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Global Tendencies, Local Implications: The Role Of International Organizations In The West Bank And Gaza, 1993-2003Tezel, Aslihan 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the role of international organizations in the West Bank and Gaza. The role of international organizations is discussed within the larger framework of global governance. In light of the theories on global transformation, the renewed role for international organizations as the agents of global governance is introduced within the Palestinian context. With a focus on the complex relationship between domestic and international actors, the role of international organizations as the promoters of good governance is examined in terms of Palestinian state building process. Several international organizations are introduced in terms of their objectives, projects and activities in Palestine.
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Disputes Settlement For Contract Execution of Public ConstructionChen, Kuo-Shu 16 July 2003 (has links)
Disputes Settlement For Contract Execution of Public Construction
Disputes Settlement for Contract Execution of Public Construction is a contemporary course recently; it includes cost management, construction management, contract management, risk management and knowledge of negotiation etc. The characteristics of public construction are huge amount contract, long period of construction, higher technology level, complicate of contract, Contract of adhesion ¡]Standard Form Contract¡^attribution etc. So that, the risk and uncertainly of public construction are more than generally construction, and it have great impact on the exit contract execution since the foreign construction company bring in professional attorney and claims expert be in the Disputes Settlement for Contract Execution of Public Constructions.
It will bring forth disputes between project planning, design, tend, construction, inspection and acceptance, but it is more complicate and significant influence on the construction period. Therefore, the field of research is Disputes Settlement For Contract Execution of Public Construction, and the focus are risk management and strategic, Disputes prevent and action, and establish a best dispute settlement model of Contract Execution.
Firstly of the research describes the characteristics and subtext of negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, suit, the Complaint Review Board for Government Procurement (CRBGP) for mediation and DRB from the literature, and then we instantiate disputes case of Contract Execution according the article 85-1 of the Government Procurement Law, and analysis the risk and strategic, built up the dispute model of Contract Execution, and make approaches to disputes prevent and action of Contract Execution, for example, fair contract and fare risk share between the entity and the supplier, endue with the efficacy of negotiation, and established the system of DRB. Finally, the research generalizes in management subtext, useful management at Contract Execution, decrease the uncontrolled factor of risk, and avoid the dispute of Contract Execution effectually.
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International Commercial Arbitration, Awards Enforcement procedure in People Republic of ChinaVyacheslav, Tovyanskyy 28 July 2009 (has links)
Due to the globalization processes , international trade has increased dramatically, resulting in growing number of disputes between companies from different countries. Effective and convenient way both to prevent and solve the conflicts is international arbitration. But if failing party does not voluntarily accomplish the award, the other side must apply for a special international procedure - recognition and enforcement of the award. The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958 is the main international treaty to instruct the process of enforcement of arbitral awards and arbitral awards may be refused only under certain grounds laid down in the Convention.
This paper is mainly focused on the award enforcement procedure in one of the biggest commercial markets of the world - China. According to the previous research, enforcement procedure in China has improved recently, however it still can not meet international standards.
In this paper we examine the procedure of enforcement first, moving from the available form of arbitration and process of choosing arbitration rules to behavior of the state as a part in the process. Then we introduce the article V of United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958, as a most important document for practical implementation of enforcement.
In order to understand current situation in China, author thinks it is necessary to make a short review of historical development of arbitral award enforcement system and legal basis relevant to the main purpose of this research. Finally, we analyze the present legal situation in China within the mechanism of recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and show what kind of problems exist when it comes to practical realization of enforcement in China.
Our analysis shows that the main problems with practical enforcement in China include: local protectionism and different understanding of the definition and purpose of Public Policy. These problems are also illustrated by practical cases, which happened between Chinese and international companies. Our conclusion shows that mentioned problems are not connected with international mechanism of arbitral awards, but with the complications of its implementation in China. Some of the problems can be solved if involving party prepares thoroughly for the process, but some of them can be solved if central and local government of China stops maintaining its policy of local protectionism.
