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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relevance of human rights to the socio-economic and political development in South Africa

Du Plessis, Ignatius Michael Max 10 1900 (has links)
The concern with the relevance of human rights to the socio-economic and political development in South Africa is of threefold account, namely human rights, socio-economic and political development, and South Africa. Human rights have been consistently applied as a common standard of achievement in the realisation that development cannot be implemented in pure economic terms only, but implies the 'duties of all people towards all other people. For rights only come into their own through practice, the interaction of socio-economic and political facts with values. The importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of I 0 December 1948 is of primary account in this regard. This implies the right to development of all people as well as the classical meaning of equity. The main social function of human rights is to become essential ingredients in legal, political and social reality in each and every country. The socio-economic implementation of human rights in the entire world includes the facts and peculiarities of South Africa in the context of ethnic pluralism. This covers the unrealistic overtones of apartheid, the unabated pressure of the United Nations and the achievement of the new South Africa. There is a great difference between merely criticising and getting things done. An important issue is the sustainability of the RDP, with its emphasis on Mandela's linkage XI between human rights, the rule of law and economic prosperity. COSATU with its unrealistic trade unionism however, remains the chief stumbling block to the unfettered free market economies and investments which are required for genuine job creation. Short of this the RDP and GEAR, which have got off the ground, are in danger of collapse. It is recommended that the ANC should work towards a genuine multi-party democracy at a realistic level where honest criticism is respected. The universal implications of human rights require that people should not be protected overduly simply because they are black at the expense of others who simply happen to be white. Some people are not more equal than others merely by virtue of being white or black. / Political Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Politics)

Business involvement with education in the Dzumeri rural community

Mabunda, Nghenani Peter 06 1900 (has links)
Rural education in South Africa, particularly within the black communities, has suffered neglect under Apartheid education policies. This has resulted in an array of problems which continue to beset the country's education system. The community, through its various institutions, has a major role to play in the whole education renewal process. The business sector is one such a community institution, which is directly affected by the quality of school education. Countries such as Britain and the U.S. provide excellent examples of close co-operation between business and schools in an effort to prepare pupils in accordance with the needs of the workplace. The qualitative study conducted in schools, within the Dzumeri community, showed that there is a dire need for business involvement with schools in order to address important areas of mutual concern. It is finally recommended that the government must formulate enabling policies, which will promote business education partnership activities and ensure proper coordination at all administrative levels / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Comparative Education)

Reducing cases of gender based violence in Mashonaland Central province : Zimbabwe

Katembo, Alima January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Management Sciences(Peace-building), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2015. / This study examines gender based violence in a mining community and uses the case study of Trojan Nickel Mine in Mashonaland Central Province of Zimbabwe. Studies have shown that Mashonaland Central has the highest incidence rate of gender based violence in Zimbabwe. Mining communities are more susceptible to incidences of gender based violence because of their cultural heterogeneity which engender and generate conflict. The research examines gender based violence within the confines of several theories and conceptual frameworks such as social-learning theory, sex-role theory and ecological framework. It reveals that no factor can be singled out as the cause of gender based violence, but argues that patriarchy whose norms are embedded through culture contributes the most in constructing attitudes and perceptions which legitimize gender based violence. The study also identifies religious practices and the environment as playing key roles in encouraging gender based violence. The study in the end constructs an intervention model based on the ‘catch them young theory’ where young boys were trained on non-violent strategies of reducing gender based violence. This is against the background that men play an influential role in communities as decision makers and policy makers. This intervention targeted changing the behavior and attitude of boys over women and girls.

Revising the value shift hypothesis : South Africa's value dynamics between 1991 and 2001

