Spelling suggestions: "subject:"afrika"" "subject:"eafrika""
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Skoolvoorligting in Nederland en die implikasies daarvan vir die RSA / Almero KokKok, Almero January 1989 (has links)
Effective provision of school counselling as an integrated part
of the overall educational system of South Africa is essential.
Counselling in its present form has not been clearly defined yet.
This fact can lead to possible generalization and superficiality
in the presentation thereof.
In this study an effort was made to give an account of the present
educational and school counselling system of the Netherlands,
by means of the descriptive method.
The school counselling service in the abovementioned country was
analised as follows at the onset a few important contextual
concepts were defined. School counselling was then discussed as
it exists in the different school contexts.
was on the school counselling post itself.
Finally the emphasis
The various aspects
of the school counsellor's work were discussed.
The school counselling system of the Republic of South Africa
was described next, with specific reference to the current
manifestation of counselling as implemented by the Transvaal
Education Department.
A comparison was drawn between the educational and school
counselling service of the Netherlands and that of the RSA. A
list of requirements to which a school counselling service must
comply, was also compiled. By using these requirements as
guidelines, a few problem areas, as well as positive attributes
of school counselling in the RSA, were identified.
New insight gained after the study of the school counselling
service of the Netherlands and the identification of certain
problem areas or deficiencies in that of the RSA, led to a few
recommendations concerning school counselling in the RSA. / Skripsie (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1990
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Tegniese onderwys op sekondêre skoolvlak vir Blankes in Suid-Afrika tot 1974 / Hennie J. SteynSteyn, Hennie J January 1977 (has links)
This study is aimed at indicating the development
of technical education at secondary level from 1925
to 1974. Attention is paid to the development of
technical education as it is presented at full-time
For the purpose of this research, technical education is defined as: a preparatory study towards
an apprenticeship or a further study in technology,
while the value of general-formative education is
continually stressed.
Chapter 2 deals with the control and judicial foundations of technical education. This aspect is
treated in three sub-sections namely:
* technical education under provincial control
before 1925:
* technical education under control of the
Union Department of Education and the Department of Education, Arts and Science (1925-1967) and
* technical education, once more the responsibility of the provincial departments of education (1968-1974).
Chapter 3 shows the composition of the curricula
for technical schools during 1925-1974 and how it
was adapted periodically to continually changing
industrial circumstances. In an effort to provide
educated technically trained manpower, pupils are
educated in the more general scientific principles
which are fundamental to each trade.
The emphasis, however. did not only fall on the
technological training. Since 1925 generally-formative education had already been offered at technical schools.
Chapter 4 deals with the entrance requirements for,
as well as the number of pupils in technical high
schools. This chapter also tries to explain the
manner in which pupils are affected by stipulations
concerning compulsory education.
chapter 5 deals with the financial implications
concerning technical education. The financial burden has been the major factor which impeded the
realistic development of technical education. It
was also one of the most important factors which
determined the place of technical schools in the
South African school system.
Attention is paid in Chapter 6 to the training of
teachers for the technical schools and the training
of personnel for the workshops at technical schools
is stressed, as this kind of education is peculiar
to the technical schools.
Chapter 7 gives a short summary of the entire study. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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'n Prinsipiele en empiriese ondersoek na die huidige stand van godsdiensonderrig in die Transvaalse sekondêre skole / Hendrik Christoffel StanderStander, Hendrik Christoffel January 1973 (has links)
In this study an effort has been made to establish the current
position of religious instruction in the Afrikaans medium secondary schools of the Transvaal.
In the modern world with its phenomenal development in every
imaginable field it is of the utmost importance that the pupil
should have the Word of God as a directing principle. The Word
of God is the only anchor to keep the faltering modern man steady.
The question arises whether religious training in our schools
succeeds in accomplishing this great task, since it is God's
command that we educate our children in the fear of God. Since
the earliest days of its settlement, the young and growing nation
on the African continent has realised that its survival is in the
hand of God Almighty, and in the school curriculum, provision has
been made for religious instruction at school.
In the Transvaal secondary school definite provision is made in
the curriculum for religious instruction at schools The Transvaal Education Department is decidedly concerned that the subject should have its due.
