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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A roça do futuro : agroecologia e campesinato em assentamentos de reforma agrária no território sul de Sergipe

Siqueira, Pedro Zucon Ramos de 26 February 2014 (has links)
A roça do futuro é a combinação de tudo que foi deixado como legado por camponeses de todos os tempos, um testamento de anos de luta pela sobrevivência e pela terra. Como projeto daquilo que ainda está por vir e da incompletude permanente que é característica, principalmente, das atividades diretamente relacionadas com as forças da natureza, esse futuro depende de um passado experimentado, com lições aprendidas e técnicas aprimoradas, mas que pode ser inviabilizado, invalidado se não compuser um projeto de sociedade que, como na roça, consiga conjugar o antigo e o avançado, equilibrando a especialização com a diversidade, deixando a dependência para rumar para autonomia. Ainda que em transição do artificialismo para a naturalização dos processos. Neste trabalho a ideia é colaborar com o discurso que enfrenta o modelo agrário hegemônico, por meio da análise do discurso dos camponeses e camponesas com relação ao seu modo de vida, história de luta e suas práticas agroecológicas. O método analítico tem como base a pesquisa-ação onde o ator acadêmico é parte integrante e tem a agroecologia como instrumento de ação e ferramenta de fortalecimento do campesinato em hipótese. A história de vida de camponeses reunidos em quatro assentamentos, Carlos Gato composto por 23 famílias, Rosa Luxemburgo com 26 famílias, Paulo Freire, com 24 famílias e 17 de Abril com 30 famílias, distribuídos entre Arauá e Estância, região Sul de Sergipe. A percepção do estudo concluiu que as características camponesas têm princípios agroecológicos em suas ações associados à mística e à história do campesinato no Sul do estado de Sergipe, suficientes para construção da roça do futuro.

Contrasting biodiversity values in four states of Eastern Province thornveld

Duncan, Imogen May January 2010 (has links)
Land use and land transformation are major threats to biodiversity. Only a small percentage of land and thus biodiversity is protected within reserves. The majority of biodiversity lies in the hands of private and communal farmers and in order to protect biodiversity they must perceive it as having some value and have the means and incentive to conserve it. This study examined two things: (i) the relationship between biodiversity and measures of ecosystem health, range condition, primary production and presence of useful plants that would be expected to be of relevant use to land users, (ii) the perceptions of farmers of vegetation states that differ in the abovementioned attributes. Within the Eastern Province Thornveld of the Smaldeel area, four different vegetation states were selected for the study, namely park-like grassland with scattered Acacia karroo (“savanna”), heavily infested Acacia karroo grassland (“acacia”), thicket-grassland mosaic (“thicket”) and heavily utilised thicketgrassland in communal lands (“communal”). The four states are a consequence of different patterns of browsing and fire, in both pre-colonial and recent times. Different ecological attributes were assessed and compared for each state and the relationships between the different attributes determined. Ecosystem health, in terms of stability or resistance to erosion, infiltration/water-holding capacity, and nutrient cycling were compared using Landscape Function Analysis. The agricultural value of the different landscapes was measured using range condition assessment techniques. Plant species richness and other measures of diversity, along with their conservation and usefulness values, were compared between states. Plant productivity and biomass were compared using satellite data. The thicket state was found to be the most functional due to the added habitat complexity provided by the vegetation. It was the most biodiverse, the most useful and contained many, but not all of the important conservation species. The communal state had high biodiversity and was be fairly resilient to heavy usage, not showing the expected signs of land degradation. The savanna state, although thought of as the optimum state for cattle production, was not significantly different from the other states in terms of agricultural potential, but had the lowest values for plant diversity, browse potential, abundance of useful plant species and biomass. The acacia state had the highest and least stable values in terms of biomass production, however it was found to contain species of conservation importance. The preference that four groups of land users, namely men and women from commercial and communal farming areas, expressed for the four vegetation states was assessed using semi-structured interviews in conjunction with A3 colour photographs. The men and women from the communal areas and the men from the commercial areas valued the thicket state highly for its farming potential. The male commercial farmers also valued the savanna state highly as they perceived it as being most productive for cattle farming. Both the thicket state and the savanna state were found aesthetically pleasing by all the user groups, in line with theories of preference for modified savannas and for familiar environments. There appears to be potential for preserving biodiversity on farmland. The farmers in this study, with their very utilitarian perspective, were found to intuitively gauge the health of the landscape and recognise biodiversity as indicating good farming land. The commercial farmers were strongly influenced by economic motives and thus attracted to the savanna state, but also recognised the opportunity for a wider variety of farming activities in the thicket state. The communal farmers have a high dependence on the land for their livelihoods and preferred the thicket state for its overall usefulness. The views of the farmers indicate that the opportunity for conservation is good, however much of the thicket state lies in the communal land, where the openaccess land use system makes managing for biodiversity difficult.

