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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude et fonctionnalisation de protéines végétales en vue de leur application en microencapsulation / Study and functionalization of vegetable proteins and their application in microencapsulation

Nesterenko, Alla 05 December 2012 (has links)
Les protéines extraites des végétaux sont des matériaux relativement peu coûteux, non toxiques, biocompatibles et biodégradables. Elles représentent une bonne alternative aux protéines d’origine animale et aux polymères dérivés du pétrole. Dans le cadre de cette étude, les protéines extraites de graines de soja et de tournesol ont été utilisées en tant que matériaux enrobants pour la microencapsulation de la matière active hydrophobe (α-tocophérol) ou hydrophile (acide ascorbique) par le procédé d’atomisation. Les protéines de soja sont largement utilisées dans les applications alimentaires et non-alimentaires, notamment en microencapsulation. Elles sont donc étudiées dans ce travail comme matériau enrobant de référence. Les protéines de tournesol n’ont quant à elles pas d’application industrielle concrète, si ce n’est sous la forme de tourteaux dans l’alimentation animale. C’est pourquoi il nous semble pertinent de trouver des nouvelles voies de valorisation pour ce coproduit d’origine agricole. Plusieurs modifications des protéines, telles que l’hydrolyse enzymatique, l’acylation, la réticulation enzymatique et la cationisation ont été étudiées dans le but d’améliorer les propriétés encapsulantes du matériau enrobant. Dans le contexte de la chimie verte, toutes les modifications ont été effectuées sans utilisation de solvants organiques ni de catalyseurs chimiques. L’influence des modifications chimiques et enzymatiques des protéines, et des paramètres du procédé (pression d’homogénéisation, ratio matériau enrobant/matière active et concentration en protéines) sur les différentes caractéristiques des préparations liquides et des microparticules (viscosité, taille des gouttelettes dans le cas des émulsions, morphologie et taille des microparticules), ainsi que sur les paramètres liés au procédé d’atomisation (rendement et efficacité de microencapsulation) a été particulièrement étudiée au cours de ce travail. Les résultats obtenus confirment que l’extrait protéique de tournesol est tout à fait pertinent comme matériau enrobant et permet d’obtenir des efficacités de microencapsulation significativement plus élevées par rapport à celles obtenues avec l’extrait protéique de soja. / Proteins extracted from vegetables are relatively low-cost, non-toxic, biocompatible and biodegradable raw materials. They represent a good alternative to animal-based proteins and petroleum-extracted polymers. In this study, proteins derived from soybean and sunflower seeds were used as wall materials for microencapsulation of hydrophobic (-tocopherol) or hydrophilic (ascorbic acid) active material by spray-drying technique. Soybean proteins are widely used in food and non-food applications, especially in microencapsulation. They were studied in this work as wall material of reference. Sunflower proteins are not actually used in industrial application, but only in the form of oil-cake for animal feeding. That’s why new ways of valorization of this agricultural by-product should be investigated. Several proteins’ modifications such as enzymatic hydrolysis, acylation, cross-linking and cationization were studied in order to improve encapsulating properties of wall material. In the context of green chemistry, all the modifications and preparations were performed without use of organic solvents and chemical catalysts. The effect of protein chemical and enzymatic modifications, and process parameters (homogenization pressure, wall/core ratio and protein concentration) on different characteristics of liquid preparations and microparticles (viscosity, emulsion droplet size, microparticle size and morphology) and on parameters related to the spray-drying process (yield and efficiency of microencapsulation) was particularly investigated in this study. The obtained results confirmed that sunflower proteins are quite suitable as encapsulating agent and provide the microencapsulation efficiencies significantly higher compared to those obtained with soy proteins.

Optimisation de la pH-sensibilité de protéines végétales en vue d'améliorer leurs capacités d'encapsulation de principes actifs destinés à la voie orale / Optimization of pH-sensitivity of vegetable proteins in order to improve their capacity to encapsulate Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for oral administration

