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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geometry Effects on the Electromagnetic Properties of Linear Magnetic Materials and Superconductors in the Critical State

Pardo Vivé, Enric 23 April 2004 (has links)
Efectes de Geometria en les Propietats Electromagnètiques de Materials Lineals i de Superconductors en l'Estat CríticEl comportament electromagnètic d'un cert material no només depèn de les seves propietats intrínseques sinó també de la geometria de la mostra estudiada. De fet, algunes magnituds magnètiques en mostres del mateix material però geometria diferent poden diferir en varis ordres de magnitud. La tesi està dividida en dues parts. La primera part està dedicada a l'estudi dels efectes de geometria, també denominats efectes desimantadors, en mostres de materials lineals, homogenis i isòtrops (LHI) sota l'aplicació d'un camp magnètic uniforme. Per quantificar els efectes desimantadors en les magnituds magnètiques més rellevants en materials LHI s'utilitzen els factors de desimantació fluxmètric i magnetomètric (Nf i Nm); el seu càlcul teòric és necessari per poder determinar algunes propietats intrínseques dels materials a partir d'experiments. Després de detectar grans mancances en els resultats teòrics previs dels factors de desimantació per prismes rectangulars, presentem nombrosos càlculs originals de Nf i Nm. Pels casos de prismes infinitament llargs i prismes quadrats finits Nf i Nm es calculen per un rang ampli de relació gruix-amplada i susceptibilitat magnètica. Pel cas d'un prisma finit perfectament diamagnètic es presenta un estudi sistemàtic dels factors de desimantació en funció de les dimensions relatives del prisma a partir de càlculs precisos. També es calculen resultats numèrics per cilindres amb camp aplicat en la direcció radial, situació per la que existien molt poques dades.L'altra part de la tesi consisteix en un estudi de superconductors durs, que són materials molt interessants per aplicacions pràctiques. En aquest cas, l'estudi es centra en algunes geometries infinitament llargues immerses en un camp magnètic altern i uniforme aplicat en direcció transversal o bé que transporten un corrent elèctric altern. Concretament, s'estudien amb detall les geometries de prisma infinit de secció rectangular, el·líptica i varis casos de conjunts de múltiples prismes rectangulars. L'estudi d'aquestes geometries és de gran importància pràctica a l'hora de dissenyar cintes i cables superconductors per treballar en dispositius elèctrics en corrent altern, pels que és fonamental la reducció de les pèrdues energètiques per la viabilitat de la tecnologia basada en cables superconductors. Per fer l'estudi esmentat es desenvolupa un mètode numèric basat en el model d'estat crític per superconductors i la minimització de l'energia magnètica. Pels casos de camp magnètic aplicat, el mètode permet descriure dos tipus de connexió entre filaments, elèctricament aïllats un a un o interconnectats entre sí al extrems dels prismes. Malgrat que el primer tipus de connexió és la que presenta pèrdues energètiques més baixes, no havia estat possible simular-lo fins ara. Els resultats numèrics obtinguts a partir d'aquest mètode són originals i de gran precisió. A més, la