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Verkställande av säkerhetsåtgärder beslutade av skiljenämnd : Är den svenska lagen om skiljeförfarande i behov av förändring?Svensson, Jens January 2009 (has links)
<p>Det är idag vanligt att företag löser sina tvister genom skiljeförfarande. De har här större möjlighet att kontrollera förfarandet och få ett snabbare avgörande än i en domstolsprocess. Förfarandet är dessutom konfidentiellt. Skiljeförfaranden sker ofta mellan parter från olika länder och det är vanligt att parter väljer forum i Sverige i internationella skiljeförfaranden.</p><p>I vissa situationer kan en part befara att den framtida skiljedomen blir verkningslös på grund av att en motpart kommer att agera på ett sätt som tillfogar parten skada eller försvårar verkställigheten av domen. En part kan därför vara i behov av en säkerhetsåtgärd både före, under eller efter förfarandet. Enligt LSF, den svenska lagen om skiljeförfarande, kan en part antingen vända sig till skiljenämnd eller till domstol med en ansökan om en säkerhetsåtgärd. Dock är det enbart domstols beslut som kan verkställas exekutivt. Skiljemännens beslut om en säkerhetsåtgärd blir däremot en ”osanktionerad uppmaning” till en part att företa åtgärden.</p><p>Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda om LSF bör tillåta att skiljenämnds beslut om säkerhetsåtgärder ska kunna verkställas. I uppsatsen presenteras därför hur en part kan ansöka om en säkerhetsåtgärd enligt svensk rätt, om Sveriges position överensstämmer med den internationella synen och utvecklingen på skiljemannarättens område och om Sverige bör anta kapitel IV A i UNCITRAL:s modellag. Uppsatsen diskuterar också olika överväganden som bör göras i lagstiftningsarbetet och om LSF bör ändras.</p><p>För att besvara syftet har den svenska inställningen till säkerhetsåtgärder i skiljeförfaranden utretts. Olika alternativ att reglera förhållandet mellan domstol och skiljenämnd gällande beslutsrätt om verkställbara säkerhetsåtgärder diskuteras också. Eftersom internationella förhållanden påverkar även den svenska lagstiftningen presenteras och kommenteras relevanta bestämmelser i modellagen. Även lagstiftning från England, Hong Kong, Schweiz och Tyskland har använts för att belysa hur vissa utländska rättsordningar behandlar säkerhetsåtgärder i skiljeförfaranden.</p><p>Resultatet av utredningen visar att en part i ett skiljeförfarande i Sverige inte kan begära verkställbara säkerhetsåtgärder från en skiljenämnd. Den internationella synen och utvecklingen pekar dock i riktning mot att skiljenämnden bör ha denna möjlighet. LSF bör därför enligt denna författares åsikt ändras och tillåta verkställighet av skiljenämndens beslut om säkerhetsåtgärder. Alla modellagens bestämmelser gällande säkerhetsåtgärder bör dock inte införas i svensk lagstiftning. Att Sverige tar intryck av både modellagen och utländska rättsordningar har ansetts vara mest gynnsamt för LSF.</p>
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International Arbitral Awards : A Study of Enforcement in ChinaMejlerö, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The increase in international trade creates a growing number of disputes between parties from different countries. International arbitration is the most preferred mechanism to solve disputes in international trade. If the failing party does not voluntarily comply with the award, the successful party must apply for recognition and enforcement of the award in order to obtain the remedies. Since China is one of the major business markets in the world, several of the companies committed to arbitral procedures are likely to have assets in China. This means that, if a party fails to honour an award, an enforcement procedure may begin within a Chinese court. The enforcement procedures in China are said to be insufficient and not to comply with international standards. International conventions and treaties provide for a high level of security in the recognition and enforcement procedure of the arbitral award. The most used and important instrument for recognition and enforcement is the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958, to which China as well as Sweden are Contracting States. According to the Convention, an international arbitral award may only be refused under certain grounds laid down in the Convention. An analysis of the legal situation in China confirms that there are problems associated with the enforcement of arbitral awards. These problems are not, however, connected with the concept of international arbitral awards, but rather with the entire judicial system in China. Even though an enforcing party can do little to overcome these problems, certain measures can be taken in order to ease the enforcement procedure.</p>
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The Implications of the Arbitration Convention : A step back for the European Community or a step forward for elimination of transfer pricing related double taxation?Bernath, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
