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"Tempering the Gambler's Nirvanna" : A Review into to the issues and regulation of Third Party Funding in Investment Treaty ArbitrationSmith, Ryan January 2018 (has links)
Third party funding (TPF) is a method of financing legal proceedings, in which a party not directly connected to the proceedings funds one of the disputing parties, usually in return for a percentage of the final monetary settlement. The interests behind TPF are that the funded party will have the resources to pursue their claim, while the funder will be able to profit from a percentage of the final settlement. Traditionally, within common law-systems, TPF was excluded through application of the common law torts of “Champerty and Maintenance”.[1] However, in the second half of the 20th century, many common law systems[2] abolished the torts of “Champerty and Maintence”.[3]This effectively opened up TPF as a valid litigation option for many resource poor litigants and birthed a niche industry of litigation financiers[4]. There is debate on TPF in general, with some believing that it allows legal recourse to include those that do not have the means to reasonably finance and confront legal wrongs imposed on them.[5]Others state that there is a danger of letting the funder interests supersede the claimant’s, as exemplified by some retaliatory cases[6] proceeding the Chevron v Ecuador arbitration, in which the funders had veto power over such aspects as the choice of attorneys and priority in the disbursement of a monetary award.[7] However, issues with the general system of TPF is not the focus of this thesis. Instead, focus will be on the issues it brings to the system of investment arbitration. While its operation is largely the same as within national jurisdictions, it does have the potential for damage of distinct principles and procedure of investment arbitration. At first look, TPF seems to complement the system of arbitration as a whole. If one considers that, at its core, arbitration is a user determined dispute settlement system, then questions of funding should be determined by the parties themselves. This may suggest that due to its emphasis on “Party Autonomy”, TPF is more aligned with arbitration than it is with court-based litigation, where the principles of justice and fairness take a more preferential role. Nevertheless, “Party Autonomy” is not the sole principle of arbitration and does not mean that TPF is harmonious with either general arbitration or in particular investment arbitration. There is the general concern that a funder can actively change the process and end result of a dispute. This is seen through their influence over the funded party. As a funder will have a direct economic control over the funded party, they can dictate, as part of the funding agreement, outcomes such as early settlement, litigation strategies etc.[8] The choice of approach, and it is submission to a third party, however, is squarely within party autonomy and does not raise any fundamental concerns. What is concerning is affected parts of process that are out with party autonomy. One can see below that TPF can affect general trends and principles of arbitration, i.e. transparency and confidentiality , while also conflicting with core aspects of procedure such as jurisdiction and impartiality. This concern has given way to calls for regulation of TPF within the academic and global community. What was traditionally a “legal no mans land”[9] for investment arbitration, with little regard given to regulation, has now had extensive academic commentary and State reactions to regulating TPF. Yet, comprehensive regulation of TPF remains rare and piecemeal within the arbitral world. The majority of jurisdictions and arbitral institutions, while aware of the issues, have made no serious effort to remedy through regulation. That being said, there has been some work done in three distinct areas of regulation: (i) National laws (ii) Trade/Investment Treaties and (iii) Arbitral Rules. Each area’s success however can be described as mixed. Therefore, the topic of this thesis is to first explore the potential issues of TPF and investment arbitration and then to examine and analysis the response to these issues through regulation. [1] Steyn LJ, in Giles v Thompson [1993] 3 All ER 321 at 328, explained the doctrines thusly: “In modern idiom maintenance is the support of litigation by a stranger without just cause. Champerty is an aggravated form of maintenance. The distinguishing feature of champerty is the support of litigation by a stranger in return for a share of the proceeds.” [2] In Civil law systems, unless TPF was not expressly excluded, was mostly allowed. [3] For