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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of a whole-building and HVAC-system simulation model with measured data from a new office building / Jämförelse av en simulationsmodell för en ny kontorsbyggnad och dess installationssystem med uppmätt data

Radamson, Diana January 2022 (has links)
Energy calculations are used for many purposes, for example during the design andconstruction phase to comply with Boverket’s building regulations, energy declarations or toachieve energy saving in a building. A main problem in the design process of a new building,is to accurately predict the energy performance. The energy calculations require data fromdifferent interacting components, which have been shown to be challenging to measure. Thisproblem arises in particularly for complex buildings, notably office buildings. Due to the lackof detailed energy models and analyses of the differences between the model and reality foroffice buildings in Sweden, this report aims to answer the question: What are the causes ofdeviations between the models and the measurements of energy usage and indoor airtemperature for the studied office building? The office building Sthlm New 04 was modeledas a whole-building within IDA ICE and the simulated data was compared with measureddata from 2021 that was provided by Skanska Fastigheter.During the design of the model, the simulation model was fed with external source files (withmeasured data) to make the model operate at the same time as the real system. Since therewas no logged occupancy data for this office building, it was assumed that occupancy wasdistributed equally in all office zones. The model has a detailed HVAC system to make themodel as accurate as possible.The result showed overall a good agreement with the measured data, especially for thesimulated district heating and cooling. However, a closer look revealed that there were somedifferences that the model did not account for. The building’s three Air-handling units alsoshowed a good agreement with an average of -0.3 °C, -0.2 °C and +0.2 °C. The resultshighlight several problems with modeling and measured data. Under the influence ofassumptions and hard to define input data, there may be misinterpretation by the modeler.Other reasons could be sensor errors or manufacturing errors by most of the errors could becorrected by a more detailed occupancy in the model. However, this study has shown thatthe detailed model can be used for a fair comparison between the simulated model and thereal building, although there may be some discrepancies. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to createa model that exactly matches the real building, but this model is a good representation thatcan be used for future research such as digital twin.

Data Modeling to Predict the Performance of Emerson Walk-in Freezer

Almshekhs, Rasha 20 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Measurement of the abutment forces of a skewed semi-integral bridge as a result of ambient temperature change

Metzger, Andrew T. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Tree-Ring and Climate Relationships for Abies Alba in the Internal Alps

Rolland, Christian January 1993 (has links)
The relationships between the tree-rings of the white fir (Abies alba Mill.) and climate in the French internal Alps are indicated by correlation functions. This fir shows an accurate response to climate as well as long term persistence for at least six years (MS =0.18, R1 =0.65, and R6= 0.27). Its growth is strongly influenced by the previous year's climate, especially by prior August rainfall, which enhances ring size, or by high temperatures, which show the opposite effect. The most critical period extends from prior July to prior September. This species responds positively to warm temperature from current January to April, followed by rainfall in May and June, which leads to a longer growth period. A favorable water balance seems to be decisive. Abies alba can be affected by frost and seems to prefer a low thermal amplitude as demonstrated by the analysis of the extreme temperature data. Moreover, even a few days of excessive heat can reduce its growth.

