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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the rotational catalytic mechanism of the Escherichia coli F₁-ATPase

Scanlon, Joanne Amanda Baylis. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2008. / Title from title page. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online through Digital Dissertations.

Polimorfismos nos Receptores de Adenosina, suas Associações com Características Fisiopatológicas e Avaliação de Componentes na Biossíntese da Adenosina em Pacientes com Doença Falciforme. / Polymorphism in Adenosine Receptors and their Associations with Different Pathophysiological Characteristics and Evaluation of Components in the Biosynthesis of Adenosine in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease.

Carolina Dias Carlos 01 July 2011 (has links)
Na Anemia Falciforme em situações de baixa tensão de oxigênio, a hemoglobina mutante S (HbS) sofre polimerização promovendo a falcização das hemácias, que podem aderir ao endotélio vascular, causando a oclusão de vasos (VO) e isquemia tecidual (crises dolorosas) que caracterizam o quadro clínico da doença. Além disso, os pacientes falciformes apresentam outras manifestações clínicas como o priapismo, alterações ósseas, certas complicações pulmonares entre outros. Além das células eritróides, células endoteliais, leucócitos e plaquetas também desempenham um papel fundamental na fisiopatologia da anemia falciforme. A hidroxiuréia (HU), na anemia falciforme, aumenta a produção de hemoglobina fetal (HbF) em células eritróides, reduzindo a polimerização da HbS, diminuindo os sintomas clínicos dos pacientes. O aumento da HbF, no entanto, não implica necessariamente na melhora clínica, indicando desta forma a potencial ação da HU sobre outros processos. Estudos recentes vêm relacionando priapismo e asma com elevados níveis de adenosina. Devido a esta importância da adenosina relacionada a patologias comuns a AF, tivemos como objetivo identificar polimorfismos em genes de receptores de adenosina e na adenosina deaminase e verificar a possível associação entre as manifestações clínicas, além de investigar o papel da HU na modulação de marcadores envolvido na síntese e degradação da adenosina. Foram analisados diversos sítios polimórficos nos genes que codificam ADORA1, ADORA 2b, ADORA 3 e ADA, seguindo com a genotipagem em pacientes com AF, comparando afetados e não afetados. Em adição foi avaliada a expressão diferencial de mRNA de ADA pela HU em monócitos destes pacientes, comparando tratados e não tratados e também avaliamos por citometria de fluxo a modulação de marcadores de superfície CD39, CD73 e CD26, pela HU. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando os softwares GenePop 3.4 para análises de associação, cálculo do HWE, GraphPad Prism 5, Arlequin para identificação de desequilíbrio de ligação, haplótipos, heterozigozidade e SAS 9.13 para associação dos haplótipos as características. Os resultados mostraram que os pacientes sob tratamento com HU apresentaram um aumento da expressão de mRNA de ADA, aumento da expressão de CD26 em monócitos e diminuição de CD39 em linfócitos. Sem alterações significativas em relação a CD73. Encontramos também um aumento da freqüência do alelo T do SNP (rs1685103) presente no gene de ADORA 1 associado com pacientes afetados com síndrome torácica aguda. Apesar de não ter sido estatisticamente significante, concorda com dados da literatura. No gene ADORA 2B, verificamos associação do SNP 1007 C>T no desenvolvimento de STA indicando o alelo T como fator de risco e o alelo C para alterações ósseas. Para o SNP 968 G>T houve associação com alterações ósseas. Na análise haplotípica entre os SNPs 968 G>T e 1007 C>T encontramos associação dos haplótipos ht2 e ht3 com STA, como fator de risco, ht2 para hipertensão pulmonar. ht1 para priapismo, alterações ósseas e estenose/AVC. Os haplótipos formados pelos três SNPs 968 G>T, 1007 C>T e rs16851030, encontramos associação entre ht1, ht3 e ht4 entre os afetados com priapismo, caracterizando-o como haplótipo de risco e também ht1 e ht6 associados à estenose/AVC. Concluímos, que a hidroxiuréia participa na modulação da expressão da adenosina deaminase, de CD26 em monócitos e CD39 em linfócitos. Além disso, mostrou-se a importância de sítios polimórfico presente no gene ADORA 2B e ADORA1 envolvido na fisiopatologia das manifestações clínicas da doença