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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essai sur l'évaluation économique de l'e-santé / Essay on economic evaluation in e-health

Retali, Gérald-Réparate 18 December 2014 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication constituent des outils utiles pour améliorer le système de santé. Les décisions relatives à leur mise en œuvre ainsi qu'à leur utilisation doivent être basées sur des observations solides pour évaluer les impacts sur les soins et la santé. L'utilisation difficile des méthodes d'évaluation économique est due à la multidimensionnalité de l'évaluation des implémentations de télémédecine. En effet, pour évaluer l'impact de l'introduction de la télémédecine, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte les indicateurs divers identifiées dans la littérature. En outre, ils doivent être considérés par rapport à tous les acteurs impliqués dans le processus de décision. Dans ce contexte, l'aide multicritère à la décision peut fournir des informations supplémentaires sur l'évaluation de la télémédecine. L'objectif de cette thèse est de présenter une méthodologie d'évaluation multicritère impliquant de multiples décideurs pour la mise en place d'unité de dialyse médicalisée avec télémédecine (UDMT). Pour prendre une décision, le directeur de l'hôpital souhaite prendre en compte, à côté des indicateurs mentionnés ci-dessus, les préférences des médecins et des patients. Pour expliciter ces préférences, nous suggérons de considérer que les patients et les médecins sont des décideurs qui exprime un classement des différentes modalités de soins qui sont évaluées sur plusieurs critères. Nous sommes face à une situation impliquant plusieurs juges qui recouvrent une multiplicité de points de vue. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous utilisons des techniques à la fois de la théorie du choix social et de l'aide multicritère à la décision. D'abord, nous proposons d'agréger les classements individuels des patients sur les différentes modalités de soins, ce classement est ensuite utilisé dans la phase d'élicitation des préférences des médecins. Les classements individuels de ces derniers sont ensuite agrégées dans un classement des médecins qui est ensuite combiné avec celui de patients et d'autres critères économiques pour déterminer les préférences du directeur d'hôpital sur les modalités de soins. Cette méthodologie est appliquée à la mise en œuvre d'unités de dialyse médicalisées en Bretagne, sur la base des préférences de patients, médecins et directeur de l'hôpital. Les préférences de tous les acteurs de ce processus de décision sont représentables par des modèles d'utilité additives. L'alternative préférée parmi les patients et les médecins est l'UDMT. Le critère qui a le plus d'impact sur la décision des patients (resp. Les médecins) est la distance de l'unité de dialyse (resp. La satisfaction des patients). Enfin, l'analyse montre que les critères les plus importants pour le directeur de l'hôpital sont la satisfaction des médecins et des patients. Ce travail montre qu'il est important de tenir compte de l'hétérogénéité et de la multiplicité des points de vue et des acteurs dans l'évaluation. / The new information and communication technologies represent useful tools for improving the health system. Decisions on their implementation and use must be based on solid observations to assess their impacts on care and health. The difficult use of classical economic evaluation methods is due to the multidimensionality of the assessment of telemedicine implementations. Indeed, to evaluate the impact of the introduction of telemedicine, it is necessary to take into account various indicators identified in the literature, as cost, accessibility, acceptability and quality. Furthermore, they need to be considered with respect to all the stakeholders involved in the decision process. In this context, decision support theories provide additional insight into the evaluation of telemedicine. The objective of this thesis is to present a multicriteria evaluation methodology involving multiple decision makers for the establishment of remotely monitored medical dialysis (RMMD) solutions. To reach a decision, the hospital director wishes to take into account, next to the above mentionned indicators, the preferences of the physicians and the dialysis patients. In order to explicit these preferences, we suggest to consider that the patients and the physicians are decision makers which have to express a ranking of care modalities evaluated on multiple criteria. We thus face a situation involving multiple judges which overlay a multiplicity of viewpoints. To solve this problem, we use techniques both from social choice theory and multicriteria decision analysis. First we propose to agregate the individual rankings of the patients on the potential multicriteria care modalities into a patient-wide order, which is then used in the multicriteria preference elicitation phasis of the physicians. The individual rankings of the latter ones is then aggregated into a physician-wide ranking which is then combined with the patients' one and further economical criteria to elicit the hospital director's preferences on the care modalities. This methodology is applied to the implementation of medical dialysis units in Brittany (France), on basis of the preferences of 16 patients, 8 physicians and 1 hospital director. The preferences of all the stakeholders of this decision process are representable by additive value models. The preferred alternative among the patients and the physicians is the medical dialysis unit with remote monitoring. The criterion which has the highest impact on the patients' (resp. physicians') decision is the distance to the dialysis unit (resp. the patients' satisfaction). Finally, the analysis shows that the most important criteria for the hospital director are the physicians' and the patients' satisfaction. This work shows that it is important to consider the heterogeneity and the multiplicity of viewpoints and actors in the evaluation of the implementation of RMMD solutions via multicriteria decision support techniques.

