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Modelování procesů zvoleného rámce pro komplexní řízení podnikové informatiky v ARIS Designer / Processes Modeling of Selected Framework for Complex Management of Business Informatics in ARIS DesignerŠtanglica, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with modeling of processes of the selected framework for complex management of business informatics using ARIS Designer tool. The reader is introduced into problematics of process approach to business management and process modeling. The next part of this master's thesis introduces some notations and approaches to process modeling and then closer describes the ARIS methodics and tools. The next part of this document focuses on a few frameworks for business IT management and closer describes the ITIL framework and its processes. The second half of this master's thesis describes creation of the model of ITIL framework processes.
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Nástroj pro podporu komunikace externích účastníků akce / Tool for Communication Support Extern Participants of EventKratochvíl, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to create application to support communication and ensuring participation of extern participants (sponsors, supporters) of an event such as conference, festival and more. Application provides support for communication between organizers and participants and o ers management of all necessary data associated with organizing event. The thesis also describes methods of project management and standards applicable for this issues. The PMBOK standard was described in detail, which was used together with ARIS methodic for application design in terms of communication, procurement and stakeholders.
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Model Interchange between ARIS and Eclipse EMFKern, Heiko, Kühne, Stefan 06 February 2019 (has links)
The Architecture of integrated Information Systems (ARIS) is a technical space that is widely used in the area of business process management. The reuse of ARIS models in other working contexts is offered by ARIS-specific import and export interfaces. Nevertheless, the interoperability with other technical spaces is limited. In this paper, we explore ARIS language definition concepts and relate them to the Eclipse
Modeling Framework (EMF). We describe an ARIS to EMF bridge which provides transformations of ARIS modeling languages and ARIS models to the EMF environment. Our bridge shows similarities and differences between the two approaches and provides technical interoperability that e.g. enables the processing of ARIS models in EMF-supporting tools (e.g. ATLAS Transformation Language).
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Verarbeitung von ARIS-EPK-Modellen im Eclipse Modeling FrameworkKern, Heiko, Kühne, Stefan 06 February 2019 (has links)
Die Architektur integrierter Informationssysteme (ARIS) ist ein technischer Raum für den Bereich des Geschäftsprozessmanagements. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von ARIS ist der Modelltyp Ereignisgesteuerte Prozesskette (EPK), der in verschiedenen ARIS-Modellierungsmethoden Verwendung findet. Die Interoperabilität von ARIS-Modellen mit anderen Räumen zur Wiederverwendung bzw. Weiterverarbeitung ist durch ARIS-spezifische Export- und Import-Schnittstellen beschränkt. In diesem Beitrag wird ein umfassender Syntaxdefinitons-sensitiver Export/Import-Mechanismus für ARIS-Modelle zum Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF-Raum) in Form einer ARIS-EMF-Brücke vorgestellt. Er ermöglicht Interoperabilität mit den vielfältigen EMF-Werkzeugen zur Modellverarbeitung. Das Anwendungspotenzial der Brücke wird anhand von Transformationsszenarien für EPK-Modelle skizziert und konkret am Beispiel der Syntaxprüfung mit ATL demonstriert.
