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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What to plant and where to plant it; Modeling the biophysical effects of North America temperate forests on climate using the Community Earth System Model

Ahlswede, Benjamin James 21 July 2015 (has links)
Forests affect climate by absorbing CO₂ but also by altering albedo, latent heat flux, and sensible heat flux. In this study we used the Community Earth System Model to assess the biophysical effect of North American temperate forests on climate and how this effect changes with location, tree type, and forest management. We calculated the change in annual temperature and energy balance associated with afforestation with either needle leaf evergreen trees (NET) or broadleaf deciduous trees (BDT) and between forests with high and low leaf-area indices (LAI). Afforestation from crops to forests resulted in lower albedo and higher sensible heat flux but no consistent difference in latent heat flux. Forests were consistently warmer than crops at high latitudes and colder at lower latitudes. In North America, the temperature response from afforestation shifted from warming to cooling between 34° N and 40° N for ground temperature and between 21° N and 25° N for near surface air temperature. NET tended to have lower albedo, higher sensible heat flux and warmer temperatures than BDT. The effect of tree PFT was larger than the effect of afforestation in the south and in the mid-Atlantic. Increasing LAI, a proxy for increased management intensity, caused a cooling effect in both tree types, but NET responded more strongly and albedo decreased while albedo increased for BDT. Our results show that forests' location, tree type, and management intensity can have nearly equal biophysical effects on temperature. A forest will have maximum biophysical cooling effect if it is in the south, composed of broadleaf PFT, and is managed to maximize leaf area index. / Master of Science

Étude de l’impact de la température et de l’humidité sur la survie et la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.)

Lepage, Marie-Pier 10 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en cotutellle avec Gaétan Bourgeois et avec la participation de Guy Boivin, d'Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, du Centre de Recherche et Développement en Horticulture à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 3E6, Canada / On dénombre divers modèles de simulation de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.), mais plusieurs comportent d’importantes lacunes au niveau des différences génotypiques de l’insecte et des paramètres utilisés. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de rassembler les informations manquantes afin de créer dans le futur un modèle bioclimatique permettant de simuler efficacement la dynamique des populations de ce ravageur. L’effet de la température et de l’humidité du sol a été mesuré sur les œufs et les larves de la mouche du chou. L’humidité n’influence la survie des œufs qu’en dessous de 25% [m/m]. L’exposition graduelle des œufs à des températures élevées au dessus de 33°C affecte également la survie. La survie des larves augmente avec la hausse des températures et de l’humidité. Nous croyons que la mouche du chou est bien adaptée aux conditions des sols organiques au Québec, et nous recommandons l’intégration de la température du sol pour les stades au sol plutôt que de l’air dans l’élaboration d’un nouveau modèle. La ponte a également été étudiée à partir de différents critères préétablis pour chacun des génotypes hâtifs et tardifs, à différentes températures. Excepté pour la pré-oviposition qui est plus longue chez les hâtifs, aucune différence n’a été observée entre les génotypes. La majorité des critères, excepté la durée d’un épisode de ponte et la mortalité des œufs, a réagit à la température. Les nouvelles informations serviront à l’élaboration ou le perfectionnement d’un modèle de simulation de la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou. / Few simulation models for the cabbage maggot (Delia radicum L.) had been seen, but several include significant weaknesses for the insect genotypic differences and parameters used. The main objective of this project is to collect the missing information to create, in the future, a bioclimatic model that will efficiently simulate the dynamics of the populations of this pest. The effect of soil temperature and moisture had been measured on eggs and larvae of the cabbage maggot. Humidity affects egg survival below 25% [w/w]. Gradual exposure of eggs to high temperature above 33°C also affects survival. Under tested conditions, larvae survival increases with rising temperatures and humidities. We believe that the maggot is well adapted to muck soil in Quebec, and we recommend to incorporated soil temperature rather than air temperature for above-ground stages into the development of a new model. Egg-laying activity has also been studied from various pre-established criterions for each of the early- and late-emerging genotypes, at different temperatures. Except for the pre-oviposition which is longer for the early genotype, no differences were observed between genotypes. The majority of criterions, except for the duration of oviposition bouts and egg mortality, responded to temperature. The new information will be used for the preparation and development of a simulation model of the egg-laying dynamic of the cabbage maggot.