falciforme. Associações dos SNPs em ADORA 1 e ADA, devem ser melhor estudados em um número maior de pacientes. A determinação destes polimorfismos associados com diferentes características clínicas pode levar a um melhor entendimento dos processos fisiopatológicos da anemia falciforme, levando à identificação de pacientes de risco, possibilitando um manejamento racional dos mesmos, em termos de cuidados específicos, ou mesmo à determinação de alvos para o desenvolvimento de terapias alternativas. / In sickle cell disease in low oxygen tension, mutant hemoglobin S (HbS) undergoes polymerization promoting sickling of red blood cells that can adhere to vascular endothelium, causing vessel occlusion (VO) and tissue ischemia (painful crises) that characterize the clinical disease. In addition, sickle cell patients have other clinical manifestations such as priapism, bone disorders, certain pulmonary complications among others. In addition to the erythroid cells, endothelial cells, white cells and platelets also play a key role in the pathophysiology of sickle cell anemia. Hydroxyurea (HU) in sickle cell anemia, increases the production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in erythroid cells, reducing the HbS polymerization, reducing the clinical symptoms of patients. The increase in HbF, however, does not necessarily imply clinical improvement, thus indicating the potential effects of HU on other processes. Recent studies relating asthma and priapism with high levels of adenosine. Due to this importance of adenosine-related pathologies common to AF, we aimed to identify gene polymorphisms in adenosine receptors and adenosine deaminase and verify the possible association between clinical manifestations, and to investigate the role of HU in the modulation of markers involved synthesis and degradation of adenosine. We analyzed several polymorphic sites in genes that encode ADORA1, ADORA 2b, 3 and ADORA ADA, according to the genotype in patients with AF, comparing affected and unaffected. In addition we assessed the differential expression of ADA mRNA by HU in monocytes of these patients, comparing treated and untreated, and also evaluated by flow cytometry modulation of surface markers CD39, CD73 and CD26 by HU. Statistical analysis was performed using the software GenePop 3.4 for association analysis, calculation of HWE, GraphPad Prism 5, Arlequin for identification of linkage disequilibrium, haplotypes, heterozygosity and SAS 9.13 for association of haplotypes features. The results showed that patients treated with HU showed an increase in mRNA expression of ADA, increased expression of CD26 on monocytes and decreased CD39 on lymphocytes. No significant changes in relation to CD73. We also found an increased frequency of allele T (SNP rs1685103) present in a gene associated with ADORA affected patients with acute chest syndrome. Although not statistically significant, agrees with literature data. ADORA 2B gene, we found association of the SNP 1007 C> T in the development of STA indicating the T allele as a risk factor for the C allele and bone changes. For the SNP 968 G> T was associated with bone disorders. In haplotype analysis between SNPs 968 G> T and 1007 C> T found association of haplotypes ht2 and HT3 with STA as a risk factor for pulmonary hypertension ht2. ht1 for priapism, stenosis and bone disorders / stroke. The three haplotypes formed by SNPs 968 G> T, 1007 C> T and rs16851030, we found association between ht1, HT3 and HT4 among those affected with priapism, characterizing it as a risk haplotype and also ht1 ht6 associated with renal and / AVC. We conclude that hydroxyurea participates in modulating the expression of adenosine deaminase of CD26 on monocytes and CD39 on lymphocytes. Moreover, he showed the importance of polymorphic sites in this gene and ADORA 2B ADORA1 involved in the pathophysiology of clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease. Associations of SNPs in ADORA 1 and ADA should be better studied in a larger number of patients. The determination of these polymorphisms associated with different clinical characteristics can lead to a better understanding of the pathophysiological processes of sickle cell anemia, leading to the identification of patients at risk, enabling a rational handling of the same in terms of specific care, or even the determination of targets for the development of alternative therapies.

