Spelling suggestions: "subject:"daptation -"" "subject:"aadaptation -""
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Valstybės tarnautojų socialinė adaptacija ir frustruotų situacijų sprendimai / Social adaptation of public service employees and solutions of frustrated situationsPetrauskienė-Narvydienė, Rima 01 June 2006 (has links)
On the basis of the research data and after comparing the levels and profiles of frustrated situations of public service employees of A and B level as well as occupied status, it is obvious that they are extremely different. After the comparison of public service employees of A and B level respectively, it may be seen that the difference is not so big, but after the comparison of the above mentioned public service employees with the public service employees working in a leading position the difference is tremendous. The status occupied in the public service contributed to the difference in the level of social adaptation and the factor of frustrated situations.
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VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentų socialinės nuostatos ir sportinė adaptacija pirmais studijų metais / Social attitudes and sportive adapatation of VPU physical education's speciality's freshmen during first year of studyJankevičiūtė, Lilita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjama fizinio ugdymo svarba, jos turinys ir formos aukštojoje mokykloje. Siekta nustatyti VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentų socialines nuostatas, ištirti studentų fizinio išsivystymo, fizinio parengtumo ir funkcinio pajėgumo rodiklius per pirmus studijų metus. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentų socialines nuostatas ir sportinę adaptaciją pirmaisiais studijų metais. Tiriamasis darbas vyko 2005 – 2006 mokslo metais. Tyrime dalyvavo VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentai (n = 68). Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė merginos (n = 20) ir vaikinai (n = 48).
Apibendrinus anketinės apklausos rezultatus, galima teigti, kad VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentai kūno kultūrai ir sportui skiria pakankamai dėmesio. Dar besimokydami vidurinėje mokykloje jie domėjosi sportu, net 55,4% studentų nuo penkių iki dešimties metų lankė pasirinktas sporto šakas. Įstoję į Vilniaus pedagoginį universitetą, dauguma studentų tęsė treniruotes toje sporto šakoje, kurią pasirinko dar mokydamiesi mokykloje. Populiariausia sporto šaka liko krepšinis, ją pasirinko 29,2% studentų.
Didelę savo laisvo laiko rezervą jie išnaudoja aktyviai fizinei veiklai. Išsiaiškinome, kad 60% studentų pasirinktos sporto šakos treniruotes lanko 3-4 kartus per savaitę. 64,6% tiriamųjų treniruotės trunka 1,5val.
Apklausa rodo, kad ir tolesnę profesinę veiklą dauguma tiriamųjų sieja su pasirinkta specialybe, tik 6,2% studentų dar nežino kur... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The importance of physical education, it’s purport and forms in academy was analyzed in this paper. The purpose was to estimate VPU physical’s education speciality’s freshmen’s social attitudes, to explore student’s physical development’s, physical quolification’s and functional potential’s rates during the first year of studying. The goal of analysis – to examine VPU physical education’s speciality’s freshmen’s social attitudes and sportive adaptation during first year of studying. Investigative work took through year 2005-2006. VPU physical education’s freshmen (n= 68) took part in this fact-finding. The contingent of investigatives was made of girls (n=20) and boys (n=48).
Summarizing the results of survey, we can maintain that VPU physical education’s freshmen pays enough attention to physical culture and sport. During their first year of studying in VPU, they continued their participation in chosen sports. The most popular sport was basketball (29,2%).
The biggest part of their spare time they used on physical activity as well. We found out, that 60% students choosen sport brauch training attaid 3-4 time per week. 64,6% of testing training last 1,5 hour.
The results of survey also shows that majority of these investigatived students associates their further professional practice with chosen speciality, just 6,2% students not yet ingnorance where they can yourself to realize. And are determined to continue to combine their studies with sport trainings (93,9%)... [to full text]
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Adaptation in professional sport is the professional athlete’s capacity to act and react effectively to destabilizing stress episodes so that an internal sense of emotional and psychological balance is restored (Schinke, Tenenbaum, Lidor & Battochio, 2010). Professional ice-hockey players must overcome numerous stressors throughout their careers in the National Hockey League (NHL). Though sport researchers have conducted preliminary studies about the stress and adaptation processes of NHL players, small participant numbers and the use of a structured interview guide limited to rookie and veteran career stages limit the conclusions. Based on these limitations, the purpose of the present dissertation was to provide a comprehensive depiction of the stress episodes and processes that lead to adaptation and maladaptation in the NHL. Twenty-three current and former NHL players were recruited for individual interviews, which were then analysed using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) inductive thematic analysis. As a result, stress episodes and the subsequent strategies attempted to reach adaptation or maladaptation could be housed either within a career stage or across an NHL player’s career. Career stages were (a) entry into the NHL, (b) remaining in the NHL, and (c) becoming an All-Star. Across-career stress involved (a) high profile team, (b) injury, and (c) relocation. Subsequently, the participants identified pathways designed to alleviate or manage the stressors situated within each stress episode. Through retrospection, the participants decided whether their pathways taken during various stress episodes were adaptive. Recommendations were then proposed by these athletes for aspiring NHL players or maladaptive. Implications for sport researchers and practitioners (e.g., coaches, mental performance consultants) are also provided within the conclusion.