example see s.14(2), Criminal Law Act 1967 (England and Wales) or Maintenance, Champerty and Barratry Abolition Act 1993 (NSW, Australia) [4] There is now several prominent litigation financing companies such as: Burford Capital Ltd., Harbour Litigation Funding, IMF Bentham and Longford Capital. For a more in-depth review of the industry in general see Hancok, B, ‘Who Rules the World of Litigation Funding? ’March 30, 2017 , The American Lawyer. [5]Chen AD (2013), 'A Market For Justice: A First Empirical Look At Third Party Litigation Funding', at 1075 [6] Chevron Corp. v. Donziger, 800 F. Supp. 2d 484 (S.D.N.Y. 2011) [7] U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (2018), “Third Party Litigation Funding” [8] Shaw G (2017), ‘Third-party funding in investment arbitration: how non-disclosure can cause harm for the sake of profit’, at 12 [9] Van Boom WH (2011), ‘Third-Party Financing in International Investment Arbitration’, at 5
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Clash of the Titans : A study of the interaction between environmental regulations and foreign investment protection in the context of indirect expropriationRoa, Scarlett January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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A ordem pública na arbitrabilidade de disputas comerciais internacionais na perspectiva brasileiraGavronski, Lucas Gerhardt January 2014 (has links)
A Dissertação trata da influência da Ordem Pública na arbitrabilidade das disputas comerciais internacionais, na perspectiva brasileira. Na sua primeira parte, traçam-se as bases teóricas da noção de Ordem Pública e as suas repercussões no ordenamento brasileiro. Na segunda parte, examina-se a Convenção de Nova York de 1958 e, especialmente, o papel que a noção de Ordem Pública desempenha no seu regime. A partir daí, aborda-se a questão da arbitrabilidade e do dever dos árbitros de proferir uma sentenças exequível para se concluir que a observância da Ordem Pública é um requisito de arbitrabilidade, nos termos da Convenção de Nova York de 1958. / The thesis regards the influence of Public Policy in the arbitrability of international commercial disputes, in the Brazilian perspective. In its first part, it sets the theoretical basis of the Public Pulicy notion and its repercussion in the Brazilian legal system. In its second part, it examines the 1958 New York Convention and, especially, the role of Public Policy in the Convention’s regimen. From that point, it analyzes the issue of arbitrability and the arbitrators’ duty to render an enforceable award, to conclude that compliance with Public Policy is a requirement of arbitrability under the 1958 New York Convention.
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Segurança na sociedade da informação : uma visão desde a autonomia privadaSilva, Eduardo Silva da January 2006 (has links)
A presente tese propõe o reconhecimento dos novos papéis desempenhados pela autonomia privada na regulação de aspectos da sociedade da informação. Dada a dimensão da rede de computadores, o seu carater transnacional e a dificuldade para e estabelecimento de uma regulação jurídica internacional uniforme, a autonomia privada, como poder de pradução de efeitos jurídicos, pode apresentar-se como alternativa complementar (nãoexcludente) para a disciplina de questões relacionadas ao estabelecimento de pactos negociais através da rede (o chamado comércio eletrônico) e para a eventual diluição de conflitos deles decorrentes. Ante a ampla liberdade concedida aos particulares e que se materializa através dos inúmeros e criativos empregos que continuamente têm sido atribuidos à rede de computadores, espreita-se uma gama variável de riscos decorrentes do exercício da própria liberdade e que dizem respeito, exemplificativamente,à disseminação de sites eletrônicos falsos, o não-cumprimento de contratos e a ineficácia de decisões judiciais para além dos limites territoriais do Estado prolator da decisão. Em vista destes fatos (a circunscrição da sociedade da informação entre os limites da liberdade e do risco), a tese propõe a contenção dos perigos e o reforço da segurança dos negócios jurídicos mediante o exercício da autonomia privada. Neste esforço se situam os procedimentos de certificação dos sites e de suas práticas através de selos (labelização), gerando uma nomatividade particular, de caráter obrigatório aos que a ela se submetam, transcendente das fronteiras nacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, propõe-se o estabelecimento de mecanismos para a solução de eventuais conflitos que levem em conta as características mais próprias da comércio online, tais como a distância entre as partes, a sobreposição de ordenamentos