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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Ondersoek na Scheherazade as moontlike voorganger in 'n vroulike verteltradisie in enkele Afrikaanse literêre tekste /

Compion, Marlette. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

Die verhouding tussen literêre teorie en kritiek in die Afrikaanse literêre sisteem binne die sg. "nuwe paradigma" aan die hand van gekose figure Marianne de Jong, Joan Hambidge en Gerrit Olivier

Mudzanani, Nndanduleni Bethuel January 1990 (has links)
Currently, in the period of Poststructualism literature is widely approached as a cultural and social phenomenon and the aims of literary studies as the illuminating of social codes, ideology etc. embedded in literature. This study evaluates the contribution of specific critics working within the so-called "New paradigm". The concept "New paradigm" is used as an umbrella term covering a number of distinct developments, referring to literature as a system of literary "actions" rather than as a canon of books. In recent years several Afrikaans critics have embraced or adapted current theories in the domains of Deconstruction, Ideology Criticism, Literary, Sociology, Recepticm Aesthetics, Semiotics and Feminism. This study explores and evaluates the application of such theoretical paradigms to their work in the field of practical criticism. This study also explores the relationship between current theories of literature and their antecedents. The notion of current literary theory and practice not only as a broadening of scope and content of the notion of the "literary" but on the other hand as a liberation of theory and practice from an over-deterministic thrust (i.e. the approach of literature as no more than a set of social documents) is also evaluated in this study. A twofold aim of this study can thus be defined: a. to determine the extent to which the shift from the "old" to "new" theories was made necessary by the developing literary and social scene; b. to examine the links beween theory and practice in the work of specific, key figures in Afrikaans. Is it possible for theory and practice to be separated? Is there an important consistence in the relationship between the two in the work of the figures chosen?

Die problematiese afbakening tussen sommige kortverhaalbundels en die roman in Afrikaans, aan die hand van geselekteerde tekste