Certain criteria have been established in this study to which
religious instruction has to conform. The demands of the Bible,
Statute 39 of 1967, the parents, the church, the State, the
Transvaal Education Department according to the Manual of Instructions to Principals, Ordinance 29 of 1953, the psychological pedagogical aspects, the modern child and the demands made on the modern educator are discussed.
Two questionnaires were circulated to determine the current position of religious instruction. Questionnaire I was directed
to the teachers of religious instruction in twenty Afrikaans medium secondary schools that were selected for this study. These
schools represent both urban and country schools. The questionnaires to these teachers covered a wide field. Among other things,
inquiries were made after the religious instructor's qualifications in the subject, his method of presentation, his views on
the syllabuses, the nature of the subject, ways of testing and
discipline in the class. The religious attitude of the pupils
and also the teaching aids used in religious instruction classes were investigated.
The response to the questionnaires submitted to the teachers of
the subject, religious instruction, yielded much to gladden the
heart. However, certain deficiencies that still have to be
rectified were also revealed.
Questionnaire II was submitted to the pupils of the same twenty
secondary schools. Twenty pupils per standerd, i.e., for standerd six to standerd ten, were asked to complete this questionnaire. The questions to the pupils covered the following aspects: pupil's opinions regarding the subject, the attitude of
their fellow -pupils towards the subject, questions about religious denomination, Bible reading and family devotions. Pupils
answered these questions frankly and honestly. In Chapter 4
the findings of the investigation are evaluated. In Chapter 5
recommendations are made to rectify certain weaknesses exposed
in the previous chapter.
On the whole, one can conclude that religious instruction at
school enjoys the serious attention of all people concerned with
it and that pupils in the main adopt a positive attitude towards
Bible instruction. Should the various shortcomings receive the
attention suggested, the Education Department and the legislators,
the parents and the pupils, the church and the nation ought to feel
at ease with regard to the position of religious instruction in the
Afrikaans medium secondary schools of the Transvaal. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Die rooster in Transvaalse laerskole in die 20ste eeu / Jacob Daniël de VilliersDe Villiers, Jacob Daniël January 1959 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Sorgsame toesighouding van die werkswinkelonderwyser ten opsigte van leerlingveiligheid / Paul Lodewyk ElsEls, Paul Lodewyk January 1994 (has links)
The teacher has a notable legal duty with regard to attentive supervision and the safety
of the pupils in the workshop.
It is expected of the professionally trained workshop teacher to look after the pupil
placed in his care as conscientiously as a solicitous father would. The teacher's discretion
and conduct should always be based on predictable and preventative action. Because
pupils cannot possibly have the discernment of adults about more and Jess dangerous
situations, the teacher should make provision for this factor in. his daily planning.
Juridical aspects such as solicitous care, predictable and preventative action, in addition
to the elements of accountability such as action, illegality, guilt, causality and damage
demarcate and elucidate the daily task of the workshop teacher, who should ascertain
that he is familiar with all these aspects. Because of this, a literature research on this
matter has been undertaken.
The aim of the empirical research has been to determine the present state of knowledge
of the workshop teacher regarding to certain educational law aspects and the teacher's
solicitous supervising role concerning pupil safety.
A case study with appropriate questions on juridical teaching matters has been used
to determine if the workshop teacher is capable of applying in practice, during normal
situations, those juridical instructions which apply directly to his profession.
By means of this empirical study the following problems were identified:
• The respondents revealed an ignorance with regard to the following characteristic
behaviour traits of pupils: impulsiveness, recklessness, disobedience, inconsiderate
motion and disadvantage-causing behaviour.
• A large number of respondents were not capable of applying their knowledge
of juridical teaching matters in a case study.
Specific recommendations have been made which should lead to a more sound prepared
workshop teacher for his task as solicitous supervisor of his pupils' safety. / Skripsie (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1994
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Knelpunte rondom godsdiensonderrigaangeleenthede in Transvaalse skole, prinsipieel gesien / Izak Jozua Minnaar van der MerweVan der Merwe, Izak Jozua Minnaar January 1981 (has links)
This study has been an attempt to identify the most important
problems associated with Religious instruction and other religious matters in white schools in the Transvaal. The crux
of the matter is that children with different religious and
ideological views attend the same provincial schools, which
gives rise to certain problems .in the teaching' situation, especially as far as Religious instruction and other religious
matters are concerned.