Anaya Castro, Maria Antonieta 21 February 2018 (has links)
Dans le domaine pharmaceutique, la voie orale demeure la voie d’administration de prédilection, car plus simple et mieux acceptée par les patients. Cependant, ce mode d’administration pose problème pour de nombreux principes actifs (PA) présentant une faible solubilité, une faible perméabilité et/ou une instabilité dans l’environnement gastro-intestinal. Leur micro-encapsulation dans des matrices polymériques peut permettre d’y répondre, notamment si les microparticules générées résistent aux environnements rencontrés lors du tractus gastro-intestinal et jouent alors un rôle protecteur, tant pour le principe actif que pour les muqueuses rencontrées. La recherche de nouveaux excipients, issus des agro-ressources tels que les polymères naturels, est en plein essor. Les protéines végétales, grâce à leurs propriétés fonctionnelles telles qu’une bonne solubilité, une viscosité relativement basse, et des propriétés émulsifiantes et filmogènes, représentent des candidats privilégiés. De plus, la grande diversité de leurs groupements fonctionnels permet d’envisager des modifications chimiques ou enzymatiques variées. L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier l’intérêt de la protéine de soja en tant que matériau enrobant de principes actifs pharmaceutiques destinés à la voie orale, et plus particulièrement en tant que candidat pour l’élaboration de formes gastro-résistantes. Un isolat protéique de soja (SPI) été utilisé comme matière enrobante et l’atomisation comme procédé. L’ibuprofène, anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien, a été choisi comme molécule modèle du fait de sa faible solubilité nécessitant une amélioration de sa biodisponibilité, et de ses effets indésirables gastriques nécessitant une mise en forme entérique. Deux modifications chimiques des protéines (l’acylation et la succinylation) ont été étudiées dans le but de modifier la solubilité de la protéine de soja. Ces modifications ont été effectuées dans le respect des principes de la Chimie Verte, notamment en absence de solvant organique. Les microcapsules obtenues par atomisation ont été caractérisées en termes de taux et efficacité d'encapsulation, morphologie et distribution de tailles des particules, état physique du PA encapsulé et capacité de libération en milieu gastrique et intestinal simulé. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de valider l’intérêt des modifications chimiques de la protéine de soja pour moduler les cinétiques de libération d’actif. Les modifications chimiques sont apparues particulièrement adaptées pour l’encapsulation de principes actifs hydrophobes, et ont permis de l’obtention de cinétiques de libération d’ibuprofène ralenties à pH acide (gastrique). La dernière partie de ce travail a permis de valider cette dernière hypothèse par la réalisation de formes gastro-résistantes sur le modèle des comprimés MUPS (multiple unit pellet system). Les résultats de ce travail exploratoire démontrent que les protéines de soja, associées à un procédé de mise en forme multi-particulaire couplé à de la compression directe, peuvent constituer une alternative biosourcée, respectueuse de l’environnement (manipulation en solvant aqueux, temps de séchage et étapes de compression réduits) et sûre à l’enrobage utilisé dans les formes gastro-résistantes traditionnelles. / In the pharmaceutical field, the oral route remains the preferred route of administration because it is simpler and better accepted by patients. However, this mode of administration is problematic for many active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) with low solubility, low permeability and/or instability in the gastrointestinal environment. Their microencapsulation in polymeric matrices can make them able to respond to these factors, especially if the microparticles generated resist the environments encountered during the gastrointestinal tract and then play a protective role, both for the API and for the mucous membranes encountered. The search for new excipients, from agroresources such as natural polymers, is booming. Vegetable proteins, thanks to their functional properties such as good solubility, relatively low viscosity, and emulsifying and film-forming properties, are preferred candidates. In addition, the great diversity of their functional groups makes it possible to envisage various chemical or enzymatic modifications. The aim of this work was to study the interest of soy protein as a coating material for API intended for the oral route, and more particularly as a candidate for the development of gastro-resistant forms. A soy protein isolate (SPI) was used as a coating material and the atomization as a process. Ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was chosen as a model molecule because of its low solubility requiring an improvement in its bioavailability, and its gastric side effects requiring an enteric shaping. Two chemical modifications of proteins (acylation and succinylation) have been studied in order to modify the solubility of the soy protein. These modifications were carried out in accordance with the principles of Green Chemistry, especially in the absence of organic solvent. The microcapsules obtained by spray-drying were characterized in terms of rate and encapsulation efficiency, morphology and size distribution of the particles, physical state of the encapsulated API and capacity of release in simulated gastric and intestinal medium. The results obtained validated the interest of the chemical modifications of the soy protein to modulate the release kinetics of API. The chemical modifications appeared particularly suitable for the encapsulation of hydrophobic active ingredients, and allowed to obtain ibuprofen release kinetics decreased to acidic pH (gastric). The last part of this work allowed to validate this last hypothesis by the realization of gastro-resistant forms on the model of MUPS tablets (multiple unit pellet system). The results of this exploratory work demonstrate that soy protein, combined with a multiparticle shaping process coupled with direct compression, can be a biosourced, environmentally friendly alternative (aqueous solvent handling, drying and compression steps reduced) and confident to the coating used in traditional gastroresistant forms.

Funcionalização de grafite em condições de Friedel-Crafts / Graphite Functionalization in Friedel-Crafts conditions.

