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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy Audit in two Multifamily Buildings and Economical Evaluation of possible Improvements : Case Study of District-heated Buildings with Mechanical Ventilation located in middle Sweden

Nkweto, Henry January 2018 (has links)
The energy performance of the buildings is important for economic and environmental aspect. The building energy use is gradually increasing. This is due to economical growth and increase in population. There are various energy efficiency measures that can be implemented provided they are economically feasible. Several Studies show that the implementation of energy saving measures such as thermal insulation results in more energy saving. However, most of the outlined measures are not economically viable. The paper outlines the energy efficiency measures through the use of the computer IDA ICE software. The evaluation of energy performance of two multifamily houses was conducted and possible suggestions such as thermal insulation, change of the windows, installing new air handling unit, installing heat exchange in the showers, improving the thermal bridges and change of schedules were presented. The economic feasibility of the suggestions is analysed using the life cycle cost to determine the economic viability of the energy measures. This involved determine the investment cost and life cycle saving cost to decide the best option. The most important factor in determining life-cycle saving is the modified uniform net present factor.  The addition of attic insulation, replacement of lighting bulbs, installing heat exchange in the showers and change of schedules, meet the economical requirement within the required time frame. The total energy saving from the measures that meet the economical requirement was approximately 71 MWh/year for Centralgatan 14 and 54 MWh/year of Tebogatan 5 corresponding to 24 % for Centralgatan 14 and 20.4 % of Tebogatan 5 reduction in heating demand. Replacement of lighting bulbs results in 5 MWh/year and 7.51 MWh/year  electricity energy saving for Tebogatan 5 and Centralgatan 14 respectively. The integration of energy measures has less impact on thermal comfort. The energy measures implementaed are within the acceptable limit of < 15 % PPD for thermal comfort apart from the combined effect of adding 200 mm external insulation plus lowering indoor temperature. Key word: energy audit, economical anaylysis, life cycle savings, investment cost, energy efficiency, IDA ICE

Arbetsgivarvarumärke och minskad personalomsättning : En fallstudie för IT-konsultbranschen

Renström, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Denna fallstudie syftar till att undersöka vilka dimensioner av ett arbetsgivarvarumärke ett IT-konsultföretag som arbetar i geografiskt utspridda arbetsgrupper kan använda för att minska sin personalomsättning. Ett arbetsgivarvarumärke kan användas både externt, i syfte att attrahera nya talanger, och internt, i syfte att behålla befintliga talanger och se till att tidigare anställda agerar goda ambassadörer för ett företag. Ett arbetsgivarvarumärke används för att förmedla vad det är som kännetecknar ett företag som arbetsgivare och vad det är som gör företaget unikt. Det interna arbetsgivarvarumärket kan användas för att minska personalomsättningen på ett företag, vilket är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt för företaget. Ett arbetsgivarvarumärke består av olika dimensioner, till exempel organisationskultur, arbetsmiljö och kompensation som beskriver företaget, dess roll och agerande som arbetsgivare. Kopplingen mellan arbetsgivarvarumärkets olika dimensioner och ett företags personalomsättning har undersökts inom olika branscher, bland annat banksektorn, men inte inom IT-konsultbranschen. Vidare har tidigare undersökningar som genomförts inte heller tagit hänsyn till arbete som genomförs i geografiskt utspridda arbetsgrupper. Denna studie genomfördes via en fallstudie inom IT-konsultbranschen på ett företag som arbetar i geografiskt utspridda arbetsgrupper. Denna fallstudie har genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tidigare anställda hos företaget undersökt kopplingen mellan nio olika dimensioner av ett arbetsgivarvarumärke och dess eventuella inverkan på företagets personalomsättning. De dimensioner som undersöktes var flexibla arbetstider, arbetsmiljö, kompensationsnivå, utbildning och avancemang, varumärkets anseende, självbestämmande vid utförandet av arbetsuppgifter, trygghet i anställningen, organisationskultur samt socialt ansvarstagande. Resultatet visar att de dimensioner som främst påverkar personalomsättningen positivt är flexibla arbetstider, arbetsmiljö, kompensationsnivå, Utbildning och avancemang, självbestämmande vid utförandet av arbetsuppgifter samt organisationskultur. Samtidigt påverkas både organisationskulturen, arbetsmiljön och gemenskapen på arbetsplatsen av arbetet i geografiskt utspridda arbetsgrupper.

