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Etude des processus écophysiologiques caractérisant la distribution du carbone entre les sources et les puits au sein de la charpentière du pommier. Eléments pour un modèle fonction-structure / Ecophysiological Processes characterizing the Carbon Partitioning between Sources and Sinks in the Fruit-bearing Branch of Apple : Elements for a Functional-Structural Plant ModelBairam, Emna 27 March 2017 (has links)
La synthèse et le transport du carbone chez le pommier repose sur un ensemble de mécanismes complexes et imbriqués dépendants de facteurs endogènes et exogènes. Uneapproche combinant une caractérisation écophysiologique et l’utilisation d’un modèle structure-fonction de la plante (Functional-Structural Plant Model, FSPM) présente un moyenintéressant pour ce champ de recherche dans la mesure où un modèle structure-fonction permet d’intégrer la topologie et la géométrie de la plante et de ses différents organes à l’ensemble des facteurs impliqués dans l’assimilation et le transport du carbone et de l’eau. Le travail présenté ici a contribué à la compréhension des relations sources-puits mais égalementà l’élaboration d’un modèle FSPM à plusieurs niveaux. Premièrement, le développement de modèles de prédiction de l’architecture des différentes pousses du pommier à partir de variables simples apporte un moyen novateur pour simplifier la simulation de l’architecturedes branches mais égalementpour quantifi er de façon robuste la surface foliaire. Deuxièmement,l’établissement d’un réseau de corrélations entrevariables morphométriques des différents organes issus dubourgeon mixte met en évidence les organes les plus connectésà l’échelle du spur. Enfi n, une étude des relations sourcespuitsà l’échelle de la branche a permis, d’une part, une caractérisationde la régulation de la photosynthèse nette desfeuilles en réponse à des changements dans le ratio sources/puits mais aussi en fonction des types de feuilles et, d’autrepart, à mettre la lumière sur l’infl / The synthesis and the transport of carbon in apple are basedon a whole host of complex and interlaced mechanisms thatdepend on endogenous and exogenous factors. An approachthat combines the ecophysiological characterisation with theuse of a Functional-Structural Plant Model (FSPM) representsan interesting method in this fi eld of research, inasmuch assuch an FSPM allows integrating the topology and the geometryof the plant and its constituting organs with the entiretyof factors involved in assimilation as well as water andcarbon transport. The present study has contributed to thebetter understanding of the source-sink relations characterizingthis system but also to the elaboration of a multi-scaledFSPM. First, the development of models for the prediction ofthe architecture of different shoot types in apple from simplevariables provides a novel way to simplify the simulationof theinitial structure of branches but also to quantify leaf area in arobust manner. Second, the creation of a network of correlationsamong morphometric variables of the different organsformed by the mixed bud of apple clearly shows the functionalrelations among the spur organs. In the end, the study ofsource-sink relations at the branch scale has allowed, on theone hand, to characterize the regulation of net photosynthesisas a function of a changed source/sink ratio but also asa function of leaf type and, on the other hand, to shed somelight on the infl uence that the competition among fruits hason increasing sink strength and thus regulating the leaf
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Étude expérimentale et modélisation du procédé de séchage des végétaux / Experimental Study and Modeling of Vegetable and Fruit DryingNguyen, Thu Ha 12 June 2015 (has links)
Dans le séchage des fruits et légumes, beaucoup de questions non résolues subsistent. Le «Swell-drying» est un procédé de séchage couplant une étape de déshydratation par air chaud à la texturation par Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (DIC). Dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche, la carotte et la pomme sont utilisées comme aliment modèle pour le traitement de la plupart des végétaux. La littérature scientifique sur le séchage des agromatériaux est unanime sur l’effet positif de la température de l'air, l’effet négatif de l'humidité relative de l'air et de l'épaisseur vis-à-vis du temps de séchage. Cependant, malgré un nombre important d’études, des conclusions contradictoires sont notées en termes de corrélations entre la cinétique de séchage et la vitesse de l'air qui, selon certains auteurs, n’entraîne aucune modification du séchage; alors que certains travaux ont tenté d'établir des modèles empiriques entre la diffusivité effective et la vitesse de l'air ; ce qui est fondamentalement erroné. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser les phénomènes de transfert pendant le processus du séchage et d'identifier le phénomène limitant entre les transferts internes et externes. Ce travail aboutir à l’identification de la vitesse critique de l'air CAV capable de rendre la diffusion interne de l’eau comme phénomène limitant. La CAV doit donc dépendre de la diffusivité effective et de la taille du produit. À partir de résultats expérimentaux qui couvrent de larges plages de température d’air, de teneur en eau, et de taux d'expansion absolu, un modèle empirique a été établi. / Great research works support the sector of drying of fruits and vegetables in a number of ways. Each year, experimental results and mathematical modelling try through conventional and innovative technological processes to protect agricultural products from seasonality and variability in the market prices. Nonetheless, there still exist considerable issues to improve and control this strategic agricultural sector. Swell-drying is very relevant drying process coupling hot air dehydration with Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC). In the present work, carrot and apple were used as a fruit and vegetable model. Scientific literature on drying is unanimous that the drying time decreases with increasing air temperature, decreasing air relative humidity, and reducing thickness. However, the effect of airflow velocity leads to contradictory conclusions. Some authors have claimed that it does not trigger any modification of drying; while some articles tried to establish empirical models of the effective diffusivity versus airflow velocity; what is fundamentally erroneous. This thesis aims at analyzing external and internal transfer phenomena during drying. So, it was possible to recognize the Critical Airflow Velocity CAV depending on the effective diffusivity and the product size, to have the internal water transfer as the limiting phenomenon. From experimental results, an empirical model was established between the effective moisture diffusivity and airflow temperature, water content, and absolute expansion ratio.
