitement du SIDA et de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Nous avons conçu et synthétisé d’une part, des pinces moléculaires à base de motifs carbonylhydrazides et oligohydrazides (Azatide), et d’autre part, des molécules pentapeptidiques avec un peudoaminoacide central alcoolfluoré. Enfin, nous avons testé la capacité des pinces moléculaires à perturber le feuillet β terminal de la PR du VIH-1 afin d'inhiber sa dimérisation et donc son activité. Nous avons réalisé de même une étude de relation structure-activité et d’après l’ensemble des résultats obtenus, il semblerait que la flexibilité est délétère pour l’activité inhibitrice. Nous avons également évalué la capacité des nouvelles molécules peptidomimétiques alcool fluorées à accélérer ou inhiber l’agrégation du peptide Aβ1-42 dans le but de diminuer la présence de petits oligomères neurotoxiques. Les résultats obtenus sont très prometteurs, nous avons réussi à développer d’une part un pentapeptide capable d’inhiber totalement l’agrégation de Aβ1-42, et d’autre part des pseudopentapeptides capables d’accélérer son agrégation. Nous avons aussi démontré l’influence de l’atome de fluor sur la structuration d’un pentapeptide. Des études par RMN et DC sont en cours. / ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP) play an important role in many cellular processes. The modulation of these channels by activating molecules may constitute very interesting pharmacological and medicinal applications. For this purpose, we have designed and synthesized new hybrid molecules cromakalim-diazoxide and diazoxide-amine/aminoacid. We also evaluated the relaxant activity of these compounds on aorta of rats. The obtained results do not show a significant relaxant effect. Studies on other tissues, including pancreatic  cells and uterine muscle, are envisaged to explore the potency of these compounds and their possible tissue selectivity.Otherwise, Protein-protein interactions play a fundamental role in almost all cellular processes. They are strongly involved in the formation of the dimeric structure of HIV-1 protease and β amyloid peptide aggregation involved in Alzheimer's disease. Inhibition of these interactions would be a therapeutic advantage for the treatment of AIDS and Alzheimer's disease. We designed and synthesized on one hand, molecular tongs based on carbonylhydrazide oligohydrazid (Azatide) fragments and in the other hand, pentapeptide molecules with a central fluorinated and hydroxylated aminoacid. Finally, we tested the ability of molecular tongs to disrupt the terminal β sheet of the HIV-1 PR to inhibit its dimerization and thus its activity. We have also conducted a structure-activity relationship study and According to the results it seems that flexibility is detrimental to the inhibitory activity. We evaluated as well the ability of new fluorinated and hydroxylated peptidomimetics to accelerate or inhibit the aggregation of Aβ1-42 peptide in order to reduce the presence of small toxic oligomers. The results are very promising that we succeeded in developing a pentapeptide able to completely inhibit the aggregation of Aβ1-42, and in the other hand pseudopentapeptides able to accelerate its aggregation. We also demonstrated the influence of fluorine on the structure of a pentapeptides. Studies by NMR and DC are in progress.

Electrically Conductive Low Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and Application

Bocharova, Vera 05 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Miniaturization has become a driving force in different areas of technology including microelectronics, sensoric- and bio-technologies and in fundamental science. Because of the well-known limitations of conventional lithographic methods, newly emerging bottom-up approach, utilizing self-assembly of various nanoobjects including single polymer molecules and carbon nanotubes constitutes a very promising alternative for fabrication of ultimately small devices. Carbon nanotubes are attractive materials for nanotechnology and hold much promise to revolutionize fundamental science in a investigation of phenomena, associated with the nanometer–sized objects.It was found in this work that grafted chains of poly(2-vinylpyridine) form a shell covering the carbon nanotubes that makes them dispersible in organic solvents and in acidic water (CNTs-g-P2VP).The positively charged poly(2-vinylpyridine) shell is responsible for the selective deposition of carbon nanotubes onto oppositely charged surfaces. It was established that the deposition CNTs-g-P2VP from aqueous dispersions at low pH is an effective method to prepare ultra-thin films with a tunable density of carbon nanotubes.It was shown that poly(2-vinylpyridine) grafted to carbon nanotubes is a universal support for the immobilization of various nanoclusters at the carbon nanotube's surface. Prussian Blue nanoparticles were selectively attached to the surface of CNTs-g-P2VP.Conducting polymer nanowires are another very promising kind of nanomaterials that could be also suitable for applications in nanodevices and nanosensors. In this work was developed a simple method to control the conformation and orientation of single adsorbed polyelectrolyte molecules by co-deposition with octylamine. A simple chemical route to conductive polypyrrole nanowires by the grafting of polypyrrole from molecules of polystyrensulfonic acid was developed. The dc conductivity of individual polypyrrole nanowires approaches the conductivity of polypyrole in bulk.The conductivity can be described using variable-range hopping model.

Hydrierung von Bortrichlorid mit molekularem Wasserstoff in Gegenwart von Aminen als Hilfsbasen

Schellenberg, René 25 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Möglichkeit untersucht, Bortrihalogenide mit Wasserstoff unter milden Bedingungen (T < 100 °C, p(H2) < 50 bar) zu hydrieren. Um eine Triebkraft für die thermodynamisch ungünstige Reaktion zu erhalten, wurden Amine als Hilfsbasen zugesetzt, welche den bei der Reaktion entstehenden Halogenwasserstoff als Ammoniumsalz binden und damit das Reaktionsgleichgewicht in Richtung der Produkte verschieben. Es wurden dafür verschiedene Amin-Boran bzw. Amin-HCl Addukte synthetisiert und mittels IR, NMR und DSC charakterisiert. Bei den anschließenden Hydrierungsversuchen wurden verschiedene Katalysatoren auf ihre Eignung getestet und weiterentwickelt. Unterstützt wurden die experimentellen Arbeiten durch Berechnungen mit Gaussian 03. IR- und NMR-Spektren vieler Addukte wurden berechnet und freie Reaktionsenthalpien der Hydrierung in Abhängigkeit des verwendeten Amins und Borhalogenids bestimmt. Mögliche Übergangszustände wurden diskutiert und ihre Aktivierungsenergien ermittelt.

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