Vliv minerálního hnojení na fotosyntetické charakteristiky ostřice štíhlé (Carex acuta) / Effect of mineral fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics of Carex acuta

LESKOVCOVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The MSc. thesis "Effect of mineral fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics of Carex acuta" deals with photosynthetic characteristics of plants subjected to different nutrient regimes. Stands dominated with Carex acuta were studied din two localities: Záblatské louky with organic soil and Hamr with mineral soil. The experimental treament was subjected to high fertilization, while the control treatment received no nutrient addition. The net assimilation was measured using Licor 6400. The aim was to find out whether the net assimilation was higher in fertilized plants as compared with non-fertilized plants. In spring the fertilized plants did not have higher photosynthetic rates at either locality, probably because of water limitation. The positive effect of fertilization was proved only at Hamerské louky after the second cut.

Podzemní biomasa ostřice štíhlé (\kur{Carex acuta\kur{}}) v travinném mokřadu / Below-ground biomass of \kur{Carex acuta} in a graminoid wetland

NEŠPOR, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is part of the project GA CR P504 / 11/1151 "The role of plants in the greenhouse gas balance Carex fens". The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the seasonal dynamics of Carex acuta belowground biomass in model grassland wetlands (the "wet meadows") near Třeboň. Belowground biomass of C. acuta L. was sampled using the destructive method. The samples were taken on four dates in 2014. On each date, three hummocks of C. acuta and three soil samples in their immediate vicinity were sampled on each date. Live roots had a greater dry weight than decaying roots on all sampling dates. Their total dry weight varied slightly, depending on season. The ratio of live roots to decaying roots did not differ much. The weight of live roots in hummock was almost always higher than that of the dead ones. The dry weight of living roots was always greater in the hummock than below it. Their total weight varied slightly during the year. Aquatic roots formed only a small part of the dry weight of live roots in hummocks. A greater total belowground dry weight found on 21st December 2014, in comparison with 5th August 2014, was associated with a greater amount of rhizomes of other plant species. The shoots increased their dry weight during the year. Maximum weight of tillers was recorded on 8th August 2014. There were no dead shoots on 25th March 2014. Dry weights of dead tillers were largely similar throughout the year. The volumetric soil water content (%) was usually higher in the upper soil layers. The bulk density of the soil was almost identical on all sampling sites, except for the top layer on site 1, where it was considerably lower.

Sélection sexuelle et hermaphrodisme : approche expérimentale quantitative chez le gastéropode d'eau douce Physa acuta. / Sexual selection and hermaphroditism : quantitative empirical approach in the freshwater gastropod Physa acuta

