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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vybrané otázky přístupu k soudům v ochraně životního prostředí / Selected issues of access to justice in environmental protection

Chejn, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
Štěpán Chejn - Diplomová práce Název práce v českém jazyce: Vybrané otázky přístupu k soudům v ochraně životního prostředí Název práce v anglickém jazyce: Selected issues of access to justice in evironmental protection Abstrakt: Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit platnou právní úpravu přístupu k soudům v otázkách životního prostředí ve světle nálezu Výboru pro dodržování Aarhuské úmluvy. Práce nejprve stručně pojednává o teoretických přístupech a obecných otázkách, které jsou pro zhodnocení platné právní úpravy nezbytné, a poté popisuje hlavní body stížnosti. V závěru se pak věnuje tématu odkladného účinku, jelikož v této části nebyla dle Výboru Úmluva porušena. Součástí práce je také autorův vlastní výzkum dle zákona 106/1999 Sb. Klíčová slova: Soudní ochrana životního prostředí, Aarhuská úmluva, odkladný účinek Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the legal regulation of access to justice in environmental matters in the light of findings of the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention. The thesis briefly discusses theoretical approaches and general issues that are necessary to evaluate existing legislation, and then describes the main points of the complaint. The conclusion is devoted to the topic of suspensive effect, as in this section according to the Compliance Committee the Convention...

Contribution à la restructuration du droit de la participation du public en droit de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement

Delnoy, Michel 09 November 2006 (has links)
En droit de lurbanisme et de lenvironnement, la participation du public correspond aux mécanismes juridiques qui permettent aux particuliers dinfluer sur ladoption, le contenu et la mise en uvre des décisions administratives unilatérales relatives au cadre de vie : enquête publique, commissions consultatives, concertation, initiative, comités daccompagnement, etc. Déjà fort ancienne, mais sinscrivant, plus récemment, dans le mouvement de modification de la manière de « faire de ladministration » initié par la loi de 1991 relative à la motivation formelle des actes administratifs, la participation du public revêt un grand intérêt dans lamélioration du fonctionnement de la démocratie. Son développement quantitatif et qualitatif, réclamé à cor et à cri par les particuliers et les associations de défense de lenvironnement, est désormais imposé par des textes internationaux et communautaires. Sa mise en uvre nest cependant pas sans entraîner certains inconvénients pratiques et sans soulever de délicates questions juridiques. Dans la première partie de louvrage, lauteur dresse de manière systématique létat du droit positif wallon de la participation : les décisions et actes administratifs qui y sont soumis, les personnes qui peuvent participer, les procédures quelles doivent suivre pour le faire et les effets juridiques de leur intervention. Après avoir évoqué lobligation de restructurer cette matière, lauteur fournit, dans la seconde partie de louvrage, les règles sur la base desquelles le droit positif devrait être contrôlé et remanié : Convention dAarhus, droit communautaire dérivé, droit institutionnel et des libertés publiques, droit interne. Enfin, en guise de conclusion générale, lauteur formule, à destination du législateur et des autorités administratives compétentes, une série de propositions concrètes de modifications du droit positif de la participation.

Aarhuská úmluva v judikatuře Soudního dvora Evropské unie. / The Aarhus convention in the Case law of Court of Justice of European Union

Opočenský, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes issues which occurring during the implementation of requirements of Aarhus convention. The Convention has unique character, as it combines the basic human rights with environmental rights. Since 2005 The European Union is signatory, which means that content of Convention is part of union law and falls within the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of European Union. The first chapter deals with the particular elements of the Aarhus convention. In the chapter two are described the consequences of accession to the Convention for European Union and her member states. The core of this thesis consists of chapters, 3-5, which in sequence analyzes, through selected court decisions, the most complicated provisions from the perspective of implementation and suggest certain tendencies in decision-making of the Court of Justice of The European Union. Among the most obvious belong differential treatment and claims on European and domestic bodies in executing the rights guaranteed by Aarhus convention. The final chapter suggests the overlap to the Czech regulation, concretely alerts at changes in decision-making and the legislature, which are among others strongly inspired by judgments of the CJ EU.

Posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí a účast veřejnosti. / Environmental Impact Assessment and Public Participation.

Michek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Environmental Impact Assessment and Public Participation. The structure of the thesis consists of six chapters that are further divided into several sections and subsections. The first chapter introduces the concept of EIA in reference to the principles upon which the concept is based on. The following chapter addresses a number of international and EU legal documents related to the concept of EIA and its legal regulation. The third and fourth chapter should be considered as a fundamental part of the thesis, which focuses on the legal regulation of the concept of EIA in the Czech Republic and the Act No. 39/2015 Coll., amending the act on environmental impact assessment. The last chapter summarises and evaluates the findings of the previous chapters.

Deine Informationsrechte – Deine Umwelt: Das Umweltinformationsrecht im Freistaat Sachsen praxisnah erläutert

Gruner, Stefanie 08 August 2019 (has links)
Das deutsche Umweltinformationsrecht ist bürgerfreundlicher und weitgehender als die Verbraucherinformationsrechte oder allgemein die Informationsrechte. Zwar gibt es auf Bundesebene inzwischen ein allgemeines Informationsfreiheitsgesetz, in Sachsen fehlt dies jedoch weiterhin. Leider kennt kaum ein Bürger oder eine Bürgerin die Umweltinformationsmöglichkeiten. Abschreckend wirken zudem teilweise unübersichtliche Gebührenregelungen. Dabei gewährt das Gesetz jedem Bürger ohne Angabe von Gründen die Ausübung des Rechts auf Umweltinformation. Gebühren dürfen hierfür nur nach bestimmten Regeln erhoben werden. Diese Broschüre soll sie in diese Materie einführen und Bürgerinnen und Bürgern helfen, von ihrem Recht Gebrauch zu machen.:1. Einführung 2. Die Aarhus-Konvention als Grundlage des 3. Was sind überhaupt Umweltinformationen? 4. Wer hat ein Recht auf Umweltinformationen 5. Welche Rechtsgrundlage ist für mein Informationsbegehr einschlägig? 6. Was sind informationspflichtige Stellen 7. Anfragen stellen 8. Was ist, wenn die Behörde oder informationspflichtige Stelle behauptet, sie hätte die Information nicht? 9. Der Rechtsweg 10. Gibt es Ausnahmen beim Anspruch auf Umweltinformationen? 11. Was kostet der Umweltinformationsanspruch? 12. Urteile 13. Der kürzere Weg – Umweltinformationen direkt im Netz 14. Das Umweltinformationsrecht im Vergleich: Bund – Sachsen 15. Wo finde ich Hilfe und weitere Informationen? 16. Anhänge 16.1 Das Umweltinformationsgesetz des Bundes (UIG) 16.2 Umweltinformationsgesetz für den Freistaat Sachsen (SächsUIG) 16.3 Kostenverordnung des Bundes zum UIG 16.4 Auszug aus dem 9. Sächsischen Kostenverzeichnis

Index environmentální demokracie podle Aarhuské úmluvy: východiska, rámec a indikátory / Environmental Democracy Index based on the Aarhus Convention: foundation, framework and indicators

Macurová, Miriam January 2021 (has links)
The focus of this master thesis is the concept of environmental democracy at the level of the Aarhus convention. Environmental democracy rights which are the rights to access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters were mentioned for the first time at the global level in Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development in 1992. With this Principle the main role of public participation in decision-making in environmental matters was acknowledged and it had a significant impact on fulfillment of sustainable development goals. To these days the most important elaboration of Principle 10 in international law is Aarhus Convention signed within the framework of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in 1998. Main research question of this thesis is if it is possible to measure environmental democracy on the level of the region of UNECE, so the implementation of the Aarhus Convention provisions by its member states. Therefore, the research problem is the creation of the theoretical framework and the methodological procedure for building of composite indicator which will measure environmental democracy rights at the level of Aarhus convention. That will be demonstrated on the first pillar of the Convention. This thesis...

