Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anthropocene"" "subject:"anthropocene1""
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Green Cosmic Dreams: Utopia and Ecological Exile in Women's Exoplanetary Science FictionMiddleton, Selena January 2019 (has links)
Exile is not only an appropriate lens through which to view the ecological, social, and psychological destabilizations of the Anthropocene, but also as a state which can inspire the flexibility and creativity necessary to survive difficult times through ecologically-connected states of being. Examinations of literary alienation and responses to this condition in this project are confined to women’s exoplanetary science fiction which anticipates the experience of physical and emotional separation from planet Earth. In contextualizing experiences of exile from our planet of origin and the expressions of such in women’s science fiction literature, this project interrogates selected cultural movements in human relationships to the environment, separation from the environment, and resistances to that estrangement through the concept of exile.
Chapter One considers the Western myth of the lost paradise and the ways in which the Garden of Eden has contributed to Western conceptions of environmental and human perfection and belonging and the persistent idea of working one’s way back to Eden. In contrast to this idea, I present analyses of James Tiptree Jr.’s A Momentary Taste of Being and Molly Gloss’s The Dazzle of Day, both of which illustrate that working toward perfection is an ultimately stagnating and often violent move.
Chapter Two, mounting further challenges to the Western paradise and its reverberations through environmental discourse, frames science fiction’s initial acquiescence to narratives of colonization and later feminist rejection of these narratives. Analyzing the connections between colonial structures, the environment, and beings considered nonhuman or less-than-human in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Word for World is Forest and Joan Slonczewski’s A Door Into Ocean, this chapter describes the psychological and emotional estrangements necessary to survive and resist colonization and its ecological destruction and contextualizes experiences of exile. Chapter Two argues that though exile is often a destructive process, it can form a basis with which to resist entrenched social structures.
Finally, Chapter Three examines the ways in which Indigenous science fiction, working in a different historical and cultural context than that of the Western feminist texts discussed in the previous two chapters, emphasizes an experience of and approach to exilic destabilizations which centres on what Gerald Vizenor calls “survivance”—the survival of colonial genocide and resistance to further colonial impositions. While Lee Maracle’s “The Void” and Mari Kurisato’s “Imposter Syndrome” utilize exoplanetary distance from Earth’s ecosystems to illustrate modes of survivance, they also demonstrate the ways in which relations to the land are maintained through interrelational rather than hierarchical subjectivities, and demonstrate the resilience intrinsic to interconnected ecological systems.
In sum, the estranged position of women’s exoplanetary science fiction emerges as critical of the hierarchical structures which have resulted in widespread ecological collapse, and imparts the perspective necessary not only to challenge those structures but also to survive their destabilizations. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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A Stylometric Analysis of Climate Change FictionLorenz, Nina 15 July 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This work sets out to analyze stylistic changes in Anthropocene fiction over the past 60 years. The starting point for the analysis has been Rachel Carson, and the presumed beginning of the Anthropocene in the 1960s. The primary insight gained reveals the connections within these novel and relations of similar writing about climate change thereby contributing to the field of Environmental Humanities in a fundamental way, as so far, climate change fiction has only been investigated through a topic centered focus.
The corpus compiled for scrutiny here extends to over 84 novels from these years. These novels have been selected based on a dual approach, looking at the secondary literature as well as a crowdsourced approach in looking at Good Reads’ cli-fi lists. The resulting texts are then analyzed with stylo, an R package that has been specifically created for stylometric analysis by humanists. The results are visualized in a network that allows easier interpretation and leads to an understanding of more detailed questions about the nature of the connection between works, the inspiration and representation of a specific genre of writing. Moreover, the thesis looks diachronically at clustering based on time and topic. Understanding the ways in which authors address and have addressed climate change is one indicator of how climate change is and has been comprehended.
In terms of the digital approach applied here, the basis is a distant reading approach covering a larger number of novels and rather than close reading them, the task is to find patterns that extend throughout. However, for a thorough analysis, scalable reading is applied to contextualize and investigate the results in more depth. Overall, the results are meant to establish a baseline for discussing climate change fiction in the Anthropocene which although gaining more scholarly attention still is understudied. The hope is to not only gain insight but to generate visualizations that will provide a helpful resource for fellow scholars.