jurídicos diversos e a necessidade de agilidade das decisões através dos chamados online dispute resolution, notadamente através do emprego da arbitragem eletrônica. / Examine some of the characters that could be played by the private autonomy for the regulation of the information's society aspects that's wanted in this text (thesis). Because of the dimension of tbe computer's net is given, his transnational character and the difficulty for the establishment of international legal standard regulations, the private autonomy, as a power of auto-regulations for private interests, could presents itself as an alternative to discipline questions related to the establishment of negotiable agreements through the net and the eventual dilution of conflicts. So, the prelminary question is about the fact that the infomation's society is based between the liberty and the risk. Before of the great liberty allowed to the private users that shows up through the innumerable and creative uses that has to be attributed to the computer´s net, it could be observed a great variable of risks resulting from the exercise of the own liberty, that had to be, specificaliy, with the false homepage dissemination, with the not compliance with the agreements and the inefficiency of the legal decisions beyond the territorid limits of the State that is responsible for the decision. Therefore, shows up a new psoposal for the business seded by the net, as resultkig from performative acts or from tacit declarations to conclude behaviors, both as expressions of the private liberty. For the risk's restrictions there is the suggestion for the site's certification and its practice with the use of stamps and the establishment of private forms of controversy's dilution, showing one actual expression of the private autonomy and of the civil society.
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"La Cumparsita": a source of lawsuits Contursi and Maroni vs. Matos Rodríguez / La Cumparsita: una fuente de pleitos Contursi y Maroni vs. Matos RodríguezMontero Aroca, Juan 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article deploys Tango along with the lawsuits concerning to whom participated in the elaboration of “La Cumparsita” and its lyrics as a frame of reference for discussing about copyrights and intellectual property. In addition to giving an opinion about the procedure to arrive at the final solution related to the adjudication of the copyrights along its effects of that in each one of the beneficiaries, the author tell us a little bit of the process of creating this musical composition as well as the scope it had during its time. / El presente artículo utiliza al Tango, a los pleitos y personajes que participaron en la elaboración de La cumparista y sus letras, como marco referencial para hablar sobre los derechos de autor y la propiedad intelectual. Además de opinar acerca del procedimiento para llegar a la solución final acerca de la adjudicación de los derechos de autor y los efectos de esta en cada uno de los beneficiarios, el autor nos cuenta un poco sobre el proceso de creación de esta composición musical así como el alcance que tuvo en su momento.
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¿Who is going to consume the consumer arbitration?: the problematic case in favor of access to consume’s justice / ¿Quién consumiría el arbitraje de consumo?: el problemático caso a favor del acceso a la justicia de consumoRodríguez García, Gustavo Manuel 30 April 2018 (has links)
Consumer arbitration seeks to resolve, on a voluntary, fast and legally binding way, conflicts between consumers and suppliers. Consequently, the consumers obtain a definitive solution to the problems arisen with companies in a much shorter term and even receiving compensation for damages. However, what happens when access to this procedure is no longer universal for all consumers?.In this article, the author reveals the problems surrounding access to consumer justice and to discover whether national mechanisms, as designed, actually achieve their protection objectives. / El arbitraje de consumo busca resolver de manera voluntaria, rápida y con carácter vinculante, los conflictos entre consumidores y proveedores. Así, los consumidores obtienen una solución definitiva a los problemas surgidos con empresas en un plazo mucho más corto; además de recibir una indemnización por los daños ocasionados. Sin embargo, ¿Qué pasa cuando el acceso a este procedimiento ya no es universal a todos los consumidores?.En este artículo, el autor busco revelar los problemas en torno a acceso a la justicia del consumo y descubrir si realmente los mecanismos nacionales, tal como están diseñados, cumplen sus objetivos de protección.
