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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Animal Husbandry at Tell el Hesi (Israel): Results from Zooarchaeological and Isotopic Analysis

Peck-Janssen, Shannon Marie 14 April 2006 (has links)
Located in today’s southern Israel, Tell el Hesi provides archaeologists with important clues to political and social changes in the ancient Near East. Zooarchaeological and stable isotopic analyses were conducted to evaluate shifts in animal husbandry practices during changing socioeconomic and sociopolitical conditions in the southern Levant. During the Early Bronze Age, Tell el Hesi thrived as an agricultural grain producing center for the southern Levant. The acropolis served as both a storage and redistribution center for the inhabitants of Tell el Hesi. Coinciding with the collapse of the southern Levant, Tell el Hesi was abandoned throughout the Middle Bronze Age and Late Bronze Age. Socioeconomic relations collapsed between the southern and northern Levant as foreign cultures swept into the region. The Iron Age and Persian Period represented constant sociopolitical change as Assyrian and Persian armies battled against Egypt for territory and natural resources, using Tell el Hesi as a military outpost and storage facility for soldiers and equipment. Unsystematic excavations at the site make it difficult to interpret how animals were used at Tell el Hesi over time. Zooarchaeological analysis suggests, however, that amidst constant societal changes at Tell el Hesi, the inhabitants of the site used animals in similar ways throughout time. Statistically, there seems to be little difference in the quantity of animal species represented during the Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period. This suggests that the once common specialized pastoralism found in the Early Bronze Age survived into the Persian Period at Tell el Hesi and was an effective herd management strategy for small populations living in ever changing societies. Future excavation and analysis would be able to further assess this hypothesis. The stable isotope results suggest that domesticated animals at Tell el Hesi were consuming both C3 domesticated grain along with C4 wild grasses. Economically significant animals appear to have been foddered within the city boundaries of Tell el Hesi but predominantly grazed in the surrounding foothill area. Wild animals such as deer, gazelle and antelope share similar δ13C values with the domesticated animals at the site.

Entre chasse et pastoralisme, l'art rupestre de la région d'Arica-Parinacota (Chili) / Between hunting and pastoralism, the rock art of the Arica-Parinacota region (Chile)

Dudognon, Carole 15 June 2016 (has links)
A l’extrême nord du Chili, dans la région d’Arica-Parinacota, ce travail de recherche, axé sur l’étude de trois abris ornés (Vilacaurani, Incani et Anocariri), vise à mettre en évidence les étapes de la transformation culturelle et socio-économiques des populations andines en lien avec le processus de la domestication animale. Entre 2800 et 3800 m dans le piémont andin, l’implantation humaine semble correspondre à l’écosystème de certaines espèces, telles que le guanaco et le taruca, abondamment chassées pendant les périodes les plus anciennes. Les plus importants témoignages, actuellement connus, de cette occupation se retrouvent au cœur d’abris sous roche ou sur de larges panneaux à travers d’imposantes fresques polychromes. Les artistes ont mis l’accent sur la figure animale, principalement les camélidés de genre lama (guanaco et lama) et sur la représentation de scènes variées telles la chasse, le piégeage ou encore la pâture. Ces représentations sont significatives, car elles évoquent des possibles phases de la domestication des camélidés qui a débuté autour de 6000 BP dans les Andes centrales (Wings, 1986 ; Wheeler et al., 1977 ; Lavallée et Julien, 1980 ; Lavallée et al., 1995) débouchant sur le développement des sociétés pastorales et d’une économie de production dans les hautes terres andines. Pourtant, les mécanismes de cette transformation restent encore mal connus. Cette recherche offre une nouvelle lecture des manifestations artistiques comme source première d’information pour comprendre la transition socio-économique et culturelle des populations des hautes terres. A travers l’étude des scènes picturales et l’imposant système de superposition des figures, nous sommes en mesure de décrire le glissement progressif, autant sur le plan technique que symbolique, et les étapes transitoires qui caractérisent le passage d’une économie principalement fondée sur la chasse à une économie pastorale. / In the far north of Chile, in the region of Arica-Parinacota, this research, centered on the study of three decorated shelters (Vilacaurani, Incani and Anocariri), aim at highlighting the socioeconomic and cultural stages of the transformation of the Andean populations in connection with the process of the animal domestication. Between 2800 and 3800 m in Andean Piedmont, the human settling seems to correspond to the ecosystem of certain species such as the guanaco and the taruca abundantly hunted during the most ancient periods. The most important testimonies of this activity, so far known, are found at the heart of shelters or on wide panels through impressive polychromatic frescoes. The artists put the accent on the animal figure, mainly Camelidae of the genus Lama (guanaco and llama) and on the representation of varied scenes such hunting, capture or grazing. These representations are significant because they evoke possible phases of the Camelid’s domestication which began around 6000 BP in the central Andes (Wings, 1986 ; Wheeler et al., 1977 ; Lavallée et Julien, 1980 ; Lavallée et al., 1995) which result in the development of the pastoral societies and the economy of production in the Andean highlands. Nevertheless, mechanisms working in this transformation remain badly known. This research offers a new reading of the artistic manifestations as first source of information to understand the socioeconomic and cultural transition of the populations in the highlands. Through the study of the pictorial scenes and the impressive system of overlapping of figures, we are capable of describing the progressive sliding, both on the technical plan and the symbolism, and the transitory stages which characterize the passage of an economy mainly based on hunting to a pastoral economy.

