Spelling suggestions: "subject:"africa -- conomic conditions"" "subject:"africa -- c:conomic conditions""
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Evaluating the credibility of the integrated development plan as a service delivery instrument in Randfontein local municipalityDlulisa, Lungelwa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research study was undertaken to explore one of the most significant plans in local government and is aimed at guiding future development within municipal areas. It seeks to evaluate the credibility of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) as a service delivery tool in Randfontein Municipality. Randfontein Local Municipality was selected, amongst other reasons, due to the finding by the Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) that it lacked crucial information relating to performance. The IDP spans five years and is an appealing super-plan for any municipality. An evaluation of this plan’s effectiveness as a service delivery instrument is therefore important.
Various legislation oblige local government to prepare and undertake IDP, which should be a collaborative planning process aimed at guiding municipalities to eradicate service delivery backlogs while encouraging socio-economic development. The process also seeks to preserve and conserve the environment and address spatial disparities for the development of, and delivering on, agreed priorities which are translated into projects with clearly defined outputs and targets over a five year planning cycle.
In this study, the municipal IDP can be viewed as a five year service delivery commitment to the community by those elected and entrusted with ensuring that the IDP becomes a reality. It is integrated in such a way that it should be a reflection of government’s wider plans such as the district municipality’s plans and the relevant provincial and national government’s plans. This plan should be informed by the communities which municipalities serve and must be backed by the necessary funding.
The IDP has become a focus of South Africa’s post-apartheid municipal planning and is also seen as a key instrument in an evolving framework of intergovernmental planning and coordination within the South African government, as mentioned by the Department of Housing during their DBSA Conference on Integrated Development Planning, (2008). The IDP is a phenomenal practice which was, and still is, aimed at addressing the consequences of planning done during apartheid, such as deliberate divided development as well as the marginalisation of so-called historically underprivileged communities.
However, given the recent frequent and sometimes aggressive service delivery protests across South Africa, attention should now be focussed on tools used by government to ensure service delivery takes place. Existing information was explored during a literature review to contextualise service delivery while also discussing the elements of a credible IDP. The legislative framework for local government and its reforms budget was discussed and linked to the IDP. The credibility of the IDP was evaluated using the available IDP evaluation framework of the National Department of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs (COGTA). Using this framework, challenges to the credibility and implementation of the Randfontein IDP were revealed. The municipality is struggling to use IDP as a tool to facilitate integrated and coordinated delivery, as the IDP identifies a large number of projects to be implemented by other spheres of government without indicating the sources of funding for these or their linkages with other programmes. The credibility of the IDP was measured by the following three performance indicators:
- financial viability;
- good governance; and
- institutional arrangements.
Certain recommendations were made to assist in improving the IDP as a credible service delivery tool, upon which decisions can be made to address service delivery requirements within the Randfontein area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is onderneem om een van die mees betekenisvolle, nuew beplanningsbeleidstukke vir plaaslike regering te ondersoek. Hierdie beleidstuk het ten doel om rigtinggewend op te tree in toekomstige ontwikkeling binne munisipale gebiede. Die geloofwaardigheid van di Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) as ‘n diensverskaffingsinstrument in die Randfontein Plaaslike Munisipaliteit is geselekteer, onder andere, weens die Suid-Afrikaanse Ouditeur-Generaal (SAOG) se bevinding dat hierdie raad se GOP mank gegaan het aan noodsaaklike inligting vir behoorlike prestasiemeting. Elke GOP-termyn strek oor vyf jaar en skyn ‘n aanneemlike superplan vir enige munisipaliteit te bied. Dit is dus belangrik om die effektiwiteit van hierdie beplanningsbeleid as ‘n diensleweringsinstrument te bepaal.
‘n Verskeidenheid wetgewing verplig plaasllike regerings om vir so ‘n vyfjaarplan voorbereidings te tref en geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplanne in werking te stel. Die beplanningsproses moet ‘n samewerkende benadering bevorder en daarop ingestel wees om munisipaliteite só te lei dat diensleweringsagterstande uitgewis word, terwyl dit sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling bevorder. Die beleidsproses het ook ten doel om die natuurlike omgewing te beskerm en te bewaar en, in die toepassing daarvan, ruimtelike teenstrydighede en ongelykhede aan te spreek. Vooraf ooreengekome prioriteite moet eerbiedig word en beslag kry in projekte met duidelik omskrewe uitkomste en doelwitte vir die betrokkwe siklus.
In hierdie studie word ‘n munisipale GOP beskou as ‘n ooreengekome verbintenis tot vyf jaar van dienslewering aan die gemeenskap deur diegene wat daartoe verkies is en aan wie dit derhalwe toevertrou word. Die verkose raad moet toesien dat die GOP verwesenlik word. Dit moet op so ‘n wyse geïntegreer word dat dit die regering se algemene ontwikkelingsplanne beliggaam en inpas by die beplanning van die betrokke distriksraad, provinsie en die nasionale regering. Hierdie plan moet geskied met die goedkeuring en medewerking van die gemeenskappe wat die munisipaliteite bedien en moet ook kan reken op die nodige befondsing vir die taak.
