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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An architectural framework for assessing quality of experience of web applications

Radwan, Omar Amer January 2017 (has links)
Web-based service providers have long been required to deliver high quality services in accordance with standards and customer requirements. Increasingly, however, providers are required to think beyond service quality and develop a deeper understanding of their customers’ Quality of Experience (QoE). Whilst models exist that assess the QoE of Web Application, significant challenges remain in defining QoE factors from a Web engineering perspective, as well as mapping between so called ‘objective’ and ‘subjective’ factors of relevance. Specifically, the following challenges are considered as general fundamental problems for assessing QoE: (1) Quantifying the relationship between QoE factors; (2) predicting QoE as well as dealing with the limited data available in relation to subjective factors; (3) optimising and controlling QoE; and (4) perceiving QoE. In response, this research presents a novel model, called QoEWA (and associated software instantiation) that integrates factors through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Quality Indicators (KQIs). The mapping is incorporated into a correlation model that assesses QoE, in particular, that of Web Application, with a consideration of defining the factors in terms of quality requirements derived from web architecture. The data resulting from the mapping is used as input for the proposed model to develop artefacts that: quantify, predict, optimise and perceive QoE. The development of QoEWA is framed and guided by Design Science Research (DSR) approach, with the purpose of enabling providers to make more informed decisions regarding QoE and/or to optimise resources accordingly. The evaluation of the designed artefacts is based on a build-and-evaluate cycle that provides feedback and a better understanding of the utilised solutions. The key artefacts are developed and evaluated through four iterations: Iteration 1 utilises the Actual Versus-Target approach to quantify QoE, and applies statistical analysis to evaluate the outputs. Iteration 2: utilises a Machine Learning (ML) approach to predict QoE, and applies statistical tests to compare the performance of ML algorithms. Iteration 3 utilises the Multi-Objective Optimisation (MOO) approach to optimise QoE and control the balance between resources and user experience. Iteration 4 utilises the Agent-Based Modelling approach to perceive and gain insights into QoE. The design of iteration 4 is rigorously tested using verified and validated models.

Assessing the Effects of Institutional and Spatial Arrangements in Analytical and Computational Models of Conservation

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: This work is an assemblage of three applied projects that address the institutional and spatial constraints to managing threatened and endangered (T & E) terrestrial species. The first project looks at the role of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in protecting wildlife and whether banning non–conservation activities on multi-use federal lands is socially optimal. A bioeconomic model is used to identify scenarios where ESA–imposed regulations emerge as optimal strategies and to facilitate discussion on feasible long–term strategies in light of the ongoing public land–use debate. Results suggest that banning harmful activities is a preferred strategy when valued species are in decline or exposed to poor habitat quality. However such a strategy cannot be sustained in perpetuity, a switch to land–use practices characteristic of habitat conservation plans is recommended. The spatial portion of this study is motivated by the need for a more systematic quantification and assessment of landscape structure ahead of species reintroduction; this portion is further broken up into two parts. The first explores how connectivity between habitat patches promotes coexistence among multiple interacting species. An agent–based model of a two–patch metapopulation is developed with local predator–prey dynamics and density–dependent dispersal. The simulation experiment suggests that connectivity levels at both extremes, representing very little risk and high risk of species mortality, do not augment the likelihood of coexistence while intermediate levels do. Furthermore, the probability of coexistence increases and spans a wide range of connectivity levels when individual dispersal is less probabilistic and more dependent on population feedback. Second, a novel approach to quantifying network structure is developed using the statistical method of moments. This measurement framework is then used to index habitat networks and assess their capacity to drive three main ecological processes: dispersal, survival, and coexistence. Results indicate that the moments approach outperforms single summary metrics and accounts for a majority of the variation in process outcomes. The hierarchical measurement scheme is helpful for indicating when additional structural information is needed to determine ecological function. However, the qualitative trend between network indicator and function is, at times, unintuitive and unstable in certain areas of the metric space. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences 2013

Modelos aplicados ao crescimento e tratamento de tumores e à disseminação da dengue e tuberculose / Models applied to tumors growth and treatment and the spread of dengue and tuberculosis.

