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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In vitro measurement of fluid pressure behind the acetabular cup

Sydney, Sarah January 2013 (has links)
Periacetabular osteolysis is a significant complication following total hip replacement surgery. It is believed to be caused by wear debris and high fluid pressures within the joint capsule. To investigate the mechanisms by which high fluid pressures are generated in total hip replacement, a physical model of the hip joint was constructed, the Acetabular Pressure Transmission Rig (APTR). An aluminium chamber held the bone analogue, a polyurethane hemisphere with a 52mm acetabular cavity, and the prosthetic components, a 28mm femoral head and various uncemented cups, were inserted without press-fit to simulate cup loosening. A synovial fluid analogue was introduced into the chamber through an elevated reservoir. Rigid transmission tubes conducted fluid pressures from the cup-cavity interface to external transducers. The APTR was loaded under various conditions and the pressures produced by the loading regimes were analysed. Pressures over 35kPa, previously shown by other groups to cause osteolysis, were measured within the APTR, reaching a maximum of 131.3kPa measured at the pole of the cup. Changes in load application led to pressure changes within the APTR, with higher loading frequency and magnitude leading to higher median pressure amplitudes. The presence of different component features, such as screw holes in the metal shell, was also shown to affect periacetabular pressures. Tests with a fibrous rim interposed between the prosthetic cup and the test cavity showed an 88% reduction in periacetabular pressures, as the increased rim interference between cup and cavity prevented fluid ingress behind the cup. A larger initial separation between the loading head and the acetabular cup caused a significant increase in measured pressures, with a 0.15mm increase in head-cup separation producing a 53% increase in pressures measured at the pole of the cup. Pressure differentials between different transducer sites indicated the ability for fluid flow behind the cup, which can be related in vivo to the movement of particulate debris to periacetabular bone. The APTR was able to measure clinically significant pressures and to analyse the effects of modifying component and loading characteristics with currently available prosthetic components. This makes the rig useful in a clinical context, as it has been shown to be capable of testing a broad range of component types under a wide range of conditions. Its use will ensure new prostheses and fixation modes can be designed in such a way as to eliminate the damaging fluid pressures currently observed in artificial hip joint replacements.

Patient-Specific Instruments for Total Hip Arthroplasty

Stegman, Jacob J. 07 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Leg length discrepancy and femoral offset after total hip arthroplasty : clinical and radiological studies