<p>It was assumed in the mid 1990s that 60% of all global trade took place within a group of enterprises. With increased globalisation leading to an increase in mergers and acquisitions this figure is most likely higher. Thus intra-company and intra-group transactions form a major part of business. These transactions, due to the association between the enterprises, may not always reflect the conditions that a market with independent actors would dictate. There are various reasons for this, which include not only tax considerations but also difficulties in establishing conditions that reflect those that inde-pendent companies would apply, in other words conditions in accordance with the arm’s length principle. In cases where these conditions are not in accordance with what the state considers as an arm’s length price, the profits of the enterprise located in that state may be adjusted for taxation purposes under transfer pricing provisions.</p><p>The complexity of transfer pricing rules and the various methods for establishing an arm’s length price result in different interpretations and increased uncertainty for multinational enterprises that often face different rules for determining a correct transfer price. Therefore, enterprises may often face transfer pricing adjustments of their profits due to the complexity and differences in transfer pricing legislation. Transfer pricing adjustments potentially lead to unresolved double taxation, in fact business reports have indicated that 42% of the transfer pricing adjustments lead to double taxation. Therefore it is imperative to have legal mechanisms that resolve potential double taxation.</p><p>The Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation in Connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated Enterprises (Arbitration Convention) was adopted to give the multinational enterprises, facing double taxation due to adjustments of their profits, a remedy that obliged the states to resolve the double taxation. This was the first, and is still the only, EC-wide mechanism that technically guarantees that transfer pricing double taxation is resolved and thus holds a great improvement over other existing mechanisms to resolve double taxation. The Arbitration Convention was originally a proposed EC Directive but was transformed into a intergovernmental convention. This has resulted in that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has no jurisdiction to interpret the Arbitration Convention or its application. Furthermore there is no supranational or international organ that could take action against states that interpret or apply the Conven-tion in an unintended manner. The chosen legal form has also resulted in different interpretations as to what status the Arbitration Convention has compared to bilateral tax conventions, and thus whether it precedes them. This could prove troublesome when future bilateral treaties are concluded or where there already exist tax treaties that have different solutions to transfer pricing related double taxation.</p><p>The risk of the Convention being interpreted differently is greatly increased by the various undefined terms and lack of precise provisions in the Convention. Therefore, the Convention has been subject to an inconsistent application and interpretation from the date it came into effect in 1995. The Convention was only given a five year life span, after which it was destined to be renewed if the contracting states so expressed, involving the same ratification process as at the initial acceptation of the Convention. However, as this was inefficient, a Prolongation Protocol was signed to amend the Convention with an automatic extension of its life. As it took till 2004 for this Protocol to be ratified and finally enter into force on 1 November 2004 it created one of the main interpretation and application differences in the life of the Convention.</p><p>The function of the Convention’s procedures and thus its efficiency in resolving double taxation is impeded by the numerous interpretation differences and lack of precise pro-visions in the Convention. The fact that there is no way to guarantee that the provisions of the Convention are precisely followed, partly since there are uncertainties regarding the precise interpretation but also partly since there is no organ that could enforce a uniform application of the Convention, further impedes the efficiency of the Convention, which is clearly seen in practice.</p><p>Another question of interpretation and application raised is that, although the Convention was originally intended as a means for resolving transfer pricing related double taxation, there have been arguments that the Convention could apply to double taxation due to provisions concerning thin capitalisation as well. These provisions bring about similar conditions as those the Convention requires for its applicability and, although a different area of law, the connections in the conditions are many and undeniable.</p>
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The security of international investments : a synthesis of impacts on public policies and domestic law of host states : a dissertation submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Laws /Costanza, Livia. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (LL.M.)--Victoria University of Wellington, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.
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International arbitral procedureBishop, Crawford Morrison, January 1930 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Columbia University, 1930. / Vita. Published also without thesis note. Bibliography: p. 255-256.
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Public conciliation in trade disputes in Hong Kong /Lai, Chan-hing, Bernadette. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1981. / Cover title.
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A history of the Chinese labour movement in Malaya to 1941李喬, Lee, Kiu, Rose. January 1974 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Geography and Geology / Master / Master of Arts
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