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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis and Applications of Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics

Meglicki, Zdzislaw, Zdzislaw Meglicki [gustav@perth.ovpit.indiana.edu] January 1995 (has links)
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is analysed as the weighted residual method. In particular the analysis focuses on the collocation aspect of the method. Using Monte Carlo experiments we demonstrate that SPH is highly sensitive to node disorder, especially in its symmetrised energy and momentum conserving form. This aspect of the method is related to low [Beta] MHD instabilities observed by other authors. A remedy in the form of the Weighted Differences Method is suggested, which addresses this problem to some extent, but at a cost of losing automatic conservation of energy and momentum. ¶ The Weighted Differences Method is used to simulate propagation of Alfven and magnetosonic wave fronts in [Beta] = 0 plasma, and the results are compared with data obtained with the NCSA Zeus3D code with the Method of Characteristics (MOC) module. ¶ SPH is then applied to two interesting astrophysical situations: accretion on to a white dwarf in a compact binary system, which results in a formation of an accretion disk, and gravitational collapse of a magnetised vortex. Both models are 3 dimensional. ¶ The accretion disk which forms in the binary star model is characterised by turbulent flow: the Karman vortex street is observed behind the stream-disk interaction region. The shock that forms at the point of stream-disk interaction is controlled by the means of particle merges, whereas Monaghan-Lattanzio artificial viscosity is used to simulate Smagorinsky closure. ¶ The evolution of the collapsing magnetised vortex ends up in the formation of an expanding ring in the symmetry plane of the system. We observe the presence of spiralling inward motion towards the centre of attraction. That final state compares favourably with the observed qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the circumnuclear disk in the Galactic Centre. That simulation has also been verified with the NCSA Zeus3D run. ¶ In conclusions we contrast the result of our Monte Carlo experiments with the results delivered by our production runs. We also compare SPH and Weighted Differences against the new generation of conservative finite differences methods, such as the Godunov method and the Piecewise Parabolic Method. We conclude that although SPH cannot match the accuracy and performance of those methods, it appears to have some advantage in simulation of rotating flows, which are of special interest to astrophysics.

Relations entre fluides et déformations dans le prisme d'accrétion de Nankai

BOURLANGE, Sylvain 17 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse est une étude des relations entre les fluides et les déformations dans le prisme d'accrétion de Nankai. Ce travail s'appuie entre autres sur les résultats des deux campagnes de forage récentes Leg Ocean Drilling Program 190 et 196. L'étude des relations entre la mise en place de déformations et les circulations de fluides est plus particulièrement centrée sur le décollement, au front du prisme. Nous présentons d'abord une estimation de la surpression de fluides dans les formations sédimentaires autour du décollement à partir de l'étude des profils de porosité. Ceci nous permet de montrer que le décollement n'est pas une barrière pour les surpressions de fluides et de proposer que le saut de porosité au niveau du décollement résulte d'une discontinuité de l'état de contrainte au travers du décollement. Nous étudions ensuite l'anomalie de chlorinité présente dans les fluides interstitiels de la formation dans laquelle se développe le décollement. Nous montrons que l'on peut rendre compte de cette anomalie en ne considérant que les processus de compaction des argiles et de transformation des smectites en illites. Par ailleurs, nous avons mesuré la perméabilité d'échantillons du prisme sous contraintes avec une presse triaxiale, nécessaire pour la réalisation de simulations numériques de circulation de fluides dans le prisme. Les perméabilités mesurées sont comprises entre 10-18 et 10-19 m2. La rupture des échantillons entraîne une augmentation de la perméabilité à faible pression de confinement mais pas de modification de la perméabilité à une pression de confinement correspondant à la contrainte verticale de l'échantillon en place. Dans une autre partie, nous comparons les mesures de porosité des échantillons et la porosité calculée dans la formation in situ à partir d'un log de résistivité. Cela nous permet de montrer que la zone de décollement présente à la fois des déformations compactantes et dilatantes. Nous estimons la dilatance de fracture du décollement entre 2 et 8 %, et nous proposons un modèle incrémentiel de propagation du décollement par couplage entre des transferts transitoires de surpression de fluides et la déformation mécanique en tête de décollement. Enfin, nous présentons une étude numérique en 2D de la propagation d'ondes de surpression de fluide le long du décollement en supposant que la perméabilité dépend de la pression effective. Les ondes peuvent se propager rapidement le long du décollement. Le couplage hydromécanique entre l'état de contrainte dans la séquence subduite et la pression de fluide dans le décollement est proposés comme un mécanisme possible d'initiation et d'entretien de l'onde de pression.