Developing Inclusive Innovation Processes and Co-Evolutionary Approaches in Bolivia

Acevedo Peña, Carlos Gonzalo January 2015 (has links)
The concept of National Innovation Systems (NIS) has been widely adopted in developing countries, particularly in Latin American countries, for the last two decades. The concept is used mainly as an ex-ante framework to organize and increase the dynamics of those institutions linked to science, technology and innovation, for catching-up processes of development. In the particular case of Bolivia, and after several decades of social and economic crisis, the promise of a national innovation system reconciles a framework for collaboration between the university, the government and the socio-productive sectors. Dynamics of collaboration generated within NIS can be a useful tool for the pursuit of inclusive development ambitions.   This thesis is focused on inclusive innovation processes and the generation of co-evolutionary processes between university, government and socio-productive sectors. This is the result of 8 years of participatory action research influenced by Mode 2 knowledge-production and Technoscientific approaches.   The study explores the policy paths the Bolivian government has followed in the last three decades in order to organize science, technology and innovation. It reveals that Bolivia has an emerging national innovation system, where its demand-pulled innovation model presents an inclusive approach. Innovation policy efforts in Bolivia are led by the Vice-Ministry of Science and Technology (VCyT). Moreover, NIS involves relational and collaborative approaches between institutions, which imply structural and organizational challenges, particularly for public universities, as they concentrate most of the research capabilities in the country. These universities are challenged to participate in NIS within contexts of weak demanding sectors.    This research focuses on the early empirical approaches and transformations at Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) in Cochabamba. The aim to strengthen internal innovation capabilities of the university and enhance the relevance of research activities in society by supporting socio-economic development in the framework of innovation systems is led by the Technology Transfer Unit (UTT) at UMSS. UTT has become a recognized innovation facilitator unit, inside and outside the university, by proposing pro-active initiatives to support emerging innovation systems. Because of its complexity, the study focuses particularly on cluster development promoted by UTT. Open clusters are based on linking mechanisms between the university research capabilities, the socio-productive actors and government. Cluster development has shown to be a practical mechanism for the university to meet the demanding sector (government and socio-productive actors) and to develop trust-based inclusive innovation processes. The experiences from cluster activities have inspired the development of new research policies at UMSS, with a strong orientation to foster research activities towards an increased focus on socio-economic development. The experiences gained at UMSS are discussed and presented as a “developmental university” approach.   Inclusive innovation processes with co-evolutionary approaches seem to constitute an alternative path supporting achievement of inclusive development ambitions in Bolivia.


Myla, Bharath Kumar January 2017 (has links)
Microgrids are turning to be one of the most important factors for future power systems. In this thesis, the considered system consists of two resourses, namely Solar and Wind energy. These renewable energy sources are generally connected parallel in Microgrid system. In order to get better performance from Microgrid, the existing system has to be modified. This thesis presents the modeling and control of PV/wind Microgrid. Selection of suitable wind turbine and AC or DC Microgrid is clearly presented in thesis.             Microgrid concept integrates large amounts of micro sources without disrupting the operation of main utility grid. This hybrid Microgrid consists of PV/wind energy sources for DC and AC networks respectively. Energy storage systems may be connected to either AC or DC Microgrids. The proposed hybrid Microgrid operates in grid-tied or isolated mode. AC sources and loads are connected to AC network, whereas DC sources and loads are connected to DC network. Uncertainty and intermittent characteristics of wind speed, solar irradiation level, ambient temperature and load are additionally considered in the system model and operation.

Hälsoappar till diabetespatienter - hur effektivt är det som hjälp vid behandling och förebyggande av diabetes? / Healthapplications for diabetespatients - how effective is it for help with treatment and to prevent diabetes?