Die GOP is ‘n fokuspunt van munisipale beplanning in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika en word beskou as die sleutelwerktuig in ‘n veranderende raamwerk van interregeringsbeplanning en koördinering binne die Suid-Afrikaanse regeringsfeer. Dit is tydens die DBSA-Konferensie oor Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanning in 2008, deur die Departement van Behuising aangedui. GOP is ‘n fenomenale beleidsplan wat gebruik word, en steeds daarop ingestel is, om die gevolge van beplanning gedurende die apartheidsera aan te spreek – soos doelbewuste verdeelde ontwikkeling, asook die marginalisasie van sogenaamde histories voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe.
Indien die gereelde, some gewelddadige, diensleweringsbetogings van onlangs tye in ag geneem word, is dit duidelik dat die regering nou sy aandag moet toespits op praktyke wat volgehoue dienslewering sal waarborg.
Bestaande inligting is d.m.v. ‘n literatuurstudie ondersoek om dienslewering te kontekstualiseer en terselfdertyd die kenmerke van ‘n geloofwaardige GOP te bepaal. Die wetsraamwerk waarbinne plaaslike regering plaasvind en die beskikbare begroting vir hervorming het ook onder die loep gekom en is met die GOP in verband gebring.
Die geloofwaardigheid van die GOP is aan die hand van die bestaande GOP-evaluasieraamwerk van die Nasionale Departement van Samewerkende Regering en Tradisionele Sake (COGTA) geëvalueer en bepaal. Die gebruik van hierdie raamwerk het die geloofwaardigheid en implementering van die Randfontein-GOP bevraagteken. Die munisipaliteit sukkel met die gebruik van die GOP identifiseer ‘n groot aantal projekte wat deur ander regeringsfere geïmplementeer moet word, sonder om die oorsprong van die finansiering te meld of die skakeling met ander programme. Die geloofwaardigheid van die GOP is gemeet aan die volgende drie prestasie-aanwysers:
- finansiële lewensvatbaarheid;
- goeie regeerkunde; en
- institusionele ooreenkomste.
Sekere aanbevelings is gemaak om bystand te verleen en die GOP sodanig te verbeter dat dit as ‘n geloofwaardige instrument aangewend kan word om ingeligte besluite betreffend diensleweringsvereistes in die Randfonteingebied te neem.
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Geskeide vroue se ervarings en persepsies van hul aanpassing in die post-egskeidingsfaseLe Roux, Memry S. (Memry Sharlene) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to gain understanding of the perceptions and experiences of
divorced women in the postdivorce phase, with specific reference to rural divorcees.
During intervention with divorced women the social worker ought to be informed
about the needs of divorcees, as well as be skilled to deal with the trauma of divorce.
It is therefore necessary to understand how women experience the post-divorce
The Systems, Ecological, Strengths and Feminist Perspectives are used as a frame
of reference to understand the adaptation of divorced women. First, a study of
relevant literature is undertaken which presents a broad review of the process of
divorce; divorce as a mourning process, as well as the influence of divorce on the
women and children. Attention is also devoted to literature on the adaptation of
women in the post-divorce phase. Second a qualitative, phenomenological research
subject is chosen to explore the experiences and perceptions of divorced women’s
adaptation during the post divorce-phase. Factors which obstruct adaptation, as well
as factors which stimulate personal growth, came to light during the empirical
Four themes unfolded from the research. The first theme relates to tension: tension
regarding finances; tension regarding health; tension arising from the overloading of
roles and tension resulting from the relationship with the ex-husband, as well as how
divorce is experienced int the rural areas. The second theme deals with spirituality:
divorce as a spiritual crisis; deepenig spirituality; spirituality in the shaping of identity
and facilitating to a large extent the mourning process. In the third theme various
sources of support are discussed, while the fourth theme focuses on the positive
side of divorce, namely personal growth.
The before mentioned themes contain the challenges divorced women experience
during the post-divorce phase. Recommendations focus on post-divorce intervention
which are aimded to relief stress, strengthen spirituality, to obtain knowledge of
supportsystems in the community, and also to stimulate the process of personal
growth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doel om geskeide vroue se persepsies en ervarings van hul
aanpassing in die post-egskeidingsfase te verstaan, met spesifieke verwysing na die
plattelandse geskeide vrou. Tydens intervensie met geskeide vroue behoort die
maatskaplike werker vaardig en goed ingelig te wees ten opsigte van die behoeftes
wat geskeides ervaar, daarom is dit noodsaaklik om te verstaan hoe geskeide
vrouens die proses ervaar.
As praktykraamwerk is die Gesinsisteem-, Ekologiese, Sterkte- en Feministiese
Perspektief gebruik om die aanpassing van geskeide vroue te verstaan. Eerstens is
‘n literatuurstudie onderneem wat ‘n breë oorsig oor die proses van egskeiding,
egskeiding as rouproses asook die invloed van egskeiding op die vrou en kinders
bied. Aandag is ook gegee aan die aanpassing van die vrou in die postegskeidingsfase.
Tweedens is ‘n kwalitatiewe, fenomenologiese navorsingsontwerp
gekies om die ervarings en persepsies van vyf geskeide vroue uit verskillende
plattelandse dorpe se aanpassing in die post-egskeidingsfase te eksploreer. Faktore
wat die aanpassing strem, asook faktore wat persoonlike groei stimuleer, het uit die
empiriese navorsing na vore gekom.