Lombard, Karin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The World Values Survey has made a significant contribution to research in the field of values and value change, but a large amount of the research has been fashioned in a manner to tap values in industrialized and western states, rendering the theoretical models of explanation less than relevant for developing nations. This study aims to advance an understanding of value change within the South African context, particularly in light of the expansive political, social and economic changes to have transpired since 1990, whilst simultaneously addressing this issue of a lack of universal theory to understand value change. Primary amongst the theoretical frameworks addressing this issue of value change has been Ronald Inglehart's theory of a shift towards increased post-materialism in economically viable democratic countries. By subjecting survey data regarding value priorities from the South African rounds of the 1991, 1995 and 2001 World Values Survey to statistical analysis, the hypothesis of a similar situation in South Africa will be tested. After evaluating whether South Africa concurs with the post-materialist shift hypothesis, a unique dimension, including pre-materialist values, will be utilized in an attempt to establish whether South Africa has undergone any value change. This dimension is employed in the analysis of the 1995 and 2001 South African data, and whilst the value shift hypothesis promulgated by Inglehart appears largely unconcurred, an overall trend away from pre-materialism towards increased mixed type value priorities, with an ever so slight increase in materialists, has become evident. Although South Africa's value configuration is displaying an increasing convergence towards more moderate value orientations, most of the dynamics of change are manifesting themselves amongst and across various population sub-groups. South Africa's values are therefore undergoing relatively dramatic fluctuations, mainly reflected when the data are disaggregated for the various population sub-groups, the results indicating that longitudinal analysis along the pre-materialist/materialist continuum continues to be a more appropriate tool for tapping South Africa's underlying values. The consequences of these findings, for democratic consolidation, future political conflict, value change determinants and the appropriateness of this model for developing countries, will be assessed in detail. Consequently, by conducting these analyses, this research essay attempts to situate a global, but still largely Western theory, in a South African and developing world context. It thereby attempts to contribute towards filling a knowledge gap concerning the direction, degree and nature of the dynamics of value change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel die Wêreld Waardestudie sedert 1981 'n noemenswaardige bydrae gemaak het tot navorsing rakende waardes en waardeverandering, was dit tot dusver hoofsaaklik gefokus op waardes van geindustrialiseerde en westerse state. Dié fokus, het die studie grootliks van sy verklarende bruikbaarheid vir ontwikkelende lande ontneem. In hierdie opdrag sal daar gepoog word om die waardeveranderinge van Suid-Afrikaners, in die lig van die politieke- en ekonomiese omwentelinge sedert 1990, te beskryf. Dit sal gedoen word tesame met die aanspreek van die kwessie rondom die gebrek aan 'n universele teorie waarmee waardeverandering verklaar kan word. Ronald Inglehart se teorie, wat 'n skuif na post-materialistiese waardes in ekonomiese lewensvatbare state postuleer, was tot dusver die mees prominente teoretiese raamwerk wat waardeveranderinge beskryf het. Deur middel van die analise van die 1991, 1995 en 2001 data van die Suid-Afrikaanse rondte van die Wêreld Waardestudie, sal daar gepoog word om dié hipotese binne die plaaslike konteks te toets. Hierna sal 'n unieke dimensie, wat prematerialistiese waardes insluit, gebruik word om vas te stelof Suid-Afrikaners enige verandering in hul waarde oriëntasies ondergaan het. Hierdie dimensie is by die 1995 en 2001 studies ingesluit, en hoewel die resultate nie heeltemalooreenstem met Inglehart se hipotese nie, was daar 'n neiging weg van pre-materialisme in die rigting van meer gemenge waarde prioriteite, sowel as 'n baie klein toename in die aantal materialiste, merkbaar. Suid- Afrikaners blyk te beweeg in die rigting van meer gematigde waarde oriëntasies, en meeste van hierdie neigings manifesteer ditselfbinne en tussen die verskeie bevolkingsgroepe. Suid-Afrikaanse waardes ondergaan dus, in relatiewe terme, dramatiese veranderinge, wat veral na vore kom wanneer data vir die onderskeie bevolking sub-groepe afsonderlik geanaliseer word. Die resultate bevestig dat longitudinale analise in terme van 'n prematerialistiese/ materialistiese kontinuum steeds die beste metode is om waardeverandering binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te meet. Die implikasies van hierdie bevindinge vir demokratiese konsolidasie, toekomstige politieke konflik, waardeveranderinge, en die toepaslikheid van die modelop ontwikkelende lande, sal in detail bespreek word. Hierdie studie poog gevolglik om 'n universele, maar hoofsaaklik steeds Westerse, teorie in 'n Suid- Afrikaanse en ontwikkelende staat perspektief te plaas. Daar word gehoop dat sodanige studie sal bydra om bestaande tekortkominge rakende die rigting, graad, en aard, van waardeveranderinge aan te spreek. The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation (NRF) towards this research is hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the National Research Foundation.

Natuurlike gebiede in Oudtshoorn : 'n inleidende studie tot die maatskaplike ekologie van 'n plattelandse dorp

Van Zyl, D. January 1944 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 1944. / 218 Leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages i-vi and numberd pages 1-212.Includes bibliography,photo’s and figures. Digitized at 330 dpi color PDF format (OCR),using ,KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner. Digitised, Ivan Jacobs on request of Niel Hendriksz 1 Augustus 2011 / No abstract available

Die rol van maatskaplike faktore in die werksafwesigheid van vroulike fabriekarbeiders

