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CAS: Ally or Not? The Views of Young Adult Canadians with Indian Subcontinent HeritageJhajj, Paman January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this study was to assess how child welfare services are conceptualized and viewed by Canadian young adults with heritage from the Indian Subcontinent. Five second-generation young adults with heritage from the Indian Sub-continent were interviewed about their thoughts, attitudes, and opinions toward the Children’s Aid Societies when they were youths, and also currently. Findings showed that lack of awareness around the function of CAS, observations of negative CAS-community interactions, and overt/subvert whiteness in the system all contributed to participants not trusting CASs during their childhood and teenage years. Participants felt that the CAS systems are designed for the white population and not for children and youth of South Asian descent. Reflecting back on when they were youths, instead of viewing CASs as a source of support or help in times of family trouble, participants indicated that they and their parents would seek support from trusted friends, family, or community members. Now young adults themselves, and envisioning having their own families in the future, participants said that if needed they would access the same friend, family and community supports rather than approaching a CAS. That being said, participants expressed that they would be open to accessing CAS services but that this would be a last resort given their perception that the CAS is not designed for them or their community. Participants expressed a desire to be able to access CAS services, but not until CAS deal with their own whiteness. In addition to being less Eurocentric, participants also recommended a number of changes CAS make so that they better serve communities with Indian Sub Continent heritage, these include increased community engagement, information campaigns, increased presence of workers/foster families from South Asian communities). / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)
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設計與實作工作流程引擎之剖面導向擴充機制 / Enhancing Workflow Engines with Aspectual Processes鍾政憲, Chung,Cheng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
根據應用系統的功能特性可將其劃分為功能性需求(Functional Requirements)及非功能性需求(Non-functional Requirements)。功能性需求定義了系統的核心功能,而非功能性需求為系統層面的需求,且為核心模組所共用,例如logging、 authorization。雖然物件導向程式設計是目前最常被用來管理核心功能的方法論,但其對於橫跨(crosscutting)的非功能性需求則缺乏適當的模組化機制。剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)是一種新興的程式語言方法論,能夠利用新的模組化單位—aspect—有效處理橫跨性需求的模組化問題,因此本研究將剖面導向程式設計的觀念與技術運用在工作流程(Workflow)的領域中,並且以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Management)為基礎,設計jPDL(jBPM Process Definition Language)的剖面導向擴充語言AO4JPDL(Aspect-Oriented for jPDL),並擴充jBPM工作流程引擎(jBPM Workflow Engine),使流程設計人員能利用AO4JPDL解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題。 / Software-system is composed of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements define core functions of software-system. Non-functional requirements are crosscutting concerns such as logging, authorization and other elements common to many of the core modules. While object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most common methodology employed today to manage core functions, it is not enough to manage crosscutting concerns. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a relative new methodology that specifically targeted the management of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization—an aspect—that realizes the concept of Separation of Concerns. Our research is to apply Aspect-Oriented Programming in the field of workflow. We implement Aspect-Oriented for jBPM Process Definition Language (AO4JPDL) and extend jBPM workflow Engine to support Aspect-Oriented Programming. AO4JPDL is a aspect-oriented extension to the jBPM Process Definition Language(jPDL). With AO4JPDL process designer can implement crosscutting concerns in aspects instead of fusing them in the core modules, resulting in a system that is easier to design, implement, and maintain.