Brenno Caetano Troca Cabella 31 May 2012 (has links)
A generalização de modelos de crescimento por meio de um parâmetro de controle foi primeiramente proposta por Richards, em 1959. Em nosso trabalho, propomos uma forma alternativa de generalização obtendo uma interpretação emp rica e outra microscopica do parâmetro de controle. Mais especificamente, quando consideramos a proliferacão de c elulas, o parâmetro est a relacionado ao alcance da interação e a dimensão fractal da estrutura celular. Obtemos a solucão anal ítica para esta equação diferencial. Mostramos que, atrav és da escolha apropriada da escala conseguimos o colapso de dados representando a independência em relacão aos parâmetros e as condições iniciais. Al ém disso, ao considerarmos a taxa de esforco como a retirada de indiví duos de uma população, podemos associ á-la ao tratamento visando extinguir uma populacãoo de c élulas cancerosas. Em modelos epidemiol ogicos, propomos modelar a dinâmica de transmissão da dengue utilizando equacões diferenciais ordin árias. Em nosso modelo, levamos em conta tanto a dinâmica do hospedeiro quanto a do vetor, assim temos o controle da dinâmica de ambas as populações. Inclu ímos tamb ém no modelo o efeito \"enhancing\" com intuito de verificar sua influência na dinâmica de disseminacão da doença. O efeito \"enhancing\" é considerado uma das principais hipóteses para explicar a dengue hemorr ágica que pode levar a morte. Fizemos o estudo de um modelo epidemiol ógico da dengue com o objetivo de revelar quais são os fatores que levam a disseminação desse caso mais severo da doenca e, possivelmente, sugerir polí ticas p úblicas de sa úde para evit á-lo. Implementamos tamb ém um modelo de transmissão da tuberculose fazendo uso da modelagem computacional baseada em agentes, que oferece a possibilidade de representar explicitamente heterogeneidades em nível individual. / The generalization of growth models by means of a control parameter was first proposed by Richards in 1959. In our work, we propose an alternative way to obtainin an empirical and microscopic interpretation of control parameter. More specically, when considering the proliferation of cells, the parameter is related to the range of interaction and the fractal dimension of the cell structure. We obtain the analytical solution for this dierential equation. We show that, by appropriate choice of scale we have data collapse, representing the independence on parameters and initial conditions. Furthermore, when considering the e ffort as rate the removal of individuals from a population, we can associate it with the treatment to extinguish cancer cells population. In epidemiological models, we propose to model the dynamics of dengue transmission using ordinary dierential equations. In our model, we take into account both the dynamics of the host and the vector, so we have control of the dynamics of both populations. We also included in the model the effect of enhancing in order to verify their inuence on the dynamics of disease spread. The effect of enhancing is considered one of the main hypotheses to explain the hemorrhagic fever that can lead to death. We study a model of epidemiology of dengue in order to reveal what are the factors that lead to the dissemination of this more severe case of the disease and, possibly suggesting public health policies to prevent it. We also implemented a model of tuberculosis transmission making use of agent-based computational modeling, which o ffers the possibility to explicitly represent heterogeneity at the individual level. This approach allows us to deal with each individual in particular, unlike the model of dierential equations, in which all individuals are in the same compartment interact in a similar way as in a mean field interaction.

Modelos baseados em agentes na solução de problemas econômicos em concorrência imperfeita. / Agent based models on the solution of economic problems under Imperfect competition.

Maria Paula Vieira Cicogna 25 November 2014 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi verificar se a flexibilidade característica dos modelos baseados em agentes (Agent Based Models ABM) representa adequadamente mercados em concorrência imperfeita, identificando novos elementos referentes ao comportamento e adaptabilidade dos agentes econômicos não identificados em pesquisas anteriores. Para tal, foram propostos dois modelos distintos aplicados aos mercados de passagens aéreas e sucroalcoleiro. A complexidade dos mercados analisados deve-se à forma não trivial com que é descrita a estrutura de disposição dos agentes e a maneira como estes se relacionam e tomam suas decisões, tornando infactível a aplicação de soluções analíticas. Tal fato justifica o emprego dos modelos baseados em agentes devido a sua alta flexibilidade para adequação ao ambiente simulado. O fator comum aos dois modelos propostos foi a incorporação de incertezas e expectativas nos cenários avaliados pelos agentes para sua tomada de decisão. Ao considerar as incertezas dos cenários prospectivos, os modelos simulados mostraram-se aderentes à natureza probabilística encontrada nos mercados reais, permitindo obter resultados com tendências semelhantes aos mercados estudados. A complexidade dos mercados em concorrência imperfeita analisados foi, dessa maneira, bem representada pelos modelos sugeridos. O processo adaptativo dos agentes às mudanças de mercado mostrou que os modelos baseados em agentes são ferramentas adequadas para o estudo dos mesmos e permitem captar peculiaridades dos mercados não incorporadas em outras pesquisas, revelando, inclusive características não aparentes e não incluídas em estudos anteriores. / The objective of this research was to investigate if imperfect competitive markets are well represented by the flexibility of the Agent Based Models (ABM). Therefore, it is expected that the ABM allows identifying agents new behaviour element, as well as incorporating agents adaptability processes not previously described by the other researches. Two distinct models were developed. The first one refers to the airfare prices, while the second one aims to simulate the ethanol market. The high complexity of the studied markets due to their non-trivial structure regarding the way the agents relate to each other and take their decisions justifies the employment of ABM, since ABMs are remarkably characterized by their flexibility. The common factor among the models is the incorporation of uncertainties and expectations in the models when the economic scenarios are considered by the agents for decision making. The results showed that the simulated models reached the same tendency of prices and production observed by the real data, respectively to the airfare and ethanol models. The adaptive process of the agents to the market conditions showed that ABMs are adequate tools for the study of imperfect markets, since for both models non-apparent characteristics have emerged.