Domestication Effects on the Stress Response in Chickens : Genetics, Physiology, and Behaviour

Fallahshahroudi, Amir January 2017 (has links)
Animal domestication, the process where animals become adapted to living in proximity to humans, is associated with the alteration of multiple traits, including decreased fearfulness and stress response. With an estimated population of 50 billion, the domesticated chicken is the most populous avian species in the world. Hundreds of chicken breeds have been developed for meat and egg production, hobby or research purposes. Multidirectional selection and the relaxation of natural selection in captivity have created immense phenotypic diversity amongst domesticates in a relatively short evolutionary time. The extensive phenotypic diversity, existence of the wild ancestor, and feasibility of intercrossing various breeds makes the chicken a suitable model animal for deciphering genetic determinants of complex traits such as stress response. We used chicken domestication as a model to gain insights about the mechanisms that regulate stress response in an avian species. We studied behavioural and physiological stress response in the ancestral Red Junglefowl and one of its domesticated progenies, White Leghorn. An advanced intercross between the aforementioned breeds was later used to map genetic loci underlying modification of stress response. The general pattern of the stress response in chickens was comparable with that reported in mammals, however we identified distinctive differences in the stress modulatory pathways in chickens. We showed that changes in the expression levels of several stress modulatory genes in the brain, the pituitary and the adrenal glands underlie the observed modified stress response in domesticated chickens. Using quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, several QTL underlying stress induced corticosterone, aldosterone and baseline dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels were detected. As a next step, we combined QTL mapping with gene expression (eQTL) mapping and narrowed two QTL down to the putative causal genes, SERPINA10 and PDE1C. Both of these genes were differentially expressed in the adrenal glands of White Leghorn and the Red Junglefowl, had overlapping eQTL with hormonal QTL, and their expression levels in the adrenal glands were correlated with plasma levels of corticosterone and al-dosterone. These two genes thus serve as strong candidates for further functional investigation concerning modification of the stress response during domestication. This dissertation increase the knowledge about genetics and physiology of the stress response in an avian species and its modification during domestication. Our findings expand the basic knowledge about the stress response in chicken, which can potentially be used to improve welfare through appropriate genetic selection.

Corte intra e interespecífica em cobaias (Cavia porcellus) e preás (Cavia aperea) / Intra and interspecific courtship in cavies (Cavia porcellus) and wild cavies (Cavia aperea)

