Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ansys"" "subject:"hysys""
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Výpočtové a experimentální modelování přímého chlazení statorového vinutí synchronního motoru vodou / Computational and Experimental Modeling of direct cooling of synchronnous machine winding slot by waterKolaja, Adam January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with computing and experimental problems of direct water cooling of stator winding that is assigned in synchronous motors. A model with similar material characteristic to a real motor has been made for experiments. The computing results showed us the appropriate place for the cooling system. This place has been chosen due to maximum efficiency and cost of the cooling system. The experiments on the model showed us, if the computing results are credible.
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Deformačně-napěťová analýza patologického kyčelního kloubu / Strain-stress analysis of pathological hip jointStodola, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with stress-strain analysis pathological hip joint. In its introduction a research study from accessible literature sources is carried out. It covers contemporary state of scientific studies, anatomy of single components hip joint, their material properties, ways and magnitudes of loadings and most often FE model used. With use of all these informations, computational system ANSYS and gained CT scans, a model of geometry of pelvis and femur is created. Subsequently, the complete computational model o pathological hip point is compiled. On this model computational solution is executed stress-strain and sensitivity analysis. Subsequently, surgery operation is simulated on this model and it is executed stress-strain analysis. These analyses are compared with analysis of physiological hip joint.
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Deformačně-napěťová analýza páteřního segmentu / Strain-stress analysis of spinal segmentPánis, Vladimír January 2009 (has links)
Presented work deals with the strain-stress analysis of a spinal segment while monitoring the influence of total disk replacement Maverick on the global behaviour of the spinal segment. It also assesses the influence of this implant on the nearest upper intervertebral disk. On the basis of CT images was in the program Rhinoceros created the geometry model of spinal segment Th12-L2. The geometry model of implant was applied between vertebra L1 and L2 instead of intervertebral disk from which the whole core was removed, while in the immediate surrounding of implant the part of disk was left, which is important from the view of stability. Subsequently were in the program Ansys Workbench created finite element models for two states: - healthy (unbroken) status - status with applied implant Then the calculations for movements were realized: lateral flexion, flexion, extension, rotation. For the same movements were realized calculations of the model simulated spinal fusion of the vertebras L1-L2. Finally an influence both of methods (total disk replacement, spinal fusion) on the intervertebral disk Th12-L1 was compared.
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Návrh řešení potrubní sítě procesní jednotky / Design of process unit pipelineButek, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The master’s project deals with the pipeline systems of process unit. The design of the industrial pipeline is usually extensive and complex task interwoven with a lot of technical disciplines. Diploma thesis is focused on the strength calculation of the pipeline specified by the ČSN EN standard. The main goal of the calculation is appraisal of the most stressed parts under operating and testing conditions. The diploma thesis is handled with the key aspects that influence the overall concept of the pipeline design as well as the strength calculation.
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Návrh lineárního oscilačního pohonu s vnějším buzením / Design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motionGärtner, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. In the first part of the work is shown describe types of linear motors. Further is a part of analysis of concrete linear drives from patents database. In the next part of this work is straight design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. The conception in-clude geometric model created with software Solidworks, calculation of forces with software Ansys and dynamic models of mechanical and electrical part of drive with software Mat-lab/Simulink. And is a mentions possibility of controls of this drive too.
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Optimalizace chlazení oleje letounu VUT 100 / VUT100 aircraft engine oil cooling installation optimizationMackovík, Matěj January 2011 (has links)
The mein objective of this diploma thesis is to optimize the oil cooler of the VUT 100 aircraft, so that it complies with the CS-23 regulation and requirements of the engine producer. This is fulfilled by using of suitable oil cooler and by optimization of the air duct. Computational Fluid Dynamics approach – namely Ansys Fluent software package is used for it.
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Návrh elektromagnetického laboratorního vibrátoru / Design of electromagnetic laboratory shakerVaněček, Michal January 2011 (has links)
My thesis describes the design of a laboratory electromagnetic vibrator, which will be used for testing of the vibrating microgenerators. In the first part of my thesis is the search of selected laboratory electromagnetic vibration generators. There is also formulated its own proposal and subsequent tuning of the required dimensions and characteristics of the laboratory electromagnetic vibration generator. The tuning of necessary properties and dimensions is formed as modeling and simulating in programms Matlab / Simulink and ANSYS. The conduct of laboratory electromagnetic vibration generator is implemented in MATLAB / Simulink. Design and dimensions of the laboratory electromagnetic vibration generator is made in SolidWorks.
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Osobní vozidlo s pneumatickým motorem / Passenger car with pneumatic driveHudec, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose a basic conception of passenger car chassis part with pneumatic drive (next only pneumobil). The pneumobil was designed mainly from BoschRexroth serial parts. The layout of this vehicle was arranged as dual-track with pneumatic drives with O 80 mm bore and stroke 125 mm. These engines are placed crossways top-down. Next I provided stress-strain analysis of rear bottom vehicle part, where act forces from rear wheels and pneumatic motor. The crucial task of this thesis is to design the chassis frame, choose suitable material and pneumatic motor for most effective usage of compressed air. The final goal is to propose an ideal gear ratio.
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Optimalizace rozměrů základového rámu formy na velké odlitky / Optimization of dimensions of the base frame to form for large castingsMottl, Jan January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis the problem of optimizing the dimensions of the base frame molds for casts with FEM and for 4 weight classes, ie casts weighting 1, 3, 5 and 10 tons is solved. For the evaluation of the FEM ANSYS program was used. There are gradually presented optimization procedures for all four weight classes. There was established the persistence of forms and frame and at the end the conclusion of the technical-economic evaluation of the proposed forms in terms of material savings in comparison to the current state of production was made.
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Deformačně napěťová analýza femuru s vnitrodřeňovým hřebem a fixačními pásky / Stress and strain analysis of femoral intramedullary nail fixation and tapesLamrich, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The presented Master’s Thesis aims at determining stress and strain analysis of femur with fracture fixed by intramedullary nail and cerclage cable. The one of the goals of this work was create computational model which will be able simulate problem. Computational model consist of model of femur , it’s geometry was created on basis of CT data, than there was created model of intramedullary nail and cerclage cable on a basis of real objects. In this work was created simply model of femur with the same material features and characteristic proportions as analyzed model of femur. On this model was investigated direct impact of cerclage cables on deformation, respectively displacement in a surroundings of femoral fracture. On a final model were applied the real loads conditions. Preload in a cerclage cable was simulated by cooling down to a temperature from analytical calculation. Concluding analysis was powered by Finite Element Method (FEM) applied in system ANSYS Workbench 14.5 . Due to a results of analysis, we could say that using cerclage cables in combination with intramedullary nail is an effective way for healing femoral shaft fractures.
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