Spelling suggestions: "subject:"angleresolved"" "subject:"angularresolved""
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Measuring and modelling light scattering in paperJohansson, Niklas January 2015 (has links)
Avhandlingen behandlar de teoretiska och praktiska aspekterna av att använda spektrala vinkelupplösta reflektansmätningar för optisk karakterisering av fiberbaserade material såsom papper och kartong. En spektral goniofotometer används för att mäta det reflekterade ljusets vinkelfördelning. En stor del av arbetet utgörs av att utvärdera instrumentets noggrannhet, samt utreda hur de vinkelupplösta mätningarna skall utföras på bästa sätt för att erhålla en så fullständig karakterisering som möjligt. Det reflekterade ljuset består av tre komponenter; ytreflektans, bulkreflektans samt fluorescens. En fullständig karakterisering förutsätter att dessa tre komponenter kan analyseras separat, vilket i detta arbete görs genom nyutvecklade metoder. En metod har utvecklats för separation av ytreflektans och bulkreflektans. Metoden bygger på att analysera hur den totala reflektansen förändras vid ökande absorption i det reflekterande materialet. Absorptionen kontrolleras genom inkjet-tryckning där tryckfärg appliceras på substratet i sådan mängd att bulkreflektansen helt släcks ut. Genom att kombinera mätningar på tryckt och otryckt substrat kan de båda komponenterna separeras. Trots att ytreflektansen från ett matt papper är liten i förhållande till bulkreflektansen, så visar resultaten att den ökar markant med ökande betraktningsvinkel och kan därmed ha stor inverkan på den totala reflektansen. Bidraget från fluorescens kan kvantitativt analyseras genom att kombinera mätningar utförda med respektive utan UV-filter. Vinkelupplösta mätningar och Monte Carlo-simuleringar av fluorescensens vinkelfördelning visar att dess anisotropi är relaterad till det medeldjup vid vilket fluorescensen emitteras. Resultaten förklarar observerade skillnader och motstridigheter i tidigare rapporterade studier kring huruvida fluorescens kan anses vara Lamberskt fördelad. Samtliga goniofotometriska mätningar är utförda med ett kompakt, kommersiellt tillgängligt, dubbelstråleinstrument. För att undersöka instrumentets lämplighet för absoluta reflektansmätningar utförs en analys av dess mätnoggrannhet. Resultaten visar att instrumentets kompakta storlek i kombination med den anisotropa reflektansen från papper introducerar systematiska fel av samma storleksordning som den totala mätnoggrannheten. Dessa fel uppstår på grund av den relativt stora detektorapertur som måste användas vid mätningar av diffus reflektans, vilket är karakteristiskt för papper och kartong. Resultaten visar även att felen är störst vid flacka mätvinklar och för prover med hög grad av anisotropisk reflektans, och en geometrisk korrektionsmetod för denna typ av systematiska fel föreslås. Spektrala och vinkelupplösta mätningar medför per automatik stora mängder mätdata. Genom att använda strålningstransportteori som en matematisk modell för hur ljus sprids i papper kan mätdatat reduceras till en uppsättning beskrivande materialparameterar. Att uppskatta dessa optiska parametrar utifrån vinkelupplösta reflektansmätningar är i sig ett komplicerat problem, vilket dessutom är känsligt för mätfel och val av mätvinklar. Detta inversa problem analyseras i detalj, och speciellt hur valet av mätvinklar kan reduceras utan att försämra förutsättningarna för estimeringen. Simuleringar visar att mätningarna kan begränsas till infallsplanet, eller till och med enbart framåtriktningen, så länge tillräckligt flacka mätvinklar är inkluderade i mätsekvensen. / This thesis is about measuring and modelling light reflected from paper by using goniophotometric measurements. Measuring bidirectional reflectance requires highly accurate instruments, and a large part of the work in this thesis is about establishing the requirements that must be fulfilled to ensure valid data. A spectral goniophotometer is used for measuring the light reflected from paper and methods are developed for analyzing the different components, i.e. the fluorescence, surface reflectance and bulk reflectance, separately. A separation of the surface and bulk reflectance is obtained by inkjet printing and analyzing the total reflectance in the absorption band of the ink. The main principle of the method is to add dye to the paper until the bulk scattered light is completely absorbed. The remaining reflectance is solely surface reflectance, which is subtracted from the total reflectance of the undyed sample to give the bulk reflectance. The results show that although the surface reflectance of a matte paper is small in comparison with the bulk reflectance, it grows rapidly with increasing viewing angle, and can have a large influence on the overall reflectance. A method for quantitative fluorescence measurements