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A ordem pública na arbitrabilidade de disputas comerciais internacionais na perspectiva brasileiraGavronski, Lucas Gerhardt January 2014 (has links)
A Dissertação trata da influência da Ordem Pública na arbitrabilidade das disputas comerciais internacionais, na perspectiva brasileira. Na sua primeira parte, traçam-se as bases teóricas da noção de Ordem Pública e as suas repercussões no ordenamento brasileiro. Na segunda parte, examina-se a Convenção de Nova York de 1958 e, especialmente, o papel que a noção de Ordem Pública desempenha no seu regime. A partir daí, aborda-se a questão da arbitrabilidade e do dever dos árbitros de proferir uma sentenças exequível para se concluir que a observância da Ordem Pública é um requisito de arbitrabilidade, nos termos da Convenção de Nova York de 1958. / The thesis regards the influence of Public Policy in the arbitrability of international commercial disputes, in the Brazilian perspective. In its first part, it sets the theoretical basis of the Public Pulicy notion and its repercussion in the Brazilian legal system. In its second part, it examines the 1958 New York Convention and, especially, the role of Public Policy in the Convention’s regimen. From that point, it analyzes the issue of arbitrability and the arbitrators’ duty to render an enforceable award, to conclude that compliance with Public Policy is a requirement of arbitrability under the 1958 New York Convention.
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Desafios da harmonização do direito do comércio internacional / Challenges on the Harmonization of International Commercial LawAna Teresa de Abreu Coutinho Boscolo 31 May 2016 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo sobre desafios existentes para a harmonização do direito do comércio internacional, entendendo-se harmonização de forma ampla, como busca da harmonia dos instrumentos e regras do comércio internacional. Dessa forma, o estudo trata tanto de questões de unificação quanto de harmonização do direito do comércio internacional. A harmonização, em sentido específico, deve ser entendida como a utilização de um instrumento como modelo ou fonte de inspiração para a elaboração ou interpretação de outros instrumentos ou dos direitos nacionais. A unificação, por sua vez, é entendida como o resultado da aplicação de um instrumento único de modo que o aplicador que a realizou seja indiferente. Nesse sentido, os desafios estão nos fatores que impedem o preenchimento dos requisitos que levam à unificação e à harmonização, quais sejam: elaboração dos instrumentos, entrada em vigor dos tratados, incorporação dos modelos aos direitos nacionais, aplicação dos instrumentos pelos aplicadores (árbitros e juízes), o que inclui questões relativas a regras de conflito de leis, normas imperativas e ordem pública, relação entre os instrumentos quando da sua elaboração e quando da sua aplicação. / This essay concerns challenges on the harmonization of international commercial law. Harmonization shall be understood in a wide fashion, as the efforts to reach harmonic solutions on international commercial law. Harmonization, in a strict fashion, occurs when an instrument is used as a model or source of inspiration for the drafting or the application of another instrument or domestic laws. Unification, in turn, concerns the result accruing from the application of a sole instrument in order to reach results similar enough no matter who applied it. In this sense, challenges as considered for the purpose of this study are factors that somehow bar the fulfillment of the requirements leading to unification or harmonization: drafting of instruments, enforcement of treaties, incorporation of models to domestic law, application of instruments by judges or arbitrators, including issues related to conflict of laws, mandatory rules and public policy, the relation among coexisting instruments both on their drafting and on their application.
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Soluções de controvérsias nas convenções internacionais contra dupla tributação / Dispute settlement in international conventions against double taxation.Marina Meirelles Sobreira Krepel 05 February 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo trata do procedimento amigável e da arbitragem como métodos de solução de controvérsias envolvendo a dupla tributação no âmbito das convenções internacionais celebradas por diversos países. Com efeito, em virtude do desenvolvimento das tratativas comerciais, são recorrentes as discussões relativas à soberania dos países e ao limite de sua competência tributária, sendo que as convenções internacionais para evitar a dupla tributação surgiram como mecanismos para conciliação dos interesses dos Estados Contratantes e de seus contribuintes. Ocorre, contudo, que os acordos internacionais nem sempre são suficientes para dirimir todos os conflitos envolvendo a dupla tributação, exigindo-se a adoção de outros mecanismos, i.e. procedimento amigável e arbitragem, conforme previstos no artigo 25, da Convenção Modelo da Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico. O procedimento amigável permite a negociação entre dois ou mais países visando solucionar eventual conflito surgido no âmbito da aplicação da convenção internacional, bem assim a integração de seu conteúdo e a resolução de problemas interpretativos que podem desvirtuar seu fim. A arbitragem, por sua vez, possibilita a composição pacífica dos Estados Contratantes mediante a submissão da controvérsia à apreciação de um tribunal arbitral composto por sujeitos altamente capacitados e com expertise sobre a matéria. A despeito das inúmeras vantagens apresentadas por esses mecanismos, o Brasil não adota o procedimento amigável e ainda não incluiu a arbitragem em suas convenções internacionais, de modo que é imperativo o estudo de referido tema para o incremento e a harmonização das relações internacionais mantidas pelo país e seus contribuintes. / The present study deals with the mutual agreement procedure and arbitration as methods of resolving disputes involving double taxation in tax treaties signed by several countries. Indeed, due to the development of commercial trades are currently the discussions on the sovereignty of states and the limit of its tax competence, so the tax treaties for the avoidance of double taxation have emerged as mechanisms for reconciling the interests of the Contracting States and its taxpayers. However, these tax treaties are not always sufficient to resolve all conflicts of double taxation by requiring the adoption of other mechanisms, such as mutual agreement procedure and arbitration as provided for in Article 25 of the Model Convention of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Economic Development. The mutual agreement procedure allows the negotiation between two or more countries to resolve any conflicts arising in the scope of tax treaty, as well as the integration of content and the resolution of interpretive issues that can prejudice its finality. Arbitration, on the other side, enables the peaceful settlement of the Contracting States through the submission of the dispute before an arbitral tribunal composed of highly trained individuals and expertise on the matter. Despite the many advantages presented by these mechanisms, Brazil does not adopt the mutual agreement procedure and the arbitration is not yet included in their tax treaties, so it is imperative the study of theme for the improvement and harmonization of international relations retained by country and its taxpayers.
