Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annan elektroteknik ocho elektronik"" "subject:"annan elektroteknik och3 elektronik""
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Design och analys av ett mikronät baserat på en AC-drive / Design and analysis of a microgrid based on an AC driveAl-Damouk, Rami, Salkic, Haris January 2023 (has links)
Mikronät är ett självförsörjande elnät och används bland annat då elektriskaprodukter kräver en AC-spänning men inte har tillgång till huvudnätet. Målet idetta projekt är att dimensionera och analysera de olika delarna som ett mikronätbestår av, för att sedan konstruera och testa ifall den uppfyller kraven utifrånvissa specifikationer.Metoderna som används för att dimensionera och analysera mikronätet bestårfrämst av beräkningar och simuleringar samt konstruktion av enstaka kretsar.Mikronätet består av en AC-drive, ett lågpassfilter och trefastransformator.Mikronätet konstrueras med en varierbar frekvens mellan 45 och 65 Hz, samtomvandling av 540 VDC till 400 VAC.
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Calibration and preparation of the data analysis of the DORN experiment on board the Chang'E 6 lunar mission.Chacartegui Rojo, Íñigo de Loyola January 2023 (has links)
As part of the first agreement between the French (CNES) and the Chinese (CNSA) space agencies in terms of space exploration, the DORN instrument will fly on board the Chinese Chang'E 6 mission in 2024. It aims to measure the amount of Radon escaping from the lunar soil to better understand what governs the concentration of this noble gas which contributes to the endogenous origin of the lunar exosphere. This instrument is an alpha-particle spectrometer able to detect the radioactive decay of two Radon isotopes and their progeny. These emissions act as a tracing signal for the processes happening in the lunar sub-surface. During the Assembly, Integration & Testing phase of the Flight Model of the instrument, different scientific concerns must be addressed to characterise the behaviour of the instrument before it is commissioned to China for its final tests and integration into the lander before the mission. This means that all the measuring process, since the alpha-particle deposits its energy into the detector until it is counted as an event in a spectral data product, has to be meticulously analysed and assessed to verify if it is compliant with the instrument's scientific requirements. Under this context, several data analysis tools have been developed to retrieve the behaviour characteristics of the instrument. Firstly, due to the changing conditions that a space mission to the lunar environment undergoes, it is needed to perform an in-flight calibration at every measurement. To this regard, a program able to obtain the calibration parameters at several temperatures within its operative range along with the spectral resolution of each detector has been developed and used during the Thermal Vacuum tests held at CNES. Secondly, the numerical pipeline, responsible for processing and storing onboard data, must undergo stress testing and be exposed to conditions resembling the lunar environment. As a result, the software's capabilities enabling the instrument to derive particle energy and eliminate undesired detections have undergone thorough testing. These tools have been used to verify the compliance of the instrument with its respective scientific requirements as well as to validate its current software version. They not only have played an important role in finalising the development of the instrument in France but will be of great use during the tests done in China and during the space operations on the Moon. / Dans le cadre du premier accord entre les agences spatiales française (CNES) et chinoise (CNSA) en matière d'exploration spatiale, l'instrument DORN volera à bord de la mission chinoise Chang'E 6 en 2024. Il vise à mesurer la quantité de Radon s'échappant du sol lunaire afin de mieux comprendre ce qui gouverne la concentration de ce gaz noble qui contribue à l'origine endogène de l'exosphère lunaire. Cet instrument est un spectromètre à particules alpha capable de détecter la désintégration radioactive de deux isotopes du radon et de ses descendants. Ces émissions agissent comme un signal de traçage des processus qui se déroulent dans la sub-surface lunaire. Au cours de la phase d'assemblage, d'intégration et d'essai du modèle de vol de l'instrument, différentes questions scientifiques doivent être abordées pour caractériser le comportement de l'instrument avant qu'il ne soit envoyé en Chine pour les essais finaux et l'intégration dans l'atterrisseur avant la mission. Cela signifie que l'ensemble du processus de mesure, depuis le dépôt de l'énergie de la particule alpha dans le détecteur jusqu'à son comptage en tant qu'événement dans un produit de données spectrales, doit être méticuleusement analysé et évalué pour vérifier s'il est conforme aux exigences scientifiques de l'instrument. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs outils d'analyse de données ont été développés pour retrouver les caractéristiques de comportement de l'instrument. Tout d'abord, en raison des conditions changeantes d'une mission spatiale dans l'environnement lunaire, il est nécessaire d'effectuer un étalonnage en vol à chaque mesure. À cet égard, un programme capable d'obtenir les paramètres d'étalonnage à plusieurs températures dans sa gamme opérationnelle ainsi que la résolution spectrale de chaque détecteur a été utilisé pendant les tests de vide thermique qui se sont déroulés au CNES. Deuxièmement, le pipeline numérique, chargé du traitement et du stockage des données à bord, doit subir des tests de contrainte et être exposé à des conditions ressemblant à l'environnement lunaire. En conséquence, les capacités logicielles permettant à l'instrument de déduire l'énergie des particules et d'éliminer les détections indésirables ont fait l'objet de tests approfondis. Ces outils ont été utilisés pour vérifier la conformité de l'instrument avec ses exigences scientifiques respectives et pour valider la version actuelle de son logiciel. Ils ont non seulement joué un rôle important dans la finalisation du développement de l'instrument en France, mais seront également très utiles lors des tests effectués en Chine et lors des opérations spatiales sur la Lune.
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El-Vinsch : För sporterSimon, Lann January 2023 (has links)
The electric winch for sports is a product that is relatively new to the market with a few different variants to choose from. The electric winches can be used for many different things such as wakeboarding, foil, snowboarding, skiing, surfing and much more. It is a machine that is portable and can be set up wherever you want and that is controlled by a hand control.The project has included a market survey which shows that the electric winch would have been an interesting product to buy among those interested in board sports. The current products have not really succeeded in breaking through the market yet, for the simple reason that it costs too much money. The purpose of the project has therefore been to produce a prototype of the electric winch for a cheaper price that makes the product more relevant for the common person to invest in. With this a marketing plan has also been produced for how the product could be launched on the market.The result of the project is a prototype of an electric winch that can pull a person in at a speed of about 30 km/h. This prototype consists of two batteries connected with an electric speedcontroller which is then connected with two electric motors that drive the machine. The electric motors each have a driving gear on them which is connected by a chain to two larger gears which drive the spool that the rope is attached to. In this way the machine can pull in the rope with the help of a rope guide which is mounted on the shell of the machine which protects the electronics from water damage.
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Model-Integrated Engineering of Smart Energy Distribution SystemsGalkin, Nikolai January 2023 (has links)
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a formal method that is used to support analysis, design, independent verification, and validation inherent in the development of software and hardware systems. MBSE applications are present in many areas of our daily lives, including manufacturing, robotics, healthcare, automation, etc. However, despite their rapid and sustainable growth during the last few years, the MBSE methods themselves are quite far away from perfect. There are some current problems, which resist more rapid penetration of MBSE systems in their development. One of them is that currently the majority of MBSE systems are vendor dependent and, as a result, they have poor compatibility with each other. Furthermore, currently, there is a gap between the design of a digital model and a control model of an engineering system. Currently, this problem is usually solved by involving two or more groups of engineers, where each of these groups works on their own problems. All this costs companies additional engineering time and, as a result, development costs. Therefore new, and more sophisticated approaches for the generation of MBSEs are needed in order to overwhelm the challenges highlighted above. In order to narrow the field of study and better concentrate on specific problems, smart power distribution systems have been chosen as the main research object for this dissertation. Thus, in this work, the author introduces Model-Integrated Systems Engineering (MISE), as the MBSE sub-discipline. Here and later in this paper, the author will refer to MISE as the main area of interest. Also, the author uses the term DigitalTwin to refer to the multilayered structure of a complex distributed automation system consisting of three layers, namely:– the static machine-readable information about the infrastructure of the smart energy system,– the simulation model layer,– the distributed control layer for the investigated smart energy system. In general, two new transformation approaches for automatic MISE generation are discussed in the scope of this dissertation, namely:1. Transformation of the System Configuration Design (SCD) files of an electric system(presented in IEC 61850) into the corresponding SIMULINK model.2. Transformation of specification