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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análogos fluorescentes de agentes anti-parasitários: interações com agregados anfifílicos / Fluorescent analogues of antiparasitic agents: interactions with amphiphilic aggregates

Marina Berardi 26 August 2010 (has links)
Esse trabalho é sobre a agregação da droga leishmanicida miltefosina e um análogo fluorescente e sua interação com vesículas fosfolipídicas. A leishmaniose é uma doença tropical causada por diferentes espécies do gênero Leishmania que atinge boa parte do mundo e, nas duas últimas décadas, sua manifestação visceral reapareceu de forma preocupante, uma vez que sua letalidade vem aumentando de forma gradativa. Vários medicamentos estão sendo testados, incluindo o análogo lipídico sintético hexadecilfosfocolina (miltefosina), que é um agente antitumoral e antileishmania administrado oralmente que age nas membranas celulares e pode induzir apoptose. O primeiro local de interação dos análogos de fosfolipídios é a membrana celular e eles apresentam atividade citotóxica não específica em concentrações acima da sua concentração micelar crítica, sendo importante o conhecimento de suas propriedades de agregação em meio aquoso e sua forma de interação com outros agregados presentes no meio. Além disso, derivados fluorescentes da miltefosina permitem o uso de técnicas de fluorescência para a caracterização de sua atividade leishmanicida. Neste trabalho examinamos propriedades de agregação da miltefosina (MT) e de seu análogo fluorescente MT-BODIPY em meio aquoso, utilizando técnicas baseadas em medidas de tensão superficial e de espectroscopia de fluorescência, tanto estática como com resolução temporal. Os resultados de cmc da miltefosina, a 25oC utilizando diferentes métodos, foram 60M em meio aquoso puro (água Milli-Q), 50M em tampão fosfato 10mM (pH 7,4), e 35M em tampão fosfato com NaCl 150mM. Através do estudo de vários parâmetros de fluorescência, verificamos que para a MT-BODIPY, um limite superior para sua cmc é de 10M. Utilizando a sonda fluorescente amino-hexadecil-benzamida (Ahba) estudamos a interação entre a miltefosina e vesículas fosfolipídicas de DMPC e DPPC, analisando os espectros de absorção e emissão fluorescente, a anisotropia estática e os decaimentos da intensidade fluorescente e da anisotropia. O conjunto de resultados mostrou que os efeitos do acréscimo de miltefosina às vesículas, no intervalo de razões molares entre 1:100 e 5:100, não são monitorados pela sonda Ahba, uma sonda localizada na região das cabeças polares. Por outro lado, a análise da fluorescência intrínseca da MT-BODIPY mostrou que seu acréscimo, no mesmo intervalo de razões molares, promove desorganização da bicamada lipídica. Como nesse caso o grupo fluorescente localiza-se no final da cadeia alifática, concluimos que os maiores efeitos da miltefosina sobre as bicamadas ocorrem na região interna das cadeias apolares. / This work is about the aggregation of the leishmanicidal drug miltefosine and a fluorescent analogue and their interaction with phospholipid vesicles. Leishmaniasis is a complex of tropical diseases caused by different species of the genus Leishmania which reaches almost the whole world, including Brazil, and, on the last decades, its visceral form reappeared with hundreds of million people at risk of infection, and the mortality rate increases every year. Several drugs have been used to treat the disease, and miltefosine, a synthetic phospholipid analogue, has been tested and it is already used in some countries. This drug has a confirmed antitumor and orally antileishmanial action on the cell membranes, which is the first local of interaction of a phospholipid analogue. The cytotoxic activity is not specific on concentrations above its critical micelle concentration (cmc), and the knowledge of the aggregation properties of the drug in aqueous medium becomes important, as well as its interaction with other aggregates presents in the environment. Fluorescent analogues of miltefosine allow the use of fluorescent techniques to characterize the antileishmanial activity of miltefosine. In this work we have investigated the aggregation properties of the drug miltefosine (MT), and the fluorescent analogue MT-BODIPY in aqueous medium, by using techniques of surface tension measurements and both, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The values of miltefosine cmc at 25°C from different methods were about 60M in pure aqueous medium (Milli-Q water), 50M in phosphate buffer 10mM (pH 7,4), and 35M in phosphate buffer with the addition of NaCl 150mM. The fluorescent probe amino-hexadecyl-benzamide (Ahba) was used to study the interaction of miltefosine with phospholipid vesicles of DMPC and DPPC, from absorption and fluorescent emission spectra, steady-state anisotropy and fluorescence and anisotropy decays. The results have shown that the effects of miltefosine addition in the vesicles, with molar ratios between 1:100 and 5:100, are not monittored by the probe Ahba, which is located on the polar head groups region on the bilayer. On the other hand, analysing the intrinsic fluorescence of the analogue MT-BODIPY, we concluded that when the molecule is added, in the same molar ratio intervals, there is a disorder in the lipidic bilayer. The fluorescent group BODIPY is located on the aliphatic chain of MT, therefore, the more accentuated effects of miltefosine in the bilayers occur in the region of the apolar tails.