is developed, and used for analyzing the angular distribution of the fluoresced light. The long-standing issue whether fluorescence from turbid (or amorphous) media is Lambertian or not, is resolved by using both angle-resolved luminescence measurements and radiative transfer based Monte Carlo simulations. It is concluded that the degree of anisotropy of the fluoresced light is related to the average depth of emission, which in turn depends on factors such as concentration of fluorophores, angle of incident light and the absorption coefficient at the excitation wavelength. All measurements are conducted with a commercially available benchtop sized double-beam spectral goniophotometer designed for laboratory use. To obtain reliable results, its absolute measurement capability is evaluated in terms of measurement accuracy. The results show that the compact size of the instrument, combined with the anisotropic nature of reflectance from paper, can introduce significant systematic errors of the same order as the overall measurement uncertainty. The errors are related to the relatively large detection solid angle that is required when measuring diffusely reflecting materials. Situations where the errors are most severe, oblique viewing angles and samples with high degree of anisotropic scattering, are identified, and a geometrical correction is developed. Estimating optical properties of a material from bidirectional measurements has proved to be a challenging problem and the outcome is highly dependent on both the quality and quantity of the measurements. This problem is analyzed in detail for optically thick turbid media, and the study targets the case when a restricted set of detection angles are available. This is the case when e.g. an unobstructed view of the sample is not possible. Simulations show that the measurements can be restricted to the plane of incidence (in-plane), and even the forward direction only, without any significant reduction in the precision or stability of the estimation, as long as sufficiently oblique angles are included.
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Angle-resolved Photoemission Studies on Hole Doped Iron Pnictides Ba1-xKxFe2As2Xu, Yiming January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Hong Ding / Thesis advisor: Ziqiang Wang / The discovery of the high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductivity in iron-arsenic materials in 2008 immediately became one of the hottest topics in the condensed matter physics. This dissertation presents a systematic study on the pairing symmetry and electronic structure on the hole doped materials of BaFe<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> (so called “122”-system), by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). In the early ARPES studies on “122”-pnictides, we observed two hole-like Fermi surfaces (FSs) centered at the Brillouin zone (BZ) center, (Γ), and two electron-like FSs centered at the zone corner (M), which is (π, π) in the BZ or (π, 0) in the unfolded BZ. The size of these FS sheets can be changed by carrier doping, which causes change of the chemical potential. In the superconducting state, temperature (<italic>T</italic>) and momentum (<italic>k</italic>) dependence of ARPES measurements reveals the Fermi-surface-dependent nodeless superconducting gaps in this system and shows that an <italic>s</italic>-wave symmetry is the most natural interpretation for our findings in terms of the pairing order parameter. The ratio 2Δ/k<sub>B</sub>T<sub>c</sub> switches from weak to strong coupling on different FS sheets. Large superconducting gaps are observed with a strong coupling coefficient (2Δ/k<sub>B</sub>T<sub>c</sub>) on the near-nested FSs connected by the antiferromagnetic (AF) wave vector ((π, π) in the BZ or (π, 0) in the unfolded BZ). When T<sub>c</sub> is suppressed in the heavily overdoped materials, the near-nesting condition vanishes, or more precisely, the (π, π) inter-FS scattering disappears due to the absence of either the hole-like or the electron-like FS at the Fermi energy (E<sub>F</sub>). We have also performed ARPES measurements on k<sub>z</sub>-dependence of the superconducting gap and band structure of the optimally hole doped sample Ba<sub>0.6</sub>K<sub>0.4</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub>. By varying the photon energy, we can tune k<sub>z</sub> continuously. While significant k<sub>z</sub> dispersion of the superconducting gaps is observed on the hole-like bands, much weaker k<sub>z</sub> dispersion of the superconducting gaps is observed on the electron-like bands. Remarkably, we find that a 3D gap function based on short-range pairing can fit the superconducting gaps on all the FS sheets. Moreover, an additional hole-like FS (referred as the α<super>‘</super> FS) predicted by local density approximation (LDA) calculations is observed around the Z point. The disappearance of intensity of the α<super>‘</super> band near E<sub>F</sub> at k<sub>z</sub> = π/2 suggests that the α<super>‘</super> band could either sink below E<sub>F</sub> or be degenerate with the inner hole (α) band. The studies on the α<super>‘</super> band in the superconducting state reveal a nearly isotropic superconducting gap on this FS sheet. Underdoped samples Ba<sub>0.75</sub>K<sub>0.25</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> are used to study how the AF fluctuations and superconductivity interplay in the underdoped regime that is closer to the AF phase. we observe that the superconducting gap of the underdoped pnictides scales linearly with T<sub>c</sub>. A distinct pseudogap develops upon underdoping and coexists with the superconducting gap. Remarkably, this pseudogap occurs mainly on the FS sheets that are connected by the AF wave vector, where the superconducting pairing is stronger as well. This suggests that both the pseudogap and the superconducting gap are driven by the AF fluctuations, and the long-range AF ordering competes with the superconductivity. The observed dichotomic behaviour of the pseudogap and the SC gap on different FS sheets in the underdoped pnictides shares similarities with those observed in the underdoped copper oxide superconductors, providing a possible unifying picture for both families of high-temperature superconductors. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Physics.
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Electronic structure of clean and adsorbate-covered InAs surfacesSzamota-Leandersson, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is the result of investigations regarding the processes in InAs III-V semiconductor surfaces induced by additional charge incorporated by adsorbates. The aim of the project is to study the development of the accumulation layer on the metal/InAs(111)A/B surfaces and its electronic structure. InAs(111)A is indium-terminated and InAs(111)B is arsenic-terminated. In addition, InAs(100) is also studied. These three substrates are different; InAs(111)A has a (2x2)-termination, explained by an indium vacancy model, and the clean surface exhibits a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). InAs(111)B(1x1) is bulk-truncated and unreconstructed and does not host a 2DEG. InAs(100)(4x2)/c(8x2) exhibits a more covalent character of the surface bonds compared to InAs(111)A/B, and the surface is terminated by a complex reconstruction. Photoelectron spectroscopy and LEED (low energy electron diffraction) have been used as the main tools to study surfaces with sub-monolayer to monolayer amounts of adsorbates. A photoemission peak related to a two-dimensional electron gas appears close to the Fermi level. This 2DEG has in most cases InAs bulk properties, since it is located in the InAs conduction band. A systematic study of core levels and valence bands reveals that the appearance of the 2DEGs is a complex process connected to the surface order. Adsorption of lead, tin or bismuth on InAs(111)B(1x1) induces emission from a 2DEG, but only at monolayer coverage and when the surface is ordered. Cobalt reacts strongly with InAs forming InCo islands and no accumulation is observed. Examination of Cs/InAs(111)B does not reveal any 2DEG and the surface reaction is strongly related to the clean surface stabilization process. Examination of the In-terminated InAs(111)A(2x2) surface shows that In reacts strongly with cobalt and tin adatoms and with oxygen in cases of large exposure, which decreases the 2DEG intensity, while adatoms of cesium and small doses of oxygen enhance the emission from the 2DEG. InAs(100) is terminated with one kind of atom - the InAs(100)(4x2)/c(8x2) is indium terminated. Bismuth creates dimers on the surface and a 2DEG is observed. More generally, this thesis describes some of the general physical background applied to surface science and 2DEG. The first part is a general overview of the processes on the surface. The second part concentrates on the methods related to preparation of samples, and the third part on the measurement methods. The photoelectron spectroscopy part concerns the theory used in mapping electronic structure. The inserted figures are taken from different experiments, including results for InAs(111)A not previously published. / QC 20100910
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Diagnostic Imaging and Assessment Using Angle Resolved Low Coherence InterferometryGiacomelli, Michael Gene January 2012 (has links)