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Utilização da arbitragem como forma de solução de disputas por empresas construtoras. / The use of arbitration to solve disputes by construction firms.Ronaldo Benvenuti 07 May 2010 (has links)
As atividades da construção civil são intrinsecamente complexas, resultado de muitas variáveis e grande quantidade de informações envolvidas, o que dificulta o gerenciamento dos riscos e a previsão de conflitos, os quais podem vir a se tornar uma disputa. Os contratos, instrumentos de pacto e reguladores das ações dos agentes e celebrados para a realização dos empreendimentos, muitas vezes são mal redigidos e criam um campo fértil para disputas e demandas judiciais, as quais geram prejuízos aos agentes e às partes interessadas envolvidas. A justiça estatal é morosa em função do acúmulo de processos e de alto custo. Como alternativa, foi instituída pela lei federal 9307/96 a arbitragem, uma forma de solução de disputas de forma privada, criada com a intenção de ser rápida, de baixo custo e sigilosa. O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de analisar a freqüência e condições de utilização da arbitragem nos contratos de execução de empreendimentos de construção civil, a identificação das vantagens e desvantagens que uma empresa construtora terá ao utilizá-la de modo a sugerir ações com vistas a incrementar a sua utilização pelas empresas construtoras. Foram utilizados como métodos de pesquisa a revisão bibliográfica e entrevistas de campo com três órgãos institucionais arbitrais, três empresas construtoras e três escritórios de advocacia. / Construction activities are inherent complex, as a result of a great number of interests and large amount f information involved, what makes risk management and conflict prediction difficult tasks, eventually leading to legal disputes. Construction and engineering contracts often do not cover all risks involved, leading to claims and resulting in losses of time and money for construction firms, engineering companies, property developers, and other stakeholders. The judiciary system is very slow and expensive, and, as an alternative, private arbitration courts were created by federal law 9307/96. Private managed, these courts are expected to be faster, less expensive and confidential. The aim of this research is to analyze the frequency and conditions of the use of arbitration in contracts in civil construction projects, identifying advantages and disadvantages from the point of view of construction companies, aiming to suggest actions as to increase its use. The research method includes bibliographic review and a survey with three institutional private arbitration organizations, three construction firms and three law firms.
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A arbitragem na cadeia de sementes / The arbitration in the seed chainChiaradia Filho, Ronildo José 11 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:44:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-11 / Recognizing the access to justice as a problematic intensely
debated, it becomes imperative to address such a premise relating it with the
arbitration institute. In this paper, we discuss how is the access to justice by the
seed companies through an alternative means represented by such institute.
The relevance of this issue concerns to the functioning possibility of arbitration
for seed trade in Brazil, as well as we seek to deepen the knowledge of this
alternative form of access to justice. Based on the Law N° 9307/96, it was
discussed the breadth of the existing alternative, besides of presenting an
opportunity to provide to the seed chain, agile and effective mechanism for
dispute resolution, through the arbitration clause inserted in the contract or the
commitment arbitration / Reconhecendo-se o acesso à justiça como uma problemática
intensamente debatida, torna-se imperativo que se aborde tal premissa
relacionando-a, com o instituto da Arbitragem. No presente trabalho é abordada
a forma como ocorre o acesso à justiça pelas empresas através de um meio
alternativo representado por tal instituto. A relevância desta temática refere-se
à possibilidade de funcionamento da Arbitragem no comércio de sementes no
Brasil, bem como, busca-se, aprofundar o conhecimento desta forma
alternativa de acesso à justiça. Com base na Lei N° 9.307/96, foi discutida a
amplitude da alternativa existente, além de apresentar uma possibilidade de
proporcionar à cadeia de sementes, mecanismo eficaz e ágil de solução de
litígios, através da cláusula compromissória inserta no contrato, ou do
compromisso arbitral.