Uys, Hendrik-Muller 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the sixties many short story collections referred to as ‘eenheidsbundels’ (‘unified volumes’) have appeared in Afrikaans. Especially those collections published since the eighties and nineties prominently display an overall unity suggestive of the greater unity found in the novel. These collections are usually characterised by the recurring appearance of characters beyond the borders of the individual stories and the use of themes and recurring motifs that run through the collection. Sometimes the separate stories within a collection share the same time period or geographical space. The same narrator may also appear throughout the collection. Although the individual stories within a volume may be regarded in isolation (or even published in isolation), they will inevitably be deprived of possible interpretations that would otherwise have been evident in relation to the collection as a whole. As a result, it would seem that the boundary between the short story volume and the novel becomes blurred in these unified collections. The main objective of this thesis is to try to determine whether the short story collections under discussion represent a new genre or subgenre or whether they could possibly constitute a continuation of an existing genre. The point of departure is the suggestion by J.P. Smuts (1989: 23) that the phenomenon is linked to the writers of the sixties’ rebellion against stereotyped literary forms and that these collections appear to represent an intermediate form, something that lies between the traditional short story collection and the novel. Chapter 2 serves as the theoretical foundation of the research: the traditional characteristics of the short story and novel are investigated. Postmodernism as school of thought associated with the problematisation of the boundaries between genres is also investigated. In Chapters 3 and 4 two unified collections from the nineties are analysed: Jaco Botha’s Sweisbril (1999) and S.P. Benjamin’s Die lewe is ’n halwe roman (1999). The purpose of these analyses is to determine the extent to which the extensive unity in these collections can be compared to the unity found in the novel. The secondary goal of the thesis is to suggest (in response to Maritha Snyman’s appeal (2011)) a more suitable Afrikaans name for the study object (“eenheidsbundel”). Neil Cochrane and Nina Botes’s proposed term “kortverhaalsiklus” (“short story cycle”) (2011) is considered, but Andr P. Brink’s reference to “’n soort kortverhaal-roman” (“a kind of short story novel”) finally takes precedence. The conclusion finds that the type of collection under discussion does represent a hybrid intermediary form located somewhere between the traditional short story collection and the novel, a form the development of which was probably influenced by postmodernism. The form seems to be a continuation of the tradition of the short story collection, one that has evolved towards the novel. Cochrane and Botes’s term “kortverhaalsiklus” is rejected in favour of the proposed term “kortverhaal-roman” (with some qualifications). This term can co-exist with terms such as “hibridiese bundel” (“hybrid volume”) or the more vague “eenheidsbundel”. The observation that the term “kortverhaalsiklus” does not convey the hybrid quality of the form, and the fact that Suzanne Ferguson (2003) points out that not all unified volumes are necessarily cycles, was decisive. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Van die sestigerjare af het daar verskeie kortverhaalbundels in Afrikaans verskyn waarna literatore as ‘eenheidsbundels’ verwys. Veral di sedert die tagtiger- en ne ntigerjare toon ’n opvallende hegtheid wat selfs aan die groter eenheid van die roman herinner. Hierdie bundels word byvoorbeeld gekenmerk deur karakteroorvleuelings oor die grense van die verskillende verhale heen, die gebruik van oorkoepelende temas en die deurgaanse herhaling van motiewe. Soms deel die verskillende verhale in ’n bundel dieselfde tydvak of geografiese ruimte. Dieselfde vertellende instansie kan ook regdeur die bundel voorkom. Alhoewel die aparte bundelverhale in isolasie beskou (of selfs gepubliseer) kan word, word hulle so van interpretasiemoontlikhede ontneem wat slegs binne bundelverband waargeneem kan word. Dit wil gevolglik voorkom of die grens tussen die kortverhaalbundel en die roman in die eenheidsbundel vervaag. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie tesis is om te probeer vasstel of die hegte eenheidsbundel van veral sedert die tagtigerjare in Afrikaans ’n nuwe genre of subgenre verteenwoordig en of dit moontlik ’n voortbouing op ’n bestaande genre is. Daar word uitgegaan van J.P. Smuts (1989: 23) se stelling dat die betrokke verskynsel aan die jare sestig se opstand teen geykte liter re vorme te koppel is en dat hierdie bundels ’n tussenvorm is, iets wat tussen die tradisionele kortverhaalbundel en die roman l . Hoofstuk 2 dien as die teoretiese basis van die ondersoek: die algemene kenmerke van die tradisionele kortverhaal en roman word ondersoek. Die postmodernisme as denkrigting wat met die opheffing van genregrense geassosieer word, word ook kortliks ondersoek. In hoofstukke 3 en 4 word twee hegte eenheidsbundels uit die ne ntigerjare breedvoerig bespreek: Jaco Botha se Sweisbril (1999) en S.P. Benjamin se Die lewe is ’n halwe roman (1999). Die oogmerk is om vas te stel in hoeverre die uitgebreide eenheid in hierdie bundels aan die hegte eenheid van die roman herinner. Die sekond re doelwit van die tesis is om, na aanleiding van Maritha Snyman (2011) se pleidooi, ’n meer geskikte benaming vir die studieobjek (“eenheidsbundel”) te probeer voorstel. Neil Cochrane en Nina Botes (2011) se keuse van die term “kortverhaalsiklus” vir die hegter soort eenheidsbundel word bekyk, maar Andr P. Brink se verwysing na “’n soort kortverhaal-roman” geniet voorlopige voorkeur. In die konklusie word bevind dat die bespreekte bundels wel ’n hibridiese tussenvorm verteenwoordig wat iewers tussen die tradisionele kortverhaalbundel en die roman gele is en waarvan die ontstaan en ontwikkeling waarskynlik deur die postmodernisme be nvloed is. Die vorm blyk ’n voortsetting van die kortverhaalbundeltradisie te wees wat in die rigting van die roman ge volueer het. Cochrane en Botes se term “kortverhaalsiklus” word afgewys ten gunste van die voorgestelde term “kortverhaal-roman” (met voorbehoude) wat naas terme soos “hibridiese bundel” en die vaer “eenheidsbundel” sou kon bestaan. Die waarneming dat die term “kortverhaalsiklus” niks oor die romanagtigheid of die hibriditeit van die vorm oordra nie, terwyl Suzanne Ferguson (2003) onder andere daarop wys dat nie alle eenheidsbundels noodwendig siklusse is nie, was hier deurslaggewend.