Accretion versus bioerosion on the Maputaland reefs in South Africa - The major processes.

Grimmer, Ashley. January 2011 (has links)
The development of coral reefs is largely restricted to areas within the tropics where favourable conditions for both coral and reef growth prevail. There is, however, a continuum from these typical, accretive reefs in the tropics to marginal, non-accretive, coral-dominated reef communities which occur at higher latitudes. High-latitude reefs function similarly in many regards to their tropical counterparts and are regulated by similar processes to a varying degree. In this study, the major biological and physico-chemical processes were assessed which directly or indirectly prevent the continued persistence of reefal frameworks and thus hinder reef accretion on high-latitude reefs in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park. These reefs have a high diversity of hard and soft corals with significant reef coverage, yet little evidence of any biogenic accretion has been observed. The scleractinian coral, Acropora austera, is one of the few corals which may be responsible for reef framework production. It exhibits a gregarious growth pattern, forming large, monospecific stands with an interlocking framework characteristic of the early stages of reef accretion. The framebuilding potential of A. austera and the continued persistence of such frameworks were thus determined by in situ monitoring of coral growth, mortality, bioerosion and several physico-chemical parameters. Growth rate and mortality of A. austera branches were measured at three sites of differing stand size and apparent age. This was achieved by repeated image analysis and by staining branches with the vital stain, Alizarin Red S. Both measures of growth yielded a similar linear extension rate of 24.5 mm/yr (n = 467), comparable to related species at similar latitudes. Mean branch mortality was as high as 50%, with clear differences manifested between each A. austera stand. Branch extension rates and branch mortality were inversely related between sites. Small, young stands exhibited significantly faster coral growth rates, lower mortality and a net increase in overall branch length over the study period, whilst the opposite was true of larger, more developed stands. In addition, bioerosion was determined at each site to assess its potential for carbonate removal and its destabilizing effect on reef frameworks. Bioerosion intensity was recorded as “percentage area damage” within cross-sections and “frequency of occurrence” of bioeroding organisms in coral rubble fragments (n = 120). The level of bioerosion was found to be substantial (up to 11.5% loss in weight of coral fragments over the 12-month study period) and was found to decrease significantly with a reduction in size of each A. austera stand. Aragonite saturation state is considered a major factor that limits the geographical range of coral reefs globally. Although previously thought to be limiting in Maputaland, mean ΩArag values of 4.40±0.29 were measured on the reefs in summer and 4.33±0.21 in winter and thus would not have limited reef development. Past studies have noted the turbulence on South African east coast reefs and its adverse effect on reef development. This was corroborated in this study with the measurement of considerable sediment re-suspension (0.17 g cm⁻² day⁻¹) and regular damage to both living coral and the reef framework caused by large swells. These results lead to the theory that Acropora austera stands senesce with increasing size and age. Although large coral frameworks are found on the Maputaland reefs, they do not persist in the long term. High rates of sediment re-suspension prevent infilling of the interstitial spaces and eventual cementation, while high levels of bioerosion lead to framework instability over time. Rough seas further hamper accretion by physical removal of both living coral and the coral-derived framework, thus removing recent growth. This process is suspected to cause an imbalance in the carbonate budget of these marginal reefs, ultimately favoring carbonate removal over carbonate deposition. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2011.

