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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização de líquidos iônicos na síntese de enonas e de enaminonas / Using of the ionic liquids in the synthesis of enones and enaminones

Guarda, Emerson Adriano 05 March 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The use of ionic liquids 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluorborate ([BMIM] [BF4]) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([BMIM][PF6]) as catalytic solvent in the synthesis of 1,1,1-trichloro(fluoro)-3-alken-2-onas [CX3C(O)C(R2)=C(R1)OR] from the reaction of enolethers or acetals with acyl halides is reported. The results obtained in the presence of ionic liquids were compared with those obtained in the conventional condition already developed in our laboratory, and they demonstrated great improvement in the reaction times, with maintenance of the good yields. Ionic liquids also were used in the reactions of enolethers with poor reactive acylants, as acetyl chloride and benzoyl chloride, proving its efficiency as catalytic media in this reaction type. The ionic liquids were still used as medium in the synthesis of β-enaminones bearing a trifluoro[chloro]methyl starting from the 1,1,1-trichloro(fluoro)-3-alken-2-ones. It was also evaluated the reutilization of the ionic liquids (recharge) after the reactions mentioned above. In all of the cases of recharge there was the maintenance of the times reacionais without significant loss of yield. / Esta tese descreve a utilização dos líquidos iônicos tetrafluorborato de 1-butil-3-metilimidazolium ([BMIM] [BF4]) e hexafluorfosfato de 1-butil-3-metilimidazolium ([BMIM][PF6]) como solventes catalíticos na síntese de 1,1,1-tricloro(fluor)-3-alquen-2-onas [CX3C(O)C(R2)=C(R1)OR] a partir da reação de enoléteres ou acetais com haletos de acila. Os resultados obtidos com líquidos iônicos foram comparados com os obtidos por método convencional já desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, e demonstraram grande melhora nos tempos reacionais e manutenção dos bons rendimentos. Os líquidos iônicos também foram utilizados em reações de enoléteres com acilantes menos reativos como cloreto de acetila e cloreto de benzoíla, provando ser bons meios catalíticos neste tipo de reação. Os líquidos iônicos foram utilizados como meio para a síntese de trifluoro[cloro]metil β-enaminonas a partir de 1,1,1-tricloro(fluor)-3-alquen-2-onas. Também foi avaliada a reutilização dos líquidos iônicos (recarga) após as reações mencionadas. Em todos os casos, após a recarga os tempos reacionais foram mantidos sem perda significativa nos rendimentos.

Reações de íons de compostos oxigenados em fase gasosa estudadas por espectroscopia de ressonância ciclotrônica de ions / Reactions of ions of oxygen compounds in the gas phase studied by ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy