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Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Arbitration procedure in international business transactionsKarfilát, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the diploma thesis is to summarize the most important and basic attributes of arbitration in international business transactions. Further, the thesis assesses the biggest pros and cons of the arbitration. Emphasis is placed on opinions of economical entities as users of the arbitration to settle their mutual disputes. The first chapter aims on definition of three basic terms including the arbitration as the corner stone of the whole topic, then the meaning of international and definition of business relations. The two latter terms distinguish the respective category of arbitration from other categories such as arbitration in consumers or labour relations or arbitration conducted between states and individuals arising from investments. The second chapter enumerates the most important sources of law governing the arbitration. The thesis aims on both material and formal sources. Reasons for creation and historical development of arbitration are shortly outlined as material sources. The part concerning with the formal sources refers mainly to international sources with accent on New York Convention and UNCITRAL Model Law on International Arbitration. From the national sources the main focus is placed on Czech legislation. Procedural rules of permanent arbitration institutions and their...
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Řešení investičních sporů z pohledu rozhodovací praxe mezinárodních rozhodčích soudů / Resolution of investment disputes from the point of view of the practice of international arbitration courtsPlevka, David January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to analyse specific fields of investment law in particular in the scope of the case law of international arbitration courts. The presented thesis describes the judiciary practice of arbitral institutions and its role in the forming of investment law. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part serves as an introduction into the field of investment disputes stating the basic terminology. For the purpose of a better understanding of the issues on hand it is crucial to define the relevant key terms. The second part is a history introduction about the evolution in this field followed by the analysis of the current development in investment law. The third chapter describes the various ways investment disputes can be resolved. The fourth part of the thesis is its central one, it examines the current issues in the judiciary practice of the international arbitration courts. This part is further divided into four, relatively self-contained chapters. The first chapter describes the term expropriation, which is one of the key terms of investment law. The thesis defines what is meant by expropriation in the light of the decisions of international arbitral courts and states its modalities. The second chapter deals with the definition of investment applying the so-called "tests",...
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Současné trendy standardu spravedlivého a rovného zacházení v investiční arbitráži / Recent Trends in Fair and Equitable Treatment in Investment ArbitrationHrčka, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
(English) Often evoked by investors before arbitral tribunals and at the same time causing controversy and uncertainty with regard to its contents. Fair and equitable treatment standard of protection (FET) suffers from its vague formulation in bilateral investment treaties but simultaneously this characteristic enables it to fulfil the function of filling gaps left by other standards of protection. This results in a fact that uniform understanding of the standard seems impossible to achieve. Inherent dispute on whether FET amounts only to minimum standard of treatment under customary international law or is rather an autonomous standard is also embodied in various wordings of FET clauses present in the treaties. Unless specific link to minimum standard is made, almost all methods of legal interpretation prove that FET is an autonomous concept. Enumeration of sub-elements of FET in clauses will also not achieve certainty mainly because of disputes on contents of some of these sub-elements. Effort to shed more light on the contents of the standard is achieved by evaluation of values of rule of law as well as requirements of morality and legality (necessary for functioning of every legal system) presented by legal philosopher Lon Fuller. A set of universally accepted principles is extracted from these...
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Vnitrostátní rozhodčí řízení v České republice se zaměřením na institut zrušení rozhodčího nálezu soudem / Domestic Arbitration Proceedings in the Czech Republic with a Focus on the Court Setting Aside an Arbitral AwardMüllerová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is domestic arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic with a focus on the court setting aside an arbitral award. Following a short introduction to the history and presence of the arbitration proceedings in Bohemia in the Chapter 1, the thesis focuses mainly on court setting aside an arbitral award as regulated in Article 30 of Act. No. 216/1994 Coll., about arbitration proceedings and enforcement of arbitral awards, as amended, with respect to the order of the provision. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the reasons for setting aside an arbitral award on the basis of analysis of legal literature and judicial decisions. Because certain reasons for setting aside an arbitral award by the court reveal questions that are controversial, such controversial questions are introduced. The solutions and authoresses distinctive views to such questions are presented. After a brief introduction of court setting aside an arbitral award in the Chapter 2, attention is paid to the lack of arbitrability as a reason for setting aside an arbitral award. The distinction between objective and subjective arbitrability is made. The objective arbitrability, which shows the scope of subject matters that can be solved in arbitration proceedings, is discussed in a separate subchapter. The...
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Postavení třetích stran v mezinárodní obchodní arbitráži / The role of the Third parties in International Commercial ArbitrationŠedivý, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The role of the Third parties in International Commercial Arbitration This thesis precisely define the concept of third parties in the field of International Commercial Arbitration as well as the definition of the term itself. According to the author of this thesis, third parties are the key for the process of transformation of the contractual approach in an International Commercial Arbitration in the reaction on the economic reality. This work is based on analyses of laws, comments, literature, academic articles, arbitration awards and case law. This text was created using experiences from an international commerce and transforms actual theoretical contractual approach of the International Commercial Arbitration. Contribution of this thesis lies in completion of knowledges from decision making process and creation of a brand new theoretical concept of International Commercial Arbitration and capture the shift in view of consent to arbitrate. This theory further reflects actual state of the decision making process and the needs of an International Commerce. Using this approach entitles author's theory for the practical use as a model for decision making process of arbitrators and for judges of national courts with regard to recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards. Thesis is divided into...
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