Sawazaki, David Tatsuo Atique 30 September 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a funcionalização de grafite sem prévio tratamento em condições de Fridel-Crafts. Considerando que a grafite não possui hidrogênio em sua estrutura, não se observa uma reação de substituição eletrofílica. Por outro lado, o trabalho mostra o papel da umidade presente no grafite na reação de funcionalização. Dessa forma, foi proposto um mecanismo para a reação com a participação da água adsorvida na grafite estabilizando o carbocátion formado. O grafite funcionalizado obtido na reação foi utilizado como material eletródico. Para a reação de funcionalização, quatro moléculas foram utilizadas: ácido ferrocenomonocarboxílico, cloreto de 4-nitrobenzoíla, cloreto de 3,5-dinitrobenzoíla e ácido 3,4-dinitrobenzóico. Para o estudo das condições ótimas da reação, utilizou-se diferentes potências de radiação no reator de micro-ondas, sendo que a extensão da funcionalização mostrou-se sensível à variação deste parâmetro. Para a caracterização dos materiais, utilizou-se voltametria cíclica e análise térmica (TG e DTA). Resultados de infravermelho e Ramam são apresentados no Apêndice A. Os resultados eletroquímicos mostraram que os materiais funcionalizados em maiores potências apresentaram maior corrente Faradaica, mas ao mesmo tempo, o material obtido foi mais resistivo. A diferença de potencial relacionada ao processo redox do ferroceno aumentou conforme a extensão da funcionalização, uma vez que um sobrepotencial é necessário devido ao fluxo iônico (para a manutenção da eletroneutralidade) relativo ao número de espécies envolvidas. Os resultados eletroquímicos também indicaram que a funcionalização do grafite com os nitro compostos foi baixa. A análise térmica evidenciou que a reação de funcionalização do grafite com o ferroceno resultou em materiais com 15% a 20% (m/m) de material ligado ao grafite. Os materiais funcionalizados a maiores potências apresentaram maior massa ligada ao grafite. A funcionalização com os nitro compostos resultou em materiais com menos de 3% (m/m) de composto ligado ao grafite. Os resultados das duas técnicas mostraram coerência na análise da extensão da funcionalização. O material funcionalizado com o ácido ferrocenomonocarboxilico foi o que apresentou os melhores resultados e propõe-se uma explicação para tal baseado no mecanismo de reação sugerido. Com o objetivo de melhor elucidar o mecanismo da reação, foram realizadas algumas reações na ausência de alguns reagentes. Por exemplo, quando tenta-se funcionalizar o material sem a presença de cloreto de alumínio ou sem a umidade natural do grafite, a reação não ocorre. / In this work natural graphite functionalization in Fridel-Crafts conditions is performed using a one-step microwave assisted reaction. Since there is no hydrogen in graphite structure, it is not possible to observe electrophilic substitution. On the other hand this work shows the role of the moisture present on graphite in the functionalization reaction under this condition. Therefore, a reaction mechanism with the participation of the water naturally adsorbed on graphite stabilizing the formed carbocation has been suggested. After the reaction, the functionalized graphite was used as electrode material. Four molecules were used to functionalize graphite: Ferrocene monocarboxylic acid, 4-nitrobenzoyl chloride, 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl chloride and 3,4-dinitrobenzoic acid. To study the optimal conditions of the reaction, the microwave radiation power was varied and the extent of the functionalization on graphite was sensitive to this parameter. Two techniques were used to characterize the materials, cyclic voltammetry and thermal analysis (TG and DTA). IR and Raman data are shown in appendix A. Electrochemical results have shown that the materials functionalized at higher microwave radiation power have higher Faradaic current, but are more resistive. The potential difference between the peaks of the redox process of ferrocene increased with the extent of functionalization. This occurs because an overpotencial is needed to compensate the ionic flux (in order to maintain the electroneutrality) related to the number of species involved. The electrochemical results also indicated that the extent of functionalization of graphite with the nitro compounds was low. The thermal analysis have shown that the functionalization of graphite with ferrocene lead to values between 15% to 20% (m/m) of compound in the material. The materials functionalized at higher microwave radiation power presented higher relative mass in the material. The reaction with the nitro compounds lead to less than 3% (m/m) of compound in the final material. The results of both techniques were coherent about the extent of functionalization. The material functionalized with ferrocene monocarboxylic acid showed the best results, and an explanation for that based on the reaction mechanism is suggested. In order to elucidate the reaction mechanism, some experiments were realized in absent of some reagents. When the reaction were carried out without aluminum chloride or with dried graphite, the reaction has not occurred.

