Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iir quality."" "subject:"rair quality.""
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Porovnání koncentrace tuhých znečišťujících látek uvnitř stáje v rozdílných technologiích velkochovů drůbežeŠONKA, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Intensive poultry farming releases contaminated gases, odors, microorganisms and large concentrations of dust particles. Dust particles have a negative effect on the health of humans and animals. Dangerous particles with a diameter of less than or equal to 4 m, which can travel to the gas exchange area of the human respiratory system, pose a great health risk. The aim of this thesis is to measure PM10 dust particles in intensive poultry farms depending on the age of the chickens. Another goal is to compare the results between farms and compare them with the values shown in Table 5.15 on page 157 of document Final TWG meeting for review of the IRPP (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) BREF (Reference Document on Best Available Techniques). The measurements were carried out at the farm Alas a.s. in Hartmanice and at the farm Farma u lesa a.s. in Sudoměřice u Bechyně.
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Meteorological Conditions Affecting the Dispersion of Landfill Odor ComplaintsUnknown Date (has links)
One of the factors recognized as affecting the dispersion of landfill odors off-site
are complex meteorological conditions. A major issue is lack of consistent means to
identify the odors and their intensity. The aim of this research was to investigate the
influence of meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction,
wind speed, precipitation accumulation and weather conditions) on the frequency of odor
complaints from nearby neighborhoods. Methods involved collection of ten years of data
on odor complaints and weather conditions to determine if there were commonalities.
Sophisticated statistical analyses employed did not reveal any relationships between odor
complaints and weather alone. Need for substantial improvement of detailed information
is recognized. To help identify the factors that influence odor complaints- a revised odor
complaint form, along with operational adjustments, were recommended. An “Odor Threat Assessment Level” is proposed to assist landfill site personnel in managing daily
operations, based on weather conditions. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Experimental evaluation of cement stucco surfacing material (CSSM) removal for reducing particulates in airUnknown Date (has links)
Every year millions of construction workers are exposed to dust in levels that create a hazard to them (Fundukian, 2011). Their environment is contaminated by activities such as cutting, chipping, grinding and sanding building materials. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) refers to this general collection of building materials debris and fine particulates as nuisance dust. Some of the particles in nuisance dust possess properties that make them especially hazardous, such as their shape or specific gravity. It has been found by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) that inhalation of quantities of silica dust above the permissible exposure limit (15.0 mg/m3) causes a deterioration of the outside lining of the lung.This research seeks to limit this exposure by a pretreatment process using acid application and then absorbed moisture content that reduces airborne particulate during the removal of cement stucco surfacing materials. Successful pretreatment would allow removal of CSSM from substrates such that the release of airborne particulates does not exceed the permissible exposure limits (PEL) found in the 29 CFR-Table Z-3 for mining applications (15-mg/m3). / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Estudo do processo de dispersão de emissões veiculares em uma microrregião de Belo Horizonte utilizando simulação numérica / Study of the dispersion process of vehicular emissions at a specific site in Belo Horizonte using numerical simulationFernanda Vasconcelos Fonseca Tavares 12 March 2009 (has links)
Nenhuma / A poluição urbana é um sério problema ambiental que vem se agravando nos
países em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, as concentrações de poluentes atmosféricos têm
crescido rapidamente nas principais regiões urbanas durante as últimas décadas. Esta
expansão tem ocorrido principalmente devido ao crescente número de veículos
automotivos em circulação. As emissões causadas por veículos contêm diversas
substâncias tóxicas que podem produzir efeitos negativos à saúde, incluindo problemas
respiratórios e cardiovasculares. Um dos principais poluentes atmosféricos originados
dessas emissões é o Material Particulado (MP), classificado em MP2,5 (diâmetro
aerodinâmico < 2,5 μm) e MP10 (diâmetro aerodinâmico < 10 μm). Os efeitos do MP
sobre a saúde humana dependem de sua maior ou menor capacidade de penetração no
sistema respiratório. O município de Belo Horizonte (BH) possui cerca de 2,4 milhões
de habitantes e uma frota de mais de um milhão de veículos. Essa situação, aliada às
características poluentes dos combustíveis veiculares e às condições do trânsito na
região, cria um cenário preocupante em relação à qualidade do ar. Portanto, avaliar a