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Processos oxidativos com hidroperóxidos, persulfatos ou perácidos, catalisados por espécies de cobre e de ferro com potencial aplicação em química ambiental / Oxidation processes with hydroperoxides, persulphates or peracids catalyzed by copper and iron species with potential application in environmental chemistryAlmeida Filho, Saulo Afonso de 19 June 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram sintetizados complexos de cobre e ferro, com ligantes imínicos, obtidos a partir de 2-acetilpiridina e 2-(2-aminoetilpiridina) (apyepy), ou 2-acetilpiridina e 2-(aminometil)benzimidazol (apyambi), e com ligantes comerciais (ácido nitrilotriacético ou picolínico), capazes de catalisar a oxidação de poluentes, como benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos (BTEX). Foi utilizado o tolueno como composto-modelo destes poluentes, que foi degradado com o uso de peróxido de hidrogênio, persulfato de sódio, ácido peracético ou peróxidos de metais alcalinos como agentes oxidantes. Os ligantes imínicos foram obtidos a partir de precursores carbonílicos e amínicos adequados, através de reações de condensação, e os correspondentes complexos metálicos de cobre(II), ferro(II) ou ferro(III) foram isolados utilizando métodos usuais de nosso laboratório. A caracterização dos compostos foi feita através de diversas técnicas analíticas e espectroscópicas: UV/Vis, infravermelho (IV) e de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR). Posteriormente, foi feita a inserção desses complexos de ferro e de cobre sintetizados em matrizes inorgânicas de niobatos e a verificação de sua reatividade em comparação com as mesmas espécies em solução. Monitorou-se a degradação do tolueno pelo peróxido de hidrogênio por cromatografia gasosa e os resultados obtidos indicaram boa atividade catalítica dos complexos, tanto em solução como inseridos em matrizes de niobato. Em solução, os complexos imínicos foram mais ativos que os de ligantes comerciais. Os compostos de ferro com ambos os ligantes imínicos mostraram-se melhores catalisadores que os correspondentes de cobre e um dos ligantes testados foi o mais eficiente (apyepy) com ambos os metais. A inserção em niobatos, aparentemente, preserva o catalisador e mantém sua atividade por mais tempo, mostrando que a inserção em niobatos beneficia o processo / In this work, iron and copper complexes were synthesized, with imine ligands obtained from 2-acetylpyridine and 2-(2-aminethylpiridine) (apyepy), or 2- acetylpyridine and 2- (aminomethyl)benzimidazole (apyambi) and commercial ligands (nitriletriacetic and picolinic acids) that are able to catalyze the oxidation of pollutant compounds as benzene, , ethylbenzene and xilenes (BTEX). Toluene was used as model compound of those pollutants, and its degradation was verified by using hydrogen peroxide, alkaline peroxide, sodium persulfate, or peracetic acid as oxidant agent. The imine ligands were obtained from adequate carbonyl and amine precursors, in condensation reactions, and the corresponding copper(II), iron(II) and iron(III) complexes were isolated by usual methods developed in our laboratory. Their characterization was carried out by analytical and spectroscopic techniques (UV/Vis, IR and EPR). Those complexes were then inserted in inorganic matrices (niobates) e its reactivity were compared to that of the analogous species in solution. Toluene degradation by hydrogen peroxide was monitored by gas chromatography, and the results showed good catalytic activity of all the complexes, both in solution and inserted into niobate matrices. In solution, the imine complexes were more efficient than the species with commercial ligands. The iron compounds with both imine ligands acted as better catalysts than the corresponding copper species, and for both metals those with the ligand apyepy were the most efficient in both cases. The insertion in niobates apparently preserves the catalyst and maintains its activity for longer, attesting that the insertion ameliorated the process.