Grafite funcionalizada em condições de Friedel-Crafts mediada por radiação de microondas: novo material para construção de eletrodos de pasta de carbono / Graphite Functionalized in Conditions of Friedel-Crafts Reaction mediated by Radiation of Microwave: New Material for Construction of Electrodes of Carbon Paste

Nascimento, Leandro Fontanetti do 16 March 2007 (has links)
A modificação e/ou a funcionalização de eletrodos têm por objetivos o desenvolvimento de métodos eficazes para a preparação de eletrodos quimicamente modificados (EQMs) que possam aliar melhorias em sua sensibilidade, seletividade e reatividade em relação aos eletrodos base. Entretanto, a estabilidade e a reprodutibilidade dos EQMs quanto ao processo de lixiviação dos modificadores precisam ser melhorados para que se possam obter eletrodos mais robustos com longo tempo de análise. Uma das possibilidades para se obter eletrodos mais estáveis é por meio de uma ligação estável do tipo covalente entre o eletrodo base e o modificador. Desta forma este trabalho tem por objetivo a funcionalização da grafite por meio de uma reação covalente entre os modificadores cloreto de 4-nitrobenzoíla (4-NB), cloreto de 3,4-dihidroxibenzoíla (3,4-DHB) e do cloreto de 2,2?-bipiridina 4,4?-dicarbonílico (2,2-BP) por meio de uma reação de acilação de Friedel-Crafts assistida por radiação de microondas. O material de síntese foi caracterizado por voltametria cíclica, espectroscopia de infravermelho, curvas termogravimétricas e térmicas diferenciais e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica em comparação com a mistura física entre a grafite e os modificadores. Além disso, realizou-se uma generalização da síntese de Friedel-Crafts para outros substratos carboníferos eletródicos como os nanotubos e as fibras de carbono, além de algumas aplicações dos materiais funcionalizados, como exemplos, a grafite funcionalizada e as fibras de carbono funcionalizadas com o derivado bipiridínico (GFT-2,2BP e CNF-2,2BP), por meio de uma ligação entre as bipiridinas funcionalizadas covalentemente nos materiais carboníferos e alguns complexos de rutênio tais como [Ru(bpy)2(OH2)2](PF6)2, [RuCl2(PPh3)3] e do precursor RuCl3.3H2O em eletrooxidações de compostos orgânicos. Para a grafite funcionalizada com nitro derivado (GFT-4NB), realizou-se a eletrooxidação de NADH sobre o potencial redox da hidroxilamina/nitroso. Os resultados dos experimentos de EIS demonstram que a grafite funcionalizada possui uma maior resistência que o material obtido por mistura física. Isto seria esperado já que a formação da ligação covalente afeta a deslocalização de elétrons pi. Finalmente esta metodologia seria uma plataforma geral para a preparação de grafite covalentemente modificada com derivados cujas moléculas possui aplicações de interesse. Assim, o material obtido por este método pode ser usado em aplicações como em eletrodos de pasta de carbono, eletrodos impressos, filmes finos e nanocompósitos e mesmo como um catalisador em reações químicas. Desde que a resposta eletroquímica é muito sensível ao eletrólito, este trabalho abriu uma larga variedade de estudos para entender a interação desses materiais no meio aquoso e orgânico. / Modification and/or functionalization of eletrodic materials have been investigated in order to improve the application of chemically modified electrode (CME) regards on their sensitivity, selectivity and reactivity comparing with unmodified substrate. However, the stability and reproducibility of these CME are one of the most important goals to achieve mainly regarding on the lixiviation of the modifier molecule. Quimisorption is one way to obtain very stable modified materials, since the redox mediator is attached to the substrate by covalent bound. Still it is very important to study the stability and chemical reactivity of these materials. The aim of this work is to synthesize graphite, carbon nanotube and carbon fiber with 4-nitrobenzoíl chloride (4-NB), 3,4-dihidroxibenzoíl chloride (3,4-DHB) and 2,2-bipyridine- 4,4-dicarbonil chloride (2,2-BP) in Friedel-Crafts condition mediated by microwave radiation. The materials were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV), using carbon paste electrode (CPE), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermo gravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). All of the synthesized graphite derivatives were compared with the respective physical mixtures. Moreover, graphite derivatives with bipyridine were used as a ligand in the synthesis with [Ru(bpy)2(OH2)2](PF6)2, [RuCl2(PPh3)3] and RuCl3.3H2O. These products were used as electrocatalysts to oxidize alcohols in comparison with the complex incorporated in graphite. Graphite obtained from 4-NB reaction was employed to oxidize NADH in the redox potential of hydroxylamine/nitroso derived. Results from EIS measurements have show that graphite functionalized has higher resistance than the material obtained by physical mixture. This would be expected since the covalent bound would affect a pi electron dislocation. In conclusion, this methodology would be a general platform to prepare graphite and derivatives covalently bounded to molecules that have interesting application. In addition, it\'s been shown that the catalytic property of the respective function organic hasn\'s changed after reaction with carbon substrate. Thus the material obtained by this method could be used in applications such as carbon paste electrodes, finger print electrodes, thin films and nanocomposites and even as a catalyst in chemical reaction. Since the electrochemical response is very sensitive regards on the electrolyte, this work opened a wide range of studies to understand the interaction of these materials in aqueous and organic medium.