influência das emissões veiculares de MP seria fundamental para o levantamento de
informações que possam respaldar proposições para a melhoria da qualidade do ar no
município. Diversos estudos que avaliam a qualidade do ar utilizam modelos numéricos
associados a medições ambientais. O modelo CAL3QHCR, desenvolvido pelo
Departamento de Transportes da Califórnia é um modelo numérico para avaliação da
dispersão de poluentes atmosféricos veiculares. Este modelo permite estimar as
concentrações de MP nas proximidades das vias de tráfego com base em informações
sobre as condições meteorológicas, o tráfego de veículos, as emissões veiculares e a
sinalização. Neste trabalho, o modelo CAL3QHCR foi utilizado para avaliar a
contribuição das emissões de MP de origem veicular na qualidade do ar de uma
microrregião localizada no centro de BH. Os dados meteorológicos (direção e
velocidade do vento, temperatura e classe de estabilidade atmosférica); de tráfego de
veículos; de emissão veicular; e de sinalização das vias de interesse foram coletados e tratados de acordo com o formato exigido pelo modelo CAL3QHCR. Devido à
inexistência de fatores de emissão veicular de MP para a região estudada, utilizaram-se
os fatores estabelecidos para a região metropolitana de São Paulo. Os resultados de
concentração obtidos nas simulações foram comparados com dados experimentais de
concentração de MP2,5 e MP10, obtidos a partir da amostragem desses poluentes em uma
estação de monitoramento da qualidade do ar localizada na microrregião estudada. Para
todos os cenários considerados, os valores de concentração previstos pelo modelo
apresentaram-se menores que os observados. O estudo de análise de sensibilidade
revelou que o parâmetro de entrada que apresenta maior influência nos resultados das
concentrações é o fator de emissão veicular. Uma das medidas que poderia contribuir
para a obtenção de dados mais reais desse fator seria a implantação de um programa de
inspeção veicular ambiental no município de Belo Horizonte. / Urban pollution is a severe environmental problem that has become
increasingly worse in developing countries. In Brazil, during recent decades, the
concentrations of atmospheric pollutants have risen drastically, especially in the major
urban regions. This expansion occurred mainly due to the growing number of
automobiles in circulation. Vehicular exhaust emissions contain several toxic
substances that may bring health risks, including respiratory and cardiovascular
complications. One of the main atmospheric pollutants coming from these emissions is
the Particulate Matter (PM), which is classified as PM2.5 (aerodynamic diameter below
2.5 μm) and PM10 (aerodynamic diameter below 10 μm). The effects of PM on human
health depend on its lesser or greater capacity to penetrate into the pulmonary system.
Belo Horizonte city comprises roughly 2.4 million citizens and over 1 million motor
vehicles in circulation. This, together with the pollutant potential of vehicular fuel and
traffic conditions in the area, creates a distressing scenario concerning air quality.
Therefore, assessing the influence of PM from vehicular exhausts is critical to collect
information which could be used to suggest ways to improve air quality in the region.
Several air quality researchers use numerical simulation combined with environmental
measurements. The CAL3QHCR model has been developed by the California
Department of Transportation and it is a numerical model to evaluate the dispersion of
atmospheric pollution from vehicles. This model allows estimating PM concentrations
in the vicinity of traffic lanes based on data from meteorological conditions, roadway
traffic, vehicular emissions, and signalized intersections. In this study, the CAL3QHCR
model was used to assess the contribution of PM from vehicular exhausts to the air
quality of a specific site in downtown Belo Horizonte. The meteorological, traffic,
signalization, and vehicular emissions data were collected and analyzed according to the
CAL3QHCR models requirements. Due to the absence of PM emission factors for Belo
Horizonte region, this study has opted to use previously established factors for vehicles
as measured in the São Paulo metropolitan area. Concentration results obtained through
simulations were compared to the experimental data for the concentrations of PM2.5 and
PM10 which consisted of collected samples from a monitoring station for air quality located in the micro-region selected for this research. For all the scenarios taken into
consideration, the concentration values predicted by the model were lower than the
experimental concentrations. The sensitivity analysis showed that the vehicular
emission factor influenced the concentration results more than the other input
parameters. One of the measures that could contribute to obtaining more realistic data
about this factor would be the establishment of an environmental program for vehicle
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Medição, predição e análise de partículas aéreas em salas cirúrgicas. / Measurement, prediction and analysis of airborne particles in surgical rooms.Marcelo Luiz Pereira 10 October 2008 (has links)