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Processo arbitral e sistema / Arbitration and systemEduardo de Albuquerque Parente 12 May 2010 (has links)
A presente tese trata do processo arbitral à luz da concepção da teoria dos sistemas. O estudo do processo arbitral tem sido trazido de forma esparsa. Não é comum focalizar apenas a parte processual da arbitragem. O que causa estranheza, pois sua jurisdição se instrumentaliza mediante o processo. É também notório que o processo arbitral não se aperfeiçoa como o processo judicial, pelo contrário. Embora utilize princípios e conceitos gerais deste, tem características próprias. Daí que o processo arbitral pode ser visto como um sistema, e o fazemos considerando que há sistema para o direito sempre que um organismo tenha condições de gerar seus próprios instrumentos funcionais, o chamado fechamento operacional , ganhando autonomia relativamente a outros sistemas. Isso faz com que ele também se relacione com outros sistemas, em mecanismo chamado abertura cognitiva, com a troca de mútuas influências. Tudo isso tem reflexos no modo com que o processo arbitral se comporta, demonstrando que ele não pode ser identificado com o processo judicial. Ainda que o processo arbitral apresente grandes estruturas semelhantes às do processo estatal, as chamadas fases processuais, em todas elas ele tem um funcionamento próprio. A despeito de incorporar princípios do processo estatal, tem seus próprios, e gera sua peculiar maneira de agir. Entre tais princípios estão, principalmente, a autonomia das partes e o poder diretivo do procedimento pelo árbitro. Estes dois pilares do processo arbitral contribuem para que nele haja total peculiaridade processual, o que fica claro desde a fase de postulação, passando pela fase de provas e terminando na fase decisória. Todas essas fases foram analisadas, assim como seus principais institutos processuais, considerando a premissa de sistema reputada pela teoria adotada. O conjunto de seus instrumentos e a forma com que se relaciona com outros organismos mostram que o processo arbitral é um sistema autônomo. / This paper is on the arbitration process viewed by the concept of the theory of the systems. Arbitration processes are usually studied sparsely; it is not common for the procedural aspect of arbitration to be the only focus. This is somewhat strange, since its jurisdiction is tooled upon its process. It is also known that arbitration process does not improve like judicial process. Although it makes use of general principles and concepts of judicial process, arbitration process has its own characteristics. Therefore, arbitration process can be seen as a system, and we do so by considering there is a legal system whenever an organism has conditions to generate its own functional instruments, the so-called operational closing, gaining relative autonomy from other systems. It is then enabled to also relate to other systems, in a mechanism called cognitive opening, with the exchange of mutual influences. All these factors influence the way arbitration process works, demonstrating that it can not be identified as a judicial process. Even though arbitration process presents great structures similar to the ones of the state process, it has its own functioning in all of them. Although it incorporates principles from the state process, it has its own, and generates its peculiar way of acting. Among such principles, one can cite mainly the parties autonomy and the directive procedure power by the arbitrator. These two principles contribute for arbitration process to have total procedural peculiarity, which is clear since the filing of the claim, through discovery, and finally in the decision phase. All these phases were analyzed, as well as their main procedural institutes, considering the system premise based on the adopted theory. The set of its instruments and the way it relates to other organisms demonstrate arbitration process is an autonomous system.
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Controle da atividade do árbitro / Control of arbitrators role in developing arbitrationLucas Britto Mejias 10 April 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre o controle da atividade do árbitro. Parte-se da premissa de que o papel desempenhado pelo árbitro na condução do processo - denominado atividade do árbitro em contraposição ao resultado dessa atividade: a resposta jurisdicional - está sujeito a desvios. A assunção dessa função pode ser viciada, já que o exercício da arbitragem somente é admitido dentro de determinados limites e condicionado ao consentimento das partes. Da mesma forma, as providências adotadas pelo árbitro no curso do processo podem apresentar inconsistências em relação às disposições legais e contratuais a elas aplicáveis. Diante disso, investiga-se de que forma tais desvios podem ser controlados, estudando-se, para tanto, (i) os órgãos responsáveis por tal controle, (ii) o momento em que tal controle pode ocorrer, (iii) os mecanismos pelos quais tal controle é admitido, e (iv) os vícios na atividade que ensejam controle. / This paper addresses the control of arbitrators role in developing arbitration. It assumes that the role of the arbitrator in developing arbitration what contrasts with the role in deciding the case is subject to irregularities. The assumption of the arbitrators function can be irregular, as arbitration is authorized only within certain limits and conditions and if the parties agree with it. Besides, the steps taken in developing the arbitration might violate legal and contractual rules applied to it. Given that, this paper deals with how such irregularities can be controlled, analyzing (i) the courts responsible for such control, (ii) the moment when this control is allowed (iii) its legal remedies, and (iv) which irregularities authorize control.