Simulação baseada em agentes para operação de pátios de terminais de contêineres. / Agent-based simulation for yard management in container terminal operations.

Thiago Barros Brito 20 June 2016 (has links)
Terminais de contêineres (TC) e sistemas logísticos em geral, estão atualmente imersos em estruturas de negócio e ambientes operacionais altamente complexos e dinâmicos. Nesse ambiente, pesquisadores e usuários das ferramentas de PO são requisitados a resolver novos tipos de problemas, que surgem a partir de uma crescente complexidade interativa entre os elementos que constituem esses sistemas. Entretanto, parece estar faltando aos tomadores de decisão ferramentas capazes de lidar com sistemas que necessitam a consideração de processos interdependentes, compostos por elementos interagindo e tomando decisões de maneira descentralizada. Neste cenário, a simulação baseada em agentes (SBA) é tida como uma ferramenta potencial para o desenvolvimento e análise de sistemas logísticos, uma vez que ela é capaz de construir análises de sistemas cujo comportamento está associado a propriedades emergentes decorrentes das interações entre seus componentes (agentes). Assim, a SBA é considerada uma possibilidade de abordagem para sistemas logísticos, capaz de tratar questões complexas ainda não tangenciadas por metodologias de simulação tradicionais. Apesar do potencial alegado, a aplicação da SBA ainda é incipiente no campo logístico, representada com baixo nível de maturidade na literatura. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver uma aplicação SBA representando uma operação full-scale do pátio de um TC, a fim de confirmar a SBA como uma ferramenta potencial para representar sistemas logísticos , capaz de apoiar processos de tomada de decisão maduros. Com base no desenvolvimento proposto foi possível, metodologicamente e de maneira prática, avaliar a utilização de SBA, seus benefícios, dificuldades, desdobramentos técnicos e outras questões. Essa avaliação permitiu concluir que a SBA cumpre as promessas de flexibilidade, representatividade e potencial de sofisticação para representação de sistemas logísticos. Além disso, observou-se que a metodologia foi capaz de estender sua contribuição no sentido de expandir algumas das fronteiras conceituais da metodologia de simulação, tais como a discussão sobre o conceito de modelagem genérica e a integração entre simulação-otimização. / Container terminals (CTs), and logistics systems in general, are nowadays immersed in a dynamic and highly complex business and operational environment. Thus, researches and users of OR are being called to solve new types of logistics system problems, born from this growing interactive complexity between the system\'s elements. However, what seems to be missing in the decision-makers OR toolbox are tools able to deal with systems that need to consider several interconnected and interdepend functions and process. In this scenario, agent-based simulation (ABS) is considered to hold high promises for developing complex logistics systems, based on the fact that it is able to build analysis of systems whose behavior is associated to emergent properties deriving from interactions between its basic constituent elements (agents). ABS is considered rather a new approach for simulating systems, able to challenge more complex questions, not answered by traditional simulation methodology. Despite the advocate potential of ABS, its application still incipient within the logistic field, lacking in terms of maturity in literarture. In that way, the objective of the work is to develop an ABS application representing a full-scale CT yard management operation, in order to confirm ABS as a potential tool to represent logistics systems and support mature decision making processes. Based on the proposed development, the work is be able to conceptually, methodologically and practically evaluate the utilization of ABS - its benefits, difficulties, application unfolding, new representation boundaries and other possibilities. This evaluation allowed concluding that the ABS fulfills the high flexibility, representability and promises for logistics systems, even extending its contribution to some of the conceptual frontiers of the simulation methodology, such as generic modeling methodology discussion and simulation-optimization integration.