Peter Wilhelm Tiedemann 06 May 1974 (has links)
A técnica de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons permite aprisionar numa cela adequada íons produzidos por impacto de elétrons sobre um gás a baixa pressão (10-7 - 10-4 Torr) . Os íons são mantidos na cela por tempos de 3 a 10 ms e dessa maneira podem reagir com moléculas neutras do gás do qual provém ou, de algum outro gás introduzido no espectrômetro. Resultam dessas reações produtos iônicos, que frequentemente foram observados reagirem novamente com moléculas neutras, dando origem a íons terciários. Todos os íons são detectados pela potência que absorvem de um campo de rádio-frequência conveniente, podendo ser registrado um espectro, no qual cada íon é caracterizado por sua massa, sendo a intensidade do pico correspondente proporcional à corrente iônica parcial do lon na cela. Contudo, a situação é tal que íons de massa maior permanecem por tempos mais longos na cela, de modo a reagirem em maior extensão e absorverem maior potência do oscilador de rádio-frequência. Essa discriminação de massa precisa ser levada em conta ao interpretar os espectros de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons e, para esclarecer a natureza das correções necessárias, as principais equações que descrevem o movimento dos íons na cela foram deduzidas e discutidas na primeira parte deste trabalho. Tais equações sugerem urna série de experiências, que tornam a espectroscopia de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons uma técnica muito versátil. Estas experiências foram todas apresentadas na primeira parte, devendo-se salientar a experiência de ressonância dupla, que permite identificar de maneira inequívoca o precursor de algum produto iônico, a experiência de ejeção de íons, que permite remover seletivamente um íon de dada espécie da cela, além de experiências que visam a obtenção de constantes de velocidade de reações de íons com moléculas. É justamente esta última grandeza mencionada, a saber, a constante de velocidade de uma reação, a que pode ser com parada com valores calculados a partir de modelos teóricos. Esses modelos baseiam-se em sua maioria na interação do íon, considerado como carga puntiforme, com a molécula neutra de certa polarizabilidade e momento dipolar (modelo de polarização) ou, na fragmentação de um complexo intermediário (modelos estatísticos). Os aspectos teóricos das reações entre íons e moléculas em fase gasosa foram analisados e os modelos mencionados, discutidos, além de modelos chamados \"diretos\" mais apropriados para comparações com resultados de experiências de feixes iônicos. A espectroscopia de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons foi utilizada para o estudo de reações de acilação em cetonas, reações bastante gerais (foi verificado que ocorrem também em outros sistemas carbonílicos) e que podem ser representadas pela equação RCOR\'+ + RCOR\' &#8594; RCO+ (RCOR\') + R\'. Estudos de variação das correntes iônicas relativas de todos os íons das cetonas, em função da pressão de cetona neutra, possibitaram a dedução de um mecanismo de formação desses íons acilados. Os resultados estão de acordo com um esquema no qual esse produto é formado pela fragmentação de um dímero intermediário, para o qual se supõe existirem condições de estado estacionário. Esta fragmentação se dá de maneira análoga à fragmentação dos íons moleculares de cetonas em espectroscopia de massa usual, tratando-se então de uma fragmentação induzida por uma espécie neutra. A pressões elevadas, nas quais o dímero pode sofrer colisões não-reativas e relaxar o excesso de energia interna, o mesmo é estabilizado, fornecendo um pico no espectro. Cetonas de polarizabilidade maior têm uma afinidade maior para o grupo acila; isto foi concluído, quando foram observadas reações de transferência de grupos acila, como por exemplo a transferência de CH3CO+ da cetona para a butanona num sistema formado pela mistura dessas duas cetonas. Estudos de basicidade relativa de álcoois, ácidos, ésteres e cetonas revelaram que há uma relação de proporcionalidade entre a basicidade desses compostos e seu potencial de ionização. Isto havia sido mostrado anteriormente para o caso das aminas, por outros pesquisadores. O conhecimento da basicidade de álcoois, ácidos e ésteres permitiu analisar reações de esterificação e transesterificação sob o ponto de vista termoquímico. Trata-se de reações entre moléculas protonadas das espécies mencionadas, que podem ser consideradas análogas às reações catalisadas por ácidos em solução. O fato de uma reação ser exotérmica não significa que ela ocorra. Assim, foi observado que ácido fórmico não é esterificado por metanol ou etanol nas condições reinantes numa cela de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons, enquanto quê ácido acético o é. A ordem relativa de basicidades em fase gasosa foi determinada como sendo HCOOH < ( CH30H < C2H5OH < CH3COOH. Dessa maneira os resultados estão de acordo com um ataque nucleófilo por parte do álcool no ácido protonado; porém, se este é menos básico que o álcool, ocorre a transferência de próton e não a esterificação. Reações de transesterificação não foram observadas de maneira alguma, mas uma outra reação entre ésteres e álcoois foi encontrada e que pode ser exemplificada pela equação (CH3)2CHOH2+ + HCOOC3H7 &#8594; HCO2(C3H7) (C3H7)+ + H2O. Esta reação só se dá com álcoois capazes de produzir íons de carbônio mais estáveis que os primários; portanto metanol e etanol não reagem. O produto formado pode fragmentar novamente O que revelou que o grupo alquila proveniente do álcool retém um excesso de energia na sua ligação, pois na decomposição é esta a ligação que rompe. Em todos estes estudos, isto é, nos de acilação de cetonas e de esterificação, bem como nos estudos de basicidade, foi sempre