descripció sistemàtica del problema permet realitzar un estudi en profunditat de les propietats electromagnètiques per aquestes geometries, gràcies al que s'obtenen unes tendències bàsiques per reduir les pèrdues energètiques. / The electromagnetic behaviour of a certain material do not only depends on its internal properties but also on the geometry of the studied sample. Actually, some magnetic quantities in samples of the same material but different geometry can vary in several orders of magnitude. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part we study the geometry effects, also called demagnetizing effects, in samples made of linear homogenous isotropic materials (LHI) subjected to a uniform applied magnetic field. In order to quantify the demagnetizing effects on the most relevant magnetic quantities of the samples, we carry out accurate calculations for the fluxmetric and magnetometric demagnetizing factors (Nf and Nm); the calculation of these factors is needed to determine some internal magnetic properties of materials from experiments. After detecting some important lacks in the already existing theoretical results for rectangular prisms, we present a complete set of original calculated data of Nf and Nm. For the cases of infinitely long rectangular prisms and finite square bars we calculate Nf and Nm for a wide range of thickness-to-width aspect ratio and magnetic susceptibility. For the case of a perfectly shielding rectangular prism, we present a systematic study of the demagnetizing factors as a function of the relative dimensions of the prism by means of accurate numerical calculations. Numerical results are also presented for cylinders under radial applied field, situation for which there existed very few data.The other part of the thesis consists in a study of hard superconductors, which are materials very interesting for applications. For this case, we have focused on some infinitely long geometries subjected to either a transverse AC applied field or a transport alternating current. Specifically, there have been studied in detail the geometries of an infinitely long prism with rectangular cross-section, elliptical one and some arrangements of several rectangular prisms. The study of these geometries is of great practical importance for the design of superconducting tapes and cables for devices operating in AC conditions, for which the reduction of the AC loss is of vital importance for the viability of the technology based on superconducting wires. In order to do such an study, we develop a numerical method based on the critical-state model for superconductors and magnetic energy minimization. For the cases considering an applied magnetic field, the method allows the description of two different kinds of filament connexion, mutually electrically isolated or interconnected at the ends of the prisms. Although the first kind of connection presents lower AC loss, this situation has not been simulated until now by any author. The numerical results obtained from this method are original and very accurate. Furthermore, the systematic study of the problem provides a deep understanding of the electromagnetic properties for these geometries, thanks to which we obtain some general trends to reduce the AC loss.