Vier temas het uit hierdie navorsing ontspring. Die eerste tema hou verband met
spanning: Finansiële spanning, spanning oor gesondheid, spanning wat ontstaan uit
die oorbelading van rolle, spanning oor die verhouding met die gewese man, en die
plattelandse ervaring. Die tweede tema handel oor spiritualiteit: egskeiding is ‘n
spirituele krisis, dit bring spirituele verdieping, spiritualiteit help met identiteitsvorming
en fasiliteer in ‘n groot mate die rouproses. In die derde tema word verskeie
ondersteuningsbronne bespreek, terwyl die vierde tema ook die positiewe kant van
egskeiding uitlig, naamlik persoonlike groei.
Bogenoemde temas vervat die behoeftes wat geskeide vroue tydens die
aanpassingsperiode na egskeiding ervaar. Aanbevelings het gefokus op postegskeidingsintervensie
wat daarop gemik is om spanning te help verlig, spiritualiteit
te versterk, ondersteuningsnetwerke in die omgewing te ken en die proses van
persoonlike groei te stimuleer.
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The use of secondary data in the study of living arrangements of households : a case of the October household survey-'96 (OHS) : Western Cape ProvinceMosia, Matladi Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
Incorrect Afrikaans summary included in thesis. / Thesis (MPhil--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was aimed at using secondary data to conduct an investigation into the relationship
between macro-economic factors on one hand and aspects of household life on the other hand.
On the basis of the results thereof, an assessment was to be made of how such a relationship
reflected on the living arrangements of households in contemporary South African society.
The basis of the analysis was secondary data from the October Household Survey (OHS-96)
data set, which is rich in specific information encompassing various aspects of human life,
like demographic details and household variables as well as health, education and
employment variables.
As expected, the results showed that the current state of living arrangements of households is
characterised by positive relationships between income levels on the one hand and households
variables like type of dwelling and dwelling ownership on the other hand. However, the same
findings further revealed a surprising outcome that unlike expected, there is no clear
relationship between income and another significant household variable i.e. household size
(members). However, our findings lead us to a conclusion that on the whole, there is a
hypothesised relationship between macro-economic conditions of a country on one hand, and
patterns in living arrangements of households on the other hand.
The results further revealed that as expected, the factors of magisterial district and
race/population groups have an effect on this relationship that reflect our legacy of social and
economic development policies of the apartheid era which gave rise to urban (metropolitan)
and racial bias in the socio-economic development of households. The results thereof are that
African households in particular, and urban poor black households in general, have become
the least prosperous in terms of material or economic living conditions. The implications of
these findings for theory and policy are highlighted.
At the level of methodology, the valuable experience of this study served to further highlight
the worth of secondary data analysis, not only in general economic terms, but also as
invaluable educational or teaching tool for students which recommends its increased use by
all practitioners or institutions of social research methods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Internet en sy Kuberruimtes is ontwikkel in die 1960s as 'n manier om inligting
oor te dra sonder die risiko van intersepsie en vernietiging. Vandag, 40 jaar later het
die Internet gegroei in beide grootte en toepassing. Die mees algemene gebruike is
nogsteeds kommunikasie en die oordrag van informasie. Hierdie tesis is 'n
etnografiese studie van my ervaringe in 'n Kuberruimte van die Internet- 'n virtuele
gemeenskap byname Amazon City.com. Virtuele gemeenskappe is areas op die
Internet waar mense bymekaar kom om hul daaglikse lewens, kwessies en enige iets
toepaslik vir die spesifieke gemeenskap, te bespreek. Die tipe gemeenskap word
gesien as 'n reaksie van die verval van "derde plekke" in af-lyn lewe en globalisering
Die gemeenskap wat vorm in hierdie areas ontwikkel kulturele veronderstelling.
Hierdie veronderstellings word openbaar aan 'n nuwe lid deur tyd en interaksie in die
konferensie area. Die veronderstellings wat ek ervaar het strek van kennis benodig om
'n aanvaarde en suksesvolle lid van die gemeenskap te word, tot taal gebruik en
identiteit van die lede. Die konklusie is bereik dat lede hul interaksie en lidmaatskap
in hierdie gemenskappe as net so bevredigend en "eg" ervaar as hul aktiwiteite in hul
af-lyn lewe.
Verdere aspekte wat 'n webblad 'n suksesvolle en ekonomiese vatbare besigheids
strategie maak vir sy eienaar, was my volgende fokus. Internet besigheid groei teen 'n
geweldige spoed, en impliseer nie slegs die verkoop van produkte aanlyn nie.
Rekenaar-ondersteunde kommunikasie toestelle is geimplimenteer op kommersiële
webbladsye nadat dit gevind is in die vroeë 1990s dat mense soek vir 'n plek wat
meer is as net nog 'n winkel. Ander maniere wat hierde dot com webbladsye gebruik
om inkomste te genereer en of die lede gesien word as burgers of as verbruikers word
ook bestudeer. Daar is gevind dat die lede hulself sien as burgers maar webbladsy
lojaliteit sal die lede aanspoor om as verbruikers op te tree indien nodig. Die
kommersiële aspekte van die tipe webbladsy is 'n noodsaaklik deel vir die
voortbestaan van die dot com webbladsy, en die gemeenskap wat daar ontwikkel.