Régimes d'accrétion et variabilité dans les étoiles jeunes : apport de la photométrie UV / Accretion regimes and variability in young stars : imprints on UV photometry

Venuti, Laura 23 October 2015 (has links)
Le processus d'accrétion joue un rôle crucial dans le scénario de formation stellaire. Il régit l'interaction des étoiles jeunes avec leurs disques, en régulant l'échange de masse et de moment cinétique; ainsi, il a un impact durable sur leur évolution. De plus, l'accrétion est un ingrédient essentiel de la physique des systèmes étoile-disque à l'époque de formation planétaire. Selon le modèle d'accrétion magnétosphérique, une cavité de quelques rayons stellaires s'étend de la surface de l'étoile au bord interne du disque. L'interaction se produit donc par le champ magnétique stellaire, qui pénètre le disque interne et l'attèle à l'objet central. Des colonnes d'accrétion se développent du disque interne suivant les lignes de champ, et atteignent l'étoile à des vitesses presque de chute libre. L'impact à la surface crée des chocs localisés, qui sont responsables de l'excès de luminosité UV distinctif des systèmes accrétants par rapport aux objets non-accrétants. L'évolution temporelle intrinsèque et l'effet d'alternance du côté visible des objets au cours de leur rotation se mélangent dans la variabilité photométrique typique des étoiles jeunes, révélée par les campagnes de suivi.Durant ma thèse, j'ai mené une étude statistique du processus d'accrétion et de sa variabilité dans la région NGC 2264 (3 Myr). Cet amas contient plus de 700 membres, repartis entre étoiles avec disque (45%) et sans disque. J'ai qualifié l'accrétion par la diagnostique de l'excès UV; les étoiles de l'amas privées de disque définissent le niveau d'émission de référence au-dessus duquel l'excès UV provenant du choc d'accrétion est décelé et mesuré. Mon étude se base sur un jeu de données photométriques obtenues au télescope Canada-France-Hawaii (CFHT), comprenant un relevé profond en 4 filtres (u,g,r,i) et un suivi simultané de variabilité optique (bande r) et UV (bande u) d'une durée de 2 semaines et avec échantillonnage de l'ordre des heures. Dans une première étape de cette étude, je convertis les excès UV en taux d'accrétion pour obtenir une image globale du processus à travers l'amas et examiner sa dépendance envers les paramètres stellaires. Le taux d'accrétion moyen corrèle avec la masse de l'étoile, bien qu'une dispersion significative autour de cette tendance moyenne soit observée à chaque masse. Je montre que cet étalement ne peut pas être justifié par la variabilité des objets; une diversité de mécanismes d'accrétion et de stades évolutifs dans l'amas pourrait contribuer à la vaste gamme de régimes d'accrétion décelés. Ensuite, j'explore les signatures dans l'UV propres à des types distincts d'étoiles jeunes variables. Je montre que les étoiles accrétantes présentent en général une variabilité plus prononcée que les objets sans disque, et que les respectives variations de couleur sont cohérentes avec une origine différente de la variabilité associée aux deux groupes. Pour le premier groupe, ce sont les chocs d'accrétion à dominer, alors que le deuxième est dominé par des taches froides à la surface, dérivant de l'activité magnétique stellaire. Je compare les variations photométriques mesurées sur bases de quelques heures, quelques jours et quelques années, afin de déterminer quelles soient les composantes de variabilité les plus importantes. L'échelle de temps de quelques jours prévaut sur les autres délais investigués dans la variabilité enregistrée pour ces étoiles jeunes, avec une contribution majeure provenant de l'effet de modulation rotationnelle. Enfin, j'analyse les propriétés de rotation des étoiles de l'amas à partir d'un jeu de courbes de lumière optiques, d'une durée de 38 jours, obtenues avec le satellite CoRoT près de la campagne d'observation au CFHT. Je reconstruis la distribution de périodes de l'amas et montre que les objets sans disque tournent statistiquement plus vite que les objets accrétants. Cette connexion entre les