Acoustic Tomography inside a small surface layer

Arnold, Klaus, Ziemann, Astrid, Raabe, Armin 04 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Acoustic travel time tomography is presented as an experimental technique for remote monitoring of spatially averaged meteorological quantities, such as the virtual air temperature and the horizontal wind speed. This ground based remote sensing technique uses the nearly horizontal propagation of sound waves in the atmospheric surface layer. Here the acoustic travel time tomography was applied by measuring the travel time at defined propagation paths between several sound sources and receivers. The resulting sound speed was used to obtain estimates of the meteorological parameters. Several measuring campaigns were carried out to compare the acoustically derived data with conventional systems. The results of a cross validation during a field experiment in autumn 2000 are presented, where receivers at different heights above the ground were used. / Die Akustische Laufzeittomographie wird als ein Verfahren zur Fernerkundung räumlich gemittelter Größen, wie der virtuellen Temperatur und der horizontalen Windgeschwindigkeit, vorgestellt. Dieses bodengebundene Fernerkundungsverfahren beruht auf der annährend horizontalen Schallausbreitung in der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht. Das hier angewendete Verfahren der Laufzeittomographie beruht auf der Bestimmung der Ausbreitungszeit von Schallwellen zwischen mehreren Schallsendern und -empfängern. Die daraus abgeleitete Schallgeschwindigkeit liefert eine Information über die interessierenden meteorologischen Parameter. Eine Reihe von Feldexperimenten wurde durchgeführt mit dem Ziel, die akustisch bestimmten Größen mit denen konventioneller Verfahren zu vergleichen. Hier werden die Ergebnisse eines Vergleiches im Herbst 2000 präsentiert, bei dem die Schallempfänger in unterschiedlichen Höhen über dem Boden angebracht wurden.

Rozbor sekulární teplotní řady meteorologické observatoře Milešovka (1905 - 2010) / Analysis of the temperature series of meteorological observatory Milešovka (1905 - 2010)

Lhotka, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
From the climatological aspect, the meteorological observatory Milešovka is one of the most important stations at Czech Republic. When this master's thesis was writen, the 106 years long set of the daily mean air temperature was available. This dataset is not influenced by the urban heat island. Beside the older studies, the trend of the mean annual air temperature increased on 1,02řC/100 years. The highest value is in the spring, the lowest one in the winter. The value of mean diurnal temperature range is increasing. The duration of the frost period is decreasing, on the contrary, the lenght of the growing season is prolonging. 36 % of the absolute extremes of maximal daily temperature were detected in the period 1996-2010. On the other hand, the absolute extremes of minimal daily temperature are rare in this period. The sub-seasonal anomalies are three or more days long significant deviations from the smoothed annual progress of the air temperature. This anomalies of the air temperature has highest mean value of deviations and longest mean duration in winter. The relations between the sub-seasonal anomalies and the meteorological singularities are weak.

Variabilidade climática e sua influência na produtividade da cultura da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp) na região norte e noroeste do Paraná / Climatic variability and its influence on the productivity of the sugarcane culture (Saccharum spp) in the north and northwest region of Paraná State (Brazil).