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Physiological Impacts of Anthropogenic-Induced Stressors on Freshwater AnimalsEmadi, Cameron M. 07 1900 (has links)
Each data chapter within this dissertation, while distinct in the stressor/combination of stressors, species under examination, and the purpose of the research effort, contributes to the unified objective of the dissertation: answering critical questions regarding the physiological effects of various environmental stressors on freshwater species. Results from data Chapter 2 indicate that adult Daphnia magna are more sensitive to lead exposure when co-exposed to percent air saturation approaching lethal levels of hypoxia. Moreover, increased hypoxia under control (no lead) conditions induced increased hemoglobin protein and mRNA expression, regardless of isoform transcript and typically in a dose-dependent manner for the latter. In Chapter 3 the maximum sustained swimming speeds (Ucrit) of several fish species of greatest conservation need at different temperatures (15, 22.5, and 30 °C) is assessed, providing valuable insights for site-specific calculations of culvert water velocities (Vf). Additional physiological endpoints of relevance to overall swimming performance were also measured, including maximum burst swimming (Umax), aerobic scope and cost of transport (COT). In Chapter 4 ammonia toxicity at different salinities to juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii is determined and real-time metabolic assessments as an effective detection method for perturbations in systems such as recirculating aquaculture systems is conducted. Although these chapters address distinct research topics, they collectively demonstrate the pivotal role of physiology in addressing complex issues related to human activity and environmental impacts. The dissertation's findings contribute novel information emphasizing the importance of understanding physiological responses in mitigating the impacts of anthropogenic activities on freshwater ecosystems.
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Spatio-temporal trait change in selected insect species along land-use gradients / Raumzeitliche Merkmalveränderungen in ausgewählten Insekten-Arten entlang von LandnutzungsgradientenKeinath, Silvia 03 January 2022 (has links)
Während des Anthropozäns führten zunehmende, durch Menschen verursachte
Umweltveränderungen zu rasanten Übergängen von naturnahen zu neuartigen Ökosystemen.
Arten die in Ökosystemen während dieser Übergänge überdauern, könnten Veränderungen
ihrer Merkmale aufweisen, die sie befähigen, sich an die neuen Bedingungen anzupassen.
Andere Arten hingegen verschwinden aus neuartigen Ökosystemen da sie sich nicht an die
rasant entstehenden neuen Umweltbedingungen anpassen können.
In meiner Dissertation versuche ich anhand ausgewählter Insekten-Arten zu verstehen,
welche Merkmale es Arten ermöglichen in Zeiten rasanter, von Menschen verursachter
Umweltveränderungen zu überdauern. Hierzu untersuche ich, stellvertretend für die Fähigkeit
der Adaption, morphologische und biochemische Merkmale von Arten aus der Region
Berlin/Brandenburg in Deutschland. Diese Region ist durch zunehmende Urbanisierung und
Landnutzung für den Ackerbau innerhalb der letzten 150 Jahre gekennzeichnet. Für
rückblickende Analysen entlang eines raumzeitlichen Gradienten untersuchte ich
Sammlungsexemplare aus Naturkundemuseen die durch neu gesammelte Exemplare
erweitert wurden.
In Paper 1 untersuche ich in der Nachtfalterart Agrotis exclamationis Veränderungen von
Merkmalen, die ein Verhalten begünstigen vom Licht angezogen zu werden, als Antwort auf
die Zunahme künstlicher Lichtquellen in der Nacht in einer Region über die letzten 137 Jahre.
Für diese Analysen verwende ich zurückwirkende Radianz-Werte basierend auf
Satellitendaten der Jahre 2012 bis 2019. Entlang des räumlichen Gradienten konnte ich keine
Merkmalsveränderungen nachweisen. Allerdings konnte ich Veränderungen der
Körpergrößen und in Weibchen Veränderungen der Augengrößen über die Zeit nachweisen.