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Extractivism and transition in Africa : opportunities and challengesHuber, Maria 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Existence of natural resources in majority of African countries has been identified to support further
development due to continuously increase in commodity revenues. However, the resource curse
presents critical aspects of resource intensive economies such as short-term benefits of
commodity revenues, limited economic diversification and unstable government. Due to natural
resource abundance in Africa, extractive industries are essential in the domestic economic system,
although, the disadvantages based on the resource curse theory, question the support of
commodity revenues in Africa’s development.
South America views the issues of extractive industries from a different perspective by analysing
the related developmental approaches namely conventional extractivism, neo-extractivism and
post-extractivism. While South American countries are in different transition phases of extractivism,
Africa is dominated solely by conventional extractivism. This results in varying degrees of social
and environmental impacts on the African continent. However, Africa’s transition towards neo- or
post-extractivism will limit the problems of the resource curse and offers a more sustainable
resource management of the extractive industries.
The Environmental Kuznets’ Curve (EKC) supports the principle of developed and recently
industrialised countries by relying on the economic development, which will reduce environmental
degradation automatically by achieving a specific turning point. The three phases of EKC can be
related to different stages of economic development, as well as to the three extractivism
approaches. Therefore, transitions from conventional extractivism to neo-extractivism and finally to
post-extractivism have to occur to stabilise economic development and reduce environmental
Within this process of transition towards more sustainable extractivism approaches, the principle of
“Sustainable Structural Transformation” (SST) is applicable. SST was described in the UNCTAD
report (2012) as a tool to reduce environmental impacts while continuing to provide for the demand
of an increasing global population. Neo- and post-extractivism approach supports the concept of
SST, which primarily emphasises more efficient technologies, new economic activities, labour
productivity and regulations. The foundation of SST is based on resource decoupling in order to
separate economic developmental process from natural resource extraction while minimizing
environmental impacts. For the application of SST and thus for the transition of extractivism,
reinvestment is essential to create a diversified economy. While reinvestment can take place in
various forms, the World Bank (2011) identified three types of wealth namely natural, produced
and intangible capital contributing to the total wealth of a country. However, developing countries
prioritise natural wealth in comparison to other forms of wealth; therefore, reinvestment has to take place in other types of wealth namely intangible and produced wealth in order to achieve
sustainable development in Africa.
UNCTAD (2012) considers SST as a framework without an attempt of creating a “one-size-fits-all”
solution. This understanding is crucial for the transition from one phase of extractivism to another.
Depending on the context of a country, tools have to be adapted to support the needed transition.
These existing differences are presented in the case studies of Nigeria and Botswana, which are
two developing countries in Africa but they present different stages of extractivism and resource
management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is vasgestel dat die beskikbaarheid van natuurlike hulpbronne in ’n meerderheid van Afrikalande
verdere ontwikkeling ondersteun deur ’n ononderbroke toename in grondstofinkomstes. Die
hulpbronvloek wys egter kritisie aspekte van hulpbron-intensiewe ekonomieë uit. Van hierdie
aspekte sluit in korttermynvoordele van grondstofinkomstes, beperkte ekonomiese diversifisering
en onstabiele regerings. Weens die oorvloed van natuurlike hulpbronne in Afrika is
ontginningsnywerhede onontbeerlik in die binnelandse ekonomiese stelsel, alhoewel die nadele
wat deur die hulpbronvloekteorie uitgewys word die ondersteuning van grondstofinkomstes in
Afrika se ontwikkeling bevraagteken.
Suid-Amerika beskou die kwessie van ontginningsnywerhede vanuit ’n ander perspektief deur die
verwante ontwikkelingsbenaderings, naamlik konvensionele ontginning, neo-ontginning en
postontginning, te ontleed. Alhoewel Suid-Amerikaanse lande in ander oorgangsperiodes van
ontginning verkeer, word Afrika slegs deur konvensionele ontginning oorheers. Dit lei tot
wisselende grade van sosiale en omgewingsimpakte op die Afrika-kontinent. Afrika se oorgang na
neo- en postontginning sal egter die uitdagings van hulpbronvloek beperk en bied ’n meer
onderhoubare hulpbronbestuur van die ontginningsnywerhede.
Die Omgewing-Kuznetskurwe (OKK) ondersteun die beginsel van ontwikkelde en onlangs
geïndustrialiseerde lande. Hierdie ondersteuning geskied deur staat te maak op die ekonomiese
ontwikkeling wat outomaties omgewingsagteruitgang sal verminder deur ’n spesifieke keerpunt te
bereik. Die drie fases van die OKK kan met verskillende fases van ekonomiese ontwikkeling asook
die drie ontginningsbenaderings verbind word. Om hierdie rede moet oorgange van konvensionele
ontginning na neo-ontginning en uiteindelik postonginning plaasvind om die ekonomiese
ontwikkeling te stabiliseer en die omgewingsagteruitgang te beperk.
