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"A Tale of Two Weapons": Late Holocene Hunting Technology in North Central TexasMiller, Mickey Joe 05 1900 (has links)
This research is an investigation of the Late Holocene technological transition from the spearthrower and dart to the bow and arrow in north central Texas. It is conducted through a theoretical approach that utilizes ethnographic research, experimental archaeology and the archaeological record to elucidate differences in the behaviors and hunting strategies of Late Archaic and Late Prehistoric groups. It first confirms that there was a transition. Second, a lithic analysis demonstrates that there are fundamental differences in the sizes of the stone dart and arrow points that relate to the propulsive requirements of the weapon systems. Third, it is shown these size differences constrain maintenance potentials and that indeed dart and arrow points exhibit stark differences in their life histories in spite of being employed for the same task. And finally, the faunal record suggests that this transition was associated with an increase in foraging efficiency.
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Driver Safety and Emissions at Different PPLT IndicationsDuvvuri, Sri Rama Bhaskara Kumari 03 March 2017 (has links)
According to NCHRP Report 493, there are five major left turn signal indications for permitted operations in the United States. They are: Circular Green (CG), Flashing Circular Red (FCR), Flashing Red Arrow (FRA), Flashing Circular Yellow (FCY) and Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA). The main goal of this thesis is to study the driver behavior and analyze safety of drivers for different left turn indications using a real-time driving simulator. Different signal indications alter driver behavior which influences velocity and acceleration profiles. These profiles influence vehicular emissions and hence need to be studied as well. For this purpose, different scenarios are implemented in the driving simulator. Data is analyzed using Microsoft Excel, JMP Statistical tool and MATLAB. Safety of drivers is analyzed with respect to the parameter "Time to Collision (TTC)" which is directly obtained from simulator data. Vehicular emissions and fuel consumption are calculated using VT-Micro microscopic emissions model. Graphs are plotted for TTC and total emissions. Results indicate that for a day-time scenario, FCY and FYA are the most suitable left-turning indications whereas FCR and FRA are most suitable for a night-time scenario. / Master of Science / There are five major left-turn indications for permitted operation in the United States. They are: Circular Green (CG), Flashing Circular Red (FCR), Flashing Red Arrow (FRA), Flashing Circular Yellow (FCY) and Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA). Different states use different left-turn indications throughout the country. The level of driver comprehension for a particular signal indication will have an effect on the driving behavior and this in turn will affect fuel consumption and total emissions. The main goal of this thesis is to study driver behavior for different left-turning operations and to provide guidelines for the selection of signal indications. For this purpose, a real time driving simulator is used and different scenarios are implemented for left-turning operations. Data has been collected from the simulator to analyze driver safety in each scenario. Velocity and acceleration data from the simulator is used to calculate vehicular emissions to analyze environmental impact. The signal indication that best suits a given situation should provide maximum driver safety and minimum environmental impact. Graphs are plotted and results indicate that, during day time FCY and FYA are the most suitable indications whereas FCR and FRA are best suited for a night time scenario.
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我國銀行業風險監理整合資訊系統架構之探討郭培莉 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以銀行監理為研究主體,參考英國金融監理總署(FSA)以風險為基礎之監理架構(Advanced Risk Responsive Operating FrameWork, ARROW)制度,並考量我國國情及銀行業者狀況,以三大風險(信用風險、市場風險、作業風險)監理為探討主軸,整合監理資訊系統,提出風險監理評估模型,透過系統量化與質化的指標,依據風險評估結果來要求業者降低風險等級,有助提升監理人員之效率,並將監理經驗透過系統化傳承,落實金融監理差異化管理。
依據風險模型,評估銀行風險等級並據此進行相關追蹤控管,俾協助銀行降低所承受之風險。最後仍需適時檢討風險模型之有效性,並提出修正,繼續進行風險監理循環(Risk Supervision Cycle)。
本研究已將英國監理機關FSA ARROW的風險群組,成功的運用巴塞爾監理委員會所關注的三大風險整合,並與其他業務監理評估風險制度結合,提出風險監理評估模型,透過系統量化與質化的指標,未來並可依風險評估結果來要求業者降低風險等級,有助提升監理人員之效率,並將監理經驗透過系統化傳承,已順利達成新巴塞爾資本協定第二支柱與業務監理評估風險制度結合的目標,並落實金融監理差異化管理。
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Essays in financial economicsBova, Giuseppe January 2013 (has links)
We present in this thesis three distinct models in Financial Economics. In the first chapter we present a pure exchange economy model with collateral constraints in the spirit of Kiyotaki and Moore (1997). As a first result in this chapter we prove the existence of an equilibrium for this type of economies. We show that in this type of models bubbles can exist and provide a bubble example in which the asset containing the bubble pays positive dividends. We also show for the case of high interest rates the equivalence between this type of models and the Arrow-Debreu market structure. In the second chapter we present a model with limited commitment and one-side exclusion from financial markets in case of default. For this type of models we prove a no-trade theorem in the spirit of Bulow and Rogoff (1989). This is done for an economy with and without bounded investment in a productive activity. The third chapter presents a 2 period economy with complete markets, and 250 states of the world and assets. For this economies we generate a sequence of observed returns, and we show that a market proxy containing only 80% of the assets in the economy provides similar results as the true market portfolio when estimating the CAPM. We also show that for the examples we present a vast amount of observations is required in order to reject the CAPM. This raises the question what the driving force behind the bad empirical performance of the CAPM is.