files of electronic components into corresponding OPC UA information model.All discussed approaches are implemented in the form of a program code that is publicly available on the Internet. The IEC 61850 and OPC UA standards are considered key components of the current dissertation. IEC 61850 is an international standard covering different sides of smart energy distribution systems including communication protocols for diverse equipment in a substation, including protection, control, and measurement equipment, as well as intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). Information Modeling OPC UA is a platform-independent service-oriented architecture that combines the concepts of semantic modeling. First, the structure of the IEC 61850 standard is discussed, as well as its potential benefits for the MISE of smart power distribution systems in terms of the automatic transformation of the information model. Next, the architecture of the electrical system (the SCD file) of the electrical vehicle (EV) charging station (CS) is proposed as an example. The aim is to design a mechanism for the automatic transformation of MISE in two domains, namely:- Physical model of the electrical system itself,- Automatically build a communication channel between the digital replica (the model) of the electrical system and the virtual energy management system (EMS). Thus, this work aims to contribute to the design and virtual commissioning of Digital Twin systems, as well as to improve the interoperability between IEC 61850 compliant systems and electric vehicle charging stations (paper C explains that in more detail). Finally, by narrowing down the scope of the investigation to one specific electrical device, a new approach for converting integrated circuit (IC) specification files of an electric system into an OPC UA information model is discussed. The designed transformation algorithm is based on the directed graphs theory (paper D explains that in more detail). The purpose of this work is to highlight and contribute to the problems of the MISE analysis solutions. In summary, the work presented in this dissertation raises questions about interoperability between different standards, the problems of converting the IEC 61850 information model into MISE, verification of the generated MISE compared to the original IEC 61850 information model, and the problems of forming an information model OPC UA.
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Battery field data-oriented investigation of cell capacity spread and its impactsBilal, Muhammad January 2022 (has links)
In this research thesis, a new data-centric approach is used to determine the individual cell capacities in Li-ion batteries used in electric vehicles (EVs). This approach could also be extended to batteries for static energy storage applications. The method is based on real-world data collected from pouched-shaped cells having Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) based chemistry of different capacities, used in electric buses. An algorithm has been developed which takes as input the charging and discharging current data of the battery, and voltages of the individual cell either from sensors installed on the terminals of a cell or from a battery simulator software. As an output, the algorithm tries for finding the best two resting states on the time axis of the current profile and net charging or discharging of the battery in between those times. A reasonable amount of net charge is required for capacity calculation, for this reason, the recommended SOC difference between those two resting states should be at least ±10% or more. Several experiments were also performed to firm up the results. For the experiments, 100 pouch-shaped NMC-based cells of 40 Ah capacity each were used. These 100 cells were connected in series as 1P100s and it is one module of the xP100s larger battery pack of an electric trolley bus. The algorithm has three levels: at the first level, it uses only simulator data of current and cell voltages to determine the total capacities of individual cells from partial charging or discharging. In the second level, it takes real current data and simulator voltages from the individual cells to determine the same total capacities of individual cells. The third level uses real current charging and discharging data and only minimum, average, and maximum cell voltages to find an indicator of the skewed capacities of cells. Further, the second and third level is compared with the first. For more accuracy and exact calculations of the individual cell capacity, special tests and data collection procedures are proposed as well. Irrespective of the type of data available, a non-destructive diagnostic of the battery is carried out. Abnormal cells are detected with cell number and its location inside the pack in the case where individual cell data are available. In the case where only maximum and minimum cell voltages are available, the cell will be determined which limits the capacity of all the cells connected in series with it. For better diagnostics of the battery new data collection techniques are proposed, given that the owner of the vehicle allows the transfer of data from BMS.