Informace o životním prostředí / Information on the environment

Švecová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
Although these days, we can perceive the right for environmental information as something automated and quite natural in a democratic society, we must realize that it was far from it in the past. Hand in hand with the principle of secretiveness of state administration, the public had virtually no possibility to obtain information concerning not only the state of the environment but also general information concerning almost anything. It is not surprising after all because before 1989, neither the general right for information nor the right for environmental information were protected by law, less alone by the constitution. Nevertheless, the democratic changes which took place after the Velvet Revolution produced changes also in the field of the right for information and this right was, both generally - as a right for information, and specifically - as a right for environmental information, included in the legal regulation of the greatest legal force, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, which became a part of the constitutional order of the Czech Republic on the basis of the resolution of the Czech National Council presidium No. 2/1993 Coll. On the basis of its constitutional protection, the right for environmental information was provided for also by law (Act No. 123/1998 Coll.) and...

Climate change law and litigation in Sweden with scenarios from Europe : Possibilities for members of the public to challenge the state's responsibility for climate change through litigation

Valderas, Ana-Sofia January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish government is legally obliged to conduct climate policy work that will protect nature and humanity from the harmful effects of climate change. Obligations related to the environment arise under Swedish domestic law, European law and international law. This thesis investigates the possibilities for the Swedish public to initiate climate change litigation against the Swedish government due to insufficient climate actions. I examine three climate change litigation approaches from selected jurisdictions, including Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom. By transposing the three litigation approaches into the Swedish legal order I seek to discuss the possibilities for the public to challenge the Swedish state's responsibility in climate matters. This thesis claims that the possibilities for the concerned public to address climate change are restricted. International obligations derived from the European Convention on Human Rights and the Aarhus Convention have given individuals substantive rights and procedural rights in matters related to the environment. However, the implementation of the international obligations are not always enshrined in the national law.

Le droit à l'information environnementale du public en matière de risques industriels / The public right to environnemental information on industrial hazards

Aras, Melis 30 June 2016 (has links)
Le droit à l’information environnementale du public en matière de risques industriels, par le recours aux différentes modalités d’exercice, y compris les supports de communications électroniques, paraît, de prime abord, comme étant « fonction de plusieurs variables ». Cette équation juridique consiste en effet en la mise en question de l’exercice d’un droit au regard de son objet et de ses modalités. L’hypothèse d’une évolution du droit à l’information environnementale nécessite d’analyser, au travers d’une réflexion théorique et juridique centrée sur la création et l’application du droit, l’évolution de ses droits consubstantiels, à savoir le droit d’accès à l’information du public et le droit de la participation du public au processus décisionnel. Le caractère évolutif du droit à l’information environnementale du public est appréhendé en considérant notamment les fonctions opératoires du juge dans l’exercice des droits d’accès à l’information du public et de la participation du public au processus décisionnel, et de la pluralité des modalités d’exercice de ceux-ci. La présence de certains décalages dans l’application de ces droits démontre l’évolution de l’adaptabilité du droit à l’information environnementale à son objet et à ses modalités d’exercice plutôt qu’une évolution propre à ce droit. / At first glance, the public right to environmental information on industrial hazards, by using different modes of exercise, including electronic communications, seems to be a “function of several variables”. In fact, this legal equation consists of challenging the exercise of a right with regard to its object as well as its terms. The hypothesis of evolution of the right to environmental information requires that one examines, through a theoretical and legal reflection centered on the creation and application of law, the evolution of its components, namely the right of access to information and the right to public participation in decision making. The evolving nature of the public right to environmental information is understood in particular by considering the operating functions of the judge in exercising the right of access to public information, the public participation in decision making, and the plurality of their modes of exercise. The presence of discrepancies in the application of these rights demonstrates the evolution of the adaptability of the right to environmental information with regard to its purpose and application rather than the evolution of the right itself.

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