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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ASASSN-18aan: An Eclipsing SU UMa-type Cataclysmic Variable with a 3.6-hour Orbital Period and a Late G-type Secondary Star / ASASSN-18aan: 晩期G型の伴星を伴った軌道周期3.6時間の食を起こすSU Uma型激変星

Wakamatsu, Yasuyuki 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第23014号 / 理博第4691号 / 新制||理||1673(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)准教授 野上 大作, 教授 嶺重 慎, 教授 太田 耕司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Rekonstrukce vulkanických procesů komárovského komplexu na příkladu zaječovského centra / Reconstruction of volcanic processes in the Komárov Complex: case from the Zaječov volcanic centre

Machalová, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Reconstruction of volcanic processes in the Komárov Complex: case from the Zaječov volcanic centre Summary Sheet lava flows with pillow breccias and hyaloclastites are interbedded agglomerate and volcaniclastics. This is the basic interpretation of rocks exposed in quarry near the town Zaječov. Rocks are part of geological area called Barrandien. Resediment volcaniclastic particles were transfer by sediment gravity flows. Agglomerates were deposited from volcaniclastic debris flow and fine grain volcanoclastics sediments from turbidity currents or hyperconcentrated flows. These types of flows named as eruption-fed aqueous density current are directly initiated by subaqueous volcanic eruption. One volcaniclastics strata set on the south wall of quarry was formed from subaquatic eruption plume, called steam copula. Steam copula created under the eruptive vent is water exclusion zone. Accretion lapilli can be formed in this zone if the copula is stable for a longer time. Accretion lapilli were generally considered to be able to form only in subaerial conditions, during the phreatomagmatic eruption till lately. Rocks exposed in quarry were probably formed during the Surtseyan eruption in shallow subaqueous setting. According to thin section lava flows are containing pseudomorphosis phenocrysts of olivine and...

Chaos v polích deformovaných černých děr / Chaos in deformed black-hole fields

Witzany, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The consequences of two key approximations of accretion-disc physics near black holes are studied in this thesis. First, the question of effective ``pseudo-Newtonian" potentials mimicking a black hole is investigated both through numerical simulations and analytical means, and second, the neglect of additional gravitating matter near accreted-upon black holes and its consequences are put to test. After some broader discussion of integrability, resonance and chaos, a general "pseudo-Newtonian" limit for geodesic motion is derived, and applied for the case of null geodesics near a glowing toroid and for time-like geodesics in the Kerr metric. Afterwards, a new Newtonian gravitational potential for non- singular toroids is proposed and its usefulness for the so-called Weyl space-times is discussed. Finally, a new pseudo-Newtonian potential is introduced and applied alongside already known potentials in models of free test particle motion in the field of a black hole with a disc or ring, in complete analogy with previous exact-relativistic studies, and the previous conclusion of chaos in disc/ring-hole models is confirmed. Overall, the pseudo-Newtonian framework is able to reproduce a number of key features of the original systems with notable differences arising only as a consequence of extremely strong or...

Astrofyzikální procesy v blízkosti jádra galaxie / Astrophysical processes near a galactic centre

Hamerský, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
An accretion torus is an important astrophysical phenomenon which is be- lieved to account for various features of mass inflow and release of radiation on diverse scales near stellar-mass as well as supermassive black holes. When the stationary torus is perturbed it starts to oscillate and once some part of the torus overflows the closed equipotential surface, defined by the stationary solution, this material is accreted or ejected. These oscillations reveal both spacetime properties and the intrinsic characteristics of the torus model. We study the oscillation and accretion properties of geometrically thick accretion tori using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Assuming axial symmetry these simulations are restricted to 2-D approximation. We discuss the impact of the presence of the large scale magnetic field and the profile of the specific angular momentum on the oscillation properties and on the accretion flow motion. 1

Akreční disky v kontextu slapového trhání hvězd v jádrech galaxií / Accretion discs in the context of tidal disruption of stars in nuclei of galaxies