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Flow Field Penetration in Thin Nanoporous Polymer Films under Laminar Flow by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Coupled with Total Internal Reflectance Fluorescence MicroscopyWang, Huan, Wang, Huan January 2015 (has links)
Tethered polymer layers at solid-fluid interfaces are used widely in a variety of surface science applications. Although many of these applications require exposure to dynamic flow conditions, flow field penetration into densely grafted polymer brushes, is still a question open to debate despite the fact that it is a fundamental process crucial to mass transport through these polymer films. Although most theoretical work has indicated flow field penetration into polymer films, with varying predicted penetration depths predicted, the limited experimental attempts to investigate this phenomenon have resulted in inconsistent conclusions due to lack of a proper analytical method. To help resolve this controversy, in this Dissertation, a new spectroscopic method, FRET-TIRFM, based on a combination of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and total internal reflectance fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), is developed to provide the first direct, quantitative measurements on flow field penetration by measuring linear diffusion coefficients of small molecules through densely grafted, thin poly(N-isopropylacryl-amide) (pNIPAM) films. Decay curves from FRET of the acceptor with a donor covalently attached at the substrate surface were fit to a combined Taylor-Aris-Fickian diffusion model to obtain apparent linear diffusion coefficients of the acceptor molecules for different flow rates. These values can then be used to obtain quantitative estimates of flow field penetration depths. For a pNIPAM surface of 110 nm dry thickness, with a 0.6 chain/nm² grafting density, apparent diffusion coefficients ranging from 1.9-9.1 × 10-12 cm²/s were observed for flow rates ranging from 100 to 3000 μL/min. This increase in apparent diffusion coefficient with applied fluid flow rate is indicative of flow field penetration of the polymer film. The depth of penetration of the flow field is estimated to range from ~6% of the polymer film thickness to ~57% of the film thickness in going from 100 to 3000 μL/min flow rate of a good solvent. Factors other than flow rate that may impact flow field penetration were also investigated using this new FRET-TIRFM method. Solvent quality and polymer brush grafting density are the two most important parameters due to the fact that they influence changes in tethered polymer chain conformation. This work demonstrates that polymer films are most penetrable in a good solvent and least penetrable in a poor solvent under identical flow conditions. These findings are consistent with polymer chain conformational changes going from extended brushes to compact globules. For flow rates ranging from 100 to 3000 μL/min, flow field penetration depth ranges from ~6% of the film thickness to ~57% of film thickness for a good solvent compared to ~4% to ~19% for a poor solvent. Thus, by simply changing solvent quality from good to poor, flow field penetration decreases by about 38%. Grafting density has a less pronounced effect than solvent quality on penetration depth, probably due to the small range of grafting densities chosen for study. However, a roughly 10-20% difference in penetration depth was observed between high density (0.60 chain/nm²) and low density (0.27 chain/nm²) pNIPAM surfaces in the same solvent. Changes in grafting density have a less significant impact in a good solvent compared to a poor solvent. This is most likely caused by the fact that grafting density impacts polymer chain conformation mainly through polymer-polymer repulsion, which becomes less significant in a solvent that better solvates the polymer. For the two extreme cases studied here at flow rates ranging from 100 to 3000 μL/min, the penetration depth is estimated to range from ~4-19% of the original solvent-swollen film thickness for high density pNIPAM films in a poor solvent and from ~7-67% for low density films in a good solvent. One important assumption that underlies all of this work is that the dominant mass transport mechanism for small molecules in dense polymer brushes is diffusion. This assumption was further validated through the use of two different small molecule quenchers, RhB and 2-nitrobenzylalcohol. These molecules are significantly different in size, charge, and structure, and operate by different quenching mechanisms. Despite these differences, the results for flow field penetration are statistically the same for both. These observations validate the assumption of diffusive mass transport in these films.
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Intégration de puce à ADN dans un microsystème fluidiqueGoulpeau, Jacques 03 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse présente la conception et la réalisation de dispositifs microfluidiques en PDMS (Polydiméthylsiloxane) pour l'intégration d'analyses biologiques. Dans un premier temps, des outils microfluidiques sont construits et améliorés dans ce but: une méthode de pompage passif et de mise en oeuvre du PDMS a fait l'objet d'un dépôt de brevet. Les micro-pompes, éléments clés d'une intégration poussée, sont étudiées expérimentalement et théoriquement, menant à un modèle prédictif basé sur une équivalence électrique. Ce travail a été publié dans \textit{Journal of Applied Physics}. La dispersion hydrodynamique, diluant les échantillons lors de leur transport est caractérisée. De cette analyse, une nouvelle méthode de génération de gradients de concentration est conçue et testée expérimentalement. Fort de ces développements, une plate-forme microfluidique originale intégrant des puces à ADN est fabriquée en une version de laboratoire et une version portable. Grâce à ce dispositif, les connaissances de la réaction d'hybridation sur une surface, base des puces à ADN, sont complétées par des mesures comparées de courbes de fusion et un modèle de couplage réaction-diffusion-advection est étendu expérimentalement au cas des puces à ADN. Finalement dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec l'IGH (Institut de Génétique Humaine) de Montpellier, deux méthodes originales de dosage d'allèles pour la trisomie 21 sont testées et des expériences sur des échantillons biologiques sont en cours de préparation. En conclusion, cette thèse a donné lieu au dépôt d'un brevet et à la publication deux articles. Elle aura abouti à la mise en oeuvre de méthodes et approches originales basées sur la technologie microfluidique, appliquées à différents domaines (dispersion, pompage, puce à ADN).
