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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the Magnetism of Ultra Thin 3d Transition Metal Films

Andersson, Cecilia January 2006 (has links)
<p>In this thesis the magnetic and structural properties of ultra-thin 3d transition metals films have been investigated, in particular Fe, Ni and Co films. X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) has provided element specific spin (m<sub>s</sub> ) and orbital (m<sub>l</sub> ) moments per atom by utilizing the magneto optic sum-rules. Element specific hysteresis curves have been measured by means of X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering (XRMS), and the local crystallographic structure has been investigated using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS). </p><p>By performing XMCD on Fe/Ag(100) we observe a spin reorientation from in-plane to out-of-plane as the Fe thickness is lowered. At temperatures below 300K it occurs around 5-7 mono layers (ML) of Fe. While reorienting the magnetization out-of-plane the orbital moment increases with 125% but only a minor increase (5%) of the spin moment is observed. Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) measurements indicate that films 6 ML and thicker have a bulk-like bcc structure. For the thin out-of-plane films, the local crystallographic structure is more complicated. </p><p>The spin reorientation of the Au/Co/Au tri-layer system has been studied as a function of temperature, Co layer and Au cap thickness. An unexpected behavior of the orbital moment upon spin reorientation is found in these systems. An ex-situ prepared sample shows a smooth spin reorientation from an in-plane to an out-of-plane easy magnetization direction as the temperature is lowered from 300K to 200K. In-situ prepared samples have also been investigated and a novel phase diagram has been identified. The Au/Co interface has been explored during the Au capping by means of photoemission measurements. </p><p>In the bi- and tri-layer system of Fe and Ni we have been able to manipulate the spin reorientation by varying the Fe and Ni thickness. A novel non-collinear interlayer exchange interaction for 3d ferro magnets in direct contact has been discovered for a set of samples. This exchange interaction is found to be strongly dependant on the preparation conditions.</p>

A la recherche de nouvelles AgNORs: une famille de protéines nucléolaires conservées et marqueurs potentiels du cancers/The AgNORs: a groups of concerved nucleolar proteins and potential markers of cancer.

Galliot, Sonia 15 January 2010 (has links)
Comme le nucléole joue un rôle fondamental dans l’expression des protéines, via la synthèse des ARN ribosomiques, il n’est donc pas surprenant que des études aient révélé un lien étroit, entre des dysfonctionnements nucléolaires et l’origine de certaines maladies humaines. La découverte, il y a plusieurs années, d’un taux anormalement élevé de protéines nucléolaires dites argyrophiles ou AgNORs, dans les cellules tumorales, a permis d’envisager leur utilisation comme outil diagnostique ou pronostique du cancer. Détectées, de manière in vitro grâce à leur affinité pour l’argent, l’identification de quelques protéines AgNORs n’a pourtant pas permis d’établir une caractéristique commune à toutes les protéines argyrophiles détectées dans les extraits nucléolaires. Ainsi, bien que le test colorimétrique AgNOR soit utilisé dans de nombreux laboratoires académiques, l’absence d’identification de protéines AgNORs spécifiques du processus de cancérisation, a limité son utilisation en laboratoire clinique. Comme certaines limites technologiques et expérimentales ont limité leur caractérisation chez l’humain, nous avons donc décidé de reprendre les recherches sur ce sujet et de le réactualiser grâce aux avancées technologiques et scientifiques. Les protéines AgNORs étant étroitement liées à la biogenèse des ribosomes, nous avons donc décidé d’amorcer nos recherches chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dans laquelle, la voie de biosynthèse des ribosomes a été particulièrement bien décrite. Devant l’intérêt biologique et médical de ces protéines, l’objectif de ce projet a donc été triple : 1-identifier des protéines AgNORs chez la levure 2-caractériser les propriétés physico-fonctionnelles et physico-chimiques de ces protéines AgNORs. 3-utiliser ces caractéristiques physico-chimiques pour rechercher de nouvelles AgNORs humaines, spécifiques de processus de cancérisation et potentiellement utilisables comme marqueurs tumoraux./The nucleolus is a subnuclear compartment that organized around ribosomal gene (rDNA) repeats NORs, which encode for ribosomal RNA. A peculiar group of acidic proteins which are highly argyrophilic are also localized at the same sites as NORs, thus allowing NORs to be very clearly and rapidly visualized by silver nitrate staining procedures. However, if three human argyrophilic proteins, UBF, C23 (nucleolin) and B23 (nucleophosmin), have been associated for staining of NOR, the exact number of AgNOR proteins and their intrinsic biochemical feature are unclear. Here, we have performed an heterologous screen in a genetically tractable eukaryotic organism (budding yeast) for the identification of novel AgNOR proteins and in vitro characterized an intrinsic feature that underlies silver binding and offers a strong predictive value for the identification of novel human AgNOR proteins.