Štolc, Marcel January 2019 (has links)
Stars can be stretched and ripped apart by the super-massive black hole at the core of a galaxy. The remnant gaseous trail gradually circularizes in a ring of mass that spreads by the viscous forces into an accretion disc. In this thesis we have studied the spectral line profle time evolution of radiation refected by the accretion disc located around a super-massive black hole. We assume the central body to be a slowly rotating or non-rotating super-massive black hole with no charge, in the frst approximation represented by the Schwarzschild solution. In a sense of Shakura-Sunyaev standard accretion disc model with the kinematic viscosity parameter α ≈ 1 we allow the accretion disc evolution to be guided by the angular momentum transfer equation with the initial mass ring located at the tidal radius being the product of tidal disruption of a star passing by a super-massive black hole. During the simulations we keep varying the mass of the central body while we keep the mass and the radius of the star constant (M = 1M⊙ and R = 1R⊙), i.e. taking into account the solar-type stars only. We defer the prospects of the full analysis involving spin (and charge) of the central body for the future study as it will be necessary to use the equations for the redshift factor and the accretion disc evolution...

Magnetické pole v jádru Galaxie / Magnetické pole v jádru Galaxie

Hamerský, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
In the present work we study the properties of accretion tori orbiting black hole. Our approach to this problem comes from the solving of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations, which follow from conservation of the energy-momentum tensor, the particle number and from Maxwell's equations. We solve these equations by numerical methods which are described in Chapter 1. The formalism of tori which we consider here is described in Chapter 2. We are interested in tori with constant density of angular momentum and Fishbone-Moncrief tori mainly. We study accretion rates in these tori when the mass of black hole is increased suddenly and so the equilibrium in the torus is corrupted. For tori with constant density of angular momentum we study the influence of the presence of toroidal magnetic field on accretion rates.

Stratigraphic Architecture and Depositional History of Laterally-accreted Channel Fills in the Lower Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia, Canada

Dumouchel, Iain January 2015 (has links)
Continental slope channels, which serve as the primary conduits for sediment transport into the deep marine, occasionally become sites of sediment deposition with excellent reservoir potential. Increasingly reported in the literature are subsurface channel fills exhibiting shingled seismic reflectors that are interpreted to have formed by lateral channel migration. In lower Isaac Formation channels inclined strata are observed but at a lateral scale that is far below industry-seismic detection. Distinctively these flat-based channels are filled with coarse-grained sandstone that transitions abruptly and obliquely upwards into thin, fine grained turbidites. Like rivers, lateral accretion in Isaac channels is interpreted to be the result of the interaction of inertial and pressure forces, but in highly turbulent, highly density-stratified turbidity currents. This resulted in the formation of two superimposed secondary circulation cells that caused enhanced erosion on the outer bank and preferential deposition of coarse-grained sediment along the inner bank.

In vitro Growth of Muscle Satellite Cells Isolated from Normal and Callipyge Lambs

Rodriguez, Beatriz T. 01 May 1999 (has links)
The muscle hypertrophy of lambs expressing the Callipyge phenotype is possibly linked to characteristics of their muscle satellite cells. Therefore, characteristics (proliferation, fusion %, and protein accretion) of cultured satellite cells isolated from the longissimus muscle of Callipyge (n = 3) and normal (n = 3) lambs were compared in this study. In the first experiment, we tested whether or not the lll proliferation rates differ for satellite cells isolated from Callipyge or normal sheep when cultured in the presence of different serum types (horse, normal lamb, or Callipyge lamb). The average population doubling time (PDT, h) during log phase growth was calculated for cells from each animal grown in each serum type. Population doubling time was not affected (P > .1) by the interaction of satellite cell type with serum type, or by satellite cell type. Unexpectedly, PDT was longer (P < .05) for satellite cells grown in Callipyge serum (22 h) than for cells grown in normal sheep serum (20 h) or horse serum (18 h). These results suggest that muscle hypertrophy of Callipyge lambs is not linked to intrinsic differences in satellite cell proliferation, although hypertrophy may be associated with a decreased proliferation induced by a factor in Callipyge serum. In the second experiment, we tested whether cell fusion, or protein accretion differ for cultured satellite cells isolated from Callipyge or normal sheep. DNA and protein were determined at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after satellite cell cultures were induced to differentiate. Fusion percentage was determined in a Giemsa stained plate after 72 h in differentiation medium (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium containing 1.5% of horse serum). Callipyge cultures tended (P = .14) to have higher fusion% than normal cultures exhibited, suggesting that muscle hypertrophy of Callipyge lambs may be linked to an increased tendency of satellite cells to fuse. Protein content (μg/well) and protein:DNA ratio (ng of protein/ng of DNA) were not affected by satellite cell type (P = .80 and P = .79, respectively). Thus, there was no evidence for a link between increased protein accretion and Callipyge hypertrophy.