salientada a importância de examinar essas reações em fase gasosa, pelo fato de serem reações mais simples, uma vez que se dão na ausência de solventes e portanto revelarem propriedades intrínsecas das espécies envolvidas. Finalmente foram descritas algumas modificações realizadas no espectrômetro de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons, para poder operá-lo de forma pulsada. Com isso é possível manter os íons por tempos maiores na cela (500 ms) e, o que é mais importante, esses tempos podem ser definidos com grande precisão, o que torna viável a obtenção de resultados quantitativos (constantes de velocidade de reação) melhores. / Ions can be trapped for times as long as 10 ms by the combined action of magnetic and electric fields in the cell of an ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer. Despite the low operating pressure (10-7 - 10-4 Torr), the ions experience many collisions during this time, some of which may be reactive, leading to product ions. The ion cyclotron resonance spectrum thus displays a series of peaks corresponding to the various primary, secondary, and eventually tertiary ions; the peak heights, after suitable mass correction, yield ion currents. The double resonance technique allows one to establish unambiguously the precursor ions of a given product ion, by accelerating the suspected reagent ions and examining the effect on the product ion. Ions can also be selectively ejected from the cell. These techniques, which were described in this thesis after an outline of the basic principles of ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy, allow, one to unravel the gaseous ion chemistry in any chemical system. Rate constants of ion-molecule reactions can be determined by ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy. The necessary equations, based on the equations relating measured peak intensities to ion currents, were derived and their limitations, as well as those of the experimental procedures for obtaining the input parameters for the expressions, were discussed. Rate constants can also be calculated theoretically and there are a few microscopic models which treat the collision of an ion with a polarizable neutral molecule (polarization model) or the unimolecular fragmentation of an intermediate complex (statistical models). Direct models, although more suitable for comparison with results from beam experiments, were presented together with the above mentioned models, and their importance for the interpretation of the basic aspects of ion-molecule chemistry was discussed. The ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer was used to study an acylation reaction in ketones, which seems to be general for carbonyl compounds. RCOR\'+ + RCOR\' &#8594; RCO+ (RCOR\') + R\'. Pressure plots of the ion currents in ketones allowed us to propose a mechanism according to which the acylated ketones are formed by the fragmentation of an excited dimer ion, in a fashion analogous to the fragmentation of ketone parent ions in ordinary mass spectroscopy. Steady state conditions prevail for the excited dimer, which can be stabilized at pressures high enough for the ion to collide with a neutral in a time short compared to his life time, thus relaxing excess energy. The acyl group can be transferred from a ketone of lower polarizability to one of higher polarizability; thus CH3CO+ is for instance transferred from acetone to butanone in a mixture of these two compounds, as detected by double resonance. Relative proton affinities of alcohols, acids, esters, and ketones were determined and the results are in agreement with the assumption of constant hydrogen affinity within a homologous series, as has been shown previously for the case of amines by others. Of particular interest is the following order of proton affinities: HCOOH < ( CH30H < C2H5OH < CH3COOH. The positive ion spectra of mixtures of acetic acid with methanol or ethanol revealed that this acid reacts with the alcohols yielding a protonated ester, in a process apparently analogous to the acid catalized esterification in solution. On the other hand,formic acid was found not to behave in this way, although the reactions are all exothermic. These results could be rationalized assuming that a nucleophilic attack takes place on the protonated acid by the alcohol. If the alcohol is more basic, only proton transfer is observed. Transesterification reactions were not detected, but this failure was compensated by a reaction which all higher alcohols, namely those capable of producing a secondary or tertiary carbonium ion, undergo with the esters. This reaction can be exemplified by (CH3)2CHOH2+ + HCOOC3H7 &#8594; HCO2(C3H7) (C3H7)+ + H2O. Although in this particular reaction both alkyl groups seem equivalent, they are not so with respect to internal vibrational energy; this was demonstrated by the decomposition reactions which the ionic products like the one in the reaction above undergo: the alkyl group originally in the alcohol is always eliminated. All the reactions mentioned above, namely, acylation of ketones, proton transfer, and esterification, show the importance of ion-molecule reaction studies in the gas phase, where the intrinsic properties of the reacting species can be examined, free from solvation effects. This point has been repeatedly stressed. In a last chapter in this thesis the necessary modifications of the ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer, in order to operate it in a pulsed mode, were described. With this kind of operation a bunch of ions is formed by a pulse of the electron beam and the ions react for a known period of time, after which they are removed from the cell. Kinetic studies can be more easily carried out in this way than in the conventional one. Some preliminary results were shown.