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Flexibilidade do procedimento arbitral / The flexibility of the arbitration proceedingMarcos André Franco Montoro 10 May 2010 (has links)
O tema da tese é a flexibilidade do procedimento arbitral, que é estudada à luz da legislação brasileira que rege a arbitragem (Lei 9.307/96). A tese é dividida em quatro partes. A primeira parte trata de alguns conceitos prévios. São analisados aspectos da inter-relação entre arbitragem, jurisdição, direito (material), processo e procedimento. Examina-se a flexibilidade dos procedimentos judiciais, demonstrando-se que os procedimentos brasileiros não são tão rígidos como se afirma, pois existem regras flexibilizando aspectos do sistema. Abordam-se aspectos gerais da arbitragem, como as suas três fases, a autonomia da vontade, cláusula compromissória cheia e vazia, e arbitragem institucional e ad hoc. A segunda parte tem por objeto as duas vertentes da flexibilidade do procedimento arbitral, que é bem maior do que a dos procedimentos judiciais. A primeira vertente da flexibilidade do procedimento arbitral é a possibilidade de criação das regras procedimentais em cada arbitragem, pelas partes, pelo árbitro, pelo órgão institucional arbitral, e pelo juiz estatal. A segunda vertente é a possibilidade de adaptação (modificação) das regras procedimentais de cada arbitragem, por essas mesmas pessoas. A terceira parte estuda as limitações à criação e à adaptação de regras procedimentais na arbitragem. Existem quatro grupos de limites (garantias mínimas, balizas) à criação e adaptação das regras procedimentais na arbitragem. Esses quatro grupos são: (i) bons costumes e ordem pública (art. 2º, § 1º, da Lei 9.307/96); (ii) princípios do contraditório, da igualdade, da imparcialidade e do livre convencimento (art. 21, § 2º, da Lei 9.307/96); (iii) preceitos cogentes da Lei 9.307/96; e (iv) princípios processuais constitucionais. A quarta e última parte abrange as diversas possibilidades de criação e adaptação de regras procedimentais específicas. Examina-se a flexibilidade procedimental para criar ou adaptar regras específicas, entre elas as relacionadas com: a provocação para instituir-se a arbitragem; os arts. 10 e 11 da Lei de 9.307/96; a apresentação das razões pelas partes; a estabilização da demanda; a fase instrutória; a concessão de medidas urgentes; e a sentença arbitral parcial. / The object of the thesis is the flexibility of the arbitration proceeding, which is analysed based on the Brazilian arbitration legislation (Law 9.307/96). This thesis has been divided into four parts. The first part refers to some previous concepts. Arbitration, jurisdiction, (material) law, process and proceeding interrelation aspects are analyzed. The flexibility of judicial proceedings is reviewed, showing that the Brazilian proceedings are not as strict as it hás been stated, since there are rules that bend aspects of the system. General arbitration aspects are approached, such as its three phases, autonomy of will, full and empty arbitration clause and institutional and ad hoc arbitration. The second part deals with the two sides of the flexibility in arbitration proceeding, which is greater than that of judicial proceedings. There is, on one side, the possibility of creation of procedural rules in each arbitration, by the parties, by the arbitrator, by the arbitration organization, and by the judge. On the other side, there is the possibility of adaptation (modification) of the procedural rules of each arbitration, by the same people. The third part analyzes the limitations to creation and adaptation of procedural rules in arbitration. There are four groups of limits (minimal guarantees, references) to the creation and adaptation of procedural rules in arbitration. These four groups are: (i) good moral conduct and public policy (article 2, first paragraph, of Law 9.307/96); (ii) reasonable opportunity to present its case, equality, impartiality and judicial discretion principles (article 21, second paragraph, of Law 9.307/96); (iii) mandatory provisions of Law 9.307/96; and (iv) constitutional procedural principles. The fourth and last part encompasses the several possibilities of creation and adaptation of specific procedural rules. The procedural flexibility to create or adapt specific rules is analyzed, especially in association with: provocation to implement arbitration; articles 10 and 11 of Law 9.307/96; presentation of the allegations of the parties; claim stabilization; evidenciary phase; concession of urgent measures; and partial arbitration award.