Mahmood, Sarwar January 2016 (has links)
Every year, about 1 million patients worldwide and 16000 patients in Sweden undergo total hip arthroplasty (THA). This surgical intervention is considered a successful, safe and cost-effective procedure to regain pain-free mobility and restore hip joint function in patients suffering from severe hip joint disease or trauma. Besides relieving the pain, restoration of biomechanical forces around the hip with appropriate femoral offset (FO), leg length and proper component position and orientation are important goals. The radiographic preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of these parameters require good validity, interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility. It remains controversial as to how much postoperative leg length discrepancy (LLD) and FO change are acceptable. Generally, lengthening of the operated leg ≥ 10mm and FO reduction of the operated hip > 5mm should be avoided by using preoperative radiological templating and intraoperative measurement methods. There is no consensus on the association between LLD and FO and outcome after THA. The aims of this thesis were to: 1. To determine the influence of non-corrected LLD after THA on patients’ reported hip function and quality of life (QoL). 2. To study the association of global FO changes after THA with patients’ reported hip function, QoL and abductor muscle strength. 3. To evaluate the concurrent validity of the Sundsvall method of measuring postoperative global FO by comparing it to a standard method and to evaluate the interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility of measurement of postoperative global FO, LLD and acetabular cup inclination and anteversion. 4. To analyse the postoperative radiographs of THA patients with leg lengthening and FO reduction to determine whether the problem is located in the stem, cup or both. Study I: A prospective cohort study of 174 patients with unilateral osteoarthritis (OA), comparing patients with lengthening ≥ 10mm, restoration (between 9 mm lengthening and 5 mm shortening) or shortening > 5 mm of the operated leg after THA. Follow up was 12–15 months. We found that a LLD of up to 20 mm did not influence the functional outcome (WOMAC) or QoL (EQ-5D). However, the lengthening group showed less improvement in WOMAC and more use of a shoe lift. Study II: A prospective cohort study of 222 patients with unilateral hip OA, comparing patients with decreased global FO (> 5 mm reduction), restored FO (within 5 mm restoration), and increased FO (> 5 mm increment) after THA. Follow up was was 12–15 months. The unadjusted results showed that the decreased FO group had a worse WOMAC index, less abductor muscle strength, and more use of walking aids. When these results were adjusted for possible confounding factors, only global FO reduction was statistically significantly associated with reduced abductor muscle strength. The incidence of residual hip pain and analgesics use was similar in the 3 groups. Study III: A prospective cohort study of 90 patients with primary unilateral OA treated with THA. Global FO using the Sundsvall method, global FO (standard method), LLD, acetabular cup inclination and anteversion were measured on postoperative radiographs. The interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility were tested using three independent observers. We found that the Sundsvall method is as reliable as the standard method and the evaluated radiographic measurement methods have the required validity and reliability to be used in clinical practice. Study IV: A prospective cohort study of 174 patients with unilateral primary OA treated with THA. LLD and global FO were measured on postoperative radiographs. Patients with lengthening of the operated leg ≥ 10mm (n=41) and patients with reduction of global FO > 5mm (n=58) were further studied to investigate the amount of lengthening and global FO reduction that took place in the stem and in the cup compared with the contralateral side. The interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility were tested using two independent observers. We found that post-THA lengthening of the operated leg ≥ 10mm was mainly caused by improper placement of the femoral stem, whereas a decrease of global FO > 5 was caused by improper placement of both acetabular and femoral components. The radiological measurement methods used showed substantial to excellent interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility and are therefore clinically useful. The main conclusions of this thesis are: LLD up to 20 mm and reduced global FO more than 5 mm did not influence the functional outcome or quality of life at 12–15 months postoperatively. Lengthening ≥ 10mm was associated with increased use of a shoe lift. A reduction of global FO more than 5 mm compared to the contralateral hip was associated with weaker hip abductor muscles and more use of walking aids. Therefore both should be avoided. The radiographic measurement methods of LLD, global FO, cup inclination and anteversion have the required validity and reliability to be used in clinical practice. Lengthening of the operated leg is mainly caused by improper femoral stem positioning while global FO reduction results from improper positioning of both acetabular and femoral components. Surgeons