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Statistical tools for the analysis of event-related potentials in electroencephalogramsBugli, Céline 23 June 2006 (has links)
Since its first use in human in 1929, the electroencephalogram (EEG) has become one of the most important diagnostic tool in clinical neurophysiology. However, their use in clinical studies is limited because the huge quantity of collected information is complicated to treat. Indeed, it is very difficult to have an overall picture of this multivariate problem. In addition to the impressive quantity of data to be treated, an intrinsic problem with electroencephalograms is that the signals are "contaminated" by body signals not directly related to cerebral activity. However, these signals do not interest us directly to evaluate treatment effect on the brain. Removing these signals known as "parasitic noise" from electroencephalograms is a difficult task.
We use clinical data kindly made available by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly (Lilly Clinical Operations S.A., Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). Particular types of analyses were already carried out on these data, most based on frequency bands. They mainly confirmed the enormous potential of EEG in clinical studies without much insight in the understanding of treatment effect on the brain. The aim of this thesis is to propose and evaluate a panel of statistical techniques to clean and to analyze electroencephalograms.
The first presented tool enables to align curves such as selected parts
of EEGs before any further statistical treatment. Indeed, when monitoring some continuous process on similar units (like patients in a clinical study), one often notices a typical pattern common to all curves but with variation both in amplitude and
dynamics across curves. In particular, typical peaks could be shifted from unit to unit. This complicates the statistical analysis of sample of curves. For example, the cross-sectional average usually does not reflect a typical curve pattern: due to shifts, the
signal structure is smeared or might even disappear.
Another of the presented tools is based on the preliminary linear decomposition of EEGs into statistically independent signals. This decomposition provides on the one hand an effective cleaning method and on the other hand a considerable reduction of the quantity of data to be analyzed. The technique of decomposition of our signals in statistically independent signals is a well-known technique in physics primarily used to unmix sound signals. This technique is named Independent Component Analysis or ICA.
The last studied tool is functional ANOVA. The analysis of longitudinal curve data is a methodological and computational challenge for statisticians. Such data are often generated in biomedical studies. Most of the time, the statistical analysis focuses on simple summary measures, thereby discarding potentially important information. We propose to model these curves using non parametric regression techniques based on splines.
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Ensemble of Feature Selection Techniques for High Dimensional DataVege, Sri Harsha 01 May 2012 (has links)
Data mining involves the use of data analysis tools to discover previously unknown, valid patterns and relationships from large amounts of data stored in databases, data warehouses, or other information repositories. Feature selection is an important preprocessing step of data mining that helps increase the predictive performance of a model. The main aim of feature selection is to choose a subset of features with high predictive information and eliminate irrelevant features with little or no predictive information. Using a single feature selection technique may generate local optima.
In this thesis we propose an ensemble approach for feature selection, where multiple feature selection techniques are combined to yield more robust and stable results. Ensemble of multiple feature ranking techniques is performed in two steps. The first step involves creating a set of different feature selectors, each providing its sorted order of features, while the second step aggregates the results of all feature ranking techniques. The ensemble method used in our study is frequency count which is accompanied by mean to resolve any frequency count collision.
Experiments conducted in this work are performed on the datasets collected from Kent Ridge bio-medical data repository. Lung Cancer dataset and Lymphoma dataset are selected from the repository to perform experiments. Lung Cancer dataset consists of 57 attributes and 32 instances and Lymphoma dataset consists of 4027 attributes and 96 ix instances. Experiments are performed on the reduced datasets obtained from feature ranking. These datasets are used to build the classification models. Model performance is evaluated in terms of AUC (Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) performance metric. ANOVA tests are also performed on the AUC performance metric. Experimental results suggest that ensemble of multiple feature selection techniques is more effective than an individual feature selection technique.
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Effect Size Matters: Empirical Investigations to Help Researchers Make Informed Decisions on Commonly Used Statistical TechniquesSkidmore, Susana Troncoso 2009 December 1900 (has links)
The present journal article formatted dissertation assessed the characteristics of effect sizes of commonly used statistical techniques. In the first study, the author examined the American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) and select American Psychological Association (APA) and American Counseling Association (ACA) journals to provide an historical account and synthesis of which statistical techniques were most prevalent in the fields of education and psychology. These reviews represented a total of 17,698 techniques recorded from 12,012 articles. Findings point to a general decrease in the use of the tvtest and ANOVA/ANCOVA and a general increase in the use of regression and factor/cluster analysis.