Beide Veränderungen sind jedoch nicht direkt auf zunehmendes künstliches Licht in der Nacht
zurückzuführen. Ich diskutiere den indirekten Einfluss künstlichen Lichts in der Nacht auf die
nachgewiesenen Merkmalsveränderungen als Verstärkung der Habitat Fragmentierung sowie
einer Beeinflussung der Sicht von Weibchen auf deren Wirtspflanzen. Allerdings konnte ich
zeigen, dass in Weibchen ein Trend zwischen kleineren Augen und zunehmenden künstlichem
Licht in der Nacht über die Zeit zu erkennen ist. Dies könnte auf einen ersten Hinweis
hindeuten, dass morphologische Merkmalsveränderugen als Antwort auf zunehmendes
künstliches Licht in der Nacht bereits stattfinden.
In Paper 2 untersuche ich ob zunehmende Urbanisierung und Landnutzung für den Ackerbau
über die letzten 125 Jahre sowie zwischen beiden Landnutzungstypen einen Einfluss auf die
Körpergrößen und Biochemie zweier Laufkäferarten, Harpalus affinis und Harpalus rufipes,
hat. Ich konnte keine raumzeitlichen Veränderung der Körpergrößen in Weibchen beider
Arten nachweisen, allerdings eine Abnahme der Körpergröße in männlichen H. rufipes in der
Stadt über die Zeit, wohingegen deren Körpergrößen im ländlichen Raum über die gleiche Zeit
konstant blieben. Ich diskutiere diese Ergebnisse als ein Resultat verschiedener
Aktivitätstypen beider Arten. Die bioschemischen Untersuchungen zeigen, dass der
intensivierte Einsatz von Düngemitteln einen Einfluss auf die Biochemie derer Käfer hat, die in
Ackerlandschaften vorkommen. Dies zeigt sich in meist höheren Anreicherungen stabiler
Stickstoff-Isotopen in deren Geweben im Vergleich zu Käfern die im urbanen Raum leben.
Allerdings konnte ich zeigen, dass einige urbane Habitate einen ähnlich hohen Stickstoffgehalt
wie Ackerlandschaften aufzuweisen scheinen, was sich in den Geweben der dort lebenden
Käfer wiederspiegelt und auf eine hohe Heterogenität urbaner Habitate hinweist.
In meiner 3. Publikation untersuche ich die Auswirkungen der durch Menschen verursachte
Umweltveränderungen auf Farbmorph-Häufigkeiten der Laufkäferart Harpalus affinis
zwischen urbanen und ländlichen Regionen über die letzten 125 Jahre. Ich konnte einen
Sexualdichromatismus nachweisen sowie generell konstant bleibende Farbmorphen entlang
der raum-zeitlichen Gradienten in Männchen und Weibchen, außer in den Weibchen die im
urbanen Raum über die Zeit untersucht wurden. Hierbei war in Zeiten mit hoher städtischer
Luftverschmutzung durch Ruß die bronze Farbmorphe der Weibchen in höhere Abundanz
vertreten, wohingegen die grüne Farbmorphe mit abnehmender Luftverschmutzung im Laufe
der Zeit an Häufigkeit zunahmen. Ich interpretiere diese Ergebnisse als ein Resultat der
natürlichen Selektion der jeweils am wenigsten für Prädatoren auffälligen Farbmorphe in der
entsprechenden Zeit. Das Fehlen einer Änderung der Farbmorph-Häufigkeit bei den
Männchen interpretiere ich hingegen als Ergebnis der sexuellen Selektion.