Étude de l’impact de la température et de l’humidité sur la survie et la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.)

Lepage, Marie-Pier 10 1900 (has links)
On dénombre divers modèles de simulation de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.), mais plusieurs comportent d’importantes lacunes au niveau des différences génotypiques de l’insecte et des paramètres utilisés. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de rassembler les informations manquantes afin de créer dans le futur un modèle bioclimatique permettant de simuler efficacement la dynamique des populations de ce ravageur. L’effet de la température et de l’humidité du sol a été mesuré sur les œufs et les larves de la mouche du chou. L’humidité n’influence la survie des œufs qu’en dessous de 25% [m/m]. L’exposition graduelle des œufs à des températures élevées au dessus de 33°C affecte également la survie. La survie des larves augmente avec la hausse des températures et de l’humidité. Nous croyons que la mouche du chou est bien adaptée aux conditions des sols organiques au Québec, et nous recommandons l’intégration de la température du sol pour les stades au sol plutôt que de l’air dans l’élaboration d’un nouveau modèle. La ponte a également été étudiée à partir de différents critères préétablis pour chacun des génotypes hâtifs et tardifs, à différentes températures. Excepté pour la pré-oviposition qui est plus longue chez les hâtifs, aucune différence n’a été observée entre les génotypes. La majorité des critères, excepté la durée d’un épisode de ponte et la mortalité des œufs, a réagit à la température. Les nouvelles informations serviront à l’élaboration ou le perfectionnement d’un modèle de simulation de la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou. / Few simulation models for the cabbage maggot (Delia radicum L.) had been seen, but several include significant weaknesses for the insect genotypic differences and parameters used. The main objective of this project is to collect the missing information to create, in the future, a bioclimatic model that will efficiently simulate the dynamics of the populations of this pest. The effect of soil temperature and moisture had been measured on eggs and larvae of the cabbage maggot. Humidity affects egg survival below 25% [w/w]. Gradual exposure of eggs to high temperature above 33°C also affects survival. Under tested conditions, larvae survival increases with rising temperatures and humidities. We believe that the maggot is well adapted to muck soil in Quebec, and we recommend to incorporated soil temperature rather than air temperature for above-ground stages into the development of a new model. Egg-laying activity has also been studied from various pre-established criterions for each of the early- and late-emerging genotypes, at different temperatures. Except for the pre-oviposition which is longer for the early genotype, no differences were observed between genotypes. The majority of criterions, except for the duration of oviposition bouts and egg mortality, responded to temperature. The new information will be used for the preparation and development of a simulation model of the egg-laying dynamic of the cabbage maggot. / Réalisé en cotutellle avec Gaétan Bourgeois et avec la participation de Guy Boivin, d'Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, du Centre de Recherche et Développement en Horticulture à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 3E6, Canada

Кретање екстремних температура ваздуха на подручју Војводине у периоду 1951-2000 / Kretanje ekstremnih temperatura vazduha na području Vojvodine u periodu 1951-2000 / Analysis of the extreme temperature characteristics in Vojvodina in the period 1951-2000

