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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema agroindustrial da carne de avestruz: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e África do Sul / Agribusiness system of ostrich meat: a comparative study between Brazil and South Africa

Peçanha, Liana Caron Nazareth 14 February 2012 (has links)
Em termos globais, existe urna tendência crescente na demanda por alimentos saudáveis e seguros. Visando esta demanda, a carne de avestruz é vista corno uma opção. A indústria sul-africana é a grande abastecedora da União Européia (UE) e o Brasil tenta disputar esse mercado, que é extremamente exigente em regras que garantam a produção de um alimento seguro, o que torna de vital importância um gerenciamento da qualidade em todas as fases de produção. Este estudo analisa o sistema agroindustrial da carne de avestruz, investigando os atributos de qualidade do produto divulgados por meio eletrônico de comunicação em dois países, África do Sul e Brasil, e comparando-os às necessidades de bem-estar do consumidor. Após pesquisa bibliográfica teórica, elaborou-se pesquisa documental, na qual os dados quantitativos do setor foram obtidos em fontes governamentais de cada país e os qualitativos em reportagens divulgadas em meio eletrônico e nos sites das empresas líderes de mercado em cada país, posteriormente submetidos à técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que a produção sul africana atende às normas de gerenciamento de qualidade exigidas pelo bloco europeu, mas isso não foi suficientes para evitar reincidência de Influenza A em seu rebanho. Por outro lado, o brasileiro ainda não implementou o Plano Nacional de Controle de Resíduos (PNCR), sem o qual não consegue exportar, o que implica na obrigatoriedade de venda para o mercado interno, que possuí baixa demanda. Na comunicação adotada, ambos os países focam, principalmente, a dimensão biológica, seguido pelo bem-estar psicológico: o prazer de comer bem. / In global terms, there is a growing trend in the demand for healthy and safe food. Aiming this demand, ostrich meat is seen as an option. The South African industry is the major supplier of the European Union (EU) and Brazil tries to play this market, which has extremely demanding rules to ensure a safe food production, which makes a vital quality management in all stages of production. This study analyzes the agribusiness system of ostrich meat, investigating the quality attributes of the product disclosed by electronic means of communication in both countries, South Africa and Brazil, and comparing them to the needs of well-being of the consumer. After theoretical literature, was conducted archival research in which quantitative data were obtained from industry sources and government of each country in the qualitative reports electronically and posted on the websites of leading companies in each Country, then submitted to technique of content analysis. The results show that South African production meets quality management standards. required by the European bloc, but this was not sufficient to prevent recurrence of Influenza A in his flock. On the other hand, the Brazilian has yet to implement the National Plan for Waste Management (PNCR), without which it can not export, which implies the obligation to sell to the domestic market, which has low demand, Communication adopted in both countries focus mainly the biological dimension, followed by psychological well-being: the pleasure of eating well.

Verso un produzione di cibo sostenibile. Analisi del cico di vita delle produzioni agro-alimentari / TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM. LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT APPLIED TO AGRO-FOODPRODUCTS

CORRADO, SARA 31 May 2017 (has links)
Fornendo energia e nutrienti, la produzione di cibo è essenziale per la vita. Tuttavia, essa rappresenta anche una criticità ambientale. La popolazione mondiale in rapida crescita, infatti, ha bisogno di un quantitativo di cibo sempre maggiore, una delle principali cause di degrado ambientale a livello globale. Il sistema agricolo è fondato su una rete di relazioni complesse che collegano la produzione agricola, funzioni e condizioni ambientali. Una produzione agricola meno impattante è, quindi, fondamentale per non compromettere la possibilità per la future generazioni di avere accesso a un quantitativo adeguato di risorse. La metodologia LCA (life cycle assessment) ha un ruolo centrale nella valutazione di sostenibilità. Analizzando l’intero ciclo di vita di un prodotto o servizio, infatti, permette di tenere in considerazione eventuali trasferimenti di impatti tra comparti ambientali o fai della filiera. Il principale obiettivo della presente tesi è contribuire al dibattito in corso riguardo all’armonizzazione degli approcci nell’applicazione della metodologia LCA a prodotti agro-alimentari per favorirne l’affidabilità e l’efficacia. / Providing energy and nutrients, food production is essential for life. However it represents also an important environmental concern. Indeed, the rapidly growing world population is requiring an increased food production which is one of the greatest causes of environmental degradation throughout the world. The agricultural system is based on complex relations that link agricultural productivity, environmental functions and environmental conditions. Therefore, moving towards less polluting production systems is of the utmost importance to satisfy the current demand for food without compromising the possibility for future generations to have access to a proper amount of food of adequate quality. Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is at the core of sustainability assessment. Indeed, considering the entire life cycle of a product or service, it allows to account for potential shifts of environmental impacts between environmental compartments or stages of the food supply chain. The overall aim of the present thesis is to contribute to the ongoing debate on the harmonisation of the approaches to carry out a LCA referred to agro-food products in order to foster its reliability and effectiveness.