AC losses in HTS as a function of magnetic fields with arbitrary directions

Wolfbrandt, Anna January 2004 (has links)
Although a superconductor has zero resistivity when carrying a direct current, losses do occur when it is exposed to an alternating magnetic field and/or is carrying an alternating current. The magnitude of these so-called AC losses depends on the operating temperature, the amplitude and the direction of the magnetic field, the transport current, and the frequency. Therefore, the use of high-temperature superconductors, HTSs, in electric power components such as cables, transformers or reactors, requires knowledge of the AC losses. This thesis deals with the development of AC loss models for HTSs, mainly for Bi-2223 tapes. In particular, the orientation of the applied magnetic field is taken into account in the modelling. The basis for the models is the results of experimental investigations. The basic concepts of HTSs with special emphasis on the modelling of AC losses are presented. These can be broken down into several components. Their sources and natures are described. One of the components is the hysteretic loss and it is the dominating loss in AC applications at power frequencies. Therefore, the other loss components are neglected in the modelling. Models are presented and the associated parameters are investigated with respect to their dependence of the magnetic field as well as the temperature. The AC losses for parallel and perpendicular magnetic field with respect to the wide side of the tape are calculated numerically. Moreover, a semi-empirical model for intermediate angels of the applied magnetic field is proposed. The comparisons show good agreement with experimental results. Keywords: High-temperature superconductors, AC loss modelling, hysteresis, E-J characteristic. / <p>QCR 20161026</p>

AC losses in HTS as a function of magnetic fields with arbitrary directions

Wolfbrandt, Anna January 2004 (has links)
<p>Although a superconductor has zero resistivity when carrying a direct current, losses do occur when it is exposed to an alternating magnetic field and/or is carrying an alternating current. The magnitude of these so-called AC losses depends on the operating temperature, the amplitude and the direction of the magnetic field, the transport current, and the frequency. Therefore, the use of high-temperature superconductors, HTSs, in electric power components such as cables, transformers or reactors, requires knowledge of the AC losses.</p><p>This thesis deals with the development of AC loss models for HTSs, mainly for Bi-2223 tapes. In particular, the orientation of the applied magnetic field is taken into account in the modelling. The basis for the models is the results of experimental investigations.</p><p>The basic concepts of HTSs with special emphasis on the modelling of AC losses are presented. These can be broken down into several components. Their sources and natures are described. One of the components is the hysteretic loss and it is the dominating loss in AC applications at power frequencies. Therefore, the other loss components are neglected in the modelling.</p><p>Models are presented and the associated parameters are investigated with respect to their dependence of the magnetic field as well as the temperature. The AC losses for parallel and perpendicular magnetic field with respect to the wide side of the tape are calculated numerically. Moreover, a semi-empirical model for intermediate angels of the applied magnetic field is proposed. The comparisons show good agreement with experimental results.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b> High-temperature superconductors, AC loss modelling, hysteresis, E-J characteristic.</p>

