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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Business management practices employed by speech-language therapists and audiologists in private clinical settings

Foxcroft, Mary-Lyn. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M. Communication Pathology)--Universiteit van Pretoria, 2001. / Summary in English and Afrikaans.

An investigation into the adequacy of Cinque’s functional theory as a framework for the analysis of adverbs in Afrikaans

Smit, Johan Brand 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study provides a description of Afrikaans adverbs within the framework of proposals set out by Cinque (1999). Previous analyses of adverbs in Afrikaans have generally been done within a non-generative framework (e.g. Oosthuizen 1964, Theron 1964). The aim of the study is to determine whether Cinque’s functional head-based theory provides an adequate framework for the analysis of adverbs in Afrikaans. The main focus is therefore on the functional aspect of adverbs. However, alternative theoretical frameworks, namely those of Ernst (2002), Tenny (2000), and Holmer (2012), are also briefly described. The study is presented with the broad theoretical framework of Minimalist Syntax. Cinque’s research procedure is outlined, starting with his analysis of adverbs in Romance languages and then as it is extended cross-linguistically. Here the focus is especially on the conclusions that Cinque draws with regard to the relative order of adverb types, and that of clausal functional heads. Adverbs in Afrikaans are subsequently analysed in the light of Cinque’s findings. The main question addressed in this study, namely whether Cinque’s hierarchies of adverb and funcional category orders can be successfully applied to Afrikaans, is answered in the affirmative. Despite limitations in the diagnostic procedure, Afrikaans adverb and functional head orders seem to comply with Cinque’s proposed hierarchies. That the facts of Afrikaans adverbs seem to comply with Cinque’s functional theory regarding adverbs, provides support for his proposed framework and also provides further credence to his claims about a universal, cross-linguistic hierarchy of adverb-functional head order. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bied ’n beskrywig van Afrikaanse bywoorde binne die raamwerk van voorstelle van Cinque (1999). Vorige analises van Afrikaanse bywoorde is grotendeels binne ’n nie-generatiewe raamwerk gedoen (bv. Oosthuizen 1964, Theron 1964). Die doel van die studie is om vas te stel of Cinque se funksionele hoof-gebaseerde teorie ’n toereikende raamwerk bied vir die analise van Afrikaanse bywoorde. Die klem val dus op die funksionele aspek van bywoorde. Alternatiewe teoretiese raamwerke, naamlik die van Ernst (2002), Tenny (2000) en Holmer (2012) word egter ook kortliks beskryf. Die studie word aangebied binne die breë teoretiese raamwerk van Minimalistiese Sintaksis. Cinque se navorsingsprosedure, beginnende met sy analise van bywoorde in Romaanse tale, en daarna soos uitgebrei na tale van ander families, word beskryf. Hierin is die fokus veral op die gevolgtrekkings waartoe Cinque kom rakende die relatiewe volgorde van bywoord-tipes en van funksionele hoofde in sinsverband. Afrikaanse bywoorde word dan in die lig van Cinque se bevindinge geanaliseer. Die hoofvraag wat in die studie aangespreek word, naamlik of Cinque se hierargieë van bywoord- en funksionele hoof-volgordes suksesvol toegepas kan word in Afrikaans, word positief beantwoord. Ondanks beperkings in die toetsingsprosedure, blyk dit dat die volgorde van bywoorde en funksionele hoofde in Afrikaans wel met Cinque se voorgestelde hierargieë ooreenstem. Die bevinding dat die feite van Afrikaans klop met die bewerings van Cinque se funksionele teorie van bywoorde, bied ondersteuning vir die oënskynlike toereikendheid van sy voorgestelde raamwerk, en verskaf verdere geloofwaardig-heid aan sy voorstel van ’n universele hiërargie van bywoord-funksionele hoof- volgorde, oor verskillende tale heen.