Pélissié, Benjamin 16 December 2010 (has links)
La théorie de la sélection sexuelle a été largement élaborée à partir du constat de dimorphisme sexuel chez les espèces à sexes séparés. Une de ses caractéristiques générales est une sélection plus forte pour l'augmentation du nombre de partenaires sexuels chez les mâles que chez les femelles qui résulterait d'un investissement différentiel dans les descendants entre les deux sexes (anisogamie). Si hermaphrodisme et sélection sexuelle sont considérés comme compatibles depuis les travaux de Charnov (1979), les études sur le sujet restent rares que ce soit chez des animaux ou des plantes. Une raison importante est que la méthodologie disponible pour quantifier la sélection sexuelle ne prend pas en compte les particularités des hermaphrodites (par ex., corrélations ou effets croisés entre les deux fonctions sexuelles d'un même individu, autofécondation). Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de combler cette lacune méthodologique en proposant un cadre travail adapté aux hermaphrodites, que nous appliquons dans une étude empirique chez Physa acuta, un gastéropode hermaphrodite d'eau douce. Nous observons que la sélection sexuelle est plus intense sur la fonction mâle, comme généralement chez les espèces gonochoriques. Par ailleurs, nous ne détectons aucun effet des particularités des hermaphrodites dans cette expérience. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous intéressons de manière plus détaillée aux composantes du succès reproducteur mâle (RSm). Nous montrons que chez P. acuta il existe une priorité spermatique au premier partenaire mâle lorsque plusieurs individus sont en compétition. Enfin, nous proposons une décomposition de la variance de RSm en ses composantes pré- et post-copulatoires, qui représentent respectivement 60 et 40% de la variance. Dans la troisième partie, nous intégrons la sélection sexuelle à l'étude de l'évolution de l'allocation sexuelle d'un hermaphrodite, via une approche d'évolution expérimentale chez P. acuta. Menée sur plus de 10 générations, elle vise à faire évoluer l'allocation sexuelle de manière disruptive (lignées mâle ou femelle) en sélectionnant les composantes mâle et femelle du succès reproducteur. Les résultats préliminaires suggèrent qu'il est possible de manipuler l'allocation sexuelle chez un hermaphrodite simultané en sélectionnant sur son régime d'appariement. Nous concluons que l'anisogamie suffit à justifier l'existence de la sélection sexuelle sans avoir à supposer un dimorphisme sexuel. Son étude chez les hermaphrodites simultanés ouvre des perspectives pour la compréhension du rôle de l'allocation sexuelle dans l'évolution des systèmes de reproduction. / A cornerstone of the theory of sexual selection in gonochoric species is sexual dimorphism. A very general result is stronger selection on males than on females for increasing mating success, and this fundamentally relies on differential investment in offspring between the sexes (anisogamy). Although sexual selection does operate in hermaphroditic species as well, few empirical studies have been performed whether in animals or in plants. The main reason is that the current framework for studying sexual selection does not incorporate the particularities of hermaphrodites, including correlations or cross-sex effects between sex functions and self-fertilization. The first goal of this thesis is to fill this gap by proposing an appropriate framework for hermaphrodites (generalizing that available for gonochoric species). It was applied to approach sexual selection in the hermaphroditic freshwater gastropod Physa acuta. Sexual selection turns out to be stronger on the male than on the female function, as classically observed in gonochorists. Moreover, we do not detect any effect in relation to hermaphrodites' particularities. We then focus on the components of male reproductive success (RSm) in more details. We detect a pattern of sperm precedence in conditions of sperm competition. We develop a new method for decomposing the variance in RSm into pre- and post-copulatory components (representing 60 and 40% of the variance respectively). The third section aims at integrating sexual selection in studies of sex allocation and its evolution. It relies on a protocol of experimental evolution in P. acuta. Conducted over more than 10 generations. Its aim is to observe the evolution of sex allocation by disruptively selecting male and female components of reproductive success. Preliminary results indeed suggest that it is possible to manipulate sex allocation in a simultaneous hermaphrodite by manipulating its mating system. We conclude that anisogamy alone is a sufficient condition for sexual selection to proceed, and that sexual dimorphism is not required. Study sexual selection in simultaneous hermaphrodites gives insights for understanding the role of sex allocation in the evolution of mating systems.