Targeting Autopalmitoylation to Modulate Protein S-Palmitoylation

Hamel, Laura Dawn 18 November 2015 (has links)
Palmitoylation refers to the covalent attachment of fatty acids, such as palmitate, onto the cysteine residues of proteins. This process may subsequently alter their localization and function. Nearly all of the enzymes that catalyze palmitoylation, zDHHC protein acyl transferases (PATs), are implicated in neurological disorders, infectious diseases, and cancer in humans. Of particular interest to those who study palmitoylation are Ras family GTPas and zDHHC9-GCP16, the zDHHC PAT that palmitoylates Ras proteins. Erf2-Erf4 is the zDHHC PAT that palmitoylates Ras proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Currently, there are no methods to therapeutically target palmitoylation for the treatment of disease. One of the barriers to identifying a modulator of palmitoylation is the lack of a reliable high-throughput screening system. To date, few assay systems have been developed to examine the kinetics and mechanism of that palmitoylation reaction. This lab has developed a fluorescence-based coupled assay to gain insight into the enzymology, biochemical mechanism, and kinetics of the palmitoylation reaction. This assay may be used to identify specific inhibitors of autopalmitoylation. In the first step of this reaction, the palmitoyl-moiety from palmitoyl-CoA is transferred to the zDHHC9 PAT cysteine side chain to form a palmitoyl:enzyme intermediate. The second step of palmitoylation is the subsequent transfer of the palmitoyl-moiety from the palmitoyl:enzyme intermediate to the cysteine residue of the substrate protein. This fluorescence-based coupled assay was utilized to screen a natural products library and a unique synthetic compound library for inhibitors of Erf2 autopalmitoylation. These screens led to the identification of fungal metabolite extracts and ten bis-cyclic piperazine compounds that inhibit Erf2 autopalmitoylation in the low micromolar range. This effect is similar to known inhibitors of palmitoylation that lack specificity for the palmitoylation reaction itself.

Croton floribundus e Croton urucurana: fontes de flavonoides e enzimas para a biocatálise de acilação / Croton floribundus and Croton urucurana: sources of flavonoids and enzymes for acylation biocatalysis

