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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Democracia e concerto americano : a vis?o de O Cruzeiro sobre a Argentina nas rela??es interamericanas (1946-1966)

Dalm?z, Mateus 28 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:48:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 461288.pdf: 4552294 bytes, checksum: bedcb8175ec09d273071eb62873872c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-28 / Largest magazine in circulation and movement in Brazil between the 1940s and 1950s, O Cruzeiro has published a variety of subjects in its 47 years of existence, including international politics. One theme in particular caught the attention about the number of publications: Argentina's participation in interamerican relations between forty and sixty years. The central objective of the research is to analyze the critical periodic over Argentina in American international concert from 1946, the beginning of the Per?n s government, and 1966, end of President Arturo Illia s government. Faced with questions about the symbolic significance of the material, the argue is that the hypothesis that the columns and photo reports of the weekly meet the ideological function of defending democracy and political and economic continental concert. The examination of relations between Argentina and America in general, and Brazil in particular, is made up based on the concept of ideology and relationship between politics and the press informed on Martins (2010), in the field definition journalism on Bourdieu (1997) and the characterization of Brazilian journalism on Ribeiro (2003). The methodology follows the steps of using the media as a source and object of study for history as directed on Barbosa (1998), Elmir (1995) and Zicman (1985). The specific analysis of photo reports is supported primarily on Belting (2010), Joly (2003), Vilches (1997), Mauad and Lopes (2012). It is considered that the ideas of democracy and American integration produced by journalists are comprehensive, admitting the respect and breaking the social contract, in the first case, the U.S. Pan-Americanism and Latin American multilateralism, in the second. It is clear, finally, the featuring of "two Argentinas" in the magazine pages: that of Juan Domingo Per?n (disharmony with the inter-american integration and represent a rivarly to Brazil) and protected by the military governments (in line with the relations inter-american and in partnership with Brazil). / Maior revista em tiragem e circula??o no Brasil entre as d?cadas de 1940 e 1950, O Cruzeiro publicou uma variedade de assuntos nos seus 47 anos de exist?ncia, entre eles a pol?tica internacional. Um tema em especial chamou a aten??o pela quantidade de publica??es: a participa??o argentina nas rela??es interamericanas entre os anos quarenta e sessenta. O objetivo central da pesquisa ? analisar a cr?tica do peri?dico sobre a Argentina no concerto internacional americano entre 1946, in?cio do governo Per?n, e 1966, queda do presidente Arturo Illia. Diante do questionamento sobre o significado simb?lico das mat?rias, defende-se a hip?tese de que as colunas e fotorreportagens do seman?rio cumprem a fun??o ideol?gica de defesa da democracia e do concerto pol?tico e econ?mico continental. O exame das rela??es da Argentina com a Am?rica de um modo geral e com o Brasil em particular ? feito com amparo no conceito de ideologia e na rela??o entre pol?tica e imprensa esclarecida por Martins (2010), na defini??o de campo jornal?stico a partir de Bourdieu (1997) e na caracteriza??o do jornalismo brasileiro por Ribeiro (2003). A metodologia segue os passos do uso da imprensa como fonte e objeto de estudo para a hist?ria conforme as orienta??es de Barbosa (1998), Elmir (1995) e Zicman (1985). A an?lise espec?fica das fotorreportagens conta com o suporte fundamentalmente de Belting (2010), Joly (2003), Vilches (1997), Mauad e Lopes (2012). Considera-se que as ideias de democracia e de concerto americano produzidas pelos jornalistas s?o abrangentes, admitindo o respeito e a quebra do contrato social, no caso da primeira, o pan-americanismo estadunidense e o multilateralismo latino-americano, no caso da segunda. Percebe-se, por fim, a caracteriza??o de duas Argentinas nas p?ginas revista: a de Juan Domingo Per?n (em dissintonia com a concerta??o americana e representando um perigo ao Brasil) e a dos governos tutelados pelos militares (em sintonia com as rela??es interamericanas e em parceria com o Brasil).

