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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mécanique de la rupture et endommagement d’un alliage d’aluminium 2219 T87 pour application aérospatiale / Fracture mechanics and damage of 2219 T87 aluminum alloy for aerospace application

Le Guyader, Christophe 16 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est la mise en oeuvre de la mécanique de la rupture et d'un modèle d'endommagement afin de vérifier l'intégrité du réservoir cryotechnique d'ARIANE 5 en présence de défauts. Ces derniers sont généralement assimilés à des fissures surfaciques semi-elliptiques. L'approche globale basée sur l'analyse FAD fournit une prédiction trop conservative lorsque cette méthode utilise le facteur d'intensité K et la ténacité KIc. Ce conservatisme peut toutefois être partiellement levé à condition d'introduire la notion d'intégrale J et d'utiliser une ténacité dérivée de la courbe JR - ∆a afin d'autoriser une légère avancée de la fissure dans le cas d'un matériau ductile. Cette courbe JR - ∆a s'obtient à partir d'essais sur des éprouvettes fissurées de différentes géométries (CT, SENT et SCT). L'approche locale de la rupture constitue cependant la seule alternative possible afin de statuer sur l'acceptabilité d'un défaut suffisamment important pour générer une plasticité étendue. Cette approche nécessite alors de décrire précisément les champs de contrainte et déformation en pointe de fissure. Par conséquent il est nécessaire de tenir compte du caractère anisotrope de la plasticité, lié au procédé de laminage, lors de la modélisation du comportement élasto-plastique del'alliage d'aluminium 2219 T87. Dans cette étude un critère phénoménologique est utilisé pour modéliser la plasticité dont l'anisotropie est décrite par différents coefficients. L'optimisation de ces paramètres repose sur la comparaison entre les résultats issus de simulations numériques et ceux obtenus par des essais sur des éprouvettes lisses et entaillées. L'approche local de la rupture repose également sur la compréhension des micromécanismes de rupture. L'alliage d'aluminium 2219 T87 étudié dans le cadre de cette thèse présenteune rupture ductile dont la phase de germination s'effectue sur les inclusions Al2Cu et constitue le mécanisme prépondérant de la rupture. L'endommagement est modélisé par le modèle de Gurson modifié par Needleman et Tvergaard (GTN). L'anisotopie de rupture est simulée par deux lois de germination différentes selon le sens de laminage et le sens transverse. / The purpose of this work is to use fracture mechanics and damage model to assess the structural integrity of the ARIANE 5 tank containing defects. These flaws are usually assumed to be semi-elliptical surface cracks.This situation can be analysed using the FAD (Failure Assessment Diagram) approach. This method is based on the stress intensity factor K and a material fracture toughness (Kmat) which can be the plane strain fracture toughness (KIC) for a conservative prediction. A more realistic prediction is achieved by employing the integral J and a material parameter derived from crack resistance curve JR - ∆a . This curve is obtained by using cracked test samples with different geometries (CT, SENT and SCT). The local approach to fractureis an alternative method to assess failure in particular in the case of large scale plasticity. In this case, the previous method is not able to give accurate predictions. Analyses based on local approach concepts requirean accurate evaluation of strain and stress fields near the crack tip. It is therefore important to take plastic anisotropy into account to model the plastic behavior of the rolled sheets. In this work this is done using amacroscopic phenomenological model. The parameters of this model are determined by minimizing of the difference between the simulation results and the test measurements for smooth and notched tensile test samples. The local approach to fracture is also based on the understanding of the failure micromechanismsof materials. Ductile fracture of metallic materials can be described as a three stage process. The first is void initiation at inclusions, the second is void growth and the third is void coalescence. Nucleation of defectsat Al2Cu inclusions is the main damage mechanism. In this work, the proposed model for ductile fracture is based on the Gurson model modified by Needleman and Tvergaard (GTN). This model is extended to account for fracture anisotropic by considering two nucleation gaussian laws respectively for rolling andtransverse directions.