Vliv režimu zaplavení na růst ostřice štíhlé (Carex acuta) v nádobovém pokuse / Effect of flooding régime on the growth of Carex acuta in a mesocosm experiment

JANUŠ, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This MCs thesis is part of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic GACR P504/11/1151 The role of plants in bilance of greenhouse gases in Carex fens. The results of this project will serve as a basis for another analyses of greenhouse gases in natural wetland biotops. Growth and morphological changes of Carex acuta were monitored in mesocosm experiment durig the growing seson. Carex acuta has already been the subjekt of numerous studies. The aim of this study is to compare the growth rate of plants C. acuta grown under controlled conditions, simulating different regimes of flooding habitat. Number of shoots and maximum plant height were observed during the growing season. Destructive method has been used to fall aboveground and belowground biomass in autumn. Elevated water levels in the middle of the growing season caused a slowdown in growth in height and the creation of new shoots. Reduced water level of the mid-growing season seemed to faster growth of plants in height. Underground biomass significantly negatively affected by increased water level in the middle of the growing season.

Estudo da transmissão de begomovírus via semente em Sida spp / Studies on begomovirus transmission via seed in Sida spp

Amaral, Josiane Gonçalves 22 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2017-02-10T15:49:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 762019 bytes, checksum: 2e50dd2ab96eb5e71832e134ee743a4e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T15:49:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 762019 bytes, checksum: 2e50dd2ab96eb5e71832e134ee743a4e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A família Geminiviridae é composta por vírus com genoma de DNA circular de fita simples, encapsidado por uma única proteína estrutural em partículas icosaédricas geminadas. A família é dividida em sete gêneros com base no tipo de inseto vetor, gama de hospedeiros, organização genômica e relacionamento filogenético. Os vírus pertencentes ao gênero Begomovirus possuem um ou dois componentes genômicos e são transmitidos pela mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci a plantas dicotiledôneas. Os begomovírus infectam naturalmente diversas espécies de plantas não-cultivadas, como Sida spp. e Macroptilium spp. Estes hospedeiros não-cultivados podem abrigar populações virais com uma maior diversidade genética. Entretanto, algumas populações virais parecem estar confinadas em determinadas espécies de plantas não-cultivadas. Com base na observação de plantas não-cultivadas emergindo no campo com sintomas de infecção por begomovírus, aparentemente na ausência do inseto vetor, e em relatos recentes de transmissão de begomovírus via semente em batata-doce, feijoeiro e tomateiro, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a presença de begomovírus em sementes de Sida acuta e Sida rhombifolia, bem como a transmissão desses vírus via semente. Um total de 39 plantas dessas duas espécies, apresentando sintomas típicos da infecção por begomovírus, foram coletadas em Viçosa, MG, em dezembro de 2013, e transferidas para casa-de-vegetação. A infecção viral foi confirmada em 38 plantas por meio de extração de DNA total de tecido foliar seguido de amplificação por círculo rolante (rolling-circle amplification, RCA). Os produtos da amplificação foram clonados e sequenciados, confirmando-se a infecção pelo Sida yellow mosaic virus (SiYMV) nas plantas de S. rhombifolia e pelo Sida yellow leaf curl virus (SiYLCV) nas plantas de S. acuta. Aproximadamente 320 mil sementes foram coletadas das 38 plantas infectadas. As sementes foram tratadas superficialmente com hipoclorito de sódio ou com ácido sulfúrico e foram maceradas em grupos de 20, 30 ou 200 sementes. O DNA total extraído de aproximadamente 80 mil sementes foi utilizado para detecção viral via RCA, com resultados negativos. DNA total foi extraído também de flores inteiras e de tecidos florais (sépalas, pétalas, estames, estiletes e ovários) das plantas infectadas, e utilizado para detecção viral com resultados positivos em todos os casos. Sementes proveniente das plantas infectadas foram tratadas com ácido sulfúrico, germinadas e 269 plântulas provenientes dessas sementes foram avaliadas para a presença dos vírus via RCA e PCR, com resultados negativos. Em conjunto, os resultados indicam que o SiYMV e o SiYLCV são capazes de infectar os tecidos florais de Sida rhombifolia e de Sida acuta, respectivamente, entretanto não são transmitidos pelas sementes desses hospedeiros. / The family Geminiviridae is comprised of viruses with a circular, single-stranded DNA genome encapsidated by a single structural protein in geminate, icosahedral particles. The family is divided into seven genera base on the type of insect vector, host range, genomic organization and phylogeny. Viruses classified in the genus Begomovirus have one or two genomic components and are transmitted in nature by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci to dicot plants. Begomoviruses naturally infect several non-cultivated hosts, such as Sida spp. and Macroptilium spp. These non-cultivated hosts may harbor viral populations with a high degree of genetic diversity. Nevertheless, some viral populations seem to be confined to certain species of non- cultivated plants. Based on the observation of non-cultivated plants newly emerged in the field already showing symtpoms of begomovirus infection, apparently in the absence of the insect vector, and on recent reports of seed transmission of begomoviruses in sweet potato, bean and tomato, the objective of this study was to analyze the presence of begomoviruses in seeds of Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia, as well as the transmission of these viruses by seed. A total of 39 plants of these two species, displaying typical symptoms of infection by begomoviruses, were collected in Viçosa, MG, on December 2013, and transferred to a greenhouse. Viral infection was confirmed in 38 of these plants by total DNA extraction followed by rolling- circle amplification (RCA) of complete viral genomes. Amplification products were cloned and sequenced, confirming infection of S. rhombifolia by Sida yellow mosaic virus (SiYMV) and of S. acuta by Sida yellow leaf curl virus (SiYLCV). Approximately 320,000 seeds were collected from the 38 infected plants. The seeds were surface-sterilized with sodium hypochloride or sulphuric acid, and were ground in groups of 20, 30 or 200 seeds. Total DNA extracted from approximately 80,000 seeds was used for viral detection by RCA, with negative results. Total DNA was also extracted from whole flowers and from flower tissues (sepals, petals, stamens, styles and ovaries) from infected plants and used for viral detection, with positive results in all cases. Seeds from infected plants were treated with sulphuric acid, germinated and 269 plantlets from these seeds were evaluated for the presence of virus by RCA and PCR, with negative results. Together, these results indicate that SiYMV and SiYLCV are capable of infecting the flower tissues of Sida rhombifolia and Sida acuta, respectively, however they are not transmitted by seeds in these hosts.