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Desenvolvimento de processos de fabricação de dispositivos óptico integrados em tecnologia de silício para aplicação em sensoriamento. / Development of integrated optic devices fabrication process in silicon technology for sensing applications.Carvalho, Daniel Orquiza de 15 February 2012 (has links)
Os objetivos desta tese são: o estudo e aprimoramento dos diferentes parâmetros geométricos e de processo de fabricação de guias de onda ARROW (Anti-Resonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides), visando reduzir as perdas por propagação; e o projeto, fabricação e caracterização de sensores óptico integrados utilizando os processos aprimorados. Os parâmetros estudados foram: os materiais utilizados nas camadas antirresonantes, as espessuras destas camadas, a profundidade de corrosão para definição do rib e a rugosidade nas paredes laterais, que considera-se o parâmetro mais crítico no que diz respeito às perdas por propagação obtidas com o processo de fabricação utilizado neste trabalho. Os materiais utilizados na fabricação dos guias de onda ARROW sobre substrato de silício foram filmes de oxinitreto de silício (SiOxNy) depositados por PECVD à temperatura de 320°C, filmes de SiO2 crescidos em forno de oxidação em ambiente úmido a 1200°C e filmes de TiOxNy depositados pela técnica de Magnetron Sputtering Reativo. A definição das paredes laterais dessas estruturas foi feita através da Corrosão por Plasma Reativo (RIE) e técnicas fotolitográficas convencionais. Para o aprimoramento dos processos, as técnicas de caracterização utilizadas foram: medidas de perdas por propagação, utilizando a técnica de vista superior e a análise modal dos guias de onda. A principal contribuição deste trabalho foi a proposição de um processo de fabricação alternativo, onde pedestais são utilizados para a definição das paredes laterais antes da deposição do núcleo dos guias de onda. Este processo permitiu a redução significativa das perdas e o corte dos modos superiores para guias com larguras menores ou iguais a 6 µm. Finalmente, com os guias e os processos aperfeiçoados foram fabricados dois diferentes tipos de sensores ópticos: sensores refratométricos baseados em interferômetro de Mach-Zehnder (IMZ) e sensores de umidade baseados em absorção utilizando o polímero polipirrol (PPy). A caracterização dos sensores baseados em IMZ permitiu concluir que, embora se tenha observado uma resposta do sensor em termos de variação da potência na saída do dispositivo com a variação do índice de refração, esta variação possivelmente está sendo influenciada pela interferência multimodo resultante de limitações do processo de fabricação, o que reduz significativamente a sensibilidade com relação a valores projetados. Os sensores de umidade apresentaram uma variação significativa da potência de saída para umidades relativas ao redor de 70%, permitindo sua utilização em diferentes aplicações, como na indústria alimentícia e no monitoramento da qualidade do ar. / The main goals of this thesis are: the study and improvement of different geometrical and fabrication process parameters of Anti-Resonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides (ARROWs), aiming at reducing the propagation losses; and the design, fabrication and characterization of integrated optics sensors using the improved processes. The studied parameters were: the materials used as anti-resonant layers, the thickness of these layers, the rib height and the sidewall roughness (SWR), which is considered the most critical parameter with respect to propagation losses in the fabrication process used in this work. The materials used in the fabrication of ARROW waveguides over silicon substrate were silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) films deposited by PECVD at 320°C, SiO2 films, thermally grown at 1200°C and TiOxNy films deposited by the reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The definition of the sidewalls of these waveguides was performed by Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) and conventional photolithographic techniques. The characterization techniques used were: propagation loss measurements, using the top view technique and modal analysis. The main contribution of this work was the proposition of an alternative fabrication process where pedestals are used in order to define the sidewalls before deposition of the core of the ARROW waveguides. This process allowed significant reduction of losses and cutoff of higher modes at widths of 6 µm. Finally, with the waveguides and improved processes two different types of optical sensors were fabricated: refractometric sensors based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer (IMZ) and humidity sensors based on evanescent field absorption using polypyrrole polymer (PPy). The characterization results of IMZ based sensors showed that, although a sensor response has been observed in terms of change of output power with variation of the external medium\'s refractive index, this variation is possibly being influenced by multimode interference resulting from limitations in the fabrication process. This significantly reduces the sensitivity with respect to designed values. The humidity sensors show a significant variation in output power for relative humidity values around 70%, allowing its use in different applications, such as in food industry and in air quality monitoring.