Kry (“get”)-passives in Afrikaans : a minimalist analysis

Vos, Maria 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the grammatical properties and syntactic derivation of KRY (“get”)-passives in Afrikaans. Analyses of the corresponding phenomenon in other West-Germanic languages are examined and used as background for the study. The aim of the study is to provide a minimalist analysis of the internal structure of Afrikaans KRY-passives; no such analysis has to date been attempted within the framework of Minimalist Syntax. As an introduction to the phenomenon in Afrikaans, some grammatical background about kry and its syntactic distribution is provided, with special attention paid to the use of this verb in passive constructions. A new analysis of Afrikaans KRY-passives is put forward involving a small clause structure and a light verb component. The main hypothesis of the analysis is that eventive and stative KRY-passives are derived in basically the same manner, the important difference being the presence of a [process] and a [stative] feature, respectively, on the small clause light verb. This hypothesis provides support for the idea that the eventual eventive or stative interpretation of the structure is a consequence of the derivational process rather than being based on lexical features that are already present at the start of the derivation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die grammatikale eienskappe en sintaktiese afleiding van KRY-passiewe in Afrikaans. Analises van die ooreenstemmende verskynsel in ander Wes-Germaanse tale word ondersoek en as vertrekpunt vir die studie gebruik. Die doel van die studie is om ‟n minimalistiese analise van die interne struktuur van Afrikaanse KRY-passiewe te ontwikkel; so ‟n analise is nog nie tevore binne die raamwerk van Minimalistiese Sintaksis aangebied nie. As algemene inleiding tot die verskynsel in Afrikaans, word enkele aspekte van kry se grammatikale eienskappe en sintaktiese verspreiding beskryf, met besondere klem op die gebruik van hierdie werkwoord in passiefkonstruksies. ‟n Nuwe analise van KRY-passiewe in Afrikaans word voorgestel, een wat gebruik maak van ‟n beknopte sin (“small clause”)-struktuur en ‟n ligte werkwoord (“light verb”)-komponent. Die vernaamste hipotese van die analise is dat gebeurtenis (“eventive”) en toestand (oftewel statief, “stative”) KRY-passiewe wesenlik op dieselfde manier afgelei word, met een belangrike verskil, naamlik die teenwoordigheid van, onderskeidelik, ‟n [proses]- en ‟n [statief]-kenmerk by die beknopte sin se ligte werkwoord. Dié hipotese verleen steun aan die idee dat die uiteindelike gebeurtenis- of toestand-interpretasie van die struktuur die gevolg is van die afleidingsproses, en dus nie gebaseer is op leksikale kenmerke wat reeds teenwoordig is by die aanvang van die afleiding nie.

An analysis of the grammatical structure of small clauses in Afrikaans : a minimalist approach

Backhouse, Rene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main goal of this study is to provide a grammatical analysis of small clauses in Afrikaans. A proper analysis of this phenomenon has not yet been attempted in the literature on Afrikaans syntax. However, within the framework of generative grammar, including the most recent versions of Minimalist Syntax, extensive research has been conducted on the small clause phenomenon for a wide range of other languages. In these studies, various types of small clause constructions have been identified. For the purpose of this study, a systematic analysis is given for seven of these small clause construction types, focusing specifically on the Afrikaans data. In order to establish whether the Afrikaans small clause constructions exhibit the same characteristics as those found in other languages, a taxonomy is given of their Dutch, English, West Flemish and Polish counterparts as described by, among others, Hoekstra (1988a, 1992), Bennis, Corver and Den Dikken (1998), Citko (2008) and Haegeman (2010). It is against this background that the characteristics of the different Afrikaans small clause constructions are described. In addition, an explication is given of the various proposals regarding the underlying structure of such constructions. Based on proposals by Oosthuizen (2013), it is argued that a small clause construction is a projection of a particular functional category, namely a defective light verb, sc-v. It is claimed that such a light verb analysis can provide an adequate account of the Afrikaans facts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofoogmerk van hierdie studie is om ’n grammatikale analise van beknopte sinne (“small clauses”) in Afrikaans te verskaf. ʼn Behoorlike analise van hierdie verskynsel is nog nie tevore aangebied in die literatuur oor Afrikaanse sintaksis nie. Binne die raamwerk van generatiewe grammatika, insluitend die mees onlangse versies van Minimalistiese Sintaksis, is daar egter uitgebreide navorsing gedoen oor die verskynsel van beknopte sinne in ʼn verskeidenheid ander tale. In die betrokke studies is verskeie tipes beknopte sin-konstruksies geïdentifiseer. Vir die doel van hierdie studie word ’n sistematiese analise gegee van sewe van hierdie konstruksie-tipes, met spesifieke fokus op die Afrikaanse data. Ten einde vas te stel of die Afrikaanse beknopte sin-konstruksies dieselfde eienskappe toon as dié in ander tale, word ’n taksonomie verskaf van die ooreenstemmende konstruksies in Nederlands, Engels, Wes-Vlaams en Pools, soos beskryf deur onder meer Hoekstra (1988a, 1992), Bennis, Corver en Den Dikken (1998), Citko (2008) en Haegeman (2010). Dit is teen hierdie agtergrond dat die eienskappe van die verskillende Afrikaanse beknopte sin-konstruksies beskryf word. Verder word ʼn uiteensetting gegee van verskeie voorstelle oor die onderliggende struktuur van sulke konstruksies. Gebaseer op voorstelle deur Oosthuizen (2013), word daar geargumenteer dat ’n beknopte sin-konstruksie ’n projeksie is van ’n spesifieke funksionele kategorie, naamlik ’n defektiewe ligte werkwoord, sc-v. Daar word aangevoer dat so ’n ligte werkwoord-analise ’n toereikende verklaring kan bied van die Afrikaanse feite.

