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Power systems with local PV-generation and battery storage for peak shaving to provide flexibility services to the utility gridJansson, Vincent January 2022 (has links)
Due to the increased demand for electricity in recent years and the estimated demand in the future it has become clear that the capacity of the Swedish electrical grid is insufficient, and the grid is not able deliver the amount of power that is demanded by the market. The crucial points in the grid where the grid capacity is insufficient could be several. It could be in the transmission system but also at locations in the distribution system, such as congestion points for residential areas for example. For the grid to be able to meet the new demands large investments are needed to renew electricity grid. This will cost a lot of money and it will take several years before the grid capacity is up to scale. A problem is that the grid must be dimensioned for the highest power peaks that could be expected even though these might occur just a few times every year. As a response to this a new market for flexibility solutions in the grid has arisen. An example of a flexibility solution is a method called peak-shaving. Peak-shaving is a method that levels out the overall load-profile and so on reduces the highest power-peaks. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how integrated power systems with battery storageinstalled in household villas could implement peak-shaving with the purpose of providing a flexibility-service to the grid. The study includes theoretical simulations, as well as practical experiments and performance analyses of installed systems. The study also includes an investigation how the current price model and tax rules create incentives for costumers to provide this flexibility service. Firstly, a theoretical simulation model in MATLAB was developed that could make a virtual simulation of the result from implementation of peak-shaving based on historical data of the power profile of the household. After this, experimental tests were conducted for three households where peak-shaving was implemented. With the data from the experiments the performance and potential deficiency of the installed systems could be analysed. With the recorded data from the experiments and with collected data of the hourly based price for electricity it could be studied what impact peak-shaving has on the costs for the household and so on what incentives the price model and tax rules creates to implement peak-shaving.What could be concluded in the study was that peak-shaving has a good potential to reduce power-peaks and provide flexibility to the grid. The results from the tests showed that the power-peaks were able to be reduced but the power systems did however have some observed deficiencies that reduced their performance. It could also be concluded that the current price model and tax rules often increases the costs when implementing peak-shaving and so on create poor incentives to provide this flexibility service.
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The Potential of Data Centre Participation in Ancillary Service Markets in SwedenHansson, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Today’s society already requires a great connectivity network. This need will only increase in the future, and EDGE data centres are concepts meeting this future need, where the computational power is deployed close to the end user. They are defined, in this thesis, as a concept including different nodes, or data centres, located in proximity connected and participating in the market as one entity. The electricity grid in the Nordics is also a complex system. Many types of interactions with the grid exist and depend on the type of stakeholder. One collection of such interactions is ancillary services, which refer to different types of measures that maintain a reliable grid and electricity system. Electricity consumers within the grid network have the potential to interact and participate in these different functions. In this thesis, the participation of data centres, or EDGE data centres in ancillary services market, is studied. This thesis modelled different scenarios of an EDGE data centre with the grid network. Scenario 1 looked into self-consumption; scenario 2 looked into spot trading; scenario 3 looked into the FCR-N market; scenario 4 looked into the FCR-D markets; and scenario 5 looked into the combination of self-consumption and the FCR-D markets. It is observed from the results that scenario 4 generated the most favourable economic benefits. The results in relation to the price areas (zones in Sweden) were varied for the results. The price area SE4 gave better results for scenarios 1, 2, and 5 as compared to others. The best price area for scenarios 3 and 4 was from the SE1 zone. It is observed from the results that the potential benefit of the different ancillary markets exist and are at times favourable. Hence, there lies a future potential for the participation of EDGE networks in the electricity market thereby generating benefits for the data centres as well as stability for the grid. / Dagens samhälle kräver redan ett bra nätverk för uppkoppling. Detta behov kommer bara att öka i framtiden, och EDGE:s datacenter är koncept som uppfyller detta framtida behov, där datakraften placeras nära slutanvändaren. De definieras i denna avhandling som ett koncept som omfattar olika noder, eller servrar, som är placerade i närheten av varandra och som deltar på marknaden som en enhet. Elnätet i Norden är också ett komplext system. Det finns många olika typer av interaktioner med elnätet som beror på vilken typ av aktör det är fråga om. En samling av sådana interaktioner är stödtjänster, som avser olika typer av åtgärder som upprätthåller ett tillförlitligt nät och elsystem. Elkonsumenter inom elnätet har möjlighet att interagera och delta i dessa olika funktioner. I den här avhandlingen undersöks datacentraler, eller EDGE-datacenter, som deltar. I denna avhandling har olika scenarier för EDGE-datacenter modellerats i förhållande till elnätet. I scenario 1 undersöktes självkonsumtion, i scenario 2 spothandel, i scenario 3 FCR-N-marknaden, i scenario 4 FCR-D-marknader och i scenario 5 en kombination av självkonsumtion och FCR-D-marknader. I korthet gav scenario 4 de mest gynnsamma ekonomiska fördelarna. De potentiella miljöfördelarna diskuteras och kan inte lika lätt kvantifieras. Resultaten i förhållande till prisområdena varierade för resultaten. Prisområde SE4 gav de bästa resultaten för scenario 1 och 2 samt 5. Det bästa prisområdet för scenario 3 och 4 var SE1. Det framgår tydligt av denna avhandling att de potentiella fördelarna med de olika stödmarknaderna finns och att de vid vissa tillfällen är mycket gynnsamma med tanke på de höga lagringskostnaderna. EDGE-nätverkens framtida potentiella deltagande ger positiva resultat i både ekonomiska och miljömässiga termer.