Os sistemas de condicionamento de ar exercem função importante em uma sala cirúrgica, que é proteger a ferida cirúrgica e os equipamentos estéreis dos microrganismos carreados pelo ar. Essa proteção é feita pelo controle simultâneo da movimentação e distribuição do ar, da temperatura, da umidade, da filtragem, das infiltrações de ar de outros setores, entre outros. Esses são fatores que afetam diretamente a quantidade de partículas aéreas presentes em uma sala cirúrgica. Dentro deste contexto, no presente trabalho foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático para predição da concentração de partículas em salas cirúrgicas e para determinação da importância relativa dos fatores que interferem na geração e remoção dessas partículas. O modelo proposto baseia-se no balanço de massa para o cálculo da concentração de partículas, que foi aplicado e validado com os dados obtidos em salas cirúrgicas com diferentes tipos de sistemas de condicionamento de ar. Nessas salas cirúrgicas foram realizadas medições de variáveis ambientais considerando diferentes situações que normalmente ocorrem na rotina de salas cirúrgicas. Para cada uma das condições analisadas, é proposto um determinado conjunto de parâmetros relativos ao ambiente, ao sistema de condicionamento de ar e às concentrações de partículas provenientes das diversas fontes, que são utilizados como dados de entrada no modelo. O modelo que está sendo proposto também pode ser utilizado como uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar na análise específica dos fatores que afetam tanto a geração como a remoção de partículas. / Air conditioning systems exert an important function in surgical rooms, to protect the surgical wound and the sterile equipments from airborne infected particles. This protection is achieved by means of a simultaneous control of the movement and distribution of the air, of the temperature, of the humidity, of the filtering, of air infiltrations from other sections etc. Those factors directly affect the amount of airborne particles present in a surgical room. Within this context, the present work aimed to develop a mathematical model for the prediction of particle concentrations in surgical rooms and for the determination of the relative importance of the factors that interfere in the generation and removal of those particles. The proposed model, based on mass balance for the calculation of the particle concentrations, has been applied and validated with the data obtained from different types of air conditioning systems in which the measurements were carried out, as well as with different conditions that commonly occur in the routine of surgical rooms. For each one of these conditions, a certain group of relative parameters is proposed to the environment, to the air conditioning system, and to the concentrations of particles originated from the different sources, which are used as input data to the model. The proposed model can also be used as an important tool to aid in the specific analysis of the factors that affect both particle generation and removal.
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Condições de conforto térmico e desconforto local em salas cirúrgicas. / Thermal comfort and local discomfort conditions in surgical rooms.Felix, Victor Barbosa 20 June 2008 (has links)
Hospitais e demais instalações médicas constituem-se em ambientes complexos, que requerem sistemas de tratamento de ar e de ventilação adequados para o conforto e segurança de pacientes, de pessoal e de visitantes. Em ambientes cirúrgicos as condições de conforto térmico precisam ser as melhores possíveis, para que o cirurgião e a equipe médica trabalhem em condições favoráveis para o sucesso do procedimento cirúrgico. Simultaneamente, os riscos de infecção do paciente e dos profissionais de saúde, causadas por partículas transportadas pelo ar, devem ser minimizados. Neste trabalho foram realizadas avaliações experimentais de condições de conforto térmico e desconforto local em salas cirúrgicas com três diferentes tipos de sistemas de distribuição de ar. O procedimento experimental consistiu de medições e avaliações subjetivas (questionários). As avaliações de condições de conforto térmico foram realizadas segundo os critérios de conforto de Fanger e conforme previsto nas normas ISO 7730 e ASHRAE 55. A aplicação do método de Fanger na avaliação de condições de conforto térmico em salas cirúrgicas mostrou-se adequada, embora seja necessário cuidado especial na sua utilização e na análise dos resultados. Verificou-se que é muito difícil prover condições de conforto térmico para toda a equipe cirúrgica, principalmente devido a fatores pessoais como o tipo de vestimenta e o nível de atividade, bem como de fatores específicos do ambiente cirúrgico, como o calor liberado pelo foco cirúrgico. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que o sistema de fluxo unidirecional apresentou melhores condições de conforto térmico. Esse sistema também apresenta um maior potencial de controle de contaminantes no campo cirúrgico. Finalmente, resultados de estudo comparativo com trabalhos de outros autores mostram valores praticamente iguais de temperaturas equivalentes de conforto térmico em torno de 22°C para todos os membros da equipe cirúrgica. Esse resultado é particularmente útil para avaliar diferentes condições ambientais e pessoais em propiciar condições de conforto térmico aos diferentes membros da equipe cirúrgica. / Hospitals and medical centers are complex environments which request special air treatment and ventilation systems for the comfort and safety of patients, personnel and visitors. In surgical environments the thermal comfort conditions need to be the best as possible in order to the surgeons and the medical team work in favorable conditions for the success of the surgical procedure. Simultaneously, the risks of infection caused by airborne particles should be minimized. In the present work experimental evaluations of thermal comfort and local discomfort conditions were carried out for surgical rooms with three different types of air distribution systems. Measurements and subjective evaluations (questionnaires) were accomplished. The evaluations of thermal comfort conditions were done according to the Fanger comfort criteria and as foreseen in the norms ISO 7730 and ASHRAE 55. The use of the Fanger method in the evaluation of thermal comfort conditions in surgical rooms is appropriate, although it is necessary special care in its use and in the analysis of the results. It was verified that it is very difficult to provide conditions of thermal comfort for the whole surgical team, mainly due to personal factors like clothing and activity level, as well as surgical-specific environmental factors like the heat of the surgical focus. The analysis shows that the unidirectional flow system presented better conditions of thermal comfort. Additionally, this system also presents greater potential of pollutants control in the surgical field. Finally, results of comparative study with other authors\' works show practically same values of equivalent temperatures of thermal comfort around 22°C for all of the members of the surgical team. That result is particularly useful to evaluate different environmental and personal conditions in propitiating conditions of thermal comfort to the different members of the surgical team.
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Avaliação da qualidade do ar em ambientes internos: biblioteca pública / Indoor air quality investigation: public libraryNascimento, Guilherme Caetano do 01 April 2011 (has links)
Ao longo de quinze meses, foram monitorados na Biblioteca Pública Amadeu Amaral, da cidade de São Carlos, SP, os níveis de temperatura, umidade relativa, ruído, intensidade luminosa, contaminação por dióxido de carbono, material particulado total (MPT) e suas frações respiráveis (MP1, MP2,5, MP7 e MP10), avaliação da taxa de ventilação e ocupação, concentração de bioaerossóis e sua identificação. Além disso, foi aplicado um questionário aos ocupantes do local com o intuito de levantar as principais reclamações e queixas relacionadas à qualidade do ar interior. Os resultados mostraram o desconforto térmico do local em todas as salas monitoradas, altos níveis de ruído proveniente do ambiente externo, inadequações relativas à iluminação do local e necessidade de uma atenção especial à taxa de ocupação do prédio. Durante alguns momentos das medições, os níveis de ruído ultrapassaram a barreira dos 80 dB(A), que é um valor bem acima do recomendado em normas, revelando-se um fator de risco para seus usuários e funcionários. Não foram encontrados problemas relacionados à contaminação biológica do local, analisando a concentração de bactérias e fungos. A taxa de ventilação possui valor adequado para o piso 1 e a concentração de gás carbônico se manteve de acordo com os padrões estabelecidos em normas. As respostas dos questionários confirmam os principais resultados encontrados para a Biblioteca, como os altos níveis de ruído, o desconforto térmico do local e as inadequações da iluminação. As recomendações são pautadas na necessidade de realização de ensaios gravimétricos da concentração de material particulado e o desenvolvimento de estudos específicos para a adoção de medidas mitigadores da poluição sonora e, também, da adequação das salas para o conforto térmico dos ocupantes. / Over fifteen months, levels of temperature, humidity, noise, light intensity, contamination by carbon dioxide, total suspended particles (TSP) and respirable fractions (PM1, PM2.5, PM7 and PM10) were monitored at the Public Library Amadeu Amaral at São Carlos, SP. Investigation of the ventilation rate and occupancy, concentration of bioaerosols and identification were also performed. In addition, a questionnaire was handed over to the occupants of the site in order to raise the main complaints related to indoor air quality. The results showed the discomfort of the place at all rooms monitored, high levels of noise from the outside environment, inadequacies relating to the site illumination and special attention to the building occupancy. During some measurements, the noise levels exceeded the barrier of 80 dB (A), which is above the recommended standards and proved to be a risk factor for its users and employees. No problems were found related to the site biological contamination, analyzing the concentration of bacteria and fungi. The ventilation rate has adequate value to the first floor and carbon dioxide concentration was maintained in accordance with the standards. The questionnaire responses confirm the main findings to the library, such as high noise levels, thermal discomfort and the illumination problem. The main recommendations are based on the need of gravimetric particulate matter investigation and development of specific studies for the adoption of mitigation measures on noise pollution and also the suitability of the rooms to the thermal comfort of occupants.