Die beginsel van “Onderhoubare Strukturele Transformasie” (OST) is veral toepaslik in die
oorgangsproses na meer onderhoubare ontginningsbenaderings. Die OST is in die verslag van die
Verenigde Nasies se Kongres van Handel en Ontwikkeling (VNKHEO) (2012) beskryf as ’n middel
om omgewingsimpakte te beperk terwyl dit in die behoefte van ’n toenemend groeiende
wêreldbevolking voorsien. Neo- en postontginningsbenaderings ondersteun die OST-konsep wat
veral meer doeltreffende tegnologieë, nuwe ekonomiese aktiwiteite, arbeidsproduktiwiteit en
regulasies benadruk. Vir die toepassing van OST en dus die verandering in ontginning is
herbelegging noodsaaklik om ’n gediversifiseerde ekonomie te bewerkstellig. Alhoewel
herbelegging op verskillende maniere kan plaasvind, het die Wêreldbank (2011) drie tipes rykdom
geïdentifiseer, naamlik natuurlike, vervaardigde en ontasbare kapitaal wat tot die algehele rykdom
van ’n land bydra. Ontwikkelende lande gee voorkeur aan natuurlike rykdom teenoor ander vorme
van rykdom. Om hierdie rede moet herbelegging binne die ander vorme van rykdom plaasvind om onderhoubare ontwikkeling in Afrika teweeg te bring. Hierdie ander vorme van rykdom sluit
ontasbare en vervaardigde rykdom in.
VNKHEO (2012) beskou OST as ’n raamwerk wat nie poog om ’n “one-size-fits-all”-oplossing voort
te bring nie. ’n Oorkoepelende benadering is kardinaal om die verandering in ontginning teweeg te
bring. Afhangende van die konteks van ’n land moet middels aangepas word vir die nodige
ondersteuning van die verandering. Hierdie bestaande verskille word in die gevallestudies van
Nigerië en Botswana uitgewys. Dié twee lande dui op twee verskillende ontginningstadia en
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Successes and failures of BBBEE : a critical assessment / Successes and failures of broad-based black economic empowerment : a critical assessmentNgwenya, Fortune Sibusiso 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We critically assess the successes and failures of the economic phenomenon that is Black Economic Empowerment as represented by the Ownership Element of the Scorecard. We briefly evaluate the successes and failures of the first wave of BEE deals on the JSE and through the use of contemporary observations of this phenomenon as reported on by the media, we make the key assumption that these media reports are an unbiased account of the phenomenon. We critically assess the current status of BEE and find that progress has been made in terms of black ownership on the JSE, as well as on the legislative front, through the introduction of a comprehensive standardised measurement framework. The progress has in the main been extremely slow and limited. We also find that whilst funding models have improved, the success of BEE deals is still to a large extent dependent on stellar performance of the Stock Exchange and generous dividend policies. Disappointingly we also find that the debate about what constitutes broad-base BEE continues unabated as most deals continue to fail to meet public expectations of broad-base empowerment and equitable equity participation by all BEE deal beneficiaries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bied 'n kritiese evaluering van die suksesse en mislukkings van die ekonomiese verskynsel genaamd swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (SEB) aan die hand van die eienaarskapelement van die telkaart. Die eerste vlaag SEB-transaksies op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs (JEB) word kortliks beoordeel, waarna die media se eietydse waarnemings oor hierdie verskynsel tot die sleutelaanname lei dat sodanige mediaberigte 'n onbevooroordeelde weergawe van die stand van swart ekonomiese bemagtiging is. Die studie bied 'n kritiese beskouing van die huidige status van SEB, en dat daar wél vordering gemaak is met betrekking tot swart eienaarskap op die JEB, sowel as op wetgewende gebied deur die instelling van 'n omvattende, gestandaardiseerde metingsraamwerk. Vordering was egter tot op hede merendeels uiters stadig en beperk. Die studie bevind ook dat hoewel finansieringsmodelle verbeter het, die sukses van SEB-transaksies steeds in 'n groot mate van 'n goeie vertoning op die effektebeurs en ruimhartige dividendbeleid afhang. 'n Teleurstellende bevinding is dat die debat oor die werklike betekenis van breedgebaseerde SEB onverpoos voortduur namate die meeste transaksies versuim om aan die openbare verwagting van breedgebaseerde bemagtiging en gelyke aandeelhouding deur alle SEB-transaksiebegunstigdes te voldoen.