Sistema agroindustrial da carne de avestruz: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e África do Sul / Agribusiness system of ostrich meat: a comparative study between Brazil and South Africa

Liana Caron Nazareth Peçanha 14 February 2012 (has links)
Em termos globais, existe urna tendência crescente na demanda por alimentos saudáveis e seguros. Visando esta demanda, a carne de avestruz é vista corno uma opção. A indústria sul-africana é a grande abastecedora da União Européia (UE) e o Brasil tenta disputar esse mercado, que é extremamente exigente em regras que garantam a produção de um alimento seguro, o que torna de vital importância um gerenciamento da qualidade em todas as fases de produção. Este estudo analisa o sistema agroindustrial da carne de avestruz, investigando os atributos de qualidade do produto divulgados por meio eletrônico de comunicação em dois países, África do Sul e Brasil, e comparando-os às necessidades de bem-estar do consumidor. Após pesquisa bibliográfica teórica, elaborou-se pesquisa documental, na qual os dados quantitativos do setor foram obtidos em fontes governamentais de cada país e os qualitativos em reportagens divulgadas em meio eletrônico e nos sites das empresas líderes de mercado em cada país, posteriormente submetidos à técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que a produção sul africana atende às normas de gerenciamento de qualidade exigidas pelo bloco europeu, mas isso não foi suficientes para evitar reincidência de Influenza A em seu rebanho. Por outro lado, o brasileiro ainda não implementou o Plano Nacional de Controle de Resíduos (PNCR), sem o qual não consegue exportar, o que implica na obrigatoriedade de venda para o mercado interno, que possuí baixa demanda. Na comunicação adotada, ambos os países focam, principalmente, a dimensão biológica, seguido pelo bem-estar psicológico: o prazer de comer bem. / In global terms, there is a growing trend in the demand for healthy and safe food. Aiming this demand, ostrich meat is seen as an option. The South African industry is the major supplier of the European Union (EU) and Brazil tries to play this market, which has extremely demanding rules to ensure a safe food production, which makes a vital quality management in all stages of production. This study analyzes the agribusiness system of ostrich meat, investigating the quality attributes of the product disclosed by electronic means of communication in both countries, South Africa and Brazil, and comparing them to the needs of well-being of the consumer. After theoretical literature, was conducted archival research in which quantitative data were obtained from industry sources and government of each country in the qualitative reports electronically and posted on the websites of leading companies in each Country, then submitted to technique of content analysis. The results show that South African production meets quality management standards. required by the European bloc, but this was not sufficient to prevent recurrence of Influenza A in his flock. On the other hand, the Brazilian has yet to implement the National Plan for Waste Management (PNCR), without which it can not export, which implies the obligation to sell to the domestic market, which has low demand, Communication adopted in both countries focus mainly the biological dimension, followed by psychological well-being: the pleasure of eating well.

Biogeochemical functioning and trajectories of French territorial agricultural systems : carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes (1852-2014) / Fonctionnement actuel et trajectoires biogéochimiques des systèmes agro-alimentaires territoriaux français : analyse des flux de carbone, d’azote et de phsophore (1852-2014)