Implication de la voie adénosine/adénosine récepteur A2B dans les mécanismes physiopathologiques de deux manifestations drépanocytaires : l'hémolyse et le priapisme / Involvement of the adenosine receptor A2B pathway in mechanisms pathophysiological of two clinical events of sickle celle disease : hemolysis and priapism

Baltyde, Kizzy-Clara 29 June 2016 (has links)
La drépanocytose résulte d’une mutation du gène β-globine entrainant la synthèse d’une hémoglobine anormale, l’HBS, qui polymérise en condition désoxygénée. Le globule rouge deviendra plus rigide et plus fragile, donnant lieu a deux conséquences majeures : l’hémolyse accrue et l’occlusion vasculaire.Récemment, un nouvel acteur moléculaire, l’adénosine, a été identifie. Ce nucléoside présente des effets bénéfiques sur les atteintes pulmonaires en inhibant l’activation des cellules « tueur naturel t inductibles », mais aussi délétères en favorisant la polymérisation de l’HBS et la survenue du priapisme, une des complications drépanocytaires.Les travaux menés ont pour objectifs d’étudier les effets délétères potentiels de l’adénosine, à travers l’étude de l’implication des enzymes de la voie métabolique de l’adénosine dans l’hémolyse ainsi que dans la survenue du priapisme chez des patients drépanocytaires. Pour ce faire, une cohorte composée d’adultes et d’enfants SS a été étudiée. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de préciser le rôle du métabolisme de l’adénosine dans les mécanismes physiopathologiques de la drépanocytose. Nos résultats n’ont pas permis de mettre en évidence de différence d’expression (ARN, protéine) des enzymes du métabolisme de l’adénosine entre les patients présentant des antécédents priapiques et ceux indemnes de cette complication. Néanmoins, nos recherches ont permis d’identifier l’adénylate cyclasse 6 comme gène modulateur de l’hémolyse et d’apporter de nouveaux éléments en accord avec la classification du priapisme comme appartenant au sous-phénotype hyperhémolytique à travers notamment l’étude des caractéristiques hemorhéologiques. / Sickle-cell disease is caused by a mutation in the β-globin gene leading to an abnormal hemoglobin, hbs. This change allows polymerization of HBS when deoxygenated. Erythrocytes become more rigid and fragile, leading to the two major manifestations of the disease: hemolysis and vaso-occlusion.Recently, adenosine has been identified as a new molecular actor of this disease. This nucleoside may have beneficial effects by preventing inkt cells activation and pulmonary inflammation. But it may also exhibit deleterious effects by activing a signalling pathway leading to erythrocyte sickling and the occurrence of priapism, a sickle cell disease complication.The purpose of our work, based on the potential deleterious effects induced by adenosine was to precise the involvement of adenosine metabolic pathway enzymes in hemolysis and the occurrence of priapism. Two cohorts of children and adult ss patients and men ss have been studied respectively.Our results had clarified the role of metabolism of adenosine in the pathophysiological mechanisms of sickle cell disease. Our results did not allow detecting evidence of differential expression (rna, protein levels) of adenosine metabolism enzymes between ss adult patients exhibiting priapic events and those who had never experienced this complication. Nevertheless, our work has led to the identification of adenylate cyclase as modifier gene of hemolysis and has bring new elements on the priapism classification to the hyper hemolytic sub-phenotype with the description of the hemorheological features associated with this complication.

Atividade da adenosina desaminase, concentração de nucleotideos e nucleosideo de adenina em ratos Infectados com Trypanosoma evansi / Activity of adenosine deaminase, concentration of adenine nucleotides and nucleoside in rats infected with Trypanosoma evansi