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A study of the transformation of the value of the Cape Town central precinct since 1994 with specific reference to the effect on the retail and office marketUys, Sanett 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Socially, politically and economically, Cape Town Central City is one of the most important urban areas in South Africa. Apart from the fact that it is historically and culturally the oldest and most cosmopolitan city in South Africa, the Central Business District (CBD)accommodates about 240 000 commuters every day, generates more than R133 million in rates every year, constitutes over 20% of the economic turnover of the entire metropolitan area and provides over a quarter of all jobs in the Cape Town metropolitan area. Major challenges facing the Cape Town central precinct in the mid-1990s included growing vacancies, the capital flight to decentralised business nodes, the loss of value in buildings and the municipal rate base, the decline in building refurbishments, the shortage of parking, badly managed public open spaces and a rise in general crime rates. Through the transformation and revitalisation of the Central City, traditional economic sectors,
such as the financial and business services sector, have been retained while the retail sector, tourism, information and communication technologies, and the creative industries have all shown growth. The formation of the Cape Town Partnership (CTP) and the Central City Improvement District (CID) gave the Central City an opportunity to combat the decay. The successful implementation of quality urban management systems has led to the development of new buildings and the refurbishment / redevelopment or recycling of approximately 160 buildings and public open spaces. Vacancies have decreased while the cumulative investment in the Central City since 2000 amounted to approximately R14 billion. This includes the capital value of leases, new developments, upgrades and renewals of buildings, and purchasing buildings for investment purchases. Since the last Municipal Valuation, the value of property in the Central City has increased significantly. As a result, the municipal rates base of the area also increased. With the implementation of the new General Valuation in July 2007, the city increased its annual revenue in the form of rates by more than 65%. Improved property fundamentals, sustainable rentals, increases in new developments and greater diversity are the result of the increased value of properties in the Central City. Office rentals increased steadily since the first quarter of 1995, while capitalisation rates decreased dramatically since the first quarter of 2003. Vacancy rates also decreased over the same period. Retail rentals are still in an upward phase since 1999 and the forecast by property economist
Erwin Rode states that office rentals should continue to increase over the next five years with an average of approximately 14,6%. The last major challenge facing the Central City is the ability of the different spheres of
government to work together as a unit and in turn with civil society organisations, NGOs and the private sector to ensure the success of the Cape Town Metropolitan area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale stad van Kaapstad is een van die belangrikste stedelike gebiede in Suid-Afrika wat
maatskaplike, politieke en ekonomiese kwessies betref. Buiten die feit dat dit histories en
kultureel die oudste en mees kosmopolitaanse stad in Suid-Afrika is, word die Sentrale
Sakegebied (SSG) elke dag deur sowat 240 000 pendelaars besoek en genereer dit elke jaar meer
as R133 miljoen in munisipale belasting. Die SSG verteenwoordig ook 20% van die ekonomiese omset van die hele metropolitaanse gebied en verskaf meer as 'n kwart van al die werkgeleenthede in die Kaapstadse metropolitaanse gebied. Die uitdagings wat die Kaapstadse sentrale gebied in die mid-1990's ervaar het, sluit in toenemende leegstande, kapitaalvlug na gedesentraliseerde sakenodusse, waardeverlies in
geboue en in munisipale belastingbasis, afname in gebou-opkappings, tekort aan parkering,
openbare oop ruimtes wat swak bestuur word, en 'n toename in algemene misdaadsyfers. Deur die transformasie en heroplewering van die sentrale stadsgebied kon tradisionele ekonomiese sektore soos die finansiële en sakedienstesektor behou word terwyl die kleinhandelsektor,
toerisme, inligting- en kommunikasietegnologie, en die kreatiewe bedryfsrigtings almal groei aangetoon het. Die ontstaan van die Kaapstadse Vennootskap (KV) en die sentrale stadsverbeteringsdistrik (SSVD) het aan die sentrale stad 'n geleentheid gebied om die verval om te swaai. Die suksesvolle implementering van stedelike bestuurstelsels van gehalte het tot die ontwikkeling van nuwe geboue en die opknapping / herontwikkeling of herbenutting van sowat 160 geboue en
openbare oop ruimtes gelei.
Leegstande het aansienlik gedaal terwyl die kumulatiewe belegging in die sentrale stad sedert
2000 op sowat R14 miljard beraam word. Dit sluit in die kapitaalwaarde van huurkontrakte,
nuwe ontwikkelings, opgraderings en die opknapping van geboue, en die koop van geboue vir
beleggingsdoeleindes. Die waarde van eiendom in die sentrale stad het sedert die vorige Munisipale Waardasie beduidend toegeneem. As gevolg hiervan het die munisipale belastingbasis van die gebied ook
toegeneem. Met die implementering van die nuwe Algemene Waardasie in Julie 2007 het die stad sy jaarlikse inkomste in die vorm van belasting met meer as 65% verhoog. Die toename in die waarde van eiendom in die sentrale stad het gelei tot verbeterde
eiendomsfundamentele, volhoubare huurkontrakte, 'n toename in nuwe ontwikkelings en groter diversiteit. Kantoorhuur het sedert die eerste kwartaal van 1995 bestendig toegeneem terwyl
kapitalisasiekoerse sedert die eerste kwartaal van 2003 dramaties gedaal het. Leegstandsyfers het
ook oor dieselfde tydperk gedaal. Kleinhandelhuur is sedert 1999 steeds in 'n opswaaifase en die
eiendomsekonoom Erwin Rode voorspel dat kantoorhuur oor die volgende vyf jaar gemiddeld
met sowat 14,6% sal toeneem. Die laaste groot uitdaging vir sentrale stad is die vermoë van die verskillende sfere van die regering om as 'n eenheid saam te werk, en ook om met die burgerlike gemeenskapsorganisasies, NRO's en die private sektor saam te werk om die sukses van die Kaapstadse metropolitaanse gebied te verseker.