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A study of the iOS : An exploratory article on how large of a role the iOS has played in the success of the iPhoneSandström, Kristian January 2011 (has links)
The iPhone has become a top selling smartphone since its launch in 2007 and has along with its iOS (Apple's mobile operating system) overtaken many popular and established mobile phone brands in the ratings. Some competitors have not been able to provide a competing smartphone while others have grouped together to withstand the Apple onslaught. There are probably quite a few reasons why the iPhone has become such a success, and one could likely write a report solely about those reasons. I will focus on one of them in this study, maybe one of the most important reasons: the iPhone came with a revolutionizing user interface. I have studied iOS applications and their user interface components along with related research in order to try and find out what exactly makes it so attractive and also to uncover any flaws I might stumble across along the way. In order to answer this, and to gain a better insight into the iOS, I have developed an iPhone application from scratch covering all of the basic functionality usually found in any other iPhone application. The results will show that most of it seems to relate with Apple enforcing very strict rules and guidelines, along with limitations placed on the developer and the process as a whole. This strict process ends with Apple evaluators performing a review of the finished product, using their guidelines as heuristics. These guidelines will be proven to have scientific credibility, and the controlled development process will be a key to defining the iOS success.
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Foaming in Apple WineMårtensson, Ellinor January 2010 (has links)
At Kiviks Musteri AB, situated in the southeast part of Scania, a wide variety of products based on fruits and berries, are produced. One of these products is base apple wine, which is used for the production of cider and mulled wine and also is sold to other producers of cider. A foaming problem has occurred at some customers when the cider is bottled, and this problem has been traced to the base wine. The aim of this paper is to investigate what causes the foaming and how the foaming is affected by the clarifying agents used during the production of the wine. An investigation whether silica based antifoaming agents might be a solution of the problem will be performed. During the work fermentations, clarification and foaming tests will be performed in laboratory scale in Kivik. Tests with four different silica based antifoaming compounds are carried out and on these samples the surface tension and viscosity are measured to see how these factors correlate with the foaming when antifoaming agents are added to the wine. What is more, fermentations with a new yeast type and fermentations with less fruit are made to investigate if this could give better foaming properties in the wine. The tests showed that it is probably proteins that are the main cause of the foaming, but an increase of the amount of bentonite, the clarifying agent reducing protein content in the wine, is not possible since this causes too much sediment. Antifoaming agents gave reduced foaming times, which were at an acceptable level, but when the wine was mixed to cider base and filtered the effect was lost. No significant differences were observed between the four antifoaming compounds. The test with the new yeast type gave no positive results when it came to foaming. The test with less fruit showed a decrease in foaming but not sufficient enough.
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Annonser och nyhetskonsumtion : En kvantitativ studie om hur unga vuxna irriteras av annonser på nyhetssidor på PC och iPadLimbäck, Oscar January 2011 (has links)
In this paper we have studied how young adults read news on the internet. The purpose was to seehow the consumers of news were irritated by the adverts on news sites depending on whichplatform they used, a computer or an portable reading device of the brand Apple iPad. Observationsand surveys were conducted on ten people. The news sites we used for this study were www.SvD.seand www.expressen.se. The result show that a majority experienced that their news consumptionwere irritated by advertising, mostly on Expressen's news site because it wasn't perceived asforeseeable.. The result also shows that the portable reading device was the platform that most testpersons preferred for news consumption. With these results we came to the conclusion that thenewspaper editorials can increase their advertising on their websites that shows on the portablereading device iPad because the portable reading device will probably be used more and thecompanies will buy more advertising space on each of the websites that shows on the portablereading device iPad.
