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Tourism Development And Spatial Organisation: AntalyaErdem Almac, F. Irem 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The rapid development in tourism sector in Turkey after 1980s led to an uncontrolled and unplanned development in the small settlements close to the tourism development areas. This is the result of the incrementalist tourism planning understanding emerged as the consequence of not considering the small settlements as a part of tourism development scenarios.
Within the thesis, the tourism development areas and the economic, social, cultural and spatial relations of small settlements surrounding are discussed. It is emphasized that the concept of tourism is quite comprehensive and it is claimed that tourism legislation and tourism planning should be prepared taking into account that comprehensive tourism description. The questions, whether a role is described for small settlements in the tourism development scenarios in the course of tourism planning experiences of Turkey after 1980s or not, and what kind of approaches the tourism policies include about the development of small settlements are tried to be answered referring to the Tourism Encouragement Law Code: 2634 and Amended Law on Tourism Encouragement Law Code: 4957. The claims that tourism planning in Turkey after 1980s has not been carried out with a comprehensive planning approach and no part is reserved for the small settlements in tourism development scenarios are looked through over Antalya -Belek Tourism Centre and the hypothesis put forward in the thesis are proved through the mentioned sample areas.
Moreover, within the scope of this thesis, recommendations and proposals on the legal regulations for the solution of problems determined and on the content of &ldquo / tourism development plans&rdquo / are given.
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Improvement Of Ataturk Street In Antalya As A Problem Of Spatial ContinuitySaydam, Oya 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
M.Arch., Department of Architecture
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vacit MAMOGLU
January 2006, 162 pages
The city is a fundamental and universal human creation. It is a unique centre
for social life as well as individual and collective fulfillment. However, cities
have been shaped and reshaped by mere functionalistic, stylistic and
materialistic aspects rather than developmental ones that incorporate social,
cultural and environmental variables. The frantic, irreversible urban growth
that societies throughout the world have experienced over the past few
decades has caused a transformation of urban spaces and agglomerations,
which rarely corresponds to expectations, and aspirations. Especially public
spaces have played a key role within this transformation of the cities. In this
context, conserving local public places, as a reminder of the past and an
echo of the spirit of culture, is a matter of a great concern to reinstating
identity and character.
The thesis supports this argument by the case study of Atatü / rk Street in
Antalya, which suffers from disintegration and confusion because of
haphazard growth, dense building, visual pollution, and degradation of the
physical environment qualities. The thesis provides a detailed account of the
project from initiation through problem identification, development of
conceptual framework, and finally planning and architectural proposal. The
case study highlights the need for a sensitive developmental approach, which
harmonises the interactions between pedestrians, traffic and street furniture
as well as cultural, physical environment and technical considerations.
Within the scope of these criteria, the main objective of this thesis is to bring
forth a project for designing new urban design components in historic context
through the interpretation of objects of historical heritage and the existing
qualities. Considering the critical problems affecting physical environment
and causing imbalance in the lives of inhabitants in the city of Antalya, a
project proposal is presented. The project has been prepared to provide
solutions with simple and easy implementation, providing better harmony
between man and his environment.
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Modeling the Effects of Forest Management Practices on Ecohydrologic Processes in the Antalya River Watershed of TurkeyArslan, Hilal 01 September 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on modeling the effects of forest management practices on eco-hydrological processes in the Antalya River Watershed, Turkey. With increasing global pressures from urbanization, deforestation, and climate change affecting water resources and ecosystems, understanding the impact of forest management on vital water sources is essential for sustainable water resource management and ecosystem protection. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model assessed the hydrological impacts of afforestation and urban forest scenarios in the Antalya River Watershed—the model's parameterization, sensitivity analysis, and calibration phases accurately simulated base watershed processes. The validation process confirmed the accuracy of results, particularly in yearly time steps, providing a comprehensive understanding of the watershed's water management strategies. The results indicate that the afforestation scenario reduced surface runoff and increased lateral flow, decreasing erosion risk and improving groundwater recharge. Although soil evaporation and plant transpiration decreased, the increase in “revap” values highlighted higher water vapor emission from the soil, contributing to atmospheric water cycle processes. Similarly, the urban forest scenario resulted in decreased surface discharge and increased groundwater flow, indicating improved water retention and recharge capabilities. The increased evapotranspiration demonstrated the positive influence of trees and vegetation on the water cycle and atmospheric processes, emphasizing the significance of urban forest applications as valuable nature-based solutions for sustainable water resource management and conservation. In conclusion, implementing afforestation and urban forest initiatives can contribute to ecologically sound utilization of water supplies, enhance ecosystem functioning, and foster resilience in the face of environmental obstacles. The study emphasizes the potential benefits of afforestation and expanding green spaces in promoting sustainable water resources and mitigating erosion and flooding risks. The results of this study provide a scientific basis for policymakers and stakeholders to consider afforestation practices as a vital component of water resource management and watershed conservation strategies.