Savić Stevan 01 June 2009 (has links)
<p>Тема докторске дисертације је анализа екстремених температура ваздуха на подручју Војводине (северни део Србије), која се простире на површини од 21.506 km2. У анализи су коришћене временске серије са десет метеоролошких станица за временски период од 1951. до 2000. године. Укупно је анализирано осам параметара екстремних температура, и то: средње максималне и минималне, апсолутне максималне и минималне и дани са екстремним температурама (ледени, мразни, летњи и тропски). Истовремено, у истраживање су укључене и временске серије распона средњих максимума и минимума, као и распон средњих апсолутних максимума и минимума. Током рада анализирани су годишњи, сезонски и месечни низови претходно наведених параметара екстрема. У циљу добијања неопходних резултата, коришћено је више метода, као што су: Александерсонов тест, проста линеарна регресија, t-тест, Мен-Кендалов тест, коефицијент корелације, кластер анализа, анализа ројева тачака, хистограм и вишеструка линеарна регресија. Резултати хомогености месечних и сезонских временских серија, који су добијени коришћењем Александерсоновог теста, представљају прве резултате за простор Војводине и показују да је 26% испитиваних низова нехомогено, од којих је 11% подешено, односно хомогенизовано. Анализе параметара екстремних температура ваздуха показују тенденције пораста у последњих педесет година XX века. Посматрајући годишње низове, јављају се позитивни трендови код свих параметара (осим за ледене и мразне дане, где су трендови опадајући), међутим, једино се за средње минималне температуре може потврдити да имају сигнификантан пораст током испитиваног периода. Истовремено, зимски и пролећни трендови имају највишу тенденцију пораста, док су са друге стране јесењи трендови генерално опадајући. Анализом распона максималних и минималних температура, увидело се да максималне температуре генерално имају нешто већи пораст од минималних, а карактеристике оваквих флуктуација делимично су објашњене корелационом анализом са другим климатским елементима, који могу имати утицај на екстреме. Резултати су показали да високу корелациону повезаност (углавном преко 0,7), односно утицај на екстремне температуре имају инсолација, облачност, падавине и релативна влажност ваздуха. Интересантно је напоменути, да у већини радова који анализирају распоне максималних и минималних температура у појединим регионима, на нивоу континента или глобалном нивоу, указују на негативне трендове распона екстрема, међутим на простору Војводине годишњи распони имају благи позитиван тренд. Коришћењем вишеструке линеарне регресије, уочено је да показатељи атмосферске циркулације, односно NAO и AO индекси, објашњавају прилично висок проценат варијанси средњих и апсолутних максималних и минималних температура, током зимског, пролећног и летњег периода. Истовремено, узрок рапиднијег тренда пораста екстрема током последње декаде XX века, указује како на промене у осцилацијама других климатских елемената, тако и на промене доминације, односно учесталости појаве одређених типова атмосферске циркулације. Резултати у докторској дисертацији показују да деведесете године представљају најтоплију декаду на простору Војводине у оквиру испитиваног периода, што је највероватније повезано и са високим позитивним вредностима NAO индекса током исте декаде, које имају утицај на пораст зимских и пролећних вредности екстремних температура.</p> / <p>Tema doktorske disertacije je analiza ekstremenih temperatura vazduha na području Vojvodine (severni deo Srbije), koja se prostire na površini od 21.506 km2. U analizi su korišćene vremenske serije sa deset meteoroloških stanica za vremenski period od 1951. do 2000. godine. Ukupno je analizirano osam parametara ekstremnih temperatura, i to: srednje maksimalne i minimalne, apsolutne maksimalne i minimalne i dani sa ekstremnim temperaturama (ledeni, mrazni, letnji i tropski). Istovremeno, u istraživanje su uključene i vremenske serije raspona srednjih maksimuma i minimuma, kao i raspon srednjih apsolutnih maksimuma i minimuma. Tokom rada analizirani su godišnji, sezonski i mesečni nizovi prethodno navedenih parametara ekstrema. U cilju dobijanja neophodnih rezultata, korišćeno je više metoda, kao što su: Aleksandersonov test, prosta linearna regresija, t-test, Men-Kendalov test, koeficijent korelacije, klaster analiza, analiza rojeva tačaka, histogram i višestruka linearna regresija. Rezultati homogenosti mesečnih i sezonskih vremenskih serija, koji su dobijeni korišćenjem Aleksandersonovog testa, predstavljaju prve rezultate za prostor Vojvodine i pokazuju da je 26% ispitivanih nizova nehomogeno, od kojih je 11% podešeno, odnosno homogenizovano. Analize parametara ekstremnih temperatura vazduha pokazuju tendencije porasta u poslednjih pedeset godina XX veka. Posmatrajući godišnje nizove, javljaju se pozitivni trendovi kod svih parametara (osim za ledene i mrazne dane, gde su trendovi opadajući), međutim, jedino se za srednje minimalne temperature može potvrditi da imaju signifikantan porast