Domingues, Ivonete de Almeida Souza 24 August 2010 (has links)
A atividade agrícola é essencialmente importante para o estado do Paraná, onde a região deste estudo é a porção Norte e Noroeste, representadas pelos municípios de Cambé e Mirador. Regiões estas localizadas sob solos distintos, argilosos e arenosos, respectivamente. Nessas se destacam o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, objeto deste estudo, por apresentar condições climáticas mais favoráveis ao seu ciclo vegetativo, que tem duração que varia de 12 a 18 meses. Sendo a variabilidade dos controles do clima um fator influenciador principalmente da sua produtividade. Essa cultura exige duas estações meteorológicas bem definidas, uma quente e úmida no estádio de desenvolvimento vegetativo e outra seca ou fria no estádio de maturação. As necessidades térmicas e hídricas são em torno de 20º a 30º C e em torno de 1000 milímetros. Assim, esta tese teve por objetivo determinar a relação entre a variabilidade térmica, hídrica e produtividade do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar para o período de 1981/82 a 2005/06. Os procedimentos metodológicos destinaram-se a evolução espaço-temporal da cana-de-açúcar; à dinâmica climática dos controles chuva e temperatura; à contabilização do Balanço Hídrico (BH Normal, Sequencial e de Cultura) para EXC, DEF, e Extrato do BH; e à correlação dos dados climáticos com a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar. Os dados de chuva e temperatura, período de 30 anos, foram fornecidos pelo IAPAR. Os dados de produção da cana-de-açúcar foram obtidos por meio do PAM/IBGE para um período de 17 anos para todos os municípios paranaenses e por meio dos anuários de produção agrícola do IBGE para um período de 25 anos apenas para os municípios de Cambé e Mirador. Os dados de produtividade foram submetidos à verificação da tendência tecnológica. Os dados de clima foram mensurados por meio das médias aritméticas do período, anual e mensal e juntamente com os dados de produtividade efetuaram-se análises dos desvios em relação à média e análise de correlação e regressão. Por meio desses procedimentos identificou-se que a evolução espaço-temporal da produtividade nos anos de 1990 a 2006, analisada de quatro em quatro anos em escala de mesorregiões, microrregiões e municípios, apresentaram maiores produtividades no ano de 1998 seguido de 2002. As médias das produtividades foram de 82,4 ton/ha em Cambé e de 76,2 ton/ha em Mirador. As médias de chuvas foram de 1604,0 mm em Cambé e de 1485,0 mm em Mirador. As temperaturas médias variaram de 21,0º C em Cambé e de 22,2º C em Mirador. Com a análise dos desvios em relação à média obteve-se para Cambé, que o percentual de anos com desvios coincidentes entre a variável hídrica (chuva e EXC) versus produtividade esteve entre 66,0% a 76%. E para a DEF versus produtividade o percentual foi de 36,0% a 44,0%. Em Mirador esses valores ficaram entre 40,0% a 60,0% para a variável hídrica e produtividade e entre 28,0% a 48,0% para DEF e produtividade. A correlação entre os dados das variáveis analisadas foi significativa ao nível de 5% e 10% para: chuva e produtividade; DEF no estádio de maturação (BH Sequencial) e produtividade; EXC e DEF no estádio de desenvolvimento (BH de Cultura); temperatura na série temporal estudada em anos de La Niña e em anos ENOS (BH Cultura) em Cambé; em Mirador a correlação significativa para EXC do BH Sequencial Decendial para o período de vinte e cinco anos e para DEF do BH Cultura em anos de La Niña no estádio de desenvolvimento. A temperatura apresentou correlação significativa na série temporal (BH Cultura) no estádio de Estabelecimento e para anos ENOS (BH de Cultura) nos estádio de Estabelecimento em EL Niño e desenvolvimento em La Niña. Assim, anos com chuva acima da média (El Niño) e anos com chuva na média do período (Neutro), apresentam correlação pouco