Spelling suggestions: "subject:"denosine"" "subject:"andenosine""
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Relationships between drug-induced perturbation of Na+/K+-ATPase activity and synaptic plasma membrane structureCarfagna, Mark Anthony January 1990 (has links)
This document only includes an excerpt of the corresponding thesis or dissertation. To request a digital scan of the full text, please contact the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's Interlibrary Loan Department (rlmlill@iu.edu).
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Concentration-Response Relationships for Adenosine Agonists During Preconditioning of Rabbit CardiomyocytesRice, Peter J., Armstrong, Stephen C., Ganote, Charles E. 01 January 1996 (has links)
Although adenosine receptors have been implicated in the induction of preconditioning in a variety of experimental models, there is controversy concerning the specific adenosine receptor subtypes mediating this effect. Concentration-protection relationships for adenosine and adenosine agonists in rabbit cardiomyocytes were used to characterize the role of adenosine receptor subtypes in preconditioning. Isolated cells were ischemically preconditioned or pre-incubated for 10 min with increasing concentrations of adenosine, CCPA (2-chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine) APNEA (N6-2-(4-aminophenyl)ethyladenosine), or BNECA (N6-benzyl-5'-N-ethyl-carboxamidoadenosine) in the presence or absence of 1 or 10 μM of the selective A1-adenosine antagonist DPCPX (8-Cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine). Following a 30-min post-incubation period, cells were pelleted, layered with oil and ischemically incubated for 180 min. Injury was assessed by osmotic swelling and trypan blue exclusion of sequential samples, and determination of the areas beneath the mortality curves. Adenosine produced a broad concentration-protection curve which was displaced to the right by DPCPX. The curve for A1-selective agonist CCPA was biphasic, with an initial response below 1 nM and a second above 1 μM. DPCPX abolished the early response leaving a steep monophasic curve between 0.1 and 10 μM CCPA. The APNEA curve appeared monophasic, the major slope occurring between 1-100 nM; DPCPX (1 μM) shifted the concentration-response curve ≃ 30-fold and decreased the slope. Adenosine receptor agonist BNECA produced preconditioning characterized by a shallow monophasic concentration-protection curve with a maximal effect of 49% and an EC50 of ≃ 5 nM; DPCPX shifted the BNECA concentration-protection relationship ≃ 40-fold with only a modest increase in slope. Analysis of the data suggests that induction of preconditioning results from interaction of agonists with the A1 receptor and a second adenosine receptor having properties consistent with the A3 receptor. Adenosine, CCPA, APNEA, BNECA and DPCPX each appear to be selective for the A1 adenosine receptor subtype in isolated rabbit cardiomyocytes.
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The partial purification and characterization of a soluble activator of the cation transport adenosinetriphosophatase in bovine caudate nucleusCulver, Paul 01 January 1977 (has links) (PDF)
To many investigators, these observations suggested the existence of a molecular “pump” mechanism responsible for the maintenance of the ionic gradients. Extensive research over the last twenty years has resulted in the assignment of this role to the magnesium-dependent, sodium- and potassium-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase, first reported by Skou in 1957. This membrane-bound enzyme is the subject of the research presented in this thesis.