Silva, Aleksandro Schafer da 09 December 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purinergic system is known to be an important signaling pathway in different tissues. Among the components of this system have adenosine, a modulator of central nervous, circulatory and immune systems. The concentration of adenosine in the host is controlled by the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA), present in tissues, cells and fluids. As a result, the objectives of this study were (1) to determine the ADA activity in Trypanosoma evansi, (2) evaluate the activity of ADA in serum, erythrocytes, lymphocytes and brain of infected rats, and (3) determine the concentration of nucleotides and nucleosides in serum and cerebral cortex of rats infected with T. evansi. In the first study two mice were infected with T. evansi. When these animals showed high parasitemia (±108 parasites/uL) was performed with blood collection and separation of trypomastigotes by DEAE-cellulose column for performing the assays. Spectrometry was performed by the biochemical detection of ADA in the form trypomastigotes of T. evansi. In a second study, we used 39 rats divided into three groups: group A and B (infected) and group C (C1 and C2 control group) Samples of blood and brain samples were collected on day 4 PI (A and C1) and 20 PI (B and C2). From the blood (with anticoagulant) were separated lymphocytes and erythrocytes for measurement of ADA activity, since the serum was obtained from blood samples stored in tubes without anticoagulant. The brain was separated into cerebellum, cerebral cortex, hippocampus and striatum to evaluate the ADA activity in each structure. Decrease of ADA activity in serum and erythrocytes in rats infected with T. evansi when compared not-infected (P<0.05). ADA activity in lymphocytes was decreased at day 4 PI and increased in day 20 PI. There was no difference in ADA activity in the cerebellum. In the cerebral cortex caused a reduction of ADA activity on days 4 and 20 PI. Decrease of ADA activity in hippocampus and striatum in the day 4 and day 20 PI, respectively. In a third study, 24 rats were used, 12 used as a negative control and 12 infected with T. evansi. On day 4 (n = 6 per group) and 20 PI (n = 6 per group) were performed to obtain blood samples of serum and cerebral cortex for analysis. The samples were prepared for quantification of ATP, ADP, AMP and adenosine. This study found increased concentrations of ATP, AMP and adenosine in the brain and serum of rats infected with T. evansi in both periods, except that the levels of adenosine decreased on day 4 PI. The ADP concentration did not change in this study. Therefore, the infection by T. evansi purinergic system components can be changed, may be involved in immune response, in anemia and neurological signs. / O sistema purinérgico é conhecido por ser uma via de sinalização importante em diversos tecidos. Entre os componentes desse sistema destacamos a adenosina, um modulador do sistema nervoso central, circulatório e imunológico. A concentração de adenosina no hospedeiro é controlada pela enzima adenosina deaminase (ADA), presentes em tecidos, células e fluidos. Em virtude disso, os objetivos deste estudo foram (1) determinar a atividade da ADA no Trypanosoma evansi; (2) avaliar a atividade da ADA no soro, eritrócitos, linfócitos e encéfalo e (3) determinar a concentração de nucleotídeos e nucleosideos no soro e córtex cerebral de ratos infectados com T. evansi. Para um primeiro estudo foram infectados dois camundongos com T. evansi. Quando estes animais apresentavam elevada parasitemia (±108 parasito/μL) foi realizada a coleta de sangue e separação dos flagelados por coluna de DEAE-celulose, a fim realização dos ensaios enzimáticos no parasito. Atividade da ADA nas formas trypomastigotas de T. evansi foi determinada por espectofotometria. Em um segundo estudo foi utilizado 39 ratos, divididos em três grupos: grupo A e B (infectado) e grupo C (C1 e C2/controle). Amostras de sangue e encéfalo foram colhidas nos dias 4 pós-infecção (PI) (grupos A e C1) e 20 PI (grupos B e C2). A partir do sangue total colhido com anticoagulante foram separados os linfócitos e eritrócitos para mensuração da atividade da ADA, já o soro foi obtido de amostras de sangue armazenadas em tubos sem anticoagulante. O encéfalo foi separado em cerebelo, córtex cerebral, hipocampo e estriado para avaliar a atividade da ADA em cada estrutura. Então, observou-se redução da atividade de ADA no soro e eritrócitos em ratos infectados com T. evansi em comparação com não-infectados (P <0,05). A atividade de ADA em linfócitos estava diminuída no dia 4 PI e aumentou no dia 20 PI. Não houve diferença da ADA no cerebelo. No córtex cerebral, no hipocampo e estriado ocorreu redução da atividade da ADA nos dia 4 e 20 PI, respectivamente. Em todas as estruturas do encéfalo foi detectada a presença do parasito por PCR. Em um terceiro estudo foram utilizados 24 ratos, sendo 12 controles negativos e outros 12 infectados com T. evansi. Nos dias 4 (n=6 por grupo) e 20 (n=6 por grupo) foram realizadas as coletas de sangue para obtenção do soro e amostras do córtex cerebral para mensuração dos níveis de ATP, ADP, AMP e adenosina. Neste estudo, foi constatado aumento das concentrações de ATP, AMP e adenosina no encéfalo e soro de ratos infectados com T. evansi nos dois períodos avaliados, com exceção dos níveis de adenosina que reduziram no dia 4 PI. Não houve alteração na concentração de ADP. Portanto, na infecção por T. evansi os componentes do sistema purinérgico pode ser alterados, podendo estar envolvido na resposta imunológica, na anemia e nos sinais neurológicos.