In an attempt to offer a solution to this problem, the following hypothesis was formulated: the application of the principle of religious and ideological differentiation in education
in white schools in the Republic of South-Africa will ensure
that no problems in connection with Religious instruction and
other religious affairs will he encountered.
The following steps were taken to verify the hypothesis:
firstly, a scriptural fundamental standpoint w.as adopted in
connection with the position of Religious instruction at school
as well as the Christian Protestant attitude towards dissenters. In education the Christian Protestant attitude towards
dissenters is determined by the general accepted point of view
that all people are equal, but that each person is unique in
every aspect and that education should cater for every person
through differentiation. Hence religious and ideological differentiation is anthropologically justifiable.
Historical research revealed several factors which gave rise
to Act 39 of 1967 being promulgated and the acceptance of
Ordinance 29 of 1953 of Transvaal. A fact which was revealed
by this research is that there are two distinct trends of
thought in South African education, namely one based on the
principle of Christian national education and a liberal trend
which propagates and promotes a neutral, undogmatic education.
Closer analysis of the laws concerned and the ordinance referred to exposed a contradiction which makes true Christian education impossible. Since Ordinance 29 of 1953 stipulated that
all dogma is prohibited in schools, it makes the Christian
dogma likewise undesirable and is thus in direct contrast with
Act 39 of 1967.
A comparison with Religious instruction in the Netherlands and
England revealed certain problems in these countries and that
some of these problems corresponded closely with those in
South Africa, especially in the Transvaal.
After all problems had been identified and the hypothesis tested by deliberation, the conclusion was drawn that the application of the principle of religious and ideological differentiation in education/schools is the only acceptable solution for
most of the problems identified.
Since this research has revealed clearly that effective application of religious and ideological differentiation is no easy matter, further possible areas for research have been briefly indicated. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1981
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Die sillabus vir godsdiensonderrig en Bybelkunde aan Transvaalse onderwysersopleidingsinrigtings / Jan Hendrik van WykVan Wyk, Jan Hendrik January 1966 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Aspekte van onderwysontwikkeling in Transvaalse provinsiale skole vir blankes in die tydperk, 1950-1963 / Jacobus Adriaan VorsterVorster, Jacobus Adriaan January 1971 (has links)
This research focussed on the development of
certain aspects of teaching practice in the Transvaal in
the period 1950-1963 which co-incided with the
directorship of the late Dr. A.H. du P. van Wyk.
It encompasses the new educational policy of which
Differentiated Secondary Education forms the most
important aspect in the so-called comprehensive high school.
This type of school has replaced the purely academic
high school, the junior high school and the school farm,
of which the latter two had already failed. It
provides for courses leading to University Entrance, the
Secondary School Certificate and a std 8 Certificate.
The factors which gave rise to this policy, its
formulation and implementation are discussed on the
basis of various Commissions of Enquiry during the
period 1939-1955. The most important impediments to
full-fledged differentiation are evinced after which the
problem of failure as well as the effect of
differentiation on the retentiveness of high schools are analysed.
The development of primary teaching was less
perceptible. The most important change boiled down to
the admission of five-year olds and the transfer of
Std. 6 to the high schools. Education of deviate
children on the other hand, developed considerably in
all its facets and extreme efforts were employed to
eliminate a great backlog. An intensive study was
made of the development of educational facilities such
as school buildings, halls, swimming baths and libraries.
The supplementary educational services of the Department
of Education such as the School Medical Service, the
Psychological, the Library, the Hostel and the Bus
Services, etc., also received due attention.
The teaching staff also was a focal point of
interest. The most important development in teachers'
training is discussed as well as the most significant
amendments in the conditions of service for teachers.
A salient point was the continual struggle which the
Department waged against the lingering shortage of
The research was concluded with a short review of
the significance of the period and the implications for
the aspects which had been discussed. / Proefskrif--PU vir CHO
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Medical education in South Africa assessment practices in a developing country /Burch, Vanessa Celeste. January 2007 (has links)
Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. / Met lit. opg. - Met een samenvatting in het Nederlands.
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The wages of delict: compensation, satisfaction, punishment?Mukheibir, André. January 2007 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Met lit.-opg. en index.
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