An investigation into high temperature superconducting flux pump technology with the circular type magnetic flux pump devices and YBaCuO films

Wang, Wei January 2014 (has links)
The rapid development of second generation (2G) high temperature superconducting (HTS) wires in the last decade has made it possible to wind high quality 2G HTS coils. These 2G HTS coils show promise for future applications such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets, electrical machines, magnetic levitation trains, energy storage, etc. 2G HTS coils can be operated using either dc current or ac current. Several important issues have yet to be resolved, such as how to properly magnetise an HTS coil under dc conditions, or how to minimise losses under ac conditions. These problems should be carefully studied before the 2G HTS coils can be widely applied in scientific and industrial applications. This thesis focuses on emerging HTS flux pump technology for HTS coils operating in a dc environment. HTS flux pump technology applies a travelling magnetic wave to fully magnetise an HTS coil, which is both efficient and economical, and has in recent years been proven feasible. However, the underlying physics of this technology are so far poorly understood. In order to study the influence of a travelling magnetic wave on HTS films such as YBa2Cu3O7-δ, two types of circular-type magnetic flux pump (CTMFP) devices were proposed and built. These novel devices generate an annular-shape travelling magnetic wave. The first type was the original CTMFP magnet, which produces the longest wavelength of travelling wave. The second type was the updated CTMFP magnet, which can produce a shorter wavelength of travelling wave (1/2 of the original CTMFP magnet in the six phase connection and 1/4 in the three phase connection). A 2 inch diameter round shape YBCO thin film (200 nm thick of the YBCO layer) and a 46 mm× 46 mm square shape YBCO tape (1.0 µm thick of the YBCO layer, with a hole of Φ26 mm in the centre) were tested. When using a round shape YBCO thin film and the original CTMFP magnet, it was found that the travelling wave tends to decrease the existing critical magnetic gradient inside the YBCO film. The experiment was repeated under different conditions, such as zero-field cooling (ZFC), field cooling (FC), delta-shape trapped field, etc. A simulation based on the H-formulation using FEM software revealed that, after application of the travelling wave, the current density distribution inside the round shape YBCO sample was disturbed, becoming much lower than its critical current density JC. This discovery is interesting because the Bean model suggests that the current density inside a type-II superconductor should be equal to either +JC or - JC (the critical state model). It was found that a round shape YBCO sample follows the Bean model prediction for the homogeneous oscillating field (homogeneous in space), which suggests that the travelling wave is more efficient for transporting the magnetic flux inside YBCO film, compared to a homogeneous oscillating field. An updated CTMFP magnet was designed and built to investigate the influence of the degree of field inhomogeneity on the change of an existing critical magnetic gradient. The results were compared between the six phase connection (1/2 wavelength of the original CTMFP magnet) and the three phase connection (1/4 wavelength of the original CTMFP magnet). It was found that with a travelling wave of consistent amplitude, by shortening the wavelength, the change of magnetic gradient is made stronger. The result supports the assumption that the field inhomogeneity in space may have an important influence on the magnetisation of a YBCO sample. Additionally, in the case of a three phase connection (1/4 wavelength), by reversing the direction of the travelling wave, a different magnetisation profile was obtained, which suggests that the experiment may have detected a macroscopic “magnetic coupling” phenomenon. However, this result needs further study before it can be confirmed. The square shape YBCO sample was tested by applying a travelling wave in a dc background field under FC conditions. The square shape YBCO sample has a centre hole (Φ26 mm), which is closest to the condition of an HTS coil (single layer instead of multi-layer). However, in the experiment there was no clear change of magnetic flux inside the superconducting loop after application of the travelling wave. This might be attributed to the fact that, the field inhomogeneity is not strong enough to cause flux migration in the experiments, and the YBCO layer is relatively thicker which increases the difficulties. Moreover, the width of the superconducting region is relatively small (10 mm), in order to help magnetic flux migrate into the superconducting loop, the field inhomogeneity must be strong enough in the superconducting region, which increases the technical difficulties. However, this might be able to be accomplished by increase the amplitude of the travelling waves. Some experiments will be carried out in the future. The experimental findings in this thesis can not only aid in understanding the mechanism of HTS flux pump technology for an HTS coil, but also can help in understanding ac loss from a coil exposed to a travelling wave. As was suggested by the experimental results, the magnetisation of the YBCO film due to the travelling wave is very different from the magnetisation induced by a homogeneous oscillating field. Under operational conditions, such as inside an HTS motor, the HTS coils experience a travelling wave rather than a homogeneous oscillating field. This thesis discusses the difference in resultant ac loss from a travelling wave and a homogeneous oscillating field of the same amplitude. It was found that, for the round shape YBCO sample, the ac loss from a travelling wave is about 1/3 of the loss from a homogeneous oscillating field. The regions in which the ac loss occurred are also different between a travelling wave and a homogeneous oscillating field. These results suggest that the travelling wave cannot be equated to a homogeneous oscillating field when calculating ac loss. In conclusion, this thesis studies two novel experimental devices, built to study the magnetisation of YBCO films under the influence of a travelling wave. Several novel electromagnetic behaviours were observed in the YBCO films under the influence of a travelling wave, which may help improve understanding of HTS flux pump technology for an HTS coil, and the ac loss induced by a travelling wave.