Tratamento superficial dos agregados reciclados de RCD com hidrofugantes. / Surface treatment of CDW recycled aggregates with water-repellents.

Winnie Franco Santos 04 April 2016 (has links)
A proposta busca reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD), através do tratamento de sua superfície com hidrofugante, de maneira que estes não aumentem o consumo de água tampouco reduzam a resistência mecânica. Os agregados reciclados de RCD foram caracterizados quanto à granulometria, morfologia, porosidade, ângulo de contato aparente, absorção de água, análise de imagem e rugosidade superficial. Em seguida, os mesmos foram tratados superficialmente com dois tipos de hidrofugante: solução de silano e parafina. Todos os tratamentos permitiram reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de RCD. O tratamento por imersão foi aquele que permitiu obter os melhores resultados e a menor variabilidade entre as técnicas. Os tratamentos hidrofugam a superfície, apesar da parafina apresentar maior molhabilidade. O tratamento com parafina apresentou, em termos de absorção de água, resultados inferiores e menos variáveis que o silano. Os parâmetros de rugosidade constataram que, ambos os materiais perdem seu perfil topográfico original quando tratados com parafina. Os diferentes agregados reciclados com cada hidrofugante foram aplicados em materiais cimentícios analisados no estado fresco e no estado endurecido. Os tratamentos reduziram a absorção e o consumo de água de mistura, porém afetaram negativamente as propriedades mecânicas, devido nova interface gerada (no caso específica de parafina) e falta de molhabilidade nas superfícies. / The proposal aims to reduce the water absorption of the Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) recycled aggregates through hydrophobic surface treatment, so that these do not increase the concretes water consumption (nor reduce de mechanical strength). The CDW recycled aggregates were characterized regarding granulometry, morphology, porosity, apparent contact angle, water absorption, image analysis and surface roughness. Then they had their surface treated with two types of water-repellent: silane solution and paraffin. All treatments have reduced water absorption of the CDW recycled aggregate. Immersion treatment was the one that allowed the best results and the lowest variability between techniques. The treatments repel water on surface, despite the paraffin presenting better wettability. Paraffin treatment showed, in terms of water absorption, lower and less variable results than silane did. Roughness parameters found that both materials lose their topographic profile when treating with paraffin. The different recycled aggregates with each repellent were applied in cementitious materials analyzed in fresh and hardened state. The treatments reduced absorption and mixing consumption of water in the mixing, but adversely affect mechanical properties due to the new interface created (paraffin wax in special) and the lack of wettability on surfaces.

Análise de viabilidade da utilização de lodo de ETA coagulado com cloreto de polialumínio (PAC) composto com areia como agregado miúdo em concreto para recomposição de calçadas: estudo de caso na ETA do município de Mirassol-SP / Viability analysis of water treatment plant sludge coagulated with aluminum polychloride used as small aggregate associated with sand in concrete for pavements recomposition: case of study in water treatment plant of Mirassol-SP