Jocimar Oliani 12 June 2018 (has links)
Croton é o segundo maior gênero de Euphorbiaceae, com aproximadamente 1.300 espécies, sendo 300 delas existentes no Brasil em diversos biomas. Várias espécies apresentam um característico látex vermelho-sangue, chamado \"sangue-de-dragão\", sendo usadas mundialmente na medicina tradicional. Estudos químicos indicam a presença de múltiplas classes de compostos, sendo as principais: diterpenos (clerodanos, labdanos, kauranos e traquilobanos), óleos voláteis, esteroides e triterpenoides, alcaloides, proantocianidinas e flavonoides. Estes últimos são metabólitos secundários com grande variedade estrutural, possuindo atividades biológicas reconhecidas e de potencial interesse medicinal. Croton floribundus Spreng. e Croton urucurana Baill., por apresentarem várias atividades biológicas de interesse medicinal, são utilizadas na medicina tradicional. Entretanto, poucos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos no sentido de se conhecer melhor aquela classe de substâncias fenólicas. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho corresponde ao isolamento e identificação de flavonoides de folhas de Croton floribundus e Croton urucurana. O material pulverizado foi extraído por refluxo com metanol 80% e concentrado. O extrato seco foi tratado com tolueno e diclorometano. A fase metanólica resultante foi fracionada e subfracionada por meio de cromatografia em coluna de PVPP e Sephadex LH-20, e cromatografia em papel. Depois de fracionadas, as amostras foram analisadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e os compostos identificados por ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (1H) e carbono (13C) ou por CLAE com co-injeção de amostras autênticas. Em ambas as espécies foi identificado o flavonoide acilado tilirosídeo (5). Este parece ser um flavonoide característico do gênero. É um derivado acilado de kaempferol, isolado de um grande número de espécies de Croton. Em C.floribundus foram identificados três triglicosídeos: alcesefolisídeo (1), mauritianina (2), e isoramnetina-3-O-(2,6-di-ramnosil)-galactosídeo (3). Foram identificados também: quercetina-3-O-glucosídeo (4), helicrisosídeo-3\'-metil-éter (6), kaempferol (7), isoramnetina (8) 3-O-metil-kaempferol (9) e 3-O-metil isoramnetina (10). Em C.urucurana, foram identificados: orientina (11), rutina (12), vitexina (13), quercetina-7-O-ramnosídeo (14), ramnetina-3-O-ramnosídeo (15) e quercetina (16). Os flavonoides 1, 3, 14 mostraram-se inéditos, tanto para o gênero, quanto para a família. O flavonoide 15 foi inédito para o gênero, tendo sido encontrado na família, porém, na subfamília Euphorbioideae. Com a detecção do tilirosídeo, foi verificada a possibilidade de se utilizar os extratos proteicos de folhas jovens dessas duas espécies para acilar enzimaticamente flavonoides de interesse, pois estudos na literatura indicam que a acilação pode aumentar a estabilidade e biodisponibilidade de flavonoides, e também melhorar suas atividades biológicas. Para isso, folhas jovens foram coletadas e mantidas em N2 líquido, trituradas e extraídas com tampão de extração. O extrato obtido foi concentrado, sua concentração proteica foi determinada e, posteriormente, foi utilizado para acilar os substratos quercetina-3-O-glucosídeo, kaempferol-3-O-glucosídeo, quercetina-3-O-galactosídeo e quercetagetina-7-O-glucosídeo. p-Cumaroil-CoA e uma mistura de ácido p-cumárico e Coenzima A, foram utilizados como agentes acilantes. Foi verificado que o rendimento do extrato proteico de C.floribundus foi menor que o de C.urucurana. Enquanto o extrato de C.urucurana acilou os substratos glicosilados na posição 3, (kaemferol-3-O-glucosídeo, quercetina-3-O-glucosídeo e quercetina-3-Ogalactosídeo), não acilou o mono-glicosilado na posição 7 (quercetagetina-7-Oglucosídeo), indicando que as aciltransferases dessa espécie são regiosseletivas quanto à posição do resíduo de açúcar. Também demonstrou capacidade de acilação usando como agentes acilantes p-cumaroil-CoA e a combinação ácido p-cumárico + CoA + ATP. O extrato proteico de C.floribundus, talvez por ter apresentado um menor rendimento