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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O território camponês sob o enfoque de gênero: a divisão sexual do trabalho e a agroecologia

Santos, Laiany Rose Souza 05 July 2013 (has links)
La mediación de la relación entre el ser humano y la naturaleza es a través del trabajo. El trabajo transforma el ser humano, el cuerpo y las relaciones con otros seres humanos. La división sexual del trabajo surge con la sociabilidad del trabajo y la división sexual del trabajo se expresa a la relación de poder. Nuestra hipótesis inicial era que la división sexual del trabajo en el asentamiento, fue poco a poco permitiendo que las mujeres a desarrollar una conciencia crítica emancipadora ante la realidad material a la que están presentadas. Este estudio fue construido desde la perspectiva del materialismo dialéctico e histórico en vista de que el conocimiento se basa en la esencia de las relaciones. A partir de este método tiene como objetivo discutir el trabajo de la mujer, que hace referencia al conjunto de la sociedad como un proceso histórico, por lo tanto, sujetos a cambios. Utiliza el concepto de territorio, categoría geografía, con el fin de entender la forma de establecer las relaciones de poder. El Proyecto de Acuerdo 13 de mayo se encuentra en el municipio de Japaratuba, estado de Sergipe, es el fruto de la lucha por la tierra en manos de campesinas y campesinos, sin tierra debido a la concentración de tierras, presenta las características, valores y acciones opuestas a lo que clase dominante impone como estándar. En este poblado hay un grupo de mujeres que trabajan con la agroecología ya través de este modelo de producción se manifiesta su expresión sociopolítica. El trabajo de estas mujeres no sólo produce alimentos, pero dignifica su vida, porque se sienten realizadas con los frutos de su trabajo. Frente a la comprensión de que el movimiento es en espiral, se cree que las campesinas y campesinos siempre crean nuevas formas y alternativas, la construcción de nuevas vías para el desarrollo del territorio. En PA 13 de mayo a través de la producción agroecológica ve una posible solución que pueda garantizar mejores condiciones para la familia. / A mediação da relação entre o ser humano e a natureza ocorre por meio do trabalho. O trabalho transforma o ser humano, tanto o corpo quanto nas relações com outros seres humanos. A divisão sexual do trabalho surge com a sociabilidade do trabalho e na divisão sexual do trabalho se expressa à relação de poder. Nossa hipótese inicial foi de que a divisão sexual do trabalho no assentamento, gradativamente foi permitindo à mulher a construção de uma consciência crítica emancipatória diante da realidade material a qual está submetida. Este estudo foi construído na perspectiva do materialismo histórico e dialético tendo em vista que o conhecimento esteja pautado na essência das relações. A partir desse método visa discutir o trabalho feminino, referenciando a totalidade da sociedade como processo histórico, portanto, passível de transformações. Utiliza-se do conceito de território, categoria da geografia, a fim de entender como se estabelecem as relações de poder. O Projeto de Assentamento 13 de Maio, localizado no município de Japaratuba, estado de Sergipe, é fruto do processo de luta pela terra realizada por camponesas e camponeses sem terra por causa da concentração fundiária brasileira, apresenta características, valores e ações opostos ao que a classe dominante impõe enquanto padrão. Nesse assentamento há um grupo de mulheres que trabalha com a agroecologia e através deste modelo de produção manifesta sua expressão sociopolítica. O trabalho dessas mulheres produz não só alimento, mas dignifica sua vida, pois se sentem realizadas com os frutos do seu trabalho. Diante de uma compreensão que o movimento é espiral, acredita-se que as camponesas e camponeses criam sempre novas formas e alternativas, construindo novos caminhos para o desenvolvimento do território. No PA 13 de Maio através da produção agroecológica vê-se uma saída possível que pode assegurar melhores condições para a família.