Álvaro José Calheiros da Costa 25 February 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi elaborado com o intuito de equacionar dois problemas: redução do impacto ambiental do lançamento do lodo da ETA Mirassol in naturanos córregos e a redução de custos através da redução na quantidade de lodo enviada para o aterro sanitário e da redução no volume do agregado miúdo o qual, apesar de não representar o maior custo entre os materiais necessários para a confecção do concreto, representa uma redução de custos para a empresa concessionária que precisa recompor diariamente as calçadas que são quebradas para a execução de seus serviços de manutenção nos sistemas de água e esgoto. Devido ao fato de a ETA Mirassol ainda não dispor de um plano de gerenciamento dos resíduos de seu tratamento, como metodologia de secagem das amostras de lodo, optou-se pela simulação de lagoa de lodo fora de escala em que o lodo ficou exposto ao sol durante períodos diferentes de 15 e 30 dias. A primeira amostra, mais seca, foi utilizada nos ensaios de lixiviação e solubilização e a segunda nos ensaios envolvendo o concreto. Foram realizados ensaios de lixiviação e solubilização com o objetivo de classificar o lodo de acordo com a ABNT NBR 10.004/2004 os quais, resultaram em excesso nos teores de cádmio, chumbo e, principalmente, de manganês, cerca de 400 vezes maior que o permitido. Por conta disto, o lodo pôde ser classificado como um resíduo classe II A, ou seja, não perigoso e não inerte. Vale destacar que apesar de coagulado com policloreto de alumínio, o lodo não apresentou teores deste metal que superassem os limites da norma. Voltando a atenção para o concreto de calçada, verificou-se que não existem normas ou padrões que determinem a maneira adequada de executá-Io. Desta forma, optou-se por simular a confecção do concreto realizada no dia-a-dia pelos pedreiros, compreendendo o traço 1:2:3 (cimento:areia:brita) em massa e com o acompanhamento visual da sua trabalhabilidade. A análise de viabilidade da utilização do lodo como agregado foi realizada com base nos ensaios de compressão axial e compressão diametral, também conhecido como ensaio brasileiro (tração). Estes ensaios demonstraram que para os traços que utilizam 5%, 10% e 20% de lodo, foram obtidas resistências à compressão axial superiores à meta de 15 MPa o que foi considerado bastante satisfatório uma vez que são recomendados para calçadas valores de 10 MPa. Já para os ensaios de tração, não há referências, mas pôde-se constatar que a utilização do lodo como composto com areia como agregado miúdo interfere sensivelmente nos resultados, sendo recomendada a utilização de porcentagens próximas a 10%. Portanto, concluiu-se que a utilização do lodo da ETA Mirassol em concretos para recomposição de calçadas é viável nas porcentagens até 10%. / This work was done wishing to solve two problems: the reduction of the environmental impact caused by the inappropriate sludge disposal in Mirassol and also the reduction in the costs by reducing the volume of sludge destined to landfill and by reducing the volume of concrete small aggregates which, in spite of not representing the biggest cost of all materials involved, actually represents a cost reduction to the concessionary which needs to remake daily the pavement broke to the execution of maintenance and operation works in the water and wastewater systems. Considering the fact that Mirassol\'s water treatment plant does not have a sludge management plan, it was chosen the sun exposal method with two different times (15 and 30 days) to dry the samples of sludge. The first sample, the driest, was used in the lixiviation and solubilization experiments and the second one in the experiments involving the concrete. The objective of lixiviation and solubilization experiments was to classify the sludge according to ABNT NBR 10.004/2004. This experiments resulted manganese, plumbean and cadmium excess, especially the manganese with 400 times more concentration than the permitted by the law. So, according to these results, Mirassol\'s water treatment plant sludge was classified as Class II A. That\'s important to observe that, despite the fact that in Mirassol they use the CPA, the sludge did not shown high concentrations of aluminum. Keeping the attention on the concrete to pavements, it was noticed that doesn\'t exist in Brazil any law to discipline its confection and because of that, it was chosen the empirical method, used by the workers daily with 1:2:3 in mass. The viability analysis of the sludge use as aggregate to concrete pavement was based on the compression and traction experiments which demonstrated that, considering traces with 5%, 10% and 20% of sludge incorporated, the results was satisfactory. In fact, all of the samples had results above the aim for compression (15 MPa). On the other hand, considering the traction experiments, there\'s no references in Brazil for pavements, but it was possible to observe that the sludge addiction affected more this characteristic than the compression. However, the traction results were also satisfactory. Finally, this work recommends the utilization of 10% of sludge incorporated in concrete to pavements because they had the best results considering the compression and traction experiments.

Análise microestrutural e das propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade de argamassas e concretos com isoladores elétricos de porcelana / Microstructural analysis and of mechanical and durability properties of mortars and concretes with porcelain electric insulator

