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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding the Role of Lattice Defects and Metal Composition Ratio on the Photochemistry of CuFeO<sub>2</sub> toward Solar Energy Conversion

Fugate, Elizabeth Anne 11 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.


RODRIGO RANGEL RIBEIRO BEZERRA 02 February 2016 (has links)
[pt] O Problema de Roteirização de Veículos (Vehicle Routing Problem - VRP) é um problema clássico combinatório bem conhecido. Este trabalho apresenta um novo fator no modelo de otimização matemática de otimização do VRP, considerando restrições que abordam a probabilidade de roubo de cargas nas regiões visitadas, além das restrições tradicionais, tais como o número de veículos, janelas de tempo, a capacidade do veículo e tempo de ciclo dos veículos. O modelo desenvolvido é testado em um estudo de caso real, considerando uma empresa de distribuição de produtos farmacêuticos do Rio de Janeiro. As soluções de rota com e sem risco de roubo de carga são comparadas. O modelo é resolvido usando o software AIMMS, para análises com instância pequenas, e resolvidas executando a Metaheurística Simulated Annealing, para o estudo de caso, onde se utiliza de duas instâncias. / [en] The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a classic well-known combinatorial problem. This paper introduces a new factor in the VRP mathematical optimization model, considering restrictions that address the probability of cargo theft in the regions visited, beyond the traditional constraints such as the number of vehicles, time windows, the capacity of the vehicle and the vehicle s cycle time. The paper proposes a mixed integer linear model that minimizes total transportation costs and cargo theft costs. The model is tested in a real-life case study, a company that distributes pharmaceutical products in Rio de Janeiro. The route solutions with and without cargo theft risk are compared. The model is solved using AIMMS software for analysis with small instance, and resolved by running the Simulated Annealing Metaheuristic, for the case study, which uses two instances.

The Effect of Temperature Gradients During Intercritical Annealing of Advanced High Strength Steels : Method Development for Experimental Streamlining

Ek Jendrny, Helena January 2023 (has links)
The third-generation advanced high strength steels, AHSS, represent an opportunity for today’s steel development, where lighter materials with maintained strength and toughness are in demand. The unique properties of these materials often stem from a tailored microstructure. In the continued development of these steels, without relying on expensive alloying methods, process design in the form of precise heat treatments plays an increasingly important role. This work focuses on Medium Mn AHSS with the aim of investigating one of these heat treatments, intercritical annealing, which is essential for achieving the desired material properties. Experimental testing of annealing effects is acknowledged to be a challenging process, and this study aims to present a novel approach for these types of tests. During experimental testing of intercritical annealing, the thermomechanical testing system Gleeble 3800 is a recognized tool. The mounting technique employed in the Gleeble results in an inhomogeneous heat distribution in the samples, generating a thermal gradient. This report aims to utilize this gradient as an opportunity to test the effect of several intercritical annealing temperatures on one sample, thereby increasing the efficiency of experimental work. The method is based on data retrieved from thermocouples attached to the specimen during Gleeble trials with the intent to identify the thermal gradient. This data is combined with x-ray diffraction measurements where the retained austenite fraction is measured. Thermodynamic calculations of expected retained austenite fraction following intercritical annealing are performed parallel to experimental work. The results of this work show that it is possible to utilize the thermal gradient to retrieve extensive data regarding the effect of intercritical annealing using only one sample. The results show a distinct thermal gradient and a corresponding gradient of retained austenite fraction along the specimen. The results for retained austenite fraction at room temperature can be rationalized on the basis of computational predictions. These variations potentially arise due to the material not reaching equilibrium within the annealing timeframe. This conclusion is supported by other computational results concerning austenite composition. In summary, the present work illustrates a new approach streamlining experimental work that, with some refinements, has the potential to benefit the broader scienitific community, in addition to providing a powerful new tool for rapid technological advancement in the steel industry / Tredje generationens avancerade höghållfasta stål representerar en möjlighet för dagens stålutveckling där lättare material med bibehållen styrka och seghet efterfrågas. De unika egenskaperna hos dessa material härrör ofta frän en skräddarsydd mikrostruktur. Vid fortsatt utveckling av dessa stål är det önskvärt att minimera användningen av legeringsämnen, vilket betyder att processdesign i form av korrekta värmebehandlingar blir  av  stor  betydelse.  Detta  arbete  fokuserar  på  Medium  Mn  avancerade höghållfasta stål med syftet att undersöka en av dessa värmebehandlingar, interkritisk glödgning,  vilken  har  en  avgörande  betydelse  för  att  uppnå önskad  prestanda. Experimentell  testning  av  glödgningseffekter  anses  vara  en  utmanande  process och avsikten med denna studie är att presentera ett nytt tillvägagångssätt för denna typ av test. Under experimentell utvärdering av glödgningseffekter används ofta det termomekaniska testsystemet  Gleeble  3800.  Provmonteringen  i  Gleeblen  resulterar i en  inhomogen värmefördelning i proverna vilket medför en temperaturgradient. Denna rapport syftar till att använda gradienten som en möjlighet att testa effekten av flera  glödgningstemperaturer  på  ett  enda  prov  och  därigenom  öka  effektiviteten i det  experimentella  arbetet.  Metoden  grundas  på  data  från  termoelement  fästa  på provet under Gleebleförsök, med avsikt att identifiera den termiska gradienten. Denna data kombineras sedan med XRD-mätningar där austenitfraktion efter värmebehandling utvärderas.  Termodynamiska  beräkningar  av  förväntad  austenitfraktion  efter interkritisk glödgning genomförs parallellt med experimentellt arbete. Resultaten  från  detta  arbete  påvisar  att  den  presenterade  metoden  är  genomförbar då omfattande data gällande interkritisk glödgningseffekt grundat på endast ett prov erhålls. Resultaten visar en tydlig termisk gradient och en motsvarande gradient av austenitfraktion längs provet, vilka är i överensstämmelse med tidigare experimentella resultat för samma material. Resultaten för austenitfraktion vid rumstemperatur uppvisar  betydande  likheter  med  de  termodymiska  beräkningarna, med  några  undantag. Orsaken till dessa variationer ¨ar troligen en otillräcklig glödgningstid, vilket gör att  materialet  inte  når  jämvikt.  Denna  hypotes  stöds  av andra  beräkningsresultat gällande austenitens sammansättning. Sammanfattningsvis presenterar denna rapport ett nytt tillvägagångssätt för att effektivisera experimentellt arbete, som med vissa förbättringar har potential att gynna det bredare forskarsamhället.

