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Acting into the living present : taking account of complexity and uncertainty when leading consultancy teams in international water projectsIversen, Leif January 2017 (has links)
This thesis addresses how leaders find themselves doing something even when they don't know what to do. It is based on my own practice as an experienced team leader and it deals with questions of action, time, identity and leadership. A classic understanding of action usually reflects an expectation of a rational means-ends relationship where actions are designed and applied by individuals to reach well-defined goals within a certain context and within a certain time. In contrast, in this thesis, I describe acting as a much more complex process, as something becoming, as a patterning of activities involving multiple actors in a continuous and complex interweaving of relationships. I describe my experience of leading a team of consultants in international development projects where I inquire into how we often find ourselves acting into uncertainty even when we are not at all sure what to do. Adopting the theory of complex responsive processes of relating, which combines insights from the complexity sciences, social psychology and process sociology, I have come to see acting in our projects as complex, unpredictable, emerging themes and patterns of dialogues between colleagues, clients and other actors, rather than as an activity undertaken by an individual such as a team leader. I do not have an outside position to acting in a project as I am fully involved in the process while this paradoxically influences me at the same time. I argue that acting is related to identity, which can be understood as a sense of self, a person's moral self-interpretation which has a narrative structure and which is continuously being formed by (and is forming) one's acting. I argue that my experience of our practice may be explained by the pragmatists' understanding of acting based on actual lived experience where the means paradoxically become our 'ends-in-view' and vice versa, meaning that we do not just try to maintain a theoretical, future goal but move forwards towards what is practically possible, what we find useful and what makes sense in the present. Acting happens in a living present, meaning that we understand the present through our interpretation of the past as well as our expectation of the future, and we construct this living present as something that works for us when we pursue our collective aims and interests. In the process of acting, there is an arrow on time, meaning that what has been said cannot be unsaid, wherefore it is important to reflect on the perspective of 'ends-in-view' and to understand how acting into a situation may reveal new opportunities. The thesis contributes to knowledge within my profession as an original invitation to think differently about two aspects: first, seeing acting in a project with a much more processual, temporal and encompassing understanding where action is not located in an individual; second, understanding how acting is influenced by one's identity, a sense of self, which is paradoxically being formed by the acting at the same time. Further, the thesis identifies sociality, being different things at the same time (Mead, 1932/2002), as a new aspect in the theory of complex responsive processes of relating (Stacey, Griffin, & Shaw, 2000), recognising its significance in the process of understanding of how novelty occurs. The thesis contributes to my practice in terms of an increased reflexivity and acceptance that a team leader cannot determine outcomes in advance; that leadership is a complex process involving many actors; and that observing ends-in-view may create new and surprising ways forward. I find that these insights can lead to an increased acceptance of how we can act under conditions of uncertainty.
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Desenvolvimento de processos de fabricação de dispositivos óptico integrados em tecnologia de silício para aplicação em sensoriamento. / Development of integrated optic devices fabrication process in silicon technology for sensing applications.Daniel Orquiza de Carvalho 15 February 2012 (has links)
Os objetivos desta tese são: o estudo e aprimoramento dos diferentes parâmetros geométricos e de processo de fabricação de guias de onda ARROW (Anti-Resonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides), visando reduzir as perdas por propagação; e o projeto, fabricação e caracterização de sensores óptico integrados utilizando os processos aprimorados. Os parâmetros estudados foram: os materiais utilizados nas camadas antirresonantes, as espessuras destas camadas, a profundidade de corrosão para definição do rib e a rugosidade nas paredes laterais, que considera-se o parâmetro mais crítico no que diz respeito às perdas por propagação obtidas com o processo de fabricação utilizado neste trabalho. Os materiais utilizados na fabricação dos guias de onda ARROW sobre substrato de silício foram filmes de oxinitreto de silício (SiOxNy) depositados por PECVD à temperatura de 320°C, filmes de SiO2 crescidos em forno de oxidação em ambiente úmido a 1200°C e filmes de TiOxNy depositados pela técnica de Magnetron Sputtering Reativo. A definição das paredes laterais dessas estruturas foi feita através da Corrosão por Plasma Reativo (RIE) e técnicas fotolitográficas convencionais. Para o aprimoramento dos processos, as técnicas de caracterização utilizadas foram: medidas de perdas por propagação, utilizando a técnica de vista superior e a análise modal dos guias de onda. A principal contribuição deste