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Uplink/Downlink Real-Time Casualty Assessment Data Acquisition System for U. S. Army Aviation ApplicationsKirkpatrick, Charles R., Banks, Keith A. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1993 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The On-board Data Interface Module (ODIM) was developed specifically to provide
real-time casualty assessment telemetry data for the training environment on the
instrumented range system at the U. S. Army National Training Center (NTC) located at
Ft. Irwin, California. Real-time data acquisition and telemetry systems, such as the
ODIM, which enhance the feed back capabilities of fielded training systems are
becoming increasingly important to the Department of Defense in these times of
shrinking defense budgets and decreasing global stability.
The ODIM is designed to combine, process and transmit data from the AH-64 (Apache)
1553 data bus, the Aircraft Survivability Equipment (ASE) threat warnings, the on-board
training system laser belt, cockpit kill indicators, and status data. The ODIM also
downlinks the stored data though the Micro-B transceiver on the AH-64A.
For the application at the NTC, the ODIM looks for very specific data from the AH-64
and the MILES/AGES II system. However, the ODIM is programmable to collect any of
the data available from these systems. The uplink/ downlink available through the
Micro-B transceiver allows the user access to the ODIM's features even from a remote
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Predikantskap i Frälsningsarmén : Erik Wickberg stabschef och general 1961–1974Axelsson, Stig January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning och slutsatser Syftet med undersökningen har varit att studera växelverkan hos Erik Wickbergs predikantskap, mellan den identitetsskapande funktionen och mellan hans försök att höja predikans status internationellt. På detta sätt har jag också velat lyfta fram predikans roll som pastoral företeelse inom FA och för att kunna göra detta har jag ställt följande frågor: 1. Vad kännetecknar Wickbergs predikantskap? 2. Vilken syn på FA:s identitet kommer till uttryck i Wickbergs predikningar? Det är svårt att särskilja de två frågorna för de hör intimt samman. Därför är också svaren sammanflätade med varandra. När det gäller Wickbergs predikantskap så står han i en succession där han är den nionde generalen. Predikantskapet vilar i FA:s tidiga uppdrag att vara en röst både för och till de människor inga andra når. Booths teologi formades i tre steg. Det första steget ledde fram till att FA kom att förkunna både frälsning och helgelse. Det andra steget handlar om att FA är skapad av Gud och helgad för det speciella uppdraget att vara en röst både för och till de människor inga andra når. Det tredje steget gjorde FA till pionjärer på det sociala området som gör att man också har ett sådant arv att förvalta. Wickberg omfattar tanken att FA är en del i Guds universella kyrka. Han betonar att FA är sammanlänkad med Guds folk från Bibelns tid och med kristna genom årtusenden. Allt detta bekräftas i hans predikningar. I hans böcker och predikningar sägs det ingenting om att han ser FA som en kyrkoinstitution. FA:s identitet som armé kommer tydligast fram i orden då han säger att FA ska vara en protesterande armé mot andlig slöhet, mot rasbarriärer och annan ondska. Wickbergs predikantskap utgår från denna självbild. Wickbergs predikantskap har också med personen Wickberg att göra. Hans barn- och ungdomstid präglades av FA, de många flyttningarna, nya språk och nya kulturer. Barn- och ungdomstiden gjorde honom både självkritisk, trygg, flexibel och öppen för allt nytt. Utbildningen, en aldrig sinande läslust och de olika uppdragen under 1924–1961 gjorde honom kompetent för ett ledarskap på högsta nivå. Under hela hans liv studerade han Bibeln och brottades med olika teologiska uppfattningar. Detta gjorde honom trygg i förkunnargärningen. Denna uppgift är också den som han satte främst i sin gärning som frälsningsofficer. Wickbergs predikantskap vilar också i FA:s homiletik. Bernard Watson konstaterar om Wickberg att ”By Salvationist average he had a high degree of Biblical scholarship though he always sought to express it in terms that ordinary people could understand”. Wickberg har alltså förmågan att sammanlänka en god teologi med möjligheten för alla att förstå. Homiletikens innehåll handlar om människans frälsning och ett fördjupande av det andliga livet genom helgelsen. Detta har också präglat Wickbergs förkunnelse. Slous har visat på att homiletiken har förändrats sedan den viktorianska tiden. Förkunnelsen då var av angripande natur men Slous talar om att denna bör vara av inbjudande karaktär. Wickberg är mån om att hans predikantskap ska vara både resultatinriktat och samtidigt ska det vara varmt och inbjudande. När jag sammanfattar Wickbergs predikantskap så upplever jag hans stora tilltro till Guds ord. Hans fokus är så starkt på innehållet i evangeliet att han undviker att ta upp samtidens stora händelser. Han snuddar vid dem genom att tala om ”materialismens och världens stormar” liksom han i samma predikan tar upp ”underströmmar” som kan förkväva vår kristna tro. Jag upplever hans predikningar som en ”väckarklocka”. Jag tänker då på hans syn på FA som han vill se som en proteströrelse, hans oro för dåliga predikningar, bristande tro och försummelsen att inte tillräckligt predika om helgelse. Wickberg förkunnar också en helhetssyn på människan i sina predikningar. Jag tänker på de tre begreppen ”ny vitalitet”, ”intellektuell validitet” och ”social relevans”. Jag konstaterar slutligen att Wickberg genom sitt sätt att predika bekräftat att predikantskapet är identitetsskapande och att han på ett medvetet och strategiskt sätt har arbetat för att höja status och standard på predikan från sin internationella plattform.