In the second study, the author compared the efficacy of one Pearson r2 and seven multiple R2 correction formulas for the Pearson r2. The author computed adjustment bias and precision under 108 conditions (6 population p2 values, 3 shape conditions and 6 sample size conditions). The Pratt and the Olkin-Pratt Extended formulas more consistently provided unbiased estimates across sample sizes, p2 values and the shape conditions investigated.
In the third study, the author evaluated the robustness of estimates of practical significance (n2, e2 and w2) in one-way between subjects univariate ANOVA. There were 360 simulation conditions (5 population Cohen's d values, 4 group proportion ratios, 3 shape conditions, 3 variance conditions, and 2 total sample size conditions) for each of three group configurations (2, 3 and 4 groups). Three indices of practical significance (n2, e2, w2) and two indices of statistical significance (Type I error and power) were computed for each of the 5,400, 000 (5,000 replications x 360 simulation conditions x 3 group configurations). Simulation findings for n2 under heterogeneous variance conditions indicated that for the k=2 and k=3 condition Cohen's d values up to 0.2 (up to 0.5 for k=4) tend to produce overestimated population n2 values. Under heterogeneous variance conditions for e2 and w2 at Cohen's d = 0.0 and 0.2, the negative variance pairing overestimated and the positive variance pairing underestimated the parameter n2 but at Cohen's d greater than or equal to 0.5, both the positive and negative variance conditions resulted in underestimated parameter n2 values.
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METAPHOR, COGNITIVE ELABORATION AND PERSUASIONSarnoff, Tamar Jill January 2009 (has links)
Metaphors have long been a subject of interest to philosophers, scholars and researchers. Recent insights into the nature and function of metaphor have spurred new interest in the persuasive effects of metaphor. To date, research on the relation between metaphors and attitudes has produced mixed findings. This paper argues that there are several limitations in previous models and designs and this work attempted to resolve several of them. The rationale for the study is based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion, which argues that cognitive elaboration is a strong predictor of attitudes. Researchers have posited that metaphors should evoke more cognitive elaboration than literal counterparts. This paper reports the results of a study that tested the relationship between metaphors, cognitive elaboration, and attitudes. Participants were exposed to one of 72 message conditions and responded to a set of psychological and attitude scales. Many of the hypotheses were not supported, including tests of the amount of cognitive effort that subjects reported and results related to attitude change by metaphor type. Results indicated that attitudes were stable across time, which is consistent with the ELM.
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Mätningar av kortisolkoncentrationen i saliv under två perioder där stressfaktorn upplevs variera. : Analys av kortisolkoncentrationen och intraindividuell stabilitet inom cortisol awakening response (CAR).Koro, Catalin January 2010 (has links)
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000178 EndHTML:0000005278 StartFragment:0000002640 EndFragment:0000005242 SourceURL:file://localhost/Volumes/NAMNLOS/Examensarbete%20kortisol.doc Föreliggande studie syftar till att försöka utläsa skillnader mellan två olika perioder då den personliga stressfaktorn upplevs vara olika intensiv. Undersökningen syftar även till att studera huruvida den mänskliga kortisolutsöndringens diurnala upp - och ned gångar följer en intraindividuell stabilitet av CAR (cortisol awakening responce). Detta skulle innebära ett upprepande mönster av kortisolkoncentrationens magnitud och mätvärde inom varje individ från dag till dag, vid uppvaknandet och 30 minuter efter. Undersökningen har genomförts som en pilotstudie där en försökspersons kortisolkoncentration i saliv har mätts genom enzymkopplad immunabsorberande analys (ELISA). För att jämföra mätserierna inom de olika perioderna med varandra har även en variationsanalys av typen Analysis of variance (ANOVA) utförts med hjälp av programvaran SPSS. Då provernas mätvärde har analyserats och jämförts med varandra har ett resultat kunnat fastställas. Eftersom utsöndringen av den individuella kortisolkoncentrationen lätt påverkas av omgivningsfaktorer användes endast en försöksperson, författaren, vilket underlättade en detaljerad analys där observation av påverkande faktorer lätt kunde tas med i beräkningen för att fastställa ett tillförlitligt resultat. Försökspersonen, kvinna 21 år, utförde 6 provtagningar under två perioder som upplevdes ha olika hög stressfaktor. Perioderna innehöll två arbetsdagar. Parallellt med provtagningen fördes noggranna dagboksanteckningar för att underlätta analyseringsarbetet. Resultatet uppvisar en intraindividuell stabilitet av CAR hos försökspersonen. Studien visar även en skillnad mellan de två perioderna genom en högre procentuell ökning av CAR under den period då stressfaktorn upplevdes som mer intensiv. Den tydliga skillnaden av kortisolkoncentrationens mätvärde mellan de olika dagarna indikerar även att livsstil, fysisk aktivitet och drömmar kan påverka utseendet av kortisolkoncentrationskurvans diurnala upp – och nedgångar.