significativa com a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar que em anos com chuva abaixo da média (La Niña). / Agricultural activity is essentially very important to the state of Paraná. The study area of this work is located in the north and northwest region (municipalities Cambé and Mirador, respectively). The former has basalt soil and the latter has Caiuá sandstone soil. The cultivation of sugarcane, the object of this study, predominates due to climatic conditions that are favorable to its vegetative cycle, which varies from 12 to 18 months. The variability of the climate controls is an influential factor on productivity. The culture requires two well-defined meteorological seasons: one hot and humid in the state of vegetative development and the other dry or cold in the state of maturation. The temperature and water requirements are about 20o C to 30o C and about 1000 millimeters. This work had as its objective the determination of the relationship between the temperature and water variability and the productivity of the sugarcane cultivation from 1981/82 to 2005/06. The methodological procedures addressed spatio-temporal evolution of the sugarcane; the climatic dynamics of the controls rain and temperature; calculation of the water balance WB (Normal, Sequential and Cultural WB) for EXC (water excess), DEF (water deficit) and WB Extract; and the correlation of the climatic data with the productivity of the sugarcane. The rain and temperature data were supplied by IAPAR (30-year period). The sugarcane production data (area, production and productivity) were obtained from PAM/IBGE (17-year period) for all municipalities of Paraná and from yearbooks of agricultural production from IBGE (25-year period) for only the municipalities of Cambé and Mirador. The productivity data were submitted to verification of the technological tendency. The climate data were measured using period, annual and monthly arithmetic means. Together with the productivity data, analyses of the deviations in relation to the mean and analysis of correlation and regression were carried out. Through these procedures, the spatio-temporal evolution of the productivity from 1990 to 2006, analyzed every four years on a scale of mesoregions, microregions and municipalities, presented the highest productivity in 1998, followed by 2002. The productivity means were 82.4 ton/ha in Cambé and 76.2 ton/ha in Mirador. The rain means were 1604.0mm in Cambé and 1485.0mm in Mirador. The mean temperatures varied from 21.0oC in Cambé and 22.2oC in Mirador. Based on the analysis of the deviations in relation to the mean, in Cambé, the percentage of years with coincident deviations between the water variable (rain and EXC) and productivity was 66.0% to 76.0%. It was 36.0% to 44.0% between DEF and productivity. In Mirador these values were between 40.0% and 60.0% for the water variable and productivity and between 28.0% and 48.0% for DEF and productivity. The correlation between the data of all the analyzed variables was significant to 5% and 10% for: rain versus productivity; DEF in the maturation stage (Sequential WB) and productivity; EXC and DEF in the development stage (Cultural WB); temperature in the temporal series studied in La Niña years and in ENOS years (Cultural WB) in Cambé; significant correlation for EXC of the water balance for sequential ten-day periods for twenty-five years and for DEF of the Cultural WB in La Niña years in the development stage in Mirador. The temperature variable presented significant correlation in the temporal series studied for Cultural WB in the vegetative development stage for twenty-five years for El Niño and La Niña. Thus, years with rainfall above the mean (El Niño) and years with a mean rainfall (Neutral) presented insignificant correlation with the sugarcane productivity compared to years with rainfall below the mean (La Niña).