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English military organization, 1558-1638Boynton, Lindsay January 1962 (has links)
No description available.
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The triple thread : supply of victuals to the army under Sir Thomas Fairfax 1645-1646Nusbacher, Aryeh J. S. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Cicero de re militari : a civilian perspective on military matters in the late RepublicLiong, Katherine Amie January 2011 (has links)
Cicero‘s value as a military commentator has traditionally been obscured by his reputation as an unmilitary figure. This focus ignores the considerable quantity – and quality – of references to military matters in his writings, as well as the engagement demanded by his public profile as a senior senator and advocate during the war-torn final decades of the Republic. As a participant-witness writing as events unfolded, he provides unrivalled insight into developing contemporary issues from an equally unrivalled civilian/domestic perspective. Far from precluding meaningful discussion, this perspective draws attention to the wider consequences of the activities of the army, from their symbolic representation of Rome‘s might to their impact on domestic stability and role in imperial expansion. This thesis explores Cicero‘s contribution to the militarized culture of the late Republic, bringing together his military-themed comments in the first major study of its kind. Chapter 1 sets the scene with an examination of his military service, demonstrating that it met the standards of the day and identifying characteristics of his outlook that can be linked directly to his experience. Chapter 2 investigates his engagement with Rome‘s military heritage by way of his use of military exempla, specifically the priorities indicated by his choice and description of these figures. Chapter 3 presents a similar assessment of his relationships with contemporary military figures, noting the effect of their political influence on the interest he took in their military responsibilities. Chapters 4 and 5 assess his theory concerning military matters in the domestic and foreign spheres, respectively. Both highlight the focus on ethics which sets Cicero‘s theory apart from that of his contemporaries. Finally,chapter 6 addresses the tension between civic and military values in the previous chapters, contextualizing his pro-civic bias as a reaction to military despotism rather than anti-militarism for its own sake. The analysis of these themes confirms Cicero‘s awareness of military matters as well as his contemporary authority as a commentator. It moreover highlights the historical value of his remarks as the rhetorical product of a civilian context and an alternative discourse about the relationship between the army and the state. Although his views are broadly comparable to those of contemporary authors, his coverage of associated domestic concerns is not. The end result is an account of military matters which complements conventional military histories and manuals of military science, and deserves to be taken seriously as military commentary.