propriétés d'accrétion et celles de rotation peut être interprétée dans le scénario de disk-locking. / Disk accretion plays a most important role in the star formation scenario. It governs the interaction of young stars with their disks, with a long-lasting impact on stellar evolution, by providing both mass and angular momentum regulation. Accretion is also a central ingredient in the physics of star-disk systems at the epoch when planets start to form. In the picture of magnetospheric accretion, a cavity of a few stellar radii extends from the star surface to the inner disk rim. The star-disk interaction is then mediated by the stellar magnetic field, whose lines thread the inner disk and couple it to the central object. Material from the inner disk is channeled along the field lines in accretion columns that reach the star at near free-fall velocities. The impact produces localized hot shocks at the stellar surface, which determine the distinctive UV excess emission of accreting objects relative to non-accreting sources. Intrinsic time evolution, and varying visibility of surface features during stellar rotation, combine in the characteristic photometric variability of young stars, revealed by monitoring surveys.In this thesis, I investigate the statistical properties of disk accretion and of its variability in the young open cluster NGC 2264 (3 Myr). This comprises a population of over 700 objects, about similarly distributed between disk-bearing (45%) and disk-free sources. I characterize accretion from the UV excess diagnostics; disk-free cluster members define the reference emission level over which the UV excess linked to accretion is detected and measured. The study is based on a homogeneous photometric dataset obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), composed of a deep mapping of the region in four different bands (u,g,r,i) and of simultaneous optical (r-band) and UV (u-band) monitoring on timescales from hours to days for a period of 2 weeks. In the first part of the study, UV excesses are converted to accretion luminosities and mass accretion rates to derive a global picture of the accretion process across the cluster, and to investigate the dependence of the typical accretion properties on stellar parameters such as mass and age. A robust correlation is detected between the average accretion rate and stellar mass, but a significant dispersion in accretion rates is observed around this average trend at any given mass. I show that the extent of this spread cannot be accounted for by typical variability on week timescales; I discuss several aspects, including a diversity in accretion mechanisms and a non-negligible evolutionary spread among cluster members, which may contribute to the broad range of accretion regimes detected. In the second part of the study, I explore the variability signatures in the UV that pertain to different types of variable young stars. I show that accreting objects typically exhibit stronger variability than non-accreting objects, and that the color properties associated with the two groups are consistent with a statistically distinct origin of the variability features in the two cases. These are dominated, in the first case, by hot accretion spots, and in the second, by cold spots linked to magnetic activity. I compare the amounts of variability on timescales of hours, days and years, to assess the dominant components. The mid term (days) appears to be the leading timescale for variability in young stars up to years, with a major contribution from rotational modulation. In the third part of the study, I use a set of 38 day-long optical light curves obtained with the CoRoT satellite, close to the epoch of the CFHT survey, to investigate periodicity and rotation properties in NGC 2264. I derive the period distribution for the cluster and show that accreting and non-accreting objects exhibit statistically distinct properties: the second rotate on average faster than the first. I then illustrate the connection between accretion and rotation properties in the disk-locking scenario.