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The use of innovative financing structures in facilitating BEE transactions in South AfricaRamathe, Mamokete 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Black Economic Empowerment (“BEE”) is an imperative economic tool that the South African government established to achieve its transformational objectives which are meant to grow the economy, decrease inequalities and create more job and business opportunities for the South African majority of the population. The objectives of transformation strategy seek to redress economic imbalances created by the previous apartheid regime. The approach is widely shared by the majority of South Africans. Since its inception, BEE as an implemented policy has created vast opportunities for previously disadvantaged individuals. Some positive spin offs that have been realised in an effort to address economic and social imbalances are discussed in the paper. The paper seeks to demonstrate the progress made in South Africa so far with regard to implementation of BEE initiatives. It further highlights some pitfalls as per the previous experience with BEE and in addition to that, covers some of the developments and benefits to date. Chapter 3 and 4 focuses on funding of BEE investments with reference to specific case studies of some of the landmark BEE deals concluded in the past. The evolution of BEE funding structures is also analysed with specific reference to some lessons learnt from the origins of BEE in South Africa. In chapter 5, BEE in South Africa is compared to transformation policies implemented by another country. Malaysia shares some similarities and challenges in the implementation of transformation policy, hence a comparison is drawn between the two countries. Finally chapter 6 concludes by providing an overview of the findings in analysing BEE strategies with specific reference to funding and the evolution of funding structures in facilitating BEE.
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An investigation of South African economic themes based on data obtained from the annual reports of industrial companies listed on the JSE Securities ExchangeVan Aswegen, Ninette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study consists of three independent papers which all broadly examine South African
economic issues using accounting data obtained from the annual reports of industrial
The first paper reports on employment trends amongst listed industrial companies in South
Africa over the period 1996 to 2002. The results obtained showed that overall employment
decreased 1,26% per annum for the companies under review. This negative trend in
the largest companies in the sample. By contrast, smaller companies showed excellent growth
in employment numbers. Hence appeared that smaller companies might be the most
important vehicle for employment growth in the formal sector of the South African economy.
It was therefore recommended that greater emphasis be placed on encouraging small business
development in order to reverse the declining rates of employment in South Africa.
The of
ratios calculated from value added statement data in South Africa. The sample used for this
purpose included all listed industrial companies which published value added statements or
cash value added statements over the period 1990 to 2002. The ratio V A x 100/sales and the
various components of value added as a percentage of total value added were considered in
studies, it was not wholly apparent why the central location of the ratio V A x 100/sales
remained stable, while the central location of the value added component ratios varied over
The paper examines the changes which took place in the formal sector of the South
African economy vis-a-vis economic growth, employment, labour productivity and
from the annual financial statements of 62 industrial companies listed on the JSE Securities
by companies listed on the JSE Securities Exchange.
by employment growth appeared to be driven mainly by decreased rates of employment amongst
it second paper expands on existing knowledge concerning the trends and characteristics VA I detail. Although these ratios were shown to have values similar to those reported in previous
I third growth. remuneration and also compares these changes with projections put forward in the Growth,
Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) policy. The data used in the study was gathered
Exchange over the period 1994 to 2000. income differential in South Africa. It thus appeared that in reality few of the projections put
forward in GEAR were achieved by the companies representing the formal sector of the South
The findings of this study demonstrated that value added could be used successfully as a
proxy for economic growth. Although appeared as though labour productivity had
increased, the increase was panly due to an overall decrease in employment, rather than a
greater than expected increase in value added. emerged that the majority of companies
which decreased employment in fact contributed negatively to economic growth. The
companies which decreased employment were also shown to have increased salaries on a per
employee basis, which meant that these companies did not reduce their overall salary
expenses substantially. By decreasing employee numbers and increasing per capita
remuneration, the companies in question only acted to further increase an already wide
ronnal African economy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk bestaan uit drie onafhanklike artikels wat Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomiese aspekte behandel. Die bogenoemde ekonomiese temas word ondersoek deur middel van die gebruik van rekenkundige data wat verkry is uit die jaarverslae van industriële maatskappye wat op die JSE Effektebeurs genoteer is. Die eerste artikeI beskryf die patrone van indiensneming van werkers deur genoteerde industriele maatskappye in Suid-Afrika gedurende die tydperk 1996 tot 2002. Die bevindings
van hierdie studie bewys dat indiensneming met 1,26% per jaar gedaal het. Hierdie negatiewe neiging in indiensneming is grootliks veroorsaak deur 'n vermindering in die aantal werknemers in kleiner maatskappye toegeneem. Dit blyk dus asof kleiner maatskappye 'n belangrike roI kan speel om te verseker dat indiensneming in Suid-Afrika styg. Daar word op die ontwikkeling van kleiner besighede geplaas moet
Die tweede artikel bou voort op die bestaande kennis oor kenmerke en neigings in
toegevoegde waarde staat-verhoudings in Suid-Afrika. Die steekproef wat in hierdie geval
bestudeer is, sluit alle genoteerde industriele maatskappye wat oor die tydperk 1990 tot 2002
toegevoegde waarde state in hul jaarverslae gepubliseer het. in. Die verhouding van TW x 100/verkope, asook die verhoudings van die verskillende komponente van toegevoegde waarde as 'n persentasie van die totale toegevoegde waarde, is ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat die waardes van die verhoudings ooreenstem met waardes in vroeëre onderdoeke. Dit was egter nie
heeltemal duidelik waarom die sentrale plasing van die verhouding TW x 100/verkope
bestendig gebly het, terwyl die sentrale plasing van die toegevoegde waarde komponentverhoudings
Die derde artikel ondersoek die veranderinge wat plaasgevind het in die Suid-Afrikaanse
ekonomiese groei, indiensneming, arbeidsproduktiwiteit en vergoeding en vergelyk dit met die verandering wat in die Groei, werkskepping en herverdeling (GEAR) dokument voorspel is. Die data wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is afkomstig van die jaarverslae van 62 industriële maatskappye wat vanaf 1994 to 2000 op die JSE Effectebeurs genoteer was.