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The Effect of Rapid Palatal Expander Appliances on SpeechStevens, Kyle 12 January 2011 (has links)
Background: Rapid palatal expanders have a screw that covers the palate and may affect speech.
Methods: RPEs were treatment planned for 22 patients. Speech recordings were completed at 6 different time points. Analysis for speech acceptability, /i/ vowel formants, and /s/ and /∫/ fricative spectra were analyzed.
Results: When the appliance was inserted, speech acceptability deteriorated but improved over time. For vowel /i/, the first formant increased and second formant decreased. For fricatives (/s/, /∫/), low to high frequency ratios indicated that the sounds were distorted when the appliance was inserted. The formants and ratios returned to normal levels over time. Examination of the four spectral moments found the spectral mean decreased, standard deviation increased, skewness became more positive, and kurtosis decreased at appliance insertion. Repeated measures ANOVAs found significant effects for time for all acoustic measures.
Conclusions: Speech was altered when the appliance was inserted, but improved over time.
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The Role of Selection History on the Indirect Fitness Consequences of Female Mating BiasesGorton, Penelope Ann 20 November 2012 (has links)
The ‘good genes’ model of sexual selection predicts that sexual and natural selection should act concordantly. However sexual selection can favour alleles in males that are costly when expressed in daughters, placing the two in opposition. The relationship between natural and sexual selection depends on the nature of genetic variation for fitness. Laboratory adaptation may deplete sexually concordant fitness variation, overestimating sexually antagonistic variation and obscuring good genes. I investigated sire-offspring fitness correlations in Drosophila melanogaster populations expected to differ in their levels of sexually concordant fitness variation. In maladapted populations, successful sires produced fitter daughters than unsuccessful sires; this pattern was reversed in adapted populations. Several generations later, successful sires in both population types produced lower fitness daughters than unsuccessful sires, consistent with predictions. However, subsequent generations revealed no effect of sire status on daughter fitness, highlighting the difficulty in testing predictions on the evolutionary dynamics of fitness heritability.
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Anisotropic adaptation: metrics and meshesPagnutti, Douglas 05 1900 (has links)
We present a method for anisotropic mesh refinement to high-order numerical solutions. We accomplish this by assigning metrics to vertices that approximate the error in that region. To choose values for each metric, we first reconstruct an error equation from the leading order terms of the Taylor expansion. Then, we use a Fourier approximation to choose the metric associated with that vertex. After assigning a metric to each vertex, we refine the mesh anisotropically using three mesh operations. The three mesh operations we use are swapping to maximize quality, inserting at approximate circumcenters to decrease cell size, and vertex removal to eliminate small edges. Because there are no guarantees on the results of these modification tools, we use them iteratively to produce a quasi-optimal mesh. We present examples demonstrating that our anisotropic refinement algorithm improves solution accuracy for both second and third order solutions compared with uniform refinement and isotropic refinement. We also analyze the effect of using second derivatives for refining third order solutions.
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Face perception : the relationship between identity and expression processingFox, Christopher James 11 1900 (has links)
Current models of face perception suggest independent processing of identity and expression, though this distinction is still unclear. Using converging methods of psychophysics and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in healthy and patient populations we assessed the relationship between these two perceptual processes. First, using perceptual aftereffects, we explored the neural representations underlying identity and expression. The expression aftereffect only partially transferred across different identities, suggesting adaptation within identity-invariant and identity-dependent expression representations. Contrarily, the identity aftereffect fully transferred across different expressions. This asymmetry cannot be explained through low-level adaptation. The identity-dependent component of the expression aftereffect relies on adaptation to a coherent expression, not low-level features, in the adapting face. Thus adaptation generating the expression aftereffect must occur within high-level representations of facial expression. Second, using fMRI adaptation, we examined identity and expression sensitivity in healthy controls. The fusiform face area and posterior superior temporal sulcus showed sensitivity for both identity and expression changes. Independent sensitivity for identity and expression changes was observed in the precuneus and middle superior temporal sulcus respectively. Finally, we explored identity and expression perception in a neuropsychological population. Selective identity impairments were associated with inferior occipitotemporal damage, not necessarily affecting the occipital or fusiform face areas. Impaired expression perception was associated with superior temporal sulcus damage, and also with deficits in the integration of identity and expression. In summary, psychophysics, neuroimaging and neuropsychological methods all provide converging evidence for the independent processing of identity and expression within the face network. However, these same methods also supply converging evidence for a partial dependence of these two perceptual processes: in the expression aftereffect, the functional sensitivities of the FFA and pSTS, and identity deficits observed in a patient with primarily impaired expression perception and a spared inferotemporal cortex. Thus, future models of face perception must incorporate representations or regions which independently process identity or expression as well as those which are involved in the perception of both identity and expression.