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Tavelures du pommier et de l'olivier : réalisation de modèles épidémiologiques par des méthodes exploitant des observations biologiques acquises au verger / Ascospore release dynamic of Venturia inaequalis (and other ascomycetes) : incidence of temperature (and other factors)Roubal, Christophe 09 October 2017 (has links)
La modélisation de la dynamique épidémiologique des ascomycètes parasites des arbres fruitiers présente deux aspects très importants : l’évaluation de la quantité d'inoculum et de son évolution, et l’identification des évènements climatiques donnant lieu à une contamination. Le travail présenté aborde ces deux aspects au travers de deux exemples : la tavelure du pommier, et la maladie de l’œil de paon de l’olivier, parasites majeurs pour les filières concernées.L’acquisition des connaissances sur la biologie des deux maladies a été abordée uniquement sur la base de données acquises sur le terrain, ce qui est original car généralement les modèles ont été réalisés sur la base de connaissances établies en conditions contrôlées.Dans le cas de Venturia inaequalis, agent de la tavelure du pommier, la vitesse de développement journalier de l’inoculum a été établie par optimisation numérique, sur la base d’observations réalisées en Provence. Un modèle de dynamique de projection des ascospores incluant la suspension de l’évolution de l’inoculum primaire lors des périodes sèches a été réalisé puis validé sur un jeu de données indépendantes. La transposabilité du modèle a été ensuite étudiée pour une autre région (Aquitaine). Dans le cas de Fusicladium oleagineum, agent de la maladie de l’oeil de paon, les conditions de contamination ont été établies en fonction de la température et de l’hygrométrie, d’une part par la réalisation d’un abaque sur la base de points sélectionnés par dires d’expert, et d’autre part de façon automatique à l’aide d’un système par apprentissage (réseau de neurones). Un modèle, liant la température moyenne après la contamination à l’apparition des symptômes a été ensuite réalisé. / Apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis, and peacoq leaf spot, cause by Fusicladiumoleagineum, are key diseases respectively for apple and olive growers. These disease usuallyrequire a large number of treatments. Adequate protection need a good evaluation ofquantitative disponibility of inoculum, and estimation of infection conditions.In this thesis, these two problems were studied using only field data. This is an originalaprroach to obtain knowledge about biology of fungi : most previous works were realised byregression of laboratory data obtained under controled conditions.In the case of Venturia inaequalis, primary inoculum consists of pseudothecia present in leaflitter. Treatments agains ascospore release period is the cornerstone of the strategy againstapple scab. However, the existing forecasting models are not reliable, and are all based ondegree-day time scale, proposed in 1982.Here, using a corpus of data acquired between 1996 and 2013, including observations ofascospore release and weather data, we assessed the daily rate of development of primaryinoculum by fitting generic new time scale functions. Further improvements were then studiedto take into account elements reported in litterature about the incidence of rain or wetness.Different methods were tested and adapted for the parameterisation of models by numericaloptimisation. Some forcasting models were proposed and adapted to the area where the studywas conducted, with parameters including rain and temperature. The validity was tested, andfurther developements of the forecasting tool was then proposed.In the case of Fusicladium oleagineum, a field-operational model predicting disease outbreakswas established as a function of temperature and relative humidity. First with the help ofpoints selected by experts, Secondly automaticaly using a neural network. A model defininglatent period as a function of average temperature after contamination was then realised.