Nadzemní produkce porostu zaplavované louky s dominantní ostřicí štíhlou (Carex acuta) / Aboveground production of a wet meadow stand dominated by Carex acuta

KUNCOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2009 (has links)
The MSc thesis is part of the project of Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic entitled Czech Terra, which aims at assessing the carbon budget and cycle in the main types of ecosystems in the Czech Republic. This thesis is focussed on the production of aboveground biomass of Carex acuta, which dominates the unmanaged and permanently flooded part of the Wet Meadows. The seasonal dynamics of aboveground plant production was followed using a series of 9 destructive harvests during the vegetation season. On each date, four 0.5x0.5m2 samples were taken from the wetter, and four samples from the drier part of the stand. The maximum value of live biomass of C. acuta (550.8 g.m-2) was recorded on 13.6 2008. The highest value of live biomass of all species reached 602.4 g.m-2. The maximum total biomass (without litter) reached 994.6 g. m-2. The highest value of productivity of C. acuta (12.46 g.m-2.day-1) was recorded on 24. 5.

Vliv dostupnosti minerálních živin a zaplavení na růst ostřice štíhlé v nádobovém pokuse. / Effect of mineral nutrient availability and flooding on the growth of Carex acuta in a mesocosm experiment

SYCHROVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This MSc thesis is part of the project GACR 526/09/1545 Importance of newly assimilated carbon for the plant-soil interactions in wet grassland ecosystems in varying environmental conditions, which focuses on the effects of eutrophication on selected wet meadows with mineral or organic soil in the Trebon Biosphere Reserve. The results of this project will serve as a basis for developing a suitable ecosystem management for wet meadows, especially for sites registered as nature reserves. Pot experiments were carried out with Carex acuta, a dominant species of wet meadows that has already been subject of many studies. The aim of this work was to find out how C. acuta responds to different levels of fertilization and soil flooding under controlled conditions. The growth of the generative shoots of C. acuta was significantly affected by fertilization. The growth of vegetative shoots was significantly influenced by the soil organic matter content and fertilizer addition. The vegetative shoots reached greater length than the generative shoots. The pot experiment indicates that fertilization has not a large influence on the growth of C. acuta. This finding may explain field observations that C. acuta is gradually replaced in eutrophic habitats by stronger competitors, especially Phalaris arundinacea.

