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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociální podnikání jako příležitost pro uplatnění starších osob na trhu práce / Social Entrepreneurship as an Opportunity for the Employment of Older People on the Labor Market

Holasová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
(in English) The aim of this master's thesis is to find out possibilities of elderly people employment in social businesses in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part describes a social entrepreneurship, defines it and gives its legal frame and examples of such businesses in Europe and in the Czech Republic. The elderly are defined according to their characteristics and also according to the possible link to long term unemployment. The empirical part of the thesis focuses on the overall situation of the elderly in social businesses and on factors possibly affecting their employment in this kind of businesses. It was found out in the research that the selected target group is one of those most at risk on the labour market. At the same time, this group is one of the least supported and monitored not only in the social businesses. However, persons 50+ may become a significant group on the labour market in the future. The final part of this thesis stresses out that it is vital to change our point of view on this target group and their support on the field of active labour market policy, but, above all, to make use of the opportunity to employ these people in social entrepreneurship. Keywords (in English) social economy, social entrepreneurship, social business, elderly, people 50+, long term...

Mezigenerační programy v praxi managementu vzdělávacích institucí / Intergenerational programs in the practice of educational institutions

Klinerová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the possibilities in the management of the intergenerational programmes. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the issue of intergenerational learning from the point of view of the management of educational institutions and to create a proposal of methodology for intergenerational programs management. The first part discusses the management in general, educational management and the characterization and classification of educational institutions and the scope of non-profit organizations. It also deals with lifelong learning and defines intergenerational learning as one of its forms. It deals with the categorization of intergenerational learning and the definition of its linkage in formal, non-formal and informal learning. The work defines the concept of age management, describes its implementation in practice and focuses on the topic of intergenerational programs, their specification, categorization and definition of their benefits and risks. The second part is focused on the content analysis of strategic and curricular documents in the Czech Republic and abroad and analyses the possibilities of cooperation of educational institutions in intergenerational programs in the Czech Republic and foreign countries. It summarizes the benefits of intergenerational programs and presents...

Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutus terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin

Ervasti, T.-M. (Tytti-Maarit) 13 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract In this study constructed a life course –aware age management model for the health care sector so it can be exploited by health care organizations nationally. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain how leadership, through the use of life course –aware age management, affects the well-being, and describe amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The research consisted of three parts: 1) a description of earlier age management models, 2) a description of the needs and requirements of age-diverse employees for age management, and 3) a description of life course –aware age management effect on the well-being of an age-diverse workforce in the health care sector, and a description of amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The results of parts one and two were made into the Life course –Aware Age Management Model. The well-being data were collected from nurses and doctors from one central hospital´s area of operation in 2014 (N = 702) and 2016 (N = 764). The research was conducted using intervention research methods. Quantitative data were analyzed by using statistical multivariate methods. Statistics on sick leave and retirement were also exploited in the data comparison. Employee age management needs were surveyed in connection with the first well-being measurement. Qualitative data were analyzed using deductive content analysis. The doctors and nurses valuated the realization of well-being mainly in the same way. No significant statistical association was found between employee age and well-being. Management using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model influenced employee well-being so that the way in which leadership was experienced improved between 2014 and 2016. The change was statistically extremely significant (p = 0.001). No impact was found on the amount of sick leaves and retirements. The amount of sick leaves and retirement was found no statistically significant change. The knowledge generated in this study can be exploited in the management of age-diverse workforces in health care. Using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model, employers can identify the support an age-diverse workforce requires to maintain their know-how, working ability and work-life balance. The results of this study can be utilized in leadership, education, and age management and well-being research. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli terveysalalle. Malli on hyödynnettävissä terveysalalle valtakunnallisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää miten Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen toimintamallin mukainen johtaminen vaikuttaa terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin, sekä kuvata sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismääriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta: 1) kuvattiin kirjallisuuden perusteella aiempia ikäjohtamisen toimintamalleja, 2) kuvattiin terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön ikäjohtamiskeinoja ja ikäjohtamistarpeita laadullisen aineiston perusteella, ja 3) kuvattiin ja selitettiin elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutusta terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin interventiotutkimuksella, johon kuului alkumittaus ja vuoden kuluttua seurantamittaus ja kuvattiin sairauspoissaolojen ja eläköitymisten määriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Osatutkimusten 1 ja 2 perusteella muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli. Osatutkimusten 2 ja 3 aineistot kerättiin yhden keskussairaalan operatiivisen toimialueen lääkäri- ja hoitohenkilöstöltä vuosina 2014 (N = 702) ja 2016 (N = 764). Vaiheen 2 aineisto analysoitiin induktiivis-deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla ja määrällinen aineisto tilastollisin monimuuttujamenetelmin. Lisäksi kerättiin työterveyshuollon ja henkilöstöhallinnon tilastoista tietoja henkilöstön sairauspoissaoloista ja eläköitymisestä. Hoitajat ja lääkärit arvioivat työhyvinvoinnin toteutumista osapuilleen samansuuntaisesti. Iän ja työhyvinvoinnin osa-alueiden välistä tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ei ollut. Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamismallin mukainen toiminta vaikutti työhyvinvointiin siten, että esimiestyön koettiin parantuneen vuodesta 2014 vuoteen 2016 ja työhyvinvoinnin muutos oli tilastollisesti erittäin merkitsevä (p = 0,001). Sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismäärissä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Tutkimuksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön johtamisessa. Tutkimuksessa muodostettua Elämänkulkutietoista ikäjohtamisen toimintamallia hyödyntämällä terveysalan esimiehet voivat paremmin huomioida eri-ikäisen henkilöstönsä tuen tarpeita osaamisen johtamisessa, työkyvyn ylläpitämisessä, sekä työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää henkilöstöjohtamisessa, koulutuksessa, sekä työhyvinvoinnin ja ikäjohtamisen tutkimuksessa.