Desenvolvimento de um simulador de pedestres considerando a interação entre pedestres e veículos

Pretto, Carlos Oliva January 2011 (has links)
O modelo apresentado neste trabalho, denominado SimPed, foi concebido para fornecer uma boa representação da interação entre pedestres e uma abordagem realista para a interação entre pedestres e veículos em ambiente urbano. O modelo apresenta uma estrutura híbrida, combinando conceitos baseados em campo de força e as abordagens baseadas regra. Pedestres e veículos são representados por agentes e os atributos das infraestruturas são definidos através de camadas estruturais. Este trabalho, apresenta também, o desenvolvimento de dois modelos preliminares ao SimPed. O primeiro modelo apresenta conceitos básicos de movimento de pedestres. O segundo refere-se aos problemas de geração de rotas dos pedestres. O modelo SimPed é um novo modelo de movimentação de pedestres, que considera a interação entre veículos e pedestres. A fim de verificar a aplicabilidade prática do SimPed, este trabalho apresenta três testes de simulação. O primeiro teste preocupa-se com a capacidade do modelo para representar a interação entre os pedestres. O segundo analisa uma travessia de pedestres, e foi concebido para investigar a influência do campo de força dos pedestres no desempenho do tráfego de veículos. O terceiro teste se preocupa com a representação da aceitação de gaps pelos pedestres. Neste teste os valores dos gaps obtidos na simulação são comparados com valores de gaps obtidos a partir de uma coleta de dados de vídeo em um local de travessia de pedestres. Os testes indicam que o modelo SimPed fornece bons fundamentos para uma representação de qualidade do processo de travessia dos pedestres. / The model presented in this work, named as SimPed, has been devised to provide a sound representation of interaction among pedestrians and a more realistic approach for interaction between pedestrians and vehicles. The model presents a hybrid structure, combining force field and rule based approaches. Pedestrians and vehicles assume an agent based representation and the attributes of the infrastructure are defined by several structural layers. This work presents the development of 2 preliminary models and the SimPed model. The first model concerns about basic concepts of pedestrians’ movement. The second one concerns about the pedestrians’ path generation problem. The SimPed model is a new pedestrian’s movement model with vehicle and pedestrians interaction capabilities. In order to verify the practical applicability of the SimPed, this work presents three simulation tests. The first test concerns the capacity of the model to represent interaction among pedestrians. The second analyses a pedestrian crossing environment, and was devised to investigate the influence of the force-based parameter on traffic performance. The third simulation test is concerned with pedestrians´ gap acceptance representation. In this test gap acceptance values obtained from simulation are compared with gap values obtained from a video data collection of pedestrians at a crossing facility. The tests indicate that the model structure and its calibration resources provide good grounds for sound representations of realistic conditions.

Uma abordagem baseada em agentes para avaliação do balanceamento de carga em redes veiculares : dois estudos de caso