Development Of New Lead-free Solders For Electronics Industry

Kantarcioglu, Anil 01 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Joining of electronic components onto the circuit boards is done by soldering operation, during production of all electronic devices. In many countries, including Turkey, traditionally used tin-lead (Sn-Pb) solder alloys have been restricted to be used in consumer electronics appliances because of the toxic effects of lead (Pb) within these alloys. Tin-silver-copper (Sn-Ag-Cu) based alloys have been developed as the most promising candidate that can replace the Sn-Pb alloys. However, various problems have emerged with the increasing trend in use of Sn-Ag-Cu solder alloys in electronics industry, namely large intermetallic compound formation, low wettability and thermal shock resistance. Many researches have been done in the past decade to overcome these problems. The solutions are based on changing the undercooling of the solder alloy / which was determined to be done by either changing the composition of the solder alloy by micro-alloying or changing the cooling rate during soldering operation. In this thesis study Sn-3.5Ag-0.9Cu (wt. %) lead-free solder having the eutectic composition, was micro-alloyed with additions of aluminum (Al), iron (Fe) and titanium (Ti). Experimental results were compared with commercially available near-eutectic Sn-40Pb (wt. %) solder, a commercially available Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (wt. %) solder and also eutectic Sn-3.5Ag.0.9Cu (wt. %) and near-eutectic Sn-3.7Ag-0.9Cu (wt. %) solders that were produced for this thesis study. In the first stage of the study, the effects of 0.05 wt. % of Al, Fe and Ti micro-alloying were investigated. When preliminary results of mechanical and thermal test were compared, Fe was found to make positive effect on shear strength and undercooling. Further research was carried out to establish a relationship between the Fe compositions and solder properties. Therefore, 0.01, 0.03, 0.07 and 0.1 wt. % Fe additions were also studied and results were reported. 0.01 wt. % and 0.07 wt. % Fe added solders were found to have a smaller undercooling, resulting with dispersed intermetallic compound (IMC) and thus has highest shear strength. Different cooling rates / 0.017, 0.17 and 1.7 &deg / C/sec were applied to solder-copper joints and microstructures were investigated. Large IMC-free microstructure was achieved by 0.01 wt. % Fe micro-alloyed solder, which was cooled with 1.7 &deg / C/sec rate. Wetting of copper substrate was found to be improved by additions of Al, Fe and Ti compared to alloy with eutectic composition of Sn-Ag-Cu alloy. Selected SAC+X alloys have been subjected to thermal shock experiments for crack formation analysis on the copper substrate-solder joints. The results showed that SAC+0.05Al solder has the higher thermal shock resistance, which no cracks were observed after 1500 cycles of thermal shock. In order to understand the insights of SAC performance, some of the lead-free solders were applied onto printed circuit boards for thermal shock resistance test. These results have indicate that the cracking may occur after thermal shock cycles due to process conditions of soldering operation (i.e. cooing rate), independent of the solder alloy composition.

Magnetism and Structure of Thin 3d Transition Metal Films : XMCD and EXAFS using Polarized Soft X-Rays

Hahlin, Anders January 2003 (has links)
In this Thesis the magnetic and structural properties of thin epitaxial Fe, Co, and Ni films are discussed. Some of the in-situ prepared samples were used to characterize the degree of circular polarization of the newly installed beamline D1011 at MAX-lab. By means of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and utilizing the associated magneto optic sum rules, the orbital (ml) and spin (ms) moments are determined directly in mB/atom with elemental specificity. The extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements yield site specific information on the local crystallographic structure. These measurements were performed using the circular x-rays of several beamlines. The influence of the degree of spatial source coherence lspat of the x-rays was characterized by means of Fresnel diffractometry. A correlation between enhanced XAS white line intensities and higher values of lspat was established for 20 ML Fe, Co, and Ni films on Cu(100). The degree of circularly polarized x-rays (Pc) at beamline D1011 at MAX-lab was characterized by studying Fe films on Cu(100) by means of XMCD. The maximum value of Pc is experimentally determined to Pc =0.85. The Au/Co/Au trilayer system was studied as a function of Co thickness, temperature, and Au cap thickness. A 10 mono-layer (ML) Co film, with an Au cap of 20 Å, shows a spin reorientation transition (SRT) from an in-plane to an out-of-plane easy direction as the temperature is lowered from 300 K to 200 K. The magnetic properities of these Co films are very different to what is found for bulk samples due to, in particular, the broken symmetry at the interfaces. The thickness dependent spin reorientation transition in the Fe/Ag(100) system was characterized by means of XMCD and EXAFS measurements. 3 ML Fe films show an out-of-plane easy direction with an 125% enhanced orbital moment as compared to the 25 ML Fe in-plane film. Simulations of the Fe L-edge EXAFS indicate the bulk Fe bcc structure for film thicknesses of 6-25 ML Fe. For 3 ML Fe strong deviations from this bcc phase is observed. Ultrathin Co films deposited on flat and vicinal Cu(111) in the thickness region 1-25 ML were studied by means of XMCD and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The vicinal Cu(111) Co deposition leads to the formation of elongated islands preferentially oriented along the step edges. In connection to this particular Co growth mode we observe an increase of both the orbital and the spin moment on the vicinal Cu(111) of about 25% relative to what was observed for Co on flat Cu(111).