In meinen Untersuchungen konnte ich zeigen, dass rasante, von Menschen verursachte
Umweltveränderungen morphologische und bioschemische Merkmalsveränderungen in
Arten, die in veränderten Lebensräumen überdauern, verursachen können. Allerdings sind
diese Merkmalsveränderungen abhängig von der jeweiligen Art, deren Aktivitätstyp und
Geschlecht. Zusätzlich konnte ich zeigen, dass manche Merkmalsveränderungen derzeit nicht
klar nachweisbar sind aufgrund der relativ kurzen Zeit in der durch Menschen verursachte
Umweltveränderungen stattfinden. / During the Anthropocene increasing human induced environmental changes have led to rapid
transitions from natural to novel ecosystems. Species that persist during this transition
process may respond to these new conditions by altering their traits. This may enable some
species to persist where others disappear due to their lack of adaptability to these new
In this thesis, I aim to understand what enable selected insect species to persist during human
induced rapid environmental changes. I use morphology and biochemistry as a proxy for
species’ adaptations in the German Berlin-Brandenburg area, an area that is characterized by
increasing urbanisation and agricultural land-use over the past 150 years. For retrospective
analyses over a spatio-temporal gradient, I examined voucher specimens from natural history
museums combined with newly collected specimens.
In paper 1, I examine changes in flight-to-light dependent traits in the moth species Agrotis
exclamationis in response to increasing artificial night light in the same region over the past
137 years. For these analyses I use retrospective radiance values based on satellite data from
the years 2012 to 2019. Along the spatial gradient I could not find any trait changes. However,
I verified changes in body size and females’ eye-size over time, although this was not directly
related to artificial night light. I suggest that artificial night light influences trait changes
indirectly by reinforcing habitat fragmentation and influencing females’ sighting of hostplants.
However, I could show a trend between smaller eyed females and increasing artificial
night light over time. This provides, the first evidence that morphological trait changes in
response to increasing artificial night light might already taking place.
In the second paper I investigate if increasing urbanisation and land-use for agriculture across
space and time (the past 125 years) have an influence on body size and biochemistry in two
ground beetle species, Harpalus affinis and Harpalus rufipes. I found no spatio-temporal
changes in both species’ female body size but identified a decrease in male H. rufipes’ body
size in the city, whereas their sizes stayed constant in rural areas over time. I discuss different
activity pattern of both species as the reason for these findings. The biochemical examinations
show that intense application of fertilizer influences the biochemistry of specimens living in
agricultural habitats. This, results in stable nitrogen isotope signatures in their tissues that are
mostly higher than those living in urban habitats. However, I show that some urban habitats
might be equally enriched with nitrogen (as reflected in the specimens’ tissues), indicating the
heterogeneity of urban habitats.
In paper 3, I investigate the effects of human induced environmental changes on the
frequency of colour change in the ground beetle species Harpalus affinis between urban and
rural habitats over the past 125 years. I found sexual dichromatism, and similar colour morphs
between males and females over time, with the exception of females examined from urban
regions. In this case, bronze colour morphs in females were more abundant in times with high
levels of soot pollution in the city, whereas green colour morphs became more dominant with
decreasing levels of soot pollution over time. I interpret this finding to be driven by natural
selection of the less cryptic colour morph during the respective time period, whereas the lack
of any change in colour morph frequencies in males is likely the result of sexual selection.
These studies show that rapid human induced environmental changes are triggering
morphological and biochemical trait changes in species that persist in altered habitats across
space and time. However, these trait changes are dependent on the species, their activity
pattern and sexes. Additionally, I show that some trait changes are not clearly verifiable at
present due to the relatively short timeframe in which human induced environmental changes
are taking place.
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Introduction: The Necropolitics of Environmental DeclineGrimaldi, Nicole 25 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.