Conservation Agriculture as an adaptation strategy to drought in Chivi District, Zimbabwe

Chineka, Jestina 03 1900 (has links)
PhD (Geography) / Department of Geography and Geo-Information Sciences / Conservation agriculture (CA) which is an agricultural system with the capabilities of conserving soil and water through its zero to minimal tillage, mulching and crop rotation principles has become popular the world over. This study evaluated CA as an adaptation tool to drought in Chivi district, Zimbabwe. It developed a model to enhance adaptation to drought in Chivi and other areas of similar environment. The VLIR-UOUS (2019) Theory of Change (ToC) principles structured interview checklist was used to review the Logical Framework of CA to establish the project design. Questionnaires, key informant interviews and Focus Group Discussions were used to characterise the nature of CA in Chivi and to assess the socio-economic impact of the project. Official records were used to compare food crop production yields per hectare under conventional and conservation agriculture. Atlas.ti 8‘s capabilities such as Co oc for frequency of occurrence, Co-code Doc Table for numeric analysis, Networks and report tools for visual and text analysis were employed in data analysis. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 22) was used for its uni-variate and bivariate analysis capabilities. The findings highlighted weaknesses in the Chivi CA principles and project design. It noted a low adoption of the project with some farmers withdrawing from the project against a downward trend in food production, despite CA having higher yields per hectare. The study also noted low socio-economic impact of CA as a project and its potential outside the project framework. The study concludes that CA has can alleviate the drought effects if the project’s framework is adjusted to suit local context / NRF

The design, implementation and assessing of an agroecological cropping system by rural KwaZulu-Natal households : its effect on their diet and food security