Studium dvojhvězd s akrečními disky / A study of binary stars with accretion disks

Chadima, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis contains spectroscopic analyses of two unusual binaries with circum- stellar disks - β Lyr and ǫ Aur. Several hundred optical spectra were processed and analyzed for both binaries which led to several original findings. For β Lyr, it was a discovery of a weak shell spectrum originating in a disk pseudophotosphere and a hidden satellite spectrum, present only during eclipses, which arise from additional absorption of the primary light passing through the gaseous envelope around the secondary. For ǫ Aur, it led to the discovery of the apparent multiperiodic line vari- ability occuring during the current eclipse with a dominant and common period of 66d .21 and to an explanation of complex Hα line profiles during the eclipse which is again caused by an additional absorption of a primary light in an atmosphere of a dark disk around a secondary. Also rich series of radial velocity measurements and photometric observations were collected and used to determine a new precise orbital solution for ǫ Aur. Further, a hydrodynamical and a radiative modeling of a discontinuous mass transfer in a close binary system was carried out which resulted in a formation of an elongated disk with a slow prograde revolution, demonstrated itself by double emission Hα line profiles that exhibit V/R variations.

Effect of atmospheric ice accretion on the dynamic performance of wind turbine blades

Alsabagh, Abdel Salam January 2017 (has links)
Atmospheric icing presents serious challenges to the development of wind power of the wind energy industry in cold regions. The potential detrimental impact on the safe operation of wind turbines and the energy harvest hasn't been fully understood and requires further investigation. This thesis presents the research on icing profiles under different weather conditions and their impact on natural frequency, fatigue life, and lift and drag of the wind turbine blade. The research aims to develop a further understanding of the effect of atmospheric ice accretion on the structural integrity and aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blades through numerical and aerodynamic investigations to address the challenges facing the industry. A 5-MW NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) wind turbine blade was selected for this study, due to availability of required geometric design parameters and experimental data for verification. The turbine rotor and its three blades were modelled and numerically simulated with commercial finite element software ANSYS. Three icing scenarios were chosen according to the ISO Standard and the corresponding icing profiles were developed to investigate their influence on vibrational behaviours of the wind turbine blade and rotor under different weather conditions. Icing loads were applied on the leading edge of the blade and natural frequency results were compared between clean and iced blades. It was found that harsh icing weather drove the natural frequency down to the near resonance limit, which could lead to significant issue on structural integrity of the wind turbine. The effect of atmospheric ice accretion with additional load due to varying wind speeds on the fatigue life of the wind turbine blade has been investigated. Significant reduction of fatigue life was found due to the increase of the von Mises stresses. Finally, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was carried out to investigate the effect of atmospheric ice accretion on the aerodynamic performance of typical 1-MW and 5-MW wind turbine blades. Results of the drag and lift coefficients and power production under different icing scenarios were obtained for five angles of attack. Compared with the results of the clean aerofoil profile, remarkable reduction in the power generation was observed due to the accreted ice at various aerofoil sections in the spanwise direction of the blade, demonstrating the detrimental impact of atmospheric icing on energy harvest for the wind energy industry.

Detection and removal of wind turbine ice : Method review and a CFD simulation test

Bravo Jimenez, Ismael January 2018 (has links)
Nowadays, the energy sector is facing a huge demand that needs to be covered. Wind energy is one of the most promising energy resources as it is free from pollution, clean and probably will arise as one of the main energy sources to prevent global warming from happening. Almost 10% of the global energy demand is coming from renewable resources. By 2050 this percentage is expected to grow to 60%. Therefore, efforts on wind turbine technology (i.e. reliability, design…) need to be coped with this growth. Currently, large wind energy projects are usually carried out in higher altitudes and cold climates. This is because almost all of the cold climates worldwide offer profitable wind power resources and great wind energy potential. Operating with wind turbines in cold climates bring interesting advantages as a result of higher air density and consequently stronger winds (wind power is around 10% higher in the Nordic regions). Not only benefits can be obtained but extreme conditions force to follow harsh conditions. Low temperatures and ice accretion present an important issue to solve as can cause several problems in fatigue loads, the balance of the rotor and aerodynamics, safety risks, turbine performance, among others. As wind energy is growing steadily on icy climates is crucial that wind turbines can be managed efficiently and harmlessly during the time they operate. The collected data for the ice detection, de-icing and anti-icing systems parts was obtained through the company Arvato Bertelsmann and is also based on scientific papers. In addition, computer simulations were performed, involving the creation of a wind tunnel under certain conditions in order to be able to carry out the simulations (1st at 0ºC, 2nd at -10ºC) with the turbine blades rotating in cold regions as a standard operation. In this project, Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) simulation on a 5MW wind turbine prototype with ice accretion on the blades to study how CL and CD can change, also different measures of ice detection, deicing and anti-icing systems for avoiding ice accumulation will be discussed. Simulation results showed a logical correlation as expected, increasing the drag force about 5.7% and lowering the lift force 17,5% thus worsening the turbine's efficiency.