de extração, acilou apenas o kaempferol-3-O-glucosídeo, resultando no tilirosídeo, o flavonoide acilado característico do gênero / Croton is the second largest genus of Euphorbiaceae, with approximately 1,300 species, 300 among them native from Brazilian biomes. Several species of the genus, used worldly in traditional medicine, possess a characteristic blood colored latex, called \"dragon\'s blood\". Chemical studies about Croton species have uncovered multiple classes of secondary metabolites, such as diterpenes (clerodanes, labdanes, kauranes and trachylobanes), volatile oils, steroids and triterpenoids, alkaloids, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids. The latter are secondary metabolites with high structural diversity and recognized as having biological activities with medicinal potential. Croton floribundus Spreng. and C. urucurana Baill. have shown several medicinally promising biological activities and are used in traditional medicine. However, few investigations have been performed aiming the flavonoid chemistry of any of the two species. One of the objectives of the present study is the isolation and identification of flavonoids from leaves of C. floribundus and C. urucurana. Powdered material from both species was extracted by reflux with 80% methanol. The dry extracts were treated with toluene and dichloromethane, lyophilized and solubilized in methanol. The methanol solution was analyzed by polyvinylpolypyrrolidone column chromatography (PVPP-CC). The fractions obtained were further analyzed by PVPP-CC, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography and paper chromatography. The fractions and isolated compounds obtained were analyzed by HPLC. Isolated compounds were identified by 1H and 13C NMR and HPLC co-chromatography with authentic samples. The acylated flavonol tiliroside (5) was obtained from extracts of both species. It seems to be a characteristic marker of the genus, having been reported for a high number of Croton species. From the leaf extract of C. floribundus three triglycosides were obtained in the present work: alcesefoliside (1), mauritianin (2) and isorhamnetin-3-O-(2,6-dirhamnosyl)-galactoside (3). Other glycosides identified were quercetin-3-O-glucoside (4), 3\'-helichrysoside-3-O-methyl ether (6), kaempferol (7), isorhamnetin (8), 3-O-methyl-kaempferol (9) and 3-O-methyl-isorhamnetin (10). The following compounds were obtained from C. urucurana: orientin (11), rutin (12), vitexin (13), quercetin-7-O-rhamnoside (14), rhamnetin-3-O-rhamnoside (15) and quercetin (16). Flavonoids 1, 3 and 14 are new regarding genus Croton and family Euphorbiaceae. Flavonoid 15 was previously found in subfamily Euphorbioideae and is now reported for the first time in Croton. Taking into account the detection of tiliroside in the material analyzed, and that acylation increases both stability and bioavailability of flavonoids, while enhancing their biological activity, an approach was planned to use protein extracts of young leaves of both species aiming the enzymatic acylation of several flavonoids. Young leaves were maintained in liquid N2, ground and treated with extraction buffer. The extract obtained was concentrated and mixed with p-coumaroyl-CoA and a mix of p-coumaric acid and Coenzyme A. The extract was used in assays aiming the acylation of quercetin-3-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-glucoside, quercetin-3-O-galactoside and quercetagetin-7- O-glucoside. The concentration of the protein extract from C. floribundus was lower than that of C. urucurana. The extract from C. urucurana acylated the 3-O-glycosilated substrata kaempferol-glucoside, quercetin-glucoside and quercetin-galactoside, but was ineffective toward quercetagetin-7-O-glucoside. These results suggest that acyltransferases in the extract are regioselective about the position of attachment of the sugar moiety. They were shown to be effective using either p-coumaroyl or the combination p-coumaroyl-CoA + ATP. C. floribundus protein extract acylated only kaempferol-3-O-glucoside, yielding tiliroside, the characteristic acylated flavonoid of Croton