Amarante, Maicon de Brito do January 2012 (has links)
O fenômeno do congestionamento, decorrente do rápido aumento da demanda por todos os meios de transporte só tende a se agravar, já que sistemas de transporte (vistos como um todo) têm um grande impacto na economia mundial. No caso do transporte veicular em particular, é notório que a demanda por mobilidade é uma das características da nossa sociedade. O impacto direto e indireto dos congestionamentos em áreas urbanas e interurbanas é imenso, e precisam ser avaliados adequadamente para que seus efeitos sejam pelo menos minorados. Esta dissertação apresenta o AVNET, uma modelagem baseada em agentes para avali- ação do balanceamento de carga em redes de tráfego veicular, capaz de investigar micros- copicamente a interação entre oferta, demanda e as particularidades do comportamento dos motoristas, aqui tratados como agentes autônomos capazes de perceber o estado do ambiente e se adaptar a ele utilizando replanejamento heurístico. O principal objetivo do AVNET é investigar a interação entre a percepção que o agente possui do tráfego e a consequente adaptação através da mudança de rota durante a viagem. De forma cíclica, o AVNET propõe que o estado do ambiente influencia na percepção do agente, e a ação do agente influencia no estado do ambiente. As medidas de balanceamento de carga visam avaliar o desempenho do ponto de vista do motorista, ao invés de abordar a avaliação do ponto de vista da rede como algumas abordagens tradicionalmente propõe. Experimentos foram realizados a partir da variação nas condições de oferta - utili- zando uma rede com topologia em estilo de grade e uma abstração de algumas vias arte- riais da cidade de Porto Alegre/RS - variação nas condições de demanda - o tipo de dis- tribuição e número de viagens - e dos tipos de agentes utilizados. Os resultados ajudam a responder como será o balanceamento de carga de redes de tráfego veicular conforme as condições de oferta e demanda do ambiente, e de percepção/ação dos agentes. / The phenomenon of congestion, due to the rapid increase in demand for all means of transport is only going to worsen, since systems transport (seen as a whole) have a major impact on the world economy. In the case of vehicular transport in particular, it is clear that the demand for mobility is a characteristic of our society. The direct and indirect impact of congestion in urban and long distance is immense, and must be properly evaluated for their effects are at least mitigated. This dissertation presents the AVNET, an agent-basead modelling to evaluate load bal- ancing in networks of vehicular traffic, able to microscopically investigate the interaction between supply, demand and the peculiarities of the behavior of drivers, here treated as autonomous agents, capable to perceive the state of the environment and adapt to it using heuristic redesign. The main goal of AVNET is to investigate the interaction between the perception that the agent has the traffic and the consequent adaptation by changing the route during the trip. Cyclically, the AVNET propose that the state of the environment influences the perception of the agent and the agent’s action influences the state of the environment. Experiments were performed from the variation in supply conditions - using a network grid topology and an abstraction of some arterial roads in the city of Porto Alegre/RS - changes in demand conditions - the type of distribution and number of trips - and the types of agents used. The results will help answer how the balancing network load of vehicular traffic as conditions of supply and demand of the environment, and perception / action agents.

Uma abordagem baseada em agentes para simulação de tarifação viária e comunicação inter-veicular / An agent-based approach for simulation of road pricing and inter-vehicular communication in intelligent transportation systems

Tavares, Anderson Rocha January 2013 (has links)
Sistemas de transporte são sistemas complexos compostos de diferentes entidades que interagem entre si. A otimização do uso da infraestrutura de transporte existente, que é cada vez mais necessária dado o crescente aumento da demanda por mobilidade, passa pela simulação de novas tecnologias que podem vir a ser utilizadas no futuro, como a comunicação inter-veicular (IVC) e a tarifação viária adaptativa. Esta dissertação apresenta uma abordagem baseada em agentes para simulação de comunicação inter-veicular e tarifação viária adaptativa em sistemas de transporte. Motoristas são modelados como agentes minimizadores de custo, composto pelo tempo de viagem e pelas despesas com tarifas viárias. Os motoristas podem usar IVC para expandir seu conhecimento do estado da rede viária. Entre os motoristas que usam IVC, podem existir agentes maliciosos, que buscam afastar os demais de suas rotas, através da divulgação de informações falsas. Os agentes maliciosos podem ainda agir de maneira coordenada, de modo a divulgarem informações falsas sobre as rotas de todos os agentes do grupo. Pelo lado da infraestrutura, gerentes viários percebem o fluxo de veículos nas vias da rede viária e definem as tarifas a serem aplicadas através de um esquema de aprendizado por reforço. Nos experimentos realizados, empregamos um modelo microscópico de simulação de tráfego, o que permite observar o comportamento individual de cada entidade do sistema de transporte sob estudo. O cenário onde as simulações são executadas é uma rede viária com as principais vias arteriais da cidade de Porto Alegre, Brasil. Resultados experimentais indicam que um pequeno grupo coordenado de agentes maliciosos em cenários de IVC é capaz de causar prejuízos significativos aos demais motoristas. Embora na média o grupo não consiga reduzir seu tempo de viagem, alguns agentes maliciosos são beneficiados pela coordenação do grupo. Com relação à tarifação viária, os resultados experimentais indicam que o esquema de aprendizado por reforço não possui a mesma eficácia de um esquema de tarifação fixa quando se trata da maximização de fluxo de veículos na rede viária. Ambos os esquemas de tarifação são superados por um método de otimização de tráfego que assume conhecimento completo do estado da rede viária pelos motoristas. No aspecto individual, sob tarifação via aprendizado por reforço, os custos de deslocamento dos motoristas são superiores em comparação aos custos sob tarifação fixa. O modelo baseado em agentes apresentado nesta dissertação representa uma contribuição em direção à proposição de uma metodologia para integrar modelos comportamentais de usuários de sistemas de transporte que reagem aos padrões de tráfego e medidas de controle desses padrões, com foco em métodos descentralizados e distribuídos. / Transportation systems are complex systems composed of different interacting entities. The optimization of the existing transportation infrastructure usage, which becomes increasingly necessary given the increasing demand for mobility, requires simulation of new technologies that might be used in the future, such as inter-vehicular communication (IVC) and adaptive road pricing. This dissertation presents an agent-based approach for simulation of inter-vehicular communication and adaptive road pricing in transportation systems. Drivers are modeled as cost-minimizer agents, where the cost is composed by travel time and expenditure. Drivers can use IVC to expand their knowledge of the road network state. Among the IVC users, there might be malicious agents, which try to divert other drivers from their routes by spreading false information. The malicious agents can act in a coordinated way, by spreading false information about the routes of all the agents in the group. In the infrastructure side, link managers perceive the vehicular flow in the roads and define the prices to be applied by means of a reinforcement learning scheme. In the experiments, we employ a microscopic traffic simulation model, which allows us to observe the individual behavior of each entity in the studied transportation system. The scenario where the simulations are run is a road network with the main arterial roads of the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Experimental results indicate that a small group of coordinated malicious agents in IVC scenarios is able to cause significant losses to the other drivers. Although in average the group does not succeed in reducing their travel times, some agents are benefited by the coordination of the group. Regarding road pricing, experimental results indicate that the reinforcement learning scheme does not achieve the same effectiveness of a fixed pricing approach regarding the maximization of vehicular flow in the road network. Both pricing schemes are outperformed by an optimization method that assumes full knowledge of the road network state by the drivers. In the individual aspect, under pricing via reinforcement learning, drivers’ costs are higher compared to their costs under fixed pricing. The agent-based model presented in this dissertation is a contribution towards a methodology to integrate behavioral models of human travelers reacting to traffic patterns and control measures of these traffic patterns, focusing on distributed and decentralized methods.