Campos, Marco Antonio 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Vladimir Antonio Paulon / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T08:41:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Campos_MarcoAntonio_D.pdf: 29342134 bytes, checksum: 387aea50293d1fe1cbb0bd9758e9bab3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Pesquisas para utilização de materiais reciclados e/ou inservíveis da construção civil em seus insumos, concretos e argamassas, é prática recorrente há seis décadas no mundo. No Brasil este uso vem ganhando destaque a cerca de vinte anos principalmente com os entulhos de construção e da cerâmica vermelha. Há uma lacuna a ser preenchida pela cerâmica branca, em especial pelos isoladores elétricos de porcelana, pois seu passivo nacional anual é de 25.000 toneladas proveniente sobretudo da substituição de peças obsoletas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comprovar a utilização desta porcelana em concretos e argamassas através de sua incorporação com diferentes graus de moagem, variando de granulometria similar ao cimento até aos agregados, miúdo e graúdo, além do estudo referente a influência da camada de esmalte externa aos isoladores através de ensaios mecânicos, de durabilidade e de imagens por MEV e EDS. Para a adição da cerâmica ao cimento nos teores em massa de 5%, 10%, 25%, 50% e 70%, nas argamassas a melhora nos resultados dos ensaios realizados comprovam sua atividade pozolânica e sua potencialidade de uso. Nos ensaios dos concretos com isoladores de porcelana substituindo o agregado miúdo comum ou ambos os agregados, nos teores de 25%, 50%, 75% e 100%, os aumentos de resistências à compressão simples e à tração por compressão diametral obtidos foram superiores a 50% quando comparados aos valores do concreto de referência. A influência da camada de esmalte superficial dos isoladores não foi constada nos ensaios realizados, sendo este mais um fator pró-utilização desta porcelana. As melhoras conferidas às argamassas e aos concretos, quando moldados com agregados ou aglomerantes cerâmicos em suas propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade acompanhadas dos ensaios de imagens comprovam a utilização dos isoladores elétricos de porcelana nos insumos da construção civil oferecendo com isso às indústrias cerâmicas uma alternativa de uso a esta porcelana e diminuindo a produção de cimento e a extração dos agregados / Abstract: Researches for using recycled materials and/or useless for civil building in input, concretes and mortars, is a practice used for six decades in the world. In Brazil this use is standing out for about20 years mainly with the construction waste and the red ceramic. There is a gap to be fulfilled by the white ceramic especially by the porcelain electric insulators, because of its national passive which is of 25,000 tons proceeded from the substitution of obsolete parts. The purpose of this work is to confirm the utility of this porcelain in concretes and mortars through its incorporation with different degrees of grinding, varying its grinding similar to cement till the aggregates, tiny and great, besides the study referring to the external enamel surface influence to isolators through mechanical test, durability and by SEM and EDS images. Increasing the ceramic to cement in the mass theors of 5%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 70% in the mortar, the improvement in the test results performed, confirm its pozzolanic activity and its potential use. In the concrete test with porcelain insulator substituting the tiny common aggregate or both the aggregates, in theors of 25%, 50%,75% and 100%, the increase in resistance to compressive strength and traction by diametral compression obtained were superior to 50% when compared to the value of the referenced concrete. The influence of the superficial enamel of the insulator was not noticed in the performed tests, therefore being this one more factor for the use of this porcelain. The improvements noticed to the mortars and the concretes, when molded with aggregates or ceramic waste in their mechanical properties and durability followed by image test, confirm the utility of porcelain electric insulator in the input of civil construction offering with this to the ceramic industries an alternative of use to this porcelain and decreasing the cement production and the extraction of aggregates / Doutorado / Recursos Hidricos, Energeticos e Ambientais / Doutor em Engenharia Civil

Resíduos da construção civil na cidade de Londrina: análise da política de gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil adotada pelo município e estudo de caso utilizando uma proposta de reciclagem baseada na técnica de estabilização por solidificação à base de cimento Portland. / Civil construction residues in the city of Londrina: analysis of the construction residues management policy adopted by the municipality and case study using a proposed recycling based on stabilization by solidification technique the Portland cement base.