Cysteine Based PNA (CPNA): Design, Synthesis and Application

Yi, Sung Wook 02 April 2008 (has links)
This report mainly discusses the development of the cysteine based PNA (CPNA), which is an analogue of PNAs. Peptide nucleic acids (PNA), a pseudopeptide DNA mimic, was discovered by Nielsen and his coworker in 1991. PNA is proved to sequence-specifically form a very stable duplex with complementary DNA and RNA strands through Watson-Crick base paring, and it is also capable of binding to duplex DNA by helix invasion. These intriguing properties of PNA implicated great potential for medical and biotechnical applications. Therefore, PNA has attracted many scientists in the fields of chemistry, biology, medicine including drug discovery and genetic diagnostics, molecular recognition. Due to its acyclic, achiral and neutral nature of the backbone, PNA has shown problems such as its poor aqueous solubility, poor cell permeability and instability of PNA-DNA duplexes and triplexes. Accordingly, many synthetic approaches have been directed toward developing modified backbones of PNA. Among those PNA analogs, only few examples including lysine-based monomers, guanidine-based peptide nucleic acids (GPNA) and the aminoethylprolyl PNA (aep-PNA) showed noticeable enhancements with regards to the daunting challenges mentioned above. Reported herein is the summary of our research endeavor to develop the CPNA oligomers with the great water-solubility and cell permeability. Chapter one briefly summarizs the background and history of the PNA as the front-runner of the antisense therapeutic agents. Chapter two discusses the novel protocols that enabled synthesis of the various versions of CPNA monomers for both Fmoc and Boc solid phase synthesis strategies. Chapter three includes the experimental procedures for solution phase preparation of the CPNA monomers. Chapter four starts with the introduction of solid phase synthesis strategy. After the brief review, our efforts on solid phase based synthesis of CPNA oligomers are discussed. Detailed procedures for the solid phase synthesis are summarized in Chapter five. Disclosed In the final chapter is a methodology which enables regioselective mono-acylation of hydrazines. Remarkably, this new protocol gives the mono-acylation on the less-reactive nitrogens of the hydrazines. Carbon disulfide takes the key role for this unique transformation. At the end of the dissertaion, selected NMR and Mass spectra are attached.

BiorreduÃÃes de cetonas prÃ-quirais e nitrocompostos com cÃlulas Ãntegras de Vigna unguiculata L. e produÃÃo enzimÃtica de Ãsteres de cloranfenicol / Bioreductions of prochiral ketones and nitrocompounds with whole cells of Vigna unguiculata L. and enzymatic production of esters of chloramphenicol