Highly-doped germanium nanowires: fabrication, characterization, and application

Echresh, Ahmad 25 July 2023 (has links)
Germanium (Ge) is the most compatible semiconductor material with silicon-based complementary metal-oxide semiconductor technology, which has higher electron and hole mobility than Si, leading to enhanced device performance. In addition, semiconductor nanowires (NWs) have attracted significant attention as promising candidates for next-generation nanoscale devices. Due to their unique geometry and physical properties, NWs show excellent optical and electrical properties such as quantum size effects, enhanced light absorption, and high biological and chemical sensitivity. Furthermore, high response to light irradiation is one of the most significant properties of semiconductor NWs, which makes them excellent candidates for photodetectors. Hence, Ge NWs are promising high-mobility nanostructures for optoelectronic devices. Despite constant improvement in the performance of single NW-based devices, determining their electrical properties remains challenging. Here, a symmetric six-contact Hall bar configuration is developed for top-down fabricated highly doped Ge NWs with different widths down to 30 nm, which simultaneously facilitates Hall effect and four-probe resistance measurements. Furthermore, accurate control of doping and fabrication of metal contacts on n-type doped Ge NWs with low resistance and linear characteristics remain significant challenges in Ge-based devices. Therefore, a combined approach is reported to fabricate Ohmic contacts on n-type doped Ge NWs using ion implantation and rear-side flash lamp annealing. This approach allows the fabrication of axial p–n junctions along the single NWs with different widths. The fabricated devices demonstrated rectifying characteristics in dark conditions. The photoresponse of the axial p–n junction photodetectors was investigated under three different illumination wavelengths of 637 nm, 785 nm, and 1550 nm. Moreover, the fabricated axial p–n junction photodetector demonstrated a high-frequency response up to 1 MHz at zero bias.