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Investigating the relevance of selected aspects of integrated reporting in the banking industry / Derick DahmsDahms, Derick January 2012 (has links)
The relevance and reliability of annual financial reports as a basis for making decisions about an organisation came in dispute after a series of corporate collapses. Sustainability reports have similarly suffered weaknesses and stakeholders are unable to form a comprehensive picture of an organisation’s performance and its ability to create and sustain value.
Integrated reporting incorporates concise and material information from financial statements and the sustainability report and other sources to enable stakeholders to evaluate the organisation’s performance and to make an informed assessment about its ability to create and sustain value.
The focus of this study was to investigate the opinion of employees as stakeholders of a South African bank and their perception of the relevance of the elements in an integrated report, if they had to assess the ability of an organisation to sustain value in the future.
A literature study was conducted to address the concept of integrated reporting and the integrated report as well as relevant aspects. Based on the literature study, integrated reporting should enable stakeholders to assess the ability of the organisation to create and sustain value over the short-, medium- and long-term. Special attention has been given to the elements to be included in an integrated report as suggested by the IRC SA’s framework and employees as stakeholders of organisations. The latter has been used as basis of the empirical study that was conducted.
The empirical study focused on the opinion of employees regarding the relevance of the eight elements in an integrated report as stakeholders of a South African bank and it was conducted by means of a self-completion questionnaire. The internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by calculating Cronbach alpha coefficients and it had acceptable reliability.
Frequency distributions, mean values and standard deviations were calculated as well as independent t-tests and Anovas to determine the differences between the means of different groups within the selected demographic variables and the constructs. Furthermore, effect size values (d-values) were used to indicate if there were practical significant differences between any demographical variables regarding the constructs and individual questions.
In the final chapter, conclusions were drawn based on the literature and empirical study. It was evident from the empirical study that most of the respondents found the elements to be either moderately or totally relevant to be included in a report, if the ability of an organisation has to be assessed to sustain value in the future. Recommendations were provided on three elements (business model, remuneration policies and analytical commentary) and the report was concluded by recommending possible future research that could be conducted based on this study. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Investigating the relevance of selected aspects of integrated reporting in the banking industry / Derick DahmsDahms, Derick January 2012 (has links)
The relevance and reliability of annual financial reports as a basis for making decisions about an organisation came in dispute after a series of corporate collapses. Sustainability reports have similarly suffered weaknesses and stakeholders are unable to form a comprehensive picture of an organisation’s performance and its ability to create and sustain value.
Integrated reporting incorporates concise and material information from financial statements and the sustainability report and other sources to enable stakeholders to evaluate the organisation’s performance and to make an informed assessment about its ability to create and sustain value.
The focus of this study was to investigate the opinion of employees as stakeholders of a South African bank and their perception of the relevance of the elements in an integrated report, if they had to assess the ability of an organisation to sustain value in the future.