Simulation de l'effet du confinement sur l'endommagement d'un assemblage en alliage d'aluminium / Simulation of the effect of confinement on the damage inside an aluminum alloy lap joint

Le, Thi My Linh 22 November 2013 (has links)
Pour les structures aéronautiques, les zones sensibles à la corrosion sont principalement celles où le plan de protection de la structure peut être mis en défaut, comme à l’intérieur des joints de recouvrement (dénommé «lap joint» en anglais). Les assemblages de tôles métalliques réalisés par recouvrement en utilisant, par exemple le rivetage, peuvent présenter des défauts de contact et donc il peut exister un interstice entre les deux parties de l’assemblage. En général cet interstice est isolé de l’environnement extérieur par un mastic. Mais il y a un risque de piégeage d’humidité plus ou moins concentrée en ions agressifs qui peut provoquer des endommagements ou aggraver ceux initiés sur des défauts des revêtements. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de développer une méthodologie permettant de reproduire, de manière contrôlée et de façon la plus représentative de cas réels, la corrosion d’un alliage d’aluminium 2024-T3 constituant un joint de recouvrement afin d’effectuer des observations complétées par des mesures chimiques et électrochimiques. Le deuxième objectif est de tester l’application de modèles de transport réactif (en milieu confiné) pour voir s’il est possible de simuler les réponses (chimiques ou électrochimiques) mesurées expérimentalement et donc de prédire sur le long terme l’évolution d’un assemblage. / For aircraft structures, corrosion sensitive areas are mainly those where the protection of the structure may suffer local breakdowns, as encountered inside lap joints. The assemblies of metal plates by overlapping (riveting) may present some defects in contact and consequently a gap can exist between the two parts of the assembly. Typically this gap is isolated from the outside environment by a sealant. But there is a risk of trapping of moisture more or less concentrated in aggressive ions which can induce corrosion or increase the damages initiated on coating defects. The first objective of this thesis is to develop a methodology to reproduce in a controlled manner and in the most representative way regarding actual cases, the corrosion of a lap joint made of aluminum alloy 2024- T3 plates, to perform not only observations but also chemical and electrochemical measurements. The second objective is to test the application of reactive transport models (in confined media) to check if it is possible to simulate the chemical or electrochemical changes recorded during experiments and thus to predict the long-term evolution of lap-joint in humid environment.

Comportamento da liga de alumínio A356-T6 fundida e tixoextrudada sob fadiga isotérmica e termomecânica / Casting and tixoextruded A356-T6 aluminum alloy behavior under isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue

Valdinei Ferreira da Silva 31 August 2004 (has links)
Gradientes térmicos induzidos no interior de componentes sujeitos a variações de temperatura durante o período de funcionamento podem provocar a ocorrência de tensões e deformações internas. A repetição destes ciclos térmicos pode causar a nucleação e a propagação de trincas por um processo denominado fadiga termomecânica. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento da liga de alumínio A356-T6, processada nas condições fundida e tixoextrudada, sob fadiga isotérmica e termomecânica. Foram realizados ensaios de fadiga de baixo ciclo isotérmica para as temperaturas de 120 e 280°C, e ensaios de fadiga termomecânica em-fase e fora-de-fase para a faixa de temperatura de 120 a 280°C. O material tixoextrudado apresentou melhor desempenho em fadiga nas condições isotérmica e anisotérmica (termomecânica) devido a uma microestrutura globular com menor nível de porosidade. / Thermal gradients induced in components during service under temperature changes can cause internal stresses and strains. This cyclic thermal behavior can cause crack nucleation and propagation under a process denominated thermomechanical fatigue. Permanent mold casting and tixoextruded A356-T6 aluminum alloy behavior under isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue was study in this work. Isothermal low cycle fatigue tests were performed in temperatures of 120 and 280°C. In-phase and out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue tests were carried out in temperature range from 120 to 280°C. The tixoextruded material presented better isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue performance due to a globular microstructure and lower porosity level.