should be aware of these operative pitfalls in order to minimize component malpositioning. / Varje år opereras ungefär 1 miljon patienter runt om i världen och 16000 patienter i Sverige med en total höftledsprotes (THA). Operation med höftledsprotes anses vara enav de mest framgångsrika, säkra och kostnadseffektiva kirurgiska åtgärderna med syfte att för att återställa livskvalité. Målet är att smärtlindra och återställa rörligheten i dendestruerade höftleden vid artros, reumatisk destruktion eller men efter exempelvis Perthes sjukdom. Vid operation med THA är det viktigt att återställa de biomekaniskakrafterna runt höftleden med en adekvat så kallad femoral offset (FO), postoperativ benlängdsskillnad (BLS) och ett tillfredsställande komponentläge. Den preoperativaplaneringen och den postoperativa bedömning av dessa parametrar kräver god tillförlitlighet, det vill säga validitet och reproducerbarhet både mellan olika bedömareoch vid upprepade mätningar av samma bedömare. Det är fortfarande inte klarlagt hur mycket postoperativ förändring i FO och BLS som är acceptabla. I dagsläget är detacceptabelt om den postoperativa benförlängningen understiger 1 cm och förändringen i FO är under 5 mm. Det finns ingen konsensus huruvida det föreligger ett sambandmellan BLS, FO och den patientrapporterade höftfunktionen och livskvalitén efter THA. Syftet med denna avhandling var: 1. Att studera effekten av icke-korrigerad BLS efter THA på den patientrapporterade höftfunktionen och livskvalitén. 2. Att studera effekten av förändringen i FO efter THA på den patientrapporterade höftfunktion, livskvalitén och muskelstyrka i abduktion. 3. Att utvärdera validitet och reliabilitet av en så kallad global FO genom att jämföra den med den gällande standard metoden samt studera tillförlitlighet av de radiologiskamätningar av postoperativa BLS, FO, cup inklination och anteversion efter THA. 4. Att radiologiskt undersöka i vilken av komponenterna (stam eller cup) somförändringen i FO och BLS verkar vara förlagd. Studie I: En prospektiv kohortstudie med 174 patienter som behandlats med THA för en primär unilateral koxartros. Patienterna delades in i tre grupper; de som fått en BLSförlängning över 10mm, återställning (mellan 9mm förlängning och 5mm förkortning) eller förkortning >5mm av det opererande benet efter THA. Uppföljning gjordes 12-15månader postoperativt. Vi fann att BLS upp till 20mm påverkade inte höftfunktion (WOMAC) och livskvalité (EQ-5D), men den förlängda gruppen visade en mindreförbättring i WOMAC och rapporterade en mer frekvent användning av skoinlägg. Studie II: En prospektiv kohortstudie med 222 patienter som behandlats med THA för en primär unilateral koxartros. Patienterna delades in i tre grupper; de patienter medförminskad FO (> 5mm minskning), återställd FO (inom 5mm) eller ökad FO (>5mm ökning). Uppföljning genomfördes efter 1 år med WOMAC, styrkemätning av höftensabduktorer och en frågeformulär. En minskad FO var associerade med en minskad styrka i höftens abduktorer. Det var ingen skillnad mellan grupperna gällandekvarstående höftsmärta och användning av analgetika. Studie III: En prospektiv kohortstudie med 90 patienter som behandlats med THA på grund av primär unilateral koxartros. På de postoperativa röntgenbilderna uppmättesglobala FO (Sundsvalls metodologi), globala FO (standard metod), BLS, cup inklination och anteversion. Reliabilitet och reproducerbarhet bedömdes mellan treoberoende observatörer. Vi fann att global FO (enligt Sundsvalls metodologi) är lika tillförlitlig som den nuvarande standardmetoden och de utvärderade radiologiskamätmetoderna har hög validitet och reliabilitet och kan således användas i klinisk praxis. Studie IV: En prospektiv kohortstudie med 174 patienter som behandlats med en THA för en primär unilateral koxartros. På de postoperativa röntgenbilderna uppmättes BLSoch globala FO. Patienter med förlängning ≥ 10mm (n=41) och patienter med minskning av globala FO >5mm (n=58) studerades for att mäta förlängning ochglobala FO minskning som sitter i stammen eller i cup jämfört med kontralaterala sidan. Reliabilitet och reproducerbarhet bedömdes av två oberoende observatörer. Vifann att en BLS över 10mm sitter framför allt i stamkomponenten i lårbenet medan en minskning i FO över 5 mm sitter i båda stam och cup. De radiologiska mätmetodernahar hög reliabilitet och reproducerbarhet och kan således användas i klinisk praxis. De viktigaste slutsatserna i denna avhandling är: 1. BLS med en förlängning upp till 20 mm och en minskning av globala FO mer än 5 mm påverkar inte patientrapporterad höftfunktion eller livskvalitet 1 år postoperativt. 2. BLS med en förlängning mer än 9 mm var associerad med mer användning av skoinlägg. En minskad FO med mer än 5 mm jämfört med den icke opererade höftenvar associerad med en sämre muskelstyrka i abduktion och ökat användning av gånghjälpmedel. 3. De radiologiska mätmetoderna av BLS, FO, acetabulära komponentens inklination och anteversion har hög validitet och reliabilitet, vilket kan användas i klinisk praxis. 4. En förlängning av det opererade benet orsakas främst av en positioneringen av stamkomponenten i lårbenet medan förlust av FO beror på otillfredsställande placeringav både stam och den acetabulära komponenten. Kirurger bör vara medveten om dessa operativa fallgropar för att optimera det kirurgiska resultatet.