Process chain simulation of forming, welding and heat treatment of Alloy 718

Steffenburg-Nordenström, Joachim January 2017 (has links)
Manufacturing of aero engine components requires attention to residual stress and final shape of the product in order to meet high quality product standards.This sets very high demands on involved manufacturing steps to meet design requirements. Simulation of manufacturing processes can therefore be animportant tool to contribute to quality assurance.The focus in this work is on simulation of a manufacturing process chain comprising of sheet metal forming, welding and a stress relief heat treatment.Simulation of sheet metal forming can be used to design a forming tool design that accounts for the material behaviour, e.g. spring back, and avoid problems such as wrinkling, thinning and cracking. Moreover, the simulation can also show how the material is stretched and work hardened. The residual stresses after forming may be of local character or global depending on the shape that is formed. However, the heat affected zone due to welding is located near the weld.The weld also causes large residual stresses with the major component along the weld. It is found that the magnitude of the residual stresses after welding is affected by remaining stresses from the previous sheet metal forming. The final stress relieve treatment will relax these residual stresses caused by e.g. forming and welding. However, this causes additional deformations.The main focus of this study is on how a manufacturing process step affects the subsequent step when manufacturing a component of the nickel-based super alloy 718. The chosen route and geometry is a simplified leading edge of an exhaust case guide vane. The simulations were validated versus experiments. The computed deformations were compared with measurements after each manufacturing step. The overall agreement between experiments and measurement was good. However, not sufficiently accurate considering the required tolerance of the component. It was found from simulations that the residual stresses after each process affects the subsequent step. After a complete manufacturing process chain which ends with a stress relief heat treatment the residual stresses were not negligible. VIII Special experiments were performed for studying the stress relief in order to understand how the stresses evolve through the heat treatment cycle during relaxation. It was found that the stresses were reduced already during the beginning of the heating up sequence due to decreasing Young´s modulus and yield stress with increasing temperature. Relaxation due to creep starts when a certain temperature was reached which gave a permanent stress relief.

Shift Design and Driver Scheduling Problem / Skift design och schemaläggning för förare

Alvianto Priyanto, Criss January 2018 (has links)
Scheduling problem and shift design problems are well known NP-hard problems within the optimization area. Often time, the two problems are studied individually. In this thesis however, we are looking at the combination of both problems. More specifically, the aim of this thesis is to suggest an optimal scheduling policy given that there are no predefined shifts to begin with. The duration of a shift, along with the start and end time may vary. Thus we have proposed to split the problem into two sub-problems: weekly scheduling problem and daily scheduling problem. As there are no exact solution methods that are feasible, two meta-heuristics method has been employed to solve the sub-problems: Simulated Annealing (SA) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). We have provided proofs of concepts for both methods as well as explored the scalability. This is especially important as the number of employee is expected to grow significantly throughout the year. The results obtained has shown to be promising and can be built upon for further capabilities. / Schemaläggning och skiftdesignsproblem är välkända och välstuderade NP-svåra beslutsproblem inom optimeringsområdet. Oftast så studeras dessa problem enskilt, men i detta arbete så studeras en kombination av båda problemen. Mer specifikt är målet med detta arbete att föreslå ett förnuftigt handlingsätt till att skapa ett veckoschema där skift inte är predefinierade för alla veckor. Starttiden, sluttiden och varaktigheten av ett skift kan förändras från vecka till vecka. Därför har problemet delats upp till två delar: Veckoschemaläggnings- och dagsschemaläggningsproblem. Trots uppdelningen så är båda delproblem för komplexa för att lösas exakt. Därför har två metaheuristiska metoder använts som lösningsmetoder: Simulerad Glödgning och Genetisk Algoritm. I detta arbete bevisas båda lösningsmetoderna till att vara bra nog, och dessutom studeras även skalbarheten av modellen. Detta senare är särskilt viktigt eftersom antal anställda som ska schemaläggas förväntas att öka genomåren. De erhållna resultaten har visat sig vara lovande och bevisligen så kan modellen expanderas med er villkor

Формирование заряженных микро- и нанодоменных стенок в монокристаллах ниобата лития с модифицированной проводимостью : магистерская диссертация / Formation of charged micro- and nanodomain walls in single crystals of lithium niobate with modified conductivity