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Utvärdering av obligatoriska tekniska krav i upphandlingsdokumentation / Evaluation of mandatory technical requirements in procurement documentationBrstina, Jovo January 2022 (has links)
Varje år uppskattas värdet av offentliga upphandlingar i Sverige vara över 700 miljarder kronor. Där en offentlig upphandling innebär att en upphandlande myndighet vidtar åtgärder för att tilldela ett kontrakt till leverantörer avseende varor, tjänster eller byggentreprenader. Dessa varor, tjänster eller byggentreprenader har så kallade skall-krav som är en viss typ av krav som en upphandlande myndighet eller enhet kan ställa. Ett anbud som inte uppfyller ett skall-krav ska enligt huvudregeln förkastas. Dagens utvärderingsprocess är komplex, invecklad, kräver djup teknikkunskap och är tidskrävande. Risken att ett skall-krav missas i utvärderingsskedet är stor, vilket i sin tur har konsekvenser på budget och projekttidplan. Idag är dessa skall-krav beskrivande i text, med flera olika formuleringar för samma krav. Syftet med detta arbete var att ta fram en ny metod för Railroad Infra Sweden Consultants AB att utvärdera tekniska krav i upphandlingsdokument. Detta genom att digitalisera upphandlingsdokument och göra bedömningen av vilka krav som är uppfyllda tydligare, med syfte att underlätta utvärderingsprocessen. Under litteraturstudien hittades inga forskningsarbeten som behandlar anbudsutvärderingen, dock har det i närbesläktade forskningsarbeten nämnts och lyfts upp kompetens inom utvärdering av anbud. Lösningen för att hitta skall-krav var att omvandla textmassa till tabell. Detta genom att söka upp alla skall-krav i de tekniska dokumenten och sammanställa de i ett standardiserat tabellformat. Resultatet visade att den nya metoden att utvärdera anbud var smidigare, tog mindre tid och att inga skall-krav missades under utvärderingsfasen. Detta till skillnad från den befintliga metoden som tog längre tid och medförde att flera skall-krav missades. Med den nya utvärderingsmetoden i automatiserad Excelfil kan tekniska krav verifieras på ett noggrannare sätt där man inte missar skall-krav. Den nya utvärderingsmetoden betyder också att extra kostnader och förlorad tid i projektet minskar. / Every year, the value of public procurement in Sweden is estimated to be over SEK 700 billion. Where a public procurement means that a contracting authority takes measures to award a contract to suppliers for goods, services, or construction contracts. These goods, services or construction contracts have so- called shell requirements, which are a certain type of requirement that a contracting authority or entity can set. A tender that does not meet a must requirement, must according to the main rule, be rejected. Today's evaluation process is complex, complicated, time-consuming and requires deep technical knowledge. The risk that a requirement will be missed in the evaluation phase is high, which in turn has consequences on the budget and project schedule. Today, these requirements are descriptive in text, with several different formulations for the same requirement. The purpose of this work was to develop a new method for Railroad Infra Sweden Consultants AB to evaluate technical requirements in procurement documents. This is done by digitizing procurement documents and making the assessment of which requirements are met more clearly, with the aim of facilitating the evaluation process. During the literature study, no research papers are found that deal with tender evaluation, however, in closely related research work, competence in the evaluation of tenders has been mentioned and highlighted. The solution for finding shell requirements was to convert a mass of text into a table, by searching up all the shell requirements in the technical appendices and compiling them in tabular form. The results showed that the new method of evaluating tenders was smoother, took less time and that no requirements were missed during the evaluation phase, unlike the old method. With the new evaluation method in an automated Excel file, technical requirements can be verified in a more accurate way where you do not miss requirements. The new evaluation method also means that extra costs and lost time in the project are reduced.