Role of Adenosine A1 Receptors in Native Coronary Atherosclerosis, In-stent Stenosis, and Coronary Blood Flow Regulation in Metabolic Syndrome and Exercise

Long, Xin 08 April 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Adenosine is widely thought to elicit coronary vasodilation and attenuate smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation, thereby providing cardioprotection. We cloned the porcine adenosine A1 receptor (A1R) subtype and found that it paradoxically stimulated proliferation of cultured coronary SMC by the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) signaling pathways, thus suggesting A1R dysregulation could play a role in coronary artery disease (CAD), restenosis, and regulation of coronary blood flow (CBF). We utilized the Ossabaw swine model of metabolic syndrome (MetS) to test the hypothesis that A1R activation contributes to development of CAD, in-stent stenosis, and CBF regulation. Swine were fed standard chow (Lean) or excess calorie atherogenic diet for over 20 weeks, which elicited MetS characteristics and coronary atherosclerosis compared to Lean. We observed increased A1R in native CAD in MetS, which was reversed by exercise training, and upregulation of A1R expression and A1R-ERK1/2 activation in an in vitro organ culture model of CAD. Intracoronary stent deployment followed by different durations of recovery showed A1R upregulation occurred before maximal in-stent stenosis in vi vivo. More importantly, selective A1R antagonism with 8-cyclopentyl-1, 3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX)-eluting stents decreased coronary ERK1/2 activation and reduced in-stent stenosis comparable to Taxus® (paclitaxel-eluting stents). A1R antagonism potentiated vasodilatory effects of some vasodilators other than adenosine in porcine coronary microcirculation under basal conditions. Short-term exercise training around stenting prevented stent-induced microvascular dysfunction and attenuated native atheroma in the genetically lean Yucatan swine. Conclusions: A1R upregulation and activation contributes to coronary in-stent stenosis in vivo in MetS, plays a role in the development of coronary atherosclerosis in vitro, and might involve in CBF dysregulation in dyslipidemia and stenting. Exercise training decreased A1R expression in atherosclerosis, reduced native atheroma, and prevented stent-induced microvascular dysfunction. Selective pharmacological antagonism of A1R holds promise for treatment of CAD.

Photosynthetic regeneration of ATP using native and immobilized bacterial chromatophores.

Yang, Ho Seung. January 1976 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, 1976 / Vita. / Includes bibliographies. / Ph. D. / Ph. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Nutrition and Food Science

Regulation of Contractility by Adenosine A<sub>1</sub> and A<sub>2A</sub> Receptors in the Murine Heart: Role of Protein Phosphatase 2A: A Dissertation