Výroba sendvičové závitové vložky objemovým tvářením / Bulk forming technology of sandwich coil insert

Šíma, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
The project elaborated in a frame of Master‘s degree branch M-STG focuses on the design of a technology of sandwich coil used for connecting the aircraft floor sandwich panels to the fuselage bulkheads. The product is made of a lightweight aluminium alloy AlMn1. Combined cold extrusion with upsetting of the flange was chosen as the most fitting technology due to the manufacturing requirements and production series size of 120 000 pieces per year. The component is manufactured from a block blank in three operations by a progressive forming machine TPM 8-A with a nominal force of 1000 kN from Šmeral Brno a.s. producer. Within the project, tools for the production of the part were designed and also technical calculations for individual operations and technical and economic evaluation of production were made. The price of the component is estimated to be at least CZK 7,33.

Návrh zefektivnění přípravy výroby u vybrané technologie / The Study of More Effectiveness Preparation of Production Process by Selected Technology

Šalanda, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is shortening of standard mechanical time of work piece from aluminium casting alloy. . The shortening can be reached by linear programming of cutting conditions of cutting conditions during machining holes. This method is defined both theoretically and is applied to given setting and by the calculation by the Simplex method. Another method is exchange of tools at machined threads, it’s exchange of used tools for the new one, that makes more operations at a time. The result is shortening of mechanical time, augmentation of productive dose, capacities of workplace and productivity work.

Sportovní vozidlo pro handicapované osoby / Sports car for people with disabilities

Lopušek, Dávid January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the engineering design and realization of a sports electric vehicle for disabled people. The first part of thesis summarize competitive vehicles on market and also the necessary theoretical knowledge for the design phase. After analyzing the research and determine the resulting vehicle concept follows the draft design. In this section based on calculations was chosen the solutions and necessary components for a vehicle. The following section describes the structure of the vehicle in implementing selected components. In conclusion, the evaluation of the proposed solution.

Protection of Aluminum Alloy (AA7075) from Corrosion by Sol-Gel Technique

Younis, Ahmed 24 January 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung von Sol-Gel-Beschichtungen durch Optimierung der Ausgangszusammensetzung und der Applikations-Parameter für den Korrosionsschutz der Aluminium-Legierung AA7075. Verschiedene Arten von Silanen, z. B. Tetraethoxysilan (TEOS), Phenyltriethoxysilan (PTES) und Phenyltrim­ethoxysilan (PTMS) sind verglichen worden: Der Sol-Gel-Film aus PTMS präpariert, weist dabei die höchste Hydrophobizität auf, was sich insbesondere in den Barriere-Eigenschaften dieser Verbindung zeigte. Die Wirkung von Essigsäure als Katalysator in Sol-Gel-Prozessen wurden untersucht, um die optimale Katalysatorkonzentration für den Korrosionsschutz der beschichteten Proben zu ermitteln. Die Korrosionsbeständigkeit der beschichteten Proben sinkt bei höheren Konzentrationen des sauren Katalysators durch die Auflösung des Aluminiumoxids an der Substratoberfläche. Allerdings führten zu niedrige Konzentrationen des Katalysators zur Verlangsamung der Hydrolysereaktionen der Silane und es bildete sich poröse Sol-Gel-Schichten. Die Wärmebehandlung der beschichteten Aluminium-Proben ist für die Vernetzung des Films erforderlich. Eine Wärmebehandlung bei 300 ˚C für 2,5 Stunden ergab dabei den besten Korrosionsschutz. Höhere Temperaturen führten zu einer Verschlechterung der Eigenschaften der Filme, was mit der Zerstörung des organischen Teil des Films erklärt werden kann. Darüber hinaus verursachen zu niedrige Temperaturen einen geringeren Korrosionsschutz der beschichteten Aluminium-Proben. Vermutlich ist die geringe Vernetzung des Sol-Gel-Films bei Temperaturen was für als 300 ˚C verantwortlich. Die beschichteten Aluminium-Proben wuden mittels Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie (SEM), Energiedispersive Röntgenspektroskopie (EDX), Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) und elektrochemischen Techniken charakterisiert. / The present work pertains to the development of sol-gel coatings by optimizing the composition and the application parameters for corrosion protection of aluminum alloy AA7075. Different kinds of silanes e.g. tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), phenyltriethoxysilane (PTES) and phenyltrimethoxysilane (PTMS) have been compared: the sol-gel film prepared from PTMS shows highest hydrophobicity manifested by the best barrier property of this compound. The effect of acetic acid as a catalyst on the chemistry of the sol is investigated in order to estimate the best catalyst concentration for better corrosion protection of the coated samples. The corrosion resistance of the coated samples is found to be decreasing at higher concentrations of the catalyst due to the dissolution of the aluminum oxide at the substrate surface in the acid sol. However, lower concentrations of the catalyst lead to low hydrolysis reactions of the silanes and non-dense sol-gel films have been formed. The heat treatment of the coated aluminum samples is required for cross-linking of the film. The heat treatment at 300 ˚C for 2.5 hours exhibits the best corrosion protection. Higher treatment-temperatures lead to degradation of the properties of the film which can be described in terms of destroying the organic part of the film. Moreover, low treatment-temperatures cause low corrosion protection of the coated aluminum samples which is presumably attributed to the low cross-linking of the sol-gel film at temperatures less than 300 ˚C. The coated aluminum samples are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical techniques.