<p>The redistribution of incident light into scattered fields ultimately limits the ability to image into biological media. However, these scattered fields also contain information about the structure and distribution of protein complexes, organelles, cells and whole tissues that can be used to assess the health of tissue or to enhance imaging contrast by excluding confounding signals. The interpretation of scattered fields depends on a detailed understanding of the scattering process as well as sophisticated measurement systems. In this work, the development of new instruments based on low coherence interferometry (LCI) is presented in order to perform precise, depth-resolved measurements of scattered fields. Combined with LCI, the application of new light scattering models based on both analytic and numerical methods is presented in order to interpret scattered field measurements in terms of scatterer geometry and tissue health. </p><p>The first portion of this work discusses the application of a new light scattering model to the measurement recorded with an existing technique, Angle Resolved Low Coherence Interferometry (a/LCI). In the a/LCI technique, biological samples are interrogated with collimated light and the energy per scattering angle at each depth in the volume is recorded interferometrically. A light scattering model is then used to invert the scattering measurements and measure the geometry of cell nuclei. A new light scattering model is presented that can recover information about the size, refractive index, and for the first time, shape of cell nuclei. This model is validated and then applied to the study of cell biology in a series of experiments measuring cell swelling, cell deformation, and finally detecting the onset of apoptosis.</p><p>The second portion of this work introduces an improved version of a/LCI based on two dimension angle resolved measurement (2D a/LCI) and Fourier domain low coherence interferometry (FD-LCI). Several systems are presenting for high speed and polarization-resolved measurements of scattered fields. An improved light scattering model based on fully polarization and solid angle resolved measurements is presented, and then efficiently implemented using distributed computing techniques. The combined system is validated with phantoms and is shown to be able to uniquely determine the size and shape of scattering particles using a single measurement.</p><p>The third portion of this work develops the use of angle-resolved interferometry for imaging through highly scattering media by exploiting the tendency of scatterers to forward scatter light. A new interferometers is developed that can image through very large numbers of scattering events with acceptable resolution. A computational model capable of reproducing experimental measurements is developed and used to understand the performance of the technique.</p><p>The final portion of the work develops a method for processing 2D angle resolved measurements using optical autocorrelation. In this method, measurements over a range of angles are fused into a single depth scan that incorporates the component of scattered light only from certain spatial scales. The utility of the technique is demonstrated using a gene knockout model of retinal degeneration in mice. Optical autocorrelation is shown to be a potentially useful biomarker of tissue disease.</p> / Dissertation
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Development of Techniques to Quantify Chemical and Mechanical Modifications of Polymer Surfaces: Application to Chemical Mechanical PolishingDiao, Jie 01 December 2004 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to development of techniques to quantify chemical and mechanical influences during chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) near the surface of a polymer film, poly (biphenyl dianhydride-p-phenylenediamine) (BPDA-PDA). To quantify chemical modifications during CMP, an iterative algorithm has been proposed to extract depth profiles based on Ficks second law of diffusion in a multi-element system from data supplied by angle resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It has been demonstrated that the technique can be used to quantify the depth of chemical modification of BPDA-PDA surfaces treated with alkaline solutions. Polymer chains near the surface realign themselves during CMP and polarized infrared spectroscopy is chosen in this thesis to
quantify chain orientations induced by CMP to evaluate the mechanical influence. A theoretical framework based on a 44 matrix method for spectral simulation together with an oscillator model for BPDA-PDA has been used to obtain quantitative chain orientation information on a post-CMP BPDA-PDA sample by fitting simulated polarized infrared spectra to experimentally generated spectra. Verification of the oscillator model was established from the complex refractive indices of BPDA-PDA films, which were determined using a new method (R/T ratio method) developed in this thesis to extract complex refractive indices of films with biaxial symmetry from polarized transmission and reflection spectra.