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Os significados da seta: análise do símbolo gráfico em sistemas de sinalização, de esquematização e de identidades visuais / The meanings of the arrow: Analysis of the graphic symbol \"arrow\" in signage systems, diagrams, and corporate identitiesGarcia, Graziela Gallo 27 September 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado analisa a seta como símbolo gráfico universal da comunicação visual, reconhecido por diferentes povos em diversas épocas e culturas. A pesquisa apresenta a seta como transmissora de informações essenciais por meio de seus vários significados e funções facilitando as interações sociais no mundo contemporâneo, diminuindo as dificuldades geradas por especificidades linguísticas e auxiliando na possibilidade de uma rápida interpretação das mensagens comunicadas, ainda que dentro de limites culturais. O estudo mostra que este símbolo gráfico é utilizado desde os tempos mais remotos, nas pinturas rupestres, até os dias atuais, com usos distintos em vários campos do conhecimento. O objetivo da análise é identificar os significados mais notáveis do símbolo gráfico seta, além de sua função direcional básica e como eles se desenvolveram em três modalidades de aplicação: (1) a seta nos sistemas de sinalização, orientando e dirigindo o fluxo do tráfego humano e suas variantes nos pictogramas e na sinalização viária, algumas vezes com significados distintos como o de \"encontro\", \"indicação\" ou \"localização\"; (2) a seta nos sistemas de esquematização em várias áreas do conhecimento, da vida cotidiana às representações científicas, empregada com diferentes funções, dependendo da intenção da mensagem a ser transmitida, entre elas: \"ação\", \"causa-efeito\", \"foco\", \"geração\", \"identificação\", \"intensidade\", \"limite\", \"relação\", \"sequência\", \"tempo\", \"transferência\" e \"transformação\"; (3) a seta nos sistemas de identidades visuais, representando empresas ou produtos visualmente e de forma ordenada, com novos significados vindos de associações semânticas relacionadas às situações específicas de cada marca e aos setores de mercado aos quais elas pertencem, como por exemplo: \"cobertura\", \"satisfação\", \"simpatia\", \"saúde\", \"crescimento\", \"desenvolvimento\", \"rapidez\", \"centralização\", \"prazer\" e \"suavidade\". É uma pesquisa qualitativa que pretende, com a análise e a interpretação das variáveis dos fenômenos particulares a cada campo de estudo, entender de forma ampla, partes das dimensões semântica e pragmática do símbolo gráfico em questão. Este estudo aprofundado pretende contribuir para o melhor entendimento e utilização da seta por comunicadores e designers, com maior conhecimento e propriedade, permitindo sua aplicação mais clara e efetiva nos sistemas de sinalização de grandes espaços, de esquematização da informação visual e de identidades visuais. / This thesis analyzes the arrow as a universal graphic symbol in visual communication, one recognized by different people in different times and cultures. The research presents the arrow as a transmitter of critical information through its various meanings and functions, facilitating social interactions in the contemporary world, lessening the difficulties caused by linguistic specificities and assisting in the possibility of a rapid interpretation, though still within cultural limits, of the messages communicated. The study shows that this graphic symbol has been used since ancient times, from cave paintings to the present day, with different uses in various fields of knowledge. The goal of the analysis is to identify the most notable meanings of the arrow graphic symbol, besides its basic directional function, and how these meanings developed into three types of applications: (1) the arrow in signage systems, guiding and directing the flow of human traffic and its variants in pictograms and road signs, sometimes with different meanings like \"meeting\", \"indication\" or \"location\"; (2) the arrow in diagrams in various areas of knowledge, from everyday life to scientific representations, used with different functions, depending on the intent of the message to be transmitted, including: \"action\", \"cause and effect\", \"focus\", \"generation\", \"identification\", \"intensity\", \"boundary\", \"relationship\", \"sequence\", \"time\", \"transfer\" and \"transformation\"; (3) the arrow in corporate identity systems, representing companies or products visually and in an orderly fashion, with new meanings coming from semantic associations related to the specific circumstances of each brand and market sectors to which they belong, such as: \"covering\", \"satisfaction\", \"sympathy\", \"health\", \"growth\", \"development\", \"speed\", \"centralization\", \"pleasure\", and \"softness\". This qualitative research seeks, with analysis and interpretation of the variables of phenomena specific to each field of study, to broadly understand parts of the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of the graphic symbol in question. This is in-depth study which aims to contribute to a better understanding and use of the arrow by communicators and designers, with greater knowledge and propriety, allowing for its clearer and more effective application in signage systems in large spaces, diagrams of visual information, and corporate identities.