Nilson Magagnin Filho 15 February 2016 (has links)
O processo de reaproveitamento dos Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD) na cidade de Londrina, Estado do Paraná, foi pesquisado. O objeto da investigação foi analisar a política sobre a reciclagem dos resíduos da construção na cidade. Constatou-se que o município tem observado as legislações atuais e que tem organizado e disciplinado a atuação dos grandes e pequenos gerdores. Também foram analisados os procedimentos adotados por uma empresa ambientalmente licenciada, identificando seu processo de produção do material reciclado e caracterizando o produto a ser reutilizado. O material reciclado é o resultado da rebritagem do resíduo da construção, que se transforma em pedras e areia resultantes da trituração de concreto puro ou da trituração conjunta de concreto, argamassa, pisos, revestimentos e tijolos cerâmicos. Foi analisado esse processo para verificar a existência de procedimentos de identificação de contaminação na empresa para a utilização dos resíduos na reciclagem e, principalmente, verificar a existência de contaminação no produto. Nos agregados produzidos foram identificados alumínio e cádmio em excesso e, para que possam ser utilizados livres destes contaminantes, foi proposta a técnica de estabilização por solidificação. No entanto, os resultados não foram os esperados, uma vez que observou-se aumento dos teores destes contaminantes após o encapsulamento usando a técnica à base de cimento Portland. Concluiu-se que, provavelmente, como já foi observado em pesquisas anteriores, a causa principal desse aumento é a contaminação do cimento, único material adicionado aos resíduos para a fabricação dos corpos de prova. Uma proposta de protocolo para a reutilização de resíduos de construção e demolição com resíduos industriais incorporados foi também apresentada, bem como recomendações para a produção e utilização de agregados reciclados. Como a contaminação do cimento parece ser recorrente, sugere-se que estudos sobre as possíveis causas da contaminação e desvios das normas técnicas sejam mais profundamente pesquisados. / The recycling process of construction and demolition residues (RCD) in the city of Londrina, Parana State, was searched. The object of the research was to analyze the policy on recycling of construction residues in the city. It was found that the city has noted the current legislation and has organized and disciplined the performance of large and small generators. Were also analyzed the procedures adopted by an environmentally licensed company, identifying its production process of recycled material and featuring the product to be reused. The recycled material is the result of rebritagem the residue of the construction, which turns into gravels and sand resulting from pure concrete grinding or joint grinding of concrete, mortar, floors, tiles and bricks. This process was analyzed to check for contamination identification procedures in the company for the use of residue recycling and especially check for contamination in the product. In produced clusters identified excess aluminum and cadmium, that can be used free of such contaminants, it has been proposed for stabilization/solidification technique. However, the results were not expected given that there was increase in levels of these contaminants after encapsulation technique using Portland cement-based. It was concluded that, probably, as has been observed in previous research, the main cause of this increase is contamination of the cement, only material added to the residue for the manufacture of test specimens. A proposed protocol for the reuse of construction and demolition residue with embedded industrial residue was also presented, as well as recommendations for the production and use of recycled aggregates. As cement contamination seems to be recurring, it is suggested that studies on the possible causes of contamination and technical norms deviations are more thoroughly researched.

Absorption d'eau des granulats poreux : mesure et conséquences sur la formulation des mortiers et des bétons / Water absorption of porous aggregates : measurement and consequences on cementitious materials mix-designs

Nael-Redolfi, Jennifer 05 April 2016 (has links)