Patterns of use of and attitudes towards the Afrikaans language by South African expatriates : a sociolinguistic perspective

Parker, Mariam 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the attitudes of South African expatriates in the Middle East towards the Afrikaans language. It also examines the reported language behaviour of South Africans when meeting and interacting with fellow South Africans irrespective of what their first language (L1) is. The participants who form part of the study all work in the educational, medical and business sectors in the Middle East. This study is particularly interested in what the language repertoires of South African expatriates are and whether these repertoires form part of how they define themselves as a group and contribute to their identity construction. Whilst Afrikaans has had a contested history within the South African context, and is often viewed as the language of the oppressor, it has undoubtedly also been a first language to some of the “oppressed” and has served a function as lingua franca (McCormick 2006). This thesis therefore focuses specifically on attitudes towards Afrikaans and the use of Afrikaans in linguistic identity construction. This research is informed by literature which views identity not only as complex, contradictory, multivoiced and multifaceted, but also as dynamic and subject to constant negotiation across space and time. The number of South African expatriates around the globe has increased to such an extent that the term “diaspora” (Kotze 2003: 63) has been used on occasion. While there have been some studies done on language repertoires of South African abroad, little is known about the attitudes and ideologies attached to these languages in diasporic contexts. This study uses a multimodal approach in data collection and analysis in an attempt to investigate the multi-semiotic nature of the linguistic identities of the participants. There are 33 participants in this study who are all South African citizens working or living in the Middle East. All participants are bi- and/or multilingual in mainly English and Afrikaans, with some speaking a third or fourth language such as another African indigenous language (for example, Zulu or Xhosa) or an Asian language (such as Urdu). In summary, this study finds that whilst English is clearly regarded as the global language of wider communication, people continue to identify strongly with their languages from “home” or their mother tongues, where these amplify their personal and group identities or are markers of their ethnolinguistic distinctiveness. Data collected in this research points to South African expatriate groupings that prefer communicating in Afrikaans and other indigenous languages outside the borders of South Africa as the languages give them a sense of comfort and belonging. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die houding van Suid-Afrikaners wat in die Midde-Ooste werk of woon, teenoor die Afrikaanse taal. Dit ondersoek verder die raporteerde gedrag van Suid- Afrikaners wanneer hulle mede Suid-Afrikaners teekom of ontmoet, ongeag wat hul moedertaal is. Die deelnemers aan die studie werk almal in die onderrig, mediese- of besigheidsektore in die Midde-Ooste. Die tesis is spesifiek gemik op die taal repertoire van die groep Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland, met die fokus op die moontlike bydrae tot hoe die groep hulself defineer en selfs ook bydra tot die konstruering van hul identiteite. Alhoewel die geskiedenis van Afrikaans dikwels gekoppel is aan die van ‘die onderdukker’, dien dit sonder twyfel ook as eerste taal vir baie van die ‘onderdruktes’ sowel as die van ‘n lingua franca (McCormick 2006). Die tesis het dus ‘n spesifieke fokus op houding teenoor Afrikaans en die gebruik van Afrikaans in die skepping van taalidentiteite. Die studie gebruik as uitgangspunt literatuur wat ‘identiteit’ as kompleks, teenstellend, veelstemmig en dinamies beskou. Verder word ‘identiteit’ ook beskou as onderworpe aan konstante heronderhandeling in elke spesifieke situasie en konteks. Die getalle Suid-Afrikaners wat dwarsoor die wereld werk of woon het so vermeerder, dat die term ‘diaspora’ nou as beskrywing gebruik word (Kotze 2003: 63). Alhoewel daar al studies gedoen oor die ‘taal repertoire’ van Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland, is daar min bekend oor die houding en ideologiee wat met die tale in ‘diasporiese’ kontekste gepaard gaan. Die studie probeer vasstel wat die volle taalrepertoire van elke deelnemer is en of die deelnemers hulself deur middel van taal identifiseer. Die studie maak gebruik van ʼn multimodale metode van data insameling en analise in ʼn poging om die multisemiotiese aspekte van die ‘taalidentiteite’ van die deelnemers te ondersoek. Die 33 deelnemers in die studie is almal Suid-Afrikaanse burgers wat in Midde- Ooste werk of woon. Die deelnemers is almal twee of meertalig, meestal in Engels en Afrikaans en sommige praat ‘n derde of vierde taal soos ‘n inheemse Afrika (byvoorbeeld, Zulu of Xhosa) of Asiese taal (soos Urdu). Opsommend vind die navorsing, dat al word Engels as die wereldstaal van wye kommunikasie beskou, mense nog steeds sterk identifiseer met hul ‘huis’ of moedertale wanneer dit hul individuele en groep identiteite beklemtoon, of n merker is van hul etnolinguisitiese andersheid. Data in hierdie navorsingstudie dui ook daarop dat hierdie Suid Afrikaanse groepe verkies om in Afrikaans of ander Suid Afrikaanse inheemse tale te kommunikeer terwyl hulle buite the grense van Suid Afrika woon en werk, want nie net troos dit hulle nie, maar besorg ook ‘n gevoel van erens behoort.