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Processo anaeróbio conjugado com processos oxidativos avançados (POA) no tratamento dos efluentes do processo industrial de branqueamento da polpa celulósica / Anaerobic process conjugated with advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for the treatment of the bleaching effluents from a kraft pulp millMomenti, Thiago José 15 December 2006 (has links)
Alguns dos chamados processos oxidativos avançados (POA) foram aplicados após um processo biológico anaeróbio no tratamento de efluentes do processo industrial de branqueamento da polpa celulósica, visando a aumentar a biodegradabilidade desses efluentes e remover compostos tóxicos, de modo a permitir que um posterior tratamento biológico possa ser mais eficiente e atender às regulamentações ambientais. Para que esse objetivo fosse alcançado, as seguintes etapas de tratamento foram realizadas: processo biológico realizado em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF), visando à redução inicial da carga orgânica do efluente, seguido de aplicação de um dos POA: 'O IND.3', 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'O IND.3'/UV, UV, 'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV e 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV, visando a aumentar a biodegradabilidade dos compostos recalcitrantes encontrados no efluente do primeiro tratamento biológico e diminuir a toxicidade. No tratamento biológico, a biomassa anaeróbia se adaptou facilmente à água residuária. Dessa forma, o reator atingiu a estabilidade e apresentou eficiências de remoção de DQO e AOX adequadas para esta etapa da pesquisa (média de 50%), satisfazendo o objetivo de promover uma redução inicial da matéria orgânica de fácil degradação presente nessa água residuária. Com relação aos POA, foi concluído que todos os processos testados provocaram modificações na biodegradabilidade do efluente do RAHLF. O processo 'O IND.3'/UV, realizado em meio neutro, foi considerado o mais eficiente, provocando um aumento de biodegradabilidade de 160%, após 45 minutos de oxidação com uma concentração de ozônio de 1155 mg/L. Através da análise de AOX, observaram-se também degradações médias dos compostos organoclorados maiores que 95% para todos os processos testados. Os resultados gerais mostram a importância e a vantagem de se utilizar um POA como complemento de um tratamento biológico para efluentes de baixa biodegradabilidade, provocada pela presença de compostos recalcitrantes e tóxicos. / Some advanced oxidation processes (AOP) were applied after an anaerobic process for the treatment of bleaching effluents from a kraft pulp mill, aiming the increase of the effluent biodegradability and the removal of toxic compounds, in a way that a further biological treatment could be more efficient to attain the environmental regulations. A horizontal anaerobic imobilizaded sludge reactor (HAIS) was used as the anaerobic treatment in order to reduce the effluent initial organic load. The AOP used were 'O IND.3', 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'O IND.3'/UV, UV, 'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV and 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV. These AOP were not applied only to promote a further degradation of the remaining COD from the HAIS reactor, but in order to increase the effluent biodegradability and eliminate AOX or other toxic compounds from this effluent. In this way, the AOP would provide an effluent with characteristics to be easily treated by a further and final biological process. In the biological process, the anaerobic biomass was fast adapted to the wastewater. The HAIS reactor reached the stability and had efficiency in COD and AOX removals of approximately 50%, satisfying the aim of promoting an initial reduction in the easy-to-degrade organic matter presented in the bleaching effluents. All the tested AOP promoted modifications in de HAIS effluent biodegradability. The 'O IND.3'/UV at pH 8 was the more efficient process, achieving an increase of 160% on the biodegradability of the HAIS effluent after 45 minutes of oxidation and an ozone concentration of 1155 mg/L. By the AOX analyses, it was observed average degradations of the organochlorine compounds higher than 95% for all the AOP tested. The general results show the importance and the advantage of using an AOP as a complement of a biological treatment process for the degradation of effluents with low biodegradability, due to the presence of recalcitrant and toxic compounds.
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Redução de carga orgânica recalcitrante de efluente de indústria gráfica por reação de fenton / Reduction of recalcitrant organic matter in wastewater of graphic industry by fenton reactionFrederico José de Vaz e Paiva 18 December 2009 (has links)