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Neuromodulation of Ganglion Cell PhotoreceptorsSodhi, Puneet 20 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of cAMP-dependent protein kinase isozymes during in vitro differentiation of human peripheral blood monocytes /Wenger, Gail D. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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The action of selenite on ATP synthesis in rat lensAdamchak, Marsha Ann 14 November 2012 (has links)
A subcutaneous injection of sodium selenite (30 umol/kg body weight) in 10â day old rats produced a cataract within 72 hours. Lens opacification was preceded by a 15% decrease in ATP content. Lens ATP did not fully recover to control concentrations by 11 days post-injection. A moderate correlation existed between lens weight and total ATP content in control lenses <r=O.509, n=153), but this relationship disappeared with selenite treatment <r=0.023, n=153). There was a significant inhibition by selenite on lens growth from 4 through 11 days after an injection. / Master of Science
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Polimorfismos nos Receptores de Adenosina, suas Associações com Características Fisiopatológicas e Avaliação de Componentes na Biossíntese da Adenosina em Pacientes com Doença Falciforme. / Polymorphism in Adenosine Receptors and their Associations with Different Pathophysiological Characteristics and Evaluation of Components in the Biosynthesis of Adenosine in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease.Carlos, Carolina Dias 01 July 2011 (has links)
Na Anemia Falciforme em situações de baixa tensão de oxigênio, a hemoglobina mutante S (HbS) sofre polimerização promovendo a falcização das hemácias, que podem aderir ao endotélio vascular, causando a oclusão de vasos (VO) e isquemia tecidual (crises dolorosas) que caracterizam o quadro clínico da doença. Além disso, os pacientes falciformes apresentam outras manifestações clínicas como o priapismo, alterações ósseas, certas complicações pulmonares entre outros. Além das células eritróides, células endoteliais, leucócitos e plaquetas também desempenham um papel fundamental na fisiopatologia da anemia falciforme. A hidroxiuréia (HU), na anemia falciforme, aumenta a produção de hemoglobina fetal (HbF) em células eritróides, reduzindo a polimerização da HbS, diminuindo os sintomas clínicos dos pacientes. O aumento da HbF, no entanto, não implica necessariamente na melhora clínica, indicando desta forma a potencial ação da HU sobre outros processos. Estudos recentes vêm relacionando priapismo e asma com elevados níveis de adenosina. Devido a esta importância da adenosina relacionada a patologias comuns a AF, tivemos como objetivo identificar polimorfismos em genes de receptores de adenosina e na adenosina deaminase e verificar a possível associação entre as manifestações clínicas, além de investigar o papel da HU na modulação de marcadores envolvido na síntese e degradação da adenosina. Foram analisados diversos sítios polimórficos nos genes que codificam ADORA1, ADORA 2b, ADORA 3 e ADA, seguindo com a genotipagem em pacientes com AF, comparando afetados e não afetados. Em adição foi avaliada a expressão diferencial de mRNA de ADA pela HU em monócitos destes pacientes, comparando tratados e não tratados e também avaliamos por citometria de fluxo a modulação de marcadores de superfície CD39, CD73 e CD26, pela HU. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando os softwares GenePop 3.4 para análises de associação, cálculo do HWE, GraphPad Prism 5, Arlequin para identificação de desequilíbrio de ligação, haplótipos, heterozigozidade e SAS 9.13 para associação dos haplótipos as características. Os resultados mostraram que os pacientes sob tratamento com HU apresentaram um aumento da expressão de mRNA de ADA, aumento da expressão de CD26 em monócitos e diminuição de CD39 em linfócitos. Sem alterações significativas em relação a CD73. Encontramos também um aumento da freqüência do alelo T do SNP (rs1685103) presente no gene de ADORA 1 associado com pacientes afetados com síndrome torácica aguda. Apesar de não ter sido estatisticamente significante, concorda com dados da literatura. No gene ADORA 2B, verificamos associação do SNP 1007 C>T no desenvolvimento de STA indicando o alelo T como fator de risco e o alelo C para alterações ósseas. Para o SNP 968 G>T houve associação com alterações ósseas. Na análise haplotípica entre os SNPs 968 G>T e 1007 C>T encontramos associação dos haplótipos ht2 e ht3 com STA, como fator de risco, ht2 para hipertensão pulmonar. ht1 para priapismo, alterações ósseas e estenose/AVC. Os haplótipos formados pelos três SNPs 968 G>T, 1007 C>T e rs16851030, encontramos associação entre ht1, ht3 e ht4 entre os afetados com priapismo, caracterizando-o como haplótipo de risco e também ht1 e ht6 associados à estenose/AVC. Concluímos, que a hidroxiuréia participa na modulação da expressão da adenosina deaminase, de CD26 em monócitos e CD39 em linfócitos. Além disso, mostrou-se a importância de sítios polimórfico presente no gene ADORA 2B e ADORA1 envolvido na fisiopatologia das manifestações clínicas da doença falciforme. Associações dos SNPs em ADORA 1 e ADA, devem ser melhor estudados