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Estudo da dispersão de poluentes em uma usina termelétrica localizada em linhares utilizando o modelo CalpuffSchramm, Juliana January 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo visa à obtenção de um modelo utilizando o acoplamento dos códigos WRF e CALPUFF com o objetivo de obter as características do campo meteorológico e da dispersão dos poluentes NO2 e SO2 de uma Usina Termelétrica localizada em Linhares. Foi utilizada uma grade de 100×100 células, com resolução de 1 km durante 90 h. Para vias de comparação, outra simulação foi feita sem a entrada do modelo WRF no CALMET, utilizando uma grade 15×15 sem modificar nenhum outro parâmetro. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados do aeroporto de Vitória e com a legislação ambiental vigente. Para a camada limite planetária, o resultado obtido da simulação WRF/CALMET se encontra dentro da faixa encontrada na literatura. Os demais resultados, média de velocidade e direção do vento, para as duas simulações diferem entre si e dos dados do aeroporto, fato que já era esperado devido à distância e orografia entre a Usina e os dados da estação utilizados como entrada nos modelos. A concentração máxima obtida para os poluentes estudados se encontram dentro dos padrões de qualidade do ar. Devido à falta de dados observacionais, não foi possível uma genuína validação dos resultados, mas, sabendo a localização dos picos, foi possível sugerir locais de amostragem para futura comprovação dos resultados. / This study aims to create a model using the coupling of the WRF and CALPUFF codes in order to obtain characteristics of the meteorological field and the dispersion of pollutants NO2 and SO2 of a power plant located at the city of Linhares. The field consists of a grid of 100×100 cells resolution of 1 km for 90 h. Another simulation was made without using WRF as an input into CALMET, in the purpose of comparison, using a 15×15 grid and no change of other parameters. The results were compared to data from the airport of Vitória and against environmental legislation. For the planetary boundary layer the results of WRF/CALMET simulation are within the range found in the literature. The results of average wind speed and direction obtained by both simulations are different from each other and from the data of the airport,such as expected due to the distance and orography of the power plant and station data used as input into the models. The maximum concentrations of the pollutants are within air quality standards. Due to lack of observational data, genuine validation of the results is not feasible, but knowing the location of the concentration peak, it was possible to propose suitable sampling sites for future verification.
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Monitoramento da qualidade ambiental no mercado municipal da cidade de São Carlos, SP: material particulado em suspensão, temperatura, umidade e ruído / Environmental quality monitoring of the Municipal Market in São Carlos, SP: suspended particulate matter, temperature, humidity and noiseRotiroti, Arthur Sanches 28 June 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma caracterização ambiental do Mercado Municipal da cidade de São Carlos-SP, localizado na região central da cidade, onde ocorre grande movimentação de pessoas e veículos, em horário comercial. Foram analisados os níveis de material particulado em suspensão no ar, nas suas frações MP10 e MP2,5, níveis de ruído, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar relativa, nos ambientes internos e externos do Mercado. Os valores das concentrações de material particulado, tanto para MP10, como MP2,5, apresentaram-se, em geral, maiores no ambiente interno do que no externo. Os valores encontrados para MP2,5 chegaram a 66,60 g/m³, no ambiente interno, e 60,56 g/m³, no externo. Para a fração MP10, a concentração interna alcançou o valor de 117,74 g/m³ e a externa atingiu os 134,51 g/m³. Duas metodologias diferentes foram utilizadas para a determinação da concentração de material particulado em suspensão, a gravimetria pelo Personal Enviromental Monitor (PEM), e a fotometria por espalhamento de luz pelo aparelho ADR-1500 e pDR-1500. A técnica da gravimetria apresentou, em geral, os valores mais elevados. Uma análise do material particulado foi realizada, por meio da técnica de Fluorescência de Raio-X, para identificação dos elementos químicos presentes. Foram encontrados: Ba, Ca, K, Zn, S, Fe, e Rb. Já em relação à temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, os níveis oscilaram bastante durante o dia, com médias da temperatura interna entre 14°C e 34°C, e a umidade com valores entre 19% e 58%. Foi calculado o Índice de Calor (Hi - Heat Index), revelando desconforto térmico na maior parte dos dias, com as temperaturas internas normalmente acima das externas. Os níveis de ruído encontrados no ambiente interno e externo chegaram a 71,42 e 85,43 dB(A), respectivamente. Foi aplicado um questionário sobre qualidade ambiental aos funcionários do Mercado: 67% dos respondentes acham o local muito quente e 33 % consideram