Aplikace analytických metod ke studiu heterogenních katalytických procesů / Application of analytical methods in study of heterogeneous catalytical processes

Pavlatová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Acylation of cyclohexene can provide number of reaction products. Cyclohexene, 1-methylcyclohexene and 3-methylcyclohexene were acylated with propionic anhydride over diferent zeolite structures and molecular sieves. Cyclohexene acylation led to propionylcyclohexene. The major acylation products of 1-methylcyclohexene is 2-methyl-3-propionylcyclohexene. Reaction product of 3-methylcyclohexene acylation is 4-methyl-3-propionylcyklohexene and 3-methyl-2-propionylcyclohexene. The aim of acylation biphenyl with carboxylic acid anhydrides and chlorides was to prove reaction with the highest conversion of substrate. The highest biphenyl conversion was obtained with octanoyl chloride and hexanoic anhydride over zeolite USY (15). The highest selectivity to 4-acylbiphenyl was observed.


Karrepu, Venkateswara Reddy 11 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Inside-out design and synthesis of spiroligomers for transesterification reactions

Kheirabadi, Mahboubeh January 2014 (has links)
This work describes the application of spiroligomers as serine hydrolases mimetics. Through collaboration with Kendall Houk's group, for the first time in the Schafmeister lab, we demonstrate that "theozymes" can be successfully used as models to design highly functionalized spiroligomer constructs for organocatalysis. We demonstrate a structure-function relationship between the structure of a series of bi-functional and tri-functional spiroligomer based transesterification catalysts and their catalytic activity. First, we designed and synthesized a series of stereochemically and regiochemically diverse bi-functional spiroligozymes to identify the best arrangement of a pyridine as a general base catalyst and an alcohol nucleophile to accelerate attack on vinyl trifluoroacetate as an electrophile. The best bifunctional spiroligozyme reacts with vinyl trifluoroacetate to form an acyl-spiroligozyme conjugate 2.7x103-fold faster than the background reaction with benzyl alcohol. We then incorporated an additional urea functional group to activate the acyl-spiroligozyme intermediate through hydrogen bonds and enable acyl transfer to methanol. The best trifunctional spiroligozyme carries out multiple turnovers and acts as a transesterification catalyst with k1/kuncat of 2.2x103 and k2/kuncat of 1.3x102. Quantum mechanical calculations identified four transition states in the catalytic cycle and provided a detailed view of every stage of the transesterification reaction. With the aim of accelerating the k2, we sought to design better oxyanion holes that hold multiple hydrogen bonding groups in close proximity of the catalytic groups. A macrocyclic motif would be a good candidate to force the oxyanion hole arm to arrange hydrogen-bonding groups in a precise three-dimensional constellation for transition state stabilization. In Chapter 4, we introduce an in silico designed macrocyclic spiroligomer, which overlays well with catalytic active site of an inhibitor bound-esterase. Finally, we detail our effort to develop new methodologies for rapidly synthesizing spiroligomers on solid-support. This would allow us to efficiently permute their structures for diverse applications such as organocatalysts, host molecules, and biologically related applications such as inhibiting protein-protein interactions. / Chemistry

Electric Field and Neural Network in Catalysis: Amine Acylation in the Scanning Tunneling Microscope-Break Junction and Oxadiazoliums in Stetter Catalysis

Wang, Xiye January 2024 (has links)
Electric fields influence reactions by stabilization of charge-separated transition states. While this has been a longstanding hypothesis supported computationally, recent experimental confirmations highlight the potential for leveraging electric field effects to drive small molecule reactions far from equilibrium. Herein we report electric-field catalysis of an alkane solvent-derived acylation reaction in the scanning tunneling microscope-break junction (STM-BJ), providing additional support for this hypothesis. Additionally, the design and reactivity of an internally charged zwitterionic ligand are disclosed. Synthetic access of metal ligands bearing opposing charged functional groups permitted the examination of stochiometric metalation and catalytic behavior of electric field-bearing ligands.While traditionally computation has been used to rationalize why a particular catalyst is successful descriptively, it has been rarely used to screen candidates and prescriptively provide optimal catalyst structure. We report a neural network-enabled catalyst screening platform that dramatically reduce the resource intensity for examining a large chemical space. We leverage this platform to examine azolium N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) precursors to address the lack of compatibility for electron-rich aryl aldehydes in the NHC-catalyzed Stetter reaction. This led to the discovery of a new class of azolium NHC precursor: oxadiazoliums that proved competent in achieving the target reaction addressing current limitations in Stetter catalysis.

Les mécanismes de dépense énergétique associés avec l'ASP et son récepteur C5L2

Roy, Christian 13 April 2018 (has links)
L’obésité est un problème de santé majeur qui se traduit par un débalancement du métabolisme énergétique. Il est maintenant connu que le tissu adipeux, en tant qu’organe endocrinien, joue un rôle important dans le métabolisme énergétique. La protéine stimulant l’acylation (ASP, C3adesArg) est une protéine produite par le tissu adipeux qui stimule la synthèse des triglycérides (TG) et le transport du glucose en se liant à son récepteur C5L2. Les souris avec le gène invalidé C3 (C3KO) sont ASP-déficientes, hyperphagiques et de poids normal, démontrant une dépense énergétique plus élevée que les souris sauvages. En chambre calorimétrique, ceci ce traduit par une augmentation de la consommation d’oxygène ainsi qu’une diminution du quotient respiratoire, suggérant une préférence pour les lipides comme substrat énergétique. Il est maintenant notre objectif de déterminer si la régulation par l’ASP de la dépense énergétique pourrait nous amener vers un traitement de l’obésité. / Obesity is a well established problem in North America and studying the mechanisms of fat storage may be key in understanding and treating this problem. Acylation Stimulating Protein (ASP) is an adipose tissue derived hormone that acts through its receptor, C5L2, to stimulate triglyceride (TG) synthesis and glucose transport. C3 is the precursor for ASP; therefore, C3 knockout (KO) mice are ASP-deficient. These mice display hyperphagia yet normal body weight due to increased energy expenditure. Calorimetric chamber studies demonstrated that C3KO have increased oxygen consumption and lowered respiratory quotient, indicating that deficiency of ASP alters substrate preference for energy metabolism in C3KO mice. It still remains to be determined whether the alterations in skeletal muscle energy metabolism are a direct or indirect consequence of ASP deficiency, but in vivo data suggest targeting ASP may provide insights toward treatment of obesity.