Die resultate van hierdie studie het gewys dat die verbetering in arbeidsproduktiwiteit deels as gevolg van 'n afname in indiensneming, eerder as 'n bo-gemiddelde toename in toegevoegde waarde, plaasgevind het. Daar is bevind dat die maatskappye wat indiensneming verminder het, 'n negatiewe bydrae gemaak het tot die ekonomie. Verder het hierdie maatskappye ook
vergoeding per werknemer verhoog wat beteken dat hulle nie in geheel bespaar het op indiensnemingskoste nie. Die maatskappye wat hulle werknemers verminder en hulle salarisse
per werknemer verhoog het, het net verder bygedra tot die groeiende inkomste differensiaal in
Suid-Afrika. Dit blyk dus dat min van die beramings wat in GEAR uitgelê was deur
maatskappye verteenwoordigend van die formele sektor van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie, in hierdie studie bereik is.
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An evaluation of the expanded public works programme in the infrastructure sector in the Western CapeLaattoe, Sherizaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Unemployment and poverty are two key issues that South Africa continues to struggle with. The Expanded Public Works Programme was introduced by Government to not only address these but to half unemployment by 2014. This study assesses the Expanded Public Works Programme’s performance in terms of creating jobs within the Infrastructure Sector in the Western Cape. Since the jobs being created by the Expanded Public Work Programme are only temporary, the study explores what, if any, additional support or training is provided to beneficiaries to aid their exit into long term employment.
The findings reveal that unfortunately job creation targets are not being met. Furthermore the training provided to beneficiaries are inadequate to impact their transition into the market. Consequently beneficiaries are left unemployed yet again. Some barriers that the programme encounters include: inefficient institutional arrangements caused by complex and intergovernmental structures, lack of commitment by role-players to implement labour intensive construction methods which are fundamental to the achievement of creating jobs in the infrastructure sector and the lack of delegated authorities driving the objectives of the programme.
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Die politiek van transformasie : ’n analise van ekonomiese verandering in Suid-AfrikaBosman, Frouwien Reina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Political Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / For the sake of continued social stability in South Africa it is imperative that the country’s so-called
“partial transition” is completed through a process of meaningful socio-economic
transformation that addresses the consequences of its history of unequal development.
Transformation can thus be viewed as one of the primary challenges in the economic and
socio-political landscape in South Africa. It is the task of social sciences to contribute to the
general understanding of our social reality through systematic analysis and thereby promoting
effective responses to social challenges.
Current literature on the transformation process in South Africa focuses almost exclusively on
the country’s political transition (as a change in power relationships) and analyses of socioeconomic
inequality and descriptions of the successes and failures of policy measures that
have been adopted since 1994 to promote the redistribution of economic resources. Three
shortcomings in current literature on and the theoretical analysis of transformation were
identified, namely: (i) the apparent disregard of the status implications of the redistribution of
political and economic resources, (ii) the absence of analyses that problematise the
transformation process as such (and specifically the sector and industry specific initiatives
initiated to promote Black Economic Empowerment), and (iii) the lack of prescriptive
guidelines for the management of transformation processes.
It is the primary goal of this study to develop a theoretical framework in terms of which socioeconomic
transformation can be analysed. Socio-economic transformation is described as a
potentially contentious process and it is shown that the institutionalised and negotiated nature
of transformation in the South African context allows us to interpret it in terms of theories of
social conflict. Theory from the field of conflict studies, and specifically Social Identity Theory,
is used to analyse the impact of the redistribution of power and material resources on the
status of social groups and the concurrent implications for inter-group relationships. The
theoretical model is also used to identify specific circumstances under which the stability of
social relationships can be maintained amidst the redistribution of power and resources – i.e.:
circumstances in which parity of esteem is maintained through mutual acceptance of the
principles that underlie the distribution of resources, power and other sources of social status. A prescriptive model for the management of conflict that satisfies these requirements is
developed from the theory of conflict transformation and is presented as a model for the
management of transformation. This model suggests the achievement of social justice as the
desired outcome of conflict management. In the absence of a satisfactory definition of social
justice in the existing theory, John Rawls’s conceptualisation of justice is suggested as an
analytical elaboration of the theory.
A case study, namely the negotations on the Wine Industry Charter and the transformation of
a key institution in the South African wine industry, is used to illustrate how the chosen
theoretical model (and specifically the theoretical assumptions regarding the need for positive
self-esteem) can by used by analysts to interpret information processes. The case study is
also used to illustrate how the elements of the chosen prescriptive model for the management
of transformation has been utilised. The study confirms the fact that the chosen theoretical
model for the management of transformation was utilised in the formal transformation process
in the wine industry (and specifically in the successful development of the Wine Industry
Charter and the negotiations regarding the structure and nature of the South African Wine
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