o local muito ruidoso. / This study presents an environmental characterization of the Municipal Market in the city of São Carlos, SP, located at the downtown area, where there is a great movement of people and vehicles, mainly during business hours. The levels of suspended particulate matter in the air were analyzed, in its fractions PM10 and PM2,5, noise levels, temperature and relative humidity in indoor and outdoor environments of the Market. The concentrations of the particulate material for both MP10 and PM2,5, are presented in general higher in the internal environment than the outer and exceeded the limits of the World Health Organization-WHO. The values for PM2,5 reached to 66,60 g/m³, the internal environment, and 60,56 g/m³, externally. For PM10 fraction, the internal concentration reached a value of 117,74 g/m³ and external reached 134,51 g/m³. Two different methods were used to determine the concentration of suspended particulate matter, gravimetry by The Environmental Monitor-PEM and light scattering photometric by the device ADR-1500 and pDR-1500. The gravimetric technique showed in general the highest values. An analysis of the particulate matter was performed by the technique of X-ray fluorescence for the identification of chemical elements. Were found: Ba, Ca, K, Zn, Fe and Rb. In relation to temperature and relative humidity, levels oscillated during the day, with average of the internal temperature between 14°C and 34°C, and humidity with values between 19% and 58%. Were calculated the Heat Index (Hi), revealing thermal discomfort in most of the days, with internal temperatures usually above the external. The noise levels in the internal and external environment reached 71,42 and 85,43 dB(A), respectively. A questionnaire about the environmental quality was applied on the officials Market: 67% of respondents thought the place was very hot and 33% considered the place very noisy.
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Pedestrianization in Hong Kong: its impacts on air quality and human response.January 2001 (has links)
Kam Wai-ming. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 153-162). / Abstracts in English and Chinese ; questionnaire in Chinese. / List of Tables --- p.x / List of Figures --- p.xiii / List of Abbreviation --- p.xvi / Chapter Chapter One --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- The Research Problems --- p.2 / Chapter 1.3 --- Objectives of the Study --- p.4 / Chapter 1.4 --- Study Area --- p.4 / Chapter 1.5 --- Significance of the Study --- p.8 / Chapter 1.6 --- Organization of Thesis --- p.9 / Chapter Chapter Two --- Literature Review --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1 --- Pedestrianization: Basic Ideas and History --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Definition of Pedestrianization --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Motivation of pedestrianization --- p.13 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Learning from the Development of Pedestrianization in Other Cities --- p.15 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- Impacts of Pedestrianization on Environment --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2 --- Pedestrianization in Hong Kong --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Development --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Ways for Successful Pedestrianization in Hong Kong --- p.22 / Chapter 2.3 --- Human Perception and Response on Air Pollution and Pedestrianization --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Introduction of Human Perception --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Human Perception of Air Pollution --- p.27 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Changes of Human Perception in Response to the Changes of Environmental Quality After Pedestrianization --- p.31 / Chapter Chapter Three --- Methodology --- p.34 / Chapter 3.1 --- Research Design --- p.34 / Chapter 3.2 --- BACIPR Approach --- p.35 / Chapter 3.3 --- Objective Assessment of the influence of pedestrianization on air quality --- p.38 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Model Prediction --- p.39 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Physical Measurement of Particulates --- p.46 / Chapter 3.4 --- Subjective Assessment: Human Perception of Roadside Air Pollution --- p.56 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Guidelines Used for Subjective Assessment --- p.57 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Development of the Questionnaire --- p.58 / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Statistical Analysis --- p.59 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Model Simulation of the Effect of Pedestrianization on Air Quality --- p.61 / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.61 / Chapter 4.2 --- Air Quality in Causeway Bay Before Pedestrianization --- p.64 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Overall Spatial Variation of Air Quality --- p.64 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Respiratory Suspended Particulate (RSP) --- p.67 