Serviços ecossistêmicos de regulação térmica em áreas florestais de Mata Atlântica e Cerrado / Ecosystem services of thermoregulation in areas of the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado

Wanderley, Raianny Leite do Nascimento 29 November 2018 (has links)
As florestas tropicais desempenham um papel importante na regulação climática por sua característica funcional mais eficiente de absorver energia radiativa e transformá-la em umidade do ar superficial, que reduz a produção de calor sensível e promove resfriamento diurno. Neste sentido a antropização das áreas de vegetação nativa é uma das principais causas de modificação do clima em escalas local e regional. Esta tese visa quantificar os padrões de temperatura em áreas de coberturas florestais e nas áreas antropizadas de entornos para subsidiar informações ao entendimento dos serviços ecossistêmicos de regulação térmica. Foram utilizadas medidas da temperatura do ar com estação meteorológica em áreas de cerrado, cana-de-açúcar, eucalipto na região de Ribeirão Preto, SP e de áreas com pastagem e floresta na região da Serra do Mar na região de São Luiz do Paraitinga, SP, com dados obtidos parcialmente no intervalo de 2005 a 2018. Foram calculadas a temperatura de superfície (LST) e a temperatura aerodinâmica por meio de imagens de satélite de alta resolução e do modelo de balanço de energia por sensoriamento remoto SEBAL. Mostrou-se que a temperatura do ar máxima diurna foi maior em 1 ºC e a mínima foi menor em 3 °C sobre as áreas de cana-de-açúcar em relação ao cerrado. Para área de eucalipto, a temperatura máxima diurna foi de 1,2 °C menor e nas mínimas de 0,5°C em comparação com o cerrado. As áreas de pastagem foram mais quentes que as áreas de floresta de Mata Atlântica em 5 ºC na máxima diária e 1 ºC na mínima noturna. Os padrões da temperatura de superfície e aerodinâmica calculadas mostraram regimes semelhantes de aquecimento/resfriamento, mas com valores numéricos diferentes. A estimativa da LST na região de Mata Atlântica mostrou significativa dependência da topografia, que controlou o regime térmico médio entre 1 a 2 ºC devido ao aspecto do terreno e 2 a 4 ºC devido à altitude. A LST corrigida pela topografia mostrou uma relação de dependência com o grau de antropização florestal de Mata Atlântica. A taxa deaquecimento foi aproximadamente linear, em que cada 25 % de incremento de antropizada resultou em 1ºC de aquecimento da superfície. Nesta projeção média, o aquecimento máximo ocorre no caso de antropização total de 4ºC. A avaliação do regime térmico de superfície com modelos de balanço de energia por sensoriamento remoto, em conjunto com dados medidos de campo por estações meteorológicas adequadas, mostrou significativos indicadores dos padrões de funcionalidade climática em diferentes usos da terra na região de Cerrado e Mata Atlântica do estado de SP, que por sua vez estabelecem subsídios quantificadores ao levantamento dos serviços ecossistêmicos florestais de regulação térmica. / Tropical forests play an important role in climate regulation due to their functional feature of being more efficient in absorbing radiation and turning it in surface air humidity, that reduces sensible heat production and promotes diurnal cooling. In this sense, the anthropization of native vegetation areas is one of the main causes of climate modification in local and regional scales. This thesis aims to quantify the temperature patterns on areas of forest cover and on anthropized areas in the surroundings, using both field weather data and satellite data, in order to subsidize information for the understanding of ecosystem services in thermal regulation. We used air temperature measurements from weather stations over areas of cerrado, sugar-cane and eucalyptus in Ribeirão Preto-SP region, and over areas of pasture and forest in the Serra do Mar region, next to São Luiz do Paraitinga-SP, with data obtained from 2005 to 2018. Land surface temperature (LST) and aerodynamic temperature were calculated using high resolution satellite images and the energy budget model by remote sensing, SEBAL. It was shown that the diurnal maximum and minimum air temperatures were 1ºC larger and 3°C smaller, respectively, over sugar-cane areas in comparison to cerrado. For eucalyptus areas, the diurnal maximum and minimum temperatures were 1,2°C and 0,5°C smaller, respectively, in comparison to cerrado. Pasture areas were 5ºC and 1ºC warmer than Atlantic forest areas in the daily maximum and minimum, respectively. The calculated LST and aerodynamic temperature patterns presented similar regimes of heating/cooling, but different numeric values. The estimated LST in Atlantic forest region showed significant dependence on topography, which controlled the mean thermal regime between 1 to 2ºC due to the aspect, and 2 to 4 ºC due to altitude. The LST corrected from topography was dependent on the level of anthropization of Atlantic forest, with an approximately linear heating rate, so that each 25% of increment in the anthropization area resulted in 1ºC of surface heating. In this mean projection, the maximum heating is 4ºC and happens in the case of total anthropization. The evaluation of the surface thermal regime using energy budget models via remote sensing, along with field data provided by appropriate weather stations, showed significant indicators of the climate functionality patterns in different land uses in cerrado and Atlantic forest regions, which in turn establish quantifying subsidies to the ecosystem services of forests in regulating temperature.

Interações entre a atmosfera e a superfície terrestre: variações da temperatura e umidade na bacia B do Núcleo Cunha (IF) - SP / Interactions between atmosphere and land surface: temperature and humidity variations in Basin B of Núcleo Cunha (IF) - SP