Tikh, Eugene I. 21 June 2006 (has links)
Adenosine is a nucleoside that plays an important role in the regulation of contractility in the heart. Adenosine receptors are G-protein coupled and those implicated in regulation of contractility are presumed to act via modulating the activity of adenylyl cyclase and cAMP content of cardiomyocytes. Adenosine A1 receptors (A1R) reduce the contractile response of the myocardium to β-adrenergic stimulation. This is known as anti adrenergic action. The A2A adenosine receptor (A2AR) has the opposite effect of increasing contractile responsiveness of the myocardium. The A2AR also appears to attenuate the effects of A1R. The effects of these receptors have been primarily studied in the rat heart and with the utilization of cardiomyocyte preparations. With the increasing use of receptor knockout murine models and murine models of various pathological states, it is of importance to comprehensively study the effects of adenosine receptors on regulation of contractility in the murine heart. The following studies examine the adenosinergic regulation of myocardial contractility in isolated murine hearts. In addition, adenosinergic control of contractility is examined in hearts isolated from A2AR knockout animals. Responses to adenosinergic stimulation in murine isolated hearts are found to be comparable to those observed in the rat, with A1R exhibiting an anti adrenergic action and A2AR conversely enhancing contractility. A significant part of the A2AR effect was found to occur via inhibition of the A1R antiadrenergic action. A part of the anti adrenergic action of A1R has previously been shown to be the result of protein phosphatase 2A activation and localization to membranes. Additional experiments in the present study examine the effect of adenosinergic signaling on PP2A in myocardial extracts from wild type and A2AR knockout hearts. A2AR activation was found to decrease the activity of PP2A and enhance localization of the active enzyme to the cytosol; away from its presumed sites of action. In the A2AR knockout the response to A1R activation was enhanced compared with the wild type and basal PP2A activity was reduced. It is concluded that A2AR modulation of PP2A activity may account for the attenuation of the A1R effect by A2AR observed in the contractile studies.

Use of ATP as a Planktonic Biomass Indicator in Reservoir Limnology

Perry, William B. 08 1900 (has links)
A series of laboratory experiments and a field investigation were conducted to closely define the application of the ATP assay and ATP as a planktonic biomass estimator for routine use in reservoir limnology. The laboratory experiments verified the published range of C:ATP ratios (i.e. 250:1) as a conversion factor for ATP to biomass in cultured selected genera of freshwater algae, except for the species of blue-green algae examined. The field investigation conducted at Moss Reservoir included organic carbon measurements with ATP biomass in size classes on a depth basis. The ATP biomass varied seasonally and with depth; the best significant mtltiple correlation was between organic carbon and the smallest size class (.45 to 10 um) and total net plankton biomass (.45 to 165 um). Daily monitoring of biomass in size classes demonstrated the sensitivity of the technique.

Polimorfismo G22A do gene ADA e abortamento espontâneo recorrente: ausência de associação.

Nunes, Daniela Prudente Teixeira 16 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 danielaprudenteteixeiranunes_dissert.pdf: 2007548 bytes, checksum: 1b9b96cf5d50556af914f8157e7d26ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-16 / Adenosine deaminase (ADA), an enzyme coded by ADA gene (20q13.11) acts in adenosine metabolism and it is involved in the modulation of the immune response. ADA gene G22A polymorphism originates two co-dominants alleles ADA*01 and ADA*02 and influences the level of ADA enzyme in the organism. Apparently it has a fundamental role in gestational maintenance. The ADA*02 allele has been associated as protector effect against recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) in European Caucasian women. Aim: To investigate if ADA gene G22A polymorphism is associated with occurrence of RSA in Brazilian women. Methods: After obtaining the written consent 311 women were selected to compose two groups: G1 with previous history of RSA (n=129) and G2 without previous history of RSA (n=182). Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood using commercial kits. The PCR-RFLP method was used to identify ADA gene G22A polymorphism. p>0005 was considered statistically significant. Results: The frequencies of ADA*01;*01, ADA*01;*02 and ADA*02;*02 genotypes were similar in both groups (G1 and G2) with no statistically significance differences observed (p = 0,7170; x2 = 0,6653; GL = 2). ADA*01 and ADA*02 alleles frequencies were 95,6% and 4,4% in G1 group and 94,9% and 5,1% in G2 group, respectively (p = 0,8433; OR = 1,179; CI 95%: 0,5340 2.601). Conclusion: The results suggest that ADA alleles ADA*01 and ADA*02 are not associated with RSA. It xvi is possible that the reduction of ADA levels resulting from the presence of at least one ADA*02 allele do not have a role against abortion in Brazilian women. / Polimorfismo G22A do gene ADA e abortamento espontâneo recorrente: ausência de associação Introdução: A adenosina deaminase (ADA), uma enzima codificada pelo gene ADA (20q13.11), atua no metabolismo da adenosina e modula a resposta imune. O polimorfismo G22A deste gene origina os alelos co-dominantes ADA*01 e ADA*02 e influencia o nível de expressão da enzima ADA, que possui papel fundamental na manutenção da gestação. O alelo ADA*02 tem sido associado a um efeito protetor contra o abortamento espontâneo recorrente (AER) em mulheres caucasianas européias. Objetivo: Investigar se o polimorfismo G22A do gene ADA se associa à ocorrência de AER em brasileiras. Métodos: Após obtenção do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (Parecer CEP FAMERP 308/2008), 311 mulheres foram selecionadas para compor dois grupos: G1 com histórico de AER (N=129) e G2 sem histórico de AER (N=182). O DNA genômico foi extraído a partir de sangue periférico com o uso kit comercial. O polimorfismo G22A do gene ADA foi identificado com o uso do método PCR-RFLP. O valor p>0,005 foi considerado significante. Resultados: As frequências dos genótipos ADA*01;*01, ADA*01;*02 e ADA*02;*02 foram semelhantes entre os grupos e não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p = 0,7170; &#967;2 = 0,6653; GL = 2). As frequências dos alelos ADA*01 e ADA*02 em G1 foram iguais a 95,6% e 4,4%; em G2, 94,9% e 5,1%, respectivamente (p=0,8433; OR=1,179; IC 95%: 0,5340-2.601). Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que xiv os alelos ADA*01 e ADA*02 do gene ADA não estão associados ao AER. É possível que a redução nos níveis da ADA resultantes do alelo ADA*02 não apresente um efeito protetor contra o AER em brasileiras.