tokom ispitivanog perioda. Istovremeno, zimski i prolećni trendovi imaju najvišu tendenciju porasta, dok su sa druge strane jesenji trendovi generalno opadajući. Analizom raspona maksimalnih i minimalnih temperatura, uvidelo se da maksimalne temperature generalno imaju nešto veći porast od minimalnih, a karakteristike ovakvih fluktuacija delimično su objašnjene korelacionom analizom sa drugim klimatskim elementima, koji mogu imati uticaj na ekstreme. Rezultati su pokazali da visoku korelacionu povezanost (uglavnom preko 0,7), odnosno uticaj na ekstremne temperature imaju insolacija, oblačnost, padavine i relativna vlažnost vazduha. Interesantno je napomenuti, da u većini radova koji analiziraju raspone maksimalnih i minimalnih temperatura u pojedinim regionima, na nivou kontinenta ili globalnom nivou, ukazuju na negativne trendove raspona ekstrema, međutim na prostoru Vojvodine godišnji rasponi imaju blagi pozitivan trend. Korišćenjem višestruke linearne regresije, uočeno je da pokazatelji atmosferske cirkulacije, odnosno NAO i AO indeksi, objašnjavaju prilično visok procenat varijansi srednjih i apsolutnih maksimalnih i minimalnih temperatura, tokom zimskog, prolećnog i letnjeg perioda. Istovremeno, uzrok rapidnijeg trenda porasta ekstrema tokom poslednje dekade XX veka, ukazuje kako na promene u oscilacijama drugih klimatskih elemenata, tako i na promene dominacije, odnosno učestalosti pojave određenih tipova atmosferske cirkulacije. Rezultati u doktorskoj disertaciji pokazuju da devedesete godine predstavljaju najtopliju dekadu na prostoru Vojvodine u okviru ispitivanog perioda, što je najverovatnije povezano i sa visokim pozitivnim vrednostima NAO indeksa tokom iste dekade, koje imaju uticaj na porast zimskih i prolećnih vrednosti ekstremnih temperatura.</p> / <p>This doctoral thesis deals with extreme air temperatures in Vojvodina (northern part of Serbia), which covers the area of 21,506 km2. Data series at ten meteorological stations for the period 1951- 2000 were used in the analysis. The following eight parameters of extreme temperatures were analysed: mean maximum and minimum; absolute maximum and minimum; and extreme temperature days (freezing, frosty, summer and tropical). Concurrently, the temporal series of mean maximum and minimum range were included into the research, as well as the range of mean absolute maximum and minimum. Annual, seasonal and monthly ranges of the aforementioned extreme parameters were included in the analysis. Towards obtaining important results, several methods were employed, such as Alexandersson test, simple linear regression, T-test, Mann-Kendall test, cluster analysis, scatterplot, histogram and multiple linear regressions. The results of homogenous monthly and seasonal temporal series obtained by employing Alexandersson test, being the first of the kind for Vojvodina highlighted that there were 26% non-homogenous, out of which 11% adjusted, i.e. homogenised within the analysed series. The analyses of extreme air temperature parameters trends showed increase in the last fifty years of the 20th century. Observation of annual series indicated positive trends for all parameters (except for freezing and frosty days, when the trends decreased). However, only mean minimal temperatures confirmed significant increase in the analysed period. Concurrently, winter and spring trends showed the highest increase, whereas autumn trend showed general decrease. In the course of the analysis of maximum and minimum temperature ranges, it was perceived that maximum temperatures generally showed higher increase compared to minimum, whereas the fluctuation features were partially explained by correlation analysis with other climatic elements, which might have influenced extremes. The results approved that high correlation coefficient (mainly above 0.7), i.e. the impact on extremes was perceived with insolation, cloudiness, precipitation and relative air humidity. Interestingly enough, most of the papers researching the series of maximum and minimum temperatures in certain regions, either continental or global, indicate negative trends in ranges of extremes. On the other hand, in Vojvodina the annual ranges show a moderately positive trend. The multiple linear regression technique brought to the perception that atmospheric circulation indicators, i.e. NAO and AO indices, explained the distinctly high percentage of variances in mean and absolute maximum and minimum temperatures during winter, spring and summer period. Concurrently, the cause of rapid increase in extremes during the 1990s indicated both the changes in oscillations of other climatic elements and changes in domination, i.e. frequency of certain types of atmospheric circulation. The results obtained for the doctoral dissertation indicated that the 1990s were the warmest decade in Vojvodina for the analysed period. Most probably, it was associated with high positive values of NAO index for the period, which affected winter and spring values of extreme temperatures.</p>