A literature study was conducted to address the concept of integrated reporting and the integrated report as well as relevant aspects. Based on the literature study, integrated reporting should enable stakeholders to assess the ability of the organisation to create and sustain value over the short-, medium- and long-term. Special attention has been given to the elements to be included in an integrated report as suggested by the IRC SA’s framework and employees as stakeholders of organisations. The latter has been used as basis of the empirical study that was conducted.
The empirical study focused on the opinion of employees regarding the relevance of the eight elements in an integrated report as stakeholders of a South African bank and it was conducted by means of a self-completion questionnaire. The internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by calculating Cronbach alpha coefficients and it had acceptable reliability.
Frequency distributions, mean values and standard deviations were calculated as well as independent t-tests and Anovas to determine the differences between the means of different groups within the selected demographic variables and the constructs. Furthermore, effect size values (d-values) were used to indicate if there were practical significant differences between any demographical variables regarding the constructs and individual questions.
In the final chapter, conclusions were drawn based on the literature and empirical study. It was evident from the empirical study that most of the respondents found the elements to be either moderately or totally relevant to be included in a report, if the ability of an organisation has to be assessed to sustain value in the future. Recommendations were provided on three elements (business model, remuneration policies and analytical commentary) and the report was concluded by recommending possible future research that could be conducted based on this study. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Estudo Hidrogeoquímico Comparativo entre os Membros da Formação São Sebastião, Recôncavo Norte - BaAlves, Jamille Evangelista 11 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Everaldo Pereira (pereira.evera@gmail.com) on 2017-02-21T00:06:25Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao_Jamille_Final.pdf: 5022088 bytes, checksum: a8fd7ca79ad01950b7a687c5ef0f488a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-21T00:06:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao_Jamille_Final.pdf: 5022088 bytes, checksum: a8fd7ca79ad01950b7a687c5ef0f488a (MD5) / Este trabalho buscou identificar e caracterizar os tipos de águas subterrâneas em função dos
fácies hidrogeoquímicos e das suas relações iônicas características tentando-se associar, se
possível, com os três membros da Formação São Sebastião. Para desenvolver a caracterização
hidroquímica das águas foram amostrados 17 poços da Empresa Baiana de Águas e Saneamento
S.A. e para complementar a área foram utilizados 11 poços, além dos amostrados, cadastrados no
banco de dados do SIAGAS/CPRM que continham dados de análises físico-químicas e perfil
litológico do poço. A classificação das águas foi realizada através do Diagrama Triangular de
Piper e dos Sólidos Totais Dissolvidos. Para estabelecer a qualidade das águas para consumo
humano e seu padrão de potabilidade foi empregada a Portaria n° 2914 do Ministério da Saúde de
12 de dezembro de 2011 e enquadramento através da Resolução Conama nº 396 de 3 de abril de
2008. O diagrama de Lemoine (1954) foi usado para determinar a qualidade das águas para a
irrigação e o quadro de Mathess (1982), Szikszay (1993) e Driscoll (1986) para identificar a
qualidade das águas para diversos ramos da indústria. No intuito de auxiliar as análises dos
resultados da química da água foi aplicado o sumário estatístico, a correlação de Spearman e a
análise da variância (ANOVA), posteriormente, complementada pelo método de Tukey. Os
índices de saturação da fase mineral e a especiação química dos elementos foram desenvolvidos
com o intuito de identificar a tendência de dissolução ou precipitação de uma determinada fase
mineral. Foram realizadas análises isotópicas de D, 18O e 13CCID, para se tentar identificar
possíveis interações existentes e a origem dessas águas. / ABSTRACT - This study aimed to identify and characterize the types of groundwater dependent on the
hydrogeochemical facies and its ionic ratios characteristics trying to associate, if possible, with
the three members of Formation San Sebastian. To develop the hydrochemical characterization of
water sampled 17 wells of Bahian Company for Water and Sanitation SA and to complement the
area were used 11 wells, in addition to sampled, registered in database SIAGAS / CPRM
containing physical-chemical data and lithology of the well profile. The classification of waters
was performed using the Triangular Piper Diagram and Total Dissolved Solids. To establish the
quality of water for human consumption and its potability standards was used to Ordinance No.