Les mécanismes antiépileptiques de l’AppCH2ppA dans la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville / Antiepileptic mechanisms of diadenosine-methyl-tetraphosphate in tuberous sclerosis

Pons Bennaceur, Alexandre 28 September 2018 (has links)
La Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville est une pathologie génétique rare qui se caractérise par la survenue de crises épileptiques précoces à l’origine du développement de nombreux troubles neurologiques tels que des symptômes autistiques ou des retards mentaux. Les épilepsies retrouvées dans la Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville sont souvent résistantes aux traitements pharmacologiques disponibles soulevant la nécessité de trouver de nouvelles approches médicamenteuses plus efficaces pour traiter les patients. Dans cette étude nous avons mis en évidence que l’AppCH2ppA est une molécule efficace pour bloquer la survenue des crises épileptiques dans un modèle de souris pour la Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville ainsi que sur des résections chirurgicales de tissu provenant de patients humains atteints par la Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville. Nous avons montré que les propriétés antiépileptiques de l’AppCH2ppA s’appuient sur une libération autocrine d’adénosine par les neurones de la couche IV du cortex somatosensoriel et d’une activation consécutive des récepteurs à l’adénosine de type A1. Cette activation a lieu spécifiquement au niveau du compartiment postsynaptique et est responsable d’une activation de conductances potassiques et d’une diminution de l’excitabilité des neurones. L’administration d’AppCH2ppA n’est associé à aucun effet secondaire notables sur la santé des souris. Ainsi l’AppCH2ppA semble être un outil thérapeutique prometteur et peu risqué qui stimule des mécanismes antiépileptiques endogènes naturellement sollicités par le cerveau et efficaces pour stopper et limiter la survenue des crises épileptiques. / Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a rare genetic disease characterized by the presence of epilepsies that appear early and in the life of patients and are responsible for the development of several neurological disorders such as autistic symptoms or mental retardations.In TSC, epileptic seizures often resist to pharmacological approaches raising the importance to find new molecules to treat more efficiently the patients.In this study we showed that AppCH2ppA is an effective molecule to block the onset of epileptic seizures in a mouse model for Tuberous Sclerosis as well as on human patients tissues.We have shown that AppCH2ppA nduce an autocrine release of adenosine by the spiny stellate cells present in the layer IV of the somatosensory cortex. This release is responsible for a subsequent activation of adenosine A1 receptors that occur specifically in the postsynaptic compartment of neurons and is responsible for an activation of potassium channels and a decrease of the excitability of neurons. The administration of AppCH2ppA is not associated with any significant side effects on mouse health. Thus, AppCH2ppA appears to be a promising and low-risk therapeutic tool that stimulates an endogenous antiepileptic pathway that is naturally used in the brain and that is efficient to stop and limit the appearance of epileptic seizures.

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