Contrôles environnementaux de la variabilité interannuelle de la reprise et de la fin de la photosynthèse au sein de la forêt boréale nord-américaine

El-Amine, Mariam 12 1900 (has links)
Le biome boréal, emmagasinant d’importantes quantités de carbone en son sol et recouvrant une majorité du territoire alaskien, fennoscandien et russe, contribue grandement au système climatique. Toutefois, les variabilités climatiques et les propriétés de l’écosystème, notamment en ce qui a trait à la présence ou l’absence de pergélisol, complexifient la quantification de la variabilité des bilans de carbone du biome boréal, au sein duquel se retrouvent des écosystèmes forestiers, lentiques et de zones humides. Ces bilans de carbone sont grandement influencés par le début et la fin de la saison de croissance photosynthétique, étant à leur tour dépendants de plusieurs variables environnementales telles que la température de l’air et du sol, le contenu du sol en eau, les stades de développement de la végétation, etc. Cette recherche vise à quantifier l’impact de ces variabilités environnementales sur la variabilité des moments où se produisent le début et la fin de la saison de croissance photosynthétique, en distinguant les forêts boréales avec et sans pergélisol. La saison de croissance photosynthétique est caractérisée à partir de la productivité primaire brute dérivée de mesures covariance des turbulences provenant de 40 sites-années d’observation à travers la forêt boréale nord-américaine où l’épinette noire est l’espèce d’arbre dominante. Les variables environnementales considérées étaient les températures de l’air et du sol, les stades de développement de la végétation, le couvert nival, le rayonnement photosynthétiquement actif et le contenu du sol en eau. Le cadre statistique choisi incluait le calcul des coefficients de corrélations de Pearson, l’analyse des points communs et la modélisation par équations structurelles. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que la variabilité du début de la saison de croissance dans les sites sans pergélisol est contrôlée directement par la variabilité annuelle des stades de développement de la végétation ainsi que par le moment où survient le dégel du sol. Ce résultat souligne ainsi l’importance de l’accès à l’eau liquide du sol afin que la végétation initie la photosynthèse. Aucune variable environnementale ne pouvait significativement expliquer le contrôle du début de la photosynthèse au sein des sites avec pergélisol. À l’automne, le contenu du sol en eau ainsi que le début du couvert nival influencent directement la variabilité de la fin de la saison de croissance photosynthétique. Il est alors montré que la disponibilité de l’eau peut mener à une cessation plus hâtive de la photosynthèse à l’automne. L’effet de l’apparition du couvert nival est quant à lui opposé dans les sites avec et sans pergélisol. Son retard dans les sites sans pergélisol témoigne d’une température de l’air suffisamment élevée pour que les précipitations tombent sous forme liquide, prolongeant ainsi les activités photosynthétiques. Son retard dans les sites avec pergélisol signifie plutôt des précipitations neigeuses moindres, retardant ainsi l’apparition d’une couche isolante pour le sol, qui aurait pu allonger la saison de croissance photosynthétique. Cette étude contribue à clarifier les processus contrôlant le début et la fin de la saison de croissance photosynthétique et aidera à améliorer la compréhension des effets des changements climatiques sur la force du puits de carbone de la forêt boréale nord-américaine. / The boreal forest, storing large amounts of carbon in its soil and covering a majority of the Alaskan, Canadian, Fennoscandian and Russian territory, is an integral part of the climate system. However, climatic variability and ecosystem properties, particularly with regards to the presence or absence of permafrost, limits our understanding of the carbon balance variability in the boreal biome, which comprises forest, lake and wetland ecosystems. The boreal carbon sink-source strength is greatly influenced by phenological events, including the start and end of the photosynthetic growing season, which are themselves dependent on several environmental variables such as air and soil temperature, soil water content, vegetation development stages, etc. This research aims to provide new insights on the influence of environmental variability on the variability in the timing of the photosynthetic growing season, by broadly distinguishing between boreal forests with and without permafrost. The photosynthetic growing season is characterized using gross primary productivity derived from eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange. Data from 40 black spruce- dominated site-years of observation across the North American boreal forest are used. The considered environmental predictors were air and soil temperatures, vegetation development stages, snow cover, photosynthetically active radiation and soil water content. The statistical framework included the calculation of Pearson correlation coefficients, commonality analyses and structural equation modeling. This study shows that the variability in the start of the growing season in permafrost-free sites is directly controlled by the variability in vegetation development stage as well as by the thawing of seasonally frozen ground. This result thus emphasizes the importance of access to liquid soil water for the vegetation to initiate photosynthesis. No environmental variable could significantly explain photosynthesis recovery in sites with permafrost. In fall, the soil water content as well as the start of snow cover directly influence the variability in the end of the photosynthetic growing season. These results suggest that the availability of water can limit photosynthesis in the fall. The effect of snow cover is opposite in sites with and without permafrost. A delay in the appearance of continuous snow cover in sites without permafrost indicates that the air temperature is high enough for precipitation to fall in liquid form and for photosynthesis to continue. In contrast, its delay in sites with permafrost indicates less snowfall, thus delaying the appearance of an insulating layer for the soil, which could have lengthened the photosynthetic growing season. This study sheds light on the controls of the annual variation of the timing of the photosynthetic growing season and will help understanding of the effects of climate change on the strength of the North American boreal forest carbon sink.