Strachan, Brian Douglas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis documents a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project conducted from 2011 to 2013 in a rural communal area in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The area is a microcosm of the global environmental and socio-economic polycrisis; with adult unemployment at 50 percent, 73 percent female-headed households, heavy dependence on government social grants and a food system reliant on purchased food. Eight, mainly female-headed households (the co-researchers), assisted by the student researcher, implemented and assessed a cropping system, designed on agroecological principles, on their abandoned garden plots. The objective was to grow culturally acceptable food crops to supplement their household diets and positively affect their food security. The student researcher provided the necessary infrastructure, including goat-proof plot fences, hand tools, a grain hammermill, seed, and fertiliser. The literature review, which also used early 1900’s photographs and contemporary isiZulu language as evidence, revealed the agroecological basis of pre-colonial agriculture. However, colonial and apartheid influences destroyed this knowledge base. The cropping system design utilized practices from this pre-colonial era combined with current agroecological techniques. The agroecological techniques employed on the plots included non-inversion tillage of planting pits using garden forks, precision placement of phosphate fertiliser and animal manures, open pollinated seeds, east-west orientated strip cropping, soil surface mulches, crop rotations including legumes and the use of chickens to control pests. Dryland crops included maize, beans, sweet potatoes, and butternuts, with small trial vegetable patches on some plots. The research identified a method to calculate the planting frequency of these vegetables to ensure a constant annual supply, however further research is needed. The dryland crops supplemented household diets between harvests. The formation of structured groups amongst the households proved vital to the success of the cropping system, providing mutual labour assistance, shared decision-making, building knowledge and moral support. The importance of dialogue and trust, reinforced by the student researcher’s ability to communicate in isiZulu with the co-researchers, formed the basis of both the PAR, and Focus Group Discussions(FGD), used to qualitative assess the cropping system. During these, the households reported a good understanding of the agroecological principles of the cropping system, a willingness to continue with it post research, and positive benefits, including better health, and money saved on food purchases, redirected to improve their asset base. The World Food Programme (2008) Food Consumption Score Analysis Method (FCS), modified to show the percentage contribution of homegrown food to the FCS, provided the quantitative assessment of the cropping system. The FCS scores rose during the research, with homegrown food contributing over a third of the FCS at times. The co-researchers suggested instituting group ‘stokvels’1to finance inputs and maintain infrastructure post research. The financial implications of these ‘stokvels’ was calculated. Due to the initial success of the PAR, the research recommends a method to extend the cropping system to more households, utilizing state finance to provide the infrastructure, and the co-researchers imparting technical knowledge through farmer-to-farmer extension. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word verslag gedoen van ’n deelnemende aksienavorsingsprojek wat van 2011 tot 2013 in ’n landelike dorpsgebied in die suide van KwaZulu-Natal, Suid-Afrika, uitgevoer is. Die gebied is ’n mikrokosmos van die wêreldwye omgewings- en sosio-ekonomiese polikrisis, met volwasse werkloosheid op 50%, 73% huishoudings met vroue aan die hoof, swaar afhanklikheid van die staat se maatskaplike toelae en ’n voedselstelsel wat van gekoopte kos afhanklik is. In die studie het agt huishoudings, wat hoofsaaklik vroue aan die hoof het (die medenavorsers), met behulp van die studentenavorser, ’n verbouingstelsel, wat op agro-ekologiese beginsels gegrond is, op hul verlate tuingrond geïmplementeer en geassesseer. Die doel was om kultureel aanvaarbare gewasse te verbou om hul huishoudelike dieet aan te vul en hul voedselsekerheid positief te beïnvloed. Die studentenavorser het die nodige infrastruktuur verskaf, met inbegrip van bokbestande omheining, handgereedskap, ’n graanhamermeul, saad en kunsmis. Die literatuurstudie, waarin foto’s uit die 1900’s en moderne Zoeloe as bewyse gebruik is, toon die agro-ekologiese grondslag van prekoloniale landbou. Koloniale en apartheidsinvloede het egter hierdie kennisbasis vernietig. Die verbouingstelselontwerp was gegrond op praktyke uit hierdie prekoloniale era gekombineer met moderne agro-ekologiese tegnieke. Hierdie tegnieke het ingesluit nie-inversie-grondbewerking van plantgate met gebruik van tuinvurke, presisieplasing van fosfaatkunsmis en dieremis, oop bestuifde sade, oos–wes-georiënteerde strookverbouing, grondoppervlak-deklae, wisselbou met onder andere peulgewasse en die gebruik van hoenders om peste te beheer. Droëland-gewasse het ingesluit mielies, bone, soetpatats en botterskorsies, met klein toetsgroenteakkers op sommige stukke grond. ’n Metode is in die navorsing geïdentifiseer om te bepaal hoe gereeld hierdie groente geplant moet word om ’n konstante jaarlikse voorraad te verseker. Verdere navorsing is egter nodig. Die droëland-gewasse het huishoudelike diëte tussen oeste aangevul. Die vorming van gestruktureerde groepe onder die huishoudings het noodsaaklik geblyk te wees vir die sukses van die verbouingstelsel, waardeur wedersydse hulp met arbeid, gedeelde besluitneming, die bou van kennis en morele ondersteuning gebied is. Die belangrikheid van dialoog en vertroue, wat versterk is deur die studentenavorser se vermoë om in Zoeloe met die medenavorsers te kommunikeer, het die grondslag gevorm van die deelnemende aksienavorsingsprojek asook die fokusgroeponderhoude, wat gebruik is om die verbouingstelsel kwalitatief te assesseer. In hierdie onderhoude het die huishoudings verslag gedoen van hul grondige begrip van die agro-ekologiese beginsels van die verbouingstelsel, hul gewilligheid om ná die navorsing daarmee voort te gaan, asook die voordele wat dit bied, soos beter gesondheid en geld wat op voedselaankope gespaar is, wat heraangewend is om hul batebasis te verbeter. Die Wêreldvoedingsprogram (2008) se Food Consumption Score- (FCS-)ontledingsmetode, wat aangepas is om die persentasie bydrae van selfgekweekte voedsel tot die FCS aan te toon, is gebruik vir die kwantitatiewe assessering van die verbouingstelsel. Die FCS-tellings het tydens die navorsing toegeneem, met selfgekweekte voedsel wat by tye tot meer as ’n derde tot die FCS bygedra het. Die medenavorsers het voorstel dat ’n stokvel gestig word om insette te finansier en die infrastruktuur ná die navorsing in stand te hou. Die finansiële implikasies van hierdie stokvel is bereken. Op grond van die aanvanklike sukses van die deelnemende aksienavorsingsprojek stel die navorser ’n metode voor om die verbouingstelsel na meer huishoudings uit te brei met behulp van staatsfinansiering om die infrastruktuur te verskaf asook die oordrag van die medenavorsers se tegniese kennis na ander boere.