Rollenspiel zum Umweltmanagement

26 September 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Sowohl Studenten als auch Lehrende erkennen oftmals, daß die klassischen Lehrformen an den Universitäten für eine an den aktuellen Forderungen des Arbeitsmarktes gemessene Ausbildung nicht ausreichen und fordern deren Erweiterung und Ergänzung zur Verbesserung der Lehre. Dabei sollen besonders die Studenten eine aktivere Rolle erhalten. Eine Verbesserung der Lehre wird auch vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) aktiv gefordert. Deshalb entschlossen sich die Mitarbeiter der Professur für Betriebliche Umweltökonomie der TU Dresden im Rahmen des Hauptseminars der Professur im Sommersemester 2000 zu einer Erweiterung der üblichen Lehrformen. Bei diesem Seminar sollten die Ergebnisse der Seminararbeiten nicht nur, wie üblich, in Form eines Vortrages von jedem Teilnehmer vor den übrigen Teilnehmern, der Professorin und den Mitarbeitern der Professur vorgestellt werden. Da die Themen zusammen mit dem Unternehmensreferat Betrieblicher Umweltschutz der SIEMENS AG ausgewählt und bearbeitet wurden, sollten die gesamten Seminarergebnisse anschließend auch vor Unternehmensvertretern der SIEMENS AG präsentiert werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag liefert eine Methodik für ein Rollenspiel als Anregung zur Nachahmung. Diese Vorgehensweise zielt zum einen darauf ab, die Fachkompetenz der Bearbeiter ausbauen. Zum anderen soll durch eine intensive Gruppendiskussion, insbesondere zur Vorbereitung des Rollenspiels, die soziale Kompetenz gefördert werden. Hierdurch wird authentisch die Erfahrung vermittelt, daß gemeinsam getragene Entscheidungen und Aussagen Ergebnisse von oft langwierigen interaktiven Prozessen sind und mehr als alleinigen Instrumenteneinsatz bedeuten. Der Dozent wirkt bei dieser pädagogischen Zielstellung lediglich als Moderator.

Exploring the Magnetism of Ultra Thin 3d Transition Metal Films

Andersson, Cecilia January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis the magnetic and structural properties of ultra-thin 3d transition metals films have been investigated, in particular Fe, Ni and Co films. X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) has provided element specific spin (ms ) and orbital (ml ) moments per atom by utilizing the magneto optic sum-rules. Element specific hysteresis curves have been measured by means of X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering (XRMS), and the local crystallographic structure has been investigated using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS). By performing XMCD on Fe/Ag(100) we observe a spin reorientation from in-plane to out-of-plane as the Fe thickness is lowered. At temperatures below 300K it occurs around 5-7 mono layers (ML) of Fe. While reorienting the magnetization out-of-plane the orbital moment increases with 125% but only a minor increase (5%) of the spin moment is observed. Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) measurements indicate that films 6 ML and thicker have a bulk-like bcc structure. For the thin out-of-plane films, the local crystallographic structure is more complicated. The spin reorientation of the Au/Co/Au tri-layer system has been studied as a function of temperature, Co layer and Au cap thickness. An unexpected behavior of the orbital moment upon spin reorientation is found in these systems. An ex-situ prepared sample shows a smooth spin reorientation from an in-plane to an out-of-plane easy magnetization direction as the temperature is lowered from 300K to 200K. In-situ prepared samples have also been investigated and a novel phase diagram has been identified. The Au/Co interface has been explored during the Au capping by means of photoemission measurements. In the bi- and tri-layer system of Fe and Ni we have been able to manipulate the spin reorientation by varying the Fe and Ni thickness. A novel non-collinear interlayer exchange interaction for 3d ferro magnets in direct contact has been discovered for a set of samples. This exchange interaction is found to be strongly dependant on the preparation conditions.