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Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of Topological InsulatorsWang, Yihua 31 October 2012 (has links)
Topological insulators (TI) are a new phase of matter with very exotic electronic properties on their surface. As a direct consequence of the topological order, the surface electrons of TI form bands that cross the Fermi surface odd number of times and are guaranteed to be metallic. They also have a linear energy-momentum dispersion relationship that satisfies the Dirac equation and are therefore called Dirac fermions. The surface Dirac fermions of TI are spin-polarized with the direction of the spin locked to momentum and are immune from certain scatterings. These unique properties of surface electrons provide a platform for utilizing TI in future spin-based electronics and quantum computation. The surface bands of 3D TI can be directly mapped by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and the spin polarization can be determined by spin-resolved ARPES. These types of experiments are the first to establish the 3D topological order, which demonstrates the power of ARPES in probing the surface of strongly spin-orbit coupled materials. Extensive investigation of TI has ranged from understanding the fundamental electronic and lattice structure of various TI compounds to building TI-based devices in search of more exotic particles such as Majorana fermions and magnetic monopoles. Surface-sensitive techniques that can efficiently disentangle the charge and spin degrees of freedom have been crucially important in tackling the multi-faceted problems of TI. In this thesis, I show that laser-based ARPES in combination with a time-of-flight spectrometer is a powerful tool to study the spin structure and charge dynamics of the Dirac fermions on the surface of TI. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction of TI. Chapter 2 describes the basic principles behind ARPES and time-resolved ARPES (TrARPES). Chapter 3 provides a detailed account of the experimental setup to perform laser-based ARPES and TrARPES. In Chapters 4 and 5, how these two techniques are effectively applied to investigate two unique electronic properties of TI is elaborated. Through these studies, I have obtained a complete mapping of the spin texture of several prototypical topological insulators and have uncovered the cooling mechanism governing the hot surface Dirac fermions. / Physics
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A spin- and angle-resolved photoemission study of coupled spin-orbital textures driven by global and local inversion symmetry breakingBawden, Lewis January 2017 (has links)
The effect of spin-orbit coupling had once been thought to be a minor perturbation to the low energy band structure that could be ignored. Instead, a surge in recent theoretical and experimental efforts have shown spin-orbit interactions to have significant consequences. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the role of the orbital sector and crystal symmetries in governing the spin texture in materials that have strong spin- orbit interactions. This can be accessed through a combination of spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES and spin-ARPES), both of which are powerful techniques for probing the one-electron band structure plus interactions, and supported by density functional theory calculations (DFT). We focus first on a globally inversion asymmetric material, the layered semiconductor BiTeI, which hosts a giant spin-splitting of its bulk bands. We show that these spin-split bands develop a previously undiscovered, momentum-space ordering of the atomic orbitals. We demonstrate this orbital texture to be atomic element specific by exploiting resonant enhancements in ARPES. These orbital textures drive a hierarchy of spin textures that are then tied to the constituent atomic layers. This opens routes to controlling the spin-splitting through manipulation of the atomic orbitals. This is contrasted against a material where inversion symmetry is globally upheld but locally broken within each monolayer of a two layer unit cell. Through our ARPES and spin-ARPES measurements of 2H-NbSe2, we discover the first experimental evidence for a strong out-of-plane spin polarisation that persists up to the Fermi surface in this globally inversion sym- metric material. This is found to be intrinsically linked to the orbital character and dimensionality of the underlying bands. So far, previous theories underpinning this (and related) materials' collective phases assume a spin- degenerate Fermi sea. We therefore expect this spin-polarisation to play a role in determining the underlying mechanism for the charge density wave phase and superconductivity. Through these studies, this thesis then develops the importance of global versus local inversion symmetry breaking and uncovers how this is intricately tied to the underlying atomic orbital configuration.