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Developing A Methodology For Finding Network Water Losses Using Information Technologies: A Case StudyBektas, Hayrettin Onur 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to develop an integrated methodology for finding water leaks in a water distribution network. The integrated methodology is formed from SCADA System, Customer Information System (CIS), and Geographic Information System. The methodology is based on forming district-metered areas (DMA) and sub-DMAs in pressure zones by isolation of the network. Leaking spots in the network are localised by step testing within the DMA. With leak noise loggers leaking spots are localized with an increased accuracy and finally pinpointed by ground microphones. Minimum night flows are observed from the SCADA system before and after the repairs of the leaks to calculate physical water loss percentage in the DMA. Monthly non-revenue water percentage is calculated using the data obtained from SCADA and CIS. With a buffer analysis on the water distribution network data, the benefit of the leak noise loggers is maximized and the working time with the ground microphones are minimized. The methodology is applied in two different DMAs in Antalya water distribution network with different characteristics. In the first DMA, only the developed methodology is applied and a decrease of 19.2% is achieved in physical water losses. In the second DMA, pressure reduction is added to the methodology and a decrease of 4.9% is achieved.
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Сравнительный анализ интернет-продвижения курортных территорий черноморского побережья России : магистерская диссертация / Comparative analysis of internet promotion resort areas of the black sea coast of RussiaТуртаева, А. С., Turtaeva, A. S. January 2023 (has links)
Цель – провести сравнительный анализ интернет-продвижения курортных территорий Черноморского побережья России для выявления наиболее актуальных и эффективных инструментов. Научная новизна магистерской диссертации заключается в адаптации методики оценки ресурсного потенциала Черноморского побережья и разработки методики анализа интернет-продвижения курортных территорий. Автором предложены рекомендации по формированию и поддержанию имиджа курортных территорий в интернет-пространстве и укреплению имиджевых характеристик. По результатам анализа сайтов территорий было определено, что многие сайты являются неинформативными, в частности, отсутствует информация о достопримечательностях города, о возможных маршрутах по территории. На сайтах отсутствуют фотографии города, места, рекомендованные для посещения. / The purpose is to conduct a comparative analysis of the Internet promotion of the resort areas of the Black Sea coast of Russia to identify the most relevant and effective tools. The scientific novelty of the master's thesis is the adaptation of the methodology for assessing the resource potential of the Black Sea coast and the development of a methodology for analyzing the Internet promotion of resort areas. The author offers recommendations on the formation and maintenance of the image of resort areas in the Internet space and the strengthening of image characteristics. According to the results of the analysis of the sites of the territories, it was determined that many sites are uninformative there is no information about the sights of the city, about possible routes through the territory. There are no photos of the city or places recommended for visiting on the sites.