Venter, Frederika Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Workers absenteeism is a problem for many companies in South Africa. The absenteeism of workers affects the productivity of companies. The social worker in the industry plays a key role in the managing of workers absenteeism. One of the goals of social work in the industry is to enhance the productivity of workers. Consequently there is a lack of specifically South African research on the social factors that influence worker absenteeism and the role of the social worker to manage worker absenteeism. A survey of international literature forms the starting point for the research undertaken to fill this gap. The influence of social factors on worker absenteeism is described. Three worker absenteeism approaches, namely economical, psigological and sociological approaches are being used to describe the social factors that influence worker absenteeism. The literature view also offers management strategies to help combat worker absenteeism. In the study there is being focused on the female worker because the empirical study takes place at a company that manufactures clothes. The empirical study describes the social factors that influence the absenteeism of female workers working in the manufacturing company. Proposals are made concerning ways to combat worker absenteeism, taking into account the important role the social worker in the industry plays in managing worker absenteeism. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Werknemerafwesigheid is vir baie fabrieke en firmas in Suid-Afrika 'n ernstige probleem. Die werksafwesigheid van werknemers veroorsaak dat die produktiwiteit van fabrieke en firmas beïnvloed word. Die maatskaplike werker in die bedryf kan 'n belangrike rol speel in die hantering van werknemerafwesigheid, omdat dit 'n doelstelling van maatskaplike werk in die bedryf is om die produktiwiteit van werknemers te verhoog. Derhalwe is daar 'n gebrek aan spesifieke Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing oor die maatskaplike faktore wat werknemerafwesigheid beïnvloed, en wat die maatskaplike werker se rol is om werksafwesigheid te beperk. 'n Literatuurstudie word aangebied as vertrekpunt vir die navorsing wat onderneem is om genoemde leemte aan navorsing te vul. Die invloed van maatskaplike faktore op werknemerafwesigheid word bespreek. Drie benaderings tot werknemerafwesigheid, naamlik ekonomiese, sielkundige en sosiologiese benaderings word geondersoek waaronder die maatskaplike faktore wat werknemerafwesigheid beïnvloed, bespreek word. Die literatuuroorsig bied ook bestuurstrategieë om die werksafwesigheid van werknemers te bekamp. Daar word spesifiek op die vroulike werknemer gefokus omdat die empiriese ondersoek by 'n klerevervaardigingsfabriek plaasvind. Die empiriese ondersoek handel oor die maatskaplike faktore wat die werksafwesigheid van vroulike fabriekarbeiders beïnvloed. Na aanleiding van die bevindinge van die ondersoek word aanbevelings vir die hantering van werknemerafwesigheid gemaak. Dit geskied met inagneming van die belangrike rol wat die maatskaplike werker in die bedryf kan speel in die hantering van werknemerafwesigheid.

A review of the developmental vision and work of the City of Cape Town's Community Development Department (February 1997 to December 2000) and its successor the Department of Community Services (January 2001 to June 2003) which was aimed at transforming socially dysfunctional communities such as Manenberg.

O'Connor, Christopher Joseph January 2004 (has links)
This study considered the work of the Department of Community Development in the City of Cape Town, through the manner in which it implemented its developmental vision, its institutional consequences and the obstacles to its realisation.

Stuck in legal limbo: a case study of migrants accessing the law in Johannesburg

Lambson, Sydney Vivian 11 November 2014 (has links)
This study looks at the experiences of migrants accessing notions of justice at the Wits Law Clinic, the pro-bono public interest law clinic of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. This study explores the way migrants engage with public interest law in the light of an overwhelming adversarial and threatening experience of the law. The law in the form of state law and its powers embodied in law enforcers and petty bureaucrats is mainly used against them and confines them to a ‘state of bare life’. One could therefore expect that this compels migrants to keep their heads down and avoid any form of formalization, and instead reverting to a total reliance on informal survival strategies. This study however shows that migrants retain a strong faith in the law and draw a huge sense of hope from the services they receive from the Wits Law Clinic – even though the only action that is sometimes taking place is the endless writing of letters. But it appears that the reduction of the law to absolutely mundane bureaucratic activity still holds enough symbolic power of giving migrants a sense of moving closer towards the promise of justice, which the law also holds, even though it might be over and over deferred.

Economic and social aspects of street waste pickers in South Africa

07 October 2014 (has links)
Ph.D. (Economics) / Street waste pickers are a visible group of people trying to survive under poor socio-economic conditions. They participate in the informal economy as self-employed entrepreneurs. Despite the income-earning opportunity generated by the waste that is freely available, their social and economic conditions remain poor. This study is the first national study to investigate the social and economic conditions of the street waste pickers in South Africa. The national study covers thirteen major cities in South Africa and uses a mixed method research design. A literature review on informal waste picking activities and the participation of the poor in these activities provide a basis from which the socio-economic conditions of the street waste pickers could be analysed. A theoretical overview of poverty theories, the unemployment problem, and the characteristics of the informal economy and informal recycling activities help to contextualise the street waste pickers in terms of the link that exists between poverty, unemployment, and street waste picking activities as a marginal form of informal self-employment. With this as background, qualitative and quantitative data on the socio-economic conditions of the street waste pickers was collected from the street waste pickers themselves and from the buy-back centres with whom they interact on an almost daily basis.

An investigation of mourning amongst urban Zulus in relation to Worden's model of mourning

Nembahe, Mpfariseni 22 August 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, 1998.

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