Parameters van die indirekte voorwerp

Murphy, Marianne Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Tradisioneel is aanvaar dat die indirekte voorwerp nie in Afrikaanse stelsinne kan optree sander die voorkoms van 'n direkte voorwerp in dieselfde sin nie. Hierdie ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat sekere voorwerpe wat voorheen as "direkte voorwerpe" geklassifiseer is, eerder die eienskappe van indirekte Hulle word dus nou geklassifiseer as en die parameters van die indirekte ooreenkomstig uitgebrei. Aangesien daar geen formele merkers vir die uitkenning en onderskeiding van direkte en indirecte voorwerpe bestaan nie, is parameters vir die doel vasgestel. Skoon indireckte voorwerpe (op enkele uisonderings na) verskyn altyd direk na die SPIL-posisie in 'n stelsin toon 'n groot affiniteit vir voorsetsels (versa vir, aan), en kan in die koers van adjunk afgegradeer word, deur me 'n voorsetsel te verbind, en kan sodoende ook na' 'n adjunk verskyn. Direkte voorwerpe kan daarenteen nie met voorset-: sels verbind nie en kan buitendien na enige adjunk verskyn. / Language Education, Arts and Culture / M.A. (Afrikaans)

The implementation of shared writing when teaching the writing process in the Intermediate Phase Afrikaans home language

De Lange, Maryna Mariette January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017. / Since 2012, the poor literacy levels of intermediate phase (IP) learners have been a concern for officials in the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). Responding to the literacy crisis, the WCED has implemented the South African Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), along with various other literacy interventions, but in the West Coast District, IP learners’ writing skills remain poor. Focusing on the West Coast District, this thesis sheds light on the implementation of the writing-instruction practices prescribed by CAPS: specifically, the implementation of “shared writing” as a scaffolding method for teaching writing to learners. The thesis maps the theoretical and conceptual framework of the writing process, with an emphasis on shared writing. In particular, it discusses Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s ideas on social-cognitive development and scaffolding. The gradual release of responsibility (GRR) and balanced language approach (BLA) instruction models propose that a competent adult should interactively model the writing process to learners before group writing (practice) and independent writing (assessment) are attempted. While these stages of instruction are included in CAPS, this study investigated the extent of their implementation. Current literature in the field of writing instruction foregrounds the concepts of “thinking aloud” and “shared pen”, according to which the teacher and the learner co-compose a text, allowing learners to become competent writers. In this study, quantitative and qualitative research methods were used to describe and understand West Coast District IP Afrikaans Home Language (HL) teachers’ perceptions of their use of shared writing to teach the writing process. Data collection consisted of quantitative and qualitative questionnaires, as well as interviews, with results converted into percentages. Subsequent data analysis disclosed the patterns, strengths, and weaknesses experienced by IP Afrikaans HL teachers in the West Coast District. Current IP writing-instruction practices can provide the South African Department of Basic Education (DBE) with valuable insights into the implementation of shared writing, and of CAPS as a whole.

Taalbeplanning vir die onderrig van Afrikaans as 'n vreemde taal in Suid-Afrika.