Optimalizace tepelného zpracování slitiny hliníku AlSi7Mg0,6 / Optimisation of heat treatment of aluminium alloy AlSi7Mg0,6

Julišová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with various types of quenching and their respective effects on mechanical and structural properties of AlSi7Mg0.6 alloy castings. Cast with precision casting technology into a self-supporting ceramic shell made by plaster investment technology, flat test bars cast by Alucast were used as experimental samples. Sample castings were used in both cast state and after T6 heat treatment. Air-flow and air-water combination with varying water passage (spraying) were used as the quenching media in the quenching process of the castings. In order to evaluate the effect of five different quenching processes on the structure and mechanical properties of the castings, the method of light microscopy, Brinell hardness test and static traction test were used. Evaluation and porosity and SDAS quantifications were carried out by means of image analysis. Experiments did not prove right the hypothesis holding that low SDAS values inevitably mean higher mechanical properties of the castings. On the other hand, distinct is the negative influence of heterogeneous structure and porosity. Despite the fact that the heat treatment was successful in reducing the influence of structural inhomogeneities, it cannot be concluded that spray quenching has an utterly positive bearing on the mechanical and structural properties of the castings.

Study of Compound Casting of Aluminum Alloy/Ductile Iron Bimetal : Final Report of Thesis Project, Product Development and Materials Engineering (Master Programme) / Studie av sammansatt gjutning av aluminiumlegering / duktilt järnbimetal