The density and diversity of birds on farmland in West Africa

Hulme, Mark F. January 2007 (has links)
The area of land farmed in Africa is predicted to double by the year 2050 yet very few African studies have investigated the impact of different farming intensities and regimes on bird communities. This study examined avian species richness and diversity along with the densities of some common bird species on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria, in relation to habitat features on farmland over a gradient of differing farming intensities. The study area exhibited a variety of different levels of farming which differed in the habitat available for birds. Birds normally associated with savanna woodland were more associated with less intensive farming, and open-country birds were more associated with more intensive sites, with more species of birds observed where farming was less intensive. Common species of birds using cultivated land associated with different crops, with acha and millet being the most commonly used. Tree density was the most important variable predicting avian species richness and diversity, with medium tree density predicting the highest species richness and diversity. The densities of two common farmland birds were predicted best by tree density, but varied in their responses to the habitat variables, with common bulbul, a savanna generalist, associating more with less intensive, wooded areas and red-cheeked cordon-bleu, an open savanna granivore, associating with medium intensity, more open farmland. Whinchats were common in open, intensively farmed areas with few trees and good herbaceous vegetation cover. The data presented indicates the importance of retaining natural features of savanna habitat in farmland in order to maintain high avian diversity on farmland. More detailed studies are needed in order to determine the mechanisms involved in the associations observed and collaborations between ecologists and social scientists will be necessary to develop effective policies to limit the impact of the intensification of agriculture in Africa on avian biodiversity.

Yield characteristics, carbon capture and chemical composition of moringa oleifera under diverse planting population and agro-ecological conditions of the Limpopo Province