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La motivation principale de cette thèse a été de déterminer les avantages et les inconvénients de l'utilisation de la spectroscopie de photoémission résolue en angle dans le domaine des rayons X mous.<br />L'étude d'un système bien connu, Ag(001) nous permet de discuter plusieurs questions telles que le rôle de la quantité de mouvement du photon, la pertinence de l'approximation d'électron libre à l'état final, et le rôle des phonons. La polarisation de la lumière incidente a aussi été exploitée. En choisissant un tel système, nous avons aussi voulu comparer les résultats expérimentaux avec des spectres calculés de photoémission résolue en angle dans cette gamme d'énergie.<br />Le comportement à basse température atypique des composés de Cérium est généralement imputé à l'effet Kondo. Des résultats originaux ont été obtenus en étudiant la bande de valence de trois composés monocristallins iso-structuraux de Cérium, CeCu2Ge2, CeNi2Ge2 et CeCo2Ge2. La position du seuil d'absorption M5 du Cérium dans la bande d'énergie des rayons X mous est exploitée pour isoler la contribution 4f à ces spectres. De plus, l'utilisation de photons incidents d'énergie relativement élevée permet de minimiser les effets de surface. Les spectres de photoémission présentés dans cette thèse incluent des études de dépendance en température, des spectres à la résonance, des spectres résolus en angle ou bien intégrés angulairement. Les premiers sont en accord avec le modèle d'impureté unique d'Anderson, alors que les derniers suggèrent qu'il est important de prendre en compte le réseau cristallin.
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Local Structural and Optical Characterization of Photonic Crystals by Back Focal Plane Imaging and SpectroscopyWagner, Rebecca 20 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis establishes methods to locally and effciently detect the fluorescence from photonic crystals (PCs) in dependence on wavelength and direction. These are applied to three dimensional (3D) PCs grown by vertical deposition of polystyrene beads. The experiments allow conclusions about the local 3D structure of a sample, about defects in its volume and about spatial structural variations. They thus provide more information than typical spectroscopy measurements that average over large areas and methods that only image the surface structure like scanning electron microscopy.
A focused laser is used to excite emitters in the sample only locally. The fluorescence is then collected by a microscope objective. Every point in this objective’s back focal plane (BFP) corresponds to a certain direction. This property is utilized in two ways.
When observing a small spectral range of the emission in the BFP, stop bands appear as intensity minima since they hinder the emission into the corresponding directions. Thus, back focal plane imaging (BFPI) allows to visualize stop bands of many directions at the same time. The detected patterns permit to find the in-plane and out-of-plane orientation of the PC lattice and to conclude on the presence of stacking faults. Spatial variations of the structure are observed on a length scale of a few micrometers. The depth of the stop band is reduced at sample positions, where structural changes occur.
In back focal plane spectroscopy (BFPS), a slit selects light from certain points in the BFP, which is spectrally dispersed subsequently. This allows to record spectra from many directions simultaneously. From them, a lattice compression along the sample normal of about 4% is found. Small deformations are also observed for other directions. Scattering at defects redistributes the emission. This increases the detected intensity compared to homogeneous media at some stop band edges in a broad spectral range for samples thicker than the scattering mean free path. Thinner samples show a narrow enhancement due to an increase in the fractional density of optical states and thus in emission.
BFPI and BFPS are also used to observe the growth of PCs from drying droplets. The experiments show that the beads initially form a non-close packed lattice. This causes stress as the lattice constant decreases, which is released by cracking of the PCs.
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Magnetic Proximity Effect Inside Heterostructures of 2D Materials and Thin Films Adjacent to Magnetic InsulatorsPINCHUK, IGOR January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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