AC loss in superconducting composites: continuous and discrete models for round and rectangular cross sections, and comparisons to experiments

Lee, Eunguk 10 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Study of second generation high temperature superconductors : electromagnetic characteristics and AC loss analysis

Shen, Boyang January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents a novel study on Second Generation High Temperature Superconductors, which covers their electromagnetic characteristics and AC loss analysis. Lorentz Force Electrical Impedance Tomography (LFEIT) is one of the most promising hybrid diagnostic scanners with burgeoning potential for biological imaging, particularly in the detection of cancer and internal haemorrhages. The author tried a novel combination of superconducting magnets together with the LFEIT system. The reason is that superconducting magnets can generate a magnetic field with high intensity and homogeneity, which could significantly enhance the electrical signal induced from a sample, thus improving the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). The author developed four magnet designs for the LEFIT system using the Finite Element Method (FEM) package, COMSOL Multiphysics, and found that a Superconducting Halbach Array magnet can achieve all the requirements (magnetic field properties, geometry, portability, etc.) for the LFEIT system. The optimization study of the superconducting Halbach Array magnet has been carried out on the FEM platform of COMSOL Multiphysics, with 2D models using H-formulation based on B-dependent critical current density and bulk approximation. Optimization focused on the location of the coils, as well as the geometry and number of coils on the premise of maintaining the total amount of superconducting material used in the design. The optimization results showed that the Halbach Array configuration based superconducting magnet is able to generate a magnetic field with an intensity of over 1 Tesla and improved homogeneity. In order to efficiently predict the optimization performance, mathematical formulas were developed for these optimization parameters to determine the intensity and homogeneity of the magnetic field. The mathematical model for the LFEIT system was built based on the theory of the magneto-acousto-electric effect. Then the basic imaging of the electrical signal was developed using Matlab. The magnetic field properties of the magnet design were imported into the LFEIT model. The LFEIT model simulated two samples located in three different magnetic fields with varying magnetic strength and homogeneity. Even if there are no actual alternating currents involved in the DC superconducting magnets mentioned above, they have power dissipation during normal operation (e.g. magnet ramping) and under different background fields. This problem generally goes under the category of “AC loss”. Therefore, the AC loss characteristics of HTS tapes and coils are still fundamentally important for HTS magnet designs, even if they are normally operating in DC conditions. This thesis starts with the AC loss study of HTS tapes. The investigation and comparison of AC losses on Surround Copper Stabilizer (SCS) Tape and Stabilizer-free (SF) Tape have been carried out, which includes AC loss measurement using the electrical method, as well as the real geometry and multi-layer HTS tape simulation using the 2D H formulation by COMSOL Multiphysics. Hysteresis AC losses in the superconducting layer, and eddy current AC losses in the copper stabilizer, silver overlayer and substrate were concerned in this investigation. The measured AC losses were compared to the AC losses from the simulation, using 3 cases of different AC frequency: 10 Hz, 100 Hz, and 1000 Hz. The frequency dependence of AC losses from Stabilizer free Tape and Copper Stabilizer Tape were compared and analysed. A comprehensive AC loss study of a circular HTS coil has been fulfilled. The AC losses from a circular double pancake coil were measured using the electrical method. A 2D axisymmetric H-formulation model using FEM package COMSOL has been established, which was able to make consistency with the real circular coil used in the experiment. To model a circular HTS coil, a 2D axisymmetric model provided better accuracy than a general 2D model, and was also more efficient than a 3D model. Three scenarios were analysed: (1) AC transport current and DC magnetic field, (2) DC transport current and AC magnetic field, (3) AC transport current and AC magnetic field. The angular dependence analysis on the coil under the magnetic field with the different orientation angle  was carried out for all three scenarios. For scenario (3), the effect of the relative phase difference ∆ between the AC current and the AC field on the total AC loss of the coil was investigated. To summarise, a current/field/angle/phase dependent AC loss (I, B, , ∆) study of circular HTS coil has been carried out, which could potentially benefit the future design and research of HTS AC systems. The AC losses of horizontally parallel HTS tapes have been investigated. The AC losses of the middle and end tape of three parallel tapes have been measured using the electrical method, and compared to those of an individual isolated tape. The effect of the interaction between tapes on AC losses has been analysed, and compared with finite element method (FEM) simulations using the 2D H formulation implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics. The electromagnetic induction around the three parallel tapes was monitored using COMSOL simulation. The electromagnetic induction and AC losses generated by a conventional three turn coil were simulated as well, and then compared to the case of three parallel tapes with the same AC transport current. The analysis demonstrated that HTS parallel tapes could be potentially used in wireless power transfer systems, which could have lower total AC losses than conventional HTS coils. By using FEM simulations, cases of increasing number of parallel tapes was considered, and the normalised ratio between the total average AC losses per tape and the AC losses of an individual single tape have been calculated for different gap distances. A new parameter is proposed, Ns, a turning point the for number of tapes, to divide Stage 1 and Stage 2 for the AC loss study of horizontally parallel tapes. For Stage 1, N < Ns, the total average losses per tape increased with the increasing number of tapes. For Stage 2, N > Ns, the total average losses per tape started to decrease with the increasing number of tapes. The analysis demonstrates that horizontally parallel HTS tapes could be potentially used in superconducting devices like HTS transformers, which could retain or even reduce the total average AC losses per tape with large numbers of parallel tapes.