Identification de facteurs opératoires influents en vue d'une production microbienne optimale de torularhodine et de sa fonctionnalisation enzymatique, à partir d'études cinétiques / Identification of major operating factors for an optimal torularhodin production by yeast and its enzymatic modifying based on kinetic studies

Alves Da Costa Cardoso, Ligia 14 November 2008 (has links)
Ce travail a eu pour objectif de déterminer les conditions optimales de production d’un caroténoïde original, la torularhodine, par Sporobolomyces ruberrimus, cultivée en réacteur discontinu. Cette souche est capable d’utiliser le glycérol technique comme source de carbone et d’énergie pour sa croissance et pour la production de caroténoïdes. D’abord, il s’est agi d’identifier les facteurs opératoires majeurs qui sont susceptibles d’avoir une influence sur la production de la torularhodine, au travers d’une étude préliminaire. L’identification expérimentale de ces facteurs d’action - la température, le taux d’oxygène dissous et la supplémentation en acide oléique - a été validée statistiquement, à des degrés divers, avant d’engager une étape d’optimisation par la construction d’un plan d’expériences multicritère. Celui-ci a conduit à l’établissement de modèles polynômiaux du second degré pour représenter l’effet conjugué des facteurs retenus et permettre la prédiction des valeurs de µmax et de concentration de torularhodine rapportée à la biomasse. Cette étude a alors été consacrée à un essai de fonctionnalisation de la torularhodine, à partir de sa fonction carboxylique, en vue de la stabilisation de la molécule dont l’activité antioxydante est élevée. L’acylation enzymatique de la lysine par la torularhodine a été envisagée. Les conditions d’acylation par la lipase B de C. antarctica ont été déterminées avec un caroténoïde modèle, la bixine. Le produit dérivé obtenu après transacylation a été purifié et a montré une activité antiradicalaire supérieure à celle de la bixine. Ces résultats permettent d’envisager la synthèse de peptides acylés avec ce type de caroténoïdes / The aim of this work was to determine the optimum of an original carotenoid, the torularhodin, produced by Sporobolomyces ruberrimus, in batch culture. A very interesting characteristic of this strain is its ability to consume raw glycerol as a carbon and energy source for microbial growth and carotenoid production. In the fist part of this study, the identification of operating parameters that have an influence on the optimum torularhodin production, was achieved. Experimental assays reinforced by a statistical study allowed to identify temperature, dissolved oxygen pressure and oleic acid supplementation, as the major parameters of influence, and then the integration of these data was performed for the construction of a multiobjective optimization based on a multicriteria experimental design. The establishment of a mathematical model of a second degree polynomial type was developed for the prediction of the values of µmax and of the torularhodin concentration reported to biomass. In the last part, considering that torularhodin has an important antioxidant property and it exhibits a free carboxyl acid function which can be used as acyl agent, a study of its structure modifying by an enzymatic way as a stabilization pattern was started. The experimental conditions of lysine acylation by the lipase B of Candida antarctica were determined using a model carotenoid, the bixin. The resulting product of the synthesis of bixin derivative was purified and showed an antiradical activity of 2.5 times higher than that of bixin. This result showed the ability of the acylation reaction of peptides with this kind of carotenoids

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