Le Noë, Julia 24 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit les systèmes de production agricole en termes de flux biogéochimiques d’azote (N), de phosphore (P) et de carbone (C) dans les territoires français de 1852 à 2014 suivant une approche socio-écologique qui permet d’appréhender les logiques qui les gouvernent. Les résultats obtenus mettent en lumière à l’échelle des territoires français le lien systémique entre structures de production, bilans N et P et variations des stocks de C organique dans les sols agricoles. Les systèmes agricoles intensifs et spécialisés engendrent les pertes environnementales et les consommations de ressources par unité de surface agricole les plus considérables et accentuent l’ouverture des cycles d’N et de P. Cependant, c’est seulement après la seconde guerre mondiale que certaines régions françaises se sont spécialisées dans la grande culture ou, à partir des années 1980, dans l’élevage intensif. La période des années 1950 à 1980 est marquée par l’accélération des rendements des cultures végétales, de la densité de cheptel et de l’usage des fertilisants minéraux. Les conséquences en ont été une augmentation des bilans N et P et des apports de C aux sols agricoles, causant des pertes considérables d’N vers l’hydrosphère et l’atmosphère et l’augmentation des stocks de P et de C dans les sols. Néanmoins, l’accumulation du C n’a été rendue possible que par le recours aux fertilisants minéraux et au machinisme agricole consommant des énergies fossiles. Ainsi, le stockage du C dans les sols représente un effet secondaire du passage d’un métabolisme énergétique dépendant de l’énergie solaire à un métabolisme fondé sur la combustion d’énergie fossile. / This work investigates agricultural systems from the angle of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and carbon (C) fluxes in French regions from 1852 to 2014, following a socio-metabolic approach stressing out the underlying logic behind these material fluxes. Results brought out by this research highlight the systemic relation between production pattern and N and P balances, and changes in soil organic C stocks in agricultural soil. Intensive specialized agricultural systems generate high environmental losses and resource consumption per unit agricultural surface and present largely open nutrient cycles due to substantial trade flows. Conversely, integrated crop and livestock farming have more limited N and P consumption and lead to lower air and water contamination. Long-term analysis shows that only after the Second World War, under the pressure of strong interventionist policies, some French regions specialized into crop or livestock farming. Particularly, the period from the 1950’s to the 1980’s was marked by a concomitant acceleration in crops yields, livestock production and use of mineral fertilizers. This resulted in increased N and P balances over cropland and grassland and growing C inputs to cropland, causing important losses of N to the hydrosphere and atmosphere, together with the accumulation of P and C stocks in soils. However, C accumulation resulting from increased crop production was permitted by the increased recourse to mineral fertilizers and agricultural machinery which consumes fossil-fuel energy. Therefore, C storage in cropland was a side-effect of the shift from an energy metabolism based on solar energy to one based on fossil-fuel combustion.

L'économie circulaire appliquée à un système socio-écologique halio-alimentaire localisé : caractérisation, évaluation, opportunités et défis / Circular economy in a small-scale fishery-dependent socio-ecological system : characteristics, evaluation, opportunities and challenges

Le Gouvello, Raphaëla 01 March 2019 (has links)
L'économie circulaire (EC) émerge depuis les années 2000 dans le débat public, en opposition à l'économie linéaire, modèle dominant aux limites économiques et écologiques reconnues. Cette thèse constitue une première confrontation opérationnelle de l'EC à un système socio-écologique dépendant de la pêche, le Pays de la Cornouaille en Bretagne. Le système est délimité dans sa façade maritime avec la pêche côtière, seule considérée comme production locale.L'approche est systémique, multidimensionnelle et dynamique. L'analyse comporte trois volets : le premier sur l'amont du circuit en mer, le deuxième sur l'aval du système à terre et le dernier sur le système complet. Premièrement, le coût caché des rejets est visualisé via une analyse comptable de flux de matière ("Material Flow Cost Accounting" MFCA) adaptée à la pêche, proposé comme outil pertinent pour améliorer la performance économique et environnementale des pêcheurs. Deuxièmement, l’analyse de flux révèle une forte dépendance des activités à terre vis-à-vis des importations et exportations de bioressources halieutiques malgré un apport significatif de la pêche côtière à l'économie locale. Troisièmement, des scenarii sur le sous-système Sardine, du "business as usual" a l'EC, servent à proposer une trajectoire alternative de développement basée sur un "panier" de biens et services territorialises et la construction d'une valeur territoire à partir de ressources halieutiques locales. Pour atteindre cette EC durable, il s'agira d'optimiser l'utilisation des ressources locales et diminuer les externalités négatives, en plus d'aller vers une gouvernance partagée, adaptée à l'échelle du système socio-écologique considéré. / The years 2000 have favored the emergence of "Circular Economy" (CE) in the public debate, as opposed to the "linear economy", the dominant model that led to acknowledged economie and ecological limits. Our work is a first attempt to address the CE to a fishery-dependent socio-ecological System, the Cornouaille region in Brittany. The approach is systemic, multidimensional and dynamic. It implies the identification of marine boundaries, in which only Coastal fisheries are considered as a local production. The analysis is conducted along three main axes: an analysis of the upstream part at sea (fishing), an analysis looking at the downstream value chain, on land, and a third looking at the whole System. First, a Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) analysis adapted to fisheries is proposed as a relevant tool to improve economy and environmental performance of fishers, providing evidence of hidden costs of fish discards.Second, the fish bioresource flow analysis indicates a strong dependency on importation and exportation flows to maintain land-based activities depending on sea products, albeit evidence of a significant contribution of Coastal fisheries to the local economy. Third, the exploration of the sardine sub-system through scenarii, ranging between from "business as usual" to those lined with CE, shows an alternative development trajectory, based upon a potential "basket of goods and services", a "territorial value", specifically linked to local fisheries. To achieve such a sustainable CE, we would need to not only aim at a more efficient use of local marine resources and decrease negative externalities, but also advocate for a shared governance, suited to the scale of the considered localised socio-ecological System.

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