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Aesthetics of Expenditure: Art, Philosophy, and the Infinite FacultyTurpin, Stephen 01 September 2010 (has links)
The dissertation re-examines the philosophy of Georges Bataille within the context of post-Kantian aesthetics and argues for a re-evaluation of Bataille’s notion of expenditure [depenser] within this context. The dissertation argues further that the artistic practice of Robert Smithson is an exemplary case of an ‘aesthetics of expenditure.’ It is our contention that Bataille’s cosmic-energetic philosophy finds a complementary material expression in Smithson’s abstract geology and its confrontation with post-Kantian aesthetics. We will argue that this occurs through Smithson’s varying strategies, which are grouped conceptually according to the broader logic of their expression:seriality, sedimentality, monumentality, and meandering. While Smithson’s own references to Bataille in the early 1970s are discussed in detail, it is not our position that Smithson was enacting Bataille’s philosophy ‘aesthetically’; rather, by reading Bataille’s evaluation of Kant’s aesthetics and teleology in relation to Smithson’s artistic practice, we emphasize instead that the politics of disgust shared by both figures advance a radical decentring and repositioning of the human in relation to
planetary and geological forces. If, as geologists now agree, our present age is
that of the Anthropocene1, our argument is that Bataille and Smithson anticipate
this precarious condition analytically, and, perhaps more importantly, that their analysis suggests further important diagnostic considerations at the level of social organization and political composition that might help defer, if not entirely prevent, the catastrophic end of this all-too-human period.
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Ecologia da invasão dos suídeos asselvajados Sus scrofa no Brasil /Chagas, Felipe Pedrosa. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Mauro Galetti Rodrigues / Resumo: Invasões biológicas são uma das principais ameaças à biodiversidade, razão pela qual é campo de interesse de investigações científicas dos ecólogos. Os Neotrópicos abrigam uma das maiores riquezas de espécies do planeta e ao longo dos últimos anos vem sofrendo um aumento expressivo no número de introduções de espécies exóticas. Uma delas é o javali Sus scrofa e suas raças cruzadas com porcos domésticos, que em sua forma silvestre e de vida livre chamamos suídeos asselvajados. Ao longo dessa tese procuro investigar algumas das consequências ecológicas da invasão dessa espécie, assim como apresentar um panorama do controle populacional empregado hoje no Brasil, buscando sempre que possível fazer uma discussão dos resultados aplicada ao manejo da espécie. No Capítulo 1 mostro como a introdução acentuada dessa espécie ocorrida nos últimos 20 anos no Brasil fez com que ela se distribuísse amplamente por todo território nacional, principalmente nas regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste. No Capítulo 2 eu procurei fazer uma avaliação da efetividade do papel ecológico de frugivoria e dispersão de sementes prestado por esses animais. O Capítulo 3 mostra como as paisagens agrícolas estão subsidiando a invasão dos suídeos asselvajados potencializando a expansão da espécie e no Capítulo 4 busco revelar o papel do invasor no deslocamento do nicho trófico dos pecarídeos nativos.Já o Capítulo 5 apresenta um breve relato da interação entre os suídeos asselvajados e morcegos vampiros e, ao final... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Biological invasions are one of the main threats to biodiversity, which is why it is a field of interest for scientific investigations by ecologists. The Neotropics are home to one of the planet's greatest species richness, and over the last few years it has been experiencing a significant increase in the number of exotic species introduction. One of them is the wild boar Sus scrofa and their crossed-breeds with domestic pigs, that in its free-living wild-form we call wild pigs. My effort throughout this thesis is to investigate some of the ecological consequences of the invasion of this species, as well as present an outlook of the population control employed in Brazil, always seeking to make a discussion of the results applied to the management of the species. In Chapter 1 I show how the severe introduction of this species that occurred in the last 20 years in Brazil has made it widely distributed throughout the country, especially in the South, Southeast and Midwest regions. In Chapter 2 I evaluated the effectiveness of the ecological role of frugivory and seed dispersal provided by these animals. Chapter 3 shows how agricultural landscapes are subsidizing the invasion of wild pigs enhancing the species' expansion. In Chapter 4 I seek to reveal the role of the invader in displacing the trophic niche of native peccaries and Chapter 5 presents a brief account of the interaction between wild pigs and vampire bats. In the end, Chapter 6 outlines a profile of the methods and mo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Mudança do clima e clima de mudança: conflitos de interesses e participação pública em torno das questões socioambientais na Região Norte do município de São Paulo / Environmental Changes and Changing Environment: conflicts of interest and public participation around social and environmental issues in the Northern Region of the city of São Paulo - SPCezare, Juliana Pellegrini 17 March 2017 (has links)