Furnari, Nina 17 July 2006 (has links)
O preá Cavia aperea é tido como um dos representantes atuais da espécie ancestral a partir da qual se originou a cobaia Cavia porcellus por meio de um processo de domesticação iniciado há cerca de 6000 anos. A comparação entre estas espécies constitui um modelo interessante para o estudo dos efeitos comportamentais da domesticação, além de ter implicações para a compreensão da taxonomia destas espécies. Nosso objetivo foi descrever e comparar o comportamento de corte em cobaias e preás em pares intraespecíficos e verificar, através de pareamentos interespecíficos, eventuais barreiras reprodutivas provenientes da domesticação. Pares intra e interespecíficos foram submetidos a dois experimentos, um a curto prazo em ambiente de sala-teste e outro a longo prazo em ambiente semi-natural, nos quais registrou-se os episódios de interação e as categorias comportamentais exibidas na interação entre os sujeitos. Encontrou-se diferenças significativas entre os pares intra e interespecíficos (taxa e duração da interação), assim como entre cobaias e preás (cobaias interagiram, cortejaram-se e exploraram-se mais do que preás, estes se mostraram mais ativos e exploradores do meio). As diferenças revelam possíveis efeitos do processo de domesticação. Os pares interespecíficos também diferiram significativamente entre si, de forma assimétrica: enquanto machos preás cortejaram fêmeas cobaias e copularam com estas (menos, contudo, do que no caso das fêmeas coespecíficas), machos cobaias praticamente não cortejaram fêmeas preás provavelmente por causa dos altos níveis de agressão destas. Nossos resultados demonstram a existência de barreiras comportamentais entre as duas espécies, devidas provavelmente à domesticação, capazes de gerar um isolamento reprodutivo parcial. / The wild cavy (Cavia aperea) is considered as one of the current exemplars of an ancestor species which through domestication processes starting six thousands years ago originated Cavia porcellus, the guinea pig. A formal comparison between the two species (Cavia aperea and Cavia porcellus), constitutes not only an interesting model for an investigation of the effects of domestication on behaviour, but also it may contribute to a taxonomic understanding of the two species. The aim of the study was to describe and compare the courtship behaviour exhibited by wild cavies and guinea pigs within intraspecific couples. In addition, arranging interspecific couples, we aimed to verify possible reproductive barriers which could be a consequence of the domestication processes. Intraspecific and interspecific couples took part in two experiments: the first was a short term experiment undertaken in a non-natural testing environment; the second was long term and conducted in a semi-natural environment. Interactive episodes were observed and a range of behavioural categories demonstrated by the individuals during interactions were registered. Significant differences were found between intra and interspecific couples (frequency and duration of the interactions) as well as between wild cavies and guinea pigs. Whilst the latter interacted and explored themselves more as well as showing more courtship behaviour, the former instead were more active towards exploring their environment. These differences suggest possible effects of the domestication processes. Furthermore, there were also significant asymmetrical differences among the interspecific couples themselves: whilst male wild cavy showed courtship behaviour towards the female guinea pigs and even mated with them. However, less than when compared to their behaviour towards female wild cavies. Male guinea pigs mostly did not court female wild cavies; this was mainly attributed to the female wild cavies showing high levels of aggression. The results account for the existence of behavioural barriers between the two species, which are probably due to the domestication process and can well generate partial reproductive isolation.

Corte intra e interespecífica em cobaias (Cavia porcellus) e preás (Cavia aperea) / Intra and interspecific courtship in cavies (Cavia porcellus) and wild cavies (Cavia aperea)