Face à la pénurie de granulats alluvionnaires, l’utilisation de granulats issus de roches massives est devenue systématique pour la formulation de mortiers ou de bétons. Ainsi, la part des granulats concassés de roche massive a fortement augmenté lors de la dernière décennie alors que, pour des raisons normatives dans le domaine du recyclage, la part des granulats recyclés est amenée à le faire lors de la prochaine. La relation de ces granulats avec l’eau et, plus particulièrement, de leur fraction fine est beaucoup plus complexe que celle de leurs prédécesseurs, les granulats naturels alluvionnaires. Ces particules plus poreuses sont à même d’absorber des quantités d’eau plus importantes mais elles le font, par ailleurs, avec des cinétiques peu comparables. Pour contrôler l’absorption d’eau des granulats poreux, il est d’usage de compenser l’absorption des granulats au moment de la formulation après avoir caractériser les granulats. Cependant, l’angularité et la rugosité de surface des granulats recyclés imposent d’adapter les normes actuelles utilisées pour la caractérisation de granulats alluvionnaires. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous proposons de mettre en place différentes méthodes pour caractériser les granulats concassés et recyclés. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions la méthode consistant à déterminer l’absorption d’eau par séchage de granulats saturés et nous montrons que cette méthode est plus particulièrement adaptée dans le cas de granulats de morphologie anguleuse. En effet, nous montrons que la baisse du taux de séchage est bien associée au passage de l’évaporation inter-grains à l’évaporation de l’eau intra-grains et que cette méthode permet une bonne estimation de l’absorption de granulats fins poreux. Dans un second temps, nous montrons que l’étude de la perte de rhéologie d’un mortier, à travers des mesures d’étalement, permet de déterminer l’absorption d’eau de granulats poreux. Nous étendons, dans une deuxième partie, notre étude aux conséquences inhérentes à l’utilisation de ces granulats dans un nouveau matériau cimentaire. Nous observons, à l’aide de la spectrométrie RMN, les transferts d’eau de la pâte de ciment fraîche vers les granulats poreux. Nous observons que l’absorption d’eau de granulats recyclés peut être réduite dans une pâte de ciment fraîche par rapport à l’absorption dans l’eau pure. Nous montrons que le prétraitement thermique généralement imposé en laboratoire aux granulats recyclés impacte la microstructure par la déshydratation d’hydrates tels que les aluminates et les silicates de calcium. En présence de la solution interstitielle de la pâte de ciment, la réhydratation des anhydres peut amener à une précipitation de calcium dans la porosité qui limite l’absorption par colmatage des pores / The environmental threat on non-renewable resources such as rounded natural aggregates strongly affects the materials available for the production of mortar or concrete. This leads to an increase in the relative contribution of alternative resources such as recycled or crushed aggregates. The interaction of water with these inclusions, especially the finest sand particles, is far more complex than in the case of the standard rounded natural aggregates. These alternative particles are indeed able to absorb far more water with very different kinetics than their previous counterparts. In order to take into account aggregates water content and correct the resulting water absorption with the aim of always producing the same material with the same properties, it is usual to correct the amount of mixing water added in the mix-design. However, the traditional standard used to measure rounded aggregates water absorption is not suitable for crushed aggregates. We propose, as a first step, to develop tests allowing for the assessment of water absorption and its kinetics in the case of crushed and recycled sands. To achieve this, we measure rheology losses of mortars by slump flow test and drying kinetics of saturated porous aggregates. We show that these methods are suitable to determine water absorption of crushed or recycled aggregates. In the second phase, we study the consequences of the use of porous aggregates in a new cementitious material. We observe water transfers between aggregates and fresh cement paste using nuclear magnetic resonance. We measure a lower final water absorption in the fresh cement paste than in pure water. We show that oven-drying of recycled aggregates in laboratory can impact cement paste microstructure by hydrates dehydration like calcium silicates or calcium aluminates. The rehydration of anhydrous by interstitial solution of fresh cement paste involves calcium precipitation in the pores and this precipitation can reduce water absorption by clogging aggregates porosity