Impact des tissus mous sur les méthodes acoustiques d’évaluation de la stabilité des implants osseux. / Impact of soft tissues on acoustic methods for the stability assessment of bone implants

Bosc, Romain 12 January 2018 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l’étude du comportement biomécanique d’un modèle cadavérique et d’un modèle in vitro de l’arthroplastie totale de hanche. Nous avons cherché à mettre en relief et à étudier des paramètres qui pouvaient nous permettre de disposer d’une méthode d’analyse objective de la stabilité de l’implant acétabulaire. La première partie décrit le contexte de l'étude. Nous avons insisté sur les différentes méthodes d’analyses qui permettent d’analyser la stabilité d’un implant osseux. En effet, malgré l’utilisation quotidienne des implants, le taux d’échec d’ostéointégration reste élevé. Ces échecs s’accompagnent d’une morbidité importante et d’un surcout notable. Parmi les causes d’échec identifiées, le descellement aseptique de la cupule acétabulaire dans l’arthroplastie de hanche peut être lié à un défaut de stabilité primaire, non obtenu lors de l’intervention chirurgicale. Il a été montré que le descellement de la cupule acétabulaire pouvait résulter d'une faible stabilité primaire entre la cupule et l'os l'entourant. Les chirurgiens qui pratiquent l’arthroplastie de hanche évaluent de manière empirique la stabilité obtenue ou non de l’implant acétabulaire en écoutant le son produit lorsqu'ils impactent la cupule ou à leur ressenti en la manipulant. Une méthode d'estimation de la stabilité primaire pourrait permettre au chirurgien orthopédique de mieux appréhender la stabilité des implants qu’il pose au bloc opératoire. L'objet principal de ce travail de thèse était ainsi d'étudier les signaux d'impacts sur le cotyle prothétique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé une étude de l'insertion de la cupule par impacts sur un modèle cadavérique (sujets anatomiques de l’école de chirurgie du fer à moulin) dans des conditions proches de celle de l'opération en clinique. Une corrélation a été trouvée entre le moment d'impact et la stabilité (R2=0.69). Cette étude expérimentale a ainsi montré le potentiel de la méthode de traitement des signaux d'impact dans la prédiction de la stabilité primaire de la cupule acétabulaire. Mais nous avons observé des modifications entre les signaux obtenus sur les différents sujets. Nous avons posé comme hypothèse que ces modifications étaient liées à la variation des tissus mous entre chaque sujet. Le troisième volet de cette thèse a donc porté sur l’analyse du comportement biomécanique de notre modèle en présence d’une quantité plus ou moins importante de muscle.Nous avons utilisé à nouveau le modèle in vitro que nous avions développé et avons ajouté dans le système d’impaction des tranches de poitrine de dinde d’épaisseur variable. Le but de cette seconde étude était d’intégrer le paramètre lié à l’existence d’une épaisseur variable de tissus mous dans l'interaction dynamique entre le marteau, l'ancillaire (et la cupule) et le tissu osseux lors de l'insertion. La valeur de la moyenne et de l’écart-type de l'indicateur Im obtenues pour tous les échantillons et toutes les configurations pour une valeur d’épaisseur des tissus mous égale à 10 mm (respectivement 30 mm) étaient égales à 0,592 ± 0,141 (respectivement 0,552 ± 0,139). L’analyse statistique a montré qu'il n'y avait pas eu d'effet significatif de la valeur de l’épaisseur des tissus mous sur les valeurs de l'indicateur Im (F = 3,16; p = 0,08). Malgré les limitations évidentes d’une étude in vitro sur un modèle partiel d’arthroplastie totale de hanche, ces résultats, ainsi que les résultats précédents obtenus sur les sujets anatomiques, montrent la faisabilité du développement d'un dispositif médical dédié à l'estimation de la stabilité de l'implant acétabulaire et qui pourrait être utilisé comme système d'aide à la décision par le chirurgien orthopédique. / Abstract:This work studies the biomechanical behavior of a cadaveric model and an in vitro model of total hip arthroplasty. We sought to highlight and study parameters that could allow us to have a method of objective analysis of the stability of the acetabular cup implant.The first part describes the context of the study. We have emphasized the different methods of analysis that make it possible to analyse the stability of a bone implant. Indeed, despite the daily use of implants, the failure rate of osseointegration remains high and failures still happen due to inadequate mechanical behavior of the prosthesis.Among the identified causes of failure, aseptic loosening of the acetabular cup after hip arthroplasty may be related to a primary defect in stability, not achieved during the surgical procedure. It has been shown that loosening of the acetabular cup may result from poor primary stability between the prosthetic cup and the surrounding bone.A method of estimating primary stability could allow the orthopaedic surgeon to better control the stability of the implants he poses in the operating room.The main purpose of this thesis work was to study the impact signals on the prosthetic acetabulum.Firstly, we carried out a study of the insertion of the cup by impacts on a cadaveric model. A correlation was found between impact time and stability (R2 = 0.69). This experimental study has thus shown the potential of the impact signal processing method in predicting the primary stability of the acetabular cup. But we observed changes between the signals obtained on the different subjects. We hypothesized that these changes were related to soft tissue variation between subjects.The third part of this thesis focused on analysing the biomechanical behavior of our model in the presence of soft tissues.We used again the in vitro model that we had developed and added in the impaction system turkey slices of varying thickness.The purpose of this second study was to integrate the parameter related to the existence of a variable thickness of soft tissues in the dynamic interaction between the hammer, the ancillary (and the cup) and the bone tissue during the insertion. The mean and standard deviation of the Im indicator obtained for all samples and configurations at a soft tissue thickness value of 10 mm (30 mm) was 0.592 ± 0.141, (respectively 0.552 ± 0.139). Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant effect of the value of soft tissue thickness on the values of the Im indicator (F = 3.16, p = 0.08). Despite the obvious limitations of an in vitro study on a partial model of total hip arthroplasty, these results, as well as the previous results obtained on anatomical subjects, show the feasibility of developing a medical device dedicated to estimating the stability of the acetabular implant and which could be used as a decision support system by the orthopaedic surgeons.

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