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Effet de l’implémentation d'Explorez, jeu basé sur la quête et la réalité augmentée, sur la motivation d’apprenants de français langue seconde (FL2): une étude de casPerry, Bernadette 30 April 2015 (has links)
This research explores gamification as a means to motivate and engage second-language learners. Gamification uses game-based mechanics, and game thinking to engage people, motivate action, and promote learning. We investigate the limits and advantages of quest-based learning and augmented reality to assess the potential of a new mobile learning tool Explorez. In order to bridge the gap between gaming and education, Explorez was created for first-year university French students at the University of Victoria, BC. Using GPS, Explorez transforms the campus into a virtual francophone world, where students interact with characters, items, and media as they improve their French language skills and discover their campus. / Graduate / 0710 / 0679 / 0290 / bernadet@uvic.ca
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Procesní řízení ve vybraném MSP / Process management in the selected small and medium enterpriseRYANT, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe and analyze the selected processes and threads that take place in the selected SME, to propose changes that would improve their condition and to eliminate any shortcomings.
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Procesní model obchodní společnostiVyleťal, Petr January 2006 (has links)
Process management is frequently used term these days. The aim of this diploma thesis is to explain, what „process“ actually means, what has been the historical evolution, what are its alternatives, but mainly what are the benefits for the company. Even though the title of this thesis is „Process model of trading company“, its content goes further than that. Creation of company’s process model is only one part, even though important, of the process- based management of the company (Business Process Management, BPM). Moreover, the methods and procedures described in this thesis can be used almost in any company, not only in the trading one. The main contribution of this thesis is in its broad view of process management. This thesis deals with some topics, which at the first sight don’t even relate to BPM (ISO standards or Change Management). Nevertheless, after closer examination the link becomes obvious. Most of the methods described in the theoretical part of this document are later used in its practical part for the BPM implementation proposal in the concrete company. The read is thus given an option to immediately confront theory with reality and visualize sometimes very general theoretical procedures. This document is structured in 5 chapters. The first chapter introduces a reader to this thesis topic, reasons for its selection and the aims, benefits and limitations. The second chapter shows the meaning of process management in the broader context of related concepts. The aim of the third chapter is to show practical use of process management. The fourth chapter is dedicated to implementation proposal of BPM in specific company. First, the company is described and its main aspects analyzed, which enables to present the company strategy. Then, the most important company processes are modeled and described, together with their evaluation and optimization proposal. The benefits and advantages of BPM are outlined in the closing chapter.
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Informationsverarbeitung im Rahmen der Jahresabschlussprüfung: Fachkonzeptuelles Modell eines integrierten Anwendungssystems zur Unterstützung der JahresabschlussprüfungKrüger, Holm 13 November 2002 (has links)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, die Jahresabschlussprüfung als Prozess der Informationsverarbeitung darzustellen und diesen Prozess zu analysieren. Es wird betrachtet, ob und auf welche Art und Weise durch zielorientierte Konstruktion eines Anwendungssystems zur Unterstützung der Abschlussprüfung die Effektivität und Effizienz des Prüfungsprozesses erhöht werden kann. Dabei werden ausgehend von einer Informationsbedarfsanalyse sämtliche denkbaren Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes prüfungsunterstützender Anwen-dungssysteme untersucht. Auf dieser Basis wird im Hauptteil der Untersuchung ein fachkonzeptuelles Modell eines prüfungsunterstützenden Anwendungssystems unter Zugrunde-legung der ARIS-Methode modelliert. Die Arbeit wurde im Jahre 2002 an der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der TU Dresden als Dissertation angenommen.
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