The Formation of High-Mass Stars: from High-Mass Clumps to Accretion Discs and Molecular Outflows / A Formação de Estrelas de Alta Massa: dos Glóbulos de Alta Massa aos Discos de Acreção e Jatos Moleculares

Felipe Donizeti Teston Navarete 20 February 2018 (has links)
High-mass stars play a significant role in the evolution of the Universe and the process that leads to the formation of such objects is still an open question in Astrophysics. The details of the structures connected to the central sources, such as the circumstellar disks and the morphology of the jets at their launching points, still lack of observational evidence. In this thesis, the high-mass star forming process is investigated in terms of the evolution of high-mass clumps selected from the ATLASGAL survey based on their CO emission in the sub-millimetre. While single-dish sub-millimetre observations provide a large-scale view of the high-mass star formation process, higher angular resolution observations are required to disentangle the details of the protostars within the clumps. For this, three-dimensional infrared spectroscopy was obtained for a group of RMS sources to characterise the circumstellar environment of high-mass YSOs in linear scales of ~100-1000 AU. The ATLASGAL TOP100 sample offers a unique opportunity to analyse a statistically complete sample of high-mass clumps at different evolutionary stages. APEX data of three rotational J transitions of the CO (the CO(4-3), CO(6-5) and CO(7-6)) were used to characterise the properties of their warm gas (~155 K) content and to derive the relations between the CO and the clump properties. The CO line luminosities were derived and the analysis indicated that the CO emission increases as a function of the evolutionary stage of the clumps (from infrared-weak to HII regions) and as a function of the bolometric luminosity and mass of the sources. The comparison of the TOP100 with low-mass objects observed in the CO(6-5) and CO(7-6), together with CO(10-9) data observed for a complementary sample of objects indicated that the dependency of the CO luminosity with the bolometric luminosity of the sources gets steeper towards higher-J transitions. Although the CO luminosity of more luminous clumps are systematically larger than the values obtained for the less luminous sources, the individual analysis of each subsample suggests a similar dependency of the CO luminosity versus the bolometric luminosity for each luminosity regime. Finally, the presence of high-velocity CO emission observed for the TOP100 suggests that ~85% of the sources are driving molecular outflows. The selection of isolated high-mass objects undergoing mass accretion is fundamental to investigate if these objects are formed through an accretion disc or if they are formed by merging of low-mass YSOs. The near-infrared window provides one of the best opportunities to investigate the interior of the sub-mm clumps and study in details their individual members. Thanks to the relatively high-resolution obtained in the K-band and the moderate reddening effects in the K-band, a sample of eight (8) HMYSOs exhibiting large-scale H2 outflows were selected to follow-up K-band spectroscopic observations using the NIFS spectrometer (Gemini North). All sources exhibit extended continuum emission and exhibit atomic and molecular transitions typical of embedded objects, such as Brackett-gama, H2 and the CO lines. The H2 lines are tracing the launching point of the large-scale jets in scales of ~100 AU in five of eight sources (63%). The identification of jets at such small scales indicates that these objects are still undergoing mass accretion. The Brackett-gama emission probes the ionised gas around the HMYSOs. The analysis of the Brackett-gama spectro-astrometry at sub-pixel scales suggests that the line arises from the cavity of the outflows or from rotating structures perpendicular to the H2 jets (i.e., disc). Five sources also exhibit CO emission features (63%), and three HMYSOs display CO absorption features (38%), indicating that they are likely associated with circumstellar discs. By further investigating the kinematics of the spatially resolved CO absorption features, the Keplerian mass of three sources was estimated in 5±3, 8±5 and 30±10 solar masses. These results support that high-mass stars are formed through discs, similarly as observed towards low-mass stars. The comparison between the collimation degree of the molecular jets or outflows detected in the NIFS data with their large-scale counterparts indicate that these structures present a relatively wide range of collimation degrees. / Estrelas de alta massa têm grande impacto na evolução do Universo e o processo de formação destes objetos ainda é um problema em aberto na Astrofísica. Os detalhes das estruturas associadas às regiões mais próximas dos objetos centrais, tais como os discos circunstelares e a morfologia dos jatos próximos à base de lançamento, ainda não foram estudados em detalhe e carecem de evidências observacionais. Esta