Esta tese parte da problemática das mudanças climáticas como reflexão da relação homem-natureza. Desde final do século passado, transformações, rupturas e evoluções significativas são testemunhadas, assim como tensões entre biológico e social. Diante do crescimento exponencial das atividades humanas e suas pressões sobre os sistemas da Terra, alguns autores reconhecem que o planeta entrou em nova Era Antropoceno. Nesse sentido, impõe-se à humanidade novos padrões de relacionamento com a natureza e seus recursos, que repercute sobre os estilos de vida e de consumo, a ética e a cultura, a dinâmica política social e a organização do espaço. Portanto, a problemática das mudanças climáticas, assim como as questões socioambientais, clama pela mudança da relação homem-natureza. Para além da interpretação geológica, o Antropoceno é uma oportunidade para repensar o comportamento humano e estabelecer as bases de um futuro sustentável. Tais questões estão presentes no cotidiano da cidade de São Paulo. Tomou-se, então, para a análise o grupo Quinta Ambiental, formado, em sua maioria, por residentes e servidores públicos dos Distritos de Jaçanã e de Tremembé, Zona Norte do muncípio de São Paulo, onde localiza-se o Parque Estadual da Cantareira, importante remanescente da Mata Altântica. O objetivo é analisar como um grupo como a Quinta Ambiental possibilita o aprendizado e a mudança dos indivíduos em suas percepções e valores para uma transformação da relação homem-natureza. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo com perspectiva etnográfica. Foram utilizados dados secundários, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e dados primários por meio da observação participativa, utilizando o diário de campo e registros fotográficosno como principais ferramentas, no período de fevereiro de 2015 a junho de 2016. Observou-se que a forma transversal o qual foi construída as relações dos participantes, envolvendo diferentes secretarias municipais e estaduais, instituições de ensino e a comunidade, e a convivência semanal proporcionaram maior cooperação entre estes atores, na na administração do bem público o que motiva a continuação das reuniões mesmo frente às diversidades de mudanças políticas e de gestão. Notou-se alterações positivas em relação à participação política e comunitária, na medida que, os participantes do grupo assumem uma postura politizada para as questões ambientais levando a discussão à diversos foruns administrativos. Conclui-se, então, que espaços coletivos, como o da Quinta Ambiental são importantes para possibilitar a convivência e a aprendizagem social e é nessa dinâmica que ocorre a troca de saberes e transformação de valores, sendo o papel do gestor público fundamental para o desenvolvimento de tais espaços / This thesis is based on the problem of climate change as a reflection of the relationship between man and nature. Since the end of the last century, transformations, ruptures and significant evolutions have been witnessed, as well as tensions between biological and social. Against with the exponential growth of human activities and their pressures on Earth systems, some authors acknowledge that the planet has entered a new Age - Anthropocene. Thus, new standards of relationship with nature are imposed on humanity, which has repercussions on lifestyles and consumption, ethics and culture, dynamic social policy and the organization of space. Therefore, the problem of climate change, as well as socio-environmental issues, calls for a change in the relationship between man and nature. In addition to the geological interpretation, the Anthropocene is an opportunity to rethink human behavior and stablish a sustainable future. These issues are present in the city of São Paulo/Brazil. It was taken for analysis the Quinta Ambiental (Environmental Thursday) group, formed, for the most part, by residents and public managers of the Jaçanã and Tremembé Districts, Northern zone of the São Paulo City, where it is located the Parque Estadual da Cantareira, important remnant of the Atlantic Forest. The aim of this study is to analyze how a group like the Quinta Ambiental makes possible the social learning and the change of the individuals in their perceptions and values for a transformation of the relationship between man and nature. It is a