A Casa da Moeda do Brasil (CMB) é uma empresa nacional, com mais de 300 anos de experiência na produção de valores e impressos de segurança. A produção de cédulas, realizada pelo Departamento de Cédulas (DECED), consiste de três etapas de impressão, off-set, calografia e tipografia, seguida de acabamento e embalagem semi-automatizado. A impressão calcográfica consome solução de limpeza, composta de soda cáustica e óleo sulfonado, para limpeza do cilindro de impressão, gerando um efluente líquido saturado de tinta. Este efluente apresenta baixa biodegradabilidade, apresentando uma relação DBO / DQO de aproximadamente 1:4. Em termos de tratabilidade, as estações de tratamento de efluentes (ETE) apresentam uma configuração convencional, por via biológica, demonstram pouca eficiência na degradação da matéria orgânica deste efluente. Com compostos recalcitrantes, torna-se necessária a inclusão de uma etapa terciária que permita sua degradação por via química, permitindo o descarte do efluente com características menos danosas ao ambiente. Neste trabalho, aplicou-se a reação de Fenton no efluente do DECED por sua capacidade de converter a matéria orgânica em gás carbônico e água ou, caso seja utilizado em pré-tratamentos, torna-os biodegradáveis. Foram estudadas diferentes condições para medir a influência de diferentes parâmetros na eficiência da reação. A reação de Fenton consiste na geração de radicais hidroxil (HO), por diferentes rotas, em quantidades suficientes para a degradação de matéria orgânica. Esses radicais são gerados a partir de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) em reações com diferentes precursores como ozônio (O3), luz UV (ultravioleta), ultra-som e sais de ferro. No presente trabalho restringiu-se às reações com sais de ferro. Dentre os resultados obtidos, verificou-se o tempo mínimo para reação em 10 minutos. A relação entre íons ferro e peróxido de hidrogênio é menor do que a literatura normalmente sugere, 1:2, contra 1:3. Como a solução de sulfato ferroso é muito instável, passando os íons ferrosos a férricos, utilizou-se a adição direta do sal. Em escala industrial, a solução de sulfato ferroso deve ser preparada em poucas quantidades para que tenha baixo tempo de estocagem, a fim de não ser degradada. A temperatura, na faixa estudada (de 20C à 45C), é um parâmetro que tem pouca influência, pois a redução da eficiência da reação foi pequena (de 99,0% para 94,9%). O ferro utilizado na reação não se demonstrou uma nova fonte de transtornos para o ambiente. Nas condições utilizadas, a concentração de ferro residual esteve próxima ao limite permitido pela legislação no efluente tratado, necessitando apenas de alguns ajustes para a correção do problema / The Brazilians Mint (CMB) is a national enterprise, with more than 300 years of experience in the production of values and security printings. The production of banknotes, carried out by the Departamento de Cédulas (DECED), consists of three printing stages: off-set, intaglio and typography, followed by finishing and semiautomated packing. The intaglio impression consumes cleaning solution, composed by caustic soda and sulfonated castor oil, for cleaning of the printing cylinder, producing an ink saturated wastewater. This wastewater presents low biodegradability, showing a BOD / COD ratio of approximately 1:4. In terms of treatability, the effluent treatment stations (ETS) has presented a conventional configuration, for biological means, has showed a low efficiency in the organic matter degradation of this effluent. With recalcitrant compounds, its necessary the inclusion of a tertiary stage that allows its degradation by chemical means, allowing discarding it with less harmful characteristics to the environment. In this work, the Fenton reaction was applied in the DECED industrial wastewater due to its capacity of converting the organic matter into carbonic gas and water or, if it is used in pay-treatment, turn them into biodegradable (AGUIAR et al., 2007). Different conditions have been studied to measure the influence of different parameters in the reaction efficiency.