Zavedení koncepce age managementu ve vybrané organizaci / The introduction of Age management concept in selected companies

Pagáčová, Ilona January 2014 (has links)
Age management is closely related to professional abilities and their maintaining trough advanced age. Thesis examines topic from point of view of corporations and its goal is to analyze and amend existing recommendations for implementation of the concept in Czech Republic. In order to achieve this goal, companies that engage in Age management implementation were addressed. Interviews were conducted in HR departments of three major corporations. This revealed that the concept is not widely used in Czech Republic at this time. There are no complex strategies and age management is being applied sporadically. There is a great effort to maintain good health of employees but it was also found out that awareness rising is insufficient. Testing using a method of Work Ability Index is being implemented and strategic application of the concept is being prepared.

Management diverzných tímov v ICT sektore

Struhárová, Xénia January 2019 (has links)
Struharova, X. Management of diverse teams in the ICT sector. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The diploma thesis deals with diversity management of companies operating in the ICT sector in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to develop recommendations for better application of diversity management in the ICT sector. Partial goals also examine what factors in the work environment affect the satisfaction of employees working in a diversified environment, and think about the opportunities for young women to apply in IT departments as well. Qualitative research that took place in the form of semi-structured in-depth interviews with HR staff, managers, and executives. Subsequently, a quantitative survey was carried out in the form of a questionnaire survey, the results of which were interpreted by the statistical analysis of the data. At the end of the thesis are elaborated proposals and recommendations resulting from the results of the research part of the thesis.

Možnosti flexibilních forem práce v oblasti strojírenského průmyslu

Miklík, Radim January 2019 (has links)
Miklík, R. Flexible forms of work in the field of engineering industry. Master's The-sis Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2019.This thesis deals with the flexible forms of work in the field of engineering industry. It consists of a review of literature that focuses mainly on human resources management, flexible forms of work and social diversity in the organization. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the current condition of flexible forms of work in the labor market within the Czech Republic in the area of the engineering industry. In the framework of qualitative research, semi-structured interviews with HR representatives or other executives are car-ried out. Quantitative research is also carried out within the framework of the questionnaire survey. The results of both investigations are then processed appropriately. All survey information obtained is used as input to draft proposals and recommendations

Sociální souvislosti demografických změn a důsledky pro sociální politiku státu se zaměřením na aktivní stáří a se zřetelem na podporu zaměstnávání / The social context of demographic change and the consequences for social policy of the state with a focus on active aging and with regard to employment support

Kolínková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the social context of demographic changes and the consequences for social policy of the state with a focus on active aging and with respect to support of employment. In the first part of the thesis are described the basic terms and theoretical backgrounds. Emphasis is put on the social context of demographic changes and issue of active aging. Described are an international genesis and important international documents and initiatives to support active aging. In the second part of the thesis are analyzed the speed of aging, employment in old age and health of the elderly. In the research was ascertained how are applied the methods of Age Management in the banking sector of the Czech Republic. In the conclusion all gained data are evaluated.