tese apresenta um estudo da formação de estrelas de alta massa em termos da evolução de glóbulos de alta massa (clumps), selecionados a partir do levantamento ATLASGAL, a partir de observações da molécula do CO na faixa espectral do sub-milimétrico. Enquanto observações \"single-dish\" no sub-milimétrico possibilitam o estudo em larga escala do processo de formação de estrelas de alta massa, observações com maior resolução angular são necessárias para investigar os detalhes das protoestrelas no interior dos glóbulos. Para isso, espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infra-vermelho próximo foi obtida para um grupo de fontes RMS para caracterizar o meio circunstelar de objetos estelares jovens e de alta massa (HMYSOs) em escalas lineares de ~100-1000 UA. A amostra TOP100 oferece uma oportunidade ímpar de analisar um conjunto estatisticamente completo de glóbulos de alta massa em diversas fases evolutivas. Observações realizadas com o radiotelescópio APEX de três transições rotacionais da molécula do CO (CO(4-3), CO(6-5) e CO(7-6)) foram utilizadas para estudar as propriedades do gás morno (~155 K) associado aos glóbulos, e obter as relações entre a emissão do CO e as propriedades físicas dos glóbulos. A luminosidade das diferentes transições do CO foi obtida e sua análise mostrou que a emissão do gás aumenta em função do estágio evolutivo dos glóbulos (de glóbulos com emissão fraca no infravermelho longínquo a regiões HII) e em função da luminosidade bolométrica e massa dos glóbulos. A comparação entre os glóbulos de alta massa presentes na amostra TOP100 com fontes de menor massa observadas nas transições do CO(6-5) e CO(7-6), juntamente com a análise de uma amostra complementar de fontes observadas na transição do CO(10-9) mostrou que a dependência da luminosidade do CO com a luminosidade bolométrica aumenta em função do número quântico J associado à transição do CO. Este estudo também mostrou que as relações entre a luminosidade do CO e dos clumps são dominadas pelas fontes de alta luminosidade presentes na amostra analisada. A análise individual de fontes de baixa e alta luminosidade sugerem que a dependência entreas luminosidades do CO e bolométrica é a mesma em ambos os regimes de luminosidade, embora as luminosidades do CO sejam sistematicamente maiores para os glóbulos de alta massa. Por fim, a análise da emissão do CO em altas-velocidades mostrou que ~85% dos glóbulos presentes na amostra TOP100 apresentam jatos moleculares. A seleção de objetos de alta massa isolados em estágio de acreção ativa é crucial para decidir se ela ocorre através de um disco de acreção e/ou via fusão de YSOs de menor massa. Para isso, observações no infra-vermelho próximo são ideais para se investigar o conteúdo dos glóbulos sub-milimétricos e resolver seus membros individuais. Devido a alta resolução espacial na banda K e a extinção interestelar moderada nesta faixa espectral, um conjunto de oito (8) HMYSOs associados a jatos em H2 em larga-escala foram selecionados para observações espectroscópicas na banda K utilizando o espectrômetro NIFS no Gemini Norte. Todos os objetos investigados com o NIFS apresentam emissão extendida no contínuo, bem como nas linhas espectrais típicas de fontes jovens, tais como o Brackett-gama, transições do H2 e a emissão nas bandas moleculares do CO. A emissão em H2 está associada aos jatos moleculares em escalas de ~100 UA em cinco das oito fontes (63%). A indentificação de jatos moleculares em escalas tão próximas ao objeto central indica que o processo de acreção de massa ainda está ativo nestes objetos. A emissão do Brackett-gama provém do gás ionizado nas regiões mais próximas das fontes centrais ou regiões de choque próximas aos jatos. A espectro-astrometria da linha do Brackett-gama em escalas de sub-píxeis, indica que a emissão do gás ocorre nas cavidades dos jatos moleculares ou delineiam estruturas alinhadas perpendicularmente aos jatos, tais como os discos de acreção. Cinco fontes também apresentam emissão nas bandas do CO (63%), e três HMYSOs apresentam linhas do CO em absorção (38%), indicando que estes objetos apresentam discos de acreção. A massa total do sistema \"disco e protoestrela\" foi determinada a partir do estudo da cinemática das linhas de absorção do CO, detectadas em três objetos. A partir de modelos de rotação Kepleriana, as massas das fontes foram estimadas em 5±3, 8±5 e 30±10 massas solares. Os resultados obtidos a partir da espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infravermelho corroboram a hipótese de que estrelas de alta massa são formadas a partir de acreção por discos, de maneira similar ao observado para estrelas de baixa massa. A comparação entre a morfologia dos jatos moleculares identificados nos campos do NIFS e das correspondentes contrapartidas em escalas maiores indicam que os jatos apresentam diferentes graus de colimação ao longo de suas estruturas, explicadas pela multiplicidade de fontes nas proximidades da base de lançamento dos jatos ou efeitos de precessão no objeto central.