2914 of the Ministry of Health of December 12, 2011 and framework through Resolution
CONAMA 396 of 3 April 2008. The diagram Lemoine (1954) was used to determine the quality
of water for irrigation and the Mathess frame (1982), Szikszay (1993) and Driscoll (1986) to
identify the quality of water for all branches of industry. To assist the analysis of the results of
water chemistry was applied statistical summary, the Spearman correlation and analysis of
variance (ANOVA), later supplemented by the Tukey method. The saturation levels of the
mineral phase, and the chemical speciation of the elements were developed in order to identify
the tendency to dissolution or precipitation of a mineral phase determined. Isotopic analyzes were
performed D, 18O and 13CCID, to try to identify possible existing interactions and the origin
of these waters
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Aplicação de um planejamento fatorial na recuperação da liga metálica (FeSiMn) de escória empregando-se a mesa oscilatória WilfleyGALVAO, Raulim de Oliveira 03 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Rodrigues de Lima (fernanda.rlima@ufpe.br) on 2018-08-02T22:44:51Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO Raulim de Oliveira Galvão.pdf: 4275390 bytes, checksum: ba916a0591cb348433e842a6b8f76ded (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alice Araujo (alice.caraujo@ufpe.br) on 2018-08-07T21:08:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5)
DISSERTAÇÃO Raulim de Oliveira Galvão.pdf: 4275390 bytes, checksum: ba916a0591cb348433e842a6b8f76ded (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T21:08:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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DISSERTAÇÃO Raulim de Oliveira Galvão.pdf: 4275390 bytes, checksum: ba916a0591cb348433e842a6b8f76ded (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-03 / O presente trabalho desenvolveu-se para o beneficiamento de liga metálica de FeSiMn em escórias aplicando o método de concentração gravimétrica em mesa oscilatória do tipo Wilfley. Para alcançar os objetivos do trabalho teve-se que levar em conta os princípios fundamentais do processo de separação de partículas que promovem uma classificação dos sólidos por meio do cisalhamento horizontal, resultante do movimento oscilatório de uma superfície sob a polpa em escoamento. No primeiro momento foram identificados os parâmetros operacionais, parâmetros do material e instrumentação necessária para os ensaios. Os experimentos foram realizados com uma amostra representativa proveniente da empresa Ferro Ligas Marabá (FERMAR). Foi aplicada uma análise da variância baseado num desenho fatorial 23 (3 variáveis, 2 níveis), variando a granulometria da alimentação, a inclinação do deque e a amplitude de oscilação da mesa. Como variáveis de resposta foram consideradas a recuperação mássica do material pesado e a sua recuperação metalúrgica. Durante os ensaios foram observados que uma amplitude maior promove uma maior recuperação da liga metálica presente nas frações finas para uma inclinação em 2°. A análise da variância (ANOVA) foi feita utilizando ferramenta estatística para a determinação da variável com maior influência no processo de concentração. Para a recuperação metalúrgica a granulometria, inclinação do deque, amplitude e a interação entre os fatores inclinação e amplitude resultaram em efeitos significativos. / The present work was developed for the alloying of FeSiMn alloy in slag using the method of gravimetric concentration in Wilfley type oscillatory table. In order to achieve the objectives of the work it was necessary to take into account the fundamental principles of the particle separation process that promote a classification of the solids by means of the horizontal shear, resulting from the oscillatory movement of a surface under the pulp. At the first moment the operational parameters, parameters of the material and the instrumentation required for the tests were identified. The experiments were carried out with a representative sample from Ferro Ligas Marabá (FERMAR). A variance analysis based on a factorial design 23 (3 variables, 2 levels) was applied, varying the grain size of the feed, the incline of the deck and the amplitude of oscillation of the table. As response variables we considered the recovery of the heavy material and its metallurgical recovery. During the tests it was observed that a larger amplitude promotes a greater recovery of the metal alloy present in the fine fractions for a slope in 2 °. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done using a statistical tool to determine the variable with the greatest influence on the concentration process. For the metallurgical recovery the particle size, slope of the deck, amplitude and the interaction between the slope and amplitude factors resulted in significant effects.
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