Pryakhina, V. I., Пряхина, В. И. January 2014 (has links)
The formation of the micro- and nanodomain structures during polarization reversal has been studied in single crystal lithium niobate with inhomogeneously modified conductivity. It is well known that the vacuum annealing and plasma-source ion irradiation of the lithium niobate crystals leads to sufficient increase of the bulk conductivity due to out-diffusion of the oxygen from the sample surface. Creation of layers with modified conductivity leads to inhomogeneous distribution of applied electric field in bulk of ferroelectric crystals. Polarization reversal in such a crystals permits to localize charged domain walls in the bulk. Methods of creation of charged domain walls can be used for the construction of the waveguide structures, optical modulators and resonators. The main conclusions of the work: 1) It was shown that plasma-source ion irradiation and vacuum annealing leads to inhomogeneous change of absorption and increase of the conductivity, which can be attributed to the out-diffusion of oxygen and lithium segregation in the surface layer of crystal. 2) Inhomogeneous distribution of electric field in the bulk of modified crystals leads to significant decrease of switched layer thickness. 3) Effect of formation and growth of non-through domains with charged domain walls has been revealed. 4) Analysis of switching current by modified Kolmogorov-Avraami formula permit to determine mobility of domain wall and threshold filed of polarization reversal. / Целью работы являлось экспериментальное исследование формирования микро- и нанодоменных структур в монокристаллах ниобата лития с неоднородно модифицированной проводимостью. Известно, что обработка воздействием низкоэнергетичного ионно-плазменного облучения и восстановительного отжига приводит к резкому увеличению проводимости кристаллов за счёт аут-диффузии кислорода с поверхности. Создание слоёв с измененной проводимостью приводит к неоднородному распределению электрического поля в объёме сегнетоэлектрических кристаллов, что позволяет создавать внутри-объёмные заряженные доменные структуры при переключении поляризации. Методы создания заряженных доменных структур используются для создания элементов интегральных оптических устройств: волноводных структур, оптических модуляторов и резонаторов. Основные выводы работы: 1) Показано, что ионно-плазменное облучение и восстановительный отжиг кристаллов приводят к неоднородному изменению поглощения и увеличению проводимости, что может быть отнесено за счёт аут-диффузии кислорода и сегрегации лития в поверхностном слое. 2) Установлено, что неоднородное распределение электрического поля в объёме модифицированных кристаллов приводит к значительному понижению порогового поля переключения поляризации, за счёт уменьшения толщины переключаемого слоя. 3) Впервые обнаружен и изучен эффект формирования и роста несквозных доменов с заряженными доменными стенками. 4) Анализ тока переключения модифицированной формулой Колмогорова-Аврами позволил определить подвижность доменной стенки и пороговое поле начала переключения.

Влияние режимов синтеза на люминесцентные и дозиметрические свойства кислородо-дефицитной субмикронной керамики оксида алюминия : магистерская диссертация / Effect of synthesis on luminescent and dosimetric properties of oxygen-deficient submicron aluminum oxide ceramics