Armani, Gustavo 08 October 2004 (has links)
Os objetivos desta pesquisa são: a) compreender como a temperatura do ar e a umidade relativa na bacia B do Núcleo Cunha (IF) estão relacionadas aos controles climáticos (altitude, declividade e orientação das vertentes, vegetação, a configuração do céu, etc); b) entender qual a importância de cada controle climático nas variações de temperatura e umidade relativa sob a ação de diferentes sistemas atmosféricos. Os controles microclimáticos produzem alterações no ritmo da temperatura e da umidade relativa de diferentes formas e graus de importância em função do sistema atmosférico atuante. Entretanto, a combinação de controles climáticos específicos pode criar ambientes que mantém o ritmo da temperatura e umidade mais estável, independente do sistema atmosférico que estiver atuando. A água no solo desempenha um papel fundamental na minimização das variações da temperatura e da umidade em ambientes específicos. A vegetação também desempenha um papel importante no controle dos valores de umidade relativa, sendo mais relevante que a declividade e a orientação da vertente. As unidades climáticas da Bacia B foram delimitadas como síntese de todas as interações entre os atributos e controles climáticos. O conceito de unidade climática como um espaço onde a interação entre os atributos e controles climáticos tem uma certa homogeneidade, permitiu a delimitação de quatro topoclimas e muitas unidades microclimáticas na bacia B. / The objectives of this work are: a) to undestand how the air temperature and relative humidity in Basin B of Núcleo Cunha (IF) relate to micro and topoclimatic controls (altitude, gradient, slope orientation, vegetation, sky diagram, etc.); b) to comprehend the relative importance of each micro and topoclimatic control in the air temperature and relative humidity variation within different atmospheric systems. Micro and topoclimatic controls influence temperature and relative humidity variation differently in each atmospheric system. However, the arrangement of some specific climatic controls generates environments that conserve the rhythm of temperature and relative humidity, whatever the atmospheric system. Water in the soil has an evident role in the reduction of temperature and relative humidity variation. Vegetation has a fundamental role in the maintenance of the relative humidity, being clearly more importante than gradient and slope orientation. Climatic units of Basin B were delimited as a synsthesis of all interactions. The concept of climate units as a space where climatic attributes and controls keep a relative homogeneity, made possible the identification of four topoclimates and several microclimates units.

Microclima do cerrado: características higrotérmicas em Jataí e Caçu (GO) / Microclimate of closed: hygrothermal characteristics in Jataí and Caçu (GO)