Technická zařízení budov v budovách s téměř nulovou spotřebou. / Building services of near zero energy bulildings

Fikejsl, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue will be nearly zero energy. The theoretical part is divided into several chapters. Describes the requirements of applicable legislation of the Czech Republic and the EU and the application of renewable energy in these buildings. The third and last part serves as a basis for part of the experiment. Calculation section applies theoretical knowledge into practice. The subject has become a new residential building in which they are designed to ensure the technical equipment required internal environment. The proposal concerns the heating, ventilation, cooling, domestic hot water and lighting. At the end are attached graphic of energy performance certificates (PENB) and evaluated the economic and ecological point of view. The experiment deals with the measurement of the internal microclimate administrative building type in Brno, with regard to the requirements of current legislation of the Czech Republic.

Soustava hodnocení tepelného stavu prostředí a analýza jejich nejistot měření / Evaluation System of Thermal Condition Environment and his Measurement Uncertainties Analyze

Košíková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The Ph.D. thesis deals with the evaluation of indoor thermal environment in which people are located. A great attention is paid to the thermal comfort. If a person in a given environment does not feel well, then makes mistakes. Thermal comfort is created many parameters that can be monitored and managed. These parameters include not only temperature but also other parameters such as the mean radiant temperature, operative temperature, humidity and air velocity and the draft. All these parameters can be measured. The standard ČSN EN ISO 7726 is written how and what the parameters are measured. Furthermore, this standard provides requirements for measuring equipment. There are many professional measuring devices. Unfortunately, these devices are very expensive. Therefore are within the project GACR 101/09/H050 - Research on energy- saving equipment to achieve the quality of the indoor environment at our faculty developed sensors for thermal comfort, which have showed comparable accuracy measurements as a professional , but it will be cheaper than professional. Knowledge of real parameters of the developed sensor thermal comfort environment is important, as with any other measurement devices, and also need to verified whether it has the required accuracy. In order to objectively sensors testing were developed two chambers - the testing and calibration chamber. The developed sensors were tested both in the open laboratory, and also in the test chamber. Then uncertainties measurement were calculated from the results of measurements This work deals with the evaluation of thermal comfort, the measurement of parameters of thermal environment, the evaluating the results of measurements and determining the measurement uncertainty of the sensors. In this thesis, based on these results, were recommended suitable sensors for measuring various parameters environment.

Měřící systém pro sledování efektivity fotovoltaického panelu / Measuring system of photovoltaic panels efficiency

Hofman, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on development and initial run of a measurement system whose aim is to measure photovoltaic panel efficiency. Experimental photovoltaic panel is installed outside the laboratory. Measurement system consists of the solar radiation measurement module (pyranometer), photovoltaic panel load module (panel power measurement) and panel climate measurement module. Data from measurement module is being captured via control computer for subsequent analysis of panel efficiency and climatic impacts on it.

Vliv obtokového součinitele na návrh a geometrii přímého výparníku pro chladící jednotku / The Effect of the Bypass Factor on Design and Geometry of the Evaporator for the Cooling Unit

Vytasil, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on effect of the bypass factor on design and geometry of the evaporator for the cooling unit of data centre. Effect of the bypass factor on individual design parameters is solved in detail. All dependendecies are captured by using graphs in which s placed a cement on that parameter. In part C, mathematical and physical solutions are demonstrated calculations and processes leading to the design of the exchanger. In the end, evaluation of the calculations is done and there is also showed possible improvements for the practise.

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