em um número maior de pacientes. A determinação destes polimorfismos associados com diferentes características clínicas pode levar a um melhor entendimento dos processos fisiopatológicos da anemia falciforme, levando à identificação de pacientes de risco, possibilitando um manejamento racional dos mesmos, em termos de cuidados específicos, ou mesmo à determinação de alvos para o desenvolvimento de terapias alternativas. / In sickle cell disease in low oxygen tension, mutant hemoglobin S (HbS) undergoes polymerization promoting sickling of red blood cells that can adhere to vascular endothelium, causing vessel occlusion (VO) and tissue ischemia (painful crises) that characterize the clinical disease. In addition, sickle cell patients have other clinical manifestations such as priapism, bone disorders, certain pulmonary complications among others. In addition to the erythroid cells, endothelial cells, white cells and platelets also play a key role in the pathophysiology of sickle cell anemia. Hydroxyurea (HU) in sickle cell anemia, increases the production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in erythroid cells, reducing the HbS polymerization, reducing the clinical symptoms of patients. The increase in HbF, however, does not necessarily imply clinical improvement, thus indicating the potential effects of HU on other processes. Recent studies relating asthma and priapism with high levels of adenosine. Due to this importance of adenosine-related pathologies common to AF, we aimed to identify gene polymorphisms in adenosine receptors and adenosine deaminase and verify the possible association between clinical manifestations, and to investigate the role of HU in the modulation of markers involved synthesis and degradation of adenosine. We analyzed several polymorphic sites in genes that encode ADORA1, ADORA 2b, 3 and ADORA ADA, according to the genotype in patients with AF, comparing affected and unaffected. In addition we assessed the differential expression of ADA mRNA by HU in monocytes of these patients, comparing treated and untreated, and also evaluated by flow cytometry modulation of surface markers CD39, CD73 and CD26 by HU. Statistical analysis was performed using the software GenePop 3.4 for association analysis, calculation of HWE, GraphPad Prism 5, Arlequin for identification of linkage disequilibrium, haplotypes, heterozygosity and SAS 9.13 for association of haplotypes features. The results showed that patients treated with HU showed an increase in mRNA expression of ADA, increased expression of CD26 on monocytes and decreased CD39 on lymphocytes. No significant changes in relation to CD73. We also found an increased frequency of allele T (SNP rs1685103) present in a gene associated with ADORA affected patients with acute chest syndrome. Although not statistically significant, agrees with literature data. ADORA 2B gene, we found association of the SNP 1007 C> T in the development of STA indicating the T allele as a risk factor for the C allele and bone changes. For the SNP 968 G> T was associated with bone disorders. In haplotype analysis between SNPs 968 G> T and 1007 C> T found association of haplotypes ht2 and HT3 with STA as a risk factor for pulmonary hypertension ht2. ht1 for priapism, stenosis and bone disorders / stroke. The three haplotypes formed by SNPs 968 G> T, 1007 C> T and rs16851030, we found association between ht1, HT3 and HT4 among those affected with priapism, characterizing it as a risk haplotype and also ht1 ht6 associated with renal and / AVC. We conclude that hydroxyurea participates in modulating the expression of adenosine deaminase of CD26 on monocytes and CD39 on lymphocytes. Moreover, he showed the importance of polymorphic sites in this gene and ADORA 2B ADORA1 involved in the pathophysiology of clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease. Associations of SNPs in ADORA 1 and ADA should be better studied in a larger number of patients. The determination of these polymorphisms associated with different clinical characteristics can lead to a better understanding of the pathophysiological processes of sickle cell anemia, leading to the identification of patients at risk, enabling a rational handling of the same in terms of specific care, or even the determination of targets for the development of alternative therapies.
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Integrated modulation of sympathetic tone in the microcirculation by oxygen, adenosine, and nitric oxideSauls, Bryan Auston, January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2001. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains xii, 195 p. : ill. Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.
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Analysis of motor activity of recombinant myosin-1cBiswas, Anindita. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2007. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains xi, 82 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.
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The CHD chromatin remodeling factors in schizosaccharomyces pombe /Walfridsson, Julian, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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