Hamersma, Elsa Meiring 15 August 2012 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / This study proposes that there has been and will be a need for Afrikaans Foreign Language (Third Language) as a subject in South African schools. Multilingual proposals and models for school education advocate the inclusion of three language subjects. It can be argued that a logical choice would be an African language, English and Afrikaans. The study is done from different perspectives: Following a general introduction, a broad, conceptual framework for language planning lays the basis for the study. A comparative analysis is made where a parallel is drawn between language planning in general and education in South Africa and other post-colonial countries. The analysis concludes that past practices continue to influence current policies and planning. The history of language planning in South Africa, with specific reference to Afrikaans, is traced from 1652 to the present. It becomes apparent that the linguisistic practices which were followed in the past directly influence current planning. An analysis is made of the position of Afrikaans and other languages in South Africa using empirical data obtained from the SABC, HSRC, AMPS and the Department of Education. It is noted that no extensive language study has been done since the change in government in 1994 and that the current position is therefore difficult to determine. Current proposals and models for language policy in education are discussed in detail. It becomes apparent that the multilingual nature of our society will have to be reflected in a language policy for education and that three language subjects should be promoted and may, in time, become the norm. The very specific problems of Foreign Language Teaching is addressed in the penultimate chapter. It is acknowledged that there are differences between Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning and that these differences call for other strategies in teaching. It is proposed in the study that recent democratic planning has leveled the playing fields in education. Every child's basic linguistic rights are acknowledged and guaranteed. Although Afrikaans and English have lost their privileged position, they can be promoted by cultural organisations or institutions. Finally it is suggested that language is a commodity, analogous to other marketable products.

Gereedheid vir Afrikaans tweede taal in die junior sekondêre skoolfase

Swanepoel, Lydia Jean 17 February 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Curriculum studies) / The purpose of this research is to determine the nature of the deficiency experienced by high school beginners in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg relating to the ability to use Afrikaans as a second language. From practical experience, through the study of literature and by means of empirical tests it will be determined whether these English-speaking high school beginners have in fact experienced a deficiency in the ability to use Afrikaans as a second language. It will also be determined what causes this deficiency. By means of a standardised HSRC test, the validity of the existence of a deficiency in the ability to use Afrikaans was proved. The findings derived from the results of the test will give a distinctive concept of the extent to which pupils conform to the requirements of the standard six syllabus. It will, therefore, be determined to what extent the pupils' ability to use Afrikaans as a second language conforms to the requirements of the standard six, syllabus. It will also be determined to what extent the teachers contribute towards this deficiency and whether an efficient method can be introduced for the tuition of Afrikaans as a second language. The deficiency can also be attributed to the milieu in which the pupils live and the phase of life which they experience, namely the puberty phase. By means of this research an attempt is made to prove that it is possible that there may in fact exist a deficiency in the ability to use Afrikaans as a second language by the high school beginner in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg. Guided by the results of the standardised HSRC tests and in pursuance of a study of the appropriate literature which relates to this problem, guidelines are being formulated in an effort to reduce the existing deficiencies.

Voorsetselstrukture in Raka deur N.P. van Wyk Louw

Moller, Miriam Mara 17 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Afrikaans) / In this epic poem, Raka, N.P. van Wyk Louw made abundant use of prepositions. A linguistic analysis of these preposition structures explains and reveals the nature of this syntactic category in Afrikaans. From this it is evident that prepositions are vital in accomplishing cohesion in the text. Cognitive linguistics argue that syntactic organisation and semantics cannot stand independently from each other. Therefore the meaning of 'n phrase of expression cannot be reduced to an objective categorization of the situation that is being described. Against this background it is evident that structures conveying meaning are expressed through prepositions and prepositional structures. Certain semantic values and meaning structures of prepositions in RAKA are dealt with to help clarify some implied cognitive dimensions. A closer analysis shows that the preposition structures in RAKA represent intricate syntactic patterns. The semantic values of prepositions in RAKA are categorized through image schemas in terms of space Qncluding place, perspective and proximity), time, movement, part-whole, reason and cause, as well as manner and means. Finally it is indicated how the epic structures can be made more explicable by image schemas. Through the use of prepositions in the language, aspects of the epic, namely characterization, time and spatial placing are endorsed. Progression, in terms or epic movement is supported through the use of prepositions that specifically imply space and movement. It is therefore apparent that although the research was approached from a linguistic angle, it also contributes to literary analysis.

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