qualitative study with an ethnographic perspective. Secondary data were used, through bibliographic and documentary research and primary data through participant observation, using the field diary and photographic records as tools, from february 2015 to june 2016. It was observed that the transversal form, which built the relations of the participants, involving different municipal and state secretariats, educational institutions and the community, and the weekly coexistence provided greater cooperation between these actors, in the governing of a comms, which motivates the continuation of meetings even in the face of diversities of political and management change. There were positive changes in relation to political and community participation, as the group\'s participants took a politicized stance on environmental issues leading to discussion in various administrative forums. It is concluded, then, that collective spaces such as the \"Quinta Ambiental\" are important to enable coexistence and social learning, and it is in this dynamic that the exchange of knowledge and transformation of values takes place, and the role of the public manager is fundamental to development of such spaces
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Iconographie et Géomorphologie : l’usage de représentations artistiques des rivages comme outil de connaissance de l’évolution du littoral / Iconography and Geomorphology : the use of coastal artistic representations as a tool in support of the knowledge of coastal evolutionMotte, Edwige 12 October 2017 (has links)
Le littoral subit de constants changements : son évolution est induite à la fois par des processus biophysiques – houles, tempêtes, courants marins, agents météorologiques –, et par une anthropisation notoire, particulièrement accentuée au cours des derniers siècles. En France, sur les côtes de la Manche, la variété et la richesse des types de côtes ont suscité l’inspiration de nombreux artistes notamment depuis le milieu du 19e siècle. Musées, archives, collections privées, détiennent de précieux témoignages visuels de l’histoire des lieux. Cette thèse vise à mettre en évidence la valeur informative de l’iconographie artistique des rivages à travers l’observation des évolutions géomorphologiques du littoral. La première partie contextualise la démarche générale en exposant un certain nombre de considérations théoriques essentielles au centre desquelles figurent les enjeux d’une géomorphologie moderne, le statut des images en géographie et une rétrospective de l’histoire des représentations picturales du paysage. La seconde partie explore concrètement le potentiel pressenti de l’exploitation des documents artistiques en tant que source d’information à l’échelle des rivages normano-bretons. A partir d’un corpus représentatif restreint d’œuvres d’art, une méthodologie est développée. Enfin, la troisième et dernière partie des travaux présente une application de la méthodologie élaborée dans un contexte précis. Le territoire considéré est celui de la Rance maritime avec pour principale problématique l’identification et l’évaluation des modifications architecturales et sédimentologiques intervenues au niveau du trait de côte et sur l’estran. Les résultats de cette approche sont diffusés au sein d’une interface numérique visant à être consultée, et à terme alimentée, par un large public. / The shoreline is submitted to constant changes : its evolution results from both biophysical processes – swells, storms, ocean currents, meteorological factors –, and significant anthropisation, strongly accentuated during the last centuries. In France, on the coast of the Channel, variety and sumptuousness of types of coasts have aroused the inspiration of numerous artists, especially since the middle of the 19th century. Museums, archives, private collections possess precious records of the story of places. This research aims to reveal the informative value of artistic shoreline iconography to observe geomorphological evolutions of the coast. The first part contextualizes the general approach, setting out some essential theoretical considerations centered on modern geomorphology, the status of images in geography and a retrospective of the history of landscape pictorial representations. The second part concretely explores the foreseen potential of using artistic documents as knowledge sources at the scale of the French coasts of the Channel. From a limited corpus of art works, a methodology is developed. Finally, the third and last part of the work presents an application of the developed methodology in a precise context. The territory considered is the Rance estuary, with, as main issue, the identification and evaluation of architectural and sedimentological modifications that occurred in the coastline and foreshore. Results are released through a dedicated Website, which intends to be consulted, and eventually contributed, by a large public.