Rocha, José Ricardo Rodrigues 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-02-04T14:20:25Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Ricardo Rodrigues Rocha - 2015.pdf: 9032071 bytes, checksum: f7c5b727e8a6360824bc8a509326ab74 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-11T11:36:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Ricardo Rodrigues Rocha - 2015.pdf: 9032071 bytes, checksum: f7c5b727e8a6360824bc8a509326ab74 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-11T11:36:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Ricardo Rodrigues Rocha - 2015.pdf: 9032071 bytes, checksum: f7c5b727e8a6360824bc8a509326ab74 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The man has caused changes in the middle through the transformations, occupation and mode-tion of space, which generates the urban climate. Thus, urban studies are neces-sary is because the sums of these changes cause a hydrothermal discomfort and the dif- ferentiation of heat in the urban network, as shown in many studies. Thus, the study of obje-tive was to determine the variation of temperature and relative humidity (maximum and mí-nima) in two small cities in the Brazilian cerrado, Jataí and Caçu (GO). Thus pro-cured to identify the relationships between the physical aspects of the environment (hipsometria, exhibition sheds and land use) with vari-ations in climate issues, in fixed collection points in cities. Both cities are in the middle region South Goiás, Jataí in the micro region of the Southwest of Goias and Caçu in micro-Quirino-polis. It had as methodological basis the theory of urban climate proposed by Monteiro (1976) and Monteiro e Sezarino (1990), abor-giving the thermodynamic subsystem. To collect tempe-rature data and relati-va humidity were used termohigrômetros (HT-4000 and HT-500 model) distributed at 5 points in Caçu and 09 in Jataí, in which were collected every 30 minutes. For producing the maps as hipsometria, exposure of slopes, land use were used GIS Arcgis 10.1. It was found that the absolute maximum operating temperature (44.6 ° C) was recorded in P3 in Caçu at 14h39m, and Jataí showed 43.1°C in P1, at 13h25m, where land use influenced the values between the collection points, and the elevation for the difference between the ci-ties (range of 1.5°C). The lowest values of minimum temperatures also occurred in August, on 28 and 29, rises the performance of a stationary front, where Jataí was 4.9 ° C in P6, with very low rate of construction (1.1%) and high rate of vegetation (81.5%), and is located in valley bottom. In Caçu was recorded 6.4 ° C in P3, this building has a low rate, average grazing rate (11.5%) and vacant land with soil exposure (34.6%). The maximum relative humidity of air occurred in November 2013, and ranged 100-81% between cities, on 5, 8:26 in the performance of the SACZ and ZCOU. The minimum relative humidity values of the air occurred in August, on days 02, 03, 04, 05 09, 18, 28, 29 and 02 days in September, 09, 11 and 13, where the values varied 6-52 % between 13:00 the 17h00mm. From our analysis, we consider that there was influence of urban structure and the physical aspects of hygrothermal behavior between cities. This is because the local densely built and devoid of vegetation showed higher temperatures and lower humidity of the air, while the places with the highest afforestation rate and smaller buildings had lower rates of temperature and relative humidity of the larger air. / O homem vem provocando alterações no meio através das transformações, ocupação e mode-lação do espaço, o qual gera o clima urbano. Desta forma, os estudos urbanos fazem-se neces-sários, pois as somas destas transformações acarretam um desconforto hidrotérmico e a dife-renciação de calor na malha urbana, como já evidenciado em muitos estudos. Com isso, o ob-jetivo do estudo foi verificar a variação da temperatura e umidade relativa do ar (máxima e mínima) em duas cidades de pequeno porte do cerrado brasileiro, Jataí e Caçu (GO). Assim procurou-se identificar as relações entre os aspectos físicos do ambiente (hipsometria, exposi-ção de vertentes e uso do solo) com a variação dos aspectos climáticos, em pontos de coleta fixos nas cidades. Ambas as cidades situam-se na mesorregião Sul Goiano, Jataí na microrre-gião do Sudoeste de Goiás e Caçu na microrregião de Quirinópolis. Teve-se como base meto-dológica a teoria do clima urbano proposta por Monteiro (1976) e de Monteiro e Sezarino (1990), abordando o subsistema termodinâmico. Para a coleta dos dados de temperatura e umi-dade relativa do ar foram utilizados termohigrômetros (modelo HT-4000 e HT-500) distribuí-dos em 5 pontos em Caçu e 09 em Jataí, em que foram coletados a cada 30 minutos. Para a confecção dos mapas como: hipsometria, exposição das vertentes, uso da terra foram utilizados SIG Arcgis 10.1. Constatou-se que o valor máximo absoluto de temperatura (44,6°C) foi regis-trado no P3, em Caçu, às 14h39m, e Jataí apresentou 43,1°C no P1, às 13h25m, em que o uso do solo influenciou os valores entre os pontos de coleta, e a altitude para a diferença entre as cidades (amplitude de 1,5°C). Os menores valores de temperaturas mínimas também ocorreram em agosto, nos dias 28 e 29, sobe a atuação de uma frente estacionária, em que Jataí teve 4,9°C no P6, com muito baixa taxa de construção (1,1%) e alta taxa de vegetação (81,5%), além de ser localizado em fundo de vale. Em Caçu foi registrado 6,4°C, no P3, este possui baixa taxa de construção, média taxa de pastagem (11,5%) e terrenos vagos com exposição do solo (34,6%). A umidade relativa do ar máxima ocorreu em novembro de 2013, sendo que oscilou de 100 a 81% entre as cidades, nos dias 5, 8 e 26 sob a atuação das ZCAS e ZCOU. Os valores mínimos de umidade relativa do ar ocorreram em agosto, nos dias 02, 03, 04, 05 09, 18, 28 e 29 e em setembro nos dias 02, 09, 11 e 13, em que os valores oscilaram de 6 a 52%, entre 13h00m as 17h00mm. A partir das análises, consideramos que houve influência da estrutura urbana e os aspectos físicos no comportamento higrotérmico entre as cidades. Isso devido os locais densamente construído e desprovidos de vegetação apresentaram maiores temperaturas e menores umidades relativa do ar, enquanto que, os locais com maior taxa de arborização e menores taxas de construções tiveram temperatura menores e umidade relativa do ar maiores.

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