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Lower Bounds For Ropelength Of Links Via Higher Linking Numbers And Other Finite Type InvariantsJanuary 2015 (has links)
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Photonic devices with MQW active material and waveguide gratings : modelling and characterisationAkram, Nadeem January 2005 (has links)
The research work presented in this thesis deals with modelling, design and characterisation of passive and active optical waveguide devices. The rst part of the thesis is related to algorithm development and numerical modelling of planar optical waveguides and gratings using the Method of Lines (MoL). The basic three-point central-di erence approximation of the δ2=δx2 operator used in the Helmholtz equation is extended to a new ve-point and seven-point approximation with appropriate interface conditions for the TE and TM elds. Di erent structures such as a high-contrast waveguide and a TM surface plasmon mode waveguide are simulated, and improved numerical accuracy for calculating the optical mode and propagation constant is demonstrated. A new fast and stable non-paraxial bi-directional beam propagation method, called Cascading and Doubling algorithm, is derived to model deep gratings with many periods. This algorithm is applied to model a quasi-guided multi-layer anti-resonant reecting optical waveguide (ARROW) grating polarizing structure. In the second part of the thesis, our focus is on active optical devices such as vertical-cavity and edge-emitting lasers. With a view to improve the bandwidth of directly modulated laser, an InGaAsP quantum well with InGaAlAs barrier is studied due to its favorable band o set for hole injection as well as for electron con nement. Quantum wells with di erent barrier bandgap are grown and direct carrier transport measurements are done using time and wavelength resolved photoluminescence upconversion. Semi-insulating regrown Fabry-Perot lasers are manufactured and experimentally evaluated for light-current, optical gain, chirp and small-signal performance. It is shown that the lasers having MQW with shallow bandgap InGaAlAs barrier have improved carrier transport properties, better T0, higher di erential gain and lower chirp. For lateral current injection laser scheme, it is shown that a narrow mesa is important for gain uniformity across the active region. High speed directly modulated DBR lasers are evaluated for analog performance and a record high spurious free dynamic range of 103 dB Hz2=3 for frequencies in the range of 1-19 GHz is demonstrated. Large signal transmission experiment is performed at 40 Gb/s and error free transmission for back-to-back and through 1 km standard single mode ber is achieved. / QC 20100827
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Terminal transitions : an analysis of projectile points from the terminal middle period on the northern plains2013 June 1900 (has links)
The Terminal Middle Period (3000 to 2000 B.P.) and the Transitional Late Period (2000 B.P. to 1500 B.P.) contain a number of diverse projectile point styles belonging to several cultural complexes. The cultural complexes studied here include: Pelican Lake, Besant, Outlook, Bracken, Sonota and Sandy Creek. The point styles associated with these complexes have been in the past separated on largely visual or subjective bases. Clarifying the projectile point morphologies during this period will allow for better interpretations of archaeological sites on the Northern Plains. To aid in this clarification, twelve projectile point assemblages from nine previously excavated sites on the Saskatchewan and Alberta Plains were studied. These assemblages were subjected to geometric morphometric and discriminate function analysis. Beyond these two avenues of analysis, the assemblages were also subjected to metric testing to determine if the point styles were more consistent with arrow or dart projectiles. During this time period, the technological transition from the atlatl and dart to bow and arrow appears to have occurred. As a result of the arrow/dart testing, a pattern of robustness was seen in the kill site assemblages as compared to the habitation site assemblages. This resulted in larger points being found in communal kill sites in the study suggesting a link between game size and hunting methods. The result from this analysis recommends a reduction in the independent point styles suggested by other researchers. The data trends towards the finding that two major cultural complexes existed in the Terminal Middle / Transitional Late periods in the studied region of Northern Plains, Pelican Lake and Besant. A third minor group morphologicaly between the two major groups.
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A reexamination of the adoption of the bow and arrow in the eastern woodlandsMeece, Jamie S. January 2007 (has links)
This thesis reexamines the adoption of the bow and arrow in the Eastern Woodlands. Archaeologists have usually relied on the size and shape of projectile points to help them determine when the bow and arrow was adopted, since the other parts of this complex system (e.g., the wooden bows and arrow shafts) do not survive well in the Eastern Woodlands. The current belief is that the bow and arrow was introduced during the Late Woodland period (AD 500) in the Eastern Woodlands. This is based on the wide spread use of small stone projectile points and on their continued use up to European contact. However, this small point technology was actually established during the Late Archaic period (2000 BC). A wide range of evidence is presented in this thesis that shows that the bow and arrow may have been adopted during the Late Archaic period and was well established during the Middle Woodland period (AD 100) in several Eastern Woodland states. / Department of Anthropology
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