Ayla MÃrcia Cordeiro Bizerra 16 February 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em duas partes: a primeira relacionada à biotransformaÃÃes de compostos orgÃnicos com a espÃcie Vigna unguiculata, e a segunda, relativa à sÃntese enzimÃtica de Ãsteres de cloranfenicol. ReaÃÃes de biorreduÃÃo de cetonas e nitrocompostos com grÃos de Vigna unguiculata (feijÃo de corda). ApÃs realizado um screnning com reduÃÃo de acetofenona variando-se as condiÃÃes reacionais, encontrou-se aquelas que levaram ao melhores resultados de conversÃo e excesso enantiomÃrico. Essas condiÃÃes foram aplicadas para outros 34 susbtratos, entre eles: cetonas alifÃticas e aromÃticas com diferentes substituintes no anel como: nitro, metÃxi, alquila e halogÃnios em vÃrias posiÃÃes, nitrocompostos, β-ceto-Ãsteres, uma cetona α,β-insaturada e benzonitrila. No geral, o resultados obtidos com as biorreduÃÃes podem ser considerados satisfatÃrios, assim como os valores de excesso enantiomÃrico. Na segunda parte, utilizou-se as lipases comerciais: CAL-B, PSL-C(I) e PSL-C Amano, em reaÃÃes de acilaÃÃo do fÃrmaco cloranfenicol, num estudo exaustivo em busca de condiÃÃes Ãtimas de reaÃÃo explorando principalmente a atividade regiosseletiva dessas enzimas. Foram obtidos oito derivados desse fÃrmaco, a depender do agente acilante utilizado, sendo sete destes, monoacilados e um, di-acilado. Como doador acila usou-se diversos Ãsteres vinÃlicos, saturados ou nÃo e com diversos tamanhos de cadeia. ParÃmetros reacionais como: variaÃÃo do solvente, da temperatura, concentraÃÃo do meio e agente acilante foram otimizados para obtenÃÃo desses derivados. Praticamente todos os produtos foram obtidos em elevados percentuais de conversÃo, exceto para aqueles que possuem insaturaÃÃo. Realizou-se ainda um procedimento em escala de bancada utilizando a enzima CAL-B, sendo obtidos resultados bem significativos em todos os casos. Ao final do estudo adotou-se um procedimento de reciclagem desta mesma enzima, onde ficou comprovada sua eficiÃncia no reuso. / This work is divided into two parts: the first related biotransformations of organic compounds with the species Vigna unguiculata, and the second on the enzymatic synthesis of esters of chloramphenicol. Reactions bioreduction of ketones and nitrocompounds with grains of Vigna unguiculata (feijÃo de corda). After performing a reduction of acetophenone with screnning varying the reaction conditions, we found those that led to better results for conversion and enantiomeric excess. These conditions were applied to 34 other susbtratos, including: aliphatic ketones and aromatic ring with different substituents such as nitro, methoxy, and alkyl halide in various positions, nitro, β-keto ester, a ketone α, β-unsaturated and benzonitrile. Overall, the results obtained with the biorreduÃÃes can be considered satisfactory, as well as the enantiomeric excess values. In the second part, we used the commercial lipases: CAL-B, PSL-C (I) and PSL-C Amano in acylation reactions of the drug chloramphenicol, an exhaustive study in search of optimum reaction conditions mainly exploring the activity regioselective these enzymes. Were obtained from eight derivatives of this drug, depending on the acylating agent used, seven of these, and a monoacilados, di-acylated. As acyl donor was used several vinyl esters, saturated or not and with various chain lengths. Reaction parameters such as: variations of the solvent, temperature, concentration of the acylating agent and medium were optimized to obtain these derivatives. Virtually all products were obtained in high percentages of conversion, except for those with unsaturation. It is also carried out in a bench scale procedure using the enzyme CAL-B, and significant results were obtained in all cases. At the end of the study we adopted a procedure for recycling of the same enzyme, which was proven its efficiency in reuse.

Grafite funcionalizada em condições de Friedel-Crafts mediada por radiação de microondas: novo material para construção de eletrodos de pasta de carbono / Graphite Functionalized in Conditions of Friedel-Crafts Reaction mediated by Radiation of Microwave: New Material for Construction of Electrodes of Carbon Paste