trabalho foi a proposição de um processo de fabricação alternativo, onde pedestais são utilizados para a definição das paredes laterais antes da deposição do núcleo dos guias de onda. Este processo permitiu a redução significativa das perdas e o corte dos modos superiores para guias com larguras menores ou iguais a 6 µm. Finalmente, com os guias e os processos aperfeiçoados foram fabricados dois diferentes tipos de sensores ópticos: sensores refratométricos baseados em interferômetro de Mach-Zehnder (IMZ) e sensores de umidade baseados em absorção utilizando o polímero polipirrol (PPy). A caracterização dos sensores baseados em IMZ permitiu concluir que, embora se tenha observado uma resposta do sensor em termos de variação da potência na saída do dispositivo com a variação do índice de refração, esta variação possivelmente está sendo influenciada pela interferência multimodo resultante de limitações do processo de fabricação, o que reduz significativamente a sensibilidade com relação a valores projetados. Os sensores de umidade apresentaram uma variação significativa da potência de saída para umidades relativas ao redor de 70%, permitindo sua utilização em diferentes aplicações, como na indústria alimentícia e no monitoramento da qualidade do ar. / The main goals of this thesis are: the study and improvement of different geometrical and fabrication process parameters of Anti-Resonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides (ARROWs), aiming at reducing the propagation losses; and the design, fabrication and characterization of integrated optics sensors using the improved processes. The studied parameters were: the materials used as anti-resonant layers, the thickness of these layers, the rib height and the sidewall roughness (SWR), which is considered the most critical parameter with respect to propagation losses in the fabrication process used in this work. The materials used in the fabrication of ARROW waveguides over silicon substrate were silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) films deposited by PECVD at 320°C, SiO2 films, thermally grown at 1200°C and TiOxNy films deposited by the reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The definition of the sidewalls of these waveguides was performed by Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) and conventional photolithographic techniques. The characterization techniques used were: propagation loss measurements, using the top view technique and modal analysis. The main contribution of this work was the proposition of an alternative fabrication process where pedestals are used in order to define the sidewalls before deposition of the core of the ARROW waveguides. This process allowed significant reduction of losses and cutoff of higher modes at widths of 6 µm. Finally, with the waveguides and improved processes two different types of optical sensors were fabricated: refractometric sensors based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer (IMZ) and humidity sensors based on evanescent field absorption using polypyrrole polymer (PPy). The characterization results of IMZ based sensors showed that, although a sensor response has been observed in terms of change of output power with variation of the external medium\'s refractive index, this variation is possibly being influenced by multimode interference resulting from limitations in the fabrication process. This significantly reduces the sensitivity with respect to designed values. The humidity sensors show a significant variation in output power for relative humidity values around 70%, allowing its use in different applications, such as in food industry and in air quality monitoring.
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Os significados da seta: análise do símbolo gráfico em sistemas de sinalização, de esquematização e de identidades visuais / The meanings of the arrow: Analysis of the graphic symbol \"arrow\" in signage systems, diagrams, and corporate identitiesGraziela Gallo Garcia 27 September 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado analisa a seta como símbolo gráfico universal da comunicação visual, reconhecido por diferentes povos em diversas épocas e culturas. A pesquisa apresenta a seta como transmissora de informações essenciais por meio de seus vários significados e funções facilitando as interações sociais no mundo contemporâneo, diminuindo as dificuldades geradas por especificidades linguísticas e auxiliando na possibilidade de uma rápida interpretação das mensagens comunicadas, ainda que dentro de limites culturais. O estudo mostra que este símbolo gráfico é utilizado desde os tempos mais remotos, nas pinturas rupestres, até os dias atuais, com usos distintos em vários campos do conhecimento. O objetivo da análise é identificar os significados mais notáveis do símbolo gráfico seta, além de sua função direcional básica e como eles se desenvolveram em três modalidades de aplicação: (1) a seta nos sistemas de sinalização, orientando e dirigindo o fluxo do tráfego humano e suas variantes nos pictogramas e na sinalização viária, algumas vezes com significados distintos como o de \"encontro\", \"indicação\" ou \"localização\"; (2) a seta nos sistemas de esquematização em várias áreas do conhecimento, da vida cotidiana às representações científicas, empregada com diferentes funções, dependendo da intenção da mensagem a ser transmitida, entre elas: \"ação\", \"causa-efeito\", \"foco\", \"geração\", \"identificação\", \"intensidade\", \"limite\", \"relação\", \"sequência\", \"tempo\", \"transferência\" e \"transformação\"; (3) a seta nos sistemas de identidades visuais, representando empresas ou produtos visualmente e de forma