Nina Furnari 17 July 2006 (has links)
O preá Cavia aperea é tido como um dos representantes atuais da espécie ancestral a partir da qual se originou a cobaia Cavia porcellus por meio de um processo de domesticação iniciado há cerca de 6000 anos. A comparação entre estas espécies constitui um modelo interessante para o estudo dos efeitos comportamentais da domesticação, além de ter implicações para a compreensão da taxonomia destas espécies. Nosso objetivo foi descrever e comparar o comportamento de corte em cobaias e preás em pares intraespecíficos e verificar, através de pareamentos interespecíficos, eventuais barreiras reprodutivas provenientes da domesticação. Pares intra e interespecíficos foram submetidos a dois experimentos, um a curto prazo em ambiente de sala-teste e outro a longo prazo em ambiente semi-natural, nos quais registrou-se os episódios de interação e as categorias comportamentais exibidas na interação entre os sujeitos. Encontrou-se diferenças significativas entre os pares intra e interespecíficos (taxa e duração da interação), assim como entre cobaias e preás (cobaias interagiram, cortejaram-se e exploraram-se mais do que preás, estes se mostraram mais ativos e exploradores do meio). As diferenças revelam possíveis efeitos do processo de domesticação. Os pares interespecíficos também diferiram significativamente entre si, de forma assimétrica: enquanto machos preás cortejaram fêmeas cobaias e copularam com estas (menos, contudo, do que no caso das fêmeas coespecíficas), machos cobaias praticamente não cortejaram fêmeas preás provavelmente por causa dos altos níveis de agressão destas. Nossos resultados demonstram a existência de barreiras comportamentais entre as duas espécies, devidas provavelmente à domesticação, capazes de gerar um isolamento reprodutivo parcial. / The wild cavy (Cavia aperea) is considered as one of the current exemplars of an ancestor species which through domestication processes starting six thousands years ago originated Cavia porcellus, the guinea pig. A formal comparison between the two species (Cavia aperea and Cavia porcellus), constitutes not only an interesting model for an investigation of the effects of domestication on behaviour, but also it may contribute to a taxonomic understanding of the two species. The aim of the study was to describe and compare the courtship behaviour exhibited by wild cavies and guinea pigs within intraspecific couples. In addition, arranging interspecific couples, we aimed to verify possible reproductive barriers which could be a consequence of the domestication processes. Intraspecific and interspecific couples took part in two experiments: the first was a short term experiment undertaken in a non-natural testing environment; the second was long term and conducted in a semi-natural environment. Interactive episodes were observed and a range of behavioural categories demonstrated by the individuals during interactions were registered. Significant differences were found between intra and interspecific couples (frequency and duration of the interactions) as well as between wild cavies and guinea pigs. Whilst the latter interacted and explored themselves more as well as showing more courtship behaviour, the former instead were more active towards exploring their environment. These differences suggest possible effects of the domestication processes. Furthermore, there were also significant asymmetrical differences among the interspecific couples themselves: whilst male wild cavy showed courtship behaviour towards the female guinea pigs and even mated with them. However, less than when compared to their behaviour towards female wild cavies. Male guinea pigs mostly did not court female wild cavies; this was mainly attributed to the female wild cavies showing high levels of aggression. The results account for the existence of behavioural barriers between the two species, which are probably due to the domestication process and can well generate partial reproductive isolation.

Comportamento e comunicação acústica em cobaias e em preás / Behavior and acoustic communication in domestic (Cavia porcellus) and in wild (C. aperea) cavies

Patrícia Ferreira Monticelli 03 February 2006 (has links)
Este é um estudo comparativo do comportamento e da comunicação acústica de cobaias – Cavia porcellus - e de preás – C. aperea - duas espécies muito próximas, uma com uma história recente de domesticação (há 6.000 anos nos Andes) e a outra selvagem. Inclui três etapas: (1) a elaboração de um etograma e a comparação entre cobaias e preás quanto à freqüência e duração dos comportamentos exibidos em contextos sociais particulares (encontros entre fêmeas, entre machos e entre macho e fêmea); (2) a categorização e análise sonográfica comparativa da estrutura dos sinais sonoros; e (3) a comparação entre espécies quanto ao uso dos chamados através de um estudo do comportamento do emissor e de um receptor, no momento anterior e subseqüente à emissão. Encontramos diferenças entre as espécies nas três etapas. (1) Cobaias exibiram mais comportamentos de contatos e sexuais; preás exibiram mais comportamentos de exploração. (2) Das emissões registradas, uma não foi exibida por cobaias. Analisamos 4 delas estatisticamente e todas revelaram diferenças estruturais entre espécies. (3) Houve diferença no uso do sinal de alerta e no nível de resposta eliciado por alguns sinais. Os resultados são discutidos principalmente como efeitos da domesticação. A seleção de animais maiores pode ter alterado a morfologia do trato vocal das cobaias, produzindo as mudanças na estrutura dos chamados. Ainda, com o relaxamento de seleção natural, por conta da proteção oferecida pelo cativeiro, características menos favoráveis podem ter sido mantidas e ganhado proporção na população. Como resultado, a espécie domesticada produz e reage menos aos sinais de alerta, gasta menos tempo com comportamentos de atenção ao meio e ganha tempo para os comportamentos socais e reprodutivos. / This is a comparative study of behavior and acoustic communication of wild (Cavia aperea) and domestic (C. porcellus) cavies. Animals were observed in the laboratory in three social situations (female-female, male-male and female-male pairings) and the following steps were performed: (1) comparison of the frequency and duration of behaviors, in both species; (2) description and comparison of the sonografic parameters of acoustic signals emitted by individuals of both species; and (3) identification of antecedent and subsequent behavioral contexts of such signals as an approach to the understanding of their social function. C. porcellus exhibited more contact and sexual categories of behaviors than C. aperea; C. aperea explored more than C. porcellus. Signal repertoire was almost the same (one, out of 7 calls was exclusively emitted by C. aperea). Statistical analysis revealed significant structural differences between species in four of the calls. Differences were also found in the context of use of alert vocalization and in the level of response elicited by some signals. Interspecific differences found may be partially attributed to domestication. Selection for meet production may have altered guinea pigs’ vocal tract and may have brought changes in acoustic signals structure. The absence of predatory pressure and the less demanding conditions of captivity may have favored the expression of some traits, such as the performance of long courtship bouts. The domestic cavies C. porcellus are less prone than the wild ones to emit and to respond to alert signals, spend less time with exploratory and patrolling and spend more time with social and reproductive interactions.