Gotiese elemente in Francois Bloemhof se debuutroman, Die nag het net een oog

Loots, Maria Johanna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / In this thesis I examine the Gothic elements in François Bloemof’s debut novel, Die nag het net een oog (1991). There are two reasons this novel can be seen as an exemplary text in Afrikaans: firstly, it contributes to a genre of which there are very few examples in Afrikaans, namely the Gothic novel. Secondly, it leads to a reevaluation of texts of C.J. Langenhoven, C. Louis Leipoldt and Marius Gie (pseudonym of Martha C Gieseke). Apart from a discussion of the Gothic novel in general and specifically Bloemhof’s novel, this thesis also examines his large oeuvre, constant focus on renewal and his position in the Afrikaans literary system. The Gothic novel is generally regarded as a form of popular literature. This aspect, together with the history, function, development and characteristics of the Gothic novel, is also looked at in the thesis in an attempt to contribute to the minimal theoretization on this subject in Afrikaans. Lastly I will discuss the Gothic elements in Bloemhof’ s debut novel. Die nag het net een oog has many of the characteristics of the earlier Gothic novels, but Bloemhof renews them by crossing over conventional boundaries. The heroine being the rescuer instead of the rescuee, is one such example. The study is concluded with short summarizing comments and suggestions for further study.

'n Strukturele en verteltegniese ondersoek na die representasie van die vroulike subjek in Marlene van Niekerk se Agaat

Henn, Maryke 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the representation of the female subject in Marlene van Niekerk’s novel, Agaat (2004). The female subjects, Milla and Agaat, are the focus of this study. Both women are subjected to drastic situations, which not only influence their relationship, but also their respective identities. This turn of events lead up to a power struggle between Milla and Agaat, which eventually gets reversed throughout the course of the narrative. The focus is essentially on the complex structure of the novel, where a prologue and epilogue serve as a framework for the four different story lines, each with its own narrative technique. A number of theoretical approaches will be employed in order to explore the discussion of the female subject. The novel, which is presented throughout by a single narrator, leads the study to concepts such as representation, subjectivity and identity. In an attempt to understand “the other”, the central role of language and mirrors with regard to representation is explored. Van Niekerk’s reinvention and even subversion of the farm novel of the late twentieth century involves ideologies of the Afrikaner such as land and religion, gender, politics and culture. This strategy results in the focus on concepts like subjectivity and identity. Both these processes will be explored in an attempt to gain insight into the characters. Key elements such as displacement, substitution and revenge give momentum to the chain of events in the story and lead up to introspection by both women. It is especially Milla’s terminal illness that induces introspection and preparation, for both Milla and Agaat, towards death. The influence of all these events, Milla and Agaat’s mutual dependence on each other, as well as the way in which they position themselves in the face of death, prompt this study. This study explores the influence of these events on women, the power struggle that developed out of this and the way in which their respective roles are reversed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die representasie van die vroulike subjek in Marlene van Niekerk se roman Agaat (2004). Daar word gefokus op die twee vroue in die verhaal, Milla en Agaat. Beide vroue word aan ingrypende situasies onderwerp, wat ʼn invloed op hulle verhouding sowel as hulle onderskeie identiteite het. Hierdie gebeure lei tot ʼn magspel tussen Milla en Agaat, wat tydens die verloop van die verhaalgebeure volledig omgekeer word. Die fokus val eerstens op die roman se ingewikkelde vertelstruktuur waarin daar sprake is van ʼn pro- en epiloog as raamwerk waarbinne vier verhaallyne, elk met sy eie verteltegniek, gebruik word. ʼn Verskeidenheid teoretiese uitgangspunte word nagegaan ten einde die representasie van die vroulike subjek te ondersoek. Die roman, wat deurentyd uit die perspektief van een verteller aangebied word, lei die studie na ondersoekterreine soos representasie, subjektiwiteit en identiteit. Die sentrale rol van taal en spieëls ten opsigte van representasie en in die poging om die “ander” te kan verstaan, word nagegaan. Van Niekerk se herskrywing van die plaasroman in die laat twintigste eeu betrek op subtiele wyse die ideologieë van die Afrikaner rondom grond en religie, gender, politiek en kultuur. Dit lei tot die fokus op subjektiwiteit en identiteit. Beide hierdie prosesse word in die studie ondersoek ten einde begrip vir die karakters te probeer vind. Elemente soos verplasing, plaasvervangerskap en vergelding gee stukrag aan die verhaalgebeure en lei tot besinning by albei vroue. Dit is veral Milla se terminale siekte wat aanleiding gee tot bestekopname en voorbereiding op die dood. Die invloed van al dié gebeure en hoe twee vroue wat op mekaar aangewese is, hulleself posisioneer ten opsigte van die dood, gee aanleiding tot hierdie studie. Die studie onderneem om ondersoek in te stel na die invloed van gebeure by beide vroue, die magspel wat hieruit ontwikkel en hoe die rolle stelselmatig omruil in die verhaalgebeure.