Animal traction and small-scale farming : a Stellenbosch case study

Manjengwa, George Munyaradzi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aim of this case study was to research the impact of the introduction of oxen for draught power on Eric Swarts’ Stellenbosch farm. The research objectives were designed to find out if the oxen helped to improve the quality of the soil, to determine their cost-effectiveness (compared to a tractor) and other social and managerial constraints and benefits associated with using them and also to make recommendations for small-scale farmers in developing countries. The literature review revealed that human society faces many serious sustainability challenges from ecosystem degradation and global warming, to massive poverty and social inequality. The global population is growing against a background of decreasing agricultural productivity due to degraded soils and the increased costs of farming. The adoption of farming methods that enhance ecosystem services and depend less on external inputs is therefore essential. Animal traction is still widely used among small-scale farmers in developing countries, but lacks policy and investment support to make it more efficient. There are currently widespread negative opinions about animal traction which regard it as a backward or old-fashioned technology. This research investigated the possibility of animal traction emerging as an affordable, environmentallyfriendly and appropriate technology for small-scale farming. The research is a case study with a qualitative, ethnographic research design in which participant observation was key in gathering research data. A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) was carried out to compare the cost-effectiveness of using oxen to either hiring or buying a tractor. The findings showed that oxen were a more cost-effective means of draught power than a tractor, not only in terms of capital costs but also maintenance and operational costs. The manure from the oxen was both an effective way of supplying crops with essential nutrients and improving soil biodiversity. The introduction of the oxen presented some challenges to the farmer concerning knowledge about how animals work and other managerial challenges, but these were overcome by learning through practice. It was found that the farmer will be able to make significant savings in soil-amendment costs and he can control the quality of the manure to suit his needs. It was concluded that small-scale farmers who choose animal traction over tractors as a means of draught power will realise many advantages in return. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoof doelwit van dié gevallestudie was om die impak van die ingebruikneming van osse as trekkrag op Eric Swarts se plaas te Stellenbosch na te vors. Die navorsingsteikens was ontwerp om uit te vind of die beeste gehelp het om die kwaliteit van die grond te verbeter, om hul lonendheid vas te stel (in vergelyking met ’n trekker) asook ander sosiale en bestuursbeperkings en -voordele wat met hul gebruik geassosieer word en ook met voorstelle vir kleinskaalboere in ontwikkelende lande voorendag te kom. Die literatuuroorsig navorsing het ontbloot dat die menslike samelewing met vele volhoubaarheidsuitdagings vanaf ekosistemiese agteruitgang en aardverhitting, tot swaar armoedigheid en sosiale ongelykhede gekonfronteer word. Die wêreld bevolking groei steeds ten spyte van die afname in landboukundige produktiwiteit as gevolg van verlaagde grondkwaliteit en die toenemende landboukoste. Die ingebruikneming van landboumetodes wat ekosistemiese dienste verhoog en minder staatmaak op eksterne insette is dus noodsaaklik. Dieretrekking word steeds algemeen in ontwikkelende landebenut, maar dit ontbreek beleids- en beggingsondersteuning om dit meer doeltreffend te maak. Daar is tans algemeen verbreide negatiewe sienswyse oor dieretrekksag wat dit as agterlike en oudmodiese tegnologie beskou. Dié navorsing het ondersoek ingestel om die moontlikheid van dieretrekking as ’n bekostigbare, omgewingsvriendelike en passende tegnologie vir kleinskaalboerdery vas te stel. Die navorsing is’n gevallestudie met kwalitatiwe, etnografiese navorsingsontwerp waarin deelnemerwaarneming kern is tot die insameling van data. ’n Kostewinsteanalise (KWA) was uitgevoer om die lonenheid van beeste te vergelyk met dié van of die huur of die koop van ’n trekker. Die bevindings het getoon dat beeste ’n lonender wyse van trekkrag as trekkers is, nie net in terme van kapitale koste nie, maar ook onderhouds en bedryfskoste. Die beesmis was beide ’n doeltreffende manier om die gevasse van nodige voedingstowwe te voorsien asook om grondbiodiversiteit te verbeter. Die ingebruikneming van beeste het sekere uitdagings vir die boere ingehou in verband met die kennis van hoe diere werk en ander bestuursuitdagings, maar dié was oorkom deur onderrig uit ondervinding. Daar was bevind dat die boer beduidende besparings kan maak aan grondaanvullingskoste hierdie jaar en dat hy die kwaliteit van die beesmis kan beheer om sy behoeftes dien. Die slotsom is dat kleinskaalboere wat kies om dieretrekking eerder as trekkers as trekkrag te gebruik, sal vele voordele hê.

Indicadores de qualidade de solo e água para a avaliação do uso sustentável da microbacia hidrográfica do Rio Passo Cue, região oeste do estado do Paraná. / Soil and water quality indicators to evaluate the sustainable use of the Rio Passo Cue watershed in western Paraná.