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Buvusių bedarbių adaptacija naujoje darbovietėje / Adaptation for emploier in new jobMuravska, Sabina 03 July 2006 (has links)
About adaptations speed and level of employee is saluted on theG ground of subjective and objective indicators. Objective indicators the evidence indicators of worker activity in work (follow–task quality of work normative and obtainable tasks, speed of qualification raise, and assimilation of innovations). Subjective indicators of social adaptation intension and reluctance of employee to continue work in particular company (potential alternation of frames), level of his fulfilment employment. The objective indicators of adaptation characterize real condition in job range, while subjective argument ate about feelings in this sphere. The existence of an organization depends not only on the work system and material interaction of its elements, but also on how the members of the organization act among themselves. The result of successful adaptation is high fulfilment of production task, work appreciation and forming of positive point of view of the situation in the group. Nona adaptation leads to social disorganization and change of personnel. Some suggestions to the managers of the organizations were made: to care of the health of employees and to show it; to introduce employees to the goals, rules and values of organization and to clear up why they are so important; to give more autonomy in the employees task performance; to listen to every person in a company to make him feel himself the part of organization; to stimulate the employees initiative in their job.
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Vulnerability to Climate Related Events: A Case Study of the Homeless Population in Waterloo Regionde Gomez, Wendy January 2010 (has links)
Waterloo Region (population 470,000) is the eleventh largest urban region in Canada (2006 Census tract). Within this region, in 2007, 2,831 homeless people defined as commonly living or sleeping in indoor or outdoor spaces not intended for inhabitation used emergency shelters (Homelessness and Housing Group, 2008; Regional Municipality of Waterloo Region, 2007). It is expected that individuals who have inadequate or no permanent housing are particularly exposed and sensitive to environmental conditions such as extreme heat, cold events and poor air quality. Under climate change, it can be expected that the frequency of extreme events and days when air quality fails to meet healthy guidelines may increase. A wide survey of literature from environmental issues related to homelessness in first world countries has demonstrated that there is a research gap in understanding how urban citizens experiencing or facing homelessness adapt to environmental change. Therefore, this research addresses this gap by using both the vulnerability approach to local climate change assessments, and participatory action research to better understand the specificities of adaptation, the available services and future institutional strategies that could enhance the lives of this vulnerable population in relation to local environmental change. The conclusion is that people experiencing homelessness in Waterloo Region have a low vulnerability to climate related events as the social service system which they use is well developed and the climate related events are not severe. However, the vulnerability may increase in the future if service provision changes or if there is an increase in the duration, intensity and frequency of precipitation (rain) or extreme heat days.
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La flexibilité humaine : une nouvelle dimension dans l'évolutionFerrand, Florian January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Plutôt que de chercher une continuité dans l'évolution menant à notre espèce consciente, supposée merveille de complexité, nous proposons de parler de rupture. Celle-ci s'articulera autour du développement d'une forte plasticité dans une nouvelle dynamique de développement ontogénétique, mettant en place une tendance spécifique, la flexibilité. II ne s'agit pas d'un simple trait biologique, elle décrit une posture d'ouverture qui sera la base de qualificatifs subséquents. L'environnement en est, curieusement, le premier; nous avançons pour commencer l'idée qu'il est avant tout déterminé par les organismes plutôt que représenter une toile de fond dont les changements les affecteraient. Nous verrons alors que notre environnement changeant n'est pas une condition d'émergence et d'adaptation de notre espèce mais bien la conséquence de notre plasticité, de notre ouverture. C'est le même renversement qui permettra de fonder notre individualité et notre soi comme réalisation toujours à faire des possibles que l'ouverture instaure. A leur tour, la liberté et la conscience seront des versants de l'être créatif en action ouverte. Ainsi ces aspects de notre expérience sont-ils caractérisés par la flexibilité. Mais dans son apparition on en comprend l'unicité et partant l'enfermement que représente notre point de vue, condamné à projeter sur les autres organismes et l'évolution notre mode d'être particulier. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Adaptation biologique, Anthropologie philosophique, Biocomplexité, Conscience, Constructivisme (philosophie), Créativité, Éthologie, Évolution, Évolution de l'homme, Évolutionnisme, Environnement, Existentialisme, Individuation, Liberté, Progrès.
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