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Géométrie et dynamique de l'accrétion dans les ophiolites téthysiennes : Himalaya du Ladakh, Oman et TurquieReuber, Ingrid 15 June 1990 (has links) (PDF)
Les ophiolites présentent un grand interêt d'une part pour les reconstitutions géodynamiques des chaînes de montagnes, d'autre part pour l'étude détaillée des processus d'accrétion océanique. Ce memoire s'appuie principalement sur l'étude de trois terrains issus de la Téthys et présentant des caractères contrastés: - l'ophiolite de Semail, en Oman, est une des plus belles ophiolites du monde; sa taille permet la mise en évidence des variations longitudinales des processus d'accrétion à une échelle comparable à celle abordée dans les océans; - les ophiolites du Ladakh, préservées sous forme de klippes charriées sur la plaque indienne telle l'ophiolite de Spongtang, ou sous forme de petites écailles dans la suture et substratum de l'arc représentent des traceurs géodynamiques importants et indiquent des conditions opposées depuis l'accrétion jusqu'à l'obduction par rapport à l'ophiolite d'Oman; - les ophiolites tauriques présentent des caractère intermédiaires. Ce mémoire présente les résultats des études pétro-structurales menées dans ces ophiolites et les implications pour leur accrétion, leur histoire tectonique intra-océanique, et leur obduction. Les ophiolites omanaises présentent à l'affleurement une séquence souvent complète, et des structures témoignant d'un taux d'accrétion élévé. Les structures tranverses à l'axe sont rares et aucune n'interrompt la séquence crustale; les relations entre les différents faciès suggèrent une segmentation de la dorsale à l'échelle d'environ 30 km, qui évoluait avec le temps. A plusieurs endroits (Fizh, Haylayn) des 'overlaps' ou des 'propagating rifts' ont pu être mis en évidence. La séquence plutonique est constituée à part presques égales de gabbros et de wehrlites qui sont souvent interlités et pourraient représenter soit des ensembles de sills s'intrudant mutuellement, soit deux liquides coexistants mais immiscibles. Les structures internes de la série plutonique présentent souvent des variations et des images de recoupement à petite échelle; il est probable que ces variations reflètent la superposition de nombreuses petites chambres. Leur formation est expliquée par des cycles d'imprégnation de la zone de transition, celle-ci devenant périodiquement instable et intrudant la section crustale. Ces structures primaires sont en beaucoup d'endroits transposées par un flux visqueux, couplé avec le flux plastique des péridotites sous-jacentes. Ce couplage est particulièrement bien exprimé dans les gabbros de base, en contact direct avec les péridotites. Les autres ophiolites étudiées présentent des caractères bien différents, des séquences rarement complètes et des péridotites souvent moins déprimées, plus abondamment affectées par les zones de cisaillement lithophériques. La Klippe de Spongtang est composée essentiellement de péridotites, dans lesquelles les structures astenosphériques sont reprises par des zones de cisaillement s'organisant en deux familles: l'une à foliations sub-verticales et linéations sub-horizontales indiquant un mouvement décrochant, l'autre à structures sub-horizontales. Des wehrlites et gabbros peu repandus sont recoupés par des mini-complexes filoniens, orientés perpendiculairement aux cisaillements transverses. Ces structures suggèrent que l'accrétion de Spongtang eut lieu près de l'intersection d'une ride avec une zone transformante. Les facies et leur pétrologie présentent des caractères d'une ophiolite accrétée au droit d'une dorsale lente. Les critères structuraux et pétrologiques, ainsi que son âge crétacé inférieur, permettent de la comparer aux ophiolites Tibétaines, suggérant leur accrétion dans un domaine commun. L'obduction de la Klippe de Spongtang est tardive, contemporaine de la collision et résulte du glissement gravitaire d'un petit domaine océanique prédestiné par son relief, dans un bassin de mélanges dévelopé au pied de la marge passive de la platefrome nord-indienne. Ce scenario est complètement différent de celui proposé pour l'ophiolite omanaise. La zone de fracture d'Owen Chaman limite ici des domaines à evolutions différentes. Les structures des ophiolites tauriques suggèrent également une genèse dans un bassin océanique haché de zones transformantes, d'âge comparable à celles du Ladakh. Des cumulats bien développés, au moins localement, indiquent par contre un taux d'accrétion plus élevé. La tectonique intra-océanique est enregistrée par les cisaillements sub-horizontaux dans les amphibolites de semelle d'une part, et dans des brèches supraophiolitiques d'autre part.
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