Effects of nutrients and water level on \kur{Phalaris arundinacea} growth

KÁPLOVÁ, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is an extension of my Bc. thesis. Based upon previously conducted research in a wet grassland, Mokré Louky, near Třeboň, Czech Republic, a mesocosm experiment was designed for investigating the effect of two nutrient regimes (non fertilized / fertilized) and three flooding regimes (saturated / spring flood / flooded) on Carex acuta and Phalaris arundinacea plants to determine the effect of management type for restoring a more diverse wet meadows system.

Morfologia e biometria do desenvolvimento embrionário da raia Sympterygia acuta Garman, 1877 (ElasmobranchiiI; Rajidae)

Brant, Fernanda Caldeira January 2006 (has links)
Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós–Graduação em Oceanografia Biológica, Instituto de Oceanografia, 2006. / Submitted by Cristiane Gomides (cristiane_gomides@hotmail.com) on 2013-11-19T10:53:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Fernanda Caldeira.pdf: 2786616 bytes, checksum: 7d8912a4eb7053a789229e293eca615b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Angelica Miranda (angelicacdm@gmail.com) on 2013-11-20T21:32:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Fernanda Caldeira.pdf: 2786616 bytes, checksum: 7d8912a4eb7053a789229e293eca615b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-11-20T21:32:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Fernanda Caldeira.pdf: 2786616 bytes, checksum: 7d8912a4eb7053a789229e293eca615b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / O desenvolvimento da raia Sympterygia acuta foi descrito baseado em uma série completa de embriões do estágio 17, o primeiro estágio onde a forma do corpo e a primeira fenda branquial podem ser distinguidos, até a eclosão. Os embriões foram provenientes de cápsulas ovígeras coletadas na praia de Cassino, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As características externas destes espécimes foram usadas para estabelecer uma tabela de estágios de S. acuta. Cada estágio é definido por um conjunto de características morfológicas que inclui a abertura e a posição das sucessivas fendas branquiais, do tamanho e da forma das nadadeiras peitorais (disco) e pélvicas, da forma da boca e da posição dos espiráculos. A relação entre a massa de vitelo e o crescimento do embrião em massa está de acordo com o padrão conhecido para elasmobrânquios ovíparos e vivíparos lecitotróficos. O Estágio 30 é marcado por grandes mudanças, como a pré-eclosão, o início da entrada de vitelo no sistema digestivo do embrião, e início do real crescimento embrionário. O estudo fornece uma comparação com outros embriões de Chondrichthyes baseada nas características externas. O desenvolvimento das nadadeiras peitorais, que desde o começo ocupam toda a face lateral da região abdominal, é uma divergência importante entre esta raia e tubarões, exceto Squatinidae. Isto pode ser uma evidência de que filogenéticamente as Rajidae e Squatinidae são próximas, e que o desenvolvimento embrionário aporta informações relevantes para o estudo da filogenia. / The development of the skate Sympterygia acuta is describe based on a complete series of embryos from stage 17, the earliest stage in which the body forms and first visceral cleft can be distinguished, to hatching. The embryos were obtained from egg-cases caught at Cassino Beach, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. The external features of these specimens are used to establish a stage table of S. acuta. Each stage is defined by a suite of morphological characters including the opening and position of the successive visceral clefts, size and shape of pectoral (disc) and pelvic fins, shape of mouth and position of spiracles. The yolk-embryo weight relationship agrees with the pattern found in other elasmobranchs oviparous and viviparous lecithotrophic. The stage 30 is marked by great changes, as the pre-hatching, the beginning of the entrance of yolk in the digestive system of the embryo, and the beginning of the real embryonic growth. The study provides a comparison with other condrichthyan embryos based on external features. The development of the pectoral fins, which since the beginning occupies the whole side of the abdominal region, is the most important divergence between this skate and the sharks, except from Squatinidae. This might be an evidence that Rajidae and Squatinidae have a close phylogenetic relationship.

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