An agent based protocol for parallel negotiation of dependent resources

Kulsumunnessa, Omme, Aslanyan, Zaruhi January 2011 (has links)
Context. Resource allocation is an important issue in order to complete a task in the field of agent system. Several protocols are available for task distribution and for efficient resource allocation among agents. Efficient task distribution and resource allocation among agents are often play important roles to obtain high performance. However, the situation becomes more complicated when the resources are dependent on each other where multiple buyers and providers of resources negotiate in parallel. Objectives. In this paper, we proposed an agent based protocol for synchronizing and allocating dependent resources that involves parallel negotiation between multiple buyers and providers of resources. Methods. Literature survey has been conducted in the studied areas in order to position the work and gain more knowledge. Moreover, to validate the proposed protocol, a simulation study was performed. Results. The suggested protocol can handle dependent resources negotiation parallel and the result illustrates that. Moreover, the approach can avoid broadcasting of call for proposals to reduce the communication overhead, which usually occur in many other protocols. Conclusion. In the suggested protocol, we have presented a new idea of re-planning with other techniques like Information board and leveled commitment. In a simulation study, it was identified that this approach is able to deal with the dependent resources according to the simulation results.

Input handling in agent-based micro-level simulators

Fayyaz, Muhammad Saleem January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we presented a new direction for handling missing values in multi agent-based simulation (MABS) at micro-level by using truth tables and logical relations. Although micro-level simulation is a vast field to use logical relations with truth tables to find missing values but it takes values into account at individual levels. We used databases in form of tables to extract missing values. Our literature review suggested us a method for input handling by using electronically saved truth tables. We have defined logical relations according to scenario by interacting with truth tables to find appropriate missing values. Our conclusions suggested a method which can find appropriate values for input parameters when they are missing. Accurate results have been gained according to updated database. In this thesis we have concluded that missing values would be handled in different ways, such as: Artificial neural network, K-nearest neighbor, Statistical method and Data mining; etc… These methods have not facilitated in finding appropriate missing values as we saw in literature. We have created a method that can find missing values and produce good results. We have run our method on a specific scenario to check the efficiency of input handling that motivated us to arrange database in a proper way to handle missing values along.

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