ordenada, com novos significados vindos de associações semânticas relacionadas às situações específicas de cada marca e aos setores de mercado aos quais elas pertencem, como por exemplo: \"cobertura\", \"satisfação\", \"simpatia\", \"saúde\", \"crescimento\", \"desenvolvimento\", \"rapidez\", \"centralização\", \"prazer\" e \"suavidade\". É uma pesquisa qualitativa que pretende, com a análise e a interpretação das variáveis dos fenômenos particulares a cada campo de estudo, entender de forma ampla, partes das dimensões semântica e pragmática do símbolo gráfico em questão. Este estudo aprofundado pretende contribuir para o melhor entendimento e utilização da seta por comunicadores e designers, com maior conhecimento e propriedade, permitindo sua aplicação mais clara e efetiva nos sistemas de sinalização de grandes espaços, de esquematização da informação visual e de identidades visuais. / This thesis analyzes the arrow as a universal graphic symbol in visual communication, one recognized by different people in different times and cultures. The research presents the arrow as a transmitter of critical information through its various meanings and functions, facilitating social interactions in the contemporary world, lessening the difficulties caused by linguistic specificities and assisting in the possibility of a rapid interpretation, though still within cultural limits, of the messages communicated. The study shows that this graphic symbol has been used since ancient times, from cave paintings to the present day, with different uses in various fields of knowledge. The goal of the analysis is to identify the most notable meanings of the arrow graphic symbol, besides its basic directional function, and how these meanings developed into three types of applications: (1) the arrow in signage systems, guiding and directing the flow of human traffic and its variants in pictograms and road signs, sometimes with different meanings like \"meeting\", \"indication\" or \"location\"; (2) the arrow in diagrams in various areas of knowledge, from everyday life to scientific representations, used with different functions, depending on the intent of the message to be transmitted, including: \"action\", \"cause and effect\", \"focus\", \"generation\", \"identification\", \"intensity\", \"boundary\", \"relationship\", \"sequence\", \"time\", \"transfer\" and \"transformation\"; (3) the arrow in corporate identity systems, representing companies or products visually and in an orderly fashion, with new meanings coming from semantic associations related to the specific circumstances of each brand and market sectors to which they belong, such as: \"covering\", \"satisfaction\", \"sympathy\", \"health\", \"growth\", \"development\", \"speed\", \"centralization\", \"pleasure\", and \"softness\". This qualitative research seeks, with analysis and interpretation of the variables of phenomena specific to each field of study, to broadly understand parts of the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of the graphic symbol in question. This is in-depth study which aims to contribute to a better understanding and use of the arrow by communicators and designers, with greater knowledge and propriety, allowing for its clearer and more effective application in signage systems in large spaces, diagrams of visual information, and corporate identities.
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Stable Isotopes in the Eye Lenses of Doryteuthis plei: Exploring Natal Origins and Migratory Patterns in the Eastern Gulf of MexicoMeath, Brenna A. 19 October 2017 (has links)
Stable isotope analysis is an emerging tool to examine trophic pathways and migratory patterns of marine organisms. Squid are widely distributed in coastal and deep water regions of the Gulf of Mexico. Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen found within cephalopod tissues can provide information on both trophic level and habitat of their food sources. More recently, ontogenetic changes in stable isotope ratios within squid eye lenses have been documented. Concentric layers of crystallin proteins are added to the lens as the squid ages; the center of the lens contains the oldest layer and the youngest layers are on the outermost surface. The crystallin proteins are rich in carbon and nitrogen, providing suitable sources for isotopic analysis of both δ15N and δ13C. Doryteuthis plei is a common inshore squid in coastal waters of the western Atlantic region. This study identifies the geographic movements of D. plei in the eastern Gulf of Mexico using changes in isotope ratios in eye-lens layers. Isotopic analyses suggest that these squid begin their lives in the deep chlorophyll maximum of the outer shelf and move inshore as they age.
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Aristotelovo řešení Zenónových paradoxů / Aristotle's solution of Zeno's paradoxesTříska, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
(in English): Aim of present paper is to reconstruct and compare Aristotle's solution of Zeno's paradoxes of motion from Books VI and VIII of his Physics. Aristotle claims that there is difference between these two solutions. There is difference in charakter of question which is posed by Zeno. In book VI. the question is concerning the possibility of traversing infinite distance in finite time. In book VIII. this question is asked about time itself. It is here, in book VIII, where we should find the right solution to paradoxes of motion. In this paper I shall look into the nature of this difference between solution in book six and in book VIII, and I will find out if there si some consquence for Aristotle's conception of magnitudes.