Comportamento e comunicação acústica em cobaias e em preás / Behavior and acoustic communication in domestic (Cavia porcellus) and in wild (C. aperea) cavies

Monticelli, Patrícia Ferreira 03 February 2006 (has links)
Este é um estudo comparativo do comportamento e da comunicação acústica de cobaias – Cavia porcellus - e de preás – C. aperea - duas espécies muito próximas, uma com uma história recente de domesticação (há 6.000 anos nos Andes) e a outra selvagem. Inclui três etapas: (1) a elaboração de um etograma e a comparação entre cobaias e preás quanto à freqüência e duração dos comportamentos exibidos em contextos sociais particulares (encontros entre fêmeas, entre machos e entre macho e fêmea); (2) a categorização e análise sonográfica comparativa da estrutura dos sinais sonoros; e (3) a comparação entre espécies quanto ao uso dos chamados através de um estudo do comportamento do emissor e de um receptor, no momento anterior e subseqüente à emissão. Encontramos diferenças entre as espécies nas três etapas. (1) Cobaias exibiram mais comportamentos de contatos e sexuais; preás exibiram mais comportamentos de exploração. (2) Das emissões registradas, uma não foi exibida por cobaias. Analisamos 4 delas estatisticamente e todas revelaram diferenças estruturais entre espécies. (3) Houve diferença no uso do sinal de alerta e no nível de resposta eliciado por alguns sinais. Os resultados são discutidos principalmente como efeitos da domesticação. A seleção de animais maiores pode ter alterado a morfologia do trato vocal das cobaias, produzindo as mudanças na estrutura dos chamados. Ainda, com o relaxamento de seleção natural, por conta da proteção oferecida pelo cativeiro, características menos favoráveis podem ter sido mantidas e ganhado proporção na população. Como resultado, a espécie domesticada produz e reage menos aos sinais de alerta, gasta menos tempo com comportamentos de atenção ao meio e ganha tempo para os comportamentos socais e reprodutivos. / This is a comparative study of behavior and acoustic communication of wild (Cavia aperea) and domestic (C. porcellus) cavies. Animals were observed in the laboratory in three social situations (female-female, male-male and female-male pairings) and the following steps were performed: (1) comparison of the frequency and duration of behaviors, in both species; (2) description and comparison of the sonografic parameters of acoustic signals emitted by individuals of both species; and (3) identification of antecedent and subsequent behavioral contexts of such signals as an approach to the understanding of their social function. C. porcellus exhibited more contact and sexual categories of behaviors than C. aperea; C. aperea explored more than C. porcellus. Signal repertoire was almost the same (one, out of 7 calls was exclusively emitted by C. aperea). Statistical analysis revealed significant structural differences between species in four of the calls. Differences were also found in the context of use of alert vocalization and in the level of response elicited by some signals. Interspecific differences found may be partially attributed to domestication. Selection for meet production may have altered guinea pigs’ vocal tract and may have brought changes in acoustic signals structure. The absence of predatory pressure and the less demanding conditions of captivity may have favored the expression of some traits, such as the performance of long courtship bouts. The domestic cavies C. porcellus are less prone than the wild ones to emit and to respond to alert signals, spend less time with exploratory and patrolling and spend more time with social and reproductive interactions.

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