Effect of Recycled Concrete Aggregate Properties on the Behaviour of New Concrete

Ahimoghadam, Faraz 04 May 2018 (has links)
Application of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) has increased recently as a sustainable alternative in concrete construction. Although application of RCA has substantially grown over the past decades, issues related to its structural performance and long-term behaviour still prevent its widespread application, especially in structural purposes. In this study, a new mixture proportioning method called the “Equivalent Volume (EV)” method is proposed for RCA concrete, which is developed on the assumption that the RCA mix is based on a companion conventional concrete mix having the same volume of “cement paste and aggregates” as the companion mixture. RCA mixes containing different aggregate types and mechanical properties were designed using the EV method. Chemical, mechanical and non-destructive tests were performed and their performance was investigated. Finally, a quality control protocol for evaluating the suitability of RCA sources for structural applications is proposed. Results show that the EV method seems a promising approach to mix-proportion eco-friendly recycled concrete mixes. Moreover, the RCA type and properties seem to influence in the behaviour of RCA concrete and thus should be accounted in the mix- design.

Effet de l'incorporation des granulats recyclés sur le comportement et la durabilité vis-à-vis du gel-dégel des bétons / Effect of incorporation of recycled aggregates on the behavior and freezing-thawing durability of concret

Omary, Safiullah 21 March 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherches se situe dans le cadre de l’ANR VBD2012-ECO-construction par le Recyclage du Béton (ECOREB). Il vise à lever certains verrous scientifiques afin de rendre possible l’utilisation des granulats issus de la démolition/déconstruction pour élaborer de nouveaux bétons pour le bâtiment. L’ANR ECOREB est en relation avec le PN RECYBETON. Les deux projets interagissent fortement.Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer la durabilité des bétons recyclés vis-à-vis du gel/dégel modéré sans sels de déverglaçage. Les bétons ont été élaborés en faisant varier : le taux d’incorporation des granulats recyclés (GR) l’état de saturation des gravillons tout en maintenant la même classe de consistance S4 et la classe de résistance de type C35/45. Un agent entraîneur d’air a été introduit afin d’obtenir des bétons conformes à l’EN 206-1 avec deux teneurs en air occlus 4% et 6%.Dans un premier temps, les propriétés physiques et mécaniques des granulats recyclés (GR) ont été étudiées et comparées à celles des granulats naturels (GN). Les GR manifestent une capacité d’absorption d’eau dix fois supérieure à celle des GN, une résistance mécanique deux fois inférieure et une résistance au gel deux fois inférieure. Cependant ils sont classés non gélifs de catégorie Fdéclaré.. Les faibles propriétés des GR comparées à celles des GN s’expliquent par la présence de l’ancienne pâte de ciment qui entoure les grains originaux et qui est caractérisée par une forte porosité et par un fort réseau de fissures connecté créé lors du concassage du béton parent.Les propriétés physiques (porosité et coefficient d’absorption d’eau) de transfert (conductivité thermique, résistivité électrique et perméabilité) et mécaniques sont fortement impactées par l’incorporation des granulats recyclés de part l’augmentation de la porosité capillaire essentiellement et du réseau des fissures présentes dans les gravillons recyclés. Les relations établies entre les propriétés mécaniques et les propriétés physiques et de transfert ont été établies. L’applicabilité des Euro codes égalementLes formulations avec un taux d’air occlus de 4% sont de classe C30/37 pour tous les taux d’incorporations alors qu’une diminution notable des résistances mécaniques à la compression est observée pour un taux d’air occlus de 6% : le béton de référence devient de classe C16/20. L’incorporation des GR affecte la résistance au gel/dégel des bétons. En utilisant les indicateurs préconisés par la norme NFP 424, le béton sans agent entraineur d’air atteint les critères recommandés au 75ème cycle lorsqu’il est élaboré avec 100% de GR et au 125ème cycle quand seuls les GN sont utilisés. L’entraineur d’air améliore la tenue au gel des bétons. Nous remarquons que les bétons C35/45 30R-30R (30% en volume d’incorporation) avec 4% d’air entrainé présentent le comportement ressemblant à celui du béton référence et respecte les critères de la résistance préconisé par la norme NF P 18-424 et l’EN 206-1.Ce travail a permis également de mettre en place d’autre indicateurs performantielles pour estimer la résistance au gel/dégel des bétons à granulats recyclés. / Development in many sectors has negative environmental effects. In construction sector, there are millions of tonnes of construction and demolition waste (CDW) every year. This CDW has a significant damage on the environment and may endanger its sustainability. To find a conceivable solution for CDW and to preserve the natural resources, particularly the non-renewable ones, worldwide researches on recycled aggregates have been increased in order to investigate their revalorization possibilities in concretes.As many developed countries, France also has introduced legislations and strategies to reduce the environmental effects of CDW. Corresponding to problem of CDW, there are two national project called PN-RECYBETON and ANR VBD2012-ECOREB that deal with how to provide concretes for building field using aggregates provided from CDW.This work aims to determine the durability of recycled aggregate concrete by freeze/thaw cycles. Four types of concrete were prepared by varying the replacement ratio of natural aggregates (NA) by recycled one (RA). The volumetric substitutions rates are respectively 0%, 33%, 55% and 100%, while the concretes mix design were adjusted in order to achieve the same consistency class of S4. Furthermore, we also studied the durability of these concretes varying the air content through an air entraining agent.After characterization of physical and mechanical properties of NA and RA, we found that the water absorption capacity of RA is 10 times greater than that of NA due to a low density. Moreover, the RA presents poor mechanical résistance by LA, MDE and freezing action.These poor performances of RA can be explained by the existence of pores and crack in old cement paste that provided during production process. The microstructure of RA was analyzed by SEM.Regarding to the influence of RA in mix design, with total substitution the density of hardened decrease 17% while the porosity become two times greater than those of natural concrete.In addition, the mechanical properties of studied concretes mix design decreases through the incorporation of RA. Regarding to the transfer properties, the gas permeability of the concrete 100% substitution is 2 times higher than that of reference one. On the other hand, the electric resistivity decreases with increasing of RA content.The Air-Entraining agent has a significant effect on the compressive and the splitting tensile strengths. It is observed that with 6% of air content the mentioned mechanical properties decrease drastically (a diminution higher than 50%). The increase of RAC content in the mixtures decreases their freezing/thawing resistance.The introduction of Air-Entraining agent improves the freezing/thawing resistance of concrete. The air-entrained concrete with 50% and 100% of RA present the poor performance than that of reference concrete via the studied durability indicators. Moreover, the air-entrained concrete C35/45 30R-30R with 4% and 6% of air content show the similar performance as air-entrained control concrete.