Bopape-Mabapa, Moshidi Paulina January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. Agric. (Plant Production)) --University of Limpopo, 2019 / Moringa oleifera is a multipurpose fast growing tree which is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world due to its numerous benefits. The benefits include medicinal use, industrial use, soil fertility, water purification, climate change mitigation as well as of nutritional value for humans and livestock. Recently, many areas globally have been rendered vulnerable to climate change as well as food insecurity. Climate change increases irregularities of rainfall and temperature patterns in semi-arid conditions. One practical way to address this challenge in the agricultural sector is to introduce more trees crop species which are found to be more tolerant than annual crops under harsh growing conditions. Moringa is one species that could be considered under variable climatic conditions for positive outcomes through climate change adaptation and mitigation as well as life sustenance against food insecurity threats. Production of moringa in South Africa is exclusively for leaf processing and consumption. To date, there is no documented information available about seed and oil yield production of moringa mainly in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The aim of the study was to generate knowledge on moringa growth, nutritional composition, seed and oil yield production as well as its response to drought through gaseous exchange parameters, as influenced by plant density under diverse agro-ecological locations in Limpopo Province. The study was conducted in the Limpopo Province, South Africa, from November 2013 to January 2016. The study area falls within the semi-region which is characterized by low and erratic rainfall which predominately falls in summer as well as extremely low or high temperatures. A survey was conducted from November 2013 to September 2014 in five districts of the Limpopo Province. Focus group discussion, questionnaires and field observations were used for data collection. A total of 150 moringa growers formed part of the focus group and a questionnaire was administered to only thirty-one farmers, who constitute the population of farmers producing moringa within an area of 0.25 ha or more. A second study was conducted at two experimental sites in the Limpopo Province of northern part of South Africa to evaluate for the first time, the effect of plant density and cutting interval on biomass production and chemical composition of moringa grown under two diverse climatic conditions. Four different planting densities (435 000, 300 000, 200 000 and 100 000 plants/ha) were arranged in a randomized complete block design and experimental samples were replicated four times. A third study was conducted over two years to achieve additional objectives which included evaluation of gaseous exchange, biomass, seed, and oil yield. Untreated seeds of Moringa oleifera were used for establishing the trial at densities of 5 000, 2 500, 1 667 and 1 250 plants ha-1, with eight replicates. The same study was used to achieve the objective on gaseous exchange in comparison with other two naturally growing tree species of mopane (Colophospermum mopane) and marula (Sclerocarya birrea) trees growing within the moringa trial vicinity. The study was further used to evaluate the effect of planting density on biomass, grain, oil yield production and nutritional composition of Moringa oleifera trees. The last part of the study was carried out in the five districts of the Limpopo Province to determine the influence of soil physical and chemical properties on the nutritional composition of moringa leaves. The farms that were identified during the survey were also used to achieve other objectives of the study. In order to determine soil and leaf nutritional composition, soil samples were collected and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The harvested leaves were dried at room temperature and their nutritional compositions were determined using standard methods. Findings from the studies revealed the following: The survey indicated that there are potential moringa farmers in all the districts of the province, with the intention to commercialize the tree. Majority of farmers grow moringa on 0.251.0 ha and have been producing the crop for the past 2 years. The study on planting density and cutting frequency revealed satisfactory nutritional composition in the leaves across the cutting frequencies and that, an increase in the plant density led to enhanced biomass production. The study on the monthly and seasonal gaseous exchange revealed significant differences in net photosynthetic rate, transpiration, sub-stomatal CO2 and stomatal conductance. However, planting densities of Moringa oleifera had no significant effect on all the gaseous exchange parameters measured. In a comparison of moringa with other tree species growing in the vicinity of moringa, the results differed significantly in gaseous exchange. The highest activity in photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E) and sub-stomatal CO2 (Ci), as well as higher stomatal density, was found in moringa. The findings from the biomass, seed yield and oil yield study showed that the increase in measured biomass, seed and oil yield increased with increasing planting density. However, seed oil concentration was non-significant. Findings from the ecology study revealed that moringa improved soil nutritional composition; mainly in areas where the trees were more than three years old as compared to control soils where moringa had not been planted. The soil nutritional composition differed with soil textural classes with the clay soils recording higher nutrient ion values. The study revealed that moringa can be produced in many locations of the Limpopo Province without negatively affecting leaf nutritional composition. Moringa leaves contain high level of nutrients even under marginal production areas irrespective of the planting density. A population of 5000 plants ha-1 can be used for seed and oil yield production where temperatures are favourable for improved farmers’ livelihoods. The results strongly showed with no doubt, the superiority of moringa in capturing more carbon among the three species. Moringa maintained good leaf yield even under drought condition, which is an indication of its potential to act as a good sink for carbon dioxide absorption. It can, therefore, be recommended for many parts of Limpopo Province for climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and food security. KEY CONCEPTS: agro-ecology, biomass, climate change, commercialization, drought, food security, gas exchange, leaf chemical composition, location, Moringa oleifera, oil, seed, soil textural class, survey, trees, weather, yield