A Study of Sediment Accretion Dynamics in Mature and Restored Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands in the James River Watershed using Surface Elevation Tables and Marker Horizons

Lopez, Ronaldo 01 January 2017 (has links)
Sediment accretion and elevation change in tidal forests, and the corresponding ability of these wetlands to keep pace with sea-level rise (SLR), represent data gaps in our understanding of wetland sustainability. Surface Elevation Tables and marker horizons were installed in three mature tidal forests and a restored tidal marsh, allowing us to measure elevation change, accretion, and subsidence. Additionally, we measured predictor variables to test for their significance in explaining accretion and elevation change rates. Mean accretion at our sites was 11.67 +/- 3.01 mm yr-1 and mean elevation change was -20.22 +/- 8.10 mm yr-1, suggesting subsidence occurring beneath the sites. Processes contributing to accretion and elevation change at our sites may be driven by hydrologic patterns. Comparing our elevation trends with SLR trends suggests that our study sites may not keep pace with SLR. However, we may be observing short-term oscillations that do not indicate true long-term trends.


Davis, Melissa J 01 January 2017 (has links)
Damming disrupts natural sediment flow to downstream resulting in legacy sediment accumulation. Legacy sediments have been well investigated in streams throughout the Piedmont region; however, there is no research of legacy sediments following dam removal in low-gradient Coastal Plain streams. Research objectives were to: characterize legacy sediments in a low-gradient stream restoration, quantify pre-impoundment accretion and carbon dynamics, and assess current sediment deposition rates via 14C analyses within sediment cores and sediment collection tiles. Carbon accumulation and accretion rates of modern tidal sediment have reached that of the tidal relic benchmark and current sediment deposition rates are similar between the natural reference and restored tidal wetlands. At this site, the pattern of legacy sediment accumulation and stream incision was reversed relative to previous studies in higher gradient systems. Results suggest in dam impacted Coastal Plain streams, legacy sediment may become a benefit rather than a liability for downstream tidal wetlands.

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