Malmberg, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Diabetes är en kronisk sjukdom som finns i form av diabetes typ 2 och diabetes typ 1. Den vanliga behandlingen för diabetes typ 2 är främst genom förändrade kost och motionsvanor. Det kan vara aktuellt med medicinering med orala tabletter och i vissa fall insulin. I diabetes typ 1 är behandlingen alltid med insulininjektioner. För att förbättra behandling, förebygga sjukdom och ge patienter mera information så finns det idag på marknaden många applikationer (appar) att ladda ned till sina digitala enheter. För att dessa ska vara klassade som en medicinteknisk produkt ska de vara CE-märkta. Det finns många appar som ger hjälp med viktnedgång, diet, insulindosering, loggar för glukosvärde, påminnelser för medicinering och så vidare. Appar tros kunna förbättra för diabetespatienter då de till stor del själva ska sköta sin sjukdom och dessutom minska kostnader då diabetessjukdomar och komplikationer av diabetes kostar samhället otroliga mängder pengar. Trots att appar har exploderat på marknaden så har inte många studier utförts. Det pågår forskning och studier inom området och det är väldigt intressant att se vad vi kan göra med den moderna teknik som hela tiden går framåt. Syftet med det här litteraturarbetet är att undersöka om appar kan vara till hjälp för att förebygga eller behandla patienter med diabetes och vilka effekter de kan innebära att använda appar. Studierna som undersökts visade att appar har haft positiva effekter och varit till stor hjälp och stöd, samt förbättrat glukosvärden och gett information om bland annat insulin till patienter. Att ta hjälp av appar har varit stor motivation till viktnedgång och förbättrad hälsa för diabetespatienter. Studierna har visat att appar kan vara ett bra komplement till patienter men ska inte ersätta den standardterapi som finns. Användning av appar kan vara ett bra stöd till behandling och för att förebygga att insjukna i diabetes typ 2 genom livsstilsförändringar. Att använda appar sparar också samhället pengar genom att färre drabbas av sjukdomen. Om patienter får mer information och kan sköta sin diabetes ännu bättre så blir det även mindre komplikationer av sjukdomen. / Diabetes is a chronicle disease and can be divided in to two types of diabetes, diabetes type 2 and diabetes type 1. The treatment for diabetes type 2 is often just a lifestyle change involving exercise and diet. But you can also treat it with oral medication and sometimes insulin. Diabetes type 1 is always treated with insulininjections. To improve treatment, prevent disease and to inform patients about their conditions there are many applications (apps) to download to your digital devices. For these apps to qualify as a medical product they have to be certified with a CE-mark. There is many apps to help individuals with weight-loss, diet, insulindosage, diary for glucosevalues, medicationreminders and so on. Apps could of value to patients with diabetes since they have to manage their condition themselves and it can also save money since diabetes and complications from diabetes cost the society a lot of money. Although the amount of apps on the market and increasing, not a lot of studies have evaluated their effects. But the research is ongoing and it is very interesting to see what can happen with apps and digital support to help patients in our digital world that is always heading forward. In this report it will be investigated if apps can be effective and of help to diabetespatients for treatment, support, information and to prevent diabetes type 2. In the studies evaluated it has been shown that apps have had positive effects and has been of support and help for patients. It has improved glucosevalues and given a lot of important information to diabetespatients, about the usage of insulin among other things. The apps have been effective to motivate weight-loss and motivate patients to live healthier. Apps have been a good complement to the usual therapy, but should not replace it. To combine treatment with support from apps seems to be a valuable thing for information, help and to prevent individuals to get diabetes type 2.

Value creation through digital solutions in the energy industry : A case study at Skellefteå Kraft AB

Alm, Christoffer, Dahlgren, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis is to gain a better understanding of how value creation can be achieved with digital solutions in the energy industry. More specifically, this research aims to increase the understanding of factors that affect customer value in form of exploring the customers’ digital wants and needs. Method – This master thesis uses a combination of exploratory and descriptive approach which is based on qualitative data gathered from semi-structured interviews with area experts and focus groups with customers. In this study three area experts and four focus groups were included. The gathered data were analyzed through an abductive analysis approach and a thematic coding. Findings – The research found three main findings that energy company’s need to take into consideration. The first is that the energy industry needs to simplify the energy concept since customers’ state that the industry is too complex at the moment. Second is that value creation can be achieved in form of a superior mobile application where customers’ have the ability to follow their consumption and can gain improved customer care. The last main finding from this study show that there may be a lot of changes in the energy industry in the future, which entails many possibilities for energy companies to improve customer value. Recommendations – The recommendations from this study is that energy companies need to address that the driving force to buy in the energy industry is that customers want to like their energy company. The energy industry must change their focus and provide marketing strategies that are appealing to the customers’ emotions. Companies in the energy industry also need to deal with the increasing digitalization that is affecting society everywhere. The development of a great mobile application will improve a lot of things for the customers such as making their consumption controllable and easier to grasp, which will make them more satisfied. It is also recommended that energy companies in Sweden unite and together make a proposition to the EU to drop the regulations on electricity charges in order to unlock energy companies’ ability to make energy subscription customer friendly. Research contribution – This master thesis contributes to the three dimensions that customer value derived from, in the energy industry digital solutions affect functional and emotional value but has low impact on social value. It also occurred that simplicity, control, better information and customers’ buy with their heart are key factors that contributes to customer value in the industry, which contributes to both theoretical and practical. Digitalization are also moving fast in the energy industry which companies need to embrace right away and take action to not fall behind. Paper type – Master thesis

En beslutsanalytisk granskning av Times Higher Education World University Rankings