Ecological characterisation and effects of fire and grazing on Cyrtanthus nutans (R.A.Dyer) in North-Western Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Ruddle, Lynne Michelle 05 1900 (has links)
Cyrtanthus nutans (RA Dyer) is a KwaZulu-Natal Province near-endemic species, classified as vulnerable in South Africa (IUCN Red Data categories). Literature references suggest that no recent ecological research has been conducted on Cyrtanthus nutans. Last assessed in 2007, the current study determined the demographics and the abiotic and biotic factors that influenced the distribution and range of Cyrtanthus nutans. Key determinants influencing the autecology, distribution and population dynamics of Cyrtanthus nutans were investigated. Anthropological factors influencing the decline of populations were addressed. Two investigations were undertaken for the current study on Cyrtanthus nutans in Dundee in North-western KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa namely a survey to determine the population dynamics and autecology of the species and the effect key determinants have on the recruitment and survival. Sites of occurrence and the ecological and anthropological factors that influence the existence of plants were documented. Experimental plots were conducted to determine the influence of climatological factors, fire and defoliation on the emergence and survival of Cyrtanthus nutans plants. A preference was found for soils with high nitrogen and organic carbon, low phosphorus and acidity levels situated on slopes of < 10% on mid to lower terrain slopes within an altitude range of between 1 100 and 1 300 m (a.m.s.l.) in the Sour Sandveld and Moist Tall Grassveld Bioresource Groups. The influence that climatological factors, fire and defoliation had on the emergence and seed recruitment of Cyrtanthus nutans were determined through a small plot experiment in the Dundee area. Mean relative humidity (%) and mean rainfall two weeks before emergence in conjunction with treatments were highly significant (P<0.001). Burning treatments B (fire inclusion and defoliation inclusion) and BC (fire inclusion and defoliation exclusion) were more highly significant on the emergence of Cyrtanthus nutans plants than any other treatments. ii | P a g e Increasing fragmentation of thriving populations of Cyrtanthus nutans populations is occurring through landuse change, mismanagement of veld and non-compliance of legislation. Continued monitoring and awareness is essential in the survival of this species. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Sciences)

Aplicação e avaliação de técnicas de agroecologia e compostagem como dinamizadores da educação ambiental nos currículos e espaços escolares

Mello Filho, Nilson Ramos de 26 August 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta para desenvolver e implementar situações de ensino-aprendizagem, utilizando a compostagem e a agroecologia como dinamizadores da Educação Ambiental continuada no currículo escolar, em duas escolas municipais de Pinhais, Paraná. Buscando formar futuros cidadãos responsáveis e comprometidos com os destinos e a qualidade ambiental da comunidade em que vivem, foram desenvolvidos temas de aplicação prática da compostagem e dos princípios de Agroecologia como dinamizadores da Educação Ambiental. Estes temas foram explorados de forma transversal visando a abordagem holística da relação homem, natureza e sociedade. Os temas tratados foram: compostagem - utilizando três técnicas diferentes; metodologias de ensino- aprendizagem aplicadas como germinação de feijões; cuidando do presente da mamãe – vasos de temperos; e organizando a horta escolar. Cada metodologia foi desenvolvida com as turmas do ensino fundamental de 1o ao 5o ano, em duas escolas municipais de Pinhais, totalizando 805 alunos e 49 professores atuando e participando do processo. Foi realizado um levantamento dos conteúdos curriculares e suas respectivas áreas do conhecimento, do ensino fundamental do município de Pinhais, a fim de identificar as relações entre os temas transversais e de como poderiam estar sendo trabalhados de forma multi e interdisciplinar. Como resultado identificou-se que a técnica de compostagem utilizando gaiolas foi a que melhor se adaptou à dinâmica escolar. Quanto as dinâmicas aplicados propostas pela pesquisa, após analisadas e comparadas com os conteúdos curriculares e áreas do conhecimento, demonstraram uma grande possibilidade de aplicação interdisciplinar. Isto demonstrou que o tema abordado de forma transversal possui aderência com o currículo e permite a dinamização da Educação Ambiental neste sentido. Quanto ao tema organizando a horta escolar, verificou-se que se faz necessário ter um servidor que esteja voltado a planejar, implantar, cuidar e organizar os temas transversais e suas práticas, para que os projetos possam de fato ser executados na escola. Da forma como a estrutura está posta atualmente, os professores não possuem condições de desenvolver projetos e temas transversais para a Educação Ambiental, por apresentarem uma sobre carga horária grande para vencer os conteúdos curriculares tradicionais, e por se sentirem inseguros em relação aos temas ambientais e suas implicações de desenvolvimento prático. / This dissertation present one proposal to develop and implement teaching situations, using composting and agro ecology as a dynamic way to environmental education in the school resume, in two municipal schools from Pinhais, Paraná. Searching to form future citizens responsible and compromised with the destiny and the environmental quality of the community that they live, have been develop themes of practice application of composting and the principles of agro ecology as dynamic ways to the environmental education. This themes were explore in a transversal way looking the holistic approaching of the men relation, nature and society. The treated themes were: composing – using tree different techniques; teaching methodology – apply learning as beans germination; caring about the mothers present – vessels of spice; and organization the school gardem. Each methodology was develop with the elementary school classes, in two municipal schools from Pinhais, totalizing 805 students and 49 teachers acting in the process. Have been realized a survey about the resume contends and their respective knowledge area, in the elementary teaching in the municipality of Pinhais, trying to found the relations between the transversal themes and how it could be work in an interdisciplinary way . As a result was noted that the composing techniques using cages have been the ones that have better adapted to the school dynamic, and presented results Satisfactory in relation of C/N of 11/1, in six months of composing. About the propose dynamics apply by the research, after analyze and compared with the resume contents and areas of knowledge, had demonstrate a big possibility of interdisciplinary application. This had demonstrate that the addressed theme in a transversal way has adherence as the Resume and allow a dynamic environmental education in this way. About the theme organizing the garden, it is noticed that is necessary to have a server that is face to planning , implementing, taking care and organizing the transversal themes e it practices, so the projects could in fact run in the school. In the way that the structure is post annually, the teachers don ́t have conditions to develop projects and transversal themes to the environmental education, for presenting one about huge workload to win the traditional resume contends, and for feel insecure in relation to the environmental themes and it implication of practical development.