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Mudança do clima e clima de mudança: conflitos de interesses e participação pública em torno das questões socioambientais na Região Norte do município de São Paulo / Environmental Changes and Changing Environment: conflicts of interest and public participation around social and environmental issues in the Northern Region of the city of São Paulo - SPJuliana Pellegrini Cezare 17 March 2017 (has links)
Esta tese parte da problemática das mudanças climáticas como reflexão da relação homem-natureza. Desde final do século passado, transformações, rupturas e evoluções significativas são testemunhadas, assim como tensões entre biológico e social. Diante do crescimento exponencial das atividades humanas e suas pressões sobre os sistemas da Terra, alguns autores reconhecem que o planeta entrou em nova Era Antropoceno. Nesse sentido, impõe-se à humanidade novos padrões de relacionamento com a natureza e seus recursos, que repercute sobre os estilos de vida e de consumo, a ética e a cultura, a dinâmica política social e a organização do espaço. Portanto, a problemática das mudanças climáticas, assim como as questões socioambientais, clama pela mudança da relação homem-natureza. Para além da interpretação geológica, o Antropoceno é uma oportunidade para repensar o comportamento humano e estabelecer as bases de um futuro sustentável. Tais questões estão presentes no cotidiano da cidade de São Paulo. Tomou-se, então, para a análise o grupo Quinta Ambiental, formado, em sua maioria, por residentes e servidores públicos dos Distritos de Jaçanã e de Tremembé, Zona Norte do muncípio de São Paulo, onde localiza-se o Parque Estadual da Cantareira, importante remanescente da Mata Altântica. O objetivo é analisar como um grupo como a Quinta Ambiental possibilita o aprendizado e a mudança dos indivíduos em suas percepções e valores para uma transformação da relação homem-natureza. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo com perspectiva etnográfica. Foram utilizados dados secundários, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e dados primários por meio da observação participativa, utilizando o diário de campo e registros fotográficosno como principais ferramentas, no período de fevereiro de 2015 a junho de 2016. Observou-se que a forma transversal o qual foi construída as relações dos participantes, envolvendo diferentes secretarias municipais e estaduais, instituições de ensino e a comunidade, e a convivência semanal proporcionaram maior cooperação entre estes atores, na na administração do bem público o que motiva a continuação das reuniões mesmo frente às diversidades de mudanças políticas e de gestão. Notou-se alterações positivas em relação à participação política e comunitária, na medida que, os participantes do grupo assumem uma postura politizada para as questões ambientais levando a discussão à diversos foruns administrativos. Conclui-se, então, que espaços coletivos, como o da Quinta Ambiental são importantes para possibilitar a convivência e a aprendizagem social e é nessa dinâmica que ocorre a troca de saberes e transformação de valores, sendo o papel do gestor público fundamental para o desenvolvimento de tais espaços / This thesis is based on the problem of climate change as a reflection of the relationship between man and nature. Since the end of the last century, transformations, ruptures and significant evolutions have been witnessed, as well as tensions between biological and social. Against with the exponential growth of human activities and their pressures on Earth systems, some authors acknowledge that the planet has entered a new Age - Anthropocene. Thus, new standards of relationship with nature are imposed on humanity, which has repercussions on lifestyles and consumption, ethics and culture, dynamic social policy and the organization of space. Therefore, the problem of climate change, as well as socio-environmental issues, calls for a change in the relationship between man and nature. In addition to the geological interpretation, the Anthropocene is an opportunity to rethink human behavior and stablish a sustainable future. These issues are present in the city of São Paulo/Brazil. It was taken for analysis the Quinta Ambiental (Environmental Thursday) group, formed, for the most part, by residents and public managers of the Jaçanã and Tremembé Districts, Northern zone of the São Paulo City, where it is located the Parque Estadual da Cantareira, important remnant of the Atlantic Forest. The aim of this study is to analyze how a group like the Quinta Ambiental makes possible the social learning and the change of the individuals in their perceptions and values for a transformation of the relationship between man and nature. It is a qualitative study with an ethnographic perspective. Secondary data were used, through bibliographic and documentary research and primary data through participant observation, using the field diary and photographic records as tools, from february 2015 to june 2016. It was observed that the transversal form, which built the relations of the participants, involving different municipal and state secretariats, educational institutions and the community, and the weekly coexistence provided greater cooperation between these actors, in the governing of a comms, which motivates the continuation of meetings even in the face of diversities of political and management change. There were positive changes in relation to political and community participation, as the group\'s participants took a politicized stance on environmental issues leading to discussion in various administrative forums. It is concluded, then, that collective spaces such as the \"Quinta Ambiental\" are important to enable coexistence and social learning, and it is in this dynamic that the exchange of knowledge and transformation of values takes place, and the role of the public manager is fundamental to development of such spaces
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