The Fenton reaction consists in the hidroxyl radicals (HO) generation, by different means, in sufficient quantities for the organic matter degradation. These radicals are produced from of peroxide hydrogen (H2O2) in reactions with different precursors like ozone (O3), UV light, ultrasound and iron salts (GOGATE and PANDIT, 2004). Here we restricted ourselves to the reactions with iron salts. Among the obtained results, it has been verified the minimun time for reaction in 10 minutes. The ratio between iron ions and hydrogen peroxide is lower than suggests the literature (1:2), against (1:3). Since the ferrous sulphate solution is very unstable, because the ferrous ions turn into ferric ions, straight addition of the salt was used. In industrial scale, the ferrous sulfate solution must be prepared in little quantities so that it has low time of stock, in order to not be degraded. The temperature, in the studied range, is a parameter that has little influence, since the efficiency reduction of the reaction was low. The iron used in the reaction did not demonstrate itself a new source of damages for the environment. In the used conditions, the iron concentration was near to maximum limit allowed by the legislation in the effluent treatment, just needing some adjustments to sort out the problem
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應用剖面技術支援病人隱私偏好的系統框架 / An aspect-based approach to supporting patients' privacy preferences李浩誠, Lee, Hao Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近來,隨著電子病歷的日漸普及,大眾對病人隱私的關注也隨之增加。在現行的醫療資訊系統 (Healthcare Information System, HIS) 中,透過適當的權限控管機制以保障電子病歷隱私是相當普遍的作法。然而,此機制並沒有考慮到病人對於隱私資訊用途的偏好不同。因此,擴充現行醫療資訊系統的權限控管機制,以處理病人隱私偏好的需求相當迫切。
針對此議題,我們認為剖面導向程式設計 (Aspect-Oriented Programming) 技術可以成為其解決方案的重要一環。本研究試著實作一個剖面導向的管理框架,在無需大幅度改寫系統的前提之下,能夠和現有的醫療資訊系統整合,達到讓病人自訂及管理隱私偏好。該框架和現行系統的關係是鬆散耦合 (loosely coupled) 的,因此,能夠輕易地用來擴充現行的系統,以便達到支援病人自定隱私偏好的目的。 / Electronic health records are getting more and more popular these days, however, concerns for patients' privacy also increase greatly. Currently, it's not unusual for Healthcare Information System (HIS) to adopt a proper access
control mechanism to protect patients' electronic health records. Nonetheless, this design did not consider the requirements of supporting patients’ preferences regarding the use of their privacy information. Hence, it is desirable to extend the original access control system to handle patients' privacy preferences.
For this issue, we argue that Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) can be an important part of the solutions. This thesis presents an aspect-based preference management framework that collects and manages patients' preferences. It can be integrated with the existing HIS to support patients' privacy preferences without rewriting from scratch. The proposed mechanisms are loosely coupled
with the underlying system. It is therefore easier to use it to improve existing systems to support patients’ privacy preferences.
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Catalytic Ozonation Of Dye Solutions In A Semi-batch ReactorPirgalioglu, Saltuk 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Treatment of textile wastewaters containing dye materials using the conventional methods based on biological treatment is not possible. In order to overcome this problem, ozonation based on the oxidation of organic pollutants with ozone gas dissolved in aqueous phase have been studied widely. Catalytic ozonation and advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are also used in order to increase the efficiency of sole ozonation
In this work, catalytic ozonation processes in the presence of Copper Sulfide (CuS) powder and a synthesized catalyst by the impregnation of iron on alumina (Fe/Al2O3) were studied separately in the treatment of dye solutions, namely Remazol Brilliant Blue-R (RBBR) and Reactive Black-5 (RB-5). Besides catalytic ozonation runs, ozonation parameters and ozonation mechanism were also studied and a model was developed for the semi-batch ozonation.
Both catalysts increased the oxidation of side products measured by the decrease in the amount of total organic carbon (TOC) in the treated dye solutions. Dye removal rates were also enhanced in the treatment of RB-5 dye solutions while no significant effect was observed on dye removal rates of RBBR solutions.
TOC removals above 90% were observed in the catalytic ozonation using CuS for both of the dye solutions at pH =10 having initial dye concentration of 100 mg/L. The most significant effect of the catalyst addition was observed at pH = 3 where the TOC removals of non-catalytic ozonation were the lowest. CuS addition increased percent TOC removal at the end of the reaction period of 80 min by 123% in the treatment of 100 mg/L RBBR solution, and by 65% in the treatment of 100 mg/L RB-5 solution at pH = 3. On the other hand, addition of Fe/Al2O3 catalyst increased TOC removal of 100 mg/L RB-5 solution by 52 % at pH = 3.
In addition, volumetric mass transfer coefficients (kLa) of ozone in the absence and in the presence of a chemical reaction between dye and ozone were estimated from modeling. A correlation for the enhancement factor of ozone absorbed into dye solutions in terms of initial dye concentration was obtained and reported.