Second-generation high-temperature superconducting coils and their applications for energy storage

Yuan, Weijia January 2010 (has links)
Since a superconductor has no resistance below a certain temperature and can therefore save a large amount of energy dissipated, it is a 'green' material by saving energy loss and hence reducing carbon emissions. Recently the massive manufacture of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) materials has enabled superconductivity to become a preferred candidate to help generation and transportation of cleaner energy. One of the most promising applications of superconductors is Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems, which are becoming the enabling engine for improving the capacity, efficiency, and reliability of the electric system. SMES systems store energy in the magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a superconducting coil. SMES systems have many advantages compared to other energy storage systems: high cyclic efficiency, fast response time, deep discharge and recharge ability, and a good balance between power density and energy density. Based on these advantages, SMES systems will play an indispensable role in improving power qualities, integrating renewable energy sources and energizing transportation systems. This thesis describes an intensive study of superconducting pancake coils wound using second-generation(2G) HTS materials and their application in SMES systems. The specific contribution of this thesis includes an innovative design of the SMES system, an easily calculated, but theoretically advanced numerical model to analyse the system, extensive experiments to validate the design and model, and a complete demonstration experiment of the prototype SMES system. This thesis begins with literature review which includes the introduction of the background theory of superconductivity and development of SMES systems. Following the literature review is the theoretical work. A prototype SMES system design, which provides the maximum stored energy for a particular length of conductors, has been investigated. Furthermore, a new numerical model, which can predict all necessary operation parameters, including the critical current and AC losses of the system, is presented. This model has been extended to analyse superconducting coils in different situations as well. To validate the theoretical design and model, several superconducting coils, which are essential parts of the prototype SMES system, together with an experimental measurement set-up have been built. The coils have been energized to test their energy storage capability. The operation parameters including the critical current and AC losses have been measured. The results are consistent with the theoretical predictions. Finally the control system is developed and studied. A power electronics control circuit of the prototype SMES system has been designed and simulated. This control circuit can energize or discharge the SMES system dynamically and robustly. During a voltage sag compensation experiment, this SMES prototype monitored the power system and successfully compensated the voltage sag when required. By investigating the process of building a complete system from the initial design to the final experiment, the concept of a prototype SMES system using newly available 2G HTS tapes was validated. This prototype SMES system is the first step towards the implementation of future indsutrial SMES systems with bigger capacities, and the knowledge obtained through this research provides a comprehensive overview of the design of complete SMES systems.

Development of MgB2 Superconductors with High Critical Fields and Critical Current Density for High-performance Conduction-cooled MRI Coil Applications

Zhang, Danlu January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Tailoring superconductor and SOFC structures for power applications

Mitchell-Williams, Thomas Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
High temperature superconductors (HTS) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) both offer the possibility for dramatic improvements in efficiency in power applications such as generation, transmission and use of electrical energy. However, production costs and energy losses prohibit widespread adoption of these technologies. This thesis investigates low-cost methods to tailor the structures of HTS wires and SOFCs to reduce these energy losses. Section I focusses on methods to produce filamentary HTS coated conductors that show reduced AC losses. This includes spark-discharge striation to pattern existing HTS tapes and inkjet printing of different filamentary architectures. The printed structures are directly deposited filaments and ‘inverse’ printed tracks where an initially deposited barrier material separates superconducting regions. Furthermore, the concept and first stages of a more complex ‘Rutherford’ cable architecture are presented. Additionally, Section I investigates how waste material produced during the manufacture of an alternative low-AC loss cable design, the Roebel cable, can be used to make trapped field magnets that produce a uniform magnetic field profile over a large area. This trapped field magnet work is extended to study self-supporting soldered stacks of HTS tape that demonstrate unprecedented magnetic field uniformity. Section II looks at how nanostructuring porous SOFC electrodes via solution infiltration of precursors can improve long-term stability and low temperature performance. Inkjet printing is utilised as a scalable, low-cost technique to infiltrate lab-scale and commercial samples. Anode infiltration via inkjet printing is demonstrated and methods to increase nanoparticle loading beyond ~1 wt% are presented. Symmetric cells with infiltrated cathodes are shown to have improved performance and stability during high temperature aging. Additionally, the sequence of solution infiltration is found to be important for samples dual-infiltrated with two different nanoparticle precursors.

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