The rotation process and interfaces of the nano NiO and Ag grains

Ji, Yi-jen 24 June 2010 (has links)
A nanofilm rotation method is developed to study the rotation of nanograins and the formation of various low energy interfaces. Epitaxial NiO and Ag nanofilms are prepared by ion beam sputtering onto the (100), (110), (111) and (112) surfaces of NaCl single crystal. By overlapping of the above films with an angle difference, and annealing at relatively low temperatures the nanograins are induced to rotate till a stable interface is reached. The rotation process and the stable interfaces are determined by transmission electron microscopy. Many new interfaces between mixed planes are found, and their orientation relationships and structures are analyzed. The rotation speed increase with temperature and is fast above 200oC.

A study of the interface formed by ZrO2/ NiO planes and by Ag mixed planes

Wu, Kuang-yao 08 July 2010 (has links)

Transformation and Fate of Nanoscale ZnO, Ag, and CeO2 in Different Aquatic Environments

Sung, Wen-Ting 05 March 2012 (has links)
The fate and transformation of laboratory-prepared nano-ZnO, nano-Ag and nano-CeO2 in three aqueous solutions under different environmental conditions were investigated in this work. Over the past decades nanomaterials have been widely used in different technical fields and consumer goods. As a result, nanomaterials might enter the environmental media via different routes and then posed potential hazards to the environment and human health. Researches in this regard have received much attention worldwide. In this work it was found that the solubility of each nanomaterial was highly influenced by the solution pH, but not by the solution temperature. The maximal solubility for the tested nanomaterials was obtained at pH 3, namely about 100% for nano-ZnO and lower than 2% for both nano-Ag and nano-CeO2. The solution pH and ionic strength were found to affect the stability of nanoparticles in different aquatic environments. For the solution pH of higher than the isoelectric point of the concerned nanomaterial, the higher the solution pH is, the greater the degree of stabilization of nanoparticles would be. On the contrary, nanoparticles aggregated as the ionic strength of the solution exceeded its critical aggregation concentration (CAC). CAC for each concerned nanomaterial could also be graphically determined as the attachment efficiency (£\) of nanoparticles increased with increasing ionic strength of the solution and then leveled off after reaching CAC. Experimental results also showed that Zn(OH)2(s) would form when nano-ZnO was in the solution of pH 10. The crystalline structure of the said precipitates was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Likewise, Ce4+ dissolved from nano-CeO2 reacted with SO42- in aqueous solution yielding Ce(SO4)2(s). Clearly, transformation of nanomaterials might take place when they are in contact with various species in different aquatic environments. Humic acid in aqueous solution was found to be beneficial to the stability of nanomaterial of concern. Efforts have also been made to study the reaction behaviors among di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, erythromycin, and selected nanomaterials when they co-existed in the same solution. Their interactions, however, seemed to be unobvious. In this work it was found that under sunlight irradiation nano-ZnO did show its antibiotic effect due to photocatalysis. Nano-Ag was proven to have a strong antibacterial ability even in natural aquatic environments. It yielded the total bacteria survival ratio of less than 2% within one hour of reaction. In summary, the findings of this study showed that the behaviors of nano-ZnO, nano-Ag, and nano-CeO2 in aqueous solutions could be greatly influenced by different factors in different reaction systems.

Cultural Heritage Management And The Impact Of Tourism: The Case Of Tripoli

El Barazi, Khawla 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Recently tourism sector has been gaining more importance as an essential part of the local economic development due to the global economic reformation, and many cities have achieved tourism based on local economic development. The concept of CHM has increasingly become an important subtitle for tourism sector with planning perspectives as a significant planning tool. The concept consists of combining the cultural, social, economic, and touristic sectors for an enhanced wider plan. This thesis aims to investigate CHM on the case of Tripoli which has witnessed CHM development at its old city centre. It tries to analyze the local impact on Tripoli city and introduce a newly rehabilitated historical city centre for better tourism activities and an improved local development. Using Tripoli study case as a research method, this research focuses on Abou Ali district in Tripoli city. This district, in particular, has examined local tourism and economic development based on a CHM project prepared at the city level base to improve its local economy depending on cultural management related to its tourism activities. The local government, assisted by national and international supports, has introduced CHM to help the old neglected historical city centre re-emerge into the local economy which is the focal point this thesis aims to study.

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