Ананченко, Д. В., Ananchenko, D. V. January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to study the synthesis conditions effect on the luminescent and dosimetric properties of aluminum oxide submicron ceramics excited by different types of radiation. We reviewed the research published on the topic of luminescent and dosimetric properties of aluminum oxide and other nanoscale materials. It was found that high-temperature annealing of Al2O3 nanopowder compacts in a vacuum (reducing medium in the presence of carbon) triggers the generation of oxygen vacancies in the oxide, which is confirmed by pulsed cathodoluminescence (PCL) results for the samples under study. It was proved that the samples, when annealed in a vacuum at high temperatures, display maximum thermoluminescence (TL) intensity, which is caused by an increased concentration of oxygen vacancies forming F luminescence center. We obtained a complex of parameters characterizing TL peak at 410 К and thermoluminescence properties and later compared it with the parameters found in references. It was observed that TL peaks intensity at 410 К and 600 K of submicron aluminum oxide depended on the dose of β-irradiation (under 200 Gy) and after electron beams irradiation (under 12 kGy). It was demonstrated that submicron aluminum oxide ceramics would be a promising material to detect ionizing radiation doses in excess of the operating dose range of single crystal α-Al2O3 detectors be more than one order. It was found that the sensitivity of submicron aluminum oxide ceramics after high-dose irradiation returned its initial value when annealed in the atmosphere at the temperature of 600 °C for 1 hour. We analyzed and assessed ecological risks and compliance with safety rules during experimental investigations. / Цель работы – изучение влияния режимов высокотемпературного отжига в восстановительной среде на люминесцентные и дозиметрические свойства субмикронной керамики оксида алюминия. Проведен обзор литературы на тему люминесцентных и дозиметрических свойств оксида алюминия и других наноразмерных материалов. Экспериментально установлено, что высокотемпературный отжиг компактов из нанопорошка в вакууме в сильно-восстановительной среде в присутствии углерода вызывает образование кислородных вакансий в оксиде, что подтверждают спектры импульсной катодолюминесценции исследуемых образцов. Увеличение температуры и времени отжига приводит к росту концентрации центров люминесценции, созданных кислородными вакансиями и, как следствие, увеличению интенсивности термолюминесценции субмикронной керамики оксида алюминия. В результате исследования образцов субмикронной керамики оксида алюминия получен комплекс параметров, характеризующих дозиметрический пик ТЛ (410 К), проведено сравнение найденных параметров с известными литературными данными. Наблюдается зависимость интенсивности пиков ТЛ при 410 К и 600 К синтезированной керамики оксида алюминия от поглощенной дозы β-облучения (до 200 Гр) и при облучении электронными импульсами (до 12 кГр). Установлено, что возврат чувствительности к β-излучению после высокодозного облучения происходит при отжиге в атмосфере при температуре 600 ºС в течение 1 часа. Проведен анализ экологических рисков и соблюдения правил безопасности жизнедеятельности при экспериментальных исследованиях.

Simulated Annealing-based Multilink Selection Algorithm in SDN-enabled Avionic Networks

Luong, Doanh K., Ali, Muhammad, Li, Jian-Ping, Asif, Rameez, Abdo, K. 03 November 2021 (has links)
Yes / In this paper, a novel multilink selection framework is developed for different applications with various quality of service (QoS) requirements in avionic systems, based on the multi-attribute decisionmaking model. Two metaheuristic algorithms are proposed to solve this model while optimizing the multilink selection performances. Multilink configuration and multi-homing capabilities are generally required for aircrafts operating in a heterogeneous wireless network environment. The first algorithm, called Analytic Hierarchy Process and Simulated Annealing (AHP-SA), utilises a two-phase process. In Phase one, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to choose the decision weight factors. Then, in Phase two, a simulated annealing process is applied to select suitable networks, for various service requests, based on the weights obtained from first phase. Further, to improve customer satisfaction, Simulated Annealing algorithm for Simultaneous Weights and Network Selection Optimisation (SA-SWNO) is developed, in which a simulated annealing algorithm is applied to dynamically optimise weight factors of objective functions and the request-to-network assignment matrix. Simulation results demonstrates that both proposed algorithms outperform the commonly used price-based or QoS-based network selection scheme with much higher averaged satisfaction degree and lower computational complexity. / Cockpit NetwOrk CoMmunications Environment Testing (COMET) Project under the European Commission’s Program Clean Sky2 in partnership with the European Aeronautical Industry

Annealing enabled immune system algorithm for multi-waypoint navigation of autonomous robots

Jayaraman, Elakiya 06 August 2021 (has links)
In real world applications such as rescue robots, service robots, mobile mining robots, and mine searching robots, an autonomous mobile robot needs to reach multiple goals with the shortest path while avoiding obstacles. In this thesis, we propose Artificial Immune System (AIS) based algorithms and two hybrids based on AIS associated with the Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm and Voronoi Diagram (VD) for real-time map building and path planning for multi-goal applications. A global route is initially planned by the Immune System Algorithm (ISA). Then the created path is used to guide the robot to multiple waypoints following the foraging trail. An AIS-based point-to-point navigator is also proposed and tested here, which is used to navigate the robot along a collision-free global route. The proposed hybrid ISA model integrated with SA or VD algorithm aims to generate paths while a mobile robot explores terrain with map building in an unknown environment. We explore the ISA algorithm with simulation and comparison studies to demonstrate the capability of the proposed hybrid model of AIS and SA or AIS and VD algorithms in achieving a global route with minimized overall distance. Simulation and comparison studies validate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed hybrid models. They also confirm that concurrent multi-waypoint navigation with obstacle avoidance and mapping of an autonomous robot is successfully performed under unknown environments.

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