Sjöstedt, Gustaf January 2018 (has links)
I detta examensarbete granskas, utifrån ett beslutsanalytiskt perspektiv, metodologin för lärosätesrankningen Times Higher Education World University Rankings, som rangordnar universitet med avseende på deras kvalitet för utbildning, forskning, kunskapsöverföring samt internationalisering. Först konstateras att rankningen ifråga skapas utifrån åtminstone fyra olika val, nämligen val av indikatorer, val av en kumulativ fördelningsfunktion via z-skalning som normaliseringsmetod, val av a priori/fasta viktkoefficienter samt val av en additiv aggregeringsmetod. Dessa val har följder som kan ses som problematiska. Ett antal av de indikatorer som valts för att representera kvalitén hos lärosäten skulle kunna ses som mindre adekvata då de i vissa fall skulle kunna sakna ett tydligt samband till lärosäteskvalité. Det föreligger även en risk för mindre adekvata värderingar vid normaliseringsprocessen då nyttofunktionerna för indikatorerna förutsätts vara strängt växande men där denna nyttofunktion för vissa indikatorer kan ifrågasättas. Vidare föreligger en risk för fenomenet inbördes byte av ordning hos oförändrade alternativ inom rankningen vilket pekar på ett grundläggande metodproblem eftersom det innebär att den inbördes rangordningen mellan två alternativ inte bara beror på underliggande deskriptiva data och värderingen av dessa, utan även på vilka andra alternativ som ingår i rankningen. Till sist konstateras även en risk för negativa följder utifrån fenomenet icke-stödda effektiva alternativ som är en konsekvens av den kompensatoriska modell som följer av additiv aggregering. Då användaren eller granskaren av rankningen inte har tillgång till underliggande deskriptiva data kan han/hon inte bedöma om ett alternativ som han/hon i något avseende betraktar som oacceptabelt ändå rangordnas högre än ett alternativ som är acceptabelt i alla avseenden.

Quai-Passive 5.8 GHz Front-End Design and Implementation for Vital Signs Detection

Kalvér, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the possibility to measure vital signs, such as heartbeat and respiratory rate, by developing a RF-front end for wireless detection. The RF-front has been developed and manufactured as a continuous wave Doppler radar receiver, which utilizes quadrature demodulation by means of a multi-port correlator together with power detectors for down conversion. This thesis has been part of an ongoing research project at Link¨opings University, to develop a sensor platform for wireless vital signs detection. This sensor platform has been broken down into two major parts, a radar RF front-end system and a back-end digital signal processing system. The back-end system consist of data acquisition- and a processing-part. It was shown that very low-frequency signals emulating vital signs can be detected, when direct frequency conversion and demodulation are performed with the multi-port detector. Due to the limitations of the instruments, 10-Hz signals were demonstrated.

Teknikens påverkan på taktikutvecklingen : Ett bidrag till marin teoriutveckling

Dalén, Måns January 2017 (has links)
The aim is to study the current theory of the causal link between technological development and tactical development. The study will investigate how the implementation of new technology affects the development of tactics through the development of theories. The work will investigate whether there is new technological development that creates new tactical possibilities and changes use of tactics, or if there is a tendency for new technologies to be adapted to existing operations and thereby leaving tactics unchanged. The study attempts to explain the connection by typing and developing an existing theory to contribute to the theory development in technology and tactics.  This investigation has explained the causal link between technology and tactics through an existing theory. The work has through the study strengthened the theory and identified another cause of causation in the technology and tactics area. The study has therefore contributed to a theory development.

Evaluating a Power Supply System for a Small-Scale Cocoa Processing Plant : A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach

Rothoff, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
The global supply and demand of energy is facing different challenges. On one hand an increasing energy demand, foremost in developing countries, and an increasing pressure on reaching climate goals changes the requirements on the design of power supply systems. This may be particularly relevant in terms of decentralized energy solutions and hybrid systems that incorporates renewable energy sources. This study exemplifies the use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to evaluate different power supply alternatives for a small-scale cocoa processing plant (SSCPP), placed in Côte d´Ivoire. MCDA is an analytical approach to evaluate decision alternatives according to certain criteria, with the aim to find a preferred alternative. The function of a cocoa processing plant depends highly on its power supply. This study has been performed by first analysing the energy needs of the processing plant, which includes electricity, heating and cooling. Based on those specific energy needs different power supply alternatives have been created. In a following evaluation it has been exemplified how MCDA can be used within the energy sector to evaluate different alternatives. Within this exemplifying evaluation, following power supply solutions have been considered: power grid, power grid with back-up generator, power grid with LPG-heating (Liquified Petroleum Gas), power grid with solar energy, off-grid solar system with back-up generator and an off-grid generator with heat exchanger. The evaluation of alternatives has been made by using the three evaluation attributes: levelized cost of energy (LCOE), loss of load hours (LOLH) and carbon footprint of energy (CFOE).

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