A River Transformed: Historic Geomorphic Changes of the Lower Rio Grande in the Big Bend Region of Texas, Chihuahua, and Coahuila

Dean, David James 01 May 2009 (has links)
Over the last century, the construction and management of large dams and stream-flow diversions, and periodic drought have resulted in significant declines in stream flow of the lower Rio Grande in the Big Bend region. Reductions in mean annual flow and peak discharge have resulted in channel narrowing by the formation of vertically accreting inset floodplains. Narrowing has been temporarily interrupted by infrequent large dam releases greater than 1000 m3/s that have temporarily widened the channel; however, after each of these events, narrowing has resumed. Prior to 1942, floods of this magnitude occurred approximately once every 4 years and maintained a wide sandy channel. Since 1942, they have occurred 4 times. The decline in frequency of these large floods has resulted in a channel approximately 50% narrower than in the 1940s. Since the most recent channel widening floods in 1991, the channel has narrowed between 35 and 50%. In two large floodplain trenches, we observed between 2.75 and 3.5 m of vertical accretion during the same period. Additionally, nearly 90% of bare active channel bars have been converted to vegetated floodplains. Since 1991, the cross section channel area at the Johnson Ranch gage has decreased by approximately 30%. The reduction in cross section area and the invasion of non-native vegetation have resulted in higher flood stages, flooding at lower discharges, and continued vertical accretion. Channel narrowing has negatively impacted the native and endemic aquatic ecosystem through the loss of ecologically important habitats such as backwaters, side channels, and low velocity portions of the channel. Reductions in cross section area and resultant increased flood stages have also endangered historic cultural sites within the Big Bend region. Restoration efforts are currently underway within the region without a clear understanding of these historical channel changes and why they occurred. Our reconstruction of historical channel changes shows that the most significant periods of channel narrowing occurred during drought and increased stream-flow management. Management practices also appear to have enabled the invasion of non-native riparian species, which promoted sedimentation, bank stabilization, and additional channel narrowing. In order to restore historical measures of channel width, management options include non-native vegetation removal, common low magnitude dam releases that provide flood disturbance and prevent vegetation establishment, and large dam releases in excess of 1000 m3/s that create and maintain a wide channel. Vegetation management is expensive; and time consuming, and managed dam releases are politically unpopular and expensive, however, without the management of non-native riparian species and reinstatement of portions of the historical flood regime, ecological restoration will be difficult.

Modelling magnetized accretion columns of young stars in the laboratory / Modélisation en laboratoire de la dynamique d'accrétion des étoiles jeunes en milieux magnétisé.