Brasil e Argentina no Oriente M?dio : do p?s-segunda guerra mundial ao final da guerra fria

Preiss, Jos? Luiz Silva 16 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:48:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 450686.pdf: 885231 bytes, checksum: a04865a37e2236ac621fd3628a12dd59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-16 / The aim of this paper is to analyse the creation of the Middle East as an European plan, as well as the intensive oil exploitation in the region, that has begun since the beginning of the XX century. After the First World War, the USA oil companies have participated of oil exploitation, while the country was acting in the South America to establish her influence once the South American countries were still under the European one. After the Second World War, the political and military presence of the USA in the Middle East and in the South America has increased, interfering decisively in the international relations of both regions. During the Cold War, the USA acted intensively in the foreign policy of strategic nations, such as Brazil, Argentina and the Middle East. These countries have developed their own strategies to reach their goals, as well as the USA ones. The Brazilian and the Argentinian presences in the Middle East took place according to the USA plans, but the relations between Brazil and Argentina with Iraq and Iran, respectively, created an outstanding cooperation in the military and nuclear areas, that was important to these countries, while Brazil and Argentina also helped the USA military advisors in the South and Central America against guerrilla groups. After the downfall of the USSR, according to the USA strategy, it was not necessary the continuation of the military and nuclear cooperation of Brazilian and Argentinian techinicians with the countries of the Middle East. In the South America, the USA plans were established by the Washington Consensus, that were accepted by the newly elected civilian presidents, while Iraq was invaded by the USA troops and an international coalition being obliged to accept the new status quo imposed by the world hegemonic power, in the beginning of the 90 s in that region. On the other hand, the new Brazilian and Argentinian Presidents dealt with the countries of the Middle East differently. According to their commercial advantages. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a import?ncia do Oriente M?dio para a pol?tica externa do Brasil e da Argentina do p?s-Segunda Guerra Mundial ao final da Guerra Fria. A penetra??o estadunidense na regi?o ocorre no mesmo per?odo, enquanto afirmava a sua influ?ncia na Am?rica Latina, que ainda mantinha fortes liga??es com a Europa. As duas guerras mundiais intensificaram a presen?a estadunidense no Oriente M?dio e na Am?rica do Sul, interferindo decisivamente nas rela??es internacionais de ambas as regi?es. Com a Guerra Fria, os EUA passaram a atuar decisivamente nas pol?ticas externas de na??es importantes estrategicamente como Brasil e Argentina, al?m daquelas do Oriente M?dio. A necessidade de enfrentar uma s?rie de inimigos e situa??es impostos pelo conflito bipolar permitiu que se instalasse a presen?a brasileira e argentina no Oriente M?dio, passando a atuar ainda que tardiamente. No ?mbito comercial e estrat?gico-militar, os dois pa?ses sul-americanos tiveram rela??es privilegiadas com o Iraque e com o Ir?, respectivamente. Por outro lado, a rivalidade hist?rica na Am?rica do Sul, transferida para o Oriente M?dio, abria espa?o ? coopera??o extremamente ben?fica para ambos, favorecendo tamb?m os planos dos EUA naquela regi?o. Com a queda da URSS, determinando o final da Guerra Fria, n?o era mais do interesse da pot?ncia hegem?nica que houvesse uma rela??o ativa na ?rea nuclear e militar como aquela estabelecida entre Brasil e Argentina com os pa?ses ?rabes e o Ir?. Na Am?rica do Sul, as novas diretrizes estadunidenses foram determinadas pelo Consenso de Washington e acatadas pelos governos democraticamente eleitos, enquanto o Iraque, ap?s a guerra contra Ir? e ap?s a invas?o do Kuwait estava exaurido economicamente, sendo derrotado militarmente por uma coaliz?o internacional, for?ando a acatar o novo status quo que se estabelecia a partir da d?cada de 1990. Os novos presidentes brasileiros e argentinos do per?odo da redemocratiza??o, por sua vez, demonstraram comportamentos diferentes a respeito das rela??es de seus pa?ses com o Oriente M?dio.

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