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Segurança na sociedade da informação : uma visão desde a autonomia privadaSilva, Eduardo Silva da January 2006 (has links)
A presente tese propõe o reconhecimento dos novos papéis desempenhados pela autonomia privada na regulação de aspectos da sociedade da informação. Dada a dimensão da rede de computadores, o seu carater transnacional e a dificuldade para e estabelecimento de uma regulação jurídica internacional uniforme, a autonomia privada, como poder de pradução de efeitos jurídicos, pode apresentar-se como alternativa complementar (nãoexcludente) para a disciplina de questões relacionadas ao estabelecimento de pactos negociais através da rede (o chamado comércio eletrônico) e para a eventual diluição de conflitos deles decorrentes. Ante a ampla liberdade concedida aos particulares e que se materializa através dos inúmeros e criativos empregos que continuamente têm sido atribuidos à rede de computadores, espreita-se uma gama variável de riscos decorrentes do exercício da própria liberdade e que dizem respeito, exemplificativamente,à disseminação de sites eletrônicos falsos, o não-cumprimento de contratos e a ineficácia de decisões judiciais para além dos limites territoriais do Estado prolator da decisão. Em vista destes fatos (a circunscrição da sociedade da informação entre os limites da liberdade e do risco), a tese propõe a contenção dos perigos e o reforço da segurança dos negócios jurídicos mediante o exercício da autonomia privada. Neste esforço se situam os procedimentos de certificação dos sites e de suas práticas através de selos (labelização), gerando uma nomatividade particular, de caráter obrigatório aos que a ela se submetam, transcendente das fronteiras nacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, propõe-se o estabelecimento de mecanismos para a solução de eventuais conflitos que levem em conta as características mais próprias da comércio online, tais como a distância entre as partes, a sobreposição de ordenamentos jurídicos diversos e a necessidade de agilidade das decisões através dos chamados online dispute resolution, notadamente através do emprego da arbitragem eletrônica. / Examine some of the characters that could be played by the private autonomy for the regulation of the information's society aspects that's wanted in this text (thesis). Because of the dimension of tbe computer's net is given, his transnational character and the difficulty for the establishment of international legal standard regulations, the private autonomy, as a power of auto-regulations for private interests, could presents itself as an alternative to discipline questions related to the establishment of negotiable agreements through the net and the eventual dilution of conflicts. So, the prelminary question is about the fact that the infomation's society is based between the liberty and the risk. Before of the great liberty allowed to the private users that shows up through the innumerable and creative uses that has to be attributed to the computer´s net, it could be observed a great variable of risks resulting from the exercise of the own liberty, that had to be, specificaliy, with the false homepage dissemination, with the not compliance with the agreements and the inefficiency of the legal decisions beyond the territorid limits of the State that is responsible for the decision. Therefore, shows up a new psoposal for the business seded by the net, as resultkig from performative acts or from tacit declarations to conclude behaviors, both as expressions of the private liberty. For the risk's restrictions there is the suggestion for the site's certification and its practice with the use of stamps and the establishment of private forms of controversy's dilution, showing one actual expression of the private autonomy and of the civil society.
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