Faktory ovlivňující uchycení vegetace během sukcese v čedičových lomech / Factors influencing vegetation establishment during spontanous succession in basalt quarries

Petrů, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Mining and construction industry is a major environmental disturbance creating habitats with extremely coarse material: gravel, cobbles and boulders. Simultaneously, there is an increasing interest in using spontaneous succession during restoration processes on those areas. This leads to a question if vegetation can establish on such coarse substrates. This project assessed the vegetation establishment on substrates with different grain size as well as the hydrological limitations of those substrates. The aim of this study was to find substrate moisture characteristics supporting vegetation establishment. Four herb species (Koeleria macrantha, Epilobium angustifolium, Artemisia campestris var. campestris and Poa nemoralis) typically occurring on xerothermic basalt rocks were sowed on basalt construction aggregates (0-4, 2-4, 4-8, 8-16, 11-22 and 32-63 mm). There were also made mixtures of coarse aggregates (4-8, 8-16 and 11-22 mm) as a base with 10% or 50% additive of fine aggregates (0-4 mm). The final number of individuals, aboveground and belowground dry biomass were measured and subsequently specific leaf area (SLA) was calculated. They were also measured substrate moisture characteristics: field capacity (PVK) and wilting point (BV) from which available water content (ODV) was obtained as...

Comportement des bétons à haute température : influence de la nature du granulat / High temperature behaviour of concrete : influence of the nature of the aggregates

Niry Razafinjato, Rijaniaina 17 December 2015 (has links)
Comportement à haute température des bétons : influence de la nature du granulat.Cette étude porte sur l’influence de la nature du granulat sur le comportement des bétons à haute température. Les propriétés des granulats et les performances des bétons sont généralement classées en deux catégories basées sur leur composition chimique : les bétons de granulats calcaires et les bétons de granulats siliceux. Cependant, de récentes études ont montré que les comportements à haute température de différentes natures de granulats au sein de ces groupes compositionnels sont particulièrement différents. La pertinence de cette distinction est donc discutée au travers de ces résultats.Dans un premier temps, une étude pétrographique (composition minéralogique) sur deux granulats siliceux et deux granulats calcaires, représentatifs des deux catégories, est réalisée. Leurs propriétés physiques (densité, porosité, granulométrie) sont déterminées. L’évolution des caractéristiques minéralogiques est étudiée en passant par l’identification des phénomènes physico-chimiques (modification minéralogique identifiée par DRX, ATG/DSC) survenant au cours du chauffage. Cela permet d’interpréter leurs influences sur l’évolution de la capacité thermique et de la dilatation thermique linéaire des granulats. Des observations à différentes échelles après des cycles de c/r à différents paliers de température jusqu’à 750 °C permettent de décrire et d’évaluer l’endommagement des granulats.Dans un deuxième temps, des bétons et des mortiers (Eeff./C = 0,6 et 0,3) sont confectionnés avec ces granulats (gravillons et sables). Les processus thermo-chimiques sont identifiés et la dilatation thermique des mortiers est mesurée à chaud jusqu’à 1000 °C. Les propriétés thermiques à chaud des bétons (conductivité thermique, capacité thermique, diffusivité thermique) sont mesurées jusqu’à 300 °C et la réponse thermique jusqu’à 750 °C. La fissuration résiduelle est observée à l’échelle macroscopique et microscopique (microscope optique et MEB). L’évolution de la porosité et des propriétés mécaniques résiduelles (résistance à la compression, module d’élasticité et résistance à la traction par fendage) sont estimées après des cycles de c/r à différents paliers de température jusqu’à 750 °C. / High temperature behaviour of concrete : influence of the nature of the aggregates.This study deals with the influence of the nature of the aggregates on the behaviour of concrete undergoing to high temperature stress. Aggregate properties and concrete mechanical performances are usually classified into two categories based on chemical components: calcareous aggregates concretes and siliceous aggregates concretes. However, recent studies showed that high temperature behavior of aggregates within a same group of composition can be particularly different. The relevance of this distinction is discussed through these results.Firstly, a petrographic study (mineralogical composition) on two siliceous and two calcareous aggregates, representative of the two categories of composition is performed. Their physical properties (density, porosity, granular distribution) are determined. The evolution of mineralogical characteristics is performed through the identification of physico-chemical phenomena (mineralogical changes identified by XRD, TGA/DSC) happening during heating. It allows interpreting their influence on the evolution of specific heat capacity and thermal expansion of aggregates. The different scales observations made after heating/cooling cycles at different target temperatures until 750 °C allow the description and the evaluation of aggregates physical damage.Secondly, concretes and mortars (Weff./C = 0.6 and 0.3) are made with these aggregates (gravel and sand). Physico-chemical processes are identified and thermal expansion of mortar are measured during heating until 1000 °C. Hot thermal properties of concretes (conductivity, specific heat capacity, diffusivity) are measured until 300 °C and thermal response until 750 °C. Residual cracking is observed at macroscopic and microscopic scale (optical microscope and SEM). The evolution of porosity and mechanical residual properties (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and tensile splitting strength) are assessed after heating/cooling cycle at different target temperatures until 750 °C.

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