Hudson Carlos Lissoni Leonardo 30 September 2003 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a saúde da microbacia hidrográfica do rio Passo Cue, região oeste do estado do Paraná, por meio do uso de indicadores de qualidade de solo e água. Esse rio é afluente da margem esquerda do reservatório de Itaipu e pertence à bacia hidrográfica do Paraná III. Como indicadores de qualidade de água foram utilizadas variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas. Para avaliação da qualidade do solo, foram analisados os atributos textura, densidade, porosidade, carbono orgânico, biomassa microbiana, respiração basal, quocientes metabólico e microbiano, macro e micronutrientes, pH e saturação por alumínio. Os indicadores que se mostraram mais eficientes foram a densidade do solo e o quociente metabólico. O solo sob plantio direto apresentou melhor qualidade física, química e biológica em relação ao cultivo mínimo sem rotação de culturas. O solo sob plantio direto apresentou melhor qualidade biológica do que o solo sob fragmento florestal. A qualidade da água na microbacia do rio Passo Cue piorou da montante para a jusante em função do seu uso agropecuário. / The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the conditions of the Passo Cue river watershed, in western Paraná, through soil and water quality indicators. The river is an affluent of the left bank of the Itaipú reservoir and is a part of the Paraná III watershed. Physical, chemical and biological variables were used as water quality indicators. To evaluate the soil quality, texture, density, porosity, organic carbon, microbial biomass, basal respiration, metabolic and microbial quotients, macro and micronutrients, pH and aluminum saturation were analyzed. The more efficient indicators were soil density and metabolic quotient. No-tillage soil showed better physical, chemical and biological quality in relationship with the minimum tillage one with no crop rotation. The soil under no tillage had better biological quality than under forest fragment. The water quality of the Passo Cue river worsened downstream in view of the agricultural use.

Indicadores de qualidade de solo e água para a avaliação do uso sustentável da microbacia hidrográfica do Rio Passo Cue, região oeste do estado do Paraná. / Soil and water quality indicators to evaluate the sustainable use of the Rio Passo Cue watershed in western Paraná.

Leonardo, Hudson Carlos Lissoni 30 September 2003 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a saúde da microbacia hidrográfica do rio Passo Cue, região oeste do estado do Paraná, por meio do uso de indicadores de qualidade de solo e água. Esse rio é afluente da margem esquerda do reservatório de Itaipu e pertence à bacia hidrográfica do Paraná III. Como indicadores de qualidade de água foram utilizadas variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas. Para avaliação da qualidade do solo, foram analisados os atributos textura, densidade, porosidade, carbono orgânico, biomassa microbiana, respiração basal, quocientes metabólico e microbiano, macro e micronutrientes, pH e saturação por alumínio. Os indicadores que se mostraram mais eficientes foram a densidade do solo e o quociente metabólico. O solo sob plantio direto apresentou melhor qualidade física, química e biológica em relação ao cultivo mínimo sem rotação de culturas. O solo sob plantio direto apresentou melhor qualidade biológica do que o solo sob fragmento florestal. A qualidade da água na microbacia do rio Passo Cue piorou da montante para a jusante em função do seu uso agropecuário. / The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the conditions of the Passo Cue river watershed, in western Paraná, through soil and water quality indicators. The river is an affluent of the left bank of the Itaipú reservoir and is a part of the Paraná III watershed. Physical, chemical and biological variables were used as water quality indicators. To evaluate the soil quality, texture, density, porosity, organic carbon, microbial biomass, basal respiration, metabolic and microbial quotients, macro and micronutrients, pH and aluminum saturation were analyzed. The more efficient indicators were soil density and metabolic quotient. No-tillage soil showed better physical, chemical and biological quality in relationship with the minimum tillage one with no crop rotation. The soil under no tillage had better biological quality than under forest fragment. The water quality of the Passo Cue river worsened downstream in view of the agricultural use.