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Polish land forces of the XXI century: reforms in accordance with current RMA trends / Polish land forces of the 21st centurySzymanski, Marcin M. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The end of the Cold War and the September 11th 2001 attacks changed the strategic environment of the world. New socio-political realities increased the use of armed forces. The War on Terror brought the necessity of expeditionary warfare even to countries whose security doctrine had been so far exclusively focused on territorial defense. Poland is one such country. Throughout Polish history, there have been no expeditionary operations. New requirements after 1999 generated the necessity for reforms in Armed Forces of Poland. Since expeditionary warfare has never been practiced by Polish Army before, the reform process needs to be strongly coordinated with such military forerunners as the US Army. The thesis presents a study of contemporary war and its effects on force structure. It also shows how the US Army has reacted to the changing character of warfare. Such reforms as the Stryker Brigades, Army XXI and "Army After Next" program are analyzed in order to assess which of these solutions can be used in Polish Army reforms. The current capabilities of the Polish Army are also assessed in order to judge the background for military reforms in Poland. Finally a recommendation for reforms in Polish Army is made. / Captain, Polish Army
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A study of the older peoples leisure program at the Salvation Army Red Shield Club September 1, 1949- February 15, 1950Odom, Vernon Lane, Sr. 01 June 1950 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of the Salvation Army world service office's disaster relief capabilitiesConnon, Rachel E. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / In the aftermath of a disaster, relief agencies rush to assist the affected population. However, lack of coordination between these agencies often results in poor resource management, which undermines efficacy and efficiency. This report facilitates inter-agency collaboration, particularly between military and non-military entities, by conducting a case study of one non-government organization involved in disaster relief. With the second-highest revenue among major non-government organizations in the United States, the Salvation Army in America—and, by extension, its international arm, the Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO)—is an ideal candidate for evaluation. This report evaluates SAWSO's disaster response capabilities by analyzing its organizational history, operational competencies, and financial resources. The results of this report offer a foundation for military and other humanitarian relief agencies to pursue collaborative efforts and increase the overall efficiency and efficacy of future disaster response operations. This report's findings indicate that SAWSO is a highly efficient organization from a financial standpoint, and that it offers a variety of relief capabilities that vary by region, with the provision of shelter, settlement, and non-food items among its strongest and most consistent competencies. / Outstanding Thesis / Captain, United States Marine Corps
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The United States Army chaplain's role during times of traumatic injury and death in a combat environmentRindahl, Steven Glenn January 2012 (has links)
It is critical that anyone responding to a traumatic event must be able to fulfill his or her purpose in the situation. The US Army Chaplain must be prepared to provide valued minisry during times of traumatic injury and death in a combat environment. The purpose of the investigation was to establish core ministry actions based upon identified common expectations and standards between chaplains, officers, and Soldiers of their command relating to ministry during times of traumatic injury and death in a combat environment. The intent was met though a series of steps beginning with the identification of the problem that US Army Chaplains have not been adequately prepared for the task of Combat Trauma Ministry. A review of current scholarship in the field demonstrated that significant works on Combat Trauma Ministry are almost non-existent. In order to accomplish the investigation two research methodologies were employed. There was use of quantitative data and large scale use of qualitiative research. The qualitative research provoed to be particualrly useful becauise of its focus on the study of problems in the social context. Research of the issue began with an examination of chaplain qualifications. This included a rebiew of the educational and ministerial prerequsities applicants must meet. A study of the training provided by the Army to those newly entering the US Army Chaplain Corps follows. This process revealed the challenges posed in trying to teach clergy from civilian parishes tom minister in the Army context of which many have no experience. The heart of the research is the body of interviews of chaplains, officers, and Soldiers. These personal accounts of ministry done, and failing to be done, with the theological impetus behind it provided the groundwork from which to draw the research conclusions. The research concludes that preparation for Combat Trauma Ministry within theArmy is still lacking but improving. In order to covercome remaining deficiencies individual chaplains, supervisory chaplains, and the US Army Chaplain Corps need to personally and professional augment training to ensure that the Chaplain Corps' Core Competencies Continuum - Nuture the Living, Care for the Wounded, and Honor the Dead - are adequately performed. The research identified three priorities of ministry to accomplish this intent. They are: Maintain Composure, Give them Something Tangible, and Share in the Burden. Finally, there is the recognition that the US Army Chaplain Corps must become more stringent in three specific concerns: Training and Qualification standards, developing self and supervisory care for chaplains, and prepating for the long-lasting effects of combat exposure and PTSD with a Soul Care emphasis.
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Collective CadenceDietz, Alicia 01 January 2016 (has links)
Collective Cadence
Stories that start at birth,
end with death,
and include everything in-between.
A Medal of Honor recipient,
A mistake.
Morning coffee;
a late night call.
Whispered first names;
an off-key chorus;
deafening explosions;
One child playing;
another lifeless.
On the battlefield,
concealment is a survival skill.
Off that battlefield,
transparency enables survival.
Stories that shape the fabric of our experience
The threads that bind us
Through the telling of each,
we are united as one.
In the telling of the collective,
We find our own.
These are our stories.
This is our story.
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