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Exitability measurements through indoor 3D GISStevens, Pieter January 2018 (has links)
Population growth, city expansion and the limitation of space is shifting construction into a vertical direction. Residential or public constructions as well as office buildings are growing vertically, especially in big cities. Along with the verticality, evacuation problems popped up. The higher buildings are rising the longer it takes to get people safely to the nearest exit. The primary concern for emergency response and rescue is the time needed to evacuate. Evacuation processes are highly contingent to building structure as built and not necessarily as designed. Throughout construction minor modifications are made and in evacuation planning it is eminent that the most accurate and up to date information is used.In this dissertation the focus is laid on the evacuation capability of the Munin building of the Hogkolan I Gävle. This research uses network analysis and network routing in an indoor three dimensional (3D) geographic information system. Exitability is defined as the ease to get to the nearest exit. This is a crucial factor in evacuation modelling and planning. In order to calculate the exitability a three dimensional model of the building is created along with a network dataset. The building model is analyzed based on three different scenarios, for different paces on the five different floor levels resulting into a matrix of evacuation paths. The easiest way out from each room in the building to the nearest exit is calculated and listed. By representing the exitability, the evacuation plan of the building can be revised and if needed adjusted. The created model can be used as a tool in decision making considering the time needed to get to the nearest exit.The importance of the implementation of network routing in GIS to improve evacuation plans can be found in development phase as well as whilst emergencies. During emergencies the shortest path for search and rescue can be found considering blocked paths. Throughout development the placement of exits and the amount of exits can be tested using the system. By simulating emergencies, bottlenecks and hazardous situations can be reconciled and doing so improve the evacuation plans. The influence of different scenarios on the exitability can be reduced to influence the scenarios have on the covered distance to the nearest exit. The different scenarios show a translation of linearity. The different scenarios give an insight in the congestion of the exits, which can be used for emergency planning. Future-minded it is preferable this theoretical model is compared to real-time results.
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Accurate Tracking by Overlap MaximizationBhat, Goutam January 2019 (has links)
Visual object tracking is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision, with a wide number of practical applications in e.g.\ robotics, surveillance etc. Given a video sequence and the target bounding box in the first frame, a tracker is required to find the target in all subsequent frames. It is a challenging problem due to the limited training data available. An object tracker is generally evaluated using two criterias, namely robustness and accuracy. Robustness refers to the ability of a tracker to track for long durations, without losing the target. Accuracy, on the other hand, denotes how accurately a tracker can estimate the target bounding box. Recent years have seen significant improvement in tracking robustness. However, the problem of accurate tracking has seen less attention. Most current state-of-the-art trackers resort to a naive multi-scale search strategy which has fundamental limitations. Thus, in this thesis, we aim to develop a general target estimation component which can be used to determine accurate bounding box for tracking. We will investigate how bounding box estimators used in object detection can be modified to be used for object tracking. The key difference between detection and tracking is that in object detection, the classes to which the objects belong are known. However, in tracking, no prior information is available about the tracked object, other than a single image provided in the first frame. We will thus investigate different architectures to utilize the first frame information to provide target specific bounding box predictions. We will also investigate how the bounding box predictors can be integrated into a state-of-the-art tracking method to obtain robust as well as accurate tracking.