Structuring habitat to conserve ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and reduce summer annual weeds in agroecosystems

Green, Jessica M. (Jessica Marie) 15 December 2010 (has links)
Weed management in sustainable farming systems often requires the integration of several different pest management techniques. Cultural, biological, and chemical pest control efforts can be utilized to contribute to the common goal of reducing weeds in vegetable row crop systems. This research addresses how common disturbances such as tillage and insecticide use affect: carabid beetle assemblages; predation of weed seeds by invertebrates; and weed seed recruitment. Field experiments were conducted over three years at two different locations on the OSU Vegetable Research Farm, Linn Co., OR. We found that activity-density of carabid beetles varied seasonally and peaked in late August-September each year. Insecticide applied in year 1 affected seed loss in year 2, suggesting possible long-term effects of land management on weed seed removal. Weed recruitment was highly variable between treatment, site, and year. Conserving biological weed control agents in combination with cultural techniques such as reducing tillage and the use of cover crops, helps growers shift from expensive, density-independent control efforts to more ecological, long-term solutions for weed management in agroecosystems. / Graduation date: 2011 / Access restricted to the OSU community, at author's request, from Dec. 15, 2010 - Dec. 15, 2011.

Biodiversity of predatory beetle groups, carabidae and coccinellidae and their role as bioindicators in wheat agroecosystems

Makwela, Maria Mammolawa 11 1900 (has links)
Predatory Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and Lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are two of the most diverse groups found in wheat agroecosystems, globally. These groups are important from both an economic and ecological perspective due to their natural services provision. The effect of wheat agroecosystem management on species diversity, abundance, biomass and composition in South Africa is not yet documented, and there is no existing data indicating which predatory carabid and coccinellid species provides essential ecosystem services and bioindicator roles. Therefore, we examined the effects of organic, conventional and intercropped agroecosystems on ground beetle and lady beetle abundance, dried weight (biomass), composition and diversity. Sampling of wheat agroecosystems was conducted in three systems i.e. organic, conventional and organic intercropped. Post-hoc Tukey test indicated a statistically significant difference between species diversity, biomass and abundance in organic and intercropped systems compared to the conventional systems. Regression analysis indicated significant positive correlation between aphid’s density and predatory carabid and coccinellid beetles in the intercropped systems. Amongst the weather factors temperature influenced aphid density and carabid and coccinellid beetles’ abundance. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) revealed significant positive correlation between individual biomass and cropping system. Conventional system showed a negative correlations with carabid and coccinellid individual biomass. We found that some carabid and coccinellid species can be used to measure the quality of agroecosystems. This study provides a fundamental basis for identification and monitoring of carabid and coccinellid species and their role as bioindicators of ecological disturbance. The identified bioindicator species in this study can assist in developing conservation and biomonitoring strategies within agroecosystems. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

COncepts and costs for the maintenance of productive capacity: a study of the measurement and reporting of soil quality

O'Brien, Patricia Ann, patricia.o'brien@rmit.edu.au January 1999 (has links)
This thesis studies the role accounting plays in the monitoring and reporting of soil quality in one sector of the agricultural industry, broadacre farming. A survey was conducted with broadacre farmers in the Loddon Catchment, Victoria, Australia. The primary aim was to determine the effectiveness accounting plays in providing information to decision makers relative to the productive capacity in soil quality and not just on profits. The capital asset in this study was defined as soil quality. Soils and soil quality in particular, are major elements in determining land value. The concern is decisions are being made by potential buyers and other decision makers, particularly policy makers, with regards to soil quality on the basis of incomplete and often misleading information. It is proposed that a major reason is due to the fact that different participants in the agricultural and accounting industries require and use different information. The accounting systems used by farmers are those that have been developed for the manufacturing sector which may not be appropriate for managing long-term, complex resources such as soil. The farmers themselves did not find formal accounting reports useful for decision making because these reports are based on uniform standards and market prices. The topic of soil quality and land degradation is viewed from two perspectives. In one perspective, the proprietary view; the accounting emphasis is on the ownership of assets and the change, both in income and capital, in these assets over time. In this case the accounting equation is seen as assets - liabilities = equities. The proprietor takes all the risk. A more recent perspective in accounting, the entity view, emphasises the assets whether financed from equity or debt and where the accounting equation is seen as assets = equities. The emphasis changes to the income flow from these assets and more interest is shown in current market prices as a reflection of the future value of these assets Profit is not necessarily a good indicator of what farmers are doing for their capital asset. There needs to be greater emphasis on costs undertaken for the conservation of soil. Those costs should be considered an investment and put into the balance sheet and not the profit and loss statement. The major finding of study demonstrates that decision making groups have different

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