Revet, Guilhem 30 July 2018 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de l'astrophysique de laboratoire, qui consiste à étudier en laboratoire des processus physiques qui se produisent dans des objets astrophysiques. Les principaux avantages ici sont que les processus peuvent être étudiés de manière contrôlée et que leur dynamique complète peut être étudiée. Présentement, nous avons profité des installations laser à haute intensité pour effectuer nos études.Pour cela, dans ce manuscrit, seront traitées les questions liées à l'astrophysique de laboratoire qui impliquent l'interaction d’un plasma en détente dans le vide en présence d’un champ magnétique ambiant. La présence d'un champ magnétique dans une variété de phénomènes astrophysiques rend l’introduction de cette composante magnétique dans le laboratoire nécessaire afin que ces études soient pertinentes. Pour ce faire, en collaboration avec Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses -LNCMI, une bobine Helmholtz, spécialement conçue pour travailler dans un environnement laser a été développée, permettant d'atteindre une force de champ magnétique jusqu'à 30 T.Les objets astrophysiques sur lesquels cette étude est centrée sont les étoiles jeunes ou « Young Stellar Objects » (YSOs). Plusieurs étapes du processus de formation de ces étoiles seront ici étudiées : (i) la génération de jets collimatés à très grande échelle, (ii) la dynamique d'accrétion impliquant, dans la représentation standard, des flux de matière tombant sur la surface de l’étoile sous forme de colonnes magnétiquement confinées, et (iii) des canaux d'accrétion plus exotiques, comme l'accrétion équatoriale qui implique la propagation du plasma perpendiculairement aux lignes de champ magnétique.Plus précisément, dans un premier chapitre, la dynamique de formation des jets sera discutée. Une première partie est dédiée au mécanisme de formation de jet dans un champ magnétique poloïdal (aligné par rapport à l'axe principal d’expansion du plasma). Une seconde partie traite de la distorsion d'une telle formation de jet par l'interaction du même plasma en expansion avec un champ magnétique désaligné (c'est-à-dire présentant un angle par rapport à l'axe d’expansion du plasma). Enfin, une troisième partie détaille la propagation du plasma dans un champ magnétique perpendiculaire. Cette dernière partie nous permet d'étudier des canaux exotiques d'accumulation de matière sur les étoiles, consistant en une accrétion du disque d’accrétion directement vers l'étoile, c’est-à-dire sur le plan équatorial, impliquant une propagation orthogonale aux lignes de champ magnétiques. Le deuxième chapitre aborde le thème de la dynamique d'accrétion par l'intermédiaire de colonnes de matière magnétiquement confinées, tombant sur la surface stellaire. En utilisant la même configuration expérimentale que dans le premier chapitre, le jet formé (dans le cas du champ magnétique parfaitement aligné) est utilisé pour imiter la colonne d'accrétion et est lancé sur une cible secondaire qui agit comme la surface stellaire. La dynamique de choc à l'emplacement de l'obstacle est soigneusement étudiée et des liens avec les observations de phénomènes d’accrétion astrophysique sont construits. Un cocon de plasma, formé autour de la région d'impact via l'interaction avec le champ magnétique, est observé être similaire à celui trouvé dans les simulations astrophysiques. Ce cocon est un élément important en tant que milieu potentiel d'absorption des émissions X. Ce milieu permettrait en effet d'expliquer les écarts observés entre les émissions UV / optiques et les émissions X provenant des étoiles lors des phases d’accrétion. / The work that is presented here has been performed in the frame of laboratory astrophysics, which consists in studying in the laboratory physical processes occurring in astrophysical objects. The main advantages in doing so are that the processes can be studied in a controlled way and that their full dynamics can be investigated. Here, we have been taking advantage of high-intensity laser facilities to perform our studies.In this manuscript, will be treated issues that include the interaction of a plasma expanding into vacuum with an ambient magnetic field. The presence of a magnetic field in a variety of astrophysical phenomena makes the inclusion of this component in the laboratory of great interest. We have used for our study a split Helmholtz coil, specifically designed in order to work in a laser environment, that allows for reaching a magnetic field strength up to 30 T.The astrophysical objects on which this study is focused are Young Stellar Objects (YSOs). Several steps of the star formation process are here investigated: (i) the generation of very long range, bright jets, (ii) the accretion dynamic involving, in the standard representation, matter falling down on the star in the shape of magnetically confined columns, and (iii) more exotic accretion channels, as the equatorial accretion that implies propagation of plasma perpendicularly to magnetic field lines.More precisely, in a first chapter, the jet formation dynamic will be discussed. A first part is dedicated to the jet formation mechanism in a poloidal magnetic field (aligned with respect to the main plasma expansion axis). A second part is dealing with the distortion of such jet formation via the interaction of the same expanding plasma with a misaligned magnetic field (i.e. presenting an angle with respect to the plasma expansion axis). Finally, a third part details the propagation of the plasma within a perpendicular magnetic field. This last part allows us to investigate exotic channels of matter accretion onto the stars, consisting of equatorial accretion from the disk to the star, through orthogonal magnetic field lines. The second chapter addresses the topic of the standard accretion dynamic via magnetically confined columns of matter, falling down onto the stellar surface. Using the same experimental setup as in the first chapter, the formed jet (in the case of the perfectly aligned magnetic field) is used to mimic the accretion column, and is launched onto a secondary target that acts as the stellar surface. The shock dynamic at the obstacle location is carefully studied and links with astrophysical accretion observations are built. A plasma cocoon, shaped around the impact region via the interaction with the magnetic field, is found to be similar to the one found in astrophysical simulations. This cocoon is an important element as a potential X-ray absorptive medium in order to explain observed discrepancies, between observed UV/Optical and X-ray emissions emitted from accreting stars.

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