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Partial Discharge Signatures of Defects in Insulation Systems Consisting of Oil and Oil-impregnated PaperGhaffarian Niasar, Mohamad January 2012 (has links)
Partial discharge measurement is a common method for monitoring and diagnostics of power transformers, and can detect insulation malfunctions before they lead to failure. Different parameters extracted from the measured PD activity can be correlated to the PD source, and as a result it is possible to identify the PD source by analyzing the PD activity. In this thesis, possible defects that could cause harmful PDs in transformers were investigated. These defects include corona in oil, a void in pressboard, a metal object at floating potential, surface discharge in oil, a free bubble in oil and small free metallic particles in oil. The characteristics of disturbing discharge sources were analyzed, like corona in air, surface discharge in air, and discharge from an unearthed object near to the test setup. The PD activity was recorded both in the time domain and phase domain, and possible characteristics for each PD pattern and waveform were extracted in order to find the best characteristic for the purpose of classification. The results show that in the phase domain parameters such as phase of occurrence, repetition rate and shape of PD Pattern are most suitable for classification while magnitude of discharge can only be useful in specific cases. The results show that the PD waveforms correlated to different defects are similar; however the time domain data include all the information from the phase domain, and also has the power to identify the number of PD sources. The PD dependency on temperature was investigated on the four test objects including surface discharges in oil, corona in oil, bubble discharges in oil, and metal object at floating potential. The effect of humidity was investigated for corona in oil. The results show that at higher temperature the corona activity in oil and PD activity due to a metal object at floating potential in oil decrease. However, for a bubble in oil and for surface discharge in oil the PD activity increases with the increase of the oil temperature. It was shown that the amount of moisture in oil has a strong impact on number of corona pulses in oil. The last part focused on ageing of oil-impregnated paper due to PD activity. Investigation was made of the behavior of PD activity and its corresponding parameters such as PD repetition rate and magnitude, from inception until complete puncture breakdown. The results show that both the number and magnitude of PD increase over time until they reach to a peak value. After this point over time both curves decrease slowly, and eventually full breakdown occurs. The effect of thermal ageing of oil impregnated paper on time to breakdown and PD parameters was investigated. The results show that thermal aging of oil-impregnated paper increases the number and magnitude of PD. Dielectric spectroscopy was performed on the samples before and after PD ageing and the result was used in order to explain the behavior of PD over time. / <p>QC 20121129</p>
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Power systems with local PV-generation and battery storage for peak shaving to provide flexibility services to the utility gridJansson, Vincent January 2022 (has links)
Due to the increased demand for electricity in recent years and the estimated demand in the future it has become clear that the capacity of the Swedish electrical grid is insufficient, and the grid is not able deliver the amount of power that is demanded by the market. The crucial points in the grid where the grid capacity is insufficient could be several. It could be in the transmission system but also at locations in the distribution system, such as congestion points for residential areas for example. For the grid to be able to meet the new demands large investments are needed to renew electricity grid. This will cost a lot of money and it will take several years before the grid capacity is up to scale. A problem is that the grid must be dimensioned for the highest power peaks that could be expected even though these might occur just a few times every year. As a response to this a new market for flexibility solutions in the grid has arisen. An example of a flexibility solution is a method called peak-shaving. Peak-shaving is a method that levels out the overall load-profile and so on reduces the highest power-peaks. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how integrated power systems with battery storageinstalled in household villas could implement peak-shaving with the purpose of providing a flexibility-service to the grid. The study includes theoretical simulations, as well as practical experiments and performance analyses of installed systems. The study also includes an investigation how the current price model and tax rules create incentives for costumers to provide this flexibility service. Firstly, a theoretical simulation model in MATLAB was developed that could make a virtual simulation of the result from implementation of peak-shaving based on historical data of the power profile of the household. After this, experimental tests were conducted for three households where peak-shaving was implemented. With the data from the experiments the performance and potential deficiency of the installed systems could be analysed. With the recorded data from the experiments and with collected data of the hourly based price for electricity it could be studied what impact peak-shaving has on the costs for the household and so on what incentives the price model and tax rules creates to implement peak-shaving.What could be concluded in the study was that peak-shaving has a good potential to reduce power-peaks and provide flexibility to the grid. The results from the tests showed that the power-peaks were able to be reduced but the power systems did however have some observed deficiencies that reduced their performance. It could also be concluded that the current price model and tax rules often increases the costs when implementing peak-shaving and so on create poor incentives to provide this flexibility service.
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