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Genesis of the sulphide mineralization at the Big Ledge Property, B.C.Morris, Arthur January 1948 (has links)
The Big Ledge property is a group of claims in the Upper Arrow lake area, opposite St. Leon hot springs and about 7 miles west of the lake itself. The property is underlain by rocks of the Hamill series of late Precambrian age. These rocks are composed of schists, paragneisses, and crystalline limestone. Intimately associated with these rocks are pegmatite, and banded gneissic and granitic rocks of the pegmatite-gneiss complex of the Nelson batholith.
The structure of the Precambrian rocks along the ledge is regular. The beds strike approximately east-west and their average dip is about 40 degrees to the south. The mineralized zone appears to be conformable with the enclosing rocks. However, instead of swinging to the south as one would expect with a decrease in elevation of 3000 feet to the east, the zone continues to outcrop in roughly the same east-west direction throughout its length. This seems to indicate a structural control of some sort if the mineralization is to be attributed to hydrothermal solutions.
The mineralization of the Big Ledge is confined to a zone remarkable for its continuity and uniformly low grade. Pyrrhotite is the most abundant sulphide, sphalerite and pyrite occur in about equal quantities, and galena is present in minor amounts. The mineralization does not extend across the entire width of the ledge but is confined to bands or lenses a few inches to several feet thick within the zone. In these bands the sulphides occur either as disseminations in or as massive replacements of silicate minerals that are the products of metamorphism of impure dolomitic limestones. Commonly massive bodies of sulphides appear to be associated with pegmatitic intrusives in the mineralized zone.
Geological reconnaissance and laboratory investigations indicate at least two distinct kinds of metamorphism. The first type, regional metamorphism, is indicated by the prevalence of garnet-mica schist throughout the Upper Arrow lake area. The second kind, thermal metamorphism, is apparently restricted to the mineralized zone. It is thought that the thermal metamorphism was the first of a sequence of events, including injection of the pegmatitic material and circulation of hydrothermal solutions that resulted in the low-grade mineralization of the Big Ledge. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate
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Establising a high-frequency standard reference sequence stratigraphy, sea-level curve, and biostratigraphy for Morrowan strata of the Lower Absaroka I time slice based upon the Bird Spring Formation, Arrow Canyon, NevadaBriggs, Kristen Phelps 21 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
For the same reasons which prompted its ratification in 1990 as the Global Stratotype Section and Point for the Mid-Carboniferous boundary, namely, section completeness, abundant fossils, and excellent exposure, the Morrowan Arrow Canyon Bird Spring strata is recommended as a candidate standard sequence stratigraphic reference for the Morrowan portion of the Lower Absaroka I supersequence. The stratigraphic architecture of Morrowan strata in Arrow Canyon was largely controlled by high-amplitude (100-m), high-frequency sea-level changes. Outcrop data and facies stacking patterns define 59 fifth-order fundamental cycles. These fundamental cycles stack into ten third-order sequences with an average duration of 320 ka. Changes in both cycle thickness and fundamental cycle type indicate that the second-order sea-level curve of Golonka and Keissling for the Lower Absaroka Ia supersequence should be modified to reflect rising sea-level from the Mid-Carboniferous boundary with maximum flooding conditions ~120 to 135 meters above the Mid-Carboniferous boundary, followed by falling sea-level to ~6 meters below the Morrowan-Atokan boundary in Arrow Canyon. Additionally, cycle diagnostic conodonts and foraminifera permit correlation of selected third-order sequences to basins containing time-equivalent strata.