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Interactions non-covalentes entre les polyphénols et les pectines : Etude sur un substrat modèle : la pomme / Non-covalent interactions between polyphenols and pectins : Study on a food model : the appleWatrelot, Aude 22 November 2013 (has links)
Les paramètres thermodynamiques et les cinétiques d’interactions entre des polyphénols (des procyanidines et des anthocyanes) et des fractions pectiques ont été déterminés par des méthodes physico-chimiques en solution et sur support solide. Les expériences ont été réalisées avec les anthocyanes majoritaires de cassis ou des procyanidines de type B (extraites de pomme) avec différents degrés de polymérisation et des fractions pectiques issues de pectines de pomme présentant divers degrés de méthylation et différentes chaines latérales d’oses neutres.Les interactions entre les anthocyanes et les pectines sont influencées par les substituants osidiques et le nombre de groupements hydoxyles du noyau B des anthocyanes ainsi que par la composition des fractions pectiques. Les constantes d’affinité entre les pectines et les procyanidines en solution sont les plus élevées quand le degré de polymérisation des procyanidines et le degré de méthylation des pectines sont les plus élevés. De plus, le niveau de ramification des pectines limite leur association avec les procyanidines. Ces interactions impliquent à la fois des liaisons hydrogènes et des interactions hydrophobes. Après les modifications chimiques et l’immobilisation des procyanidines sur une surface, les unités de résonance obtenues par résonance plasmonique de surface entre la (-)-épicatéchine ou le dimère DP2 et les pectines de pomme sont similaires à celles obtenues avec la protéine riche en proline IB5, mais plus faible qu’avec la sérum albumine bovine. / Thermodynamical parameters and kinetics of interactions between polyphenols (procyanidins and anthocyanins) and pectic fractions were defined by physico-chemical methods in solution and with a solid support. Experiments confronted major anthocyanins presents in blackcurrant or B-type procyanidins from apple with various degrees of polymerization to pectic fractions from apple pectins presenting different degree of methylation and different neutral sugar side chains.Interactions between anthocyanins and pectins are influenced by the glycosyl substituent and the number of hydroxyl groups in the B-ring of anthocyanins, and by the composition of pectins. The affinity constant of procyanidins – pectins interaction in solution are the highest when both the procyanidins degree of polymerization and the pectins degree of methylation are the highest. Moreover, the ramification state of pectins limits their association with procyanidins. Those interactions are due to hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions.After chemical modifications of procyanidins and immobilization on a solid support, the resonance units obtained by surface plasmon resonance between (-)-epicatechin or dimer B2 and apple pectins are similar to those obtained with the prolin-rich protein IB5 and lower than with bovine serum albumin.
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Revenue Recognition in Software Industry: Apple Inc. Case Study / Uznávání výnosů v softwarovým průmyslu: případová studie Apple Inc.Farkašová, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Rapid digitization of enterprise processes and software applications simplifying daily-life routines enhance the need for software arrangements. Based on this growing trend, the underlying thesis discusses revenue recognition for software arrangements under US GAAP, the lingua franca of financial reporting framework in software industry. The thesis examines the first industry-specific guidance - SOP 97-2, its successor ASC 605 and aims at capturing the main implications resulting from the new converged US GAAP/ IFRS revenue recognition standard ASC 606/ IFRS 15 on a case study. The five-step revenue recognition model introduced by ASC 606 is applied to the US-based technology and software seller Apple Inc. and its wide range of product portfolio including software.
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Návrh mobilní cestovatelské aplikace / The concept of mobile application for travellersKraus, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with concept of mobile application from a phase of a thought to the final concept of the application. The main goal of this thesis is a concept of mobile application for travellers, which will provide offline, but current information in their mobile phones during their travels. The first part contains introduction about mobile phones and platforms which they use, the next part deals with selected parts of UI and UX on Apple mobile phones and these findings are applied to the concept of mobile application. The whole concept is also influenced by findings from an online user survey and from analysis of applications of competitors. In this thesis is also described the evolution of the concept based on user testing. There are economic aspects of the aplication like monetizing the application and propagation described as well.
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Analýza bezkontaktného platenia. / Analysis of contactless paymentsŠvantnerová, Romana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive view on the issue of contactless payments in various forms, as well as capture the actual situation in the field of contactless payments. The first chapter is devoted to the emergence and development of payment cards as a forerunner of contactless cards. The second chapter characterizes contactless cards as a new payment product. Additionally it also includes a description of the technology, which is used for this kind of cards. Chapter also deals with the arrival of contactless cards to Czech Republic and Slovakia. The topic of third chapter is Near Field Communication, special technology, which is used for contactless payments and also for the other forms of contactless payments, such as mobile payments. The fourth chapter talks about mobile services that are actually used for mobile payments. These services are not available in our region yet, but we expect their further expansion into European countries in the future. Finally, the last chapter includes an analysis of data, where we used statistical data of contactless payments in Slovakia and Czech Republic. The aim was to outline the development of contactless payments in individual quarters in both countries separately and to compare the data of contactless cards and payments in these countries.
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