Alternância como pedagogia na Escola Família Agrícola de Ladeirinhas-SE: possibilidades de construção de práticas sustentáveis

Melo, Juliana Franco de 25 February 2013 (has links)
This thesis consists of a study on the Pedagogy of Alternation as a pedagogical method incorporated to the principles of Field Education, and its contribution to the spreading of ecological agriculture practices, through what was experienced at Escola Família Agrícola de Ladeirinhas (EFAL), located in the town of Japoatã, state of Sergipe, Brazil. EFAL is engaged in the education of young children of rural workers, in different times and places: in social-occupational aspects (family, community, and work) and in educational aspects (students go to boarding schools and have technical education for professional development in farming). By means of a qualitative approach, elements of ethnography grounded in hermeneutical phenomenology were used as a way to interpret the day-to-day experiences observed. This research was categorized as a case study. Data were collected by means of various instruments, such as the observation of classes and practical activities, document analysis, field journal entries, photographic record, and semi-structured interviews with students, school monitors, and the families involved. EFAL is part of regional and national networks which articulate the different Family Centers of Education by Alternation and aim at providing and enhancing the mastering of the required knowledge through alternation, and makes up an educational alternative in rural areas. While analyzing the use of the Pedagogy of Alternation in the dissemination of sustainable principles and practices, it became understood that such method, adapted to the various realities of rural areas, enables individuals to have an integral education. Immersed in territories of inequity intensified by the agribusiness, and affected by policies which encourage the use of unsustainable technology resulting from green revolution packages, EFAs make use of principles and instruments that attempt to reinforce the dialogue between the school world and the life world, between theory and practice. The articulation of the data collected and their analysis made way for critical reflections on the times of school, family, the working of the land, and daily routines, and showed that despite the difficulties in the preparation of monitors and administrators for this differentiated pedagogical method, as well as the necessity of self-financing, there is great potential for it to become a method of integral education, based on the restoring of traditional rural worker knowledge. The articulation between such knowledge and that acquired at EFAL makes it possible for rural citizens to think and act towards sustainable rural development. / Essa dissertação consiste no estudo da Pedagogia da Alternância enquanto método pedagógico incorporado nos princípios da Educação do Campo e sua contribuição na difusão de práticas agrícolas de base ecológica, por meio da experiência da Escola Família Agrícola de Ladeirinhas - EFAL, localizada no município de Japoatã, estado de Sergipe. A EFAL atua na formação de jovens, filhos de camponeses, em diferentes tempos e espaços: meio socioprofissional (família, comunidade e trabalho) e meio escolar em regime de internato, na modalidade de educação profissional técnica de nível médio em agropecuária. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizamos elementos da etnografia ancorados na fenomenologia hermenêutica como uma forma de interpretar as experiências cotidianas observadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio de diversos instrumentos, como observações das aulas e experiências práticas, análise documental, anotações em diário de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas com os estudantes, monitores e famílias envolvidas e registro fotográfico. A EFAL faz parte de redes regionais e nacionais que articulam os diferentes Centros Familiares de Formação por Alternância e que buscam, através da alternância, proporcionar e valorizar o domínio de saberes e se constitui como uma alternativa educacional para o campo. Ao analisar o uso da Pedagogia da Alternância na difusão de princípios e práticas sustentáveis, compreendemos que o método, adaptado as diferentes realidades no campo, possibilita a formação integral do sujeito. Imersos em territórios marcados pela desigualdade, intensificada pelo agronegócio e atingidos pelas políticas de incentivo ao uso das tecnologias insustentáveis advindas de pacotes da revolução verde, as EFAs munem-se de princípios e instrumentos que buscam reforçar o diálogo entre o mundo da escola e o mundo da vida, entre a teoria e prática. A articulação dos dados coletados e suas análises nos permitiram levantar reflexões críticas sobre os tempos escolares, familiares, de trabalhos com a terra e cotidianos, e nos mostraram que apesar das dificuldades na formação de monitores e gestores para esse método pedagógico diferenciado e do financiamento autônomo, existe uma grande capacidade de se tornar um método educativo de formação integral, respaldado no resgate dos conhecimentos tradicionais camponeses. A articulação desses conhecimentos com os aprendidos na EFAL possibilitam proporcionar aos sujeitos do campo a capacidade de refletir e agir para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável.