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A VPA-based Aspect LanguageNguyen, Dong Ha 21 October 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of an advanced history-based aspect language and approaches to certain related issues ranging from applications to analysis methods. The aspect language, namely VPA-based Aspect Language, is defined upon visibly pushdown au- tomata (VPAs) [21]. This language is essentially an extension from an existing framework [47] of regular aspect languages. It features VPA-based pointcuts and provides, in particu- lar, constructors for the declarative definition of pointcuts based on regular and non-regular structures. We have also extended and developed the technique for detecting automatically potential interactions among VPA-based aspects. Despite several advantages of the class of visibly pushdown automata, there has been no practical support for them available. Therefore, we have realized a library called VPAlib that provides the implementation of essential data structures and operations for the VPA. This library is essential to enable the construction and analysis of VPA-based aspects. For instance, we have successfully performed certain analysis for detecting interactions among aspects using this library. In order to motivate the use of VPA-based aspects, we have studied two basic kinds of distributed applications, one representing typical systems with nested login sessions, and the other representing a grid computing system over peer-to-peer network. We have shown how VPA-based aspects can be useful for the realization of certain functionalities of these typical distributed applications. Thanks to their highly expressive pointcuts, another important application of VPA-based aspects is to define evolution on component-based systems, especially those with explicit component protocols. The use of aspects over component protocols, however, may break the coherence between the components of the system. We have further developed proof methods to establish the preservation of fundamental correctness properties, such as compatibility and substitutability relations between software components after the application of VPA-based aspects. Finally, we have considered the use of model checking techniques to verify systems that are modified by aspects. The goal of the verification is to check whether an aspect violates the global properties of a base system or the properties of other aspects. We have chosen the approach in which we create an abstract model from the VPA model and then run a model checker that is capable of checking the abstract model against the properties. We formally define the abstraction process and demonstrate our model checking approach via examples.
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Umple C++ Code GeneratorSultan, Almaghthawi 17 September 2013 (has links)
We discuss the design and analysis of a code generator for C++, implemented in the Umple model-oriented programming technology. Umple adds UML constructs and patterns to various base programming languages such as Java and PhP. Umple code generators create code for those constructs, which can include UML associations and state machines, as well as patterns such as immutable and singleton. Base language methods are passed through unchanged along with the generated code. Creating a C++ code generator for Umple posed many challenges, all of which are discussed in this thesis: We had to focus on the appropriate C++ idioms and stylistic conventions to follow. We followed a test-driven development process to ensure that the resulting code was correct. To evaluate the work, we compared our C++ generator with those in other tools such as ArgoUML and IBM Rational Software Architect. We conclude that our C++ generator is superior in many ways to these widely used tools because it is more complete and generates better quality code.
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Oxidation Of Acid Red 151 Solutions By Peroxone (o3/h2o2) ProcessAcar, Ebru 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Wastewaters from textile industry contain organic dyes, which cannot be easily treated by biological methods. Therefore, pretreatment by an advanced oxidation process (AOP) is needed in order to produce more readily biodegradable compounds and to remove color and chemical
oxygen demand (COD) simultaneously. In this research, ozone (O3) is combined with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for the advanced oxidation of an azo dye solution, namely aqueous solution of Acid Red 151, which is called as &ldquo / Peroxone process&rdquo / . The aim of the study is to enhance the ozonation efficiency in treating the waste dye solution. The effects of pH, initial dye and initial ozone concentrations and the
concentration ratio of initial H2O2 to initial O3 on color and COD removals were investigated. Also, the kinetics of O3-dye reaction in the presence of H2O2 was approximately determined. As a result of the experimental study, it was seen that an increase in the initial dye concentration at a constant pH and initial ozone concentration did not change the COD % removal significantly, from a statistical analysis of the data. The results obtained at pH values of 2.5 and 7 gave higher
oxidation efficiencies in terms of color and COD removals compared to those at pH of 10. The best initial molar ratio of H2O2 to O3 was found to be 0.5, which yielded highest treatment efficiency for each pH value studied. The results of the excess dye experiments suggest that the ozonation of Acid Red 151 follows an average first order reaction with
respect to ozone at pH=2.5 and pH=7 whereas it is around 0.56 at pH=10. By Initial Rate Method, the orders with respect to individual reactants of O3 and dye were determined as one, the total order of the reaction being two
for all the studied pH. As a conclusion, a further study of the peroxone process at a pH of 10 can be recommended to determine the reaction kinetics and mechanism at this pH, where radicals play an important role.
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