Využití nových poznatků o Generaci Y při jejich zařazování do podnikové praxe / The Use of New Knowledge about Generation Y for Their Inclusion into Business Practice

Kruntorádová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation deals with Generation Y and its position in the corporate environment and in the labor market. The selected issue is very topical because of increasing structural and cyclical unemployment among young people. In preparing the dissertation, we departed from theoretical findings acquired by studying Czech and foreign monographs, articles published in journals, other electronic resources and, most importantly, primary research conducted. The main objective of the dissertation to gain new knowledge about Generation Y, which would lead to a more effective inclusion of young people (especially graduates) into practice with the use of new management methods in the adaptation and stabilization of a young employee in the job, with focus on future employees with economic expertise. In order to achieve the main objective, 4 sub-objectives and 4 research questions with relevant hypotheses were set. Based on an analysis of the theoretical basis and secondary data, a schema of adaptation and stabilization of a young employee was created. The primary research conducted then combines quantitative and qualitative approaches for the analysis and description of each part. The research results are presented in the form of partial conclusions characterizing each area as well as in the form of a summarizing conclusion placed in a broader context in a comparison with the determined state of current scientific knowledge. The dissertation includes contributions to science and research, business practice and teaching as well as a proposal of continuation of research activities.

Age management in Swedish organisations

Kwasi Britwum, Foster, Lindeberg Svensson, Isak January 2022 (has links)
The population is ageing globally due to improved health care, better medication, and good socio-economic progress, therefore leading to the population ageing globally. A decrease in fertility has as well led to a new age structure of fewer younger populations to an older population. The continuous decrease in the potential support ratio is an indication that the ageing population will negatively affect the labour market. Therefore, leaving organisations with limited access to a competent and experienced workforce. The purpose of this study is to develop insight into the approaches to age management practices and how it is applied in Swedish organisations. It will address the potential for organisations to create an enabling environment for older workers. This is a qualitative study. Data collection was done through a process of semi-structured interviews of five personnel from organisations in different parts of Sweden to develop a further understanding of age management in Swedish organisations. The collected data was then compared with previous literature theories, analysed, and discussed. The findings did not show any distinction in the older workforce in the Swedish organisation since Sweden as a country does not differentiate or give special attention to a particular age group but rather treats all persons equal; therefore, engagement of the workforce is basically dependent on the competence and capabilities, and not age. But nonetheless, the older workforce is a considerable part of the age group and therefore is covered.

För ett längre arbetsliv : En kvalitativ studie om åldersmedvetet ledarskap och organisatorisk beredskap

Railert, Cornelia, Tegelind, Christoffer, Östman Dahlin, Victor January 2024 (has links)
Längre livslängd och låga födelsetal innebär att för få personer befinner sig i arbetsför ålder.Ett förlängt arbetsliv är en strategi för att möta de kraftigt ökande kompetensbehoven. Genomtidigare forskning vet vi vad som motiverar arbetstagare att stanna i arbetet längre och vadarbetsgivare kan göra. I denna studie undersöker vi hur det ser ut på en operativ nivå. Baseratpå 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med linjechefer i en offentlig organisation, undersökerstudien linjechefers aktiviteter, kunskap om och inställning gentemot äldre genom tematiskdataanalysmetod. Resultatet visar att respondenterna har en positiv inställning till äldremedarbetare och att de beskrivs som en trygg, stabil, pålitlig och kompetent arbetskraft.Resultatet visar också hur chefer arbetar reaktivt med åldersanpassningar genom bla.a. passivoch formell pensionsdialog samt genom erbjudande om timanställningar till pensionärer. Detframkommer också hur linjechefer förväntas ha en gemensam organisering av arbetet, hurmedarbetare ges lika förutsättningar oavsett ålder och hur alla anställda förväntas utförasamtliga arbetsuppgifter. Avsaknaden av ett åldersmedvetet ledarskap på operativ nivå visadesig genomgående under datainsamlingen. Slutligen visar resultatet på organisatoriska brister iform av otillräcklig kunskap, dåliga förutsättningar och en avsaknad av åldersmedvetnapolicys och rutiner. I studiens slutsatser synliggörs behovet av tydligare styrning, samordningoch stöd kring arbetet med att förlänga arbetslivet; ökad åldersmedvetenhet och kunskapkring medarbetares behov, vilka åtgärder som är möjliga samt hur dessa kan implementeras;uppmuntra större frihet för linjechefer att organisera arbetet i syfte att främja arbetsförmåganhos sina medarbetare.

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