Binêre opposisies en perspektiewe op die 'ander' in Pieternella van die Kaap deur Dalene Matthee

Symington, Cornelia Isabel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the binary oppositions in Dalene Matthee's historic novel, Pieternella van die Kaap, and the extent to which it correlates with the perspectives on "the other" and the influence of the spatial context on the two main characters, Eva-Krotoa and Pietemella. The study ascertains in which way Matthee's novel falls within the post-colonial framework; whether a tendency towards hybridity can be found and in which cases the binary opposition of "the self" versus "the other", is consequently suspended. Attention is also given to key concepts associated with this, like stereotyping and convention. After exploring the term post-colonial literature, a number of related elements are discussed, such as the post-colonial focus on identity. Via the focalisation of PietenelIa the novel firstly presents a general view of her experiences in the Cape, on Robben Island, on the ship the Boode, and on Mauritius. In the process it also foregrounds the life of her mother, Eva-Krotoa. Both of them are so much affected by the binary oppositions relating to their existence within different, contrasting spaces, that it is justified to call them "two-head" women. While Eva- Krotoa's life is torn apart by the binary oppositions, there are indications that Pietemella moves in the direction of a growing hybridity, that brings about a synthesis between the oppositions and allows her to reconcile herself with her own identity. This is even more pronounced in the case of her daughter, Maria. The study comes to the conclusion that stereotyping is based on convention and that time, place and circumstances determine whether and to what extent the binary opposition of "the self'/"the other" is suspended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die binêre opposrsres in Dalene Matthee se historiese roman Pieternella van die Kaap en die mate waarin die perspektiewe op 'die ander' en die invloed van die ruimtelike konteks op die twee vernaamste karakters, Eva-Krotoa en Pieternella, hiermee in verband gebring kan word. Daar word vasgestel in watter mate hierdie roman binne 'n postkoloniale raamwerk val, in watter opsigte sprake is van hibriditeit en in watter gevalle die binêre opposisie van 'die ek'teenoor 'die ander' gevolglik opgehef word. Aandag word ook bestee aan sleutelbegrippe wat hiermee saamhang, soos stereotipering en konvensie. Na 'n verkenning van die term postkoloniale literatuur word verskeie elemente wat hiermee verband hou bespreek, soos die postkoloniale fokus op identiteit. Die roman bied eerstens, via die fokalisasie van Pieternella, 'n oorsig oor haar lotgevalle aan die Kaap, op Robbeneiland, op die skip die Baade en op Mauritius, maar stel in die proses ook die lewe van haar moeder Eva-Krotoa voorop. Beide word in so 'n mate geaffekteer deur binêre opposisies van hulle bestaan binne verskillende, kontrasterende ruimtes, dat hulle tereg 'tweekopvroue' genoem kan word. Waar Eva-Krotoa ten onder gaan aan die binêre opposisies is daar met betrekking tot Pieternella aanduidings van 'n groeiende hibriditeit wat 'n sintese bring tussen die opposisies en haar met haar eie identiteit laat versoen. Dit is in In nog groter mate die geval met haar dogter Maria. Die studie kom tot die slotsom dat stereotipering berus op konvensie en dat tyd, plek en omstandighede bepaal of en in watter mate die binêre opposisie van ekl'ander' opgehef word.