Mousavian, Amir January 2020 (has links)
Today’s transportation highly depends on hydrocarbon fuels, and reducing the weight could help a lot in reducing the air pollutants and carbon footprints in the environment to comply with the strict regulations set by reputable standard organizations in the world. Utilizing lightweight materials in automobile parts is one of the key factors to succeed in meeting the goals defined in the standards. Replacing the conventional single material component with a multi-material component having the same geometry but lighter weight could help the automakers to achieve these goals. Compound casting is one of the methods to produce such components. The aluminum alloy/ductile iron bimetal component produced by compound casting was investigated. During the production of the experimental sample of the compound casting, component two parameters were considered, melt-to-solid volume ratio and pre-heat temperature of the solid insert. The results showed that the increasing melt-to-solid volume ratio caused the formation of a stronger metallurgical bond between the two materials compared to the lower melt-to-solid volume ratio. However, pre-heating the solid insert under the atmospheric condition caused the formation of iron oxide layers on the surface, and as a result, no metallurgical bonding was formed, no matter which melt-to-solid volume ratio was used during the production process. So, inspired by AlFin process, the solid inserts were first dipped inside the aluminum alloy bath with the target temperature of 750 °C for two extended periods, 15 minutes and 30 minutes, to ensure that the preliminary metallurgical bonds were formed at the interface surfaces without disturbance by the surrounding atmosphere. To make the experimental components and to develop the metallurgical bonds, the aluminized inserts were then quickly placed inside the sand molds, and the cast alloy was poured inside the molds and around the inserts immediately after placement. In this way, although the formation of the aluminum oxide layer was unavoidable on the surfaces of the aluminized inserts, there was still liquid aluminum alloy melt underneath, which could be easily washed away during the pouring of the cast alloy.Nevertheless, the metallurgical bonds in the compound casting products having a lower melt-to-solid volume ratio didn’t withstand the shear loads and only the product having a higher melt-to-solid volume ratio with the aluminized insert dipped for a longer time could resist against the loads. In addition to the mechanical strength of the experimental products, their metallurgical bonds were specified and characterized using microscopic examination and EDS analysis. The successful results of the experimental product were then proposed to modify the design of a model from the automobile industry, called the truck wheel hub. / Dagens transport beror starkt på kolvätebränslen, och att minska vikten kan hjälpa mycket att minska luftföroreningar och kolavtryck i miljön för att följa de strikta regler som ställts av ansedda standardorganisationer i världen. Att använda lätta material i bildelar är en av de viktigaste faktorerna för att lyckas uppfylla de mål som fastställs i standarderna. Att ersätta den konventionella komponenten med enstaka material med en komponent med flera material som har samma geometri men lättare vikt kan hjälpa biltillverkarna att uppnå dessa mål. Gjutning av föreningar är en av metoderna för att producera sådana komponenter. Aluminiumlegeringen / segjärn-bimetalkomponenten framställd genom sammansatt gjutning undersöktes. Under framställningen av det experimentella provet av gjutning av föreningen beaktades komponent två parametrar, volymförhållandet smält till fast material och förvärmningstemperaturen för det fasta insatsen. Resultaten visade att det ökande smält-till-fasta volymförhållandet orsakade bildandet av en starkare metallurgisk bindning mellan de två materialen jämfört med det lägre förhållandet mellan smält och fast volym. Förvärmning av den fasta insatsen under atmosfäriskt tillstånd orsakade emellertid bildningen av järnoxidskikt på ytan, och som ett resultat bildades ingen metallurgisk bindning, oavsett vilket smält-till-fast volymförhållande användes under produktionsprocessen . Så, inspirerad av AlFin-processen, doppades de fasta insatserna först in i aluminiumlegeringsbadet med måttemperaturen 750 ° C under två långa perioder, 15 minuter och 30 minuter, för att säkerställa att de preliminära metallurgiska bindningarna bildades vid gränsytans ytor utan störningar av den omgivande atmosfären. För att tillverka de experimentella komponenterna och för att utveckla de metallurgiska bindningarna placerades sedan de aluminiumiserade skärmen snabbt inuti sandformarna, och den gjutna legeringen hälldes in i formarna och runt insatserna omedelbart efter placering. På detta sätt, även om bildningen av aluminiumoxidskiktet var oundvikligt på ytorna på de aluminiumförsedda insatserna, fanns det fortfarande flytande aluminiumlegeringssmälta under, vilket lätt kunde tvättas bort under hällningen av den gjutna legeringen.Icke desto mindre tål de metallurgiska bindningarna i de sammansatta gjutprodukterna med ett lägre volym-till-fast volymförhållande inte skjuvbelastningarna och endast produkten med ett högre smält-till-fast volymförhållande med den aluminiumiserade insatsen doppades under en längre tid kunde motstå mot lasterna. Förutom de experimentella produkternas mekaniska styrka specificerades och karakteriserades deras metallurgiska bindningar med mikroskopisk undersökning och EDS-analys. De framgångsrika resultaten av den experimentella produkten föreslogs sedan att modifiera utformningen av en modell från bilindustrin, kallad truckhjulnavet.

Effect of Convection Associated with Cross-section Change during Directional Solidification of Binary Alloys on Dendritic Array Morphology and Macrosegregation

Ghods, Masoud 17 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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