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Low-Loss Hollow Waveguide Platforms for Optical Sensing and ManipulationLunt, Evan J. 11 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation presents a method for fabricating integrated hollow and solid optical waveguides on planar substrates. These waveguides are antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides (ARROWs), where high-index cladding layers confine light to hollow cores through optical interference. Hollow waveguides that can be filled with liquids or gases are an important new building block for creating highly-integrated optical sensors. The method developed for fabricating these integrated waveguides employs standard processes and materials used in the microelectronics industry, allowing for parallel, low-cost fabrication. Dielectric cladding layers are deposited on a silicon wafer using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). After the lower cladding layers have been deposited, a sacrificial material is deposited and patterned using photolithography to produce the hollow-core shape. After the sacrificial cores are defined, they are coated with additional PECVD dielectric layers to form the sides and tops of the waveguides. Integrated solid-core waveguides can be easily created by etching a ridge into the top dielectric cladding layer. Finally, the ends of the sacrificial cores are exposed and removed with an acid solution, resulting in hollow waveguides. Improved optical performance for integrated ARROW platforms can be achieved by only using a single over-coating for the cladding on the sides and top of the hollow waveguide. Such a structure resulted in 70% improvement in optical throughput for the platforms and increased sensitivity for optical manipulation and fluorescence detection of single particles, including viruses. Reduced loss for the hollow waveguides can be obtained by surrounding the core with a terminal layer of air on the sides and top of the waveguide. Such devices were created by forming the hollow waveguides on top of a pedestal on the silicon substrate. This process produces the ideal geometry for hollow ARROW waveguides, and loss measurements of waveguides with air-filled cores had loss coefficients of 1.54/cm, which is the lowest achieved for air-core ARROWs.
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conversion of Traditional Five Section Head Signal to Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) SignalAlmoshaogeh, Meshal 01 January 2014 (has links)
In the United States, there are two schemes of operating traffic signal controls for permitted protected left turns (PPLT) namely the traditional five-section head system (known as Dog-House) and the flashing yellow arrow system (FYA). Past studies have agreed that these controls lead to decrease the average delay per left turn vehicle, decrease the protected green time, increase the left turn capacity, and enhance the intersection overall operation. The flashing yellow arrow (FYA) has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration as the national standard for the PPLT operations at signalized intersections. So, the Florida Department of Transportation also approved this new system and they are extensively replacing the traditional system with the new system on the area of Central Florida (Lin, et al, 2010). Both these systems have been used for a long time and there are some studies that evaluated these systems but there are limited number of projects that evaluated and/or compared between the two PPLT systems from the operational perspective. The main goal of this research is to study the characteristics of traffic operations and evaluate the effectiveness of the conversion from five-section head signal to the FYA treatments at 13 intersections located in Orlando, Florida. To reach this goal, detailed data collection efforts were conducted at 13 selected intersections in the central Florida area and appropriate statistical tests were conducted using the Minitab 17 Software. Statistical tests were attempted to fit different new regression models that correlate delay and left turn volumes as response variables against a set of independent variables that included permitted green time, opposing volume, percent of trucks, time gaps, speed, and land use type. In addition to fitting the data to regression models, these models were also analyzed for the purpose of detecting any significant differences between the five-section head treatment and FYA treatment. The statistical differences of converting the five-section head system to FYA system were discussed. The results in this thesis agreed with some of the previous studies and did not agree with others. In general, the flashing yellow arrow system was found to enhance the intersection operation, increase the number of left turn vehicles, and reduce the delay. Also, some suggestions and recommendations were made based on this study results.
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La flèche du temps : analyse philosophique d'une métaphore scientifiqueMontminy, David 04 1900 (has links)
Le problème de la direction du temps est un problème classique autant en physique qu’en philosophie. Quoiqu’il existe plusieurs façons de s’interroger sur ce problème, l’approche thermodynamique est la plus fréquemment utilisée. Cette approche consiste à considérer la flèche du temps thermodynamique comme la flèche fondamentale de laquelle les autres flèches ne sont que des manifestations. Ce mémoire vise à fournir une analyse philosophique de cette approche. Pour ce faire, nous esquisserons la problématique générale, nous exposerons les différentes approches et théories alternatives visant à résoudre ce problème et nous présenterons la thèse forte soutenant l’approche thermodynamique. Ensuite, nous évaluerons la pertinence du recours à la mécanique statistique et à la cosmologie visant à remédier aux déficiences de cette même approche. Enfin, nous analyserons en quoi cette approche, et plus particulièrement la notion d’entropie, est en mesure de fournir un cadre conceptuel pour la résolution du problème de la flèche du temps. / The problem of the direction of time is a classical problem in both physics and philosophy. Although there are various ways to tackle this problem, the thermodynamic approach is the most commonly used. This approach considers the thermodynamic arrow of time as the fundamental arrow of which all others arrows are only manifestations. This essay aims to provide a philosophical analysis of this approach. To do this, we sketch the research question, we introduce various alternate theories and approaches set to answer this problem, and present the strong thesis underlying the thermodynamic approach. Then we will evaluate the use of statistical mechanics and cosmology that are used in attempt to mitigate the deficiencies of this approach. Finally, we will analyze how this approach, and more importantly the notion of entropy, can provide an adequate conceptual scheme to solve the problem of the arrow of time.
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