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Nitrogen Dioxide (N02) --- p.68 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Carbon Monoxide (CO) --- p.69 / Chapter 4.3 --- Air Quality in Causeway Bay After Pedestrianization --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Overall Spatial Variation of Air Quality --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Respiratory Suspended Particulate (RSP) --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Nitrogen Dioxide (N02) --- p.73 / Chapter 4.3.4 --- Carbon Monoxide (CO) --- p.75 / Chapter 4.3.5 --- Effect of Government's Pedestrianization Scheme in Improving Air Quality --- p.77 / Chapter 4.4 --- Air Quality Impact of Pedestrianization in Single Street --- p.77 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- RSP Concentration in Russell Street Section Before Pedestrianization --- p.78 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- RSP Concentration in Russell Street Section After Pedestrianization --- p.81 / Chapter 4.5 --- Summary and Conclusion --- p.83 / Chapter Chapter Five --- Measurement of Particulate Pollution in Causeway Bay --- p.84 / Chapter 5.1 --- Change in Particulate Pollution After Pedestrianization in Russell Street --- p.86 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Overall Changes in Particulate Pollution after Pedestrianization --- p.86 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- Changes in Particulate Pollution after Pedestrianization under Different Weather Conditions --- p.87 / Chapter --- Effects of Pedestrianization on Fine Day --- p.88 / Chapter --- Effects of Pedestrianization on Rainy Days --- p.89 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- Changes of Particulate Pollution after Pedestrianization under Different Traffic Flow Conditions --- p.90 / Chapter --- Effects of Pedestrianization during Peak Hours --- p.91 / Chapter --- Effects of Pedestrianization during Non-Peak Hours --- p.92 / Chapter 5.1.4 --- Changes in Particulate Pollution As a result of Pedestrianization on Different Days of the Week --- p.93 / Chapter --- Effects of Pedestrianization on Weekdays --- p.94 / Chapter --- Effects of Pedestrianization on Non-Weekdays --- p.94 / Chapter 5.1.5 --- Change in PM 10 I/C ratio After Pedestrianization --- p.95 / Chapter 5.2 --- Variations in Particulate Pollution Characteristics Due to Different Pedestrianization Street Designs --- p.96 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- General Contrasts between an Open and Semi-enclosed Street --- p.97 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Seasonal Effect on Particulate Pollution in Jardine's Crescent and in Its Control Street --- p.97 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Climatic Effects on Particulate Pollution --- p.101 / Chapter 5.2.4 --- Effects of Traffic Conditions on Particulate Pollution Pattern in Jardine's Crescent and in Its Control Street --- p.102 / Chapter 5.2.5 --- Effects of Day of the Week on Particulate Pollution --- p.104 / Chapter 5.3 --- The Variation of Particulate Pollution in Causeway Bay --- p.105 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- Spatial Variation --- p.105 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- Seasonal Variation --- p.108 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- Rain as a Cleaning Agent --- p.111 / Chapter 5.4 --- Summary and Conclusion --- p.112 / Chapter Chapter Six --- Pedestrianization and Perception of Air Quality --- p.113 / Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.113 / Chapter 6.2 --- Effect of Pedestrianization in Improving the Perceived Air Quality --- p.115 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Overall Changes of PAQ after Pedestrianization --- p.115 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- Changes in Perceived Air Quality As a Result of Pedestrianization --- p.118 / Chapter --- Correlation between PAQ and AQ --- p.118 / Chapter --- Difference in Dose-Response Relationships before and after Pedestrianization --- p.120 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- Summary of Findings on Human Perception --- p.136 / Chapter 6.3 --- Aspects of Pedestrianization Which Improve Perceived Air Quality --- p.136 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- Behavior Constraint Model --- p.137 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- Environmental Stress Model --- p.139 / Chapter 6.3.3 --- Perception of Air Pollution Through Smell and Vision --- p.141 / Chapter 6.4 --- Summary and Conclusion --- p.144 / Chapter Chapter Seven --- Conclusion --- p.146 / Chapter 7.1 --- Summary of Findings --- p.146 / Chapter 7.1.1 --- Model Simulated Air Pollution Levels in Causeway Bay and Possible Effects of the Government Pedestrianization Scheme --- p.147 / Chapter 7.1.2 --- Changes in the Pattern and Characteristics of Particulate Pollution after Pedestrianization --- p.148 / Chapter 7.1.3 --- Effects of Pedestrianization on Human Perception of Air Quality --- p.149 / Chapter 7.2 --- Discussion of Findings --- p.151 / References --- p.153 / Appendix A --- p.163
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