O teatro do oprimido e a flor da permacultura na educação ambiental

Campos, Priscilla Teixeira 18 February 2014 (has links)
This study seeks to enter the Theatre of the Oppressed and the Permaculture Flower as potentializer methodology of Environmental Education experiences of a new meaning for young people from diverse communities that make up the Collective Youth Movement in Sergipe. The symbolic union of perceptive and sensitive fields aims to broaden the knowledge of the problems in environmental dimensions within that collective. The methodological development of this qualitative research draws on action research through thematic theatrical workshops, covering the methodology described by Augusto Boal in Theatre of the Oppressed, Theatre Games and Improvisation Theatre. Uses the concept of sustainability according to the vision of permaculture perspective of the sensitive environmental education, critique, dialogic, experiential and participatory. Data collection was conducted through questionnaires, interviews, wheels conversation and participant observation. Paintings, sculptures and individual and collective, 4 songs and 1 piece of forum theater on the pesticide issue as the problem - insertion case: many aesthetic materials such as were created. The results include 200 h of fieldwork, 1 workshop in character immersion for 8 days with 32 young people from the Youth Movement Collective in various localities of the state of Sergipe. The piece collectively created by young people was presented 16 times and 1 time in the state at the National Congress of Peasants in Brasilia/DF. People between 1183 and oficinandos audience were mobilized. / O presente estudo busca inserir o Teatro do Oprimido e a Flor da Permacultura como metodologia potencializadora das vivências de uma Educação Ambiental ressignificada para os jovens de diversas comunidades que compõe o Movimento Coletivo da Juventude em Sergipe. A união perceptiva dos campos simbólicos e sensível tem por finalidade ampliar os conhecimentos dos problemas nas dimensões socioambientais dentro desse coletivo. O desenvolvimento metodológico dessa pesquisa de natureza qualitativa inspira-se na Pesquisa-ação por meio de oficinas teatrais temáticas, contemplando a metodologia descrita por Augusto Boal no Teatro do Oprimido, Jogos Teatrais e o Teatro Improvisação. Utiliza o conceito de Sustentabilidade segundo a visão da Permacultura numa perspectiva de Educação Ambiental do sensível, crítica, dialógica, vivencial e participativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionários, entrevistas, rodas de conversa e observação participante. Foram criados diversos materiais estéticos tais como: quadros, pinturas e esculturas individuais e coletivas, 4 músicas e 1 peça de teatro-fórum sobre a temática agrotóxicos como inserção do problema-caso. Os resultados contemplam 200 h de trabalho de campo, 1 oficina em caráter de imersão por 8 dias com 32 jovens do Movimento Coletivo da Juventude de diversas localidades do estado de Sergipe. A peça criada coletivamente pelos jovens foi apresentada 16 vezes no estado e 1 vez no Congresso Nacional de Camponeses em Brasília/DF. Foram mobilizadas 1183 pessoas entre oficinandos e plateia.

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