Bybelse intertekste in resente Afrikaanse gedigte en lirieke, met spesifieke verwysing na identiteitsformasies in die (post)-postmoderniteit

Engelbrecht, Gertruida Cornelia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 11 September 2001 terror attacks on America are regarded by many as the end of the postmodern era and as a landmark event that irrevocably changed the world. Similarly, the 1994 South African political revolution and transition to democracy was a milestone that had far-reaching effects on all population groups in the country. This study examines evolving identity formation among Afrikaans-speaking South Africans in a new political dispensation and (post-) postmodern era – and specifically the ways in which religion still finds expression in Afrikaans-speakers‟ identity. With theoretical grounding from, among others, Stuart Hall and Zygmunt Bauman, a variety of recent poems and lyrics – representative of various generations and backgrounds – are studied. The conclusion drawn is that religion still forms part of Afrikaans-speakers‟ identity in various ways, but this does not necessarily equate to affiliation with any church. In some instances church and religion are seen as part of the rejected apartheid establishment, but in many cases Afrikaans-speakers‟ religious affiliations are in line with Jacques Derrida‟s “religion without Religion” school of thought, and panentheism is increasingly gaining ground. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die terreuraanval op Amerika op 11 September 2001 word uit verskeie oorde bestempel as die einde van die postmodernisme en as ‟n mylpaalgebeurtenis wat die wêreld onherroeplik verander het. In Suid-Afrika was die politieke om-wenteling met die oorgang na ‟n demokrasie in 1994 eweneens ‟n mylpaal wat alle bevolkingsgroepe in die land ingrypend geraak het. In hierdie studie word ondersoek ingestel na Afrikaanssprekendes se identiteitsformasies in ‟n nuwe politieke bestel en in die (post)-postmoderniteit, en spesifiek na die wyse waarop die religie steeds beslag kry in die Afrikaanssprekende se identi-teit. Met bydraes deur onder andere Stuart Hall en Zygmunt Bauman as teo-retiese begronding, word ‟n verskeidenheid resente gedigte en lirieke van 1994-2012, wat verteenwoordigend is van verskeie generasies en agter-gronde, ondersoek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat religie steeds op verskillende wyses deel van Afrikaanssprekendes se identiteitsformasies is, maar dat dit nie noodwendig met kerkverbondenheid gepaard gaan nie. In sommige gevalle word die kerk en die religie beskou as deel van die establishment wat ná apartheid verwerp word, maar in baie gevalle hou Afrikaanssprekendes se religieuse betrokkenheid nou verband met Jacques Derrida se sogenaamde religie sonder Religie, en wen die panenteïsme toenemend veld.

Die invloed van Duitse literatuur op die werk van N.P. van Wyk Louw

27 January 2009 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil.

Gotiese elemente in François Bloemhof se debuutroman, Die nag het net een oog /

Loots, Maria Johanna. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

Die nomadiese self : skisoanalitiese beskouinge oor karaktersubjektiwiteit in die prosawerk van Alexander Strachan en Breyten Breytenbach /

Anker, Willem. January 2007 (has links)
Dissertation (DLitt)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

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