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Price policy estimation for Demand Response of heat-pump-based loads / Prissättningspolicy för uppskattning av eferfrågeflexibilitet med värmepumsbaserade lasterGil Simancas, Carlos Eduardo January 2023 (has links)
The electricity grids have become a key player in the society. An increased usage of electricity is both a result from the more electrified society, but also as a main solver in reaching the climate goals by reducing emissions. This thesis work explores some of the new features for the electricity grid from integration of electrification from renewable energy resources (RES) and from strategies for energy optimization related to the loads and specifically from thermal heat pumps. These strategies lie in the field of demand response, which takes advantage of the flexibility of loads in terms of willingness to switch or decrease their consumption at a particular moment of the day. This research proposes a three-step framework to harness the flexibility of Thermo-Statically controlled loads (TCLs) based on a simulated grey-box building model that uses historical outside temperature and prices data and learns the thermal parameters such as Thermal Resistance, Thermal Capacitance, but also price responsiveness (pth ) through a Differential Evolution (DE) based optimization algorithm. The price responsiveness is used to provide further insight into the flexibility of the loads and is employed in the last step to propose a price policy estimation algorithm also based on DE that minimizes the gap between supply and demand while preserving supplier and customer profitability. The proposed approach has proven to be accurate for a large number of parameters but also effective with reduced training data (prediction errors around 2.5% on the power average and standard deviation), as well as to be successful in providing a Day-Ahead Real-Time Price policy that maximizes supplier and customer utility. The price policy provides a lower total price for the customer compared with a tariff without demand response (reduction up to 53.63 %), reduces the gap between RES-based energy sources and heating demand, and respects grid technical constraints. / Elnätet har blivit en nyckelaktör i samhället. En ökad elanvändning är både ett resultat av det mer elektrifierade samhället, men också som en huvudlösare för att nå klimatmålen genom att minska utsläpp. Detta examensarbete undersöker några av de nya funktionerna för elnätet från integration av elektrifiering från förnybara energiresurser (RES) och från strategier för energioptimering relaterade till ellaster och specifikt från termiska värmepumpar. Dessa strategier ligger inom området för efterfrågerespons, som drar fördel av lasternas flexibilitet när det gäller viljan att byta eller minska sin konsumtion vid en viss tidpunkt på dagen. Den här forskningen föreslår ett ramverk i tre steg för att utnyttja flexibiliteten hos termostatiskt kontrollerade laster (TCL) baserat på en simulerad gråbox-byggnadsmodell som använder historisk utomhustemperatur och prisdata och lär sig de termiska parametrarna som termisk motstånd, termisk kapacitans , men också priskänslighet (pth) genom en Differential Evolution (DE) baserad optimeringsalgoritm. Priskänsligheten används för att ge ytterligare insikt om lasternas flexibilitet och används i det sista steget för att föreslå en prispolitisk uppskattningsalgoritm också baserad på DE som minimerar klyftan mellan utbud och efterfrågan samtidigt som leverantörs- och kundlönsamheten bevaras. Det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet har visat sig vara korrekt för ett stort antal parametrar men också effektivt med reducerad träningsdata (förutsägelsefel runt 2,5% på effektmedelvärde och standardavvikelse), samt vara framgångsrik i att tillhandahålla en Day-Ahead Real -Tidsprispolicy som maximerar leverantörs- och kundnyttan. Prispolicyn ger ett lägre totalpris för kunden jämfört med en tariff utan efterfrågerespons (reduktion upp till 53, 63 %), minskar gapet mellan RES-baserade energikällor och värmebehov samt följer nättekniska begränsningar.
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