Leandro Fontanetti do Nascimento 16 March 2007 (has links)
A modificação e/ou a funcionalização de eletrodos têm por objetivos o desenvolvimento de métodos eficazes para a preparação de eletrodos quimicamente modificados (EQMs) que possam aliar melhorias em sua sensibilidade, seletividade e reatividade em relação aos eletrodos base. Entretanto, a estabilidade e a reprodutibilidade dos EQMs quanto ao processo de lixiviação dos modificadores precisam ser melhorados para que se possam obter eletrodos mais robustos com longo tempo de análise. Uma das possibilidades para se obter eletrodos mais estáveis é por meio de uma ligação estável do tipo covalente entre o eletrodo base e o modificador. Desta forma este trabalho tem por objetivo a funcionalização da grafite por meio de uma reação covalente entre os modificadores cloreto de 4-nitrobenzoíla (4-NB), cloreto de 3,4-dihidroxibenzoíla (3,4-DHB) e do cloreto de 2,2?-bipiridina 4,4?-dicarbonílico (2,2-BP) por meio de uma reação de acilação de Friedel-Crafts assistida por radiação de microondas. O material de síntese foi caracterizado por voltametria cíclica, espectroscopia de infravermelho, curvas termogravimétricas e térmicas diferenciais e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica em comparação com a mistura física entre a grafite e os modificadores. Além disso, realizou-se uma generalização da síntese de Friedel-Crafts para outros substratos carboníferos eletródicos como os nanotubos e as fibras de carbono, além de algumas aplicações dos materiais funcionalizados, como exemplos, a grafite funcionalizada e as fibras de carbono funcionalizadas com o derivado bipiridínico (GFT-2,2BP e CNF-2,2BP), por meio de uma ligação entre as bipiridinas funcionalizadas covalentemente nos materiais carboníferos e alguns complexos de rutênio tais como [Ru(bpy)2(OH2)2](PF6)2, [RuCl2(PPh3)3] e do precursor RuCl3.3H2O em eletrooxidações de compostos orgânicos. Para a grafite funcionalizada com nitro derivado (GFT-4NB), realizou-se a eletrooxidação de NADH sobre o potencial redox da hidroxilamina/nitroso. Os resultados dos experimentos de EIS demonstram que a grafite funcionalizada possui uma maior resistência que o material obtido por mistura física. Isto seria esperado já que a formação da ligação covalente afeta a deslocalização de elétrons pi. Finalmente esta metodologia seria uma plataforma geral para a preparação de grafite covalentemente modificada com derivados cujas moléculas possui aplicações de interesse. Assim, o material obtido por este método pode ser usado em aplicações como em eletrodos de pasta de carbono, eletrodos impressos, filmes finos e nanocompósitos e mesmo como um catalisador em reações químicas. Desde que a resposta eletroquímica é muito sensível ao eletrólito, este trabalho abriu uma larga variedade de estudos para entender a interação desses materiais no meio aquoso e orgânico. / Modification and/or functionalization of eletrodic materials have been investigated in order to improve the application of chemically modified electrode (CME) regards on their sensitivity, selectivity and reactivity comparing with unmodified substrate. However, the stability and reproducibility of these CME are one of the most important goals to achieve mainly regarding on the lixiviation of the modifier molecule. Quimisorption is one way to obtain very stable modified materials, since the redox mediator is attached to the substrate by covalent bound. Still it is very important to study the stability and chemical reactivity of these materials. The aim of this work is to synthesize graphite, carbon nanotube and carbon fiber with 4-nitrobenzoíl chloride (4-NB), 3,4-dihidroxibenzoíl chloride (3,4-DHB) and 2,2-bipyridine- 4,4-dicarbonil chloride (2,2-BP) in Friedel-Crafts condition mediated by microwave radiation. The materials were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV), using carbon paste electrode (CPE), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermo gravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). All of the synthesized graphite derivatives were compared with the respective physical mixtures. Moreover, graphite derivatives with bipyridine were used as a ligand in the synthesis with [Ru(bpy)2(OH2)2](PF6)2, [RuCl2(PPh3)3] and RuCl3.3H2O. These products were used as electrocatalysts to oxidize alcohols in comparison with the complex incorporated in graphite. Graphite obtained from 4-NB reaction was employed to oxidize NADH in the redox potential of hydroxylamine/nitroso derived. Results from EIS measurements have show that graphite functionalized has higher resistance than the material obtained by physical mixture. This would be expected since the covalent bound would affect a pi electron dislocation. In conclusion, this methodology would be a general platform to prepare graphite and derivatives covalently bounded to molecules that have interesting application. In addition, it\'s been shown that the catalytic property of the respective function organic hasn\'s changed after reaction with carbon substrate. Thus the material obtained by this method could be used in applications such as carbon paste electrodes, finger print electrodes, thin films and nanocomposites and even as a catalyst in chemical reaction. Since the electrochemical response is very sensitive regards on the electrolyte, this work opened a wide range of studies to understand the interaction of these materials in aqueous and organic medium.

Funcionalização de grafite em condições de Friedel-Crafts / Graphite Functionalization in Friedel-Crafts conditions.

David Tatsuo Atique Sawazaki 30 September 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a funcionalização de grafite sem prévio tratamento em condições de Fridel-Crafts. Considerando que a grafite não possui hidrogênio em sua estrutura, não se observa uma reação de substituição eletrofílica. Por outro lado, o trabalho mostra o papel da umidade presente no grafite na reação de funcionalização. Dessa forma, foi proposto um mecanismo para a reação com a participação da água adsorvida na grafite estabilizando o carbocátion formado. O grafite funcionalizado obtido na reação foi utilizado como material eletródico. Para a reação de funcionalização, quatro moléculas foram utilizadas: ácido ferrocenomonocarboxílico, cloreto de 4-nitrobenzoíla, cloreto de 3,5-dinitrobenzoíla e ácido 3,4-dinitrobenzóico. Para o estudo das condições ótimas da reação, utilizou-se diferentes potências de radiação no reator de micro-ondas, sendo que a extensão da funcionalização mostrou-se sensível à variação deste parâmetro. Para a caracterização dos materiais, utilizou-se voltametria cíclica e análise térmica (TG e DTA). Resultados de infravermelho e Ramam são apresentados no Apêndice A. Os resultados eletroquímicos mostraram que os materiais funcionalizados em maiores potências apresentaram maior corrente Faradaica, mas ao mesmo tempo, o material obtido foi mais resistivo. A diferença de potencial relacionada ao processo redox do ferroceno aumentou conforme a extensão da funcionalização, uma vez que um sobrepotencial é necessário devido ao fluxo iônico (para a manutenção da eletroneutralidade) relativo ao número de espécies envolvidas. Os resultados eletroquímicos também indicaram que a funcionalização do grafite com os nitro compostos foi baixa. A análise térmica evidenciou que a reação de funcionalização do grafite com o ferroceno resultou em materiais com 15% a 20% (m/m) de material ligado ao grafite. Os materiais funcionalizados a maiores potências apresentaram maior massa ligada ao grafite. A funcionalização com os nitro compostos resultou em materiais com menos de 3% (m/m) de composto ligado ao grafite. Os resultados das duas técnicas mostraram coerência na análise da extensão da funcionalização. O material funcionalizado com o ácido ferrocenomonocarboxilico foi o que apresentou os melhores resultados e propõe-se uma explicação para tal baseado no mecanismo de reação sugerido. Com o objetivo de melhor elucidar o mecanismo da reação, foram realizadas algumas reações na ausência de alguns reagentes. Por exemplo, quando tenta-se funcionalizar o material sem a presença de cloreto de alumínio ou sem a umidade natural do grafite, a reação não ocorre. / In this work natural graphite functionalization in Fridel-Crafts conditions is performed using a one-step microwave assisted reaction. Since there is no hydrogen in graphite structure, it is not possible to observe electrophilic substitution. On the other hand this work shows the role of the moisture present on graphite in the functionalization reaction under this condition. Therefore, a reaction mechanism with the participation of the water naturally adsorbed on graphite stabilizing the formed carbocation has been suggested. After the reaction, the functionalized graphite was used as electrode material. Four molecules were used to functionalize graphite: Ferrocene monocarboxylic acid, 4-nitrobenzoyl chloride, 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl chloride and 3,4-dinitrobenzoic acid. To study the optimal conditions of the reaction, the microwave radiation power was varied and the extent of the functionalization on graphite was sensitive to this parameter. Two techniques were used to characterize the materials, cyclic voltammetry and thermal analysis (TG and DTA). IR and Raman data are shown in appendix A. Electrochemical results have shown that the materials functionalized at higher microwave radiation power have higher Faradaic current, but are more resistive. The potential difference between the peaks of the redox process of ferrocene increased with the extent of functionalization. This occurs because an overpotencial is needed to compensate the ionic flux (in order to maintain the electroneutrality) related to the number of species involved. The electrochemical results also indicated that the extent of functionalization of graphite with the nitro compounds was low. The thermal analysis have shown that the functionalization of graphite with ferrocene lead to values between 15% to 20% (m/m) of compound in the material. The materials functionalized at higher microwave radiation power presented higher relative mass in the material. The reaction with the nitro compounds lead to less than 3% (m/m) of compound in the final material. The results of both techniques were coherent about the extent of functionalization. The material functionalized with ferrocene monocarboxylic acid showed the best results, and an explanation for that based on the reaction mechanism is suggested. In order to elucidate the reaction mechanism, some experiments were realized in absent of some reagents. When the reaction were carried out without aluminum chloride or with dried graphite, the reaction has not occurred.

Regulation of Palmitoylation Enzymes and Substrates by Intrinsically Disordered Regions

Reddy, Krishna D. 15 November 2016 (has links)
Protein palmitoylation refers to the process of adding a 16-carbon saturated fatty acid to the cysteine of a substrate protein, and this can in turn affect the substrate’s localization, stability, folding, and several other processes. This process is catalyzed by a family of 23 mammalian protein acyltransferases (PATs), a family of transmembrane enzymes that modify an estimated 10% of the proteome. At this point in time, no structure of a protein in this family has been solved, and therefore there is poor understanding about the regulation of the enzymes and their substrates. Most proteins, including palmitoylation enzymes and substrates, have some level of intrinsic disorder, and this flexibility can be important for signaling processes such as protein- protein interactions and post-translational modifications. Therefore, we assumed that examining intrinsic disorder in palmitoylation enzymes and substrates would yield insight into their regulatory mechanisms. First, we found that among other factors, utilizing intrinsic disorder predictions led to a palmitoylation predictor that significantly outperformed existing predictors. Next, we discovered a conserved region of predicted disorder-to-order transition in the disordered C-termini of the PAT family. In Erf2, the yeast Ras PAT, we developed a model where this region reversibly interacts with membranes, and we found that this region mediates interaction with Acc1, an enzyme involved in fatty acid metabolism processes. Finally, we found that an XLID-associated nonsense mutation in zDHHC9, the mammalian Ras PAT, removed a disordered region that was critical for enzyme localization. Future studies of palmitoylation utilizing the framework of intrinsic disorder may lead to additional insights about this important regulatory process.

Modulating Photochromism of Acylated Anthocyanins